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Results (1361)

La Culture (Poetry) 2-08-2006
by Camara Charles
« La Culture » La Culture partout est Une dans son fond Mais multiple dans le ses formes d’expressions Car partout c’est le peuple Unique Partout, ce sont ses activités multiples, Partout, elle est enfant mais aussi mère...

Lies Beneath Lies - Why? (Poetry) 1-12-2004
by Carol
The dishonesty of one person causes an enormous emptiness in my heart. That one person who I considered to be truthful and faithful to me has failed me. Why? Once again I find myself in a dark deep hole that is so difficult to escape from. And...

Life’s 100% (Poetry) 24-07-2006
by Muhammad Mustafizur Rahman Khan Tushar
A small truth to make our Life’s 100% SUCCESSFUL………………. If A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Is equal to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Then H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K =...

Maoists and Democracy in Nepal (Opinions) 27-02-2003
by k
Nepalese people can not forget how King said "Nepal and the Nepalese can only benefit if there is peace, harmony and stability. Peace is our necessity, multi-party democracy our conviction, nationalism our cornerstone and the happiness of the...

إلى شهيد منسي ... (Poetry) 21-01-2009
by abeer al najjar
لا شيء يكسرنا .. و تنكسر البلاد على أصابعنا أمام طغياننا كفخار .. و ينكسر المسدس من تلهفك .. انتصر هذا الصباح .. و وحّد رايات الأمم الحزينة .. بكل ما أوتيت من شبق الحياة .. بطلقة الطلقات .. باللاشيء .. وحِّدنا بمعجزة فلسطينية .. دع جسمك الدامي...

اليمن:المستقبل السيئ والتغيير المستحيل (Opinions) 8-05-2008
by رداد السلامي
في اليمن وحدها الفوضى تتمأسس وينفى كل ما عداهها،وفيها أيضا ما لاعين رأت ولا أذن سمعت ولا خطر على قلب بشر. فهي كما تؤشر الأحداث تتجه نحو الفراغ المرعب، الذي تتخلق في حاضناته كل أزمات الشر، وتنوعات المشاكل ،وتستقطبه تلك الفوضى إلى عمقها ،كي تمكن...

"For the Youth" (Poetry) 15-09-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
"For the Youth!" Let this note be for the young- as they have seen what's just begun. A world of which we're born together, in hate and Love, we'll not choose whether- Whether it is our fear to face the nations with many a new...

"La Madre" (Poetry) 15-03-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Obvious changes, as our world rearranges. It's feelings within, have a new life to begin. So simple, so vast. Beaten by it's own past, by just bearing life, how long can it last. It had given the life, the joy and all splendor. It...

"On va encore faire comment?" (Opinions) 5-08-2008
Si on admet généralement qu'un ventre affamé n'a point d'oreille, il est là clair qu'il y a bien quelque chose à faire. "On va encore faire comment?", voilà bien une forme ironique d'acceptation . Cette manière de penser est déjà encrée...

"Open Society and Its Enemies" (Opinions) 9-10-2004
by Wilfred Mamah
Nigeria presents a complex development matrix. Desperate efforts to address Nigeria’s development crisis continues to meet brick walls. Poverty remains entrenched in defiance to the ludicrous, wide mouthed efforts of the Nigerian establishment....

"Precision Strikes" and "Friendly Fire" (Short Story) 16-04-2003
by Nandita Saikia
Is Either Term Anything More Than Convenient Rhetoric? Considering the number of "friendly fire" incidents we've heard about, the term "precision strikes" and their avoidance of civilian targets seems laughable. I was reading a report...

"Shangri - La, my dream home" (Poetry) 30-04-2006
by Mohammad Nibras P K
Here the children carry Only rainbow smile. There is no cloudy face Or any rainy eye. Here the Love is true And the Hope is strong. There are only open hearts And many helping hands. Here the air is Fresh And the water clean. There...

"Signposts on the Road": A Reincarnation of the "Republic"? (Opinions) 23-12-2006
by Ayman El Hakea
In an attempt to prevent a foreseen inevitable moral and political downfall of Athens, Plato decided to write his famous “The Republic”. In this book, the word “Kallipolis” is the term given by Plato to refer to his utopia, or in other words, his...

"You're Never Alone..." (Poetry) 4-02-2007
by Jesiree L. Serviano
You're never alone, I'm always near, When your troubled, down or blue. All you have to do is call me, I'm always here for you. It doesn't matter where I'm at, It doesn't matter when. When you need someone to talk to, I'm here to be...

'Societal Cancers' and the Media (Opinions) 25-01-2007
by Jay-R Patron
Have you seen “The Village” by M. Knight Shyamalan? I have! Yes, it’s an old movie…and very surreal at that. But many of its themes reverberate the reality that many of us face today. Violence, poverty, corruption… these are very much...

(Re)awakening the voice of the people (Opinions) 27-07-2008
by tim bryar
(Re-)awakening the voice of the people Democracy is promoted around the world as a “must have” commodity for any legitimate government, and most importantly, for any country wishing to reap the benefits of the “democracy club” led by...

(Refugees of)The wars in former Yugoslavia (Opinions) 16-08-2004
by Matija
It has been 13 years since my country became independent and the war was started. It all began in June 1991; Slovenia was the 1st Yugoslav country to proclaim independence, immediately followed by Croatia. The JNA attacked both, but many say that...

(untitled) (Short Story) 1-04-2002
by Demo Demo
Enslavement is defined in the Long man Dictionary of Contemporary English as being a noun of the verb "enslaved" which means, " to make into a slave". In this same dictionary, money is stated as being wealth, pieces of metals made into coins. with...

(untitled) (Short Story) 7-05-2002
by Finn Cheshire
When in 1950 the newly establish Peoples Republic of China invaded Tibet under the pretence of ‘reuniting China’ and ‘liberating Tibet from imperialistic control’, Tibet, its peoples, and its religion were thrown into turmoil . The People's...

(untitled) (Opinions) 10-07-2002
The internet was designed to solve the problem of communication in the then world, but the scenario nowadays has made the project a failure. Well, this may be from a critical person’s point of view, but the world event that has occurred has no...

*** (Poetry) 13-05-2005
by Vera
Темно. Не дремлют часовые, Не спят бойцы, идёт война. Не видят парни молодые Цветного радостного сна. Их лица горячи от ветра, Их руки серы от свинца, От смерти ходят в полуметре - Так каждый день, так без конца. Солдата нет, и мать не...

...Barren ! (Poetry) 24-10-2008
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
My land is not barren, just misused, A land that feed me and nurtured me, A city that saw me grow under the sun, Water defied science and was odor-full, The land is grey, grouse with a tint of green, Bitter is kolanut but yet medicinal for...

1939 (Poetry) 4-08-2008
by mary ann calingo
I once followed tracks of these ashen snow Secretly, silently, cautiously, now Or I’m sure be dead with just one blow That’s what I know I was only four Though with fright, with all my might I beg the truth to come to light Sir blue eyed...

2006 Expectations: Peace? (Opinions) 3-01-2006
by k
2005 passed with war, earthquakes, hurricanes, terrorism, rainfalls, sexual abuse, forced displacement, extreme economic deprivation, global warming and many other difficulties for human beings all over the world, including Nepal. The...

2007.....2007 (Opinions) 15-10-2006
As we march towards 2007 election it has become imperative to say we need a leadership devoid of sentiment and personal interest. Thus the quality of a leader shall be ;Honesty, conscience and truth are a leader’s greatest assets. A good...

35 years later, where are we? (Opinions) 2-12-2006
by s. k.
South Asian Initiative at Harvard organized a wonderful event "The Millenium Generation of Diaspora" to celebrate our 35th anniversary of Bangladeshi Independence. Among other things, they showed us "Deshantor", a documentary about Bangladeshi...

<><> The Peace of Wild Thing <>< (Poetry) 15-09-2005
by wahooe
The Peace of Wild Thing When Despair Grows In me I wake in the middle of the night at least sound in fear of what my life and my children. Maybe me. least sound in fear. I rest in this beauty on the water and the great heron...

A Call to Action on the Genocide in Darfur (Short Story) 24-08-2009
by Anushka T
The humanitarian plight in the Darfur region of Sudan does not receive the media attention it once did since the outbreak of violence in 2003. Scanning through the local newspaper, the most recent story I came across regarding the situation in...

A Community for All, Saving Dreams! (Opinions) 23-08-2009
by Cyril France
One community, one world, let us all build the protective walls, the walls of dignity, freedom, integrity, justice and above all love for the environment and humankind. Attempting to state what community building is, made me delve into a basic...

A Criticism of the Idea of Arab Nationalism and the New Way (Opinions) 7-07-2006
by qwertz
The Arab nationalist propaganda has been increasingly voiced in recent months from many organs in several Arab countries, particularly Egypt. It was quite evident to observers of the Islamic movement that a re-vitalization of that idea was in...

A Cry Of The Poet (Poetry) 23-08-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
I have not been to Jerusalem neither Antioch nor Damascus but anyone who sees me spits and loathe me like one of the lepers chronicled in the Holy book on the streets of these clans. Up and down, I am fit. But, one thing! My pocket...

A Day (Poetry) 9-12-2005
by Ed Jonas
Friday Dec 9, 2005 A Prayer for the day... As your child oh Universe I offer this unto you Just a space of prayer and silence for all the hostages and the hostage takers. May we over come our differences and learn and grow to live...

A Different World (Short Story) 23-09-2001
by Yasmary Mora
A poster hangs on the wall of the second-floor entrance hall, right off the bridge. It announces, in bold black capital letters: CLUB/PUB INTEREST MEETING 9/20. It’s a typical sight in the halls of Stuyvesant—except for the row of army cots set up...

A Dream of a Youth Minister (Poetry) 28-09-2007
by Lynette Calderon
Once I had a dream, I was walking across the stream; I saw people's faces with a beam, When I reached the other side of the stream. Then I had a dream, I was heading towards the realm; I heard people's glee with a merry scream, When I...

A good leader (Poetry) 17-12-2006
A good leader is an agent of change, resilient and forward thinking. A good leader understands the hopes dreams and aspirations of his people. A good leader believes in transparent honesty and accountability. A good leader works towards the...

A Heartrending Account of a Most Horrendous Massacre of Our Time (Opinions) 27-12-2007
by Waliullah Ahmed Laskar
A Heartrending Account of a Most Horrendous Massacre of Our Time: A Review of Neelie, 1983: Asom Andolonor Borborotom Gonohatyar Postmortem Report Neelie, 1983: Asom Andolonor Borborotom Gonohatyar Postmortem Report (Neelie, 1983: A...

A hundred dreams (Poetry) 28-07-2005
by Ruth
A HUNDRED DREAMS..... My brain is not solo It is escoted by bright sparks I see them all around, side by side Flawless pictures Mysterious to the outside world... What is my story? Once a translucent silken cloud gracefully exposing...

A journey too far (Poetry) 9-05-2007
by pius reis
We pack our bags, Embarking on a journey we know not its destination. With broken HEARTS and shattered DREAMS, We take up the pieces of what is left of us, Hoping for a better life in a foreign land. A land with endless opportunities, where...

A layman's perspective from The Bahamas on the Free Trade Areas of the Americas (FTAA) agreement (Opinions) 22-10-2002
by Dennis Dames
A layman's perspective from The Bahamas on the Free Trade Areas of the Americas (FTAA) agreement. By: Dennis A. Dames©2002 Nassau, Bahamas E-mail: dpoetry2002@yahoo.com The issue of the Free Trade Areas of the Americas (FTAA), is one that...

A Letter (Short Story) 27-07-2004
by Rare breed
Dear Refugee, I have always wanted to ask you, how do you feel? Being forced to leave everything that you knew to be: To be safe To be real To be right To be just To be yours? How does it feel to go to a new place in which; it matters...

A Letter During the Holocaust (Short Story) 11-02-2008
by cms-brionna
Dearest Family, You are extremely lucky to be living freely as citizens of the United States. I have been living in the ghetto, a sad place where I am punished for being who I am. And for being who I am, I have paid a terrible price. But I...

A l’ombre des Jeux. (Opinions) 9-10-2008
by Youths Ahead!
A Pékin, tandis que des millions de personnes vibrent au rythme des exploits de leurs champions, des Michael Phelps et autres Ursain Bolt, quelque part loin de l’euphorie des légendes célébrées, des gloires éternelles que les foules adulent, dans...

A Message About the War in Iraq (Opinions) 30-03-2003
by Ayman El Hakea
Our world, through its history has seen massacres, bloodbaths, terrorism, genocide, injustice, slaughtering and torture of innocent women, children and elders. In each era, the positions of leader of our world has gone to the most...

A Message to Humanity (Poetry) 8-11-2003
by farhana siddique
The earth is crying and moaning, The heaven is chilled and sobbing, The heart is broken and bleeding The friendship is weeping and mourning, The love is destroyed and dying, just The cruel hate is ruling and laughing. Hey! The "Crown of...

A month after: Opportunities and dangers (Opinions) 28-01-2005
by Sanjana Hattotuwa
One month after the tragic events of 26th December 2004, there is a palpable sense of hopelessness. Lest we forget, the continued puerile rhetoric bandied by politicians not only mocks the deaths of over 40,000, but also toys with the continued...

A obscuridade do Tratado de Não-proliferação Nuclear (Opinions) 20-05-2004
by PHB
Os EUA continuam gastando milhões (485, para ser mais exato) de dólares para manter seu arsenal nuclear, anualmente, mesmo participando de tratados superficiais de não-proliferação nuclear. Superficiais porque não há iniciativa de negociar e...

A Penny for 8 Million Lives (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Ayelen Amigo
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – “One penny out of every ten dollars from the rich world could save eight million lives a year,” the United Nations Secretary General’s Advisor, Jeffrey Sachs, told the media gathered here for the World Summit on...

A PLEA FOR PEACE (Poetry) 17-10-2006
by Alexander Orok
Can man ever understand The cry of the innocents in foreign lands Or the anguish shared on our own soil. Death and destruction taken its toll, Peace interrupted it commonplace, Retaliation occurs at a rapid pace? "Vengeance is mine",...

A Review of "Women and Children at Risk: A Feminist Perspective on Child Abuse" (Opinions) 18-07-2005
by Allison Buckley
Article Review Stark, Evan and Anne H. Flitcraft. (1988). Women and Children at Risk: A Feminist Perspective on Child Abuse. In E. Fee and N. Krieger (Eds.), (1994) Women’s Health, Politics, and Power: Essays on Sex/Gender, Medicine, and Public...

A Series of Moments (Short Story) 2-01-2004
by MephistophelesSmithUK
"What remains? Only the remembrance Of a vanished history And those portraits of your grandparents." - Jean Arasanayagam It is impossible to capture and contain my recent journey to Sri Lanka within one particular article or essay. Added to...

A Sestina on Words (Poetry) 22-05-2007
by Terese Mörtvik
My dreams whisper of worlds far beyond the fallen tears of a child lost in harsh words. My breaths release the burden and my weary head feels light. This is right -I will forgive all. The people behind the curtains all live behind...

A Stone for a Stone (Opinions) 13-08-2003
by Hussein Limaco Macarambon
Life is very short. It is indeed passing yet full of injustice that one can only wish he or she does not encounter a life-threatening force such as a throng of bigots. Otherwise he or she is forced either to run away or to face them with...

A Taste of the Real World (Opinions) 19-07-2006
by siham Al Najami
As you read this, many people in southern Lebanon are suffering the effects of dreadful acts of violence. In writing this, the purpose is not to present an analysis of the situation in the region, for it is all too easy to obtain that on...

A Thought (Poetry) 24-10-2005
by Deep
Life from its very start to its end Life from its very depth to its surface Love is all what makes is smooth and easy Love is all what covers the distance... It is of you, that makes more sense It is of you, that makes tenderer A touch of...

A Tribute to Bate Besong (Poetry) 3-06-2007
Tribute to B B You knew too well the face of this day These seasons that fed us with hunger and pain You wailed out loud As the cloak of darkness fell As the chanting of the anthem fell out of rhythm To the resonating...

A Tribute to Patriotic and Resilient Americans (Opinions) 10-09-2003
by John Narayan Parajuli
September eleventh is a date of unparalleled monumental importance both in terms of loss, carnage, anguish and destruction as well as inspiration, creativity and innovation. The immediate aftermath of World Trade center destruction has offered not...

A Vote for MDGs (Opinions) 18-04-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Be conscious of your relevance And contribute to setting the pace Vote to express best choice and good citizenship Raise to the challenge for 2015 It is your vote that counts A vote for Goal 1 is against poverty Vote for Goal 2 is...

A war of choice (Opinions) 19-03-2006
by wahooe
The role of Islam in Arab society; The Buddhist self-immolations in Vietnam. We face in Iraq, like we did in Vietnam, an enemy who refuses to play by our rules, and is clearly willing to die for their beliefs. But Iraq looks a lot like Vietnam:...

A wondrous son 'Living' in the cemetery (Poetry) 2-03-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
A wondrous son 'Living' in the cemetery Life has no meaning, likewise Death has no meaning, for Sometimes people who are alive sometimes pray they're dead; Which one is then preferable? Children grow to grow old Elders grow to live...

A Youth Minister's Dream (Poetry) 27-09-2007
by Lynette Calderon
Once I had a dream, I was walking across the stream; I saw people's faces with a beam, When I reached the other side of the stream. Then I had a dream, I was heading towards the realm; I heard people's glee with a merry scream, When I...

Abandon Religion (Opinions) 27-10-2002
by Andy Carloff
Abandon Religion By Punkerslut Why Abandon Religion? It is so commonly believed today that religion is a source of goodness and charity for so many people. It is also believed that to oppose religion is also to oppose the goodness and...

Abandoned! (Poetry) 24-04-2004
by Karim Al Nadoury
Calling from the deep ocean Seeing nothing but darkness Breathing nothing but water Doing nothing but crying! Shouting so loud but no one to hear! Looking for a human but no one here! Drowning….dying My life is slipping away….Slowly They...

Act of contrition (Poetry) 25-01-2005
by alvin
What is it that makes liquid run in the body? It is a force that made me think at conception What is it that makes me move and not fall? It is that act of nature so strong within Why do we not look at the eyes before we speak? Are we afraid...

Act... (Poetry) 18-04-2009
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
My feet are locked at the moment for money carries a man without strength, My hands are tied for the while for health is far from my friends, My mouth is mute... ...but i will talk; That my people will die is not a fallacy......

Addressing the Misconceptions of Islam (Opinions) 20-03-2002
by Phillip A. Dawid
Middle Eastern oppression and terrorism in the name of Islam: The divergence between the Islamic religious establishment and groups of Islamist radicals. Jihad For man to raise his sword against man, for man to kill man, is not holy...

Administration in Crisis (Short Story) 27-09-2001
by Yasmary Mora
Principal Stanley Teitel was sitting at his desk at 8:48 a.m. on Tuesday, September 11, when he heard a bang and felt the school tremble. He saw that the north tower of the World Trade Center was in flames and called the superintendent’s office....

Advancing the Millenium Agenda (Opinions) 20-04-2009
by akwalla Johanness
This short article is to consider the implication of the youths in the United Nations’ scheme of what has been termed the “Millennium Development Goals.” Whatever the latter term may mean, I would begin with some definitions: on who is a youth; we...

Africa Must Unite! (Opinions) 6-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
The 9th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Assembly of Heads of State and Government took place in Accra, Ghana on July 1-3. The Summit Meeting was very well attended. In part this was because it served as yet another occasion to celebrate...

Africa's Independence? (Poetry) 11-11-2008
by Remish Gasiano
Independence in Africa? Oh spare me, son of my mother. What independence is there to talk about When budgets made and money spent are engineered by the donors? What good is political independence when economical emancipation is still a myth?...

Africa, My Beloved Land (Poetry) 1-03-2007
by Amany
Don't look at me and pity us Africans Tell me when you look at me, what do you see? Hunger, pain, need...Yes, all those feelings and more. It's true what you see; but what you don't see is that you have given us no chance to stand on our...

Africa: Can There Be Lasting Peace? (Opinions) 24-07-2003
by Kenneth Wong
Africa, known for its natural beauties and also known for its warfares, coups and poverty, is one of the greatest problem to be tackled in the coming years. Many have tried to establish lasting peace and failed. Can there be lasting peace in...

Africa: Towards Regional Growth, Peace and Unity. (Opinions) 8-04-2004
The challenges to growth, peace and unity in Africa are said to be of minimal standard, due to the problems. The problems of Africa can be said to be broadly divided in two: internal aggression and external dominance. Africa is presently suffering...

African leaders are near to failing us!!! (Opinions) 29-07-2007
AFRICAN LEADERS ARE NEAR TO FAILING US!!! The implementation of every policy by governments matters the Child’s well-being. African countries have moved from colonialism into constitutional, self-governing states and their leaders have for...

African Politics, A Mockery to Democracy. (Opinions) 27-07-2010
by Anthony Lukwesa
It's very highly unlikely that we the Africans really Understand what democracy is all about. The simple definition of Democracy as rule by the people and for the people seems to be very difficult to understand. I say this because many Africans...

African Science (Poetry) 17-09-2007
by Oluwaseun Akinkunmi Ogunbiyi
Alas! Thou western gods, Despise not the feebleness of our words. And of our progress, Nor the might of our fortress. Dim not thy perceptions To these fairly scorned colors For they only be a sheath, Forsaken when we un-breathe....

African Solidarity (Poetry) 22-05-2009
by Daniel Nuxe Thomas
Perceived were the days of men that held their heritage, the paths they took that made them bonded So enchained by selfishness and enslaved in mentality they claimed to have a common voice How can we? When brotherly killings and maiming...

Afriyouths Feeds! (Poetry) 30-07-2004
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
When will it become a dress... The cotton field produces What will cover us while the Field covers our dead bodies; What will the water say to the fire... The stomach can stomach all That gets cooked with water As a source of...

After Afghanistan (Opinions) 20-03-2002
by Phillip A. Dawid
The unprovoked attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, which occurred on September 11th 2001, inspired deep emotions of hate, revenge, fear, as well as unity for millions of people around the world. Fear and revenge are the two key...

After he was killed (Opinions) 10-05-2007
by k
After He Was Killed Kamala Sarup Ritakumari was a woman like any other in the village, who goes talking with anyone and singing around the fields and forest. Though beautiful in appearance, she kept intact her good behavior. 'A son of a...

Ah-Word (Poetry) 1-05-2009
by Bilal Hamamra
Ah-Word But I was weaving well-dressed dreams At my laden heart's threshold And the rays of which did shine When her smile, the ever-blooming thorn Clipped the wings of my thought, o Ah-Word, pregnant of immortal meanings Ripe fruit...

Aiban (Poetry) 7-05-2005
by Shireen
Everyday since I met you, I wonder And though you left, I still do In the silence of your voice but the strength of your words In a troubling calmness, A question persists, Who are you? Like a calm wind you blew As the rain pelted...

All are equal (Poetry) 7-03-2010
by Dereje Amera
In our world, the past is shaped by few But few claim God has designed it For we do not know, whose design it was Atrocity, lies and deception are not of God Who has been playing with our minds all these years Claiming matters of no clue,...

All peoples deserve to live peacefully in God's light... (Opinions) 27-03-2003
by Dennis Dames
It's another day, and the sunrise is majestically beautiful over the Bahamian skies. Dark clouds of smoke rise eerily over the city of Baghdad Iraq eight thousand miles away. The war coverage is virtually live, and Allies' bombs drop quietly from...

All Rise (Poetry) 6-01-2005
by Rana Lotfy
People, be wise and rise, We have been asleep for a long time, Disregarding the brutal inhuman crime, Of killing the innocent. Their masks are falling one after the other, What else are we waiting to discover, That the sound of our...

alone (Poetry) 11-06-2006
by Amany
I stand in the middle of a stage Looked around and no body was there Wanted to know if I was dreaming But all I could see was tears Feel empty and alone And each time I take a step No one is there to hold my hand Mum mum where you are...

ALWAYS HAVE HOPE IN LIFE!! (Opinions) 19-01-2007
by fonkenmun finley Gana
“There is fragrance behind every flower, Happiness behind every smile, Raindrops behind every black cloud, and success behind every failure”. This is the secret of life. Hope is an emotional belief in a positive outcome related to events one’s...

Am I alone in world when I think....? (Opinions) 14-03-2003
by Matt
To all who read this: I assume that you have read my bio and know that I am "usually unopinionated and indifferent about the world around me and I take that position because I have always been more of a follower than a leader, more of a listener...

Ama Namin (Poetry) 15-06-2005
by Jacques Gimeno
Tao’y nilikha sa lupa, Hinubog ng tubig, Pinatibay ng hangin. Mata niya’y sumilay Sa agos ng panahon, Hinagkan mapusok na pagbabago't Nabingwit ng maling pag-unlad Sinira ang bawat buhay na Iyong nilikha Pumipiglas, pinipilit abutin...

America Under Attack:A reality or consipiracy?? (Opinions) 24-09-2001
by Abbas Mehdi
On Friday, 21 September, the Ullemas and the religious parties observed a strike in Pakistan. The city of Karachi was at a stand still. All business activities stopped, shops remain closed, and most of the schools were shut down as people spent...

America: Police State Incorporated (Short Story) 4-10-2005
by Andy Carloff
Introduction Unlike many of my other works, this piece is not about theory or ideology. It does not discuss evidence, or reasoning, or logic, as to the ideas that I believe about society. Rather, it is a confession of the things I have...

American Influence and Attaining Reconciliation in Palestine (Opinions) 22-05-2003
by Nima Shirali
It is of significant importance to shed light upon the outside intervention of prominent political forces in reaching reconciliation between Israel and Palestine. As thinkers devoted to such a beneficial condition, we should dedicate time in...

Americanidade X Americanização (Opinions) 29-01-2008
by Rafael Barbosa
Brasileiro? Mexicano? Argentino? É possível que estes conceitos estejam totalmente ultrapassados. Em um continente como o nosso, tentar se enquadrar em determinada nacionalidade pode ser tão difícil, apesar de parecer simples. O povo da...

America’s Fetiales Fallacy (Opinions) 25-04-2003
by Michael Newton-McLaughlin
“The deeper we delve in search of these causes of war, the more of them we discover, and each appears to us equally valid in itself, and equally false by its insignificance compared to the magnitude of the event.” Rather than worry about who said...

An American Muslim's reflection on 9/11/01 (Opinions) 25-08-2002
by Jamila Zafar
As the date September 11th is approaching, I look back at this tumultuous year. Running through my mind over and over again is what I was doing the night of Monday, September 10, 2001. It was a relaxing night. Almost too relaxing……eerie in a...

An Ethiopian Story (Short Story) 28-07-2006
by Mbũrũ Kamau
There was once a king called King Firdy, the Just. He called himself the Just because he was proud of his fairness in all judgements. When he seized the throne, King Firdy decreed that anybody who spoke against him would be roasted over a slow...

An Interview with The Eurasia Center's President (Interviews) 15-12-2006
by Iman Ng
What does it mean to have leadership or to be a leader among different peoples? Does it pertain to the ability to garner trust, to ensure your followers’ confidence, or to develop a personality that encompass and address the needs of various...

An Open Letter To Atiku (Opinions) 1-06-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
An Open Letter To Atiku It is with a throbbing heart full of joy and absolute sincerity that I write this letter to you. I wouldn’t know what a man is meant for on the green earth, if not to serve and praise his Maker in truth and in spirit ....

An Outlook on Violence (Opinions) 21-01-2007
by Roderick R. Mckenzie Sr.
An outlook on Violence A wise man once said, “To understand the importance of a problem, you first need to define it.” The National Reach Council defines violence as, “Behavior by persons against persons that intentionally threatens, attempts,...

And they call them Niger Delta Militants (Opinions) 28-12-2007
by victor ikoli
The fact that Nigeria is the sixth largest crude oil producer in the world is no news, the fact that circa 90% of this oil comes from the Niger Delta region is equally no news, the fact that over $400 Billion US Dollars of crude oil revenue has...

And, The World Ends Here (Poetry) 30-08-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
And, The World Ends Here Like it is in the Middle-east and the fictitious films we watch; like that, they come unleashing terror, abetting to the sufferings of the citizens with high sounding sounds, gbum-gbum, and it send out the spirits...

Andrei STOIAN (Interviews) 8-09-2008
by Cristina
Mă numesc Rada IRIMIE şi în calitate de Community Connector am ales să intervievez un lider de tineret care m-a impresionat prin ambiţia, perseverenţa şi diplomaţia cu care a ştiut întotdeauna să propună dar mai ales să duca la capăt proiecte cu...

Angel (Poetry) 26-01-2006
by Maureen Akinyi Owino
Lost not really sure about where i was where i am going wasn't easy time was running out But God sent me an Angel Couldn't have known was coaxed out of my box looked impossible refused everytime and fell into the Abyss But God sent...

Angelus time (Poetry) 13-03-2008
by Adelusi Oluwafemi Temidayo-Don
Even when it is time At always a rise, at midday; Even at my mother-fall The pendulum swings on every side anew The bell rings in and out; finally, a timbre, And messages to the messagers. Sometimes sweet as caramel, Sometimes sour and...

ANGER (Short Story) 8-09-2012
by Arinze Bryan Vincent Ubah
It sometimes does not show itself on the surface But there is a stirring within you when things do not go the way they ought to It is a dangerous thing, like an acid which hurts the container storing it It is poisonous to the body and can...

ANGOLA AT A GLANCE (Opinions) 11-12-2002
War destroys and does not built. Not minding the position of either of the parties on the continuum of victory and defeat, non leaves the War arena unscratched. The situation is even more pathetic when the youths are drag into political crises...

Animal rights (Poetry) 19-05-2010
by Margerite
Roses are red Pigs used to be pink Why are we covered in red? I see him with a knife I’m running for my life He has a kid and a wife How can he be so cruel I don’t want to die Why so much madness in his eye I’m only a pig I’m loved...

Another Possible Morning (Poetry) 5-08-2005
by Mbũrũ Kamau
The morning of your permanent sleep Caught us unawaress, lest expected We thought you had come to liberate Silence the crying children Orphaned by the dealdly war That ravaged through the land for decades unblinkingly We heard your plane...

Another Tomorrow (Poetry) 26-09-2007
by Awa Innocent Ndah
Yesterday’s tomorrow has come With its treacherous colors And repainted sun rays To fulfill our heinous wishes And exonerate our wasted Years of regrettable sorrow From damnation Yesteryears erroneous ascension In legendary smoky...

Another year, another opportunity (Opinions) 6-01-2009
Congratulation and Compliment of the season to you all my fellow advocate all around the world. I am glad and excited and I know you are too, for seeing another new year which God has spare our lives to see. we give God the glory. But...

Apes Obey...Hey! (Poetry) 2-07-2006
by Henry Ekwuruke
Over the centuries over the years after the trade and injustice of man against man Humanity at war with humanity slaves in their own land carnivals in dealings ambitions dashed 'n' defeated To obedience to the will-less masters of...

Appel à la Paix, au Patriotisme (Opinions) 16-10-2008
by ibrahim kalla
les pays afriçains comme le Congo , l'Angola entre autres ont connu et connaissent encore l'insécurité née des rébellions. La richesse de leurs sous sols dit-on est à la base de cet etat de fait. Leur richesse est la cause du malheur des milliers...

April Polls, 2007 (Poetry) 2-04-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
I mused today We have to be careful Loafers are on it again They yell conceited words They yell deceitful words Lacuna in their hearts Faces appear benevolent Their hearts lackadaisical to what they promise They are burlesque of our...

Aproximaciones para la comprensión de los consejos comunales en la realidad venezolana (Opinions) 29-07-2007
by Walter Jose Trejo Urquiola
El socialismo del siglo XXI se fundamentará en la participación protagónica del pueblo, que ahora tendrá capacidad para gobernar sus comunidades a través del nuevo modelo político: los consejos comunales. Los Consejos Comunales significan la...

Are economic sanctions effective without the threat of military intervention? (Opinions) 7-12-2003
by Fiona McKenzie
The effectiveness of economic sanctions as a powerful foreign policy tool is debatable. The question ‘to what extent are economic sanctions effective without the threat of military intervention?’ assumes that economic sanctions are to some extent...

Are our leaders cut out for peace-building? (Short Story) 14-07-2009
by Victor Oriwa
After the 2007 elections, Kenya was burning. Tens of thousands of people, mostly women and children, were displaced. The world thought Kenya was finished. Was it ethnicity or just people and power? In recent weeks, the Kenyan delegation went to...

Are We Speaking Gnomish? (Opinions) 15-01-2007
by Dana Gowland
The average height of a gnome is 15 cm. The average height of a human is 5' 8". The average gnome's intestines are longer than those of an average human. The average gnome's liver is more robust and the average gal bladder is smaller than a...

Are Weapons More Important Than Humans? (Opinions) 17-10-2003
by Kashif Zulfiqar
If only a tiny fraction of social spending reaches the needy, at least it is doing some good, instead of defense spending that often literally ends up in smoke. "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the...

As I Burn Sage Trees (Poetry) 29-06-2005
by Jurina Smith
God what happens tomorrow? As I burn sage trees Sick inside as the sage scent burns inside of me Scared to breathe, scared to BE ‘Leave me alone,’ I cry, but her spirit tackles me I picked a strange spirit that doesn’t want to leave me God...

As I look at the history of the world... (Opinions) 2-02-2009
by Ilya Berlin
As I look at the history of the world, the past, present and the future, a feeling of hope arises, to solve the real problem of the world. Some may ask what the problem is, or even wonder if a generalization exists of all the world’s problems. We...

Ash............ (Poetry) 17-07-2006
by Yasir
Ash……… When hearts turn black, When night takes over aback, The darkness of anger reins supreme, Shadows of deception goes extreme. Cruelty takes over sympathy, Kindness cease to exist for humanity, People are treated as animals,...

At Cairo +5 Where Youth-less is Useless (Opinions) 26-11-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Children and other young people converged in Cairo, the rich and great capital city of Egypt for the Cairo + 5 Summit and Mid-Term Review of the Africa Fit for Children, youth and child representatives made recommendations to the African Union led...

Ataturk (Opinions) 30-10-2004
by Ardavan Bahrami
October 29th marked the 81st anniversary of the Turkish Republic. A secular country that has succeeded to survive, progress and to remain loyal to the principles introduced by its founder Mustafa Kemal Pasha, otherwise known as Atatürk – the...

Attack on America: 9/11 (Opinions) 25-04-2003
by Michael Cartier
“Attack on America” September 11, 2001 By Michael Cartier As I walked into the house with the dog this morning, I looked at the TV; a skyscraper was on fire. Was this an ad for a movie? I stopped to listen, expecting Bruce Willis or...

Attitudes Toward Animals Are Changing (Opinions) 24-02-2008
by 1BigCatRescue
Big Cat Rescue Nears Critical Mass According to the Internet dictionary, the definition of Critical Mass is: 1. The minimum quantity of fissile material required for a nuclear chain reaction. 2. The minimum amount of people with shared...

Away again (Poetry) 2-05-2009
by Emperor Omorogiuwa Edionseri
You've smiled away again Never homeward bound again Where lonely and lone I stand There gone and lucky you smiled Where we once sang of love all night Has become not and a vanishing point You were my star and pride Now, my worst cloud and...

Azerbaijanis (Opinions) 7-07-2009
by Segun Oni
Iran’s large Azerbaijani minority feels disappointed and ignored by the pro-democracy movement, which has been widely praised internationally for opposing the Iranian government’s attempt to rig the June 12 election. The sense of...

BAPTISED WITH FIRE (Poetry) 9-10-2009
by kaboyo julius
We are baptised with gunfire And held an AK47 for a candle. We have been immersed in cold blood: To wash away our tears and fear. From that moment we joined the bundle of the family of damnation-not salvation. We were baptised with...

Barack Obama (Poetry) 27-01-2009
by Simonette Brebenariu
( An acrostic poem of mine) (Dedicated to USA President Barack Obama ) B-arack Obama, a genius, respected gentleman with the gift of the gab, A-ttraction for him might be the rock with crystal, gold and aura. R-ichness of...

Barbaric plague (Poetry) 30-04-2010
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
The inhumane rush of blood flows, killing our own, loving their death. Brothers and sisters of who we don't know, watching them gasp as they take their last breath. Our morals, our souls get tossed aside; we do not care about tears. All...

Be a Ugandan: promote Ugandan culture (Poetry) 22-08-2008
by henry oriokot
Be part of the tradition and promote Uganda’s culture. Culture, culture, culture! The roots of culture are gone. Its wonders are no more. Its treasures were rooted, Its heritage is...

Bear Witness (Opinions) 31-01-2013
by Malvya Chintakindi
For the world is free of Hitler , for the world is free of treacherous wars and kings , for the world is free of many dictators and a few myths ; I am taken aback to see all its effects on the society today . We were not the sufferers of Holocaust...

Beautiful World (Poetry) 7-07-2004
by sid kumar
I I live I still live I still live in the same world as Saddam Hussain George W.Bush Osama Bin Laden Mahatma Gandhi Nelson Mandela...

Because I Can (Poetry) 6-10-2008
by Sumukhi
The world is full of contradictions With two sides to everything. We wait to hear predictions That in our life, we will have everything What about those who have much less Their life seems to be in such a mess It is sad we feel only pity...

Becoming a winner in life (Opinions) 18-12-2007
BECOMING A WINNER Goals - Setting Yourself up to Win The first step to success is learning how to set goals. We have asked hundred of runners in our marathon clinic what got them out the door to do the required training. Over 90% answered that...

Before our youth all become millitants (Opinions) 18-09-2008
Greeting to you fellow advocate. How is the advocacy work, I hope we are still resolute in our campaign effort in sanitize the society. I want to tender my apology to fellow advocates who have been receiving my monthly piece which I failed to send...

Behind The Cover (Poetry) 1-09-2005
by Samori Sombel Sy
Behind the cover is the story Of civilization scattered in untrue history Buried with lies pilled up a foreign library Story credited to someone rejoicing proudly on another's Glory Behind the cover is the truth Untold to it’s strong but...

Behind the mask (Opinions) 29-09-2007
by dappa maple
Somehow, someway, in the process of going up the stage called life, we pick up masks that we intend to wear throughout the period we would be on stage playing out the roles inscribed in our scripts. While some that are strictly religious endeavor...

Being Born a Female in Nepal (Opinions) 15-03-2002
by Prabesh Paudyal
"To be born a daughter is a misfortune, may she be born later after the son", is the common saying of Nepali society. Girls are neglected in Nepali society. Due to neglecting, females have a lower life expectancy. While sex ratios show that...

Being Fahterless (Poetry) 5-12-2006
by alin love rai
I ponder into the essence of having lived a life as a son to my father, and wonder how beautiful my life would be with sweet lil' surprises for Father's Day, treating my pals with his bucks and how he would never find it and the...

Being our brother's keeper (Poetry) 8-11-2007
Being our brother's keeper is being the anchor in times of trouble Being our brother's keeper is being a friend in need and indeed Being our brother's keeper is obeying the freedom of speech and right to liberty Being our brother's keeper is...

Best idea to change the world (Opinions) 21-10-2006
by Shakti Ghimire
We have a strong belief in respecting fundamental civil liberty, sustainable peace, development and Democracy. Our initiative should be spin around strategic philosophy, trouble solving and preparation agendas under the issue of peace, not on...

Better Days (Poetry) 26-09-2008
by Mutebi Bwakya
As I take a look at my life, I examine every angle; thinking of words I can use to help this world detangle. Constantly surrounded by death and disease; the plague of HIV all across the seven seas. Lean thoughts of poverty, crime and corruption;...

Beyond black and white (Poetry) 31-07-2007
by Angela S. Damas
Too full to let us breath, The bus stops at checkpoint, Only one luggage allowed, Life is what each of us carried. I was pointed to step down, Promised I will be safer, Offered better options, As I am considered to be white. I said no...

Beyond the Porn Video (Opinions) 1-04-2008
by Hamza Jamilu
By Hamza Jamilu The recent circulation of a sex video clip purported to have been snapped for private viewing generated mixed reactions from the public in the entire North and beyond. Initially, when the news broke of the said video clip...

Bhutanese Refugees: If Repatriation Fails, Will Integration and Resettlement Succede? (Short Story) 4-08-2003
by John Narayan Parajuli
More than 20 million people worldwide have been languishing as refugees in UNHCR run camps. These people include both internally and externally displaced ones. As the frequency of conflicts and wars 're rising, it is less likely that the flood of...

Big Business and Big Government – a Balancing Act (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – “People come here to get energy.” This was how Jeff McNeely, Chief Scientist of IUCN-The World Conservation Union, summed up the motivation of delegates attending the World Summit on Sustainable Development....

Big time for the little ones! (WSSD) (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Charles Makanga Sendegeya
Johannesburg, September 2 (GYRP) – Today, a Summit Conference of world leaders heard the truth from the mouths of small children. It was a rare but surely valuable experience. Five young children addressed the plenary session of the...

Bio-Terror (Opinions) 16-10-2001
by Finn Cheshire
We are afraid. This has come as a nasty shock for those living in ‘western nations’ who already had their bubble of security smashed by the September the 11th attacks on New York and Washington. They have now been introduced to a possibly more...

Blessed (Poetry) 15-04-2003
by Andrew Benson Greene Jr
Blessed are the hands that make up peace. They have the potentials to manufacture ease Blessed are the hands that mold peace. They do not tear to pieces, Wounding many hearts, Throwing friends apart. They are foremost amongst God's list,...

Blood Diamonds (Poetry) 13-03-2008
by Emmanuel sackey
Mornings as gold bright and grow dim at sunset. Like the bright beautiful morning that lingers on through the day It’s said diamond last forever. Its luster is eternal from day to day as the smile of a child. They sparkle at us when we look...

Blood on the waters (Poetry) 20-03-2008
by Ositadimma Amakeze
And the monsters ravenously stirred Beneath the bleeding raging waters Snarling and sniffing for the fleshes Of the ill-sacrificed victims Drifting in ‘patriotic’ futility That is nay the harvest of beasts As crocodiles’ halves tile the...

Bound by faith (Poetry) 30-05-2007
Bound by faith that one day, in our time all people shall be free from shackles of poverty and hunger strife and disease Bound by faith that all humans are made equal to strive and excel without fear or threats and bound in valour we...

Boundaries (Poetry) 14-12-2005
by Anu maheshwari
‘Boundaries’ When and where do the boundaries become visible? At a cricket match At a UN conference At home reading “history” At the Line Of Control At the Zoo At the Olympic Games At the airport, being frisked ……… When and...

Breaking (Poetry) 31-05-2004
by Jillian x.e. Sunderland
She's been breaking Since the whispers Breaking Since the crying Breaking Since the silence Breaking Since the screaming Breaking Since the starving Breaking Since the love Broken And all alone

Breathe For Others (Poetry) 2-07-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Breathe now, as deeply as you can Find that you can change this fate. Find your spirit, beyond your being a man Do it now, before it is too late. Let us take the blindfold off and see what's really there You may awaken with a thought of...

Broken Dreams (Poetry) 17-10-2006
by Alexander Orok
Had a job that paid real well. Got laid off and then came hell. They gave it to some foreign jerk and didn't care I had no work. Paid him less and dogged him more, then raised the prices in their store. Guess that's how they pay...

Bush, The Election, and Terrorism (Opinions) 1-11-2004
by clarita zarate
My fiancé wrote this, I want to share it with you: Everyone seems to be talking about how important an election this is going to be, how it is the most important one in our lifetime. I certainly feel that way, but not particularly because of...

Business Leaders Wake Up! The World is Falling Apart! (Opinions) 25-10-2005
by Ivan Daza
(skrivet i annat sammanhang initialt, därav engelska) [b]Raging Discontent[/b] The world is watching as it falls apart. Weak leadership on the good side makes us all suffer. Global development seems doomed to disaster. According to some Inca...

Call to the rescue (Opinions) 1-11-2008
Compliments and kind regards to you my entire fellow advocates. I hope we are still relentlessly pursuing a better world not just for us but the yet unborn generation. I doff my cap to you all. To my fellow advocates who have been reacting...

Can Africa Unite? (Opinions) 7-06-2007
by Cyril France
It is imperative to always make mention of the great founding African fathers of the OAU/AU such as Kwame Nekrumah of Ghana, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, Senghor of Senegal, Kenyatta of Kenya, and Nyerere of Tanzania. The AU in a nutshell...

Can beginnings be dreamt anew? (Poetry) 11-07-2008
by R Kahendi
To write is to tell of worlds yet unformed. To dream is to build new kingdoms abroad. But what of our living world and our aging kingdoms? What of the dystopian madness in which we dwell? Can we not change it, Scrap the old story? Can we not...

Can India play a balancing role for the US in the Asia Pacific Region? (Opinions) 28-08-2007
Facing the prospect of a multi-polar world, the US is now facing more than ever the urge to consolidate alliances to fulfill its self-proclaimed mandate of ensuring global stability. While some analysts argue that India, like Japan, will become an...

Can Love be measured? (Opinions) 22-08-2005
by Adeolu Adewoye
Can Love be measured? ‘’ Love is a mental reality and not sensible; for this reality the ear does not hear, the eye does not see, the smell does not perceive, the taste does not discern, the touch does not feel.” Abdu'l-Baha, * There is...

Can you ??? (Poetry) 18-08-2007
by Ibrahim K. Oyekanmi
Can you see the tears in the eyes of the babies ? Can you feel the despair in the hearts of the millions of down trodden youths ? Can you hear the cry of your soul ? urging you to do something ? urging you to make a move ? Can you summon...

Can't Believe You've Gone (Poetry) 28-09-2004
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
I often lie Awake at night While the world is asleep Because I keep thinking of you With tears upon my cheeks Because I can't believe you've gone I keep wondering Why you walked away And your absence has led me astray With...

Canadians Remembered at Juno Beach (Short Story) 18-07-2003
by Ashley Edward Antonin Rouse
June 6, 2003: waves crash on Juno Beach, Normandy. Children shriek and giggle as they chase one another along the sandy shore. A young couple walks hand-in-hand, absorbed in conversation. Sunbathers soak up the intense midday sun....

Cantaré contigo (Poetry) 11-09-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
A Noris Roberts Llegarás del cielo, paloma de paz, trayendo un poema y cantando al vuelo tantos versos más. Cantaré contigo y América Linda, colmada de sueños como el sol que nace después del rocío. Mi canto es tan solo que sólo...

by Agbedejobi patrick niyi
The title of this article is chosen deliberately because of the nature of the so-called bourgeoisie in Nigeria. Strictly speaking, a bourgeoisie, according to Karl Marx is that class of the society that owns the productive forces and the...

Capitalist, bourgeousie flight in Nigeria (Opinions) 18-04-2007
by Agbedejobi patrick niyi
The title of this article is chosen deliberately because of the nature of the so-called bourgeoisie in Nigeria. Strictly speaking, a bourgeoisie, according to Karl Marx is that class of the society that owns the productive forces and the...

Captain Jerry Coffee – Vietnam War POW, Keynote Speaker, Author and Media Commentator (Interviews) 18-05-2007
by Jay-R Patron
Evan Leong: Welcome to Greater Good Radio, Hawaii, where we develop tomorrow's leaders by bringing you up close and personal with today's top businesspeople. Greater Good, Hawaii is dedicated to social entrepreneurship. I'm your host, Evan Leong,...

Cartagena piensa: jovenes con una ruta de desarrollo (Opinions) 26-03-2008
by Ivan Sanes
“Que deprimente cuando la rabia, la ceguera y la ignorancia han primado sobre la libertad y la diversidad en cualquiera de sus formas. “ Cartagena Piensa Hoy, al igual que a lo largo de toda la historia del país, la política juvenil ha...

Cases of Gross Violation of Human Rights in Barak Valley of Assam (Opinions) 5-01-2008
by Waliullah Ahmed Laskar
Cases of Gross Violation of Human Rights in Barak Valley of Assam The Assam Police and CRPF personnel have been violating human rights systematically in Barak Valley killing serially innocent persons, denying justice, framing fake charges,...

Castles in the sand… (Poetry) 4-11-2006
by Anu maheshwari
I look at the streams of tears That runs down her cheeks Tiny hands that were meant to build castles in the sand, now wiping tears …. The sandy beaches, A place for family gathering, Turned into a burning pyre, Crashing her world...

Catalysts (Opinions) 4-09-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – There are catalysts in our midst. And outside the conference centre too. By the entrance to swanky Sandton, where the World Summit on Sustainable Development is being held, Ally Mosina, 24, is handing out yellow...

Ccuyay C`uchuricuy Kacharpary (Poetry) 14-11-2006
by Paola Quiroz
De tiempo en tiempo, de noche a noche cuando del cielo su manto de perlas observo y escucho de mi tierra nacer sonidos de muerte sin orgullo y de las quebradas tiempos de silencios y revoluciones es entonces señores cuando yo murmuro....

Ce que je crois.. (Interviews) 30-11-2007
by Youths Ahead!
Je me nomme Ludewic, âgé de 22 ans, je poursuis des études en droit au Cameroun. Je suis passionné de littérature et de poésie. Entre écriture et études académiques, j’essaie de trouver le temps nécessaire pour être utile à ma communauté. Il...

Ce que je crois.. (Opinions) 30-11-2007
by Youths Ahead!
Je me nomme Ludewic, âgé de 22 ans, je poursuis des études en droit au Cameroun. Je suis passionné de littérature et de poésie. Entre écriture et études académiques, j’essaie de trouver le temps nécessaire pour être utile à ma communauté. Il...

Celebrating the 'Change' (Opinions) 8-05-2007
by Hassan Nasir
It was second last week of July 2006, when Islamabad hosted over hundred political workers from all four provinces of Pakistan. They had crowded the capital town of the country to celebrate a positive change in the political environment in at...

Challenges and Opportunities (Opinions) 12-09-2004
by Hira Nabi
On my way to dinner, my car halted at the traffic light intersection that marked the end of DHA (Defence Housing Authority), defence as it is commonly called. This road has also of late been titled Khayaban-e-Jinnah. Car bumpers rested, rather...

Change (Poetry) 21-10-2004
by Shireen
Its beyond me, all the change. everything seem different, difficult even for I've always known and relied on things to stay the same. Sometimes change is great, when it brought me to you, Sometimes it isn't, when it takes you away...

Chaos (Poetry) 30-09-2008
by Tess
The minutes went by, As I burned the midnight candle. Dawn has arrived from weeping, Crystal silhouette in the meadow; Pen – touching a white paper. Blank notes, nothing to hide, Like a barren land. Clouds kissing the mountain, Like...

Child Of War (Poetry) 5-05-2006
by ...
Mother, I swear From the day I get there I’ll do all that I can for you And should my time pass Remember my last Cuz, Mother, I always stayed true I’m not saying it’s right I’m not saying it’s fair But, alas, it’s what I must do So...

Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse (Opinions) 12-07-2007
by Sean Amos
An estimated 218 million children aged 5-17 are engaged in child labour, excluding child domestic labour. Some 126 million of these children are believed to be engaged in hazardous situations or conditions, such as working in mines, working with...

CHILDREN AT RISK (WSSD) (Opinions) 1-09-2002
by Lauren Kansley
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Almost 5 million children die each year from preventable causes. Environmental hazards kill the equivalent of a jumbo jet full of children every 45 minutes. These scary statistics have spurred the World Health...

Children demand their rights, protection for a brighter future (Opinions) 29-07-2007
Ten school children from selected Junior Secondary Schools in Tema on Thursday marked the Day of the African Child with a call on African leaders to implement sustainable plans that would eradicate poverty, provide protection and security for...

Children struggle for a living in Gulu, Uganda. (Short Story) 8-08-2007
by senkungu ibrahim
I eased my way into a conversation with Morris Opira and Samuel Ojwiya, and a different picture began to emerge. Morris and Samuel are childhood friends from Purongo, 50 kilometers northwest of Gulu. They fled their village to avoid the war...

Children Tell It Straight (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Alan Wu
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Amid the complex political negotiations at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, children had a chance to treat delegates to some straight talking. The only official side-event for children featured personal...

children's problem due to maoism (Opinions) 20-04-2002
by alok shrestha
Youth are the main source of man power for the development of nation in whole we can say civilization. Without youth no task can be performed completely. Involvement of youth is very vital for completing any work properly. Youth are the very...

China: friend or foe? (Opinions) 6-09-2008
by James Muritu Kariuki
While African governments are opting to deal more with China rather than the West, there’s growing evidence of a need to take stock and consider our relations with China. Their adopted approach of not commenting or seeking to influence a country’s...

Christianity Under Fire (Opinions) 23-11-2005
by Jamie Applegate
Blasphemy law 295c was instituted in 1986 in Pakistan. The law states that any person who “ by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly defiles...

Ciudad educadora…una propuesta para los y las candidatas. (Opinions) 28-04-2008
by Walter Jose Trejo Urquiola
“La ciudad será educadora cuando reconozca, ejercite y desarrolle, además de sus funciones tradicionales: económica, social, política y de prestación de servicios, una función educadora, cuando asuma la intencionalidad y responsabilidad cuyo...

Civil society, missile defence, and Iraq: Can idiotic government proposals be blocked by effective and active involvement by civil society? (Opinions) 28-10-2004
by Riyadh Bseiso
It is normally not possible for civil society and regular citizens to best judge government proposals and decisions. That’s the reason democratic governments are elected in the first place; to supposedly look out for our best interests with their...

Collateral Damage (Opinions) 13-08-2004
by Nadia Badeka
Ever since the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on September 11th 2001, the United States government has taken steps it claims will protect first Americans and then the rest of the world. The reality is, however, that actions following...

Colorful Kites in the Blue Sky (Opinions) 7-04-2003
by Ha Thi Lan Anh
Khuyen is a 15 years old differently-abled girl who love reading books, travelling and writing. Khuyen's parents are farmers and living in Nam Dinh province with her two younger sisters. She is a member of the Voice of Green Bees group - a youth...

Come Together & Try to Make a WORLD (Poetry) 25-03-2007
by Shahnawaz Chachar
COME together & try to make a WORLD A world where, Justice, peace & mercy can beat Violence, crime & hate A world where, humanity, love and relations will be strengthen from selfishness, hunger and poverty A world where, gender, color,...

Coming Back to Gaza (Opinions) 3-07-2004
by Bahjat
The first impression I had when I entered Gaza Strip was very frustrating. Once I got out of Rafah gate I felt every thing has been changed after two years of expatriation to do my Master degree. During the trip to my house, passing by Rafah, I...

Coming out of the Woodwork (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – "Do as you say, Mr Blair. Don't be a backseat driver. Come here, and lead the Summit from the front!" This was the passionate plea from representatives of the UK's Woodcraft Folk at the World Summit of...

Communicating for Social Change (Short Story) 3-09-2007
by Venkatesham Burra
Sixty years after independence, India's tryst with destiny continues. Impressive economic indicators of progress are tempered with the concerns for equity in human development. A high rate of GDP growth sits uncomfortably with a literacy rate of...

Communion of Love (Poetry) 6-07-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
To run, from this shuffling madness- Will lead only us to more sadness. As we must take the time to find a way As we pray. Lord, give us your spiritual power. Give us all the will to empower, Your breath upon the ones of which impel-- Our...

Complexity of Simplicity (Poetry) 6-04-2005
by selene z
Too young to understand To understand the complexity The complexity of the simplicity To understand the simplicity The simplicity at its finest can only be understood With the mindset far from simple Only at its highest point of complexness...

Concierto PAZ SIN FRONTERAS: nace un movimiento social? (Opinions) 20-03-2008
by Walter Jose Trejo Urquiola
Ptgo Walter Trejo Urquiola(*) La convocatoria realizada por el cantante Juanes (Colombia), el pasado domingo 16 de marzo 2008, para realizar el Concierto Paz sin fronteras, en plena frontera colombovenezolana, ha resultado apoteósica...

Conflict and Conflict Management (Short Story) 19-04-2003
by quacy grant
“Conflict is the source of all growth and is an absolute necessity if one is to be alive”....

Conflict and Its Impact Upon youth (Short Story) 16-09-2003
by Prakash Bhattarai
The afore-mentioned points are some of the causes and evidence that influences the youth to be involved in the conflict. Furthermore, there are more technical facts for analysis, as to why there exists societal violent conflict to begin with,...

Congo’s missing girl soldiers (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
The recent election and appointment of a new government in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a landmark event in the country’s post-war future. However, away from the capital Kinshasa, and away from the media focus, the war has not yet...

Congratulations to Palestinian women in the world today (Opinions) 31-07-2008
by Adham Tobail
Many books have been written about women. This month I felt a duty to write about women in general, and Palestinian prisoners in particular. This is honour of the International Women's Day and Mother's Day. I recognise the status of these days and...

Conmemoración por los 10 años de la Defensa de la Democracia por la Juventud Peruana (Opinions) 16-07-2007
Salón“ Baquijano y Carrillo” Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Lima Lima, 21 de junio de 2007 Discurso de orden a cargo de : Christian Pardo Reyes Presidente de la Comisión de Asuntos Universitarios y de la Juventud Ilustre Colegio de...

Conscious Nigerian (Poetry) 29-04-2008
by Mohammed Ahmed-Shaibu
Looking into the eyes of citizens, Catching glimpse of unwanted happenings, Feeling the vibe of clamouring indigents, Expecting the action of angry chantings. This is one picture in the faces of Nigerians, Injustice rule like Kings & Queens...

Consejo Distrital de Juventudes: voluntad de todos (Opinions) 31-07-2007
by Rosa Isabel Montero Torres
Por: Rosa Isabel Montero Torres – Consejera Distrital de Juventud de Cartagena Es motivo de gran orgullo para nosotros los actuales Consejeros de Juventud, haber resultado electos para representar a la juventud Cartagenera, luego de una jornada...

Consequence (Poetry) 31-05-2004
by Jillian x.e. Sunderland
There is no Consequence for now There is no Consequence right now There is no Consequence till light Savour the dark and fear the light With light comes the fight The Consequence is right That’s why we fight For what is right The...

Considerations for the War on Iraq: Australia’s Involvement (Opinions) 29-01-2003
by Lisa
Considerations for the War on Iraq: Australia’s Involvement By Lisa Thurston, January 2003 As Australians prepare to become involved in a war with Iraq unsanctioned by the UN as an ally of the United States of America, there are a few...

Constituency Football Clubs (Opinions) 3-10-2007
by Maina J Karugia
Whenever there is a game activity, the obvious question that is asked by Journalist to sportsmen and women is what should be done to improve the quality of sports in the country? The answer, we should nature talent from the youth at early stages....

Consumerumption (Poetry) 16-02-2008
by Megan Trott
Bright lights, flashy signs, The City is a marvellous place. Buses, billboards and back covers Trying to sell us something new Buses pass, we read their signs, We even believe their meaningless lies Swirling, spiralling, spilling over us...

Context and Cartoon Riots: When Little Things Sting Old Wounds (Opinions) 22-02-2006
by Haatem Reda
I do not see the so-called "cartoon riots" of the past few weeks as being about Muslims taking issue with Europeans' right to freedom of speech. People in predominantly Muslim countries have been pining for freedoms of all kinds (certainly...

Continuous Togetherness (Poetry) 18-10-2007
by Rwax Qax
Remember if others leave True friendships stay Being there for each other Each step of the way In continued togetherness Strength they restore There with a helping hand Forever giving more Friends which to count on Are angels...

Contralorías Ciudadanas del Paraguay. Entrevista a Edgar López (Interviews) 29-12-2006
by Damian Profeta
En esta ocasión entrevisto a Edgar López, Coordinador Nacional de la Red de Contralorías Ciudadanas del Paraguay, a quien conocí en octubre de 2005 en Colombia en un viaje de intercambio. Edgar vive en el municipio de Pilar, a 180km. de...

Contrastes de una guerra que no acaba (Opinions) 28-06-2006
by Andrea Durán Sánchez
La política capitalista agresiva que ha seguido el gobierno de G.W Bush ha sido escudada como parte de la “lucha antiterrorista”. Pero aquellos fuera de territorio estadounidense no pueden apreciar que los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, hoy...

Corruption is a Crime against Humanity (Opinions) 21-09-2007
by Wilfred Mamah
The war against corruption in Nigeria is winning and losing at key battlefronts. It is winning because it has strategically positioned the corruption discourse on the front burner, but, losing at the utilitarian front of serving as deterrent to...

Cotton Candy Dreams (Poetry) 5-06-2004
by Ux Anwar
So clearly do the crystal eyes speak, Such depth in their mute words, How can one but not feel touched, By the way they see the world? I saw the eyes of the naked child, The truth in them, so clear and bright, The desperation, the...

Cotton tree (Poetry) 27-07-2010
by Andrew Benson Greene Jr
(Poem written as part of Andrew Benson Greene's collection of poems) Cotton Tree. Your once lush and green leaves, Are now replaced by the flapping wings Of black bats, That fumble and tumble at one another, As if they are in foray for...

Cries Of Liberty (Poetry) 5-01-2008
by Tiffany Saxon
From politics to humanity's tricks, Outcries continue to pour in On a candle's wick. Bringing upcoming havoc To the new generation Known as Rick, Connie, Nick, Patrick and Vick. Too young to understand That devastation and complication Is...

Crisis of identity lead by lack of wisdom? (Opinions) 29-09-2004
by john walshe
Do some people perceive, that being a Christian, creates a sense of difference the same way as being black or white does; the same way that being from a different culture or race does? If this is so, does this sense of belonging automatically...

Cronica familiar Colombiana (Opinions) 20-06-2007
Y ACASO QUE NOS VAN A PEDIR... SI NO TENEMOS NI DONDE CAERNOS MUERTOS !!! Ey pilas que me llamaron de Barranquilla y me dijo mi tia que secuestraron al viejo Freytter... Eche que va , y acaso que nos van a pedir si no tenemos ni donde...

CRY FOR OUR BELOVED KENYA (Poetry) 8-01-2008
by david mbitu
As mountains gleam in lush green dawn Under bronze Sunshine; listen to rivers flow Your name embroiled in a peaceful lawn My crumbling faith recovers; from fit blows Words tumble in cold prints of memory drawn Recording your fame; language of...

Crying Free Child (Poetry) 30-05-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Today I am here Tomorrow I am there Trying so hard To see the sense Of it all I try my level best To tell my friends That all is well I try to tell my friends That I am okay But deep within my soul I keep on Asking myself The self...

Cuando la Tierra era cuadrada (Opinions) 6-07-2007
by Laura Müller
RULETA URBANA Cuando la tierra era cuadrada. Enero 1633: Galileo Galilei es sometido a juicio por la inquisición para abjurar sus teorías acerca del movimiento de la tierra. Según cuenta la tradición al levantarse murmuro;"E pur si muove” (Y...

Culture and Gender Difference in Kenya (Opinions) 8-08-2002
by Thomas Igeme
However, logical as this argument seems, we cannot ignore the wise words of our member Mr. Martin Njuguna who said, “we cannot expect people to be what they are not. Fact: women are better caregivers than men. Fact: women give birth. The...

Current Government-Exceptional (Opinions) 19-03-2007
by Sean Amos
Kenyan Present Government and Progress When the present government came into leadership(in 2002), it brought alongside it a vision for Kenya as a human rights state, meaning that it would put into place mechanisms and processes that would...

Curtains (Poetry) 26-02-2006
by Cherrie Kong
It's no surprise, this violent guise Has only lasted so long Lived since birth with no remorse Or desire to compromise Now this hate will dissipate To leave a lifeless hollow Who shall come to see this son Lying with his eyes closed...

Dame violence (Poetry) 22-11-2006
Impitoyable Souffrance Des Hommes Elle Tue, Viole,-Hante Empoisonne nos existences Vile espérance Des Hommes Sournoise Perverse Aux dents féroces O Dame Violence Tire ta révérence Nous voulons la Paix !

Dancing Life (Poetry) 4-09-2009
by Sina MrK
Dance with me, dance with me, Once I'm free, And dance till then And sing with me. Dance like the wind, shake the trees, move the boats, on the seas. Dance like the waves, breaking on the shore, reaching the coast, knocking at the door....

DANIEL K. INOUYE - United States Senator from Hawaii (Interviews) 31-07-2007
by Jay-R Patron
Daniel Inouye has gone through life-changing events that would eventually put him at the forefront of the country’s political arena. Today he is a senator who relentlessly advocates the cause of Hawaiians, the very people he has grown to identify...

Dans Violence, Il n’y a Rien (Poetry) 18-09-2006
by Yasmine Félix
Dans violence, il y a viol et dans viol, trahison Dans violence, il haine et dans haine, abus Dans violence, il y a brute, et dans brute, collision Dans violence, il y a mort et dans mort, il n’y a plus. La violence a frappé, car elle ne...

Darfur is a right mess – but that does not absolve us. (Opinions) 18-12-2007
by Ailbhe Darcy
Upon reading Not on Our Watch: The mission to end genocide in Darfur and Beyond (Don Cheadle and John Prendergast, Hyperion), I felt goaded to action. In fiercely, simplistically, motivational language, this book tells you that if people continue...

De Blackman’s smile (Poetry) 16-04-2006
As the rain fell, Upon the shaft A spiral blast Shot through its hole… It’s shinning in the rain! De Blackman stood As the rain fell As the sun shown He stood A hoe on his right shoulder On the other, a bundle of net… It’s raining...

DEAD SEA HOPES – AND DOUBTS (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Ayelen Amigo
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Water costs less than war – a good reason for Israel and Jordan to work together on an ambitious project to save the Dead Sea. Israeli and Jordanian ministers held a joint press conference here at the World...

Dear Diary... (Opinions) 19-05-2004
by Radhika Basu Thakur
Dear Diary, “I saw the morning It was shattered by a gun Heard a scream, saw him fall, no one cried I saw a mother She was praying for her son Bring him back, let him live, don’t let him die Do you ever ask yourself Is there a heaven...

Dear World (Poetry) 31-05-2009
by alexandra tome
Today a child cried Because their alcoholic parent beat them. One hour ago a child was sent to work in a factory Because their parents sold them off as a child slave. Yesterday a child screamed Because an explosive went off right in...

Death (Poetry) 23-08-2008
by ursh
In the memory of my beloved friend, Helena, and others that died young and in any kind of injustice I'm asking myself what it’s like to be dead. When I think about it I become still, I can't even move my head. Bodies are lying everywhere,...

Defy (Poetry) 5-02-2008
by Azira Binti Aziz
A firm hand ever hovering a blatant threat ringing in my ears the stinging slap when I defied you the bubbled breath of self-realization for this was not what I voted for for you, my leaders we followed-silent for you, my leaders...

Democracy (Opinions) 30-01-2007
by Majara Rantoa
Southern Africa's democracy will get tested later on February 17th, when Lesotho will be having her 5th Democratic Election. On the buildup to the elections, tensions has risen, young people have awaken 'politically' and more than ever before,...

Democracy (Opinions) 23-04-2007
During my days in the secondary school, we were taught that democracy “is the government of the people for the people and by the people”’ I have lived with this definition as a growing youth all these while; but now that I am a full grown youth...

Democracy and Good Governance (Opinions) 17-03-2006
Democracy is defined as government of the people, by the people, for the people. This means the person who sits at the helm in any organisation or establishment is taken from among the people as the choice of the people, in order to represent them...

Democracy in Nepal (Opinions) 30-05-2004
by Ajit Rai
When we find that some political entities describe themselves as being democratic, our idea about what democracy is becomes diffuse. Because the basic nature of a language is such as allows any word to be defined arbitrarily, it is logically...

Democracy is a funny thing (Opinions) 12-02-2007
by Kat Birch
America governed the Philippines from 1898 until 1946, after winning it from the Spanish as war-spoils. As America are today such well renowned democracy promoters, prizing the vote over almost everything else, including it would seem of late,...

Desired Alteration (Poetry) 28-07-2006
by Instant Vintage
Take one look at the world As the battle persists Each and everyone struggling Against rivals amid Our conscience is saying That it's not right to hate While society declares That it's all in good fate Whilst the media projects There is...

Desplazados y Megaproyectos (Opinions) 22-09-2007
by Francisco Hurtado
En la actualidad, en todos los países de América Latina están en discusión megaproyectos que, según sus promotores apuntan al desarrollo de la región y el progreso de los pueblos. Por ejemplo, en la visita que realizó George Bush al Brasil, el...

Devastation in Darfur (Opinions) 16-11-2007
by Kayla
In rural Darfur, the western region of Sudan, about the size of France, there are several gullies at the bottom of a hill. Surrounding them are 14 bodies. They are innocent Africans whose only crime was not being Arab. They had been divided...

Development and the White Man's Burden (Opinions) 14-01-2009
by Nathan Ming Kun Aw
There is probably no better time than the present to deliberate on the issue of developmental ethics. I hail from an extremely blessed place that is Singapore, a prosperous city-state in South East Asia. I, like many of my disillusioned...

Diamond in our eyes (Opinions) 29-02-2008
by Henry Ekwuruke
Diamond in our eyes In the eyes of the world Luxury indeed in the deep of waters Humanity at risk of survival I have watched the tale told To children of my grand-parents That we owe destiny around our fate Precious invention of diamond...

Diamond Road Online (Interviews) 4-03-2008
by David Oppenheim
Diamond Road is a three-part documentary television series and feature-length documentary film exploring the many facets of the world's most intriguing gem. Filmed on four continents in High Definition, the series was directed by Nisha Pahuja with...

Did… (Poetry) 23-01-2005
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Did you see the twilight the other day? It looked so much like you, One can never have too many words, To state how you look; Did you smell the perfume? Just a reminder of you, That smell that chokes me, More lusting the words of your...

Digital Culture & New York Terror -> A New Era of Terrorism and Governance (Opinions) 13-09-2001
by Derek Martin
How do you defend against a de-centralized attack (how can the RIAA stop Morpheus? Can they?). I would propose that you have to fight de-centralization with de-centralization. Have 5 buildings in different areas instead of 1 pentagon with 5 wings....

Discrimination (Poetry) 1-07-2007
Discrimination comes in all forms Racial, religious, sexuality, age And a host of many others It has the capacity to maim and destroy It perpetuates a sense of anger and frustration It breeds hostility and resentment It spurs violence and...

DISPUTES AND LITIGATION (Opinions) 31-01-2007
by Lutherking Etugengolle
The world of today is becoming very wild and vulnerable so much so that natural disasters, wars and inter-city, inter-tribal and inter-personal conflicts are becoming a talk of each and every day that goes by. All these stem up because we find...

Diverse Friends Unite Against Racist Backlash (Opinions) 27-09-2001
by Yasmary Mora
Junior Himanshu Suri wanted to volunteer downtown, but his mother wouldn’t let him step out the door. “My parents were scared,” he said. “People don’t see a difference between Sikhs and Muslims.” Suri, who is Hindu, was referring to the...

Do all men kill the things they do not love? (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
We have seen it repeatedly throughout history, crimes against humanity, and crimes against our earth. Even the architect of Shakespeare, with the written word, would not have been able to articulate the implications of what it would mean to be;...

Do as I Like (Opinions) 11-07-2004
by Shahjahan Siraj
The break down of love and relationships is the most serious problem in the present world. We are all longing for happiness, but if we don’t know what happiness is how can really be happy? I asked many people for their opinions on happiness....

DO YOU HAVE A DREAM? (Opinions) 23-04-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
It was said that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their DREAMS. However, if I may be allowed to ask just a simple hypothetical question; “How many individual youths have a DREAM? How many are working to achieve their...

DO YOU HAVE A DREAM? (Opinions) 23-04-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
It was said that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their DREAMS. However, if I may be allowed to ask just a simple hypothetical question; “How many individual youths have a DREAM? How many are working to achieve their...

Don't Look Twice (Poetry) 14-02-2005
by D'Arcy Juni
A simple man with an empty smile, denied a sense of elation... His mirth reflects you and your merciless laughter, -appointment for modification. Finding footing, the tinkering begins, the slaughter of innocence. They've created a working,...

Don’t Cry Over Me (you forgot we were only pawns) (Poetry) 6-08-2005
by Amah Paschal
When there is a misunderstanding The world seems a hot furnace There seems to be no former understanding But there was ever that grace We hardly try to adore what we have Until it goes away down the valve Though we'd lived together...

Drafted at the Age of Twelve (Opinions) 31-10-2003
by Ian Beacock
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is one of the most comprehensive and meaningful documents ever drafted. It sets out in writing the basic rights that all children should be entitled to: time to play, an education, a loving...

Draining the brain: We have to keep the promise (Opinions) 28-11-2007
Brain drain syndrome is one of the intricate social-economic challenges facing developing African nations. It is a phenomenon that has gained patronage around socio-economically depressed regions of the world, where the knowledge, skills and...

drapeau blanc, sourire d'enfant (Poetry) 11-08-2010
by marwa
Drapeau blanc, Sourire d’enfant Orphelin, larmes coulantes Enfant, plaies saignantes Douleur profonde Guerre cassante Et le monde danse Le monde chante Le monde mange du gâteau Le monde se fait des châteaux Et l’enfant, le jour de...

Drawing Dog (Poetry) 29-10-2004
by melanie mae
Fly, new key go where India travels to Brazil, Portugal, late night Odessa, wines in sleepy charcoaled rooms. Go, painted Turkish door, tall willowy curtains Egypt eyes gazing through glass like yours. Singing graveyards wrestling...

Dreamer (Poetry) 24-01-2009
by Miranda Rutherford
I'm not anyone special I'm not rich, not poor Not privileged, not hated Not black, white, one, or the other I'm just one face in the crowd But any dream will do I didn't try and start a revolution I didn't attempt to change the world...

Dress rehearsal (Poetry) 17-09-2007
The masquerade dance is over The game plan was perfect And the outcome followed logic A fresh shoot of democracy again clobbered. Again the rehearsal was terrific! With scenes of injustice reeling in our cine-politics Since over decades...

Drummers from Burundi play music in the midst of incredible danger (Interviews) 7-08-2005
by Bart Abbott
It was Monday, August 4, 2005 and I found myself standing on the golf course of Stirling University in Stirling, Scotland, with three young men from the country of Burundi, Africa. The four of us were part of the six hundred youth from one hundred...

Duel on the field (Opinions) 15-08-2005
by Luciana Arfelli
There are people who say that in football almost all the explanations can be found for the world’s events and situations. Maybe they’re right. Maybe it’s absurd to think that football is just a game and that its limits are the stadium. When...

E-mails Triple X: Profanadores de paz (Short Story) 20-08-2008
by Ivan Sanes
Hoy como de costumbre me levanto cada mañana y una de las cosas que primero hago es revisar mi correo electrónico, pero hoy haciendo un poco de conciencia me detengo a razonar lo deprimente que es encontrar una serie de correos con contenido...

Earthquakes- an esoteric perspective (Opinions) 1-08-2007
by George Wiliiam Onyore
Are earthquakes caused by sin? Or are they just mere physical occurrences independent of human activities? Well, it would be impossible, using scientific evidence, to explain how a father who has just raped his one-year-old daughter could cause an...

Eastern Exit (Poetry) 28-11-2005
by Foteini (Erato) Tsouvala
Uneasy looked around me. The night oversleeping. Wonder why the grey lilies cracked, Dug streams in the orbit of infinity, Worshipped the star’s fate Inside souls' dust... Have you heard? The timbre of bell Sadly poised on the edge of...

Economia Agrária - Reforma agrária no Zimbabwe (Opinions) 11-01-2007
by Basílio Zefanias Muhate
Economia Agrária - Reforma agrária no Zimbabwe Tal como na maioria dos países em vias de desenvolvimento, a economia do Zimbabwe é essencialmente agrícola. Há necessidade para a reforma de terra no Zimbabwe como meio de reduzir a pobreza - Em...

Educar en DDHH y Cultura de Paz en el Contexto Venezolano. (Opinions) 15-03-2008
by Walter Jose Trejo Urquiola
Educar en Derechos Humanos y Cultura de Paz en el contexto Venezolano. Ptgo Walter Trejo Urquiola (*) En el año 2007, conmemoramos los veinte años de la Cátedra de la Paz y Derechos Humanos “Mons. Oscar Arnulfo Romero” de la Universidad de Los...

Education Is Important In A Democracy (Opinions) 20-05-2007
by k
Education Is Important In A Democracy Kamala Sarup Education was promoted from the earliest times in the U.S. Since many settlers had strong Christian religious beliefs, a rudimentary education was necessary to read and understand the Bible....

Effective Role of Media Needed to Resolve Conflict (Short Story) 26-04-2003
by k
The Nepalese media can show that the Maoist philosophy, like the communist philosophy, has been unworkable in practice. Several communist utopian communities were attempted in the 19th century in the U.S. and in Europe, and every one failed and...

Egyptian-Israeli Marriages (Opinions) 29-11-2003
by Ayman El Hakea
Stereotyping "others" is an existing phenomenon within the Egyptian society (and every society in the world). Even mutual prejudices exist between northern Egyptians and southern Egyptians. These prejudices are not necessary to be negative...

El abstencionismo: Fracaso de la Democracia (Opinions) 10-07-2007
by Caleb Ordoñez Talavera
Cuando vemos que las elecciones en nuestras ciudades se resuelven por menos del 50% de los que pueden votar podemos darnos cuenta de la gran apatía que hay en los electores… la pregunta es: ¿Por qué? Por el desprestigio en las campañas...

El día del Refugiado (Opinions) 19-06-2007
by Francisco Hurtado
El 20 de junio se celebra el Día Internacional del Refugiado, pero hay motivos para celebrar o más bien llamamos a la reflexión de todos? La situación actual que atraviezan muchos países provoca que día a día, sea masivamente o a cuenta gotas,...

El liderazgo en el siglo XXI (Opinions) 14-10-2007
by Roxana Vizcardo Villalba
Hay una frase en el libro de Michael Hardt y Antonio Negri - “Imperio”- que dice que “hay una Pobreza Mundial pero sobre todo hay una Posibilidad Mundial y sólo el pobre es capaz de hacerla realidad”. No se puede contar con países competitivos si...

El muro de separación... paradoja de modernidad. (Opinions) 31-05-2005
by Solange Márquez
Las casas que se levantan sobre puntales de papel, se vienen abajo en cuanto sopla un viento pasajero. José Martí Poco sabemos en Mexico sobre el Muro del nuevo milenio, el de la democracia, la libertad y la modernidad. El muro de la...

Elecciones del Consejo Distrital de Juventud de Cartagena: llegó el momento de tomarse en serio a la juventud (Opinions) 30-03-2007
by Rosa Isabel Montero Torres
Los Consejos de Juventud son la principal instancia de participación juvenil reglamentada por el Estado Colombiano; sin embargo, desde su aparición en 1997 se han tornado en ESPACIOS DE REPRESENTACIÓN FICTICIA, porque los jóvenes que los integran...

Embrace (Poetry) 23-05-2006
by Elisa D.
She's crouching right down A corroded wall supports her boney back Her knees hold her trembling head Her hands hold her belongings, scarce in a sack Sand, like fear spirals around her Stinging and piercing her cheeks and ears With wind,...

Emergence des associations homosexuelles en Afrique (Opinions) 5-12-2007
by Joel Nana
En Afrique, le respect des droits des personnes homosexuelles ne fait tout simplement pas partie des centres d'intérêts actuels des politiques. En outre, la réalité homosexuelle reste encore mal connue, largement déniée et marginalisée. Comme...

Empoderamiento de la Juventud (Opinions) 24-04-2007
Reflexiones expuestas por Christian Pardo Reyes Presidente de la Internacional Juvenil en la Sede del Instituto Nacional de la Juventud (INJU) Montevideo - Uruguay, jueves 12 de abril de 2007 EMPODERAMIENTO DE LA JUVENTUD (Asegurando su...

En Mudanza hacia Un País que se Toca (Venezuela) (Opinions) 8-02-2004
by OPCION Venezuela
(Publicado en www.opcionvenezuela.org) Del país dividido al país que se toca. El análisis de entorno y la experiencia de los miembros fundadores de Opción Venezuela nos lleva a considerar una premisa que sintetiza nuestro macroproblema: “los...

Endurance, The Ultimate. (Poetry) 14-12-2010
by Mary
If one is not better than the other If one is not superior to the other If one is not more knowledgeable than the other Then the cause of the disparity is unknown If black and white are same If moon and stars harmonize If individual...

Enfant du temps (Poetry) 26-05-2008
by billy mangole
Je suis un enfant du temps Je fais partie de cette génération sacrifiée Fleuve des larmes et révolte fut notre héritage Je suis né pendant la fièvre du Congo C’était ma première fois de vivre la pluie d’armes De connaître pillages...

Epilogue (Poetry) 15-10-2009
by Arun Budhathoki
Picture by blahidontreallycare , licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License . After the rain, Icicle-like tears Scatter within me. This industrialized land Makes the fallen rain Mechanical. This wearied heart Makes...

Eres tú, compañero (Poetry) 22-02-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
No es el agua salada del mar ni la luna ni el cálido sol. No es el mundo que debe cambiar; eres tú, compañero, y soy yo. No es el alma de los inconscientes que se nutren de la destrucción ni la astucia del inteligente que se vende por una...

Ese Mexico que discrimina. (Opinions) 30-07-2007
by Caleb Ordoñez Talavera
Debo reconocer que me llene de asombro, de celo, de indignación, de vergüenza, que no lo quise aceptar, me llene de ira, de miedo, lo medité una y otra vez, lo he llevado en la cabeza a donde voy, desde que lo supe lo he reflexionado una decena...

Esperança (Poetry) 7-04-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Preso a ignorância e a futilidade de um mundo. Vou vivendo sem sentir-me alienado aos ideais de uma sociedade. Desespero, fome e miséria atormentam-me a paciência. Não há esperança de que tudo isso seja arquivado. O medo é chorado pelo...

Esquecer (Poetry) 26-08-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
É chegado o dia em que necessitamos repensar as nossas atividades. Repensar a nossa insignificante ação de omitir fatos e verdades. Assumir a nossa dependência pela tristeza e pela pureza. Acrescer a nossa agonia o tom da nossa insensibilidade...

Essence (Poetry) 11-02-2009
by Emperor Omorogiuwa Edionseri
Mar 15, 2008 9:38 AM There are princes; There are clowns; There are vicars; There are atheists; There are heroes; There are persons. But have you noticed We all face nothing but trials? A chance to change, Th grace to make better...

Estados Unidos Politica Exterior, Politica de Dominio (Opinions) 19-07-2007
by Manuel José Chocano
Estados Unidos: Política Exterior, política de dominio. Durante la post guerra fría, después de la caída del muro de Berlín hace casi veinte años, Estados Unidos había logrado ascender como la única superpotencia capaz de tomar el control...

Etourderie? (Opinions) 25-10-2008
Le quotidien gabonais dénommé" l'Union plus" a publié dans son numéro du 18 et 19 octobre 2008, dans sa rebrique, "Pour moi quoi...Makaya" un article sur le comportement de certains fonctionnaires affectés à l'intérieur du pays. Et de cet...

Etymology (Poetry) 6-03-2006
by Anu maheshwari
Guilty words that once scrawl down the hill to gather You and me Can never hike back that hill again Like the Pandora’s Box that once opened It kept on spewing venom Those words that march down the history lane Are hard to trace Real...

Euridice (Poetry) 25-05-2005
by Foteini (Erato) Tsouvala
Closing my eyes imagined you Lost in sleeps of fluvial sadness. Alone and pale the moon is lost Up upon map, a faint hope. Tonight mortal trap is hanging In colours of the sea tangible wind the shade.... Like a conflict idea of quiver from...

Evolution of Maoism in Nepal : Understanding Maoist Insurgency from Wider Perspective (Opinions) 1-11-2005
by Manish
Abstract This article examines the root causes of Maoist Insurgency in Nepal. There has been a lot of scholarly debates and analysis to find out the root cause of evolution of Maoist insurgency in Nepal. All of these debates, literatures and...

Exchange Peace (Poetry) 23-01-2009
by alexandra tome
I say to you, “I want peace.” So then I ask you, “Will you give me peace, or shall I give you peace?” But then soon after, I realized we should, instead, exchange peace, because peace is harmonizing, it is compromise, understanding, and...

Experience! (Poetry) 28-03-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Taking a regal step In appreciation of our mothers The great mothers of the world I dared the hyena howl Let him howl and let us experience peace My poem bursts into laughter Peace starts with these people In the name of people my story...

Experiencia sobre la percepción de la participación política en Perú del 2006 (Opinions) 12-04-2008
by Luis Enrique Villavicencio Castillo
Esta es una reflexión que pretende descubrir y delimitar el problema de la participación en el proceso de construcción de la democracia en nuestro país. Uno de los aspectos que llama la atención en este proceso a diferencia de años anteriores es...

Exploitation des ressources minières : La nécessiter d’un plaidoyer de la jeunesse africaine. (Opinions) 6-03-2008
by Eric DOMBOU
L’Afrique est le continent qui regroupe la plus forte proportion de pays pauvre et fragile dans le monde. En dépit des cas de conflit armée actuelle, du changement climatique et des fluctuations que connaît son agriculture, de nombreux perspective...

Extradition: who art thou? (Opinions) 25-12-2007
by Barr. Stephen Edetanlen
EXTRADITION -WHO ART THOU? The radiation poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko which led to his horrifying death in London raised international furore with Britain and Russia as the principal actors. The genesis of the dispute can be traced to the...

Extraordinary Lines (Poetry) 29-09-2008
by Simonette Brebenariu
Visions grasp the knot of success, blends the cruises,imaginary blest! Chrome sketches the brick of light, passing through the edge of fight! Intensity seduces on the cream blot, compasses the realm of bulky plot! Quick signs are in...

Facets of Terrorism in Sri Lanka (Opinions) 23-02-2003
by Sanjana Hattotuwa
Introduction In the context of a militarily strong secessionist guerilla movement actively seeking a negotiated settlement to their goal of a separate state, an examination of the dynamics of terrorism in Sri Lanka is pertinent – a country...

Faith (Poetry) 21-09-2009
by Alexandra Cummings
I have loved I have immensely disliked I have faith And faith is my guide It is the light shining overhead This world doesn't always deal us such a neat hand It is then that we are to shine, when we are at our lowest I believe this...

FALLEN SOLDIER’S LOVE I & II (Poetry) 12-01-2007
by Ositadimma Amakeze
FALLEN SOLDIER’S LOVE 1 Come at haste O comrade! Prior to my running out of breath Hold my heart fast, lest she dies Keep those tears, they’re all mine See this picture, she’s my lily Embraced in my chest pocket in love She gives me...

Famine en Afrique : des idées contre la fatalité (Opinions) 16-02-2009
by Ludewic Mac Kwin De Davy
Le sommet du FAO tenu dans la capitale romaine, il y a quelques semaines, s’est efforcé, ou du moins a donné cette impression, à trouver des remèdes à cette maladie terrible qu’est la faim dans le monde. Malgré les prêches de prédicateurs...

Famine en Afrique : des idées contre la fatalité. (Opinions) 9-10-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Le sommet du FAO tenu dans la capitale romaine, il y a quelques semaines, s’est efforcé, ou du moins a donné cette impression, à trouver des remèdes à cette maladie terrible qu’est la faim dans le monde. Malgré les prêches de prédicateurs...

Femmes dans la conduite (Opinions) 5-06-2007
Je consacre ceci à toutes les femmes dans le monde, marié, célibataire, le divorce, les veuves, les mères et les filles. En Europe, l'Afrique, et Amérique du Sud, les femmes ont juste pris les poteaux supérieurs. Mais l'image plus grande n'est...

Festival Juventud venezuela 2006 (Opinions) 11-01-2007
by Ivan Sanes
Un caluroso y amigable saludo queridos compañeros: Hace pocos días regrese de la hermana Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, y es el motivo de esta carta para ustedes, pues he querido compartir con ustedes un poco de la experiencia vivida,...

Fight For Her Right To Survive (Opinions) 3-01-2003
by Arabhi N.
Have you been wondering what your school Amnesty International club has been up to since we last informed you on our mission to fight for human rights? Since October we have looked at many international cases of people being persecuted for their...

Fighting Terrorism; The Developed World's Approach and Global Order (Opinions) 24-09-2002
by franklin cudjoe
As surely as the ocean tides ebb and flow, a rising tide of terrorism has begun sending its grisly waves of death and destruction surging through the world. It does appear that so many opportunities remain open for terrorists; it is impossible to...

Filthy Beast (Poetry) 30-10-2005
Love, I hate you Fire is dearer to your painful sting Thou, you're an ugly beast Our world 's torn by your stink Thou are indeed hatred; Real hatred, though at zero level

Financing, Forgiveness and Freedom (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – It's only a small hill but they call it the Mountain of Hope. In the heart of Soweto, the vision of one man, local activist Mandla Mentoor, together with the energy of the community have transformed the hill of...

Finding Inspiration in the Gambia (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
What does it mean to think globally, but act locally? Joel Andersson, a dedicated volunteer and fundraiser for UNICEF, does just that. Imagine the sense of gratification you might feel investing a few hours a week raising funds and awareness to...

Finding Poetry II (Poetry) 8-08-2008
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Not far away stood the hunter’s grandchild, Ota'ibayomi Oba'olorun nii koje with his fathers' apomu at hand. He had listened to the ''ode of the brownfaces'' and expressed awe at its lines. As he left for home, he sang: Is it not Christ that...

Flying Graves (Poetry) 17-04-2007
FLYING GRAVES So true it could be Those who had children Would wish they had none; The barren would be better of. What trauma They have begun to see; Mothers laying beautiful flowers...

For the love of life (Poetry) 21-03-2005
by Saad Javed
The scintillant laughters of my loved ones, the radiant smiles of the innocent souls All slaughtered to fulfill evil goals, all massacred by bombs and guns So much of this war and terror, enough of this blood and gore Is this what He...

Foreign Intervention and Displacement in Africa (Opinions) 20-02-2007
by Saurabh Sunil Chitnis
Africa, seen from space, is a continent of two colours – a broad band of light brown in the North and shades of rainforest green in the remaining regions. But closer to the surface, one finds the landscape dotted with pockets of turquoise UN...

Foreign Policy (Poetry) 27-04-2003
by Reggie Lutu
My son, there is a country Far beyond our seas There stands a lone warrior Guarding the weak. In the midst of the noise and danger The soldier never sways Protecting the fallen ones from being taken away. Go tell the Politicians...

Forgo Morning (Opinions) 24-04-2002
by Karis
The wind was icy and sharp on January 12th. Thomas had been walking for blocks and was unable to hold in the warmth of his small body with his cold arms any longer. He ducked into an alley that was just a degree milder. He saw a box and quickly...

Forgotten (Poetry) 30-07-2004
by Ajomuzu Collette Bekaku
It’s been one hundred and half years since you left, in those years, granddad had much of the fears, Till he said to me in tears: “Don’t ever get a mod fears”. I got your pictures in pairs, The pairs don’t make fears, It’s been one hundred...

Fortalecimiento de los Partidos Politicos (Opinions) 29-01-2008
by Ivan Sanes
Los partidos políticos jamás pasaran a la historia, se convertirán en el pilar y el modelo a seguir de nuevas ideas renovadoras hacia un nuevo despertar. En nuestro país el caso específico de Colombia, la crisis y el fortalecimiento de estos...

Free (Poetry) 1-06-2009
by Yanan Wang
The clouds above me floated In endless puffs of white, As I dreamed of other worlds, my mind loaded With impatience, the will to take flight. If only I could sprout wings Of feathered white cloth and magical fairy dust powder! I would...

freedom (Poetry) 6-05-2006
by ambika
Outside the window, saw I a dove Which brough to me eternal love. Intolerable! I jump to fly Reaching for the infinite sky. Gazing down upon the sea shore I had my treasure and needed no more. Swiftly turning to join heaven thought I,...

FREEDOM (Opinions) 3-03-2011
by brianna hughes
What is freedom? To all of us it is a different definition to our lives. Some of us have the great honor of living and experiencing freedom while others are faced fighting for their own. When I hear the word freedom I see Canada and how we can...

Freedom for All (Poetry) 15-11-2007
by 'Jide Oluwafemi Jinadu
Again I observed all the oppression That takes place in our world I saw the tears of the oppressed With no one to comfort them The oppressors have great power And the victims are helpless So I almost concluded that the dead are better than...

Freedom of Mass Insults: Is it a Constructive Approach in a Culturally Divergent Global Community? (Opinions) 7-08-2006
by Ayman El Hakea
The world has turned rapidly into an interrelated and interconnected community, by virtue of the excessive progress of communications and media bridges. At the same time, human rights activists worldwide complain about the stance of the Chinese...

FREEDOM SPEECH (Poetry) 15-03-2011
by Mutebi Bwakya
The freedom that we seek, for which the sound we hear - Is the freedom we won’t fight for; the freedom that we fear. The strength bound within us is the weakness we display - The happiness we yearn may be hindered by the dismay. The mask of...

From 'When I' to 'If I' (Poetry) 15-11-2007
by 'Jide Oluwafemi Jinadu
The response of the majority is continually digressing from 'when I' to 'if I'. It was 'when I': When the common man was sure of at least two meals in a day; When the common could sleep with his two eyes closed; When the common man could...

From the deep... (Poetry) 27-03-2010
by Mary
Picture, "War and Peace" , by Jaffna Central College Students, Sri Lanka. I was having the best The very best I thought I deserved I was suddenly proved wrong When my life shattered All around me was chaos And confusion and commotion...

From the mouth of a killer (Poetry) 11-05-2010
by Erickson Almario
The whisper of death creeps throughout the whistle of the cold icy blue air that looms over the battlefield. Soldiers –at-arms preparing to take the fight to the enemy in hostile territory. They know they will die with the certainty that the...

From Violence to Peace: Terrorism and Human Rights in Sri Lanka (Opinions) 21-02-2003
by Sanjana Hattotuwa
From Violence to Peace: Terrorism and Human Rights in Sri Lanka Introduction In the context of a militarily strong secessionist guerrilla movement actively seeking a negotiated settlement to their goal of a separate state, an examination of...

GADDAFI (Poetry) 7-03-2011
We wish we could tell them What they’ve done to us Our past damaged beyond repairs Because of taste for power and honour We wish we could find words to describe Pains we gained from unwillingness to change What falls us each day spend in...

Georgia's November Roses (Opinions) 26-11-2003
by sofia chaava
“I was sixteen when he came in power as a secretary of the Central Committee, I am forty-six now and he’s still ruling my country,” – one of the demonstrators told me hours before “he”, that is Eduard...

GLOBAL LOVE (Poetry) 12-04-2007
by Dapo Diamond
In a plain just, I must... I can't bear not to let hear, For it's a compulsory plea, For inner joy and peace, That can put weak hearts in pieces, If not hear or bear fast For it carries fear for fairness, A total plea to all who are...

Global Peace (Opinions) 16-01-2007
by Barr. Stephen Edetanlen
GLOBAL PEACE -Barr. Stephen Edetanlen There is cause for sober reflections about the trend of the world today, I mean in international relations. The reflections are worrisome, to say the least. Basically, there appears to be grave conflict...

Global Unity (Opinions) 5-10-2001
by Tammy Wang
September 11, 2001 – the day America lost its sense of invulnerability. Flashbacks of planes crashing into buildings, ordinary people jumping out windows, sky scrapers collapsing, and smoke and debris rising into the blue sky will haunt people...

God Bless America (Opinions) 4-06-2002
by Joel Solow
It was only fate that brought me to Central Park at 1:00 p.m. on a Saturday, allowing me to witness one of the more astonishing acts of blindness that will happen this year. I should have been doing research at the Donnell library, a few blocks...

Going Home (Poetry) 2-05-2004
by Karim Al Nadoury
Clouds and distances keep you far away A strong tingle makes me feel you through my heart I'm a butterfly waiting for the spring, A bee looking for a flower, A bird flying against the wind Come along angel, fly away with me Feel the breeze...

Going Out with a Bang: Guerilla Activism with More Gray Hairs and a Wider Girth (Opinions) 4-06-2007
by rita wai ting chung
June 2007 is the 40th anniversary of the capture of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights by the Israeli army in the 1967 war (aka. The Six Day War according to Israelis, and aka. Naksa – Setback – according to...

Good and Evil (Opinions) 19-03-2003
by Mike Blanchard
Unlike those who believe there is absolute right and wrong in this life, I subscribe to the idea that there exists a balance, albeit a cruel and loveless balance. On one side exist the oppressive regimes of the world (remembering that there are...

Good governance and leadership (Short Story) 6-02-2008
Governance was created out from the word govern, which means; to rule a country, to control or direct the public affair of a city, control, influence something or somebody and to determine something. Governance is the activity or manner of...

Good Morning (Poetry) 11-08-2007
by John kariem sila
Good morning Africa, This will be my favourite song In my straw house In middle of jungle! O mummy, my smile is happy And my soul is running away From the dust of civilization Like Nile washing The tears of my own Africa From north,...

GOOD NEIGHBOURS (Opinions) 1-09-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – ‘CASTRO, GADDAFI, MUGABE AND BLAIR. THERE GOES THE NEIGHBOURHOOD.’ Message on a roadside advertising hoarding here as leaders fly in for the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. The advertiser...

Growing... (Poetry) 25-12-2004
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
My childhood is not too far away, I grew in the arms of loved ones, They dared to pamper me all the way, It did not cost them much; Her demise has brought so much sadness, Her departure turned my life into shreds, God was willing to see me...

Guantanomo Bay and the Embattled Norms of International Law (Opinions) 9-06-2006
by Wilfred Mamah
The US detention facility in Guantanomo Bay is symbolical as it mirrors the current dilemma of international law. Amnesty International in its recent Human Rights Report, discusses the impact of this symbol on international human rights law....

Guerra, por quê? Por que não a PAZ? (Opinions) 21-09-2007
by Remisson Aniceto
Em homenagem ao 21 de Setembro - Dia Internacional da PAZ. A guerra advém da desinteligência e insensatez de um povo, subtraído mesmo que temporariamente de sua razão através de inflamados discursos ideológicos proferidos por líderes...

Hamas does it again (Opinions) 4-07-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
It is difficult to accept it, I know, but it is better to give the devil its due however much we may dislike it. Even though it is still early to judge, it is apparent that Hamas want to tell the world that there is more to resistance than it...

Happiness Of The Dead (Poetry) 17-10-2007
by Samuel K Akinbo
she came and gone all in poverty and tears she gains ideas and she tries to contribute to the development of her people but those that feed from the pocket of devil did not allow children also became rich from the well that she...

by Charles Makanga Sendegeya
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Nothing appeals to young people like music. Talk about pop music – and Michael Jackson will be a part of the story. Talk about Michael Jackson – and you get a man who cares about the environment. MJ, as many...

Harvest of Haiku {Redefining love} (Poetry) 4-03-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
Dedication: In redefining love My heart is so burnt Such that that flavor is lost After you broke it ‘Am not man enough To bear having to lose you `Tis my heart’s weakness Would you turn again? With those scintillating smiles That...

Has the world turned its back on Africa (Opinions) 4-10-2004
by Kayamone Sutton
An issue has recently crept into my mind leaving me stunned and wondering. The issue is of how the entire world including America, and the modern developed countries in Europe and in Asia have practically turned its back to the issues currently...

Having A Violence-Free Society (Opinions) 28-04-2007
by Adeshola Komolafe
The concept of violence is as old as humanity itself. Whether we like it or not, we hear about it from time to time and we see it in our society in our everyday living. The fact that we have not been affected by or experienced violence does not...

Heal The World (Opinions) 3-05-2009
by Ezeadi Ozuah
HEAL THE WORLD. Ladies and gentlemen, I have decided to drop a few lines to drive us into memory lane, lest we have forgotten and lest we should be the last to act. I am definitely aware of the efforts being made by a whole lot of us humans in...

Heeey.....yaaahhhh...... (Poetry) 14-09-2005
by Jacques Gimeno
Heeey....yaaahhh..... Heeey....yaaahhh..... Heeey....yaaahhh..... Feel my beat, Feel my rhythm, Hear my voice, Are you listening? Heeey....yaaahhh..... Standing idly stupid men Crushed and bleeding Still believing Light will come...

Help Stop (Poetry) 17-05-2005
by Naomi Ohayon
As the dawn breaks the fighting starts again, and as the sun sets many more are dead. Help stop the massacre that happens everyday, stop the deaths of young innocent children, and stop the children that end up homeless and with no parents...

Help Stop (Poetry) 17-05-2005
by Naomi Ohayon
As the dawn breaks the fighting starts again, and as the sun sets many more are dead. Help stop the massacre that happens everyday, stop the deaths of young innocent children, and stop the children that end up homeless and with no...

Her Vision (Opinions) 1-08-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
The girl-child proclaimed! Hope is coming from the place of the popular Yes, enjoy the rhythm that produces the sounds From the temple of magnets who produce liberty for the people Unchained shouted unchained! Transport us to our...

Here on earth (Poetry) 22-06-2008
by sanmi
Here on earth, Looking at the world, the so-called earth: There lie God’s creatures. Each has its own troubles. The Oceans make troubles drive; Animals suffer a slaughtering life. Transformations are stones’ lives. Birds bother making the...

Heydays Over! (Poetry) 14-01-2006
It was short but glorious. Beautiful as the sprouting Flowers of spring, Comely as a young maiden, Relaxing as morning breeze; The sun shone in the middle Of night, holding humans Breathless and bewildered; The moon just stood radiant...

Himno Nacional de la Juventud Liberal de Colombia (Poetry) 25-08-2008
by Ivan Sanes
Viviendo en la gloria de nuestra rebeldía Con ímpetu y tesón Recordamos a Gaitán recordamos Galán Llenos de valentía Es nuestra historia Camino hacia la paz Cuna de verdad Reivindicación social Bienestar para tu hogar La insignia...

Hirelings (Poetry) 17-08-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
They took us by surprise, the first day and dropped many people lifeless in the streets, roads and everywhere. They turned the bright day, black and sent us packing, scampering and motionless to work or from work. They shot sporadically...

HIV/AIDS: How to avoid Catastrophe (WSSD) (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Charles Makanga Sendegeya
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Who’s going to be there to talk about sustainability when AIDS has wiped out the population? This was one of the challenges raised by the panellists during a press conference organised here on AIDS and Human...

Hollywood's Post-Colonial Africa (Opinions) 4-02-2009
by Lynne Lessard
The distraught state of post-colonial Africa is a popular subject with the western media. This kind of exposure has the potential to gain the much needed international attention. Though what is an issue of concern is the way the stories are...

Holocaust Memorials are Hypocritical (Opinions) 6-09-2005
by Mervin J. Jebaraj
On a particularly cold day in March, I found myself walking on a somber grassy patch where the Holocaust Memorials are erected in Boston, U.S.A. While I walked among the structures that were raised to remember the victims, I was overcome with...

Homeland (Poetry) 23-11-2006
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
I met her waiting... ...waiting for a new-found sister, Her eyeballs stopped my heart beat a second...and she smiled, Her skin, fair, her hair, a glitter, and her covering, all green; A lips of red, a pearl to her ears, a folded...

Hongos infectados (Opinions) 6-07-2007
by Laura Müller
RULETA URBANA Hongos Infectados Mayo 2007: Creo que nunca había sudado tanto en mi vida, ni con un maratón de 3 horas de sppining hubiera logrado transpirar de esa manera, para colmo, como si no tuviera suficiente con mi propio sudor, pasa a...

Hopeful Plea (Poetry) 28-07-2006
by Instant Vintage
We stand to watch, yet once again As tragedies go by Same violence and terrorists Which raise their heads up high Same suffering and criminals Same justice and same law Now terrorism has no boundaries As we all shockingly saw So who’re the...

HOT AIR? (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Dan Jones
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Maybe the words ‘sustainable development’ – repeated here like a mantra by World Summit delegates and media – could be harnessed for a useful purpose? Like to generate electricity? Consider the following...

How Can We? (Poetry) 4-08-2006
by Anindita Deb
When we will grow up? Grow up enough to understand, That we all are humans, we are one, And we can't deny this fact. How long we will kill each other? Each other in the name of religion, When we have long forgotten , Forgotten those basic...

How Do Children Suffer in Nepal due to the so-called Maoist Insurgency? (Short Story) 14-05-2002
by Yasmary Mora
The Maoist insurgency which commenced six years ago in Nepal had created many problems in this poor country. The insurgency is making the situation in the country more miserable day by day. The prerequisites of development are being destroyed by...

How do I start to play a role in the (u)niting of (n)ations? (Opinions) 4-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
This October the 62nd UN General Assembly gathers in New York. Every year some issues involving young people’s lives are discussed by political leaders from all over the world. This year, 2007, the agenda is “Young people in the global economy”....

How Government Works - Your Role (Opinions) 11-04-2007
by Sanusi ibraheem Bukunle
How Government Works – Your Role As the Sun prepares to rise in Nigeria with the election of various individuals into various political offices , Nigerians once again are faced with the chance to vote into offices individuals they desire to...

How I See Life (Opinions) 21-01-2003
HOW I SEE LIFE Every individual has his or her own definition for what life is. I believe that life is unique in one way or the other. Life is an opportunity to see things differently and do things differently. In life, there will surely be...

How long? (Opinions) 21-10-2006
by owen omondi
It is indeed sad and disturbing...with the current occurrences and lifestyle that we the youth of our beloved country Kenya are living, it needs a lot of critical reasoning to beat the odds. The youth in Kenya today are faced with a lot of...

How much love do you have (Poetry) 21-04-2011
by Chijioke Obinna Okonkwo
love a different meaning to different people love always natural and never artifitial love is never bought with money nor gifts love does not live in gifts but in the hearts of men love has no bone of malice though it can be adultrated love...

How to Contribute to Solving Community Problems (Opinions) 23-08-2007
by Enoch Selbol Vyapdong Yarnap
Its’s true that the human community experiences great challenges from diverse aspects of life. Doubtlessly, individual and concerted efforts are often directed at reaching lasting solutions to these impediments to human comforts. The concept of...

How to Save This Planet (Opinions) 24-04-2003
by Mike Blanchard
Many of us quietly hoped in those last days of 1999 that the 21st century would be different, and in a way, it is. Those with tremendous power are no longer the only tyrants around. But it hasn’t changed too much; for fear still causes all violent...

Human Beings "The agents and victims of their own doing" (Opinions) 12-07-2007
by Susan Niki Jepkemoi
The media plays an important role in peace building; the different forms of media can reach out to whole communities all over the world. Peace is a condition or period in which there is no war between two or more nations (state peace), a state of...

Human Bombs (Poetry) 10-02-2006
by Anu maheshwari
And the mind reads what the lips dread to utter A hollow fear of the lonely weary wayfarer A world of incoherent whispers A tension between the strings of lyre Of mute melodies and jarring cacophonies Of fire and raging tempest Of shock,...

Human Peace: Is it Totally Achievable? (Opinions) 4-08-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
All over the world, people yearn for peace. But if we could just ask ourselves this hypothetical question; ‘Have we really done enough to achieve this?’ to me this answer lies just in front of our eyes. We are doing a lot to enhance human...

Human rights and youth leadership conference in USA (Short Story) 30-10-2006
by Shakti Ghimire
The UNESCO Chair & Institute of Comparative Human Rights at the University of Connecticut invited 30 young human rights leaders from around the world to participate in an inter-generational educational conference, held on August 7 - 13, 2005 at...

Human Rights Cannot Be 'Notwithstanding . . .' (Opinions) 25-04-2006
by James Campbell
April 25th was Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah). To commemorate the event, the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) created a Green Ribbon campaign, and urged all federal and provincial MP's, MPP's and MLA's to wear a green ribbon in their...

Human Security and International Stability (Opinions) 6-08-2007
by Eugenia Bivines
Africa's human development challenges are immense. This is not surprising, given the continent's history and geography, and its place in the global political economy today. Nor is this cause for despair. African struggles to meet these challenges...

Humanity behind the locked door (Poetry) 6-12-2006
by alin love rai
open, beautiful creations of divinity, the door to your heart capable of encompassing unconditional love for those who have waited long enough, under the burning sky, with a soul so weary and somnolent mind, sinking into bottomless abyss...

I am a Soldier (Poetry) 15-04-2003
by Reggie
Fear and anguish is the least bit of my worries Nightmares and horror is but an eye shut away Rage, hate and anger is my only allowed emotion I am trained in the art of hatred because I am a soldier I crave to murder and call it duty I kill...

I am a War (Poetry) 22-04-2007
by Zach K
I am a war; full of destruction, full of hate. I strike you, I fight you, I will not give up. Until my job is done, Your life is in my hands. What can you do?

I am Peace (Poetry) 13-08-2012
by Henry Ekwuruke
My sweet language is pride other people speak And my laughter is appreciation My Lord gives kindness to hearts With so many worlds to explore Many lacked the balance of life Life, so sweet with lots of balance Hearts and souls peeped for...

I Am Setting You Free... (Poetry) 3-12-2011
by jeane
I am setting you free From abuse and poverty I am setting you free From the streets where all The crimes exists I am setting you free come with me i am setting you free close your eyes and dream i am setting you free lets escape this...

I Believe (Poetry) 23-06-2007
by Comfort Runyi Oyom
I believe That one day there shall be sickness no more I long for the day When children would not suffer illness anymore No HIV/AIDS, no SARS, no bird flu No sickness, no pain, no ache, no shame No bombings, no conflicts, no battles But all...

I can't speak (Poetry) 21-04-2008
by R Kahendi
I want to write, but somehow I can’t. I see the images in my minds eye. I know the story, but the words are gone. Why? Can you understand the urgency behind my desire to write? Do you know how important it is for me to tell? I...

I Dreamt of Two Worlds (Opinions) 1-08-2002
by Mervin J. Jebaraj
One fine (seemingly) summer’s morning, I staggered out of bed and opened my window to the world. The world I had dreamt of the night before was a beautiful place; I pinched myself to test if I was still dreaming. But NO! I was no longer...

I have a Dream (Poetry) 2-02-2007
by friday solomon
I have a dream; a land, without prejudice of peace and tranquility. I have a dream; women, treated as equally as men, I have a dream; see love prevails hatred no more I have a dream; a land, no flood, drought-less, flueless,...

I Know Now (Faith) (Poetry) 8-03-2007
by Melania L Lui
I KNOW NOW We grew up together, so innocent and so close Marveling in each others discoveries You knew I would drift when I reached adolescence And embraced rebellion, Pushing you away by questioning your love Doubting your works...

I see an Angel (Poetry) 10-04-2006
by Tomita Militaru
I see this toy Which brings me joy I see light in a 1000 eyes A bright light which cries I see the distance, the sadness and desire In my soul in passion's fire I see true love covering me Bringing life in my empty me I see people...

I see hope: the Nigerian dream (Opinions) 29-06-2008
by Ayodele Benjamin Smart
To many Nigerians hope is not an option. To them the future of this nation is blurry. This is simply because we are witnessing the worst epidemic of lawlessness the human race has ever experienced. Our cities have been taken over by incidences of...

I See You (Poetry) 9-10-2003
by Julie Renee Willis
I won't see what you want me to see. Heroic Soldiers, Nation of Infidels. No I don't see these, I see you. Soldiers are your fingers with faces, every one. The enemy is what they became when you declared them so... A War on Terrorism...

I want (Poetry) 6-05-2008
by Alexandra Cummings
I want a world where the voices of the poor won't haunt me anymore Where the people around me are no longer suffering Where war is something left to be taught in the history books Where genocide has never been heard of Where fantasy meets...

I want to be 'ME' (Poetry) 18-02-2007
by Mian M Adnan Amin
I may not have a perfect personality, but I'm 'ME' I may not be the most intelligent, but I'm 'ME' I may not meet every challenge that comes along, but I'm 'ME' I may not be "in", but I'm 'ME' 'ME' is sensitive, 'ME' is kind, 'ME' is...

I Want to Kill You War (Poetry) 26-02-2008
by Sean Amos
I want to kill you war, forever, not like a phoenix that always comes back I want to kill you war and I don't know how and I don't know...

I was A Soldier (Poetry) 20-03-2004
by Stacie Brantley
I was a soldier I use to melt the green army men I stored my GI Joes in a shoebox I played with fake toy guns I was pushing tin I climbed high into the sky I was a soldier They pulled my number from a barrel The whole time I was...

Ibrahim B. Babangida (Opinions) 21-09-2006
I.....B.....B......@ : A society that does not correctly interpret and appreciate its past cannot understand its present fortunes and adversities and can be caught unawares in a fast changing world. This "Book Launch" may not necessarily be a...

ICT and Conflict Resolution (Opinions) 20-02-2003
by Sanjana Hattotuwa
Online advocacy principles and case studies within the context of ICT and Conflict Transformation Discussion paper written for Oneworld South Asia Partners meeting, 3-4 February 2003, Delhi, India Introduction Information...

Identidade latino –americana? (Opinions) 1-08-2007
by Diego do Nascimento Magalhaes
Identidade e integração Identidade latino –americana? Uma identidade latino-americana é difícil de ser esboçada. Acredito que o primeiro passo é uma reflexão de identidade. Devemos ou não continuar insistindo com essa proposta de identidade...

Identity and The Nation (Short Story) 18-09-2003
by Prakash Bhattarai
While talking about the present crisis of the country, two conflicting parities- the government and the Maoists are carrying their own philosophy to grab the political power of the nation. The Maoists on the one hand are applying their philosophy...

If I was (Poetry) 23-08-2005
by Samori Sombel Sy
If I was a painter, I would paint civilization Somewhere along the Nile a people of revelation If I was a magician, I would have no fear Snap my fingers twice let all worries disappear If I was a pirate, I would sail and discover Stolen...

If I were a Good Poet (Poetry) 25-10-2008
by Ayo Morakinyo
If I were a good leader, I would show example If I were a writer, I would write wisdom If I were a teacher, I would teach truths If I were an artist, I would create beauty If I were an engineer, I would improve living If I were a nurse, I...

If you understand where I'm coming from (Poetry) 28-01-2004
by Koral-Anne Roberts
I can't take it anymore We are no longer safe In our own homes... Innocents being killed The guilty, all hail! An 18 month old baby killed Beaten and burnt to death by her own father For what? "Well she pee de bed” If everyone who...

Ignorance is a Weapon of Mass Destruction (Opinions) 9-02-2003
by Irena Curin
IGNORANCE IS WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION What is your opinion on the thesis that ignorance is the key vehicle and core fundament of all violence, intolerance, inhumanity, terror and evil as such? Could you agree that knowledge is the base for...

Il faut repenser la gestion de la chose publique en Guinée (Opinions) 12-12-2009
by Mohamed KOUYATE
Picture, "Africa dawn lights," by Samira Hassan . Il est important aujourd’hui de repenser la gestion de la chose publique en Guinée après les évènements du 5 décembre 2009. Pour bon nombre de nos compatriotes « le roi est parti, et vive le...

Illinois supports Israel (Opinions) 18-08-2002
by Jamila Zafar
At this time, the State of Illinois is in its worst financial crisis in 50 years. The State is in such great debt that schools are being forced to consolidate all across Illinois. $100 million has been trimmed from general State aid, grants for...

Imagination (Poetry) 20-10-2008
by kaboyo julius
Mighty is the power or imagination. It is the material behind creation, The only route towards reality, The opener of the locked minds, The catalyst that drives motion and ability. If you want to test the power of imagination, Close...

Imagine (Opinions) 17-08-2004
by Radhika Basu Thakur
John Lennon once sang, “Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, no religion too. Imagine all the people, Living life in peace.” The operant word here is “imagine”. The word carries us away to a world which...

Imagining solutions: Responding to key challenges in our region (Opinions) 21-02-2003
by Sanjana Hattotuwa
Imagining solutions: Responding to key challenges in our region It is not easy to collectively examine the key challenges facing the Gulf States, the Indian Subcontinent, Central Asia, North and East Africa and the Levant. To find solutions to...

Imagining the future – The Role of Conflict Sensitive Journalism (Opinions) 21-02-2003
by Sanjana Hattotuwa
Imagining the future – The Role of Conflict Sensitive Journalism Introduction In the present context, it is understandable why attention has focused on the media and its role in the ethno-political conflict of Sri Lanka. Most articles in...

Impact of WTC Catastrophe on Pakistan (Opinions) 7-10-2001
by Madeeha Saleem
The Catastrophe of WTC on 11th September 2001 has had a far-reaching effect on the whole world. However Pakistan with its geographical situation, form of government and religious background face a unique situation. All of a sudden...

Impression on Mind and Heart (Poetry) 22-05-2006
by CM
There are many people that we meet in our lives but only a very few will make a lasting impression on our minds and hearts. It is these people that we will think of often and who will remain important to us. When I first met you at the...

In denial (Poetry) 6-12-2007
by Suraya Asmal
On the radio on the TV on the news Everywhere we go We hear of stories already told Of rapes, hijackings, robberies and murders Not escaping any all young and old Our corrupt leaders are being brought to trial Too soon released – what’s the...

In loving memory of a great poet: Mahmoud Darwish (Interviews) 9-09-2008
by siham Al Najami
His literary work genuinely pictured and voiced the true agony of the Palestinian conflict; with his words, he paved the way for human resistance; and with his death, the Arab world has lost one of its conscious critics. Words will fail to...

In My Political Science Class that Day (Poetry) 27-10-2003
by Michael Newton-McLaughlin
I Remember it. 6AM- mom rushed in to wake me up. She told me about a plane… A plane that hit the World Trade Tower. I did not really care. But I saw them when they fell. I was in my political science class… And I cried in horror for our...

In restriction, freedom waits (Poetry) 20-10-2008
by Tamunobarabi Gogo Ibulubo
Expectorate blindness In the eyes Where, clearly, Vision must be With hot iron Smearing the minds to blur vision. Boldly, the thinking Would publish Its content from today Unto tomorrow And unto time when Posterity comes....

In the eyes of a layman (Opinions) 8-05-2008
by Sandeep Bhattarai
With today’s fast-paced development, progress is seemingly at its pinnacle and illiteracy is perceived as a disgrace, if not a downright taboo. More reprehensible than illiteracy would be a situation where, despite being literate, one went so far...

in the judicial room (Poetry) 8-03-2005
by oladipo ahmed
in the judicial room there sat my lord who frees and sentences accordingly in the witness box there stood an accused though a virgin but adjudged guilty and you are hereby sentenced to death by hanging here i rest my case and...

In the Rubble (Poetry) 19-08-2003
by Patrick Earl B. Neri
Crushed doors, windows, elevators - lost opportunities, dreams, promotions. Broken, shattered, heaps of rubble - spirits, lives, crumpled souls. Blood-bathed, severed, lifeless bodies - overwhelmed, tormented, deadened families. Fire and...

In the Vanguard of Greed (Short Story) 22-05-2008
by Saintmoses Eromosele
SCENE ONE {A bar. Three young men are sitting in the bar, drinking palm wine and playing draughts. As the lights beam onto the stage, Wole is heard shouting in protest, while the other two roar with laughter.} WOLE: - {Turning the tables...

Independence Day (Opinions) 6-02-2008
by Harini Dias Bandaranayake
In my childhood, February of 4th, I recall it to be a wonderful holiday. But not so this year, certainly because of the present generation of children of my country. The lead up to Sri Lanka’s 60th anniversary of Independence from British colonial...

India - Pakistan: Youth paves the road ahead (Opinions) 9-10-2006
by Aditya Bindal
About sixty years ago, an Englishman named Sir Cyril Radcliff came to India to draw a line on a map. The result broke a nation in two parts and left a deep scar on both sides that would take years to heal. Whenever the two sides tried to come...

India Vs. Pakistan (Opinions) 12-07-2002
by Rachel Moses
For as long as the world can remember, India and Pakistan have been at war over nothing more than a piece of land called Kashmir. For more than fifty years, hate and rage have been felt on both sides and have been expressed through fatal actions....

Individual, Society and Machines (Opinions) 9-07-2007
by Dr. Muraleedharan Koluthappallil
The continuous observation of an individual's activities by other individuals, from a distance, without direct physical interaction, or a common database of observations, creates numerous pathways for imaginative constructions. This individually...

Inequal Opportunity - Politicians are neglecting aboriginal education (Opinions) 29-09-2008
by Simon Child
Politicians should be treating the causes not the symptoms when it comes to problems with the aboriginal education system As British Columbian students returned to school last month, some students returned to schools with new renovations, a...

Infrastructure of Inequality (Opinions) 20-03-2002
by Phillip A. Dawid
Question: How are inequalities within and between societies being maintained, and how are they being challenged? Do you think these challenges can reduce structural inequalities? Why and/or Why not? Societies have always had intrinsic flaws...

Insatiable (Opinions) 6-04-2005
by selene z
Serve yourself Try to fill an insatiable appetite Try to serve The desire The desire to fill Yourself Insatiable Know the answer? Is only one Relentlessness is the food Restless relentlessness Is the only cure While it ails and feeds...

Inside the wilderness of Imagination (Poetry) 18-03-2008
by Henry Ekwuruke
As I stood up to admire nature I saw dreams that lacked meaning, I saw birds that flew without wings, I saw tomorrow pregnant, without children. I lacked words to express my concerns, I lacked freedom and total dignity to take charge, I...

Interests Behind War (Opinions) 20-03-2009
by Yagmurov Farhad
“…Early in the morning, the sun has risen and birds are already singing songs making all livings happy about the coming day. A usual farmer stands in the field and looks into a distance. Everything is calm and quiet. Suddenly, he hears a noise. It...

International Responsibility (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Madelaine
Yes, we are frustrated. Yes, it is about time governments around the world make the promise of cutting the world’s poverty by half. And yes, we are tired of promises being broken by national governments. Yet, Canadian youths are not...

International Voluntary Code and the trade of diamonds (Opinions) 26-02-2008
by Simon Gargonne
I currently work as an analyst for a CSR research firm and from the companies I screened during my researches; few of them, (the ones that have luxury retailers on our beautiful avenues) have actual, certified tracking processes regarding the...

Intervención en representación del Perú, en la II Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jóvenes (Opinions) 7-02-2008
II Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jóvenes Hotel Auditórium Madrid, España 1 de diciembre de 2007 Intervención en representación del Perú, en la II Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jóvenes Por Christian Pardo Reyes (*) Presidente de la Internacional...

Interview at the Summit: Leif Holmberg, Co-Facilitator of the Youth Caucus (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Dan Jones
An interview by Daniel Jones, Global Youth Reporter from the United States The World Summit on Sustainable Development has brought together government, corporations, and members of the international community, divided into nine major groups....

Interview de Maxime YAO KONAN, leader national de YES (Youth Employment System) Cote d'Ivoire (Interviews) 27-05-2008
• Tu es né à Anyama en Cote d’Ivoire. Décris nous un peu ta ville natale, ce qui te relie à elle encore aujourd’hui ? Anyama est une banlieue située à 50 km du District d’Abidjan. Elle a une population estimée à près de 150.000 habitants. C’est...

INTERVIEWS AT THE SUMMIT: Champions of Sustainable Development (Opinions) 1-09-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Rhys Davies, 17, and Peter Burton, 11, are two of the UK's Earth Champions, who have come to the World Summit on Sustainable Development to represent the voices of the national youth. There are four Earth Champions in...

by Annabel Short
Interview with Jonathan Lash, President of World Resources Institute By Annabel Short, Global Youth Reporter from the UK Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Do you believe that sustainability is an achievable goal and what are the main...

Invincibility or invisibility (Poetry) 20-02-2010
by Nikki Allison
Picture, "A Soldier's Story", by Alina Bachmann . Invincibility Or is it invisibility That's my complex? Or is it just complex? Bright lights, big city With no one ahead of me Don't have no enemies Flexing cerebral muscle Playin'...

Iran and the Decline of American Power (Opinions) 11-09-2007
by Nima Shirali
In his influential book The City and Man (1964) Leo Strauss boldly stated: “To make the world safe for the Western democracies, one must make the whole globe democratic, each country in itself as well as the society of nations. Good order in one...

Is it getting better? (Poetry) 9-11-2004
by Joan Wong
Is it getting better? Am I sensing light? Through darkened shapes, distorted draping Blocking from my sight: Every hope of help, Every dream that drives, Every answer coming, That could change and heal my life? Oh, I've believed in...

Is it worth it? (Short Story) 7-08-2009
by Mike Ssegawa
(Picture, Children in a displaced camp- Uganda , by Andrew Kaggwa ) Politics is not a career of the smartest people. Yet, everything else rotates around it. This is my experience in my country, Uganda. I was born six years before the...

Israel, America and The World (Opinions) 14-10-2002
by Bobo
With the heavy losses the Palestinians are suffering on daily basis, in terms of human life, freedom of movement, and economic activity, it is only logical that they would desire nothing more than a peace settlement and an end to their 52 years of...

Israel, the Palestinians and the Media ---- Version 1 (Opinions) 14-04-2002
by N Gadd
In this conflict, the media has informed us, but has also subconsciously swayed our opinions in ways we could never fully realize. The way a situation is reported can have a subtle but crucial effect on our perceptions and perspectives of the...

Israeli Settlements: Integration and Reconciliation (Opinions) 12-07-2003
by Stewart Silverstein
Israeli Settlements: Integration and Reconciliation By: Stewart Silverstein Israel has been accused of systemically rooting out the Palestinian population by erecting settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. Since 1967, the United Nations...

It Has Begun (Poetry) 7-07-2004
by Amegah Raymond
The water in the well whirled The wind on the wild whirled There is wailing and shouting Men and women become equals The stream is turbulent The sea is calm Bullets swim in the air Embracing whatever they meet The goats bleat, The...

It is Election Time Nigerian Youths (Opinions) 13-04-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
We all need to know this It has to be told as a short story But the lines of our fore-fathers has never been this great and kind in our history Our generation is a great one Deny Nigeria and deny yourself Today we knew ourselves by name...

It never ends (Poetry) 24-05-2008
by Ryno Julio Platt
Calmly in silence, he sits and ponders, unattached from this world, letting his mind wonder. It takes him to a place he doesn’t want to go, a place filled with sorrow he doesn’t want to know. And as he dwells through the halls of this mystic...

It was you... (Poetry) 26-09-2008
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
When I had lost hope, Thought it all seemed lost, When nothing counted And all I felt I had was myself, The thought of you gave me hope. When the wind stopped And the sky grew green, When the taste of lust Became the haste of my heart,...

It's All About Leadership' (Opinions) 17-10-2007
by Esther Agbarakwe
“It's all about leadership”, was the headline in Melbourne's The Age on Monday 15 October. Australia's Prime Minister John Howard had just called a general election claiming that the country did not need new leadership or old leadership, but...

It's come and gone (Opinions) 23-04-2007
by Dio nguavese
Alas! The 2007 Nigerian elections into the house of assembly gubernatorial house of representative and the presidential election are over. There was tension everywhere during the election and I thank God it’s over now. To say the election was...

It’s Morning! (Poetry) 29-11-2007
Wake up sweetie! wake up, look around you, It's morning, it's morning! Wake up my princess! Look, look beyond these Inner shores...see out there, Lots and lots waiting on The Wings of time and space Wake up my morning rose! Rise above the...

Ivory Coast (Poetry) 1-05-2006
by annaise kabbatende
Fear was all I could see, See was all I could do, When words were lost to me. Life gone to waste, Beautiful as it was, Ruined in the most cruel ways. Barely old enough to walk unescorted, They work from dawn to dusk, Deep down in the...

IYPS2008: Young professionals and the Millennium Development Goals (Short Story) 7-07-2007
by Sarah-Jo Dawson
The 7th July 2007 marks the halfway point since the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) were launched by the United Nations and the target date of achieving these wide-ranging targets, covering eradication of poverty, environmental sustainability...

Janus (Poetry) 17-12-2004
by Mona Lisa Aspiras
"You hypocrite!" Words which many, undeniably Must have silently uttered And felt, convulsed and offended In their thoughts and emotions, Towards a guilty offender. Perhaps it is the reflection of One’s own weaknesses,...

Je suis jeune et je suis affecté… (Opinions) 21-12-2005
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
Parmi les nombreux défis auxquels elle doit faire face, l’Afrique doit notamment relever celui de la paix et de la sécurité. Aujourd’hui, au-delà de l’extrême souffrance qu’ils imposent aux populations, les guerres et les soulèvements armés...

Jerusalem (Poetry) 29-04-2008
by Samuel-Malachi Odekunle
Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem Thy walls shall hold thee strong thou sweat with the blood Of saint and foe Thy tears are the cries of the innocent cold Thy years are long Like an ancient song Unending melodies Thy heart has strung I hear your...

Jesus (Poetry) 17-12-2004
by Mona Lisa Aspiras
Jesus, my Brother, My Friend, my Teacher My Lord, my Savior. But also - My Enigma, My Illusion, My Delusion, My Mystery... Opposites which fit My Everchanging Moods Which Face of Yours, this time, Will I Confide,...

Jeune d'aujourd'hui et de demain (Poetry) 16-03-2005
by bella oden martial
Jeune d’aujourd’hui et de demain ; Si tu pouvais éviter de vaines problématiques, A l’endroit de ton prochain. Eviter de vaines polémiques Mettre fin à ta haine profonde à l’égard de certains groupes. Si tu pouvais être pauvre Et...

Jihad in Islam (Opinions) 7-05-2007
by Khalid
islamic Jus ad bellum! Jihad: why to wage war? Naturally, every creature on the earth needs to defend himself from the internal or external aggressions on him or his fellows. Humans are surviving by virtue of the same ability given by Allah...

by Natalie Morris
JOURNALISTS HAVE OPINIONS TOO! (WSSD) By Natalie Morris, Global Youth Reporter from Singapore Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – It’s the weekend, and the Media Centre in the Sandton Convention Centre is still buzzing with activity. Most...

Jóvenes voluntarios por Cartagena (Interviews) 1-04-2008
by Rosa Isabel Montero Torres
Con el ánimo de poner el potencial juvenil al servicio del progreso de su ciudad, el Consejo Distrital de Juventud de Cartagena, hizo el día jueves 27 de marzo de este año, el lanzamiento de uno de sus más importantes programas de proyección...

Jumoke Verissimo (Poetry) 27-06-2005
by jumoke
In the news these days, I don\'t see words anymore, I see men, women and children floating in the stream of words of voluble leaders who turn the twist of young fates. I see the anger in people\'s minds through the words that roll off...

Jus ad bellum (why to go to war)? (Opinions) 16-02-2007
by Khalid
A summary of my assignment on Islamic international law Jus ad bellum in Islamic law INTRODUCTION: Allah almighty awarded every creature with a sense to defend himself, as a snake throws his poison to kill the enemy; if it wants to hunt...

Just 70 Years (Poetry) 18-05-2005
by Rarest Of The Rare
Of a life of this Fighting for a world, a humanity Which no longer exists Except of that in our dreams, a fantasy A life which can never be real Consequence of many not wanting peace or harmony A life of constant betrayal Full of prejudice...

Just as well (they can’t attend) (Poetry) 29-07-2011
by David Kapp
Just as well (they can’t attend) Just as well they can’t attend I declare in response to hearing yet another tale about the fiefdom Our primary school kids can’t attend some game or the other (your guess) forbidden as it were by...

Just my thoughts... (Opinions) 1-04-2008
by Nekesah
The other day I sat down and thought to myself about how people become IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons). No, it was not that I want them to be displaced, but the most amazing thought came into mind while I was in church. (Yes, I was in church...

Justice (Poetry) 12-06-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
Justice, justice, justice! Where art thou? ye Stewarth? Justice is the very warmth of an inn, When interred from the bitter slippery, frosty storm. Justice is the norm. It's illusive to the door, like a very fastened door, Cannot...

Justice for Palestine (Opinions) 9-09-2006
by Bahjat
Palestine is considered a strife-torn region of the world. It's also known as the largest prison in the world. Since 1948 Gaza and West Bank have become home to many Palestinian refugees. In Gaza about 1.4 million people live in an area only 40 km...

Juventud, protagonismo y rol en la gestión municipal (Opinions) 26-09-2007
JUVENTUD, PROTAGONISMO Y ROL EN LA GESTIÓN MUNICIPAL (*) Exposición a cargo de: CHRISTIAN PARDO REYES Presidente de la Internacional Juvenil Ex teniente alcalde de San Luis – Lima “ Primer Encuentro de las/los Regidores Jóvenes de la...

Juventude e Meio Ambiente (Opinions) 20-03-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Estamos vivenciando um período muito interessante de nossa história na odisséia terrestre. É um momento que exige a reformulação de nosso comportamento perante a natureza e perante a própria civilização humana. Segundo o filosofo Guattari,...

Kashmir - There Could Be Solutions! (Opinions) 15-04-2002
by Nihshanka Debroy
Recently, I read an article in the Journal Journal that held the opinion that peace between India and Pakistan can never be. However, I disagree with this and wish to offer a different analysis. It is true that India and Pakistan have been...

Katherine's Pet Peeve (Opinions) 10-01-2002
by katherine watson
It bugs me that, people don't ever get to know you before they judge you. Quick to assume, Slow to work out anything new. people don't like different they want you to shrink back into the darkness Hidden. So that's why we write like...

Keeping Peace (Opinions) 20-02-2008
by Mbũrũ Kamau
The right to life is inalienable to an individual’s liberty and security. Yet conflicts and insecurity occur at many levels of the society between individuals, politicians, military, civil society, the family; between nations and superpowers. All...

Keeping Peace... Options (Opinions) 18-02-2008
by Mbũrũ Kamau
The right to life is inalienable to an individual’s liberty and security. Yet conflicts and insecurity occur at many levels of the society between individuals, politicians, military, civil society, the family; between nations and superpowers. All...

Kenya: against all odds (Opinions) 26-03-2008
by (Serah Katusia)Tussi
Kenyans proved to the world that they hold peace close to their hearts! After the elections’ aftermath, we all went down the most ugly track in the history of this country. It was a time when neighbors turned against neighbors, friends against...

Kenyan Youths and Elections 2007 (Opinions) 13-07-2007
by Ken Auma
Fellow Kenyan Youths, it is no longer in contention that elections are paramount features of democratic processes anywhere in the world. This is because an election outcome produces leadership, which invariable during its administration determines...

Killing Brands Without Daggers .... The Emerging Culture of Silencing Plurality (Opinions) 12-09-2005
by Omo'ba
I have been following with keen interest the very stimulating and informed commentary of various newspapers columnists and other concerned Nigerians on the debt forgiveness recently granted to Nigeria by some of its debtors. Against the dramatic...

Kingdom of Heaven: Muslim Representations (Opinions) 25-06-2005
by Ayman El Hakea
A couple of weeks ago, I went with my friends Ahmed, Loaïe, and Mohamed, to the Green Plaza cinema complex in Alexandria to watch the new movie: “Kingdom of Heaven.” I was very excited to watch that movie, particularly because it deals with a very...

Kiryat Arba' - the difficulties of peace between Israelis and Palestinians (Opinions) 15-07-2008
by M J
After Israel prevailed in the war with the Arab countries in 1967, the Israelis began to govern the West Bank, which had been under Jordanian control before the war, and Gaza strip, which had been under Egyptian control before the war. The...

Know It Not (Poetry) 22-10-2007
by Lynes Celeste
There's something in the look of your eyes It pulls me to you slowly but surely Like things in the earth's gravity To be in need of me at the center of your universe My mind's sucked by your smile It always loses its content Even when your...

Kojo (Short Story) 14-09-2004
by melanie mae
His gun, flat against his side, tucked away in the folds of his shirt, was the only object of his father that remained. Everything was burned when the Sudanese raided their village, including the bones of his mother and his sisters. His father’s...

L'acculturation est la règle et non l'exception! (Opinions) 28-02-2008
Je propose d'arrêter tant soit peu le temps sur un terme qui fait polémique ici et là-bas et de façon séculaire: la culture. Les littératures semblent s'accorder à la définir comme l'ensemble des traits distinctifs, tant spirituels, affectifs,...

L'alimentation à Montréal (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Martin Tétu
On connaît tous à Montréal le Café Santropol, merveilleux restaurant à l’atmosphère décontractée. Son menu inclut des plats végétariens de grande qualité et on peut savourer une soupe-repas sur la terrasse pleine d’arbres, en plein coeur du...

L'iPhone et désert. (Opinions) 17-01-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Il y a quelques mois le monde découvrait l’iPhone, le nouvel appareil multifonctionnelle fascinant et révolutionnaire d’Apple. Il a donné au monde un avant-goût de ce que sera ce siècle naissant : innovant et impressionnant. Mais pour le reste...

L'iPhone et le désert. (Opinions) 13-01-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Il y a quelques mois le monde découvrait l’iPhone, le nouvel appareil multifonctionnelle fascinant et révolutionnaire d’Apple. Il a donné au monde un avant-goût de ce que sera ce siècle naissant : innovant et impressionnant. Mais pour le reste de...

La Basilique de Côte d'ivoire :Notre Dame de la Paix (Short Story) 14-05-2006
by Camara Charles
Côte d'Ivoire sur Internet: Située en Afrique de l’Ouest, sur le Golfe de Guinée, la Côte d’Ivoire, est entourée par le Libéria, la Guinée, le Mali, le Burkina-Faso et le Ghana. 15,446,231 personnes (en 1998) occupent les 322 462 Km2...

La Candidatura de Guatemala al consejo de Seguridad de la ONU (Opinions) 1-03-2007
by Manuel José Chocano
El once de Julio de 2002, Guatemala, anuncio su candidatura para formar parte del consejo de seguridad como miembro no permanente para el bienio, 2007-2008. Desde el gobierno de Alfonso Portillo, Guatemala inicio consultas mayormente con...

La Entrevista Virtual de Patch - Una Perspectiva Indígena (Interviews) 14-01-2004
by Patch
1) ¿Cuál es tu nombre completo? Luis Abel López - Patch 2) ¿Cuál es el nombre del pueblo al que tu perteneces/ desciendes? ¿Dónde y cuándo naciste? Soy Colla con antepasados Aymaras, y a su vez con antepasados Incas. Los hijos...

LA FAMILLE (Poetry) 23-10-2007
by kambulu mande henri lopez
La famille Dans les pires et durs moments Elle est là, Dans les sombres décalages des temps, Elle nous restera fidèle comme l’au-delà. Pour elle, pardon veut dire Considérer le fait sans racine En dépit de l’offense sans...

La Izquierda engañada de América Latina (Opinions) 16-09-2008
by aldoivan
En los últimos años América Latina, incluido México, ha experimentado una tendencia a gobiernos de izquierda los cuales han sido apoyados grandemente por las clases bajas como obreros y trabajadores agrícolas; los cuales han visto en estos nuevos...

La jeunesse est-elle responsable? (Opinions) 16-11-2007
by Youths Ahead!
La jeunesse est –elle responsable ? Une question intéressante. Tellement importante qu’on a du mal à y répondre, du moins de manière claire et précise. Mais tout dépend et avant tout de ce que l’on entend par responsabilité. Est-ce le fait...

La Motivation des Militaires, une Condition Essentielle pour la Restauration et la Sauvegarde de la Paix en Republique Democratique du Congo (RDC)? (Opinions) 30-11-2008
by Dr. Joseph YAV
I. Position du problème Après des longues années d’instabilités et d’insécurités, la population de République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) était en droit de croire en une nouvelle ère, après les élections au niveau national et provincial et...

La muerte de Pinochet (Opinions) 19-07-2007
by Manuel José Chocano
En marzo de 1954, el secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Ch. Wilson declaro: “Los Estados Unidos lo mismo que Rusia tienen de ahora en adelante el poder de aniquilar el mundo entero.” No aniquilaron el mundo entero, pero estuvieron cerca de...

La niña y el buitre (Opinions) 6-07-2007
by Laura Müller
RULETA URBANA La niña y el buitre Abril 1994: Kevin Carter veía realizado el mayor sueño de su vida; por fin era el mejor, había logrado el sueño de cualquier fotógrafo; ganar el premio Pulitzer. Su fotografía dió la vuelta al mundo, es una...

La Paix (Poetry) 18-09-2006
by Delara
Il fallait pas….Il ne fallait que ça… Il fallait que t’arrives a compléter cet attentat brutaliste… Coup et éclat, étape par étape t’as emprisonné l’humanisme Viole le cœur des optimistes… Opté pour la détruite de la CIV… Le décès de trop de...

La Paix Unsoiled par le Musc (Poetry) 18-09-2006
by Henry Ekwuruke
Les étrangers sur qui les citoyens Du village global de `' dépendre dessus Les pères satisfont permettent mes enfants et moi Pour dépendre de toi Tueurs de guerre Pères, le bras mince complètement de la bonté Les empreintes de pas de...

La prolifération des armes légères, DANGER!!! (Opinions) 20-10-2006
by Eric DOMBOU
En novembre 2005, la Convention des Nations Unies pour la lutte contre la prolifération des armes légères dont le trafic représente un marché de plusieurs milliards de dollars pour les trafiquants est rentrée en vigueur. Ces instruments, qui vont...

La violencia de la no violencia. (Short Story) 27-12-2005
by Julián Pablo Sinesi
Hace casi dos años tuve la oportunidad vivir en el país que, según la ONU en aquel momento, tenía la mejor calidad de vida en el mundo: Canadá. Lo primero que hice fue hacer un curso de francés para extranjeros en la ciudad de Québec. En ese...

Lack of International Pressure on Situation of Bhutanese Refugees (Opinions) 10-09-2003
by John Narayan Parajuli
How keen is the global community to find a "just and lasting" solution to this long held up Bhutanese Refugee Crisis? Perhaps there is no denying that the International community is equally interested in finding a solution to this prolonged...

Lamentation (Poetry) 9-11-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Lamentation Those we relied on, yes We relied on them With a view That we were together, But they have sold us For a peace of silver. They oppress the poor, They crush the needy And publish lies On the pages of newspapers In place...

Lamjung: Armed Conflict & Its Impact Upon Youth (Opinions) 28-06-2006
by Shakti Ghimire
Geographic Region Lamjung, a district that falls under the western development region, lies in the Gandaki Zone of Nepal. The district, which is the home of approximately two lakhs (200,000) people, has a literacy rate of 56%. There are 61...

Langage comme Violence, Violence comme Langage - Lueur noire (Poetry) 4-08-2005
by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
Etalon méticuleux de rigueur sauvage Macaron inerte de nos extravagances sauvages Recherche en toi l’âme perdu du guerrier Ma patrie se cache et se gâche dans le sable de l’armurier Je pleure, pleure été demande ma faute. Je chante et danse...

Langage comme Violence, Violence comme Langage -Le sang de l’innocent (Poetry) 24-06-2005
by Landry N. Mayigane
Cette flambée de violence Ces massacres en connivence Ces histoires d’intolérance Le monde d’emblée a changé de cadence Tant d’heures des heurts Que d’heures de bonheur Cet ampleur du malheur Toutes ces douleurs La vie n’est qu’un film...

Langage comme Violence, Violence comme Language - Et la violence fut... (Poetry) 30-06-2005
Et la violence fut... Parole acerbe, langue perverse… Apre misère des maux vocifère Douceur amère au goût acre La violence est un plat qui se mange froid Sang couleur Jouissance éphémère Frappante, Virulente, Écœurante Sang Saveur...

Language (Poetry) 14-02-2006
by Anu maheshwari
Bitter tongue invading Biting into our homes – The facile embrace of death On our screens The blast, the rage of Time past Intruding on our privacy Making unwelcome calls on our judgment 24/7 A whole generation reeking of violence...

Language as Violence, Violence as Language (Opinions) 5-07-2005
by Martin Tairo
Many are the times when we express our feelings in words so that people understand us well, and if there is need for help, we are then aided. Thats the simplest way of passing our messages across. But my philosophy lecturer has always said in...

Language as Violence, Violence as Language (Poetry) 5-08-2005
by Francis Awinda
ORDEAL What's your name girl? I like your smile, your gisty walk reminds me of the Graceful giraffe Will you marry me? Yes but dowry expensive Less than five cows father won’t agree! I love you girl hope built on nothing less You are...

Language as Violence, Violence as Language - Words to Swords (Opinions) 3-08-2005
by Tony Jack Belegan
Language as violence can be consider as the last tentative of communication between characters who became deaf because of mutual frustration... here is my advise to you, never tell a friend things that you won\\\'t tell to a enemy... Because...

Language comme Violence, Violence comme Language - MARS ET VENUS (Short Story) 3-08-2005
by Tony Jack Belegan
Accablé par la chaleur je me baladais sur cette terre aux couleurs brunes avec mon marcel blanc lorsqu\'on m\'interpella en ces terme : \" Hey vous ! Avez vous perdu la raison ? N\'avez vous pas entendu parldé de MARS le Dieu de la Guerre ? Il...

Las hermanas Mirabal: heroínas de la no violencia (Short Story) 7-08-2007
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
La tarde del día 25 de noviembre de 1960, la República Dominicana se vistió de luto. Ese luto aceleraría los hechos para que seis meses después el país se liberara del manto que le cubrió por años. Se trata del día en que las hermanas Minerva,...

Las Metas de Desarrollo del Milenio... un listado de buenas intenciones? (Opinions) 16-07-2007
by Solange Márquez
En el año 2000, los líderes de todos el mundo se reunieron en Nueva York, en la sede de las Naciones Unidas para desarrollar y adoptar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODMs) los cuales establecen metas claras para reducir la pobreza, el...

Le berceau de mes ancêtres (Opinions) 9-10-2008
by Youths Ahead!
L’enfer des prisons camerounaises est celui décrit par Dante, où les âmes damnées par la société et le pouvoir politique sont tourmentées par les démons de l’oppression. Personne ne peut y survivre. Un feu incendiaire détruisait, il y a...

le crime oublié du congo (Opinions) 8-08-2006
by billy mangole
« Il n’existe pas de mots honorables pour justifier une guerre.quand elle éclate c’est toute une désolation, et quand la désolation nous surprends, c’est l’enfer qui remplace la vie »...

Le Jour Comme la Nuit... (Opinions) 18-09-2006
by billy mangole
Le jour comme la nuit, la tristesse accompagne mes pensées, je n’arrivais pas à s’imaginer l’image que la vie nous présentait. Après une longue période de guerre meurtrière qu’a connu mon pays la république démocratique du Congo ; les violences de...

Le langage comme violence, la violence comme langage (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Francis Cardinal
Bamako Mali. Dans la plupart des pays du Sud, la jeunesse n’a pas encore l’accès, sinon, le droit, de se prononcer publiquement sur des sujets sociaux tels que les Objectifs du Millénaire (OMD). Dans ces pays, la culture dit que le droit de...

Le pouvoir du mot (Poetry) 27-09-2006
by Landry N. Mayigane
Au début fut le mot La puissance de sa résonance L’immensité de sa pertinence Le mot investi de La prouesse démiurgique Le mot auréolé de la vertu dithyrambique Le mot qui inspira le suspense de la prophétie Le mot qui proclama l’avènement...

Le souverain au Cameroun (Opinions) 3-09-2007
by Youths Ahead!
Le principe électif est fondamental dans le fonctionnement de la démocratie. C’est pourquoi les pays qui se veulent démocratiques ont recours périodiquement aux consultations électorales pour choisir leurs représentants. Le droit de vote n’est...

Le sport au service du développement et de la paix (Opinions) 23-09-2005
by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
LE SPORT AU SERVICE DU DEVELOPPEMENT ET DE LA PAIX. Faisant partie des priorité des Nations Unies, le sport est devenu une donne fondamentale, une base sur la quelle tabler pour l’aboutissement un tant soit peu des Objectifs du Millénaires...

by Yambwa, Nziya Jean-Pierre
Essai de qualification sur la justice dans le monde contemporain. (DRAFT D'UN ARTICLE PUBLIE EN 2003 DANS UN JOURNAL DU CONGO D R.) INTRODUCTION Les guerres sont devenues monnaie courante. Elles font partie des scoops médiatiques. Les...

Leave Yourself to Dreaming (Poetry) 10-03-2009
by noha mohamed hesham moustafa metwally
"Leave your imagination for a few minutes free, and give me your hand, come dream with me, of a world of a so much better future, of a sensitive human, not a cold-hearted sculpture, dream of a child so happy and secure, dream of relationships...

Lebanon Crisis vs. The World: Don't Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk. Help. (Opinions) 25-07-2006
by Parker
Today I ate a delicious dinner with my family. I went to work and laughed with co-workers about nonsense. I messaged a friend to tell her I loved her. Today I read a book written by a literary genius and watched a movie produced by a film mogul....

Les democraticides africaines (Opinions) 9-10-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Ils s’appellent Wilfried et Ferdinand. Personne ne se souvient d’eux aujourd’hui, pourtant cela fait cinq mois seulement qu’ils sont tombés dans les rues de Douala, fauchés par les balles des forces de l’ordre. Des noms de jeunes qui sont allés...

Les kamikazes sociaux du 21e siècle et les chemins de l’espoir. (Opinions) 13-01-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Ils sont des milliers chaque année à s’échouer sur les plages blanches de l’autre coté de la mer rouge, à défier les murs de fer barbelé couvrant sur les frontières occidentales. Ils sont des centaines chaque jour à tenter l’aventure de leur vie...

Les Larmes du monde - I - (Extrait du recueil de poésie, Les larmes du monde (Poetry) 27-01-2006
by Ndzakou- Nkiandzo Denise
Depuis que la suie est maîtresse du monde, Le long des routes, il y a des tombes. Dans ces tombes, il y a des maux. Des pensées pauvres sacrifices à la seule mort. Enfants de cette terre. Errance, de ta croix les francs ont scarifiés mes...

Les larmes du monde- II - (Extrait du recueil de poésie, Les larmes du monde (Poetry) 27-01-2006
by Ndzakou- Nkiandzo Denise
La mitraille se fait guide spirituel des hommes. Facile, les vils déracinent sans scrupule les civils. Feu, flammes ! Quelle soif dans cette république ! Ô, feu ! Cessez donc ces meurtres en série ? Enfants de cette terre. Des...

Lesotho elections: SADC Chair needs to live up to gender commitment (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
When Lesotho went to the polls on 17 February, voter turn out was high. Women’s participation increased significantly since the last election, yet is still far from the 50% target set by the Southern African Development Community (SADC). In...

Lessons Learnt The Hard Way (Opinions) 7-09-2003
by prernac
Over the past few decades – the reason to work has definitely altered to climbing a ‘ladder’ – to keep climbing and climbing the ranks until you reach the top, where life inevitably ends. As you go further up the ladder, you change. You want...

Let us do away with Kashmir (Opinions) 23-04-2007
by Mazhar Iqbal
“Pakistan does not claim Kashmir, the Kashmir dispute is about the aspirations of Kashmiris.” Pakistan’s foreign affairs spokesperson Tasnim Aslam was more articulate and fluent in her speech than the President himself when he said that Pakistan...

Let us Stand United (Opinions) 11-07-2007
by David Ephraim Pewa
Let us stand united AFTER almost 32 years of independence, we are progressing well but there are still a few hurdles to overcome. Right now, development seemed to be concentrated in Port Moresby, while the rest of the country is neglected....

let's stop pain (Poetry) 8-12-2005
by kalema richard
Pain, pain Why pain Can we continue living in pain always? Can't we stand up for our rights and say no we do not want this? Can't we avoid the wars that bring this pain all over and over? Lets stop hiding and come up to the light and say no...

Letter to Emmie (Opinions) 30-04-2006
by Kamal Kumar
Dear Emmie, It has been a really long time since I last talked to you. It felt good to share the pain of the chaos on the streets of Kathmandu; the cloud of uncertainty hovering over here. I am once again writing to tell you the story of my...

Letter to fellow advocate from Adeola Ogunlade (Opinions) 12-02-2008
I, Adeola Ogunlade, a Journalist with one of the leading dailies in Nigeria, (The Nation), and community youth advocate, greet you all fellow advocates working in various capacities, either in the media, help ministries, community development,...

Letter to God (Poetry) 8-09-2007
by Osamuyi Okpame
Dear God, It gives me great pleasure In writing this piece to you How has your day been up there? Fine I guess! Mine has been superb and splendid too. Please God could You tell me: Why the heart of human is so deceptive and wicked?...

Lettre d’un proscrit aux hommes d’aujourd’hui. (Poetry) 31-10-2007
by Youths Ahead!
Je ne vous dirai pas ce j’en pense Je ne vous dirai pas que vous méritez la potence J’essaierai de me taire de faire comme si De regarder ailleurs de vider mon esprit Tel est le dessein du poète proscrit Je ferai semblant de n’avoir pas...

Let’s find a way… (Poetry) 8-04-2008
by Carlos
The key to changing the future is starting to help in our own neighborhoods. I will donate a pound of food to a food bank on my way to my destination! I will donate clothes I don’t wear anymore to a homeless shelter! I will learn about...

levez le "V" (Poetry) 31-08-2010
by marwa
Levez le « V » Ouvrez le cœur Criez Paix Tous contre guerre Levez le « V » L’enfant pleure Maman partie Papa sous terre Levez le « V » Dites « c’est fini » N’acceptez plus Cartouches et fusille Levez le « V » Portez blanc...

LIBERTAD (Poetry) 24-07-2008
by Ivan Sanes
Confundido, montado en el viaje Lo subversivo, lo rebelde Lo intangible, lo que se siente Se vaga por el sistema Inconciente, alienado Replegado a ser lo que no se quiere ser Estalla la bomba Mil sonetos en el aire...

Libya....Revolutions... (Opinions) 27-02-2011
by bia
I've always believed that all the wars worldwide are the fault of the people obsessed with money and power. But when I heard on the news that Gadaffi said that those who sustain him should gain entry in the revolutionary's houses and kill them, I...

Lies in the Burial Ground (Poetry) 21-11-2005
by Robert Dodginghorse
I would be deaf but how would I understand these lips with invisible sound. Screaming on our own burial ground where we were once kids. Innocence revealed to be our kings raining pains we create to define ourselves as unique characters and to...

Life changing technology : my visions and experiences (Opinions) 2-10-2007
by Shahjahan Siraj
Happiness and joy is the purpose of life and works through loving and serving other. According to my research finding, there is only one way to get happiness by implementation of subjective desire to object partners. However, it is difficult to...

Life in our days (Opinions) 13-02-2008
by Ajayi titi
Life in our days is not what it used to be anymore, when in terms of moral, social ethics, religious beliefs and national orientation, all these have deteriorated in value. Sometimes I ask who could be made responsible for this but the questions...

Life in Palestine (Opinions) 19-09-2002
by Nedal Zahran
I want to tell you about today, in Palestine... This afternoon there was a bus bombing in Tel Aviv. 5 Israelis got killed. This is the first such bombing since August 4th. The Palestinian factions stopped all resistence to make way for a cease...

Life is Short for some (Poetry) 21-06-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
The small wooden casket contained the small fragile body of the three day old child Stood under a wall of, artificial transparent, rock. The flame of the candle did not flicker. The flowers and the people not even their breaths moved their...

Life is Worth Living When......... (Poetry) 1-07-2007
by Danjuma Mohammed

Life's Dream Pursuers (Poetry) 31-08-2006
by Awa Innocent Ndah
LIFE'S DREAM PURSUERS I have a dream I am pursuing, though it is not yet clear to me. My mission is however as vivid to me as my own image in a mirror. I savour...

Living (Poetry) 2-08-2006
by Hann Yew
She didn’t know but when you run out of strength you crawl. Dawn. scrabble in the dust words spin and fall rebel rabble rubble what’s re-ta-li-a-tion? Look. wilted trees sun-shadowed sky...

Living for the Sake of Others (Opinions) 17-05-2004
by Shahjahan Siraj
“When I remember the faces of those starving street children, I cannot eat anymore. I cannot stop my tears when I walk along the street of slum near the Sheraton Hotel. They eat only 2 times a day. With necked feet they play, run and sell flowers...

Living War Preaching Peace (Poetry) 29-05-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Every time they we speak We preach peace Every time we act We act war When will we realize That we were given intelligence Not to finish ourselves But to build ourselves Support ourselves Encourage ourselves Inspire ourselves Inform...

Lorsque l'argent est au service du diable. (Opinions) 29-09-2008
by akadiry nzamba mohamed mahfouz
L'impuissance du pouvoir spirituel, réside en ce que l'argent est l'origine absolu du mal que vivent les Hommes qui l'utilisent ardemment pour oppresser et et s'oppresser. En effet, l'exercice de l'argent ne consiste véritablement plus à...

Los Derechos Humanos en perspectiva Rastafari (Interviews) 29-10-2006
by simon
En cierta época viví junto a un rastafari, que más tarde se convertiría en mi mejor amigo. No estaba acostumbrada a los rezos durante las noches ni a las bendiciones, pero a medida que iba aprendiendo un poco acerca de su vida y su forma de...

LOS ESPIAS TAMBIEN CHATEAN (Short Story) 24-07-2003
by Rubén Hernán Weinsteiner
Exclusivo Total News 21/7 LOS ESPIAS TAMBIEN CHATEAN POR RUBEN HERNAN WEINSTEINER En un viejo edificio de la zona industrial de New York, que fue durante muchos años una fábrica de ropa, se encuentra ahora el comando nacional de una mega...

Los Objetivos del Milenio en simples palabras para Mexico (Opinions) 13-01-2006
by Laura Müller
"Sé el cambio que quieres ver" Mahatma Gandhi Imagina que trabajas mas de ocho horas diarias bajo condiciones inhumanas, en un lugar oscuro, húmedo donde todo huele a moho, o con una pala a la intemperie del sol bajo mas de 40 grados...

Loser or Winner (Poetry) 17-12-2004
by Mona Lisa Aspiras
Are you a loser or winner? Do you live to lose or to win? To win is to lose To lose is to win We are all losers and winners in the circle of life. Therefore, kindly think Next time you Label One a Loser or Winner

Lost beauty (Poetry) 11-06-2007
by Amodu O. Razaq
the beauty of our land is lost afar back before i was born when the unsung heroes all fought with their lives all gone beautiful, our land is meant to be in fleet when we rove the town fading the beauty is all we see we all need to...

Love (Poetry) 12-11-2007
by Madeline Rose
What do we have without Love? A world where nothing makes Sense? A cold empty place without any Feeling? A place where being friendly and neighborly Doesn't Exist? I...

Love (Poetry) 8-01-2009
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
What can you love more apart from God ? That which everyday of your life would depend on forever ? What can you call your greatest decision ? That which made you longer can undo ? What...whatever...however, Life must continue and it must...

Love Beyond The Wall (Poetry) 22-01-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
With bombs of silence, turned me apart With storms of freedom's air, gathered me back Never as it was, calling my name Without meaning me But had to, had to “Stop killing people”, he said Engaging with a documentary machine More than...

Love never Poisoned your soul. (Opinions) 4-11-2006
by vina bronx
Hey reader. this is a new and first one hope you like it. please feel to message me for any question. now here. If you find yourself in love with someone who does not love you, be gentle with yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Love...

Love Story (Short Story) 30-05-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
Love Story Where do i begin To tell the story Of how grateful love can be The sweet love story That is older than the sea That sings the truth about the love she brings to me Where do i start With the first hello She gave the...

Love the ultimate purpose (Opinions) 22-07-2002
by Eric Hyom
There is a way to look at how the two greatest commandments could be used as the ultimate purpose for the creation of the universe and life. Peace on Earth is the vision I seek. NO GOD? If there is no God then there can be no clear purpose to...

Love under the fire (Poetry) 20-03-2010
by amr elraggal
Take my hand, and close it to your lips I need to feel your love that used to erase my tears Spend the last moments close to me I want you to be the last that I see Don’t cry for me today or tomorrow Today I am alive; there is no reason for...

Love Your Neighbour (Opinions) 21-10-2005
by Enyinna Onwusonye
The quote “love your neighbour…as you love yourself” has been my favourite quote since I begin to understand world events. It is a commandment from God, through Jesus Christ. I can state every place in the bible where love is mentioned. Love...

Love your neighbour... (Opinions) 25-04-2005
by Enyinna Onwusonye
Love your neighbor… {As you love yourself} The above has been my favourite quote since I started knowing about occurrences around the world. It is a commandment from God, through Jesus Christ. I can state every place in the Bible where love...

Love, wine (Poetry) 2-08-2008
by Bilal Hamamra
God, what panting passions by which I am reined in. To the oblivion of my true self they drive me. Your love is such that storms are too weak to uproot it. He I prize more than all earthly treasures. With sweet sorrow Your smile...

LURE OF THE TABOO (Poetry) 5-09-2006
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
It buds in the cradle, The daily suggestion, The cue and mental poison, The shaping and carving of minds To attune to the masses, In bits we’re forged anew, Well packaged and parceled, We are introduced into life, The good with its...

L’angoisse de l’avenir. (Opinions) 13-01-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Près d’un millier d’étudiants en ce jour de rentrée académique dans cet amphi de l’université de Yaoundé qui semble trop étroit pour contenir toute leur ambition et tout leur enthousiasme. Il fait près de quarante degré à l’ombre et il sont...

L’esclavage conjugué au présent (Opinions) 16-02-2009
by Ludewic Mac Kwin De Davy
Plus de 250 millions d’esclaves dans le monde. Enfants exploités, travail au noir, conditions de travail précaires ou à la limite de la légalité, les esclaves modernes sont souvent derrière les bénéfices records des multinationales, derrière la...

L’intention des Mots (Opinions) 18-09-2006
by Bonnie Jean-Louis
J’ai participé au « Circle of All Nations Spiritual Gathering » sur le lac Bitobi, de la communauté de Kitigan Zibi Anishnabeg à Maniwaki, qui se tient annuellement sur le sol du terrain du grand père William Commanda, au début du mois d’août...

Mad People Here (Poetry) 14-12-2006
by kerem ozkaya
I see mad people here talking about saving the world even changing the world they have no idea how politics work and even what to do for a living I see mad people here talking about the issues nobody cares or even thinks I see...

Make Every Moment Count (Poetry) 2-11-2005
Hands go around the clock As more time ticks away Make every moment count In sharing love along the way We sit and fondly reminisce Of all those years gone by Its then we begin to realize Just how quickly time will fly So lets all...

Make Poverty History (Poetry) 12-06-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
Poverty, a word, A cause A journey with no applause Poverty So many speak, too few listen Pound in the tin, Conscience in pocket Poverty A cudgel taken up on my behalf They take my voice, Ignore my words Poverty Level the scales...

Making a difference (Poetry) 4-01-2008
by Alexandra Cummings
The inspirations flowing from me are so much more than I can take The relations of my body and soul fighting to make a difference The wars and hate with the violence that surrounds us all Sometimes it makes me nervous Sometimes just sad...

Making choices – perspective as young kenyan (Opinions) 18-10-2007
by Gachara Irura
Some Kenyans believe that you can never get anything done for you especially in public institutions if you do not know someone who works there… And if you do not know someone who works there, you need to know someone who knows someone who works...

Making Conflict Productive (Short Story) 27-07-2005
by Ruth Garnes
Conflict is unavoidable. How we respond to it makes a difference in its outcome. Personally I had never before given a whole lot of thought to turning the table on my conflict. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing if we could all transform our battles...

Man and His Situation (Opinions) 30-12-2002
by Otiotio Ejiro
Every morning when I wake, I take my bath before leaving the house.I have two flatmates who only take thier baths twice a week.Having grown up is coutnry of minimum 23 degrees,subzeros degrees seem like living hell for me.But this does not bother...

Man Is The Only Animal That Blushes: Or Needs To (Opinions) 4-09-2002
by Natalie Morris
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – “Man is the only animal that blushes: or needs to.” Mark Twain was right. We should be ashamed of ourselves. Reason being: it has been estimated that humankind produces over a billion tonnes of waste per...

Man, God and the future (Poetry) 21-10-2008
by shantanutungare
I opened my window. In the distant twilight I heard the shrill whistle of a bird, and then there was darkness. I said to myself: Where am I? Is this madness? There were no movements around me; I was surrounded by nothingness, gripped...

Managing Conflict: Tools for Communication, Negotiation and Problem Solving (Short Story) 31-10-2007
by Ahmed
The LCHR has held a training workshop in partnership with the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) on March 15-17, 2007 in Royal Gardens Hotel. 63 participants attended this workshop "13 women and 50 men" from 12 Egyptian governorates. 12...

Manifiesto Revolucionario; El movimiento violento. (Opinions) 20-06-2007
by Caleb Ordoñez Talavera
Los disparos y la sangre corrieron ese día por los salones de clase, todo el mundo fue conmocionado. Doce vidas fueron arrancadas, El 20 de abril de 1999, Eric Harris, de 18 anos de edad, y Dylan Klebold, de 17, recorrieron la escuela preparatoria...

Marketing Peace And Conflict (Opinions) 7-07-2008
by Shah Faisal
Marketing Peace and Conflict We live in a world that tends to be brazenly brand-conscious even while subscribing to grave melancholy, leave alone the trivial matters of cosmetic relevance. From lending reluctant audience to starved children of...

Marrocos hospeda II Congresso Mundial da Juventude (Opinions) 3-02-2004
by Luciana Arfelli
No mês de agosto de 2003, Marrocos hospedou o II Congresso Mundial da Juventude, que reuniu aproximadamente mil jovens, entre 15 e 25 anos, representando mais de 140 países. Mais do que apenas discutir clichês, o Congresso foi uma oportunidade...

Mas allá de las buenas intenciones... (Opinions) 3-05-2007
by Solange Márquez
En mayo de 2006 el primer ministro de Israel, Ariel Sharon, anunció un plan para la “descolonización” de la Franja de Gaza. En junio, Sharon obtuvo un voto mayoritario dentro de su gabinete para este plan. Desde que la Franja de Gaza y...

Masterpiece Wisdom #001 (Opinions) 14-12-2007
by matthew njemanze
"Wisdom is the principle thing" The bestselling book of all time as the scripture records. This could basically be because of its vital role in successful leadership. Many scholars have tried to define wisdom as "the right application of the...

by erick ochieng otieno
With the on-going conference on the climate change taking place at the United Nations Environment Program at Gigiri Nairobi Kenya, one thing remains clear - it is quite easy to make promises. What about implementation? If I can remember, a lot has...

MDG Contest: The Breakable piece (Opinions) 22-04-2005
by Philips Bassey
The breakable piece was created as a whole beautiful object. But over the years, the object has gone through a lot of hardtimes, and these have resulted in cracks inside this beautiful object and even some parts breaking off. There is something...

MDG Contest: What Can I do? (Opinions) 29-05-2005
by Abdul Khalique
The MDGs and Pakistan: The Millennium Development Goals are a very important project and achievable if our government, non governmental organizations, youth and all nations realize its importance, pay attention to the Goals, show sincerity and...

MDG Daniel (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Madelaine
Don’t you know, talking about a revolution (sounds like a whisper) Poor people going rise up, and get their share Poor people going rise up, and take what’s theirs Don’t you know you better run run run run run run run run All of a sudden you...

MDGs in Africa: where are we now? (Opinions) 3-11-2007
by Ritchie Felix
I strongly believe that African youth need close financial assistance to reach the grassroots where very much human capital is wasting away. Just about 20% of African youth have access to a computer, let alone one connected to the internet. I am...

Me and Mr. Young (Poetry) 22-03-2006
by aGn
You sift through the pages of the past. The world was a safer place back then, some tell you. Neil Young was a younger man. Some things meant a little more, even if they were spoken in insanity. The Wall was a division, a giant mistake, but it...

Me and My God (Poetry) 3-05-2006
by Noor Muhammad
me and Him went for a ride when the night was black and not that bright He would not stop and either would I he, the glorious me the destitute he laughed at me he laughed a lot at my misery and helplessness He the powerful, Almighty...

Me and You (Poetry) 24-07-2007
Why do we quarrel so Why the fighting, jealousy and strife Are we not one Are we not complementing parts When you look at me from right When i look at you from left Do we not see ourselves...

Me militant (Poetry) 20-09-2009
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
I would buy me a Dane gun And order a spear make me a wooden gun that I may qualify Count me in and gimme my share I have a gun and my machete Gimme bread in return and an oil well I have no bread I can’t earn bread Both by book...

Media and Youth Issues (Opinions) 2-08-2007
They say the Youth are the future leaders, but the question is to what extent does the media create the platform to promote Youth Issues across the globe? From their Ghanaian perspective, I think our Ghanaian media have totally ignore issues...

Melisa, my friend (Poetry) 8-06-2005
by Chung Yin Min
Ahh, what a beautiful Tuesday morning! A feeling so bright and cheerful! The girl looks like my friend Melisa. Melisa…. Tears start to flow from my eyes, Two years and six months ago…. “Stop screaming, or I’ll hurt you!” “Stop!” the man...

Memories (Poetry) 17-03-2011
by kaboyo julius
When on back I flash back, My memories turn the day into dark, I see children starving and wailing in worry, Women whose faces appear sorry and weary Men whose eyes are marked with fear and tears. When on my back I flash back, My back...

Memories Never Die (Poetry) 19-02-2007
Seasons come and go Humans live and die So are the grasses in The summer and fall But memories never die; Seasons come and go Humans live and die So do the tides at Flow and ebb Yet legacies are rocks; Sun rises in the east Sun sets...

Memory is Ticking Away (Short Story) 12-05-2003
by ana g
The sky is ash and the ground is frantic. Children are burning, captive to their starched school uniforms. The war is over, but the sky is ripped, the blue cheese moon rotten, and bodies become shadows, loitering in eternity. It is August 6th 1945...

MEN NOW DANCE (Poetry) 13-10-2011
by chinedu ichu
Bonfire of the vanities A slight onto God Regardless of its rich flowing regalia Coated with dubious paraphernalia Beneath lies a grim reminder of an age forever lost Humans!!! Devious, treacherous ungrateful servants Always wanting...

Mental Depression in Youth (Opinions) 9-05-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Many young people suffer from mental depression due to a variety of different things they must face in our modern world. As we know, mental health is very necessary to do any kind of work, so depression is a great problem for youth. Youth are...

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (WSSD) (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Lauren Kansley
Johannesburg, September (GYPR) – Thousands of souvenir-buying tourists in one place, like at the World Summit of Sustainable Development, normally mean fat profits for local entrepreneurs. A gift idea, stemmed glasses made out of old cider and...

Mi experiencia en Cambodia (Short Story) 23-02-2006
by Nadia Ramos Serrano
SUOSEDAY CAMBODIA ¡¡ Kh_nhaum soro_lahn nhee_ah El abrir un email es motivo de alegría, no hago mas que llorar riendo, porque recibo la confirmación de que he sido seleccionada para participar en el Programa de Intercambio de jóvenes líderes...

Might As Well Go Shop? (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Natalie Morris
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Where are human rights at the World Summit on Sustainable Development? Gradually getting there, may be the answer. Lisa Sock from the International Campaign for Tibet feels that human rights groups have not...

Mind (Poetry) 16-03-2006
by Linda Adzanku
All these things Running through my mind. I'd like to stop and think But the path I cannot find. How long can I wait? Its hard to keep the faith. Life is a heavy weight That alone, I cannot bear. A little boost, the answer's clear, A...

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall (Opinions) 18-07-2006
by Mehmet
I think that most people really do not understand childhood fairy tales until they are adults. But by then these stories often are not revisited. Joseph Campbell, vis-à-vis Carl Jung, said that myths, including childhood fairy tales, are best read...

Mistakes of love (Poetry) 18-02-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Don't dwell on the moments of mistakes- except to learn. Don't try and undo the bad breaks, no more your concern. Make up each day with the minutes you have, and give your time to those who have not. Look around and take a look at what you got....

Mobilisation pour le Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l’Information 2005 (Opinions) 11-11-2005
by Pascal Bekono
L'engagement de la jeunesse camerounaise pour le Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l’Information 2005 est bel est bien réel et se manifeste de maniere effective et concrete depuis plusieurs mois. A quelques semaines de la deuxième phase du...

Moi à ta Place (Poetry) 22-06-2007
by Awa Innocent Ndah
Moi à ta Place Moi à ta place je m ’occuperai de mon temps perdu et non pas de mes biens perdu. Moi à ta place je donnerai à chaque second qui passe quelque chose à garder; même si c’est la grâce. Moi à ta place j’afficherai mon...

Moi à ta Place (Poetry) 9-07-2007
by Awa Innocent Ndah
Moi à ta Place Moi à ta place, je m’occuperai de mon temps perdu et non pas de mes biens perdus. Moi à ta place, je donnerai à chaque seconde qui passe quelque chose à garder, même si c’est la grâce....

Money: Why waste it? (Opinions) 16-03-2007
by Zach K
Spend it on things that MATTER to the world! ----------------------------------------------------- 28, 000 children die each day from poverty-related causes¹. We have a chance to wipe out this and similar statistics, but why aren’t we taking...

More than just You Tube (Poetry) 27-02-2008
by Lynne Lessard
Evening news, watch their world lose all control See destiny’s attempts to re-inform By seeing beyond your forgetful soul The maybes and peut-êtres that it stole Brittle nails, old lungs, a tropical storm Evening news, watch their world...

Mother's Tears (Poetry) 21-05-2007
by Om Jitendra Lakhani
She Cried, Because one of her son just died, She Wept, When in her lap her dead son slept, She sobbed, the mother, When she knew he got killed by his own brother She prayed, Eh Allah , Eh Ram, she said, She thought, There was just one...

Mothers Fight Silent Killer (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Ayelen Amigo
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Mothers of the world have a frontline role in fighting the “silent killer’” of water disease. Their battle cry: “Wash your hands!” This was the message given to the World Summit on Sustainable Development by South...

Mountain of Hope (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – It's only a small hill but they call it the Mountain of Hope. In the heart of Soweto, the vision of one man, local activist Mandla Mentoor, together with the energy of the community have transformed the hill of...

Mrs Rose (Short Story) 15-02-2008
MRS ROSE There was a woman called Mrs Rose in a small town called “Enyi” In this small town, is a church, and Mrs Rose happened to the richest Person in that church and also the eyes with...

Music of the Desert (Poetry) 20-08-2004
by Amit
Through the world of darkness, Comes a sound of loneliness. Seeing the sand of desert; The music can hardly be measured. Thinking about the life of ancient times; Enjoying themselves, capture our mind. How they enjoy the music of desert,...

Muslim youth hit by Tomahawk missile (Opinions) 14-10-2001
by Muhammad Ovais Zuberi
Newsflash.. Muslim youth have been struck with a tomahawk cruise missile, which was basically targeted onto the Terrorist organizations residing in Afghanistan. Since the 11th September tragedy, millions have felt that they were affected by the...

Muslims are not Terrorists (Opinions) 18-06-2005
by Muhammad Idrees Khan
9/11 will remain the darkest day of modern world history. On this very day some terrorists gave the message to the world that a greater effort had to be made to make this world a safer place. 9/11 changed the thinking of all the nations of the...

Mutual Recrimination Should Be Avoided (Opinions) 24-04-2003
by k
How can relations among the Nepalese political parties be improved and how can mutual recrimination be avoided? How can the government and the Maoists increase their mutual understanding and respect for each other? How can we strengthen our...

MY AFRICA (Poetry) 11-08-2007
by John kariem sila
My Africa I am just a simple messenger Of kingdom of dream Carrying message from lord H-o-p-e To sir F-r-e-e-d-o-m! The crown table Of the dream people Demand justice To the earth lands Of workers, From hope to freedom...

My beloved country (Short Story) 24-04-2008
by Mercy Adhiambo Orengo
The candle that was burning in the otherwise dark room cast an eerie shadow of us, huddled in the corner of the room. I moved closer to the woman who was seated next to me to protect myself from the impact of the night’s cold. None of us spoke. We...

My Chronicle (Poetry) 17-02-2011
I look at my hand I see nothing Except my palm With some divine characters It's my chronicle Therein I'm indeed written My past I've read enough My present l now read Yet, I can't read beyond The wall of today Brothers I call,...

My Commitment to the MDGs (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by rehana meghani
I was born and raised in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, a country with a population of 36 million and a GDP per capita of approximately US$220, ranking it among the lowest in the world. I witnessed the physical manifestations of living under one...

My Country! (Poetry) 28-04-2006
by Enyinna Onwusonye
My Country… What is happening to my country? What is happening to my people? The country I was born in, The country I love! The country I can die for, The country I will for ever proclaim The Lion of Africa! In words alone! What has...

My Dream for the World (Opinions) 9-09-2004
by Samson Nduleme Onwusonye
Even in my dreams I have problems identifying the one thing that binds the human race together into the single family called human beings. All I see around me are reasons, signs and testimonies that diversify the human race and perpetually sever...

My Finnish Lament (Poetry) 22-08-2004
by Lucia
In the silence of the streets, In such a place as where I live, It is true, You will hear your heart beat Along with the soft touch of snowflakes Across the virginal white, snow-covered land, You will see the warmth of your breath in...

My first trip to Pakistan (Short Story) 8-07-2008
by Anum Khan
My first visit to Pakistan (May-June 2008) As I scramble to get ready for my sister’s friends’ wedding ceremony, the lights go out. “Shoot, I only put on mascara on one of my eyelids.” I carefully search for my cell phone as it can offer me...

My Prayer to You! (Poetry) 5-07-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
If there's one thing we all can share It's song and wish and loving prayer. A prayer in which we all believe, A prayer of which all can conceive. I'd like to think of this as a prayer. Wish you were here, and I was there. To exchange vows...

My problem with the execution of Saddam Hussain (Opinions) 31-12-2006
by Jamila Zafar
....is not that he was executed for crimes against humanity, rather, that he was apprehended by soldiers of a nation that invaded his country, and handed over. To this day, I do not see the connection amongst the United States, Weapons of Mass...

My Reality (Poetry) 26-05-2004
by Amma
I live amongst the fools of this degrading nation Who without remorse or consequence murder my generation I live amongst those who abhor the differences of others Who in vengeance and aggression destroy the darker brothers. I see the...

My Special Friend (Poetry) 1-04-2007
by Mian M Adnan Amin
She's my treasure, with whom I can share, all the thoughts and feelings, I wouldn't be able to bear. My hope and my joy, for going through this life. Past every single problem, and every single strife. I love her most...

My special list (Poetry) 22-02-2007
by Ngô Thị Quỳnh Diệp
I've a list of folks I know, All written in a book, And every now and then, I go and take a look. That is when I realize these names ,they are a part, not of the book they're written in, but taken from the heart. For each Name stands...

My Sun (Poetry) 24-04-2007
by Lize-Leandra Ehlers
My Sun Probably too early to call for you to come again, minutes after your descent is prepared. My unclouded mind trapped by cotton patches, as your eyes flicker complete with eye lashes. Oh - honey scent spill onto the canvass, the...

My worry ! (Poetry) 24-06-2005
by Landry N. Mayigane
My worry is yestersday The blood shed all the way The tears flooded the eyes Of this once paradise My worry is today The game is still the same The bullets still fly the sky The wound is so severe So sad is the atmosphere My worry...

My worry ! (Poetry) 24-06-2005
by Landry N. Mayigane
My worry is yestersday The blood shed all the way The tears flooded the eyes Of this once paradise My worry is today The game is still the same The bullets still fly the sky The wound is so severe So sad is the atmosphere My worry...

Mystic Love (Poetry) 25-10-2004
by Dereje Amera
I have feelings of high emotions Vibrating so deep inside To share feelings or passions When I see rose, it looks like Watching the sun, it brings it up Looking at moon, vitalizes whole Stars alone offer a life Birds singing, I say it...

National interests vs Humanitarian interests (Opinions) 30-04-2007
by Barr. Stephen Edetanlen
Sunday, 29th April 2007, was Global Day of Action for Darfur. This is the fourth of such international days of action to garner support in the call for the United Nations to step in and positively act to bring an end to the genocide taking place...

Nationalism (Opinions) 3-10-2004
by Dereje Amera
Nationalism Nationalism is an infantile disease, the measles of mankind. —Albert Einstein It is indeed important and essential to love one’s nation for it is the best way of expressing one’s love towards the same...

Ne pleurs pas (Poetry) 24-07-2006
by billy mangole
Ne pleurs pas... même si le coeur te manque car tes larmes sont si precieuses Au milieu de toute desolation fais un adieu à la trsitesse Ne pleurs pas le jour comme la nuit quand la vie te deprime profite de ton existence Ne pleurs...

Need For A Change (Poetry) 1-03-2011
by Zulekha Karim
A piece of land it was and still is, But something special lay in it. To ALL, it may seem like sand. To ME, it's the ground where I stand. The soil contains the blood and sweat Of the people, once very upset. They sacrificed their life...

Nepal Can Be Rich (Opinions) 22-03-2006
by k
In a 2001 comparison of 174 countries, Nepal ranked 150th in per capita income; a universal indicator of material wealth and living standards, since money enables people to buy at least the basic living needs for themselves and their families:...

Nepal: Country where the blood is flowing (Opinions) 9-08-2005
by Shakti Ghimire
Every day is the same, I wake up to feel a fresh day with new hopes and aspirations but as I read the morning newspaper and listen the radio a chill goes through my spine. Today, a military Colonel was shot dead in my town. This is crazy, why...

Never again (Poetry) 12-07-2008
by Ritchie Felix
Never again will I sell out to corruption. You have destroyed everything about life; You give me sour wine in the morning; You have made a useless species of my time. Never again will I welcome you into my abode; Never again will I keep a...

New dawn (Poetry) 2-08-2005
by gabriel babatunde oluwakorede
As the day breaks The shadow of the night fades and our hope renews. Remove those veils from your eyes, Look ahead of you See, our future is bright. Heed not the counsel of fear, Give not your mind to it, But let your confidence remain...

Nguyen Van Thac va niem tu hao cua toi ! (Short Story) 4-09-2005
by Tuan Hai
Khi tôi viết lên những dòng này, tâm trạng của tôi cũng giống như tâm trạng của anh Thạc khi viết nên những dòng nhật ký. Tất cả đều thật, không thể giấu diếm, không hề phô trương để đi tìm sự đồng cảm, chỉ viết về những suy nghĩ thật của lòng...

Niger Delta Crisis: Which Way Forward? (Opinions) 27-01-2004
At times I wonder if indeed Nigeria is united. This is because the disparity or should I call it "the divide" between the social classes that keeps widening everyday. The government isn't really helping matters because personally I think they have...

Nigeria and the Knowledge Economy (Opinions) 10-12-2002
by Femi Johnson
Changing patterns in global economic system continue to define new ways of improving the production of goods and provision of services. These changes in global economic architecture have given birth to a ‘new economy’, which depends largely on the...

Nigeria Needs Accountability for Development (Opinions) 1-07-2006
by Henry Ekwuruke
The word Accountability is derived from accountable which itself is an adjective derivable from the noun, account. According the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the word account means a written or spoken report; description, story,...

Nigeria Today at the Wake (Poetry) 29-05-2008
by Henry Ekwuruke
Celebrating the heart of Africa, I danced naked at the stadium With the knowledge that I would never appreciate Lots of love for my heritage. I understood the popular songs That children sang in the days When women witnessed the taboos-...

Nigeria: Hostage-Taking - Big Business for Militants (Opinions) 20-05-2007
by Chukwudi Obi
Daily Champion (Lagos) 15 May 2007 Posted to the web 15 May 2007 Chukwudi Obi Lagos The incessant abduction of expatriate oil workers in the volatile Niger-Delta region and the huge ransom allegedly demanded for and paid to secure their...

Night In The Day (Poetry) 17-08-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Now our hearts hang in-between, and our blood run more than its acceleration since they came firing, killing, not animals, not the culprits but innocent individuals. We did not start this chaos, we did not start this nuisance, we did not...

Nightmare of a survivor (Poetry) 6-06-2007
by Abayomi Rotimi Mighty
I heard the great sound with my ears Greatly scary, mightily fearful Then I heard shouts, cries, wailings and sporadic Gunshots And I ran for my life…. Then I saw you near my house You killed some few girls with machete Then you spotted...

nine one one response (Poetry) 5-12-2008
by transcenderARTS
penned round midnite, september 11th, 2001 c.e. title: nine one one response finally; the bully, in his own front yard, glistening crest neon stream got smashed in his nose, and the spurting blood was deemed holy, and the crest...

nine one one response (Poetry) 9-12-2008
by transcenderARTS
penned round midnite, september 11th, 2001 c.e. title: nine one one response finally; the bully, in his own front yard, glistening crest neon stream got smashed in his nose, and the spurting blood was deemed holy, and the crest...

No A La Corrupción (Opinions) 21-07-2005
by Hernan
La convocatoria era a las 5 de la tarde, una hora después de lo que se llevaría a cabo en la capital. Habían pedido que fuéramos con un polo blanco y allí estábamos. Al llegar a aquella pequeña plazuela ubicada entre el Museo de Arte de Religioso...

No Condolences (Poetry) 16-11-2006
by Nermine mahmoud
To my son or my daughter Who was killed and slaughtered Silence killed those children to be The black birds landed on the cedar tree Happy were they and summer dreaming Betrayed by those with no feeling They walked alone in the dark Heavy...

No more war tomorrow (Opinions) 11-09-2005
by vincent
Is this really me writing? I have been holding this pen since morning; could this Ink be of the blood of my brothers and sisters in Northern Uganda, Iraq, or Indonesia? Someone please help me, I think that I am writing another book after...

No one stands alone (Poetry) 13-12-2006
Your soul will speak best for my words are sharp spikes for without heart, you are not human, without sympathy, means you cannot embrace empathy, this world is large, but you have to lean on, without a friend, you have no happiness,...

No past, no present, no future (Poetry) 22-06-2008
by sanmi
No past, no present, no future… What a stagnant life without the past. What a shameful life without the present. What a hopeless life without the future. Past deeds are something cogent. The present state is something to talk about. The...

No, mama (Poetry) 1-07-2005
by Mwangi munyua
No, mama She didn\'t hit me, I already told you that, mama She didn\'t hit me. But,mama The pain she caused, mama Mama, \'twas like a sword Cutting thro\' my heart, mama And, mama You know I didn\'t hit her, mama I never could, You...

Non-Violent Conflict in Nigeria (Opinions) 2-07-2008
by Manny Maurice Ekanem
The term ‘‘non-violent struggle’,’ or “non-violent conflict,” as used herein is broadly defined as the exercise of proactive nonaggression in the pursuit of securing rights, seeking redress or agitating against injustice. A recurrent theme in...

Nonsense (Poetry) 6-04-2005
by selene z
The bluff is standing in rough The rough of the people who ache Who ache for living in nonsense? What sense There is none If it is not enough that they control so many aspects of our lives Why must they infringe upon the few rights they...

Not The Answer (Poetry) 2-06-2004
by Andrea Dunn
War guns raged through the air Crying was heard here and there All were in danger All were in pain There were those who would be gone forever Some shouted and shrieked When will this end? This was unknown though for there was no one to...

Not Your Normal School Day (Opinions) 28-09-2001
by Yasmary Mora
I watched in horror as I saw what I first thought was rubble, but then realized was people jumping from the building. People stood in the gash in the building waving jackets and shirts trying to catch the attention of the people below. I looked...

Notre problème à nous africains!!! (Opinions) 3-05-2006
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
Les Africains sont en général d'un naturel aimable et courtois. Le respect des amis, de la famille et de la communauté est primordial. Les formules de politesse comme « s'il vous plait » ou « Merci » sont peu utilisées durant la conversation, on...

Nuclear (Poetry) 3-07-2005
by Martin John Rawlinson
Do you want a nuclear war? it only takes one score,one push one nervous twitch,one idiot in power to cause obiteration wipeout, with nuclear force,the inevitable push,of modern day tech war,nuclear fallout,nuclear fall in on top of you,some crazed...

Nuestro futuro por la borda: del bono al pagaré demográfico (Opinions) 16-04-2009
by Rosa Isabel Montero Torres
Los cambios en la estructura poblacional que a los países industrializados tomaron más de dos siglos, se están consumando en América Latina en unas pocas décadas, según el CELADE. Desde 1965, Colombia se encuentra en la segunda fase de lo que los...

Obama and the new world order (Opinions) 9-02-2009
by Ajayi-Smith Olukayode
Every nation desires true leadership and only change can bring such dream to the realm of materialization. Barack Hussein Obama, 47, was elected the 44th President of the United States of America amidst euphoric reaction from every part of the...

Obama-time (Poetry) 27-01-2009
by David Kapp
This is the end. He walks alone All by he-self On his way, out. This is the end. He walks alone, His imperial thoughts And policies with him. This is the end. Out with the pale grey, in with the darker shade of view. This is the...

OBJ, weep not for Nigeria (Opinions) 1-06-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
OBJ, weep not for Nigeria IT was a friend of mine who characterized ex-president, Olusegun Obasanjo, as a comedian and all his features to be theatric. He analyzed the eight-year rule of Obasanjo as a magnanimous charade. According to media...

Ode to Kenyan Vagrant (Poetry) 26-12-2006
by Aderemi Adegbite
Along suffocated streets, Briskly, I walked, Casting gazes on gigantic structures On earth-scape of my country's home: Nairobi, Kenya's capital state. Across silent streets I shambled, with subtle gazes On mountainous mansions;...

Of Technology and Warfare (Opinions) 1-10-2004
by Sean Joseph McNeill
For thousands of years the world has experienced war. It has revolutionized, civilized, displaced, shifted culture, brought forth new ideas and technology and is a key part in the birth of Western Civilization. It is tragic to those who personally...

Oh Terrorists (Poetry) 3-05-2006
by Mohammad Nibras P K
The error of terrorism They say… Is the power of belief. When the blood paints the earth, They say… It’s the colour of relief. The masks they wear Show… How cowardly they are. The pain they caused, Reminds… How cruel they are....

Oh, Death! (Poetry) 10-07-2004
by Henry Ekwuruke
Death has no specials, It has no favourites, You nor I It comes when you least Expects it Oh, Death! He is a canal being Who never hears of man's life When tricked by more thoughts Of death Oh, Death! Of course, no one can claim to...

Oh, Hard Times Come Again No More (Poetry) 29-07-2006
by Mian M Adnan Amin
let us pause in life's pleasures and count its many tears while we all sup sorrow with the poor there's a song that will linger forever in our ears oh, hard times come again no more 'tis a song… a sigh of the weary hard times… hard times...

Oh, my mother! (Poetry) 29-10-2008
by kaboyo julius
I wonder why wired wickedness Wipes wildly our worthy culture? A kingdom where bulls mowed like calves, In zigzag ways, women’s waists wagged, Sending weak men wild with morality, Where men valued virtue and vanity Beyond beauty. Children...

Oil: An Instrument of Global Political Corruption (Opinions) 13-11-2003
by Enefe,
Crude oil or black gold as it is popular tagged, which is a free gift of nature or God, which in itself is a raw and natural resource, has become something which the devil himself has made his interest in it felt. Crude oil is one of a large group...

Okrika Rising (Poetry) 20-10-2008
by Tamunobarabi Gogo Ibulubo
Strong dynamic city state. Strategic coastal plains Of peace and pride. People never colonized, Never enslaved across Evil trans Atlantic seas. Prestigious brave heroes, Dogged in optimism and powerful. Respected neighbors and...

On Parting... (Poetry) 2-10-2005
by baburaj
The final obligation fulfilled... The circle is complete... Is the chapter closed now? For friends are bound to meet. Once we meet beyond the horizons of space and time, what need is there for pain?

Once (Poetry) 22-12-2005
by sadaf samreen
Once You’ere so dear to me I hadn’t thought anyone dearer You’ere so near to me I hadn’t thought anyone nearer But, It’s now, I know And I think you know Why it is difficult to face Even your smiling face And It’s now, I know And I...

One of my volunteering experience^^ (Short Story) 21-09-2007
by Đào Nguyên
“Nguyen, come on; we are about leaving now!” Chau phoned uninterruptedly. I was happy to note how kind it was of my friends to hold on until availing to them my nervous face. I finally got the chance to share with them such a fabulous day I had....

One Wish: A X-mas Story (Short Story) 12-03-2004
by Zorica Vukovic
This story is dedicated to the global action that takes place each New Years Eve at midnight; it's wishing one wish - "May peace and love bless the world" before all other, personal wishes for the New Year. It's already happening around the globe,...

Other Terrorist Attacks are Imminent on American Soil (Opinions) 24-09-2003
by Dennis Dames
In case that you haven’t come to grips with other impending acts of widespread terror on American soil, prepare for them anyhow. They are bound to happen, as war has been declared long ago on global terrorists- and the battleground now...

Our African Leaders (Poetry) 12-04-2007
by Dapo Diamond
It's deepens a pain in my heart Like a fresh wound from a sword What our future holds. Day by day, our quota being tarnished Eaten up by some wrong leaders Building up wealth like no death Death takes without wealth or date. While some...

Our citizens in exile (Opinions) 3-08-2008
by Edward Jolotee Foiryolo Sr.
I am one of those Liberians who left Liberia at the inception of the war in1990. I had the opportunity to be sponsored by the United Nations through a German program called DAFI, but despite that I have suffered being a refugee. I have since...

Our curse, our cross, our choice (Poetry) 21-07-2008
by Adebayo Waidi Gbenro
Taah! Taah! Somebody has been shot. Taah! Taah! Somebody has been robbed. Taah! Taah! Somebody is dead. Somebody? Who is this somebody? You, me, him or her. If it is him today, It could be her next; It might even be me, Or you, the next...

Our hearts must speak! (Poetry) 29-06-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Take each day as it may be the last. Make for a new future, but do not forget the past. We must stop all aggression with all passion inside. We must teach our own leaders how they must abide! We must all take a stand with all the Love in our...

Our Leaders: Can anything good come out of them? (Opinions) 28-07-2006
by Mbũrũ Kamau
Some 2000 years ago, a contemptuous inquiry on the honour of Nazareth is recorded in the book of John: “And Nathaniel said to Phillip, ‘can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?’ Phillip said: ‘Come and see.’ Nathaniel’s inquiry can be...

Our problems are home grown (Opinions) 29-06-2007
by Timothy
Hello Nigeria, welcome to my thought-world and welcome back from the nation-wide strike that almost crippled our economy in a matter of days. A few days ago I was in an e-conference and a partner based in the UK said something that struck me...

Our reponsibility for peace education. (Opinions) 3-08-2008
by Janet Hudgins
Colleges and universities all over the world are offering some form of Peace and Conflict Studies because we need research in peace and conflict, links between resource scarcities and violence, the sources and nature of ethno-nationalist conflict,...

Our right (Interviews) 4-03-2008
by Amodu O. Razaq
Our right is our power And our power is our right The vote we cast is our right But our right ceased to be our power The power is with the powers And our power is our power We shall stay at home When is time to exercise our power...

Our veritable sources (Poetry) 13-10-2009
by Henry Ekwuruke
People could still travel without legs They could try and reach destinations overboard hills But the mirage of the journey mars adventures Just as my message to the gods arrived without words I managed the ego of my heritage Prompted my...

Our World Today (Poetry) 15-12-2004
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
I often lie awake Precisely in the middle of night While the world is fast asleep I can't just comprehend What has become of our world today The world that has torn apart War here and there Fear of terrorist attacks is the talk of the...

Out Of The Ashes: 2 Years After September 11th (Opinions) 11-09-2003
by Kenneth Wong
On this fateful day two years ago, the most deadly and massive terrorist attack on the United States was carried out. Terrorists linked to Al-Qaeda hijacked a total of four civilian airliners. Two of the four airliners hit the North and South...

Over Across the Fangs of Death (Short Story) 27-01-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
Two cubs snarled hungrily as they pursued a hare along a narrow brook at the base of a mountain. The hare ran very hard and managed to take refuge unto a lanky tall tree by the wayside. However, one went ravenously after it, as the other waited...

Overpopulation (Opinions) 30-09-2007
by Jillian Xenia Sunderland
Imagine, a woman lying in the street bleeding, her screams echoing through the poverty-ridden back allies. Yet, no one takes notice, for she is a woman; a woman who just underwent a botched abortion and who is now praying for death to come...

Owners of the Night (Poetry) 28-08-2007
They come in familiar faces, Shapes and sizes. Wolves in sheep clothing they are. By the time you discover they are fake You'd have been robbed of all you have Even your conscience. These gentle...

Paint Me a Portrait of Peace (Opinions) 14-04-2003
We live in a world where there is a daily struggle for survival. It is not anybody's fault that this is the situation. Our leaders want to have a say in every event throughout the world, thus causing us to suffer the results of their actions....

Painting for Peace (Short Story) 27-09-2001
by Yasmary Mora
As New York City reeled from the shock of the World Trade Center tragedy, hundreds of Stuyvesant students gathered in Greenwich Village on Sunday, September 16, to paint two giant murals commemorating the previous Tuesday’s destruction and the...

Pakistan is Changing (Opinions) 18-03-2008
by Hassan Nasir
The Pakistani elections are over finally; all Pakistanis and the international community are very much satisfied on the way elections were held. Many changes were observed in the electoral procedure and in the environment in which elections were...

Pakistan Under Musharraf Military Regime and the Question of Religious Fundamentalism (Short Story) 7-07-2004
by Aftab Hassan Khan
It is been over four years that General Musharaf has been in power. He has spent three years with a military regime and the last year with a so-called democratic government as its president. General Musharaf is a lucky military dictator who...

Pandemonium-Brother Killing Brother! (Short Story) 16-05-2009
by EUCHARIA IGWe Nee-Chukwuma
The day was Monday, February 28th 2000, the very dawn of the new millennium with millennium fever still in the air. The day started for my mother and I like the day before it, very ordinary. If only we knew what was to happen later that day. My...

Parihaka Peace Festival (Poetry) 16-03-2006
by Rerenga
I saw history happen over the weekend. I saw the past I saw it written by many authors, recorded by many archivists. I saw the present I heard it spoken by many speakers, sung by many singers, performed by many poets. I saw the...

Parler une autre langue (Poetry) 21-06-2004
by François Vianou Godonou
Parler une autre langue de la planète C’est comprendre tout un peuple C’est pouvoir penser, décrire et bâtir le monde différemment C’est avoir des chances de s’intégrer dans une autre culture C’est s’ouvrir à la diversité, richesse de la terre...

Participation = Democracy = Development (Opinions) 31-03-2005
by Manish
If one carried out a survey among all women and men of Nepal asking them the question, “What are the two highest priorities for you personally and for the nation,” the vast majority would probably say “peace and development.” Peace and development...

Participation, Empowerment, Critical Input & Judgementalsm (Opinions) 15-02-2007
by Dinidu de Alwis
And I promise not to use any big words in the post. If it's me who is going to benefit from what you are doing, then why can't I have a say in what you do? After all, you are doing it with good heart. Why don't you let me mess up on my own,...

PARTIR (Poetry) 22-02-2007
by François Vianou Godonou
Partir de force à l'autre bout du monde Partir le coeur lourd de regret et d'amertume Partir à la quête d'un mieux être, d'un bonheur Partir pour échapper à la pauvreté et au désespoir Partir pour échapper à l'incertitude du lendemain Partir...

Passionless Medusa (Poetry) 4-08-2004
by melanie mae
Emotionless With your pointy toes Red slippers and Bright green socks Cackling, cackling in laughter Witchy Dark empty eyes Stealing the freedom Of beautiful guys

Patch's Interview - A Indigenous Perspective (Interviews) 1-02-2004
by Patch
“What is your full name” “Luis Abel López – ‘Patch’” “What is the name of the people that you are from? Where were you born and when?” “I am Colla which are the descendents of the Aymaras, who are the ancestors of the Incas. The...

Peace (Opinions) 18-08-2004
by Muhammad Idrees Khan
Peace is one of the most beautiful words one will find in dictionary. Peace is a dream, which hasn’t yet come true. Peace is a child’s smile, Peace is love, Peace is greenery, Peace is a beautiful waterfall, and all in all peace is the most...

Peace (Poetry) 2-04-2006
by Marilyn
Bloodshed hands of mine, what have I done? To raise thought upon the unthinkable, as the world itself shames me. Ignorance prevails, as moral sense dies within the soul of our existence. United we may stand while individually we may fall upon...

PEACE (Opinions) 30-10-2006
by kamguia
Peace is but an aspect of unity, To be united, we must be at peace, To be at peace, we must consider interest in each other's problems and worries, To consider interest in each other's worries, we need to look at each other as yourself, Try...

Peace (Poetry) 30-05-2009
by Shannon
Peace is a lot It represents so much, In places cool, and places hot. Peace is a strong word, One everyone should know, It's what everyone needs, In places high and low. Alothough some do not have it, They are working hard,...

Peace (Poetry) 19-04-2010
by abnish singh chauhan
Peace comes, not through the barrel of a gun, not through the use of power, not by an act of governance, but, being a matter of the heart, a matter of the mind, it comes and stays where life is easy, where thoughts are freely expressed,...

Peace and Nepalese life (Opinions) 3-08-2004
by k
Nepalese people know how Maoists walked out of the negotiations in November, broke the cease-fire and resumed attacks, and how a state of emergency was imposed. The peace-loving Nepalese want a safe future for their children. Obviously a long...

Peace and Stability in Afghanistan: The Way Forward (Opinions) 27-02-2007
by Sohail Mahmood
An overview of the current political situation in Afghanistan would indicate that the country is a mess. Things have not improved in the country as might have been expected by Western powers involved on the ground. The Taliban regime fell in...

Peace and the Jackal (Poetry) 13-05-2010
by Erickson Almario
True peace can never be attained through random acts of violence that justify the things we fight for or the beliefs we seek refuge in. Peace is lovely, harmonious, and is the see-all, end-all result of the darkest days of the world we live in....

Peace in South Asia by Dr Sohail Mahmood (Opinions) 21-02-2007
by Sohail Mahmood
India and Pakistan: Quest for peace in South Asia There is a growing need for a peaceful solution to the age-old conflict between India and Pakistan. Although enmity runs deep, and the issue of Kashmir will be difficult to resolve, by...

Peace Process in Sri Lanka: 2002-2003 (Short Story) 15-05-2003
by Sanjana Hattotuwa
Overview of the Peace Process in Sri Lanka: 2002 - 2003 Paper by Sanjana Hattotuwa for conference on Strengthening Cooperation and Security in South Asia-Post 9/11 organised by Bangladesh Enterprise Institute 1-3 July 2003, Dhaka,...

Peace should prevail at any cost (Opinions) 6-08-2004
by k
Dialogue is essential to find an amicable solution out of the present chaos. We Nepalese should not waste valuable time by discussing trivial matters. Instead, we should unite for a joint effort for peace. Peace should prevail at any cost....

Peace VS Riot (Poetry) 25-07-2004
by Tina T. H. Lee
Peace Silent, harmonial Enjoyed, muted, needed Is a gentle moment of heartfelt joy. Disruptive, propagated, crowded Intense, noisy Riot

Peace, Conflict and Reconciliation (Opinions) 3-01-2006
by k
Any comparison of peace and peace resolution is a means of examining the relative merits. Such examinations as a means of historical analysis are fine because they do touch on the moral issue of conflict resolution. We are examining not...

PEACE, NOT WEAPONS (Poetry) 7-09-2011
by Wahab ibn Hassan
Our brethren Jumped in frenzy Celebrating victory For shedding the blood Of their own blood. Our habitats and the pens and hencoops And all means of livelihoods Lay in desolation. Yet vengeance never reversed harm In the history of...

Peaceful Being (Poetry) 30-09-2003
by Julie L. Flath
I choose to be enlightened, To see with open eyes, All that is around me, Somethings's there if you just try, Seeing the world with an open mind. A mind that is evolving, Don't be afraid, You are fine. People around you may stop and...

Peaceful Coexistence For All (Poetry) 18-09-2006
by Saurabh
A morsel in every mouth Cloth on every body A roof over every head A happy life – for everybody! Hope in every heart Merry songs on every lip A smile on every face Simple promises to keep A crop on every farm Dew drops on every flower...

Peaceful protests turn deadly in the Peruvian Amazon (Opinions) 17-07-2009
by Samantha Hodder
(Photo from the AIDESEP website ) How many know of the struggles of those in the jungles of Peru? How many must die before the world will listen? Why did anyone have to die? Why wasn’t their peaceful struggle to save the Amazon enough to get...

People's Power Prevails (Opinions) 6-10-2006
by Dipendra Tamang
PEOPLE'S POWER PREVAILS The Royal declaration on Monday night, April 24 at 11:30pm on national and private television by King Gyanendra, reinstating the House of Representatives and thereby handing the power back to the people was a sight...

Perception and Identity (Opinions) 11-11-2005
by siham Al Najami
Many people across the globe are worried about the conflicts and disputes that are currently taking place, such as America’s war on terrorism, Israel’s occupation of Palestine which resulted in numerous massacres and freedom bombers, and the...

Perfect China (Poetry) 27-02-2008
by Lynne Lessard
China Good China Fine China The really expensive kind of dinnerware Relatives imported from another continent As a wedding present Yes, even China that isn't from China Solid, but fragile Can be looked at Gawked at Analysed Shaken...

Peur incommensurable (Poetry) 14-11-2006
by Camara Laciné
Au fond de son être, elle circule Dans la peninsule de ses idées, elle coule Et à l'extremité de sa langue, elle cours ça et là en destructeur connu, elle reigne. Dans la peninsule de ses idées, elle coule Cette violence qui affable et...

Peut-être loin. (Poetry) 1-12-2008
Pourquoi demain est encore loin, Qui va me reveiller si je m'endors? Pourquoi demain est encore loin, Qui prendra mon parti,quand ils penseront que j'ai tort? Pourquoi demain est encore loin, Sinon ma vie ,qui la menera à bon port? Pourquoi...

Phases in Life (Poetry) 6-05-2006
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
Popular today, notorious tomorrow, Acclaimed today, booed tomorrow, Anathema today, doctrine tomorrow, Devilish today, saintly tomorrow, Bad today good tomorrow, Extremist today, liberal tomorrow, It was never different, Evil loses its...

Philippine Youth Point of View (on the WTC tragedy) (Opinions) 27-09-2001
by Carissa Sarreal
More than a year ago in May 2000, small bombings too place within the shopping malls of the Philippines’ capital, Metro Manila. Though not many were injured and very few died, people were scared. Parents forbade their teenage children to step...

PILLARS OF THE EARTH (Poetry) 5-02-2007
by Awa Innocent Ndah
Pillars of the earth indeed Pillars made up of rootless and deficient replicas? Roots, ruthlessly deprives of the strings they need to hold the earth, its dreams and its tomorrow? A foundation built on the cast topography of ceaseless blood...

Plants and Planets II (Poetry) 27-07-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
You are so young, my son, As you reach out far towards the sun. I sit here withered, wretched in reach, Without a leaf. As you be all of the brightest green And can be seen Deep from the pastures, From the villages, and from the...

Pleasurable pain (Poetry) 6-08-2008
by Bilal Hamamra
From the pain of love, I pluck so much pleasure. Thanks for such a gift That gives me such pain

Plus de misère... (Opinions) 31-03-2004
by Tina T. H. Lee
Lundi matin. Période libre. Je trotte tranquillement vers mon petit salon – Second Cup. Sur mon chemin, un homme me tend un "Metro", je le prends, haussant les épaules - il m’arrive de lire ce journal gratuit de temps à autre. Enfin, je...

Policemen Paranoia (Poetry) 2-05-2007
by Lize-Leandra Ehlers
Policemen Paranoia Freedom of the focal point is as limited as can be You wish to capture a moment A smile or just the scenery… I think I need to tell you What is wishful thinking and what is reality. In uniform - as universal they...

Policing in Ghana: (Some Questions My Views) (Opinions) 7-06-2007
by Cyril France
Policing in Ghana: (Some Questions My Views) Is the Ghana Police Service (GPS) in need of reform? If yes, what kind of reforms? Undoubtedly, the Police Service in Ghana performs one of the most key, essential and important service to the...

Policing in Ghana: (Some Questions My Views) (Opinions) 7-06-2007
by Cyril France
Policing in Ghana: (Some Questions My Views) Is the Ghana Police Service (GPS) in need of reform? If yes, what kind of reforms? Undoubtedly, the Police Service in Ghana performs one of the most key, essential and important service to the...

Political Antacid (Opinions) 27-02-2008
by Lynne Lessard
My stomach turned when, during a class discussion about politics, a quiet voice huffed and said: “Oh well, I’m not gonna vote when I can, anyway.” Somehow, no matter how hard I try, I can’t think of even one single reason why any eligible...

Political change in Honduras- an immoral coup d'etat (Opinions) 16-07-2009
by Richard Zhang
June 28th, 2009 was the day that sent Honduras into turmoil; it was the day that the Honduran military broke its own established democracy and overthrew its democratic leader, Manuel Zelaya, who was exiled into Costa Rica. The pretext that his...

Political Crisis in Nepal (Short Story) 14-08-2003
by Shakti Ghimire
The recent incident developed suddenly in Nepal has added some more and crucial responsibility on the shoulder of civil society in the matter of protection and promotion of human rights in Nepal. The truce has been announced by both of the warring...

POLITICAL DAMAGE (Poetry) 29-09-2006
by gabriel babatunde oluwakorede
In the world of our own our leaders fight for treasures There is no thirst to serve in their quest for the sceptre Political thugs everywhere as they lay ambush to commit political killings And like a game of death politics is played For...

Political leadership in zambia today (Opinions) 14-09-2007
by chabala katulwende
POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN ZAMBIA TODAY Zambia today is confronted by immense challenges. 80% of our people are living below the poverty line, which means they lack basic human needs. This is a shame and an aberration on the leadership of this...

Political Parties in the Arab Region; in the Age of Nationalism and Secularism (Opinions) 4-01-2005
by Ayman El Hakea
Before the European colonialism of the Arab world, Islam had been the most appealing rationale that formed a kind of unity and solidarity between the Arab lands. However, the drawbacks of the western colonialism were of paramount importance. The...

Politician (Poetry) 28-03-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Regardless the principle of politics, What is politics? Are you a politician with bad sense Of politics as a career? You come to the people and you swear; You make promises of heaven on earth To the people, but do a different ball game...

Ponencia 1er. Foro Social Humanista de Educación para la No Violencia Activa (Opinions) 30-08-2004
by German Augusto de la Espriella
Quisiera desarrollar el contenido de esta ponencia sobre Reconciliación, desde la experiencia que tenemos en nuestro proyecto rompiendo cadenas que venimos realizando desde hace 2 años en algunas de las cárceles de Colombia: en el contexto de...

Poor mad man (Poetry) 19-08-2007
by gigi

Por el camino de la concertación rumbo al desarrollo (Opinions) 9-01-2007
by Roxana Vizcardo Villalba
EL CONTEXTO: La descentralización se hace urgente en un país, de tradición centralista que sin embargo está prosiguiendo un camino democrático en un contexto de crecimiento económico. Aunque podría ser mejor el escenario, la situación actual...

Por un pelo: los coglioni ¿ganaron? (Opinions) 18-04-2006
by Mariela De Marchi Moyano
Tras auténticas montañas rusas de cifras y declaraciones, Italia parece haber cambiado de gobierno. ¿Pero cuáles son los verdaderos éxitos, políticos y antropológicos? Finalmente los resultados: La Unión de centroizquierda tiene la mayoría sea...

POSSIBILITIES EMERGE...... (Opinions) 10-01-2007
by Adriana Sassoon
Possibilities Emerge ... Possibilities emerge when we earnestly search for what is hindering our destiny to flow naturally. There are times when it seems that we are going round and round in circles about the same situation and our...

Post War, I (Poetry) 11-01-2007
by Tina T. H. Lee
No, I did not choose this war, But the ruins are mine, in my beloved land. No, it wasn’t my fault, But the losses are mine, consequences I have to bear. No, this wasn’t my battle… Mine has just begun, in this post-war desolation.

Potential success of peace talk in Nepal: Beyond the influence of self-centric or unbalanced logic (Opinions) 13-10-2004
by Ajit Rai
For an analytical purpose, the present political crisis that my country, Nepal, is beset by may be split down into two parts. At one level of analysis, it may be said that first part has stemmed from the significant armed attempt by the CPN...

Poverty in Prosperity (Poetry) 17-12-2006
Poverty in prosperity The reality of some people's existence Even in prosperity, poverty is a reality In countries far and near In countries rich but poor In countries young and old In countries big and small In countries white, black or...

Poverty: How Doeas It Affect You? (Opinions) 30-04-2002
by Thomas Igeme
Poverty. When you see that word, what comes to mind? Do you see thousands upon thousands of children in Sub-Saharan Africa making their 10-mile trek to find food, any food? Do you see hundreds of AIDS orphans, working in a corn field, earning less...

Prayer time (Poetry) 17-07-2007
by Rwax Qax
The Mountain top is glorious, but it is in the Valley that I will grow! Always Remember God gives you... Enough Happiness to keep you Sweet Enough Trials to keep you Strong Enough Sorrows to keep you Human Enough Hope to keep you Happy...

Preacher (Poetry) 4-09-2005
I love lies like hell Cos am sad, I tell Hint my listeners, of doom Not far, the rain loom To pounce on deaf ears It's a lie; that's the secret

Premier tour des élections au Bénin : la victoire du peuple (Opinions) 10-03-2006
by François Vianou Godonou
Lés élections du 05 mars dernier a été l'occasion pour les populations du Bénin de démontrer au monde entier combien elles sont mûres. Depuis la rumeur du report et du couplage de ces élections, ce peuple n'a cessé de prouver sa détermination à...

Prevention Equals Peace (Opinions) 2-08-2007
by Wilson
If we visualize side by side, in real time, a young professional working in Wall Street, a young farm worker crossing the border in the Arizona desert, a young refugee from Sudan working in a hotel in Omaha, and a young Indian engineer working in...

Problem or Opportunity? (Opinions) 23-10-2005
by Parashu Ram Timalsina
JJust after waking up, remain lying in bed. Then start listing the problems you may face in the day. You prefer go to on sleeping rather than getting up and starting your day business because you will have a very long list of problems. When is...

Problems for Nuclear Deterrence that Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Create (Opinions) 20-09-2007
by Kayamone A. Sutton
Since the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945, the United States has steadily enforced its policies of strategic nuclear deterrence. The strategy of deterrence was vital during the Cold War Era because of the...

Punctuality Denied (Short Story) 14-02-2005
by D'Arcy Juni
Driven; you choose to mislead yourself again, or what's left of you. Your corrupted spawn has something to say, but little does it matter. Muzzled and caged she bleeds... stripped of her dignity, scorned and abhorred. You murdered her...

Putting up a 'Digital Mirror' (Opinions) 13-11-2000
by Jenny Waller
The slogan for Planet Project is "Our Voice, Our World". Planet Project intends to be the world’s largest interactive poll in history. For four days, starting on November 15 and ending on November 19, thought-provoking and entertaining questions...

Quand la franc-maçonnerie devient employeur. (Opinions) 27-09-2008
Le travail peut être considéré comme une activité économique visant à long terme le bien être sur le plan socio-économique d'une communauté donnée. Vue de cette manière, le travail est considéré dès lors comme un moyen pour chaque...

Quand l’État est en faillite, la Nation est en péril. (Opinions) 10-03-2007
by JOSEPH Marckenson
Des vérités qui dérangent : Le peuple haïtien fait face à un très grave problème : L’Etat haïtien est en crise. Il est en faillite. (Multiple organ failure). Il n’est pas viable. Il survit par des moyens « artificiels ». Il est réduit à la...

Questions and Stereotypes (Poetry) 28-10-2004
by Salisu Suleiman
I tried to live by the norms and was labeled Conformist So I tried something else, and earned the tag Radical And then I tried to be both but was called Unstable I therefore tried to articulate myself, only to be slapped Misleading...

Racism and Tribalism in the World (Opinions) 10-09-2003
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
Reading newspapers and magazines recently in Kenya it has not been hard to notice the hue and cry elicited by the survivors of torture, corruption, tribalism and other shortcomings of the former Kanu regime. Their call for a Truth and...

Raise My Voice (Poetry) 27-12-2006
by Kevin A. Ferreira
I am going crazy, The world has become hazy, I am stuck in a world, A world in which I was not prepared for, One where everywhere I turn, I am being shaped, Being molded, To fit society, A society, Where everyone just keeps to themselves,...

Rationality in Recession (Opinions) 15-09-2001
by Arun N. Nair
In this time of calamity and regression ... retaliation or chaos is not what is expected. Think rationally, spread comfort and assistance to those afflicted, think of ways to resurrect the loss, go hand-in-hand and let our humanity take over. Root...

by Dan Jones
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – A broad coalition of international education and scientific organizations is calling on the United Nations to bring teachers and other members of the education community into the negotiations on sustainable...

Reality bites (Poetry) 13-10-2006
by Farrukh
Looking at a beggar, Sitting on the road, Instead of giving him a token, So he could buy a meal, We just walk away, And join the crowd, Looking at an impoverished infant cry for food, Instead of giving a little from our meal, We just eat...

Reap as you Sow (Short Story) 26-01-2005
by Tanmay N. Vora
The tsunami in South East Asia on December 26, 2004 killed over a hundred thousand people and shook the world. People don’t look at the sea the same way they used to. Newspapers these days are filled with ghastly and sometimes moving images and...

Recent Political Development of Nepal: Juxtaposition on King’s Remarks and Ban on Nepali Cinema. (Opinions) 27-09-2005
by Dilep Paudel
The milieu of the current Nepalese circumstances surely lead the nation nowhere than a vicious circle of political unrest, heated terror of war and public anxiety over the direct rule of the Monarch. Recent political development has shown the...

Redefiniendo la Paz Mundial (Opinions) 7-08-2008
by Reiner Mora
Hace poco, recibí una fuerte crítica a mi opinión: “La paz mundial es solo otra palabra de diccionario”. En este, mostraba mi incredulidad ante una pronta instauración de la paz global. Esto me animó a reflexionar y más adelante a escribir de una...

Reflection on My Time in the United States (Opinions) 8-09-2004
by masha
I came to the United States as part of the IREX program “Young Leaders Fellowship”. I have been studying for my Master’s degree in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. One year has already passed and here...

Reflections World Social Forum (Opinions) 20-02-2002
by Augusto C
My arrival at the World Social Forum didn´t impact me so much. I was expecting to see several people running from one place to another, sometimes not even knowing the exact place they are going, representing their organization, political party or...

Reflexión acerca de la estabilidad y el cambio (Opinions) 6-08-2008
by Reiner Mora
Cuando toco este tema, siempre me gusta iniciar haciendo alusión a la Biblia, y a la interpretación que le dan los rabinos judíos a ésta. El primer libro de la Biblia, Génesis, inicia así: “En el principio, creó Dios los Cielos y la Tierra” La...

Reflexões sobre a Teoria de Gênero em Relações Internacionais (Opinions) 29-08-2008
by Luciana Brasil
Inicialmente, para apresentar os argumentos centrais da "Teoria de Gênero em Relações Internacionais", é preciso conceitualizar o que vem a ser gênero. Gênero, diferente de sexo, são as construções sociais, morais, valores, atribuídos ao sexo...

Refocusing African societal values and leadership (Opinions) 7-02-2007
by Oluwatosin
The African society is growing more and more in size and economy and is probably among the fastest growing economies in the world. Over the years the African society had been over ridden with no definite values thereby making the Nation into one...

Refugee Crisis (Opinions) 20-04-2002
by Yvonne Shao
I would just like to say that Australia has clearly not provided enough humanitarian assistance to recent refugees. One example I can use is the Tampa incident where the Australian government turned away 400 refugees stranded at sea. The asylum...

Refugees (Poetry) 20-06-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
A cruel world it is Or is it not A better world it is Or is it not People laugh People cry People get excited People are people Others have all they yearn for Others search for it Others have to sacrifice all Others still, robe from...

Refugees: Do they Deserve the Plight? (Opinions) 15-09-2004
by caesar
Hearing, reading and watching the highlights about refugees are no news today. Yet, we brace the 21st century with globalization driven by technology that’s made planet earth a village, a village that’s supposed to be warm with harmony prevailing;...

Religion and The society (Opinions) 4-03-2003
by Andrew Ashiofu
Religion is defined as recognition on the part of man of a controlling superhuman power entitled to obedience, reverence, and worship; the feeling or the spiritual attitudes of those recognizing such a controlling power. Religion can be viewed...

Religion, Culture and the Rights of Women (Opinions) 22-12-2007
It has always been an interest of mine to read about men and women alike who have excelled in their chosen fields, whether in science/technology, education, entrepreneurship, politics, religious vocation, etc. But recently I have been critically...

Remember These Words (Short Story) 23-09-2001
by Yasmary Mora
My name is Usman Farman and I graduated from Bentley with a Finance degree last May. I am 21 years old, turning 22 in October; I am Pakistani, and I am Muslim. Until September 10th 2001, I used to work at the World Trade Center in building #7. I...

Remembering Gandhi (Opinions) 27-10-2006
by Zach K
Remembering Gandhi - Introduction - Race, gender, background and more are just some of the types of discrimination that still go on today. In the past, it was even worse. Imagine, you couldn’t go outside seeing or starting a riot just because...

Republikud: Complementary Politics of the Conservative U.S and Israeli States (Opinions) 23-05-2003
by Nima Shirali
Republikud: Complementary Politics of the Conservative U.S and Israeli States By: Nima Shirali Trends in the political and economic relations between the U.S and Israeli states starkly suggest a complemental setting, which grants benefits for...

Resolutions for Youth (Opinions) 14-12-2001
by Yasmary Mora
Resolution on the Youth What can the youth do to change our world? What is the situation for youth in my countr? Noting with deep concern the fact that in Kenya, society is still a long way from appreciating the rights of children....

Resolving the conflict between African traditional concept of seniority and the current notion of youth involvement in decision making process. (Opinions) 1-02-2003
by omeire edwards
Human history has shown that youths are a vital force in development; thus it is essential to empower them by equipping them as individuals, youth organizations, communities, and international actors to participate in policy and decisions making...

Restitución de la Ley CONAJU y vigencia del Diezmo Juvenil en el marco de la Convención Iberoamericana de Derechos de los Jóvenes (CIDJ) (Opinions) 15-05-2008
Restitución de la Ley CONAJU y vigencia del Diezmo Juvenil en el marco de la Convención Iberoamericana de Derechos de los Jóvenes (CIDJ) Por: Christian Pardo Reyes(*) Mesa Redonda “Convención Iberoamericana de Derechos de los Jóvenes...

Resurgence of Terrorism (Opinions) 3-12-2001
by Jerry Nwigwe
Terrorism is a dramatization of the most proscribed kind of violence on society with the purpose of creating a mood of terror, fear and apprehension for political or social goals. Despite the end of the American-Soviet cold war in 1989 and the...

RP kids among the most (Opinions) 10-01-2003
RP kids among the most upbeat in region Posted:0:21 AM (Manila Time) | June 24, 2001 By Stella O. Gonzales Inquirer News Service ABOUT two-thirds of Filipino youths may not be happy most of the time but they are among the most optimistic...

Rude, Blunt and Rusty (Poetry) 1-12-2008
by Nikki Allison
On November 13 I visited the Canadian War museum. The following is a poem based on the machete from the Rwandan genocide that was on display. Hack, rip, shred. Hear the cries of the dead. Tear, toss, throw. The cries of a people grow....

Russian Roulette in Moscow (Opinions) 7-11-2003
by Ian Beacock
Democracy, fifteen years ago, we hardly knew the meaning of the world in reference to the former Soviet Union. Granted, we hoped that change was on the way through Mikhail Gorbachev and his policy of perestroika (restructuring), but it was still...

Sacred Corruption! (Poetry) 19-09-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Life stood still for a stronger life People saw visions that lack meanings Our waters rose to swallow waters Even in the face of unperturbed miracles We have seen lives that are lacking Our imaginations imagine terrible thoughts...

Sacrifice (Short Story) 16-06-2005
by Azira Binti Aziz
It was night. The satiny smooth feel of his hands, the strong, firm chest of which where her head rested, cradled in his embrace. Chery knew of no other, none before, and none, she believed then, after. His warm breath, every soft inhale of the...

SAF-Nepal (Short Story) 21-11-2007
by Social Concern and awareness forum-
Social Concern and Awareness Forum Nepal (SAF- Nepal) is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-government organization working for a peaceful and democratic Nepal. It was established in 2003 by a group of students and youth, seeking peace in a...

Safety and crime reduction (Opinions) 6-05-2008
A “safe” thing, according to the dictionary definition, is something that does not cause harm or danger, or is a lock against danger. Safety is the state of being safe from harm or danger. There is this certainty that anything can happen at any...

Scars and healing (Short Story) 3-02-2009
by Tabitha Rono
Seated under the night sky reflecting on the past, I cannot escape the events of the fateful day. Constantly, they replay in my mind. In my eyes, Tears well up. I feel like lying down, never to rise again. It is to you that I write this, my...

Security council decision making: For them or us? (Opinions) 22-04-2007
by Barr. Stephen Edetanlen
With the establishment of the United Nations in the last century, the world had hoped to have an organized global forum and pseudo-executive system within which the nations of the world would find some common grounds, creating a sort of fellowship...

Security Council Decision Making: for them or us? (Opinions) 27-04-2007
by Barr. Stephen Edetanlen
With the establishment of the United Nations in the last century, the world had hoped to have an organized global forum and pseudo-executive system within which the nations of the world would find some common grounds, creating a sort of fellowship...

SECURITY COUNCIL’S HARIRI RESOLUTION –a review (Opinions) 1-06-2007
by Barr. Stephen Edetanlen
The Security Council, on 30th May 2007, adopted Resolution 1757 establishing a Special Tribunal for Lebanon to come into force on 10th June, 2007. Essentially, the Tribunal is to “try” those found to be responsible for the February 14th 2005...

self (Poetry) 4-03-2006
by Anu maheshwari
'Self' What is Self? The capital ‘I’ That we hold on to, so dearly Is there any ‘real’ coherent self That we vainly defend...

September 11 (Opinions) 16-09-2002
by Adrian Mak
Today in our Christian Education class we were discussing September 11th 2001. Many people came up with different opinions on the subject matter. Some said that America had lost approximately three thousand people, however, should there be a...

September 11th: It Is Only Tomorrow That Today Will Matter To Any Of Us (Opinions) 30-09-2006
by Parker
Today is no particular day. It is September 30th, 2006; it is just another day in my life and in most peoples lives. But I picked up an old Time magazine from 19 days ago paying tribute to September 11th. I looked up any articles written 19 days...

Septemeber 11 and the War on Terrorism (Opinions) 16-09-2002
by Nick
We were talking about the War on Terrorism and why the Americans have reacted so harshly and why Bin Laden did the things he did. Many things that were said made a lot of sense. We all realise that the War on Terrorism is not only happening...

Sever and Strengthen (Opinions) 24-04-2011
by Robbie
Language. The defining mark of humanity. Of cultures; races, thoughts, secrets, news, lies, truth. Language presents itself to us as a necessity, yet at the same time language inherently sequesters and divides humanity. Are we lost in...

Sex of Society (Opinions) 5-02-2002
by Shalini Dharna
sex sex sex sex sex... everywhere you look, there it is. Especially in television. Can you honestly think of a popular show that does not have sex in it?! I can't... and that scares me. Have we lost all sense of entertainment that we cannot live...

She Walked Away (Poetry) 8-04-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
She piped my glory And called me her baby, Sent lots of cheers With kisses and roses I too, in my part Cherished in my heart For she’s all intriguing And dearly darling Abstract love’s absurdity And its blind credulity; Spell bound...

She was like an angel (Short Story) 16-04-2010
by Adham Khalil
She was like an angel when I saw her dancing with a group of classmates in Alassria Cultural Center in Jabalia Refugee Camp. Then I didn’t see her for three years. I asked my friend Abdallah Abuzaiter, the instructor, about her: “Isn’t she the...

Short description: the harsh reality of war (Poetry) 20-10-2008
by Robbie
Missiles spiral overhead, Their now dull explosions integrating With the patterned clicks of guns, And the insidious crackle of hidden land mines Enfolding in a column of death and smoke Its petrified prize. The symphony of sounds...

Should breaking news be so negative? (Opinions) 23-01-2009
by Jacob Waiswa
This is a summary of problems associated to man and his environment -where man's responsibility is key to save himself. To do so values humanist and ecologically-minded nature must be generated. Human plans must not cheat on nature but get...

Sigh. (Poetry) 20-02-2007
by friday solomon
It takes one to make two, some wish to be divided into two when they are not yet one. a little drop of water makes a mighty ocean be patient in life, be satisfied with what you have climb the ladder from beneath and not from the middle;...

Silence broken (Poetry) 7-03-2007
When two men are involved in a fight, both are losers - Bishop Adrian Smith As a nation, Not meant to but have to, We are one. On the way socio-economic problems rampant Corruption and instability mounted So dissatisfaction...

Skeletons in the Closet (Opinions) 27-09-2002
by Catarina Abreu
Imagine that you are playing God for just one day. In you lies the power to have control over another life. All it would take was a simple word of command and your victim would be lying dead at your feet. Feel the corrupting power as a life force...

Smiles from the Sun (Poetry) 8-06-2006
by michael merritt jr.
As the sun shines on my face I am moved to another place in my mind. Its scorching rays have sparked an awareness of world community within me. Knowing that people of all races, nationalities and beliefs in different places and various mind...

So little time (Poetry) 2-08-2008
by Bilal Hamamra
So little time is left to me But a cloud of affections From the sky of my throne To your land is going to fall. Thought is dry When by feelings is not charged Desert I am When by your love I am not touched

So What About the U.S? (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Natalie Morris
Johannesburg, August 2002 (GYRP) - "Almost all of the world has been in Johannesburg discussing the urgency of sustainable development, and the United States has been in Washington this week discussing a potential war on Iraq. These are two...

Sociedade desarmada ajuda a desarmar (Opinions) 3-11-2004
by Mateus Fernandes
Um em cada cinco homicídios cometidos no país é causado por motivos considerados fúteis, principalmente imperícia no manejo da arma ou abuso de álcool e drogas. A população e o governo brasileiro, preocupados com o crescente número de homicídios...

Some thoughts about the concept of justice... (Opinions) 1-01-2007
by Iman Ng
What do the law courts of Nigeria and those in the U.S. have in common? For one, the judges are staffed by the executive (or sometimes quasi-military dictatorships) of the government to work in the ruling coalition’s favor; that is not to say that...

Someone Touch the Light (Poetry) 19-06-2004
by Ricky Taruc Bacolod
Everyone say it is a good Everyone say it is an Ideal Everyone say it is a better Everyone say it is an Intellect But nobody can’t say it is a for everyone rule But nobody can’t say it is a for everyone belong the laws But nobody can’t say...

Sons de bataille (Poetry) 25-02-2008
by diomi kuloka
Ton Tam Tam ne résonne plus seulement d'allégresse Transgressant tes quiétudes, sous tes cieux ensoleillés Insouciance qui appelle à ces bruits absurdes Afrique où vont ces guerres Folies des hommes exprimant mal leur opinions...

Sorry We Have to Part (Opinions) 23-05-2004
by Simon
Anyway all that needed to be said has been said All that needed to be told has been told Destiny is fortunes not made by our decisions Yet you want to eat your cake and have it That is something that can’t happen under the sun Nor the moon...

Souffle de là... (Poetry) 23-04-2007
by diomi kuloka
Souffle de là ---------------- Souffle vent du septentrion Vent du sud,souffle vent des montagnes Vents des plaines, désert et vallées Qui nous dirait d'avance d'où tu viens Qu'emmène tu? où ira tu? Toi qui aide d'autre a se...

Sounding Our Differences, Building Bridges: THE POWER OF LANGUAGE (Short Story) 24-04-2011
by Sokfa Francis John
I belong to the Atyap ethnic group, also known as kataf, found in the southern parts of Kaduna State in Northern Nigeria. I grew up speaking Tyap (my mother-tongue), Hausa (common in the north) and English (Nigeria’s official language). Early in...

Souvenir meurtrier (Poetry) 8-03-2007
by Bemoute serge Mario
J'aime les bruits de ce vert paysage Où les vents confondus de tempérament , Réjouissent le coeur de cette âme en cage, Meurtri par les ravages de l'armement. Sous cet habité par les ronces , Mon ami assit sur le rocher de la nymphe ,...

Spectator (Poetry) 30-06-2007
by Janet Wong
Watching A fogging reality of tragedies Information bursting from all directions Electron particles buzzing Catching our attention Numbers with tens of zeros following up What do they mean? Sent to heaven, they’re gone The planet is now...

Speech by my mentor,mother and a sister (Interviews) 14-08-2008
by David Gomolemo Gouwe
Chairperson Honorable Ministers Distinguished delegates There is a poster that UNICEF published some years ago which some of you may be familiar with. In that poster a child is asked “What would you like to be when you grow up?’ The child...

Spiritual Cycle Trilogy 1:The Traveller (Short Story) 2-12-2004
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
The latest and the most expensive model of Rolls-Royce stopped in front of a sky scraper. A full uniformed driver emerged and immediately opened the door for Ryan Slate to come out. Ryan passed his hand once over his costly three-piece suit and...

Spiritual Cycle Trilogy 2:The Midnight Rain (Short Story) 2-12-2004
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
Spiritual Cycle Trilogy 2: The Midnight Rain My motorcycle was surrounded by sheer darkness and mist. The territory of inky clouds was expanding swiftly and the chilly turbulent winds were doing their best to devour every iota of heat from...

Spiritual Cycle Trilogy 3: The Key to the Door (Short Story) 2-12-2004
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
Spiritual Cycle Trilogy 3: The Key to the Door The chirping of the birds woke me up. Yawning, I looked at the calendar; it was Sunday and I was to spend the morning drinking tea with Dr. Samuel Nelson. Samuel was an old friend of mine. We...

SPLA/SPLM's crimes against humanity in Southern Sudan will not go unanswered (Opinions) 19-12-2008
by John Sunday Martin, Chairman of Mundri Youth Development Association- (MYDA)
The history of the liberation struggle in the Republic of Sudan, particularly in the Southern part, has its foundations on human rights- the desire to be free and to enjoy rights that are alienable to all mankind by Universal Declaration of Human...

Spoken Word: Home (Poetry) 26-07-2004
by Tara Sachs
I have not been Here long But I don’t think I will stay Not that Here is anything short of peaceful But Here is only distance Here is not Home Here is not Home, but what is? Not what it used to be No, I remember when my home...

Srinagar in the Spring of 2009 (Short Story) 14-07-2009
by svenja bary
Mounting the plane bound for Srinagar from New Delhi, I bump shoulders with Indian soldiers tagged with double “R”s on their sleeves. Others have the word “Artillery” stitched to their collars. I am heading for an area in Northern India where...

Stalemate (Poetry) 7-10-2009
by Andrew Benson Greene Jr
You and I were playmates At school. You were soon forced to get rid of your slates 9 years later. In late 1999, You made my country, Your country Forced to pay the highest bill of hate When you grabbed a rifle, your abominable tool....

Stamp Out Violation of Human Rights (Opinions) 11-07-2007
by David Ephraim Pewa
Stamp out violation of human rights ONE of the greatest achievements of this century has been the awareness by the international community of the role of human rights as the foundation for progress, development, democracy and prosperity. I...

Stanza 2 (Opinions) 27-04-2007
by dare oshinuga
Really, Nigerians, we have had the key to the door leading to fulfilled dreams all this while right under our noses. You ask, how? What? I say, have you ever bothered to consider the words of the stanza 2 of the national anthem? There, there. A...

Start Without War ! (Opinions) 9-05-2012
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
I'd like to get all of what is in the minds of all the people. especially, when it comes to war. From all countries that I speak to, the common folk, do NOT want ANY Warfare in their country. My only concern is why there is any war at all. The...

State of Emergency (Opinions) 3-01-2007
by Sitiveni
I wonder if the commander has taken into consideration the consequences of his actions. As we the youths of today the leaders of tomorrow, we shall not have to bear the burden of rebuilding our nation. The actions of so called coup makers, or is...

State of Emergency: No Peace Without Justice (Opinions) 21-05-2004
by Wilfred Mamah
Two events inspired this commentary. First, is Funke Aboyade’s editorial outing in the THISDAY, Law column of May 18, 2004. The editorial was titled, “A Descent into Fascism”. The second event occurred on the same day. It was the Presidential...

Stealing My Identity (Opinions) 4-11-2005
by melanie mae
When I opened the letter and read its contents confusion grabbed hold. I called the government number, the one that handles Social Security numbers. It seemed that someone had called them and changed my address. They wanted me to...

Stigma (Poetry) 4-02-2005
by gabriel babatunde oluwakorede
The clouds are dark, but it ceases to rain. The dullness in the sky Is a reflection of the world’s discrepancy. The breeze freezes it seems cold. But the chilly wind’s An emblem of the world’s apathy. In nature’s eye We portray our acts...

Stop Terror (Poetry) 29-10-2008
by hass malay
Stop your fire, It's my nation. I know you're a liar, Islam doesn't frighten. Ask you heart Life is a station Terrorism an art? Doesn't know prohibitions With the blood of my cat You drown your situation You destroy what men built...

Stranger to Different (Poetry) 27-10-2008
by alexandra tome
My eyes so open so able yet so blind, blind to so many blind to so called differences why must we persuade ourselves to recognize different are we not proud to be embellished by others and within others. can we not tolerate, or embrace...

Student Group Targets Corporate Elites (Interviews) 9-11-2008
by Jonathan Frank
On November 3, 2008 in Waterloo, Ontario a student activist group, Anti-War @ Laurier, from Wilfred Laurier University targeted Manulife Financial for their leadership role in the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC) and the Security and...

Students seem Outwardly Calm (Opinions) 27-09-2001
by Yasmary Mora
Several white flakes of paint fell on junior David Pagano as he sat in the stuffy Brooklyn Tech auditorium. He quickly assured his classmates that this debris did not remind him of the towers’ collapse. The planes hit, the tower smoked, our...

Success (Poetry) 9-05-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
I found the 7 secrets of success in my room.... Roof said: ........................................ Aim high Fan said: ........................................... Be cool Clock said: .................. Every min. is...

Sudan in Focus - Questions for African Youth (Opinions) 14-09-2004
by adedayo thomas
I have watched with keen interest the participation and contribution by the African Youth, especially those of us working in the area of conflict and peace related issues to the happenings in Sudan, but what I see goes beyond my imagination. We...

Suddenly (Poetry) 12-03-2006
by lucy wagereka
The atmosphere suddenly changed What was blue and white was now grey and dark Like a monster forming and ready to attack Down its all noisy and confused Sideways- children, mothers and fathers Run for safety And I in the middle not really...

Suicidio: el reclamo de una generacion en crisis (Opinions) 16-07-2007
by Caleb Ordoñez Talavera
El 14 de Enero del 2007 Dave Steve Pedrosa Guaderrama de 24 años de edad, se desempeñaba como elemento de seguridad publica, se dio un balazo en el tórax a la altura del corazón con el arma calibre 9 milímetros marca Ruger que tenía bajo su...

SUMMIT SMILES: All Clear? (Opinions) 1-09-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – “The media will have unrestricted access to any areas that are not restricted.” · United Nations spokeswoman at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, trying to reassure journalists about tough new...

SUMMIT SMILES: Badging Bush (Opinions) 1-09-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – ‘Where’s Bush?’ badges are circulating here at the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Against a ‘Greetings from Rio’ scenic postcard background, one says: “Even W’s Dad went to Rio.” Another asks, over...

by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, has a message for young managers of the future. “Tell them that they should lead. They should push forward for the environment and communities. Don’t wait...

SUMMIT SNIPPET: Ticket to Save (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Alan Wu
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – German delegates flying out to the World Summit on Sustainable Development had air tickets as usual, but they also had ‘Climate Tickets.’ This is an innovative youth-driven project designed to help offset carbon...

SUMMIT SNIPPET: Unsustainable Ignorance (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Ayelen Amigo
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Can sustainability be learnt? The Institute for Sustainable Development seems to think so. It is offering free environmental training during the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. “Attendees will...

SUMMIT SNIPPET: “To Summit Up…The Price of Bush” (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Dan Jones
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – What price to bring President George W. Bush to the World Summit on Sustainable Development? The US delegation to the Johannesburg Summit has announced the largest contribution of aid to the developing world since...

by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – · “If we continue on the way we are going, we will need two extra planets.” – French President Jacques Chirac, addressing the World Summit on Sustainable Development. · “Remember, we cannot buy another...

SunraysMoonshine for the Nica (Poetry) 25-05-2004
by Jess Kindred
What happens when the guns go down and the sun comes up? When the rays of the neo-liberal Shine their vitamin D filled light? D, D, D, damage control D, D, D, dupe the enemy D, D, D, demobilize And the guns get smashed By the rocks that...

Symphonie automnale (Poetry) 27-05-2008
by Youths Ahead!
En Septembre les fleurs faneront Elles s’éteindront avec le cycle des saisons La musique triste et funéraire Accompagnera ces longs crépuscules austères.. En Septembre les feuilles aussi valseront Avec le temps gris ce vieil aigri...

Symptoms of hatred (Poetry) 7-03-2008
by Abayomi Rotimi Mighty
Very insignificant feeling It comes like a cool breeze But you live on, a little puzzled Somehow you feel it for the other person Probably he did you wrong Which makes you feel right with this invisible feeling You would wish him bad...

Take me to Light (Poetry) 26-08-2004
by Mohammed
Oppression, no more Freedom, no need to fight for Every yearning heart no longer sore When the days were gloomy years When the nights were nothing but tears When words were sinful lies or mere fears Our heroes are piles under clay They...

Taken (Poetry) 26-02-2006
by Cherrie Kong
It was cool - a little cold A little harsh A little hole Had nonetheless Punctured through To that sheltered place, now It is cold - freezing still, And through my core Runs a chill Solid base but On ice you slip... Will you take me...

Talking Peace (Opinions) 6-06-2004
by Biswas Baral
What does September 11, 2001, mean to a guy from Nepal, the country, which not only has had to battle against the crippling poverty, but also a festering rebellion that has shaken her very foundations? The reverberations of that fateful day...

Talking Points on World Tolerance - The Role of Education (Opinions) 5-12-2006
by Manny Maurice Ekanem
An impressive statue graces the entrance of the United Nations building in New York. When one reads the inscription under it: “…and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares…”, the intent of the sinewy man of bronze wielding a heavy mallet is...

Talking Points on World Tolerance - The Role of Education (Opinions) 5-12-2006
by Manny Maurice Ekanem
An impressive statue graces the entrance of the United Nations building in New York. When one reads the inscription “…and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares…” under it, the intent of the sinewy man of bronze wielding a heavy mallet is...

Talking With a Niger-Delta Militant (Interviews) 19-06-2007
by Terhemba Aindigh
23:45hrs: New Year’s Eve. Fifteen minutes before the year 2007 I heard an odd explosion. I could humour myself by assuming they are just fireworks, after all, it’s a festive season and banger-obsessed children must be at it again. Wrong....

Teach Peace (Opinions) 9-12-2003
by Anupama Sekhar
“People who are going to be on death row are now in first or second-grade, and so are people who are going to be in the White House. If we don't teach them peace, someone else will teach them violence.” - Colman...

Tease for Peace :How a Joking Institution keeps checks in Burkina Faso (Opinions) 2-05-2007
When a driver in Burkina Faso stops his vehicle to lower its windows and start insulting a kid on his bicycle for no apparent reason, when two coworkers constantly insult each other over meaningless habits, or when you overhear a debate between...

Teat of Information Technology (Poetry) 9-11-2007
by Michelle Domocol
I was babysat by advertisements and cartoons, in a land directed by hooded captains of software copyright blanketed by a ratio of household laptops to PCs ranked 2:1. I wade in and between Philippines and US shaking off the...

Technology and Mankind (Opinions) 8-11-2003
by Chidi Anekwe
In a world faced with the proliferation of anti-life technologies and conscious of the impending dangers of modern technology. It has become imperative for a global awakening and calls for concern from eminent world leaders, activist, voluntary...

Technology- more of man's abuse! (Short Story) 8-08-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
I have read the many articles on the way the {"Foreign"} hackers have worked their way into destroying many a web connection, or interfering with web connections to try to collect "codes". This, of all the technologies, is of trivial consequence...

Teens and Drug Abuse (Opinions) 31-10-2002
by Sarah
My name is Sarah and my partner's name is Farah. We are in grade 7 and we have to do a project on an issue that can be looked at locally and of course, globally. Our topic is "Teens and Drug Usage". We were wondering if you could give us your...

Teens and Drug Usage (Opinions) 4-11-2002
by farah
Marijuana is a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of the hemp plant. Marijuana is also called Mary Jane, pot, herb, weed, grass, boom, gangsta, and chronic. But for real though, marijuana has over 200...

Tel un mauvais vent (Opinions) 14-01-2009
Si le mal était perçu communément dans notre monde comme positif,nous auront dit que tout va pour le mieux dans cette partie de la terre qu'est notre pays. En effet, au regard des soulèvements sociaux pacifiques menés par des syndicats des...

Terror-istic Santa Clause... (Opinions) 19-12-2002
by Dennis Dames
Terrorist Santa Claus... By: Dennis A. Dames©2002 Email: dennisdames@netscape.net As we celebrate this Christmas season of 2002, and expect the usual blessings of material gifts from Santa Clause- it is obvious that the bearer of secular...

Terrorism and the Nuclear race (Opinions) 18-04-2007
by Agbedejobi patrick niyi
We might now take George Bush at his word: in the wake of the September 11 attacks, he named three nations as the “axis of evil”: North Korea, Iran and Iraq. The statement had a solid tripartite ring to it, conjuring images of Nazi Germany,...

Terrorism in Asia (Opinions) 19-02-2004
by Choo Zheng Xi
The Definition: One of the main difficulties in the fight against terrorism is the meaning of the word itself and the ambiguity surrounding it. The phrase “one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist” is no less true for being clichéd....

Terrorism, religion and global politics (Opinions) 29-08-2005
by Andi
The suspects of the Bali bombings may indeed just be "dummy agents" sacrificed to protect greater powers, yet further investigation has reportedly led to an extreme religious group planning ruthless attacks on foreign targets in Indonesia. No...

Terrorismo, Cultura y Pobreza- Sin excusas (Opinions) 13-07-2005
by Fabrizio Scrollini
El Reino Unido está bajo el foco del terror. Un nuevo ataque contra el mundo occidental ha sido perpetrado de la manera más cobarde posible: en las sombras y contra población civil. Que el mundo lo sepa:¡ El Reino Unido no está solo! Sus hombres y...

Terrorist triumphs are sown in the disasters of development (Opinions) 9-03-2008
by Dermot Ryan
This article is a summary of my unpublished essay ‘‘Democratic Development would Win the War on Terror,” previously entitled “Terrorist Triumphs are sown in the Disasters of Development”. I give evidence of the almost hysterical United States'...

THAT DARK BLUE SKY (Poetry) 25-10-2006
by Zoe Chuks Ofunne.
THAT DARK BLUE SKY. The beauty in the runway three minutes in the air this voice's lost we hear the beauty suddenly faraway. The sun is ashamed the land is disgraced the tears of the cloud's couldn't soothe the pains on the ground...

The (Poetry) 21-07-2007
by Samuel K Akinbo
tell the wind, to cease his motion. and rub love like lotion Headed head, cry in jagged edge hole, Full loaded city, now mourn the steps, and noise of his beloved Cows lost their horns Kings lost their crown... imagine! the mat...

The "T" Word in Kenya (Opinions) 20-01-2008
by Caroline Wao
Today, Talk of the Nation on NPR (National Public Radio) featured the "T" word that is in the midst of tearing Kenya apart. Tribe. Forgive my cynicism; but unfortunately tribalism has existed in Kenya (subtly or otherwise), for a long time now....

The 'menace' of the Niger Delta region (Opinions) 2-01-2009
by Jerry
It's often alluded that the people of the Niger Delta region are vicious and thirsty for violence. i would always counter and re-counter that view. few weeks ago, i visited a town in one of th emost densed interior region of the Niger Delta,...

The Afghanistan conflict and its effects on the environment (Opinions) 8-11-2002
by aneel SALMAN
INTRODUCTION The events of September 11, 2001 in the United States and the subsequent conflict in Afghanistan have affected human lives around the world. The international community is preparing for the impact of these actions, and there has been...

The African Child and EPAs (Opinions) 29-07-2007
Today, we have gathered here to celebrate the African continent, its past and future, successes and challenges, potentials and threats, especially what concerns its children, the African children. We do this with the hope that the African...

The African Displacement Dispute (Opinions) 22-01-2007
by Madelaine
The involuntary displacement of people is a long-standing phenomenon. Throughout history, forces and factors have driven people from their normal and secure environments in search of more favorable locations that would support their survival....

The ANZAC Spirit; What are we remembering? (Opinions) 26-04-2003
by Simon Moss
[img:171:right] As I flicked through media coverage of ANZAC Day from recent years, I felt proud to think of myself as an Australian. The pages and airwaves were filled with inspiring stories of bravery and courage from those who had offered...

The Apocalypse (Poetry) 12-01-2007
by Ositadimma Amakeze
The Apocalypse Oh feller, fell no woods, Fell no woods anymore For sarcophagus, for here’s Come with us massive Massacre of masses Fell no tress in vain Say to bury the dead As in quantum we now die So do we be quaffed off Like...

The Arab World and the West! (Opinions) 30-04-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
The Arab world lies in northern Africa and southwestern Asia. It expands from Mauritania in the west to Oman in the east. The word “Arab” originally referred to the nomadic tribes of the Arabian Peninsula in southwestern Asia. Arabs may be...

The Battle Before Ascension (Poetry) 2-05-2006
by michael merritt jr.
*(I believe that there is a war going on for the human spirit, some we are aware of and others we are not.) Blankets of loneliness cover my heart, keeping its warmth and purity from being exposed to the cold elements of reality. The ridicule...

The battle for our streets (Opinions) 16-04-2007
by unxposed
A taste of dissent Current TV & Indymedia's citizen journalism. Banksy's urban-insurgency. Adbusters Magazine. Culture jamming & subvertisments' reorientation of corporate advertising. The blackspot sneaker factory. Mark Thomas' comedy slash...

The Beautiful Ones are Here. (Poetry) 22-11-2006
by Zoe Chuks Ofunne.
Once apon a time in the land of flowers there came the powers from the ploughers to pluck our beautiful flowers our flowers were lost gone in the winds of ill time so the ploughers were cursed while they were not at their prime The...

The Beauty Of The Beast (Poetry) 19-10-2007
by Emperor Omorogiuwa Edionseri
A Beauty From AFRICA Your feet were still far away, When I heard you were coming this way. They said you’re black from Togo But, never said you knew how to tango. Why should one wish only to be able When it’s possible to be fully...

The Beginnings of a New Cold War? (Opinions) 26-06-2003
by Michael Cartier
Unfortunately, a cold war is not the absence of war; but rather, it is the provocation and funding of ‘hot’ wars by other more powerful countries, or ‘superpowers’. For example, many of the wars in Central America during the 80’s were actually...

The best, the rest and the worst (Poetry) 22-06-2008
by sanmi
The best, the rest, and the worst… Better is the bid of the best, Best, better, and bighearted. Who are the best? Ace of all do-gooders, Enemy of expatriates, Eyesore of the evildoers. Worrywarts are the ways of the worst, Worthy of...

The Big Question! (Opinions) 28-03-2007
by Ken Auma
Many a times i wonder, why do things happen the way they do? It reminds me of a story of a bird, and this taught me a great deal of a lesson in life. Picture this;- the story of a bird. He had his wing over his eye and he was crying. The owl...

The Black Race (Opinions) 1-12-2008
by Sadick Abubakar
Africa, our mother land, a continent that is so rich in all the necessary resources and yet still the poorest of all. The origin of the human race and yet the most backward in all aspects of development. Our resources sell so well on the global...

The Brutality of Strangers (Poetry) 17-03-2004
by Amy Megsin
A hurricane of cruelness; Steps freely and with joy On every last, remaining piece Of my confidence. I am small. Some can barely see me, But he finds me still, To chew on me like a toy. I fear to feel pain For my heart is not of stone...

THE CAN-DOS (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – They are mostly men. Besuited, bespectacled, with slicked-back hair and confident smiles. They are the business contingent at the World Summit on Sustainable Development. "We came here because we wanted to...

The Cellist of Sarajevo (Poetry) 13-05-2003
by ana g
One early morning The market Exploded, Killing shoppers, Dozens of innocents As the town grieved, The cellist stepped forward, Vowing to play a day of Music for each lost beloved There he sat, Crouched over his instrument, Intense,...

The Children of Nigeria (Opinions) 1-08-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
God’s people, lucky, blessed, trapped! Earned these names with respect and hope – let them be. Ever reaching for the top from the basements Always paying dues for no membership card Wanting to belong in a local level ground Delving into...

The Conflict Zone (Poetry) 20-04-2012
by Ikram Ullah
Rue of a Woman half–widowed, The Ordeal of a girl yearning to see her father, The sigh from the broken soul of a Mother, And, the mourning of a Friend. You Ain’t gonna escape, when you Incur into this Conflict Zone....Where Blood is...

The consequences of leadership (Opinions) 13-06-2008
by Dereje Amera
In our living world, various leaders have come, passed by and influenced our reality as human beings. They have interfered in the decisions and moral choices that societies make in the daily operation of their lives. Leaders have shaped humanity...

The Cure Of The Black Hole (Poetry) 14-06-2007
by Viviana Torres
The farther I slide, away from being close The wider this hole stretches its jaws; jagged teeth Grotesque and polluted with the sinful, and meets The wants of sick humanity This gaping hole, hungry for vanity It is never satisfied. This...

The Cycle (Poetry) 16-06-2007
by Tarini Chandak
Peace is a word that is used too much, It is said in speeches, Where politicians talk about love and such. Love is the topic of pop songs, It makes movie stars famous, And sends them fans in throngs. Throngs of people with no cares, To...

The Darfur Crisis: A Test for the African Union (Opinions) 4-11-2004
by Mary Mureithi
Africa has since time immemorial been perceived as the dark continent and the myriad of problems that arise from time to time only seem to ascertain those sentiments. The big question that arises is: can Africa solve its problems without external...

The Darfur Crisis: An African Apocalypse (Opinions) 25-12-2006
by Sarah Zaaimi
Despite its being the widest country of the black continent, crossed by the biggest river of the world (The Nile), and enjoying a rich amount of mineral resources, especially oil and gold, Sudan remains one of the hot spots of the world because of...

The day my father laughed as I spoke those words (Poetry) 11-03-2008
by Daniel Nuxe Thomas
So gloomy were the nights and grey the afternoons when my Father was sad. Bloody the streets became when His children no longer sought His counsel. Hatred and murder curdled through the night when my Father was sad. I sat there in the corner...

The Day You Came Back (Poetry) 8-02-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
My body lay on its skin Wasting away in the woods As my soul slumbered within In the desert of ill darkness Black breezes buzzed around Whirling leaves upon me and sands Death’s dust to dust to tend Like the slain in the fields So sun...

The Dehumanizing Conditions of Detainees In Nigerian Prisons: What Justice? (Opinions) 12-11-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
The renowned existentialist, Jean Paul Sarte, made it clear that man is free by nature but his freedom is a consequence of responsibility. In his teachings he implies that an irresponsible man is not free. Hence the philosophy of imprisonment is...

The Departure (Poetry) 14-07-2004
by Karim Al Nadoury
To you dad, may you rest in peace Just I want to fly, Fly away and far, Far away from earth, To a place I call home, Gathering all my soul again, Lose all the broken feeling of my own, Discover my self in peace, Leave all the sorrow;...

The Earth (Poetry) 21-01-2007
by Zach K
Well, we had to write something about the earth in English class. Here goes: ---- The Earth is our mother; a mother of pride, a mother of forgiveness. The Earth is our home; filled with amazing things just a touch away. We, humans,...

the end of hope (Poetry) 1-04-2006
by aubrey madeline
Little baby boy with the whole world in front of him, living freely like a bird in the sky with blue eyes that anyone could fall in love with how could anyone denied him life? His journey has just begun, living his childhood everyday....

The Final Thought (Poetry) 7-04-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Alas, days pass. Our will, distraught. Conquest is no more. There is no more score. No dependence, with no forgiveness. To what has been done to bring upon tears. But yet they will stop, in just a few short years. The most intelligent of...

The fugitive (Poetry) 11-08-2009
by Robbie
The fugitive was a frail piece of artwork. The tapestry of his skin intertwined with scars of futile journeys, limp limbs etched with the inevitability of death. Ostracized... Outcast... Forgotten... Eyes peeked from beneath his shawl-sanctum,...

The future of the Global Justice Movement (Opinions) 16-04-2007
by unxposed
Common cause The resistance is growing - and for the first time truly unified. A unity found in justice, dignity and empowerment of the masses. With new technologies bypassing barriers of space, time and economy, a wave of global struggles have...

The Game of Power (Poetry) 17-10-2006
by Alexander Orok
Everywhere you look these days we're blinded by the campaign haze. Vote for me I'll do my best I'm so much better than the rest. Politicians know the score. Entertain and never bore. In your face on every street. Their...

The Global Disarmament of Nuclear Weapons (Opinions) 20-09-2007
by Kayamone A. Sutton
I come before you today to address an issue of great international importance, nuclear proliferation and the United States role in global disarmament of these weapons of mass destruction. Since the beginning of the Cold War, the United States has...

The Global Efforts Initiative (Opinions) 18-07-2007
by Eric Gitonga Mburugu
My fellow Taking it Global Partners, My name is Eric Gitonga Mburugu, 19 years old. Towards the end of last year 2006, I came up with a new concept aimed at reaching out and empowering people to participate and be more proactive in the process...

The Great African Leader: A Tribute to Kofi Annan (Poetry) 12-11-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
From Africa you had your roots In modesty you became a great leader In thy grace you led a great nation, the “UNITED NATIONS” For you were always a hero among the heroes. You have ensured a legacy To be envied by many A legacy that has...

The Grief of Death (Poetry) 21-11-2008
by Amah Paschal
This morning I woke up to some grief I heard a death shrill over the air So suddenly did it pierced the skies That the calm air was thrown into turmoil The skies shuddered and birds scared Hairs stood up all over my terrified body God...

The Gurkha karma (Opinions) 19-08-2009
by L.B.Tapmaden
The UK Government had already granted the right of settlement and equal pensions to those Gurkha soldiers serving in the British Army after 1997. The Gurkha veterans’ campaign was to provide settlement rights and equal pensions to all those Gurkha...

The Holocaust- A Recap! (Short Story) 17-01-2013
by Arrey Emmanuel Enow
From photos and videos of the holocaust, it is very difficult for an individual to see and forget how fellow human beings were reduced not only to the level of a sick donkey but to a level even less than a stray dog. Survivors and their families...

The Horn (Poetry) 10-07-2006
by Maimune
Yearning for better times Waiting for peace Lost and alone Destitute with disease Nothing can measure My longing for a release Haven’t I suffered enough? I am forgotten to you The sun shines shortly The rain dies slowly The crop...

The Ideology of Political Representation (Opinions) 12-12-2007
by John Sunday Martin, Chairman of Mundri Youth Development Association- (MYDA)
As I took a moment to observe the conceptions of many Malawians about refugees/ asylum seekers, I felt it was a curse for a person to be a refugee in another country- especially in a country where the citizens have a narrow sense of humanitarian...

The Impact Of War On Children (Opinions) 5-04-2003
by Nandita Saikia
The Pentagon boasts that the sun never sets on its military but conventional War has its consequences: child soldiers, refugees and internally displaced children, the child victims gender-based violence that war breeds, the threat of landmines,...

The impending class war in Kenya (Interviews) 31-05-2008
by Bernard Muhia
The French riots of 2007, which were a horrific representation of a class war, and the recent spate of violence in South Africa are probably where Kenya is headed. According to Dr. Sobbie Mulindi, who studied and lived in France for 15 years and...

The Importance of Education (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Adam Clare
Not every child thinks of school as a fun place. However, all that homework does pay off. You wouldn’t be reading this now unless someone taught you how to read; the chances are good that you learned how to read in a school. Education means more...

The Ink of Your Eyes (Poetry) 24-02-2007
by Awa Innocent Ndah
In the mist of nowhere You regrettably stand at akimbo Drowning your pain in your tears And your dreams with fears. Filled with words of inspiration, Chocking with the bitterness of your experiences, You look so indecisive To take the next...

The Ink of Your Eyes (Poetry) 24-02-2007
by Awa Innocent Ndah
In the mist of nowhere You regrettably stand at akimbo Drowning your pain in your tears And your dreams with fears. Filled with words of inspiration, Chocking with the bitterness of your experiences, You look so indecisive To take the next...

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Question of Palestinian Statehood (Opinions) 12-06-2003
by Nima Shirali
By: Nima Shirali Since the triumph of Iran’s ‘Islamic’ revolution in 1979, it has become abundantly clear that Khomeini’s arrival in Tehran commenced an era in which Islamic fanaticism would have significant implications for peace in the...

The Israelis, Palestinians, Africans, and Their Foes (Opinions) 26-09-2003
by Enefe,
“He who denies his past, does not value his future.” INTRODUCTION As you read through this article, take a moment to study the quote above. What do you make of it? Exactly, you will be right to submit that man has the tendency to take...

The Jackal in his own words (Poetry) 12-05-2010
by Erickson Almario
I am a monster... a killer... an animal, and the root of all evil. Whoever finds me, finds death. Whoever seeks me out seeks vengeance. I don't talk about killing, I kill. I don't talk about death... but I wish I could prevent it. The sky rains...

The jam (Poetry) 7-11-2007
by obare joash
As I sit in this matatu yawning and wongering When was last i wasn't stuck in a jam so lingering Shiny and bright headlights shines red, grean reflectors lits as breaks whines Oh, this reminds me I am in a highway My brother all of us at a...

The Journey (Opinions) 9-07-2004
by Simon
It was a journey started by many But it was a deceit covered by many Although it was like rain in fire for many But that was the way they used in tricking many It was almost like a thousand years But never was a common grace As all was...

The Judges (Poetry) 12-01-2007
by Ositadimma Amakeze
The judges They judged me to an edge Of what alone subsists in them That I fall off this precipice As a suicide from a cliff And I die every day and night In the crosses in their minds But they are them in crises Of scourges that...

The Killers of the People Enjoy Impunity as they Kill the Children from the Cradle (Short Story) 29-03-2006
by Abukar Albadri
Mogadishu (GLED) –after four days of heavy fighting that engulfed more than 75 people, the situation of Mogadishu is still a dilemma, and the people are worrying about another possible war. Both parties are still threatening each other and the...

The Land of the Rising Sun (Opinions) 23-11-2003
by Ian Beacock
It is the end of an era. On December 12th, after ten years as Canada’s Prime Minister and thirteen as the leader of his party, Jean Chrétien will step down as the most powerful man in the country. He will then hand over the reins of the leading...

The land will heal (Poetry) 9-04-2007
by Suraya Asmal
When time beckons the ripening of thought When My children and Your children Know the Truth of our land Thereafter give thanks for their Fortune When You and I can hold hands Without yielding a grudge When we are both equal – Not just in...

The Leaving Door --- (Poetry) 2-09-2005
by Jack Lashbrook
Lust dances mischeivously in the opaque of eyes. Egyptian cotton stained and imprinted with sweet goodbyes. Passionate parting has littered the clothes-strewn floor. One long farewell precedes the lovers' leaving door.

The little ant (Poetry) 5-02-2008
by Azira Binti Aziz
The little ant works and toils To get his company By his little hands and little feet Endlessly he finds food The Queen and company He asks no questions of And bothered not his why's For it is to Queen and company Does his life owe of...

The Lord is My Shepherd (Poetry) 4-05-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; 3 he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name's sake. 4 Even though I walk through the darkest...

The lying Bold Man, The dying Soldier, and The crying child (Poetry) 21-08-2005
by Samori Sombel Sy
Lead by shadows that only cowards will encounter The bold man ordered the use of the stealth bomber Soon a young soldier will have to wear that green armor Fly to unknown land wear the wind blows sad criers The child who's tears blew with...

The March of Remembrance and Hope: a collision of past, present and hope (Opinions) 22-06-2008
by S
If you have not experienced injustice in your life, well, some might say you’re pretty lucky. But if you have not experienced genocide in your life, many would agree that you are definitely blessed. This past May I embarked on a trip that I was...

The Masquerades (Poetry) 15-10-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
The Masquerades Now the faithful Are preparing the masquerades For a great festival in Two thousand and seven. Many hearts are highly beating, Highly panting like a raced deer, Because the Caines among them Have started their practice...

The Masses Have Spoken (Opinions) 28-08-2003
by Nadia Badeka
Firstly, the statistics: over 6 million protesters on the streets of cities around the world on February 15, 2003. More than 567,000 children dead in Iraq as a consequence of the embargo. Mortality rates in the country have increased to 32...

The message: An upstander's anthem (Poetry) 15-10-2006
by Ruth Gonzalez
The world has been crying For those whom suffer For those whom commit crimes For those whom aren't listening For those whom are doing something to change Believing in equality Humanity Truth Beauty To speak out in groups...

The Needless Frontier (Opinions) 9-10-2004
by Sean Joseph McNeill
In a world ravaged by destruction and conflict both domestic and abroad, it is a wonder to me why we care to explore any further then our own atmosphere, set aside populating and arming this vast space which lays above us. With its roots set in...

The next Nepalese government: what is it for? (Opinions) 5-05-2008
by Ajit Rai
The Nepalese power composition has changed following the historic election to the Constituent Assembly. The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has emerged as the largest political party following the CA election- largest at least in the common...

The Nexus between Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (Opinions) 16-07-2002
by Ahmad Rashady
The nexus between nation-building and peacekeeping is an intriguing one. Certainly this relationship is one that entails due diligence. Before understanding this concept, it is necessary to know its definition. Thus, “nation-building is a process...

The Nigeria of my Dreams: Yes We Can (Opinions) 2-09-2009
by Ajayi-Smith Olukayode
My growing years were not particularly the best and I guess that is one of my driving forces for a better life today. Today as I write, I am reminded of the memories of my grandpa who laid the foundation of delayed gratification in my life; the...

The Nigerian Youth and Politics (Opinions) 15-10-2005
by Waive O. benjamin
Nigerian youths have lost hope and confidence in our present leaders. While some youth are trying to emancipate and empower youth in the right direction others, who called themselves members of the Peoples Democratic Party Youths Vanguard (PDPYV),...

The Noose (Poetry) 7-03-2007
by Alisha Yoder
THE NOOSE A dirty stained rope Hanging limply from a stand Fibers of our fears And our dark envy...

The North Korea Threat (Opinions) 27-08-2003
The United States Defence secretary in the Bill Clinton administration, William Perry, recently alerted the world of a possibility of war between America and North Korea before the end of this year as the necessary conclusion for their nuclear...

The only Truth we have (Poetry) 28-11-2008
by Mohamed Salhi
Don't become suicidal; remember the hereafter. Stand up to wrongdoers like a brave fighter. Allah blessed us by a sacred sheep, not just a BBQ feast, a drink and some sleep. Why the sheep and not Ismael? Why wasn't He a male or female?...

The other Face of the Earth (Opinions) 30-10-2007
by Chisomaga Anyanwu
Where we face the worms that ransack our stomach with pride, dignity and audacity. In the other part of this, we don't speak about it if we are neighbors and mind you. From the biblical point of view: "love your neighbors as you love...

The Pain of Love (Poetry) 18-04-2007
by Mbũrũ Kamau
All the time the world mentions this four letter word And the gruesome acts done on the most innocent victims Who have no say in the world politics, It takes me more pain than joy, To mention that love exists. The mysteries that one...

The Pasture of America's Great 'Wars' (Opinions) 27-03-2002
by Whitney Haring-Smith
I would like to be the first to welcome the “War on Terror” to the great pasture of America’s “wars.” Within five years, the “War on Terror” will have a small plot next to the “War on Poverty” and the “War on Drugs.” All of these great “wars”...

The Path (Poetry) 5-04-2007
by JH
The Path As we walk down the path that the whites have cruelly laid down against our destinies into foreign land I think about the graves we have dug the illnesses that have invaded us the many tears of pain that have stained our hearts...

The path to a peace in Great Lakes Region of Africa (Opinions) 3-09-2002
Central Africa is experiencing war, mainly in the following countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi. This appears as a great deal for local people living in this area. Since 1998, in particular, Democratic Republic...

The Peace Builder (Short Story) 12-07-2004
by Rashid Zuberu
Gonja, a vast and a troubled land in the north of Ghana, is home to the ‘Salaga Slave Market’ and numerous ‘slave wells’ which are inhabited by various ethnic groups and tribes. For decades people of this land have fought many wars against each...

The Perfect Outcast (Poetry) 21-06-2005
by Jacques Gimeno
The eyes that shine as bright as ever Send chills and steels to every shiver, Not knowing they could go too deep OH, WHO OWNS THOSE EYES OF THE CREEP? The hands that feel as cold as ever Can turn the tide in every river, Not...

The Perspective of a New Zealand Youth (Opinions) 24-09-2001
by Yasmary Mora
What happened WAS a tragedy, no one deserves to be murdered, not ever. On the other hand there is a lot of biased talk going around, most of it being centred on the Arab people and Islam. This is not only unjust and worrying, it is another...

The plight of an illegal migrant on a journey to Europe (Interviews) 27-12-2006
by Michael Boampong
One individual, who prefers only to be called Franklin, is one of the thousands of African migrants who have made the perilous journey to the Canary Islands in small boats. The basic story that he told me at my request at interviewing him was...

The Political War (Opinions) 18-04-2007
by Agbedejobi patrick niyi
In the wake of the Israel-Hezbollah conflict, a public poll in Egypt asked a cross-section of that country’s citizenry to name the two political leaders they most admired. An overwhelming number named Hassan Nasrallah. Iranian President Mahmud...

The power of initiatives to youth developmental growth (Opinions) 6-10-2008
by Desmond D. Osokpor
The elements were elemental: One mile, four minutes. Men could not run a mile under four minutes. It became a challenge in the history of humanity. But on May 6,1954, an English man, Roger Banister, who just graduated from medical studies, crossed...

The Power that Kills (Poetry) 14-11-2008
by Miyar De'Nyok
Africa! Africa! Africa! Are you crazy? The land of milk and honey Corrupted by ill greediness Romantic political influences Blood thirsty to human life War and genocide Will this cruelty? Relieve you from hatred Traumatized politicians...

The power that kills (Poetry) 23-11-2008
by Miyar De'Nyok
Africa! Africa! Africa! Are you crazy? The land of milk and honey Corrupted by ill greediness Romantic political influences Blood thirsty to human life War and genocide Will this cruelty? Relieve you from hatred Traumatized politicians...

The Price (Poetry) 18-04-2003
by Judith Bosire
I cuddled to the wall under my bed As a sound louder than thunder rattle the house Causing the utensils fell off their positions Maybe a strong earthquake. Then I heard screams from a far Getting louder with each moment Though strained...

by Akinnyi Olashile
Before I set the ball rolling concerning this article, I will want to us to understand the fact that, the problem of Nigeria is not Nigeria rather than Nigerian, that is we ourselves!!. Many people had been denouncing on these issue that our...

The Problem With Africa (Poetry) 2-04-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
The Problem With Africa We Africans seem to live for the present rather than plan for the future. We have many things planned for one day, and could not be able to finish for one hundred years. The greed among our leaders is replete...

The prodigal (Poetry) 15-06-2005
by Jacques Gimeno
He struggles to reach the end of the tunnel, SILENCE -- He loses his way, He calls to Him for help that he might find peace, SILENCE -- He remains unanswered. He cries and shouts he curses... He wishes to die, for amid the chaos...

The psyche of development work: making sure development is done right (Opinions) 20-11-2008
by Stacia
The greatest danger involved in development work is not the projects themselves, but the mindsets of the people who implement them. For one who is only barely acquainted with development, the entire development project is seen as a ‘good’ thing....

The Race Game (Poetry) 18-04-2004
by Amegah Raymond
The race game The race game The race is meant to be faced, The race is meant to be won, It is to be faced together In oneness it will be won. The race comes with many faces, Constraining and confusing many Tearing and tormenting many men,...

The Reasons of the Conflict in Sudan (Opinions) 6-09-2004
by John Sunday Martin, Chairman of Mundri Youth Development Association- (MYDA)
The Sudan’s history is so long, so complicated and so hurting, that just talking about the history of Sudan brings fresh emotional and physiological effects because of the terrible atrocities that Sudanese people have experienced. Therefore,...

The refugee's diary (Poetry) 17-06-2010
by Mutebi Bwakya
From my home in my mother country, I packed up and fled, seeking food and security, and perhaps a warm bed. I toiled against hope, trekking the hot terrain. Thoughts swelled my mind; they were driving me insane. All I wanted was peace...

The Repudiated (Poetry) 13-06-2007
by Terese Mörtvik
They mourn them with lips unmoving; the days of violence –and the peace that went missing. Silence shrouds like a warming blanket the wailing of minds gone quiet, for why scream when no one is listening? They mourn them with silent...

The Right and the Wrong (Opinions) 15-09-2011
by khalil sardarzaei
From the beginning of human life on the earth until today people have been in quarrel on "what is wrong versus what is right?" Every side is talking about "I am right ". What is the "philosophy of wrong and right"? These two are enemy...

The Right to Information (Opinions) 22-02-2003
by Sanjana Hattotuwa
The Right to Information “Freedom of information is a fundamental human right and ... the touchstone of all the freedoms to which the United Nations is consecrated.” - UN General Assembly Resolution 59(I), 1946 - In Sri Lanka and...

The Rise of Somalia's Islamic Courts Tips the Balance of Power (Opinions) 22-03-2006
by Abukar Albadri
Mogadishu - Calm has returned to the Somali capital Mogadishu, as people return to their homes after fleeing four days of heavy fighting between a group calling itself Alliance for Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism and the city's hardline...

The Rock (Poetry) 27-10-2005
by Cyril D. Boateng
There, in the river That flows with forceful vengeance I see the carefully crafted rock Fighting for survival once again An endless struggle with time Thousand years it stood Chipped a little each day Till it stands today A rounded...

The Role of Nigerian Youth in National Transformation (Opinions) 6-01-2008
There is no doubt that almost all Nigerians want change, and the mood for change is evident from small villages to big cities where poverty, disease, lack of social infrastructure and most significantly lack of hope is everyday reality for...

The Role of the Youth in Promoting Peace and Conflict Resolution (Opinions) 7-11-2007
by David Fakunle
The world we live in is full of competitors; we are all competing for one thing or the other. We all have rights and wants; our human nature desires that our rights be protected at all times, whatever the situation. The impossibility for this...

The Role of Women on Global Peace Efforts (Opinions) 31-12-2002
by Amie Marie R. Flores
Let me begin with a story: Three men came across a female genie who promised to grant each one a wish. The first man said, “I wish I were twenty-five percent smarter.” The genie blinked, and the man said, “Hey, I feel smarter already.” The...

by Stephen N. Asek
"When the good way prevails in the state speak boldly and act boldly. When the state has lost the way act boldly and speak softly." Confucius. Wide spread public opinion holds that every country, nation or organized group of people will...

The Room of Expressions (Poetry) 16-09-2012
by Aly
I am trapped in a room with invisible walls, Invisible windows, And an invisible cause. This room makes me play opposite day, but there's a twist; It's every day. And the room follows with every step I take, Causing me to be someone else,...

The Roots of the Wild Grass (Opinions) 28-11-2003
by Jen Tanaka
Capital punishment is the greatest penalty in man’s law against evil doers to promote peace and order in the land. In the Philippines, lawmakers decided to return the death penalty after former Pres. Cory Aquino abolished it. According to...

The sad truth about being part of the global village (Opinions) 3-12-2002
by R Kahendi
Once upon a time, when arms were limited to sharp blades and to piercing points, death was just as inevitable and as hard to accept as it is today. So we "progressed" from that era. And now, we have more efficient large scale-killing machines to...

The Saint from the Broad-Road (Poetry) 8-04-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Odimegwu Onwumere's concept: One thing about writers, they do not realise that history, events, circulation, truth, time etc. are entrusted into their hand. Though, I may not have liked Audu Ogbe, but for having shown the hap qualities found in...

The search party (Poetry) 27-02-2008
by Lynne Lessard

the Season of Change is coming... (Poetry) 29-05-2007
by Ed Munter
Truth is hidden in plain sight right before our eyes. Love is crying out for Love but it’s wearing a disguise. The world is wounded and hurting. The signs are beginning to show. You can turn away but you can’t pretend you don’t care or...

The season of Christmas (Poetry) 6-11-2008
There are seasons and there are seasons. Seasons of sorrow and seasons of joy; Seasons of laughter and that of cry; Seasons to cherish and those to relinguish But the due season, the season of Christmas A season to count your blessings And...

THE SHATTERED KINGDOM (Short Story) 12-04-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
The third article in the commandment of the Animal kingdom reads thus, “No animal MUST kill another for food; but can have one when found dead.” Not long enough, however, there stirred up a commotion that instigated a debate on the necessity of...

The Siege of Gaza and Solidarity (Poetry) 12-12-2008
by Adham Tobail
Strip a small area, see the eyes of the world every day The suffering there has been going on for years, a small prison isolated from the world Children being killed every day Youth lost their future Hospitals without medicine Schools...

The Sky is Crying (Poetry) 6-01-2005
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
Each time I wake up in the morning I could see the sky shedding tears Because of hatred, prejudice and war That has taken over our world Our uncared attitude towards the helpless Who live on nothing and sleepless The sky sheds tears...

The Somali Family (Short Story) 4-08-2007
by Abdinasir Ahmed Adam
The Somali are Moslems, permitted to marry up to four wives at a time. Having five wives would be a crime as serious as bigamy in countries practicing monogamy. Actually, very few men have more than one or sometimes two wives, since limits are...

The Songs We Sing (Poetry) 24-06-2004
by Chrispetra Onyinye Okeke
We sing the songs our elders sung Today and every other day They sang real loud And beat their chests To every word they clung They stood by it and died for it The vows that they With songs did take So we can be alive today Oh lives...

The Sri Lankan Situation in context (Opinions) 6-11-2006
by Erandi Ranmuthugala
Sri Lanka, the tear drop island off the Indian Ocean, was a peaceful country. But the consecutive arrivals of the Portuguese, Dutch and British eroded the system of happy coexistence between the two major ethnic groups. The Sinhalese and Tamils...

The story not told of Amaechi (Opinions) 16-08-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
There is no amount of good that a man could do to his concubine’s child that the child would call him daddy. And the man could be trying all he can to please the child but for the fact that enmity is greatest at home, the child would not call him...

by henry oriokot
Planted by the politicians Moved by the campaign managers Drunk by the supporters Defended by the task force Hospitalized by the court Sweetness and sourness of elections Sport kicked by the electorate Spread by the voters Centered...

The Taste of His Words (Poetry) 28-09-2005
by Robert Dodginghorse
He’s got fast paced lies, yes the kind that could live . He’s got fashion made of splintered shawls through unspeakable cloth. His poems are such mind enhancers i hear him every moonlit night and look how they flock to him, they'll all...

The things that are MAKA-LECHE!!! (Short Story) 14-01-2007
by Daphne Penelope S. Quirke
The daily journals of Rory Neala: The things that are “Maka-leche” As I entered the 1st year Girl’s CR near the Admin building, I couldn’t help myself but notice the totally “MAKA-LECHE” Popular “Kikay” Girls grooming themselves like lined-up...

The threat of violence is more terrifying than the violence itself (Opinions) 24-06-2005
by Justin
In the corner the child wept and covered her eyes from the fury in the next room. Explosive words and the whimpering of fear was overwhelming, as her father abused her mother with his tongue. No hand was lifted, no bruise or wound was...

The Three Candles (Poetry) 6-07-2004
by okondo Oluwatominsin Anne
One was very big, the two others were small They both wanted to be like the big one The big one looked at both candles He smiled and said ‘I’ll soon be like you' What you both don't know is that, You were not made that way You were once like...

The time has come (Poetry) 2-03-2010
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
My mind fades as I see the parades of others minds cast aside the welfare of our world.. The hypocrisy has become a bliss as many miss the true form of all identity. For within this, is the unconscious realm of unacknowledged fate that will be...

The Time Will Come (Poetry) 14-09-2010
Don’t look down on me Children of my mother For it was the look of the sun That turns my skin to black Don’t despise me Children of my father For it was due to the creation That turns me into this race Because I’ve no saying among you...

The times we are living (Opinions) 11-01-2002
by Juan Manzero
The president resigns. The advisors do the same. Why? Because they realised they weren't good enough? Because they were tired of power? Because they had done everything they could? No. The answer is much more simple: because of the people. Many...

The tool for Unity: NYSC ! (Opinions) 7-05-2007
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country...the heartbeat of the Black continent. Considering the diverse government of the day that has been in power since the inception of independence. We have come a long way till date to stand a ruler taller,...

The trouble with Africa (Opinions) 16-07-2007
by George Wiliiam Onyore
Africa is a continent blessed with a great people and beautiful expanse land. We have minerals, oil and water. We have a rich and diverse culture and history. In fact we are capable of using all of these to realize any goal we set to achieve. So...

The Tube (Poetry) 8-01-2009
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Did you see the movies last night? Or were you too busy on your assignment? I was up to see the obscene scenes again, No adult to caution my eyes or sighs, I was up with the tube as my teacher... ...and I listened; I saw the world in a...

The U.S and British Assault on Iraq and the Continuation of the Intifadah (Opinions) 22-05-2003
by Nima Shirali
The U.S and British Assault on Iraq and the Continuation of the Intifadah Subsequent to the U.S and British assault on Iraq, President Bush and Prime Minister Blair’s assertions that such an assault would be beneficial for Middle East’s...

The UN involvement (or lack thereof) in the 1994 Rwanda Genocide (Opinions) 21-06-2004
by Erika Kneeland
In 1994 and the years leading up to it, Rwanda was involved in a civil war between its two major ethnicities, Hutu and Tutsi. The world was well aware of the situation, yet failed to react appropriately when the Hutu began deliberately and...

The Unborn (Poetry) 23-08-2007
Blazing round the corner Of here today gone tomorrow, Creeps a disturbing nightmare In a changing atmosphere. Am I safe? Help! Are you safe? How about our children, the unborn, When this place where our feet rest Is fast...

The US And Its Role In Nuclear Disarmament (Opinions) 20-09-2007
by Kayamone A. Sutton
I come before you today to address an issue of prodigious international importance: nuclear proliferation and the United States’ role in global disarmament of these weapons of mass destruction. This country and its new generation of Americans are...

The US Missile Defense System (Opinions) 20-09-2007
by Kayamone A. Sutton
We live in a new day and age, a day and age where international threats are emerging or present threats are intensifying. International peace and tranquility is hanging in the balance with the possible emergence of two new nuclear states: Iran and...

The Value of Life (Short Story) 17-01-2008
by Shireen
The old, frail man had been brought to the general hospital. I am not sure how he landed there but the nurses said he was found at an LRT station and no one knew who he was. Above his bed, his name was written as UNK which I later came to realize...

The vanguards of tomorrow (Poetry) 1-05-2007
The Vanguards of Tomorrow As there is no today without a yesterday No tomorrow without a today No future without a past And no past without a present This is the ‘world ‘of our youth The vanguards of tomorrow When our yesterday was...

The view from Oakland (Opinions) 14-05-2007
by clarita zarate
It's all coming apart for the Bush Administration these days. Finally. After the Democrats won a slight majority in the House and Senate last November, they are at last starting to exercise a little LONG overdue oversight… and hopefully we will...

The War Culture: A culture of darkness! (Opinions) 20-06-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
There is a Persian proverb that sounds more like a tongue twister than sound advice. We were compelled to memorize it by our high school teacher for obvious reasons: “He who knows not and knows not that he knows not, is a fool; shun him. He who...

The war in my home town... (Opinions) 19-08-2007
by Mary Grace M. Alonzo
My last panorama submission was 4 years ago and today I just want to express people like me that aiming for PEACE in our country and Peace for the whole world is primordial for us to tell our story for the benefit of the others who are also...

The War on Terror: Over-rated? (Opinions) 27-09-2002
by Catarina Abreu
Terrorism must be stopped. It's a commitment that has become a first priority since the September 11 attacks. Let us fight this war on terror with the vigour that can come from having a new revelation. Let us play God and decide whose lives we...

The War On Terrorism (Opinions) 11-09-2002
by craig ledingham fulton
We were discussing about September 11th in our RE lesson today. There were a lot of comments made by students that where talked about, that made a lot of sense. It's amazing some of the statistics that people have calculated. But are the...

The War. . . We Will Win (Opinions) 1-10-2001
by Muhammad Ovais Zuberi
September 11th was a tragic day, a day when humanity lost its dignity. Minds and hearts of those who survived were infiltrated with a never-ending fear, fear of the fact that the safest place on earth was no longer safe. It was also a day for...

The Water (Poetry) 9-07-2004
by Karim Al Nadoury
I was so small in the depth of clay Waiting for the helping hand to hold So dark in here, who am I? Who are you? My friend, my family I ‘m not believing in your care Get out of my face, leave me alone Did I hurt you before? I am sure I...

The Waves (Poetry) 11-07-2004
One moment you have shortage. . . The next you have excess. . . One day you have nothing to do. . . The next you don't have time to get it all done. . . One day the refrigerator is empty and you are hungry. . . The next you have a half...

The weak link between International Aid and International Development (Opinions) 28-03-2007
by Fiona McKenzie
“Foreign aid in different times and different places has been highly effective, totally ineffective, and everything in between. Perhaps that is to be expected in a complex endeavour that has spanned half a century, with scores of countries as...

The West and Terrorism: A New Approach Needed (Opinions) 31-05-2004
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
Sometime back, Spaniards voted overwhelmingly for a major socialist led government coalition after negatively inspired terrorists spearheaded a blood curdling bombing, which rocked Madrid, the Spanish capital. The ‘brave’ bombers (terrorists)...

The West Sahara issue in Morocco (Opinions) 22-02-2011
by saadia
On November 2010, 20,000 Moroccan citizens living in the South of Morocco in the province of Laayoune, also called the Western Sahara, organized a camp called ''Akdim'' at a distance of 6.2 miles from the city. They installed 8,000 tents and...

The Winner (Poetry) 30-08-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
The Winner The election is over and the winners are celebrating their un-earned victory but we are with their result. Opposition cries blue murder and foul, characterized by gigantic fraud, full of irregularities but we are with...

The World Mourns (Poetry) 6-11-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
Looking yonder I see a tear drop Looking further I see a blood drop I then ask myself Why the drops? I then wonder aloud Where did they come from? Didn’t you know? There came a sound From nowhere I then start To see the sense...

The World of Words (Poetry) 12-01-2006
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Words, oh words, Powerful cords From the vocal chords; Pulling thoughts to hearts and feelings Across to hearts a-leaping With joy and nervous tension For such artistic cohesion. Make them dizzy, Throw them into a tizzy, Brandish those...

The youth and crime in my country (Opinions) 28-01-2003
by salami adewale
The economy of my country can be seen as non-stable and dwindling. Resultantly, it has been affecting the state of living for families. Families cannot put food on the tables for their dependants, they cannot clothe their dependants, and they...

The youth and ECOSOCC (Opinions) 28-05-2007
by Ken Auma
On the 24th May, 2007, I happen to have attended a meeting called at Hotel Panafric in Kenya to deliberate on the Economic, Cultural and Social Council (ECOSOCC), an arm of African Union led by Prof. Wangari Maathai as the president. ECOSOCC is...

The youth and violence (Opinions) 24-06-2005
by Waive O. benjamin
With exposure to violence (both physical and psychological) being on the increase and a strong feeling of general insecurity prevailing among many young people in today\'s globalising societies, the character of violence as a primary mode of...

The youth in the context of Nepal (Opinions) 22-06-2007
by Prabesh Paudyal
Youth are the active population of any country. This age group is the key stake holder of social, political & economy issues of the nation. Youths can act as perpetrator of conflict and they can equally play significant “reverse role” of peace...

There Beneath The Flower (Poetry) 20-06-2007
by Helena
There beneath the flowers Lay my brother Young ... in his 20 golden years Dressed in cold soil around his handsome face He smiled his handsome smile That morning .. sun hid behind gray clouds He lifted me up on his shoulder Gave his white...

Thierno - Une enfance volée (Opinions) 28-12-2008
by Oliveira Ianis
THIERNO (Une enfance volée) Du sang accompagné de larmes amères coule sur des joues poussiéreuses et desséchées. Un regard vide, confus, triste, désespéré est posé sur un sol en terre battue. Dans cette pièce sombre et froide, une petite...

Think (Poetry) 13-01-2009
by alexandra tome
Think about every single thing you can do. It can be anything, it can be breathing, walking, listening, singing, remembering,thinking. Now think about the people who can't do those things. Now think about every...

Think. (Poetry) 16-06-2005
by Azira Binti Aziz
Who are we to say what God wills us to do what God supposedly in his silence told us to why are we to be lesser than when we were born who were innocent and free now driven to lust and scorn who are we to believe we are right? who are we...

Thinking of Imran (Short Story) 2-06-2007
by Muhammad Imran Shahid
A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat." "Is the man...

Third World countries and rights to development (Opinions) 28-10-2006
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
The Third World was the newest of the world. The term was derived from the “Third Estate” which in European revolutionary language related to the commoners. The King was the first estate, and he ruled with the temporal and the spiritual nobles who...

This Emptiness (Poetry) 13-10-2008
by Arun Budhathoki
This room is empty under the swollen sky, The moon is harsh and dogs of the night cry, Sounds, lights, voices guard the violent air, Every mind is asleep inside the word of a grey hair. Things bring lifeless image to eye, The moon is cruel...

This Has happened with me..... (Opinions) 9-04-2003
by Im Owaineh
Politics, what do I have to do with politics and all these things that I don’t understand, and I don’t think those who talk about it 24/7 understand it as well. I mean, I’m the one who suffers through the checkpoints, and who can’t continue his...

This is Africa (Opinions) 26-04-2007
by Siphephile
I rose from the continent of contrasts, of pains and privileges There is a line in the movie Blood Diamonds, where Arnold Vosloo says to Leo De Caprio: “Tia, This is Africa”. This is indeed Africa - a place where some still celebrate...

This is my memory of Regina Gelb (Poetry) 22-06-2008
by S
I remember… I remember Chopin’s Nocturne playing in the background while my two older sisters and I danced in the center of our cottage in Central Poland. I remember… I remember my beautifully kind mother and her musings about the future...

This Poem is Yours and Mine (Poetry) 10-02-2011
by Wahab ibn Hassan
The Chekosis came by The cockroaches flew by Telling the Dagombas: Peace! Peace! This poem tells you to submit yourself to Law And pay homage to Gbewaa Kingdom. Do not be part of rebellion For you will become an ingrate. This poem is yours...

Those who make history (Short Story) 19-01-2009
by Yagmurov Farhad
“Saturday, June 15th, 1943, would be a day that I would never forget. After a long night’s sleep, I started the day with a smile on my face. On that day, I planned to swim in the river with a friend. But first, after I awoke, I was to do all the...

Thou peace (Poetry) 26-02-2008
by obare joash
thou, peace, we need of mind soul and surrounding a mind so gentle and cool environment so serene and appealing reminding of times, eternity, of maternity and paternity ties so strong reigning within and among The hearts of all Kenyans...

Thought for Peace (Poetry) 3-01-2009
by Ayodele Benjamin Smart
In every choas There is always a misunderstood word Word that generate different meaning Based on individual understanding Where wisdom and knowledge is fully utilized Which led to having negative thought And perceived a different view point...

TIME (Poetry) 27-11-2004
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
See how she leaps, There but not any more. Only a perception of thee, Beyond our every control. You are nobody’s wife, Though thou promise thy love. Late do we all realize, That we’re just in queue. Thou elusive bait, You outwit and...

Time (Poetry) 4-01-2006
by Charles Eteure
Healer of all wounds For you come by without much notice But by then, It’s obvious you’ve been around I don’t seem to understand your mystery But I appreciate you Oh time, When all seems gone You remain the cornerstone Upon which I’m...

Time lost (Poetry) 5-08-2010
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
It was only a tear away. And it made us cry. Now we look back and see the past: Time went so very fast... and now it's twice as hard to try. If only we were born to know That of our inner feelings we’d have to let go, That greed would be...

Time will come (Poetry) 29-11-2007
by hilary kent
These nowaday governments They amaze me, They marvel and rejoice at compliments But never give a damn to complains and laments. All they do is oppress the weak, To their "splendid" tactics they'll stick Thinking we are blind we never see...

Tip of the iceberg (Opinions) 15-02-2007
by friday solomon
I cried bitterly every time, I cried bitterly for my country. The whole treasury, all the money is in the hands of very few. A land greatly endowed, where natural and human resources is not scarce but is left unutilized, underutilized and grossly...

To Fight Terrorism, Fight the Root Causes (Opinions) 1-06-2004
by neba princewill
The US led War on Terrorism is good but it is best to understand the root causes of terrorism before engaging into the fight. The fundamentalism that has increased in the world needs to be properly checked and the steps and strategies being used...

TO GANI (Poetry) 10-11-2009
by Adebayo Waidi Gbenro
You stood tall in death. You lived on in death. You came back to life at death. For the deeds of men they say live before and after them. Your deeds have forever put your name in the annals of history. You lived in times of great peril....

To my loved man (Poetry) 11-08-2007
by John kariem sila
To my loved man The only man I ever loved Told me the day He was going to kiss the death But I was too young To understand, Why, And I did not cry I was strong As my grandmother’s song! My old man is gone Nor ill not sick, As he...

To open his account (Poetry) 17-04-2010
by abnish singh chauhan
He inserts his foot in cracked bamboo to open his own account Dynamite grows in his fields and arms are put up for sale hounds and threatens humble folk day and night in the garb of a well-wisher His great attachment is with the...

To the Soldier (Poetry) 11-03-2007
by Alisha Yoder
TO THE SOLDIER Did you never feel a DEBT for STOLEN land Did you never heave a sigh at such SORROW Did your march never lose PURPOSE Did another's blood on your HANDS never make you weep Did your eyes grow so NUMB Were you such a HERO...

To Whom Should He Ask! (Poetry) 4-06-2005
by Amit K Srivastava
He would like to play like those innocent kids, He would like to to dance on bits, He would like to sketch his imagination, But He can't do it any more... Ismile Ali helpless now... He won't be able to catch the hands of mom, Won't be able...

Today (Poetry) 16-09-2004
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
Today... We've wider roads, but narrow minds More money now, but we're far less kind The buildings are taller but our tempers are shorter We've polluted the world and we drink bottled water Today... We love too slow and hate too fast The...

TODAY AND THE FUTURE (Short Story) 12-10-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
This is a story about two complementary phenomenons, Today and the Future. They are relatives who once lived together. One day the Future told Today that I want my share of security and Today said that He would look into it. Today had all what it...

Tolerance as a Solution for Displacement (Opinions) 10-01-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
In most war torn regions, people become displaced. This is not their choice, but circumstances force them to accept it. The question is, “Does it have to be this way?” and the answer is, "Absolutely not." Looking at regions around the world...

Tonight (Poetry) 1-02-2009
by Emperor Omorogiuwa Edionseri
Silence dances The music in my heart, Of you, your sumptous memories. Your palms are hard like a man's Yet drives through, the sieves of my soul And makes the man in me, shivers and quivers! Your love, is hot to the heightest height. I...

Tonight we mend our shattered dreams (Poetry) 18-04-2005
by Oluwafemi Reis
Tonight we mend our shattered dreams With glues of hope and radiant seams Each man must refuse his slumber's call Summon courage and stand up tall Tonight we mend our shattered dreams We draw the line between war and peace It's time to...

Toronto Teens Think About That Day (Opinions) 24-09-2001
by Karis
Here in Toronto, the impact on New Yorkers seems to hit just a little bit harder, a little bit deeper. You see, we have always viewed ourselves as the Canadian New York. New York is the business capital of the United States, Toronto is the...

Tower Watch (Poetry) 16-04-2007
Shimmering of winds in flight, glorious, glorious, glorious sight chase budding glows of day; A winking night applaud sumptuous might of a waning day pushed to rest on roses trays; It won’t be for long before morn wakes again… just on...

Tragedy (Poetry) 19-10-2005
by aubrey madeline
Tragedy blows through life like a tornado uprooting our hopes and dreams tearing our family apart due to the words we speak putting down our own flesh and blood saying the words you are nobody with no goals in life to achieve do you see the...

Trapped (Poetry) 27-05-2005
by Carly T
Trapped in eternal darkness, In the shadow of all that lives above the ring that holds the balance of two worlds together. Trapped in the souls that are lost between the transition of life that may bring pain and joy. Lost in the...

Treading On All Our Heels (Poetry) 3-08-2008
by Melissa Leigh Snowden
We must be kind to each other, There's something behind everyone Treading on all our heels; What makes it go? We've got to go Somewhere and not escape it Exactly, but at least be aware. No, we're not always alone with our struggles Others...

Tree of Knowledge by Vittal Koppal (Opinions) 19-10-2007
by Vittal Koppal
The Tree of Knowledge By Vittal Koppal No, knowledge is not just a lifeless recording of facts and figures as you believe it to be. Knowledge is power, even though knowledge appears to be invisible and not existent it is beyond space,...

Tribuo Nos Sto (Poetry) 27-06-2007
by ...
By miracle, blind men once saw Where the seeing are all now blind And brothers’ blood paints the land In Paradise’s desert sand And through the storms A child calls But her God has no answer Because the power She prays to for victory...

Trinity Site (Poetry) 6-08-2005
by mithun c
Trinity site! You close your eyes, you see a dream the kids are playing on the field. take a step ahead and what you see, candy man and ice cream. the laughing ones and playing ones the little one with their milky teeth.. See the wind...

triste moment... (Poetry) 11-09-2006
by billy mangole
Une seconde avant Mon cœur bâtait au rythme de l’espoir Une seconde après Le rythme de l’angoisse envahit mon cœur Quelques minutes plus tard Le choc des armes parle La paix se rebelle La vie change d’image… Quand les cris de larmes...

True friends never sleep (Poetry) 1-03-2007
Knock! knock! door who do you homed? Ah, I hear him asked, ' who could that be?' Come out friend, it's no stranger but me Back from that dreamless sleep - I'd roamed- And found you snoring heavily by my side; Drunk by the wicked spirit of...

Tulips in Tumult (Poetry) 9-09-2005
by Francis Awinda
Tulips in Tumult Once upon a childhood, when Tulips grew in fields’ wide open, beyond the fence, Caressing the sunshine of innocence, Now their emaciated leaves have fallen, And float on the winds of tumult in wars turbulence....

turing the pages of our lives (Poetry) 3-05-2006
by aubrey madeline
we are turning the page our life to see what is all about are we being true to ourselves or the people around us we ask the question, what are we doing here? will we ever stop world hunger or end racism? will we ever find our true happiness?...

Twin Peace Pact (Opinions) 11-01-2005
by (Serah Katusia)Tussi
Isn’t it amazing that Somali and Sudan have both singed peace pacts? Its wonderful news to the citizens of both countries, some who have never set their feet to their countries. It has been more that 2 decades for both countries, 2 decades of...

U.S. and Occupation: Post-WWII Germany and Iraq (Opinions) 9-11-2003
by Michael Newton-McLaughlin
October 29, 2003 "In World War II it was clearly understood that a successful conclusion to the war did not just mean the military defeat of the aggressor nations on the battlefield. It also meant the occupation of those nations, and the...

Ugandan Rebels Maim as the International Community Stares (Opinions) 23-10-2003
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The sullen silence and uncaring attitude that pervades the atrocious insurgency being committed by the so-called Lord’s Resistance Army in Northern Uganda can no longer be left alone. As the malevolent rebels preside over blood curdling...

Un Noir à la Maison Blanche. Et Alors? (Opinions) 6-11-2008
Depuis la participation en phase finale des Elections présidentielles aux Etats Unis d'une homme de peau autre que blanche, on se croit permis de tout penser. En effet, l'ancien candidat, aujourd'hui vainqueur des élections...

Undeniably In Love (Poetry) 26-09-2005
by Jack Lashbrook
My love is undeniable! Like hope Like the tides. Like the stars and the sun. (In whom the moon confides) Where-ever is my love, There is where my heart resides.

Under the ice (Poetry) 26-04-2007
by Lize-Leandra Ehlers
Under the ice I weep and I wail, I am separated from the surface, the space between the ice and my face, is the size of your hatred, of your ignorance and your craze. The cold knives of injustice stab me in the back. They stab and stab and...

Understanding Our Path (Poetry) 26-09-2005
by Samori Sombel Sy
We are all hear for a particular path So it doesn’t take a scientist to know we are part of the math Hope we understand before it’s too late That we are the present that will become the future that our people await This is our fight to be...

Une alternative pour un commerce équitable (Opinions) 14-10-2007
Du 12 au 16 août 2007, des jeunes de différents pays de l’Afrique centrale et de l’Ouest se sont réunis à Saint-Louis au Sénégal pour l’Université d’Eté sous thème : « la jeunesse face aux défis du millénaire ». L’université d’été a été organisée...

Unexplored (Poetry) 30-04-2008
by Kayla
There is a world out there That I do not know. It exists, I am sure, But I have never been there I have never tasted that food Smelled those smells Run on that land Felt that wind Or heard that language. They tell me what it is. But...

UNICEF Africa Named Beneficiary (Opinions) 31-01-2002
by Ruth Naam
1/28/02 10:58 AM Source: PR Newswire SACRAMENTO, Calif., Jan. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Africamix, a California-based nonprofit organization announced today that UNICEF Africa will be a primary beneficiary of its traveling arts and music festival...

Union Africaine - Mauritanie (Short Story) 25-09-2008
Union Africaine : De la diplomatie au rapport de force en Mauritanie Linternationalmagazine.com - Emile Fidieck, publié le 24/09/2008 Le général Abdel Aziz a jusqu’au 6 octobre prochain pour rétablir l’ordre constitutionnel dans le pays en...

UNITY IN DIVERSITY (Opinions) 21-08-2006
by foy franklin
INTRODUCTION The Society of Humankind can claim to be unique in the extent to which it actively seeks and enthusiastically encourages both unity and diversity among and between its memberships. Others have too often asserted that human...

Unity saving the people (Opinions) 11-02-2004
by Shahjahan Siraj
An Imam’s wife was seriously sick and needed a blood transfusion but she had AB+ blood, a very rare type. The hopeless Imam begged the help of the local MP to help find the blood. After a long search they found only one donor, a Hindu woman. When...

University student leadership (Opinions) 12-06-2008
by Nyambega Gisesa
Can student leaders reclaim their glorious past? Less than a fortnight ago, most university student bodies in Kenya held their elections. Setting the political tempo was Moi University, followed by one of the most hotly contested elections at...

Urgence au Darfur (Short Story) 3-08-2007
by Djibril
Communiqué Depuis la fin de l’année dernière, la région du Darfour toute entière connaît l’une des situations les...

US Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: A Problem For The World? (Opinions) 10-07-2004
by Kayamone Sutton
There is an issue that not very many people are aware of, the United States' proliferation of nuclear weapons. President Bush along with Congress has made provisions to allow the United States to produce nuclear weapons, primarily low-yield...

US world leader in sustainable development? (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Dan Jones
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Announcing a package of more than $1 billion for projects to alleviate poverty and conserve resources, the United States has claimed centre stage as the ‘world leader’ in sustainable development. “There is no other...

Valentines` day... (Poetry) 14-02-2007
by hazem al jaber
Valentines` day... Happy Valentine’s day... On this day I wished that you were with me... On this day I wanted to give you a red rose... On this day I wanted to give you my sympathy... On this day I wanted to give you loyalty On...

Vaticano x Brasil: Um acordo silencioso (Opinions) 30-11-2008
by Lais
Dia 13/11 em bem sugestiva data, o Presidente Luis Inácio assinou acordo com o Vaticano. Somente pouca informação foi liberada à mídia. Os amigos dizem que fico vendo "chifres em cabeça de cavalo"...Quantas hipóteses podemos levantar sobre...

Very Soon (Poetry) 28-03-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Very Soon Very, very, soon, very soon We shall see the mighty falling: (Those who have held us hostage for decades), Our tears and sorrows shall testify against them And our ‘meekness’ shall we be exalted of. Then shall love and peace and...

vicious circle.... (Poetry) 1-10-2006
by hazem al jaber
Vicious circle.... My dreams' space... has no limit the beginning of any trip finished with another trip and when arrived if i got what i reached the old berths seduced me to go back again to the old yearning and to that desires and...

Violence (Poetry) 24-06-2005
by redcross
The Nigerian youth of the 21st century have been so humilated up to the point that they are now the instrument of human destruction. They have been used, abused, dehumanized and above all denied the luxury that life has to offer the future leaders...

Violence (Poetry) 30-06-2005
by ozonevo adaozo amina
Gunshots everywhere, hell is let loose……… Confusion everywhere, My heart races, it beats loudly like the talking drum! In shock, distorted & confused as though I were mad. Yes! Escape. Aagh! I run into a wall, Darkness eludes me; I am...

Violence (Opinions) 11-04-2006
by Prabesh Paudyal
Nepal is affected by the Maoist problem. The political situation in Nepal is also complexing day by day. The youth of the present are all leaving the country because of the violence. The maoist activities are increasing day by day, and the...

Violence (Poetry) 11-06-2007
by Amodu O. Razaq
My brother, Why look you so sad And moody? you look pale And heartily laden I am neither happy Nor moody, But looking at this people Of hope, who were forced To sleep afore the sunset Make me so sad and moody I, also this i...

Violence - End the silence (Poetry) 20-10-2006
by J
Fight, Fight, Fight First word coming out of every teen's mouth Wherever there is violence, Silence is never far behind. Here and there, Violence everywhere Every channel you turn Every movie you watch Blood on the news, The media,...

Violence Among Youth (Opinions) 31-10-2008
by Precious Aigbiremhon
The advent of violence today in Nigeria can not be over-emphasized without looking into the damage done to the growth of the economy. The outbreak of sudden violence, which sometimes becomes uncontrollable by security agencies within the country,...

Violence as Language, Violence as Language (Poetry) 30-06-2005
by adedayo osadipe
Music in language, language in music. Language…a communicating method for ideas, feelings and desires Language is expressive and can be judgmental It can encourage, discourage and hurt It can be very rewarding… Oh, language! The power of...

by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
Les 25 novembre de chaque année sont consacrées à la violence faite aux femmes. C’est donc l’occasion pour tous : organisations, associations, clubs, organismes de défense des causes de la femmes de voir comment ces dernières est traitée dans la...

Violence in Relationships (Opinions) 4-04-2007
by Dennis Nyakundi Onguti
From the issue raised by Prince Charles (kashboy) one of our TIG member on his "friend Oke beat his girlfriend" and looking at the various responses given, i felt the need to get deeper into the subject (for now) on physical abuse and violence...

Virtue of Inconsistency (Opinions) 17-08-2002
by mustafa
Everybody mentions in his/her opinion about the characteristics of life, later they start to claim how to be successful in it based upon their assumptions about existence. There are some persons who are accepted to be “experienced life...

Vivre ensemble, différents (Poetry) 22-10-2008
Vivre ensemble, différents C'est comprendre la diversité, entendre les singularités Apprécier la pluralité des hommes, l'originalité des formes Transcender les couleurs de peau et la variété des mots.... Pour le dire.... Vivre ensemble,...

Voice of reason, Words of Madness (Opinions) 11-09-2002
by Ian Bailey-Harris
Can you stand on a mountain alone and bear your being to the entire world? What do you believe in? I am not concerned with what you don’t believe in. It’s not important to me that you think the world is not flat. I want to hear that you know that...

Voice of Silence (Poetry) 24-03-2006
by agnivo chakrabarty
Voices in the sky You hear them all the time Can't you hear them cry? Well, I can't, I defy You are just urban to the core Cant you just open the door. The door to where? I stand and stare. Oh you know! The one that leads to hell's lair....

Voices of Youth (Poetry) 2-04-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
No denial. We professed it We declared, produced and proclaimed humanity It is our incentives, our signatories Our voices – our visions Spoken for our advantage for generations unborn Committed ourselves This Day to sustainable people We...

War (Poetry) 30-05-2004
by Helen Fu
Sitting at home on a Sunday night, Hearing numerous bombs take flight, Calling president to stop the fight, Hoping to make everything right. We can stop this war, Even from afar, Stop this war, Some reasons are: You are fighting, You...

War (Poetry) 14-05-2007
by cougarsAustinR
Murder, Pain, and Death. These are the things that cause the most pain. The times that hurt, the times that take our souls. Loved ones lost, friends and family gone forever. These times are for sadness and grief. Where the world is torn apart...

War (Poetry) 11-03-2008
by Daniel Nuxe Thomas
Convictions, revolts and violent social changes are instances of ancient occurrences. The minds of men improve by day, solemnly taking innocent lives away. What is created is what I dislike, Millions of homeless, diseases prevalent and...

War & peace: the non-stop battle (Poetry) 2-04-2010
by chelsea
War can do nothing but bring problems and issues. It can deprive us of our goals and peace, and it can take away everything in an instance. What is the point of war? To some it's being able to carry a gun and blow things up, but it goes...

War a lasting regret (Short Story) 3-08-2012
by Arrey Emmanuel Enow
where do we find our inner and global peace? War and peace I will compare them to cry and smile, day and night or good and bad. There is no particular place in the world today one will go and find peace. Peace is not gotten from high security...

War and Peace (Opinions) 11-09-2007
by Nima Shirali
“In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people”-Leo Tolstoy Today is a day of disdain for humanity. While the idea of peace has never suffered so much,...

War and peace: the human story (Short Story) 3-04-2010
by Arrey Emmanuel Enow
Life does go on during and after war, but in what context? What changes do war and peace bring into our lives? So long as you breathe, life goes on. During war, life still goes on but in a miserable way. All you think of is how to survive,...

War And Technology (Opinions) 6-01-2005
by Nischal Dahal
Mankind, the most civilized creature of the world, is at the peak of his technological development. Those things people used to dream about and hear only in fairy tales have now become real. Technology has changed the perception of the human...

War Child (Opinions) 12-12-2005
by Tinashe
In the chaos of political, social and economic conflict- children are often left with no rights and many times, silenced. Children around the world are being used in warfare as part of suicide bombings, messengers, mine detectors, spies and so on....

War Child Canada (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Saurabh Sunil Chitnis
Children have always been considered our future. They are expected to learn from adults’ mistakes and carry the world into a new and prosperous age as leaders and champions of a glorious tomorrow. But, for the thirty thousand or so children...

War is inhumane! (Short Story) 9-04-2010
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
War: It bears many deep scars within my emotions. I have lived World War I in the heart and mind of my grandfather. He was an infantryman in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was hit and took shrapnel in the jaw, then was sent home after serving 18...

War May be the Right Decision (Opinions) 31-03-2003
by Nir Dagan
During the recent weeks, people’s major concerns surround the war and its impact on the future. Some agree with the American government’s ideals and reason for an attack while others oppose it due to their pity towards the Iraqi people or their...

War Within and Among Nations Pt 1: Its Inevitability. (Opinions) 29-06-2004
by Kabwe Chibwe
Before I begin, I would urge the readers of this article who are advocating for world peace not to lose hope or term me as a demoralizer of that mission. I, for one, am a peace advocate but who has decided to look at the negativities surrounding...

War- Our Friendly, Fiendish Curse (Poetry) 4-12-2007
You came And with wide-spread arms We received you Believing you had our problem's cure. We worshipped you, Appeased you With our guns, Bullets and artillery. You smiled and laughed As you rubbed your belly, Asking for more,...

War... (Poetry) 11-08-2007
by John kariem sila
War The fight is my spring Everything was weird at first And has been ever since How it was and will always be How I miss the cultivation of peace And planting of hope For a people with the same need Let us sow the seeds of freedom...

War: the structure of evil (Opinions) 15-03-2010
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Any war is from the hearts and minds of the [wo]men who created it, and it is up to them to end it. It is up to all of us to stop it and them. Would the killing go on if we did not raise a weapon? Let the aggressor fall upon his own realm of...

WAR? (Poetry) 4-04-2005
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
When tears drop like a dawns dew, And memories set ablaze By the wrath of a ladies fume, What more could death hold? And who will call a crown to bow, Now a ruler lesser than the Royalty it once stood in life, What surprise...

Water in the desert - beyond Biblical prophecy in Israel (Opinions) 4-06-2003
by Kevin Newman
I was struck by an article in the Los Angeles Times in 1990 about a Palestinian agronomist imprisoned for two years for his statements about water use in the West Bank. His area of research was growing tomatoes. I thought: "why imprison someone...

We are alive! (Poetry) 20-05-2008
by Zaid Shopeju
We’re passing thru’ hell in the hands of tyrants calling themselves our leaders. They sacrifice our children to wars and kill our young ones before their time. They turn a nation flowing with milk and honey into a land of pain and severe...

We are born free (Poetry) 4-07-2007
We are born free Yet destroyed by wars We are born free Yet peace eludes us We are born free Yet the kids are enslaved We are born free Yet there is no freedom

We are conscious (Poetry) 19-05-2009
by Daniel Nuxe Thomas
Like our old folks used to say, The rain never tells when it’s going to fall, But just as the thunder roars, it is right behind. So were we when the days were grey And the street full of antiques. There we watched our fathers being...

we are not terrorists (Opinions) 13-06-2007
My dear world I am also human I am MUSLIM, and like all the Christians and the Jewish, I believe the Resurrection, the Death, the Hell, the Paradise…and I worship GOD-ALLAH And because I am alive, I prefer life than death, I like music,...

We Do What We Will, You Do What You Must (Opinions) 29-11-2003
by Omar S. Roomi
In the past weeks I have resolved to avoid the television even more, simply because the news is effectively the same: Law abiding citizens going about their normal lives; meeting; having a family dinner; watching a film and then- Bang! Everything...

We Had the Time (Poetry) 7-04-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Depression- is it due to recession, Or the humiliation of some who were Subjected to dictatorship? Depression is not shown by the drop of my tear, because That teardrop is spread amongst the many pieces of my Hart, That only wish it could...

We have to be the voice of our time (Poetry) 25-03-2008
by Affiah Odhiambo
We have to be the voice of our time, We have to tell the story, the story of a nation, A nation of a people, a people of diversity, Diversity of wealth, wealth of resources, Cultures, tribes, peace, love, unity, Envied wealth we ‘unenviably’...

We Live In A Jungle After All! (Opinions) 9-07-2003
by Lucia Sui
The jungle is the home of the moose, the deer, the antelopes, the caribous, their kind and their neighbours. It is also the home to the butterflies, ants, mosquitoes, their species and their families. It is also the home of the owls, the sparrows,...

We must Stop this Bloodshed on our Roads. (Opinions) 17-02-2007
by Hassan Mulindwa Ssozi
Dear TIG Members, The depressing reports of horrific traffic smash-ups, the numbing statistics dutifully recorded by the police, and the bloody evidence before our eyes make a compelling case for a sustained people-driven national campaign to...

We Need War No More (Short Story) 11-08-2004
by Oluyemisi Joel-Osebor (Nee Agboola)
So what does your typical day look like? That was the question I asked a friend I made at Oru Refugee Camp, Nigeria during a humanitarian visit in February, 2004. Charlessta is a 16 years old female Liberian refugee. She had been staying on the...

Weapon of Peace (Opinions) 31-01-2008
by cheteze tamang
“Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.” – Albert Einstein The world is becoming increasingly violent; the weapon of destruction has failed. One cannot seek to help others via a weapon built to destroy....

Weapons of Mass Destruction. (Opinions) 19-09-2002
by Gerald Derome
We are all made to believe that weapons of mass destruction are only created during the times and for the sole purpose of war. Man's way of life has allowed him to discover and invent many things that are benificial and/or help him during his...

WEness & Synergic Trust (Opinions) 23-01-2003
by Timothy Wilken
"Give, and it will be given to you." (1) "This is a law of life. And the more lavishingly we show kindness and concern, the richer is our life. In what manner we get back what we have given is of minor importance. The only thing that Life promises...

What accounts for conflict? (Opinions) 22-12-2004
by Ajit Rai
Today the world we live in is acutely afflicted with conflict. It has occasioned a serious problem in our life. It shows little signs of abating. We hardly see a basis for believing that it is likely to come to an end. We see a reason for being...

What Are We Willing To Risk For Peace? (Poetry) 23-07-2003
by Bonny Life
Disarm our hearts Oh Mighty God And impress it upon us That we cannot shake hands With clenched fists Disarm our hearts,wonderful Counsellor And teach us That we cannot get a rose Through planting a noxious weed Disarm our hearts King...

What do you see? (Poetry) 21-06-2008
by Samuel K Akinbo
We all write and talk about a better world, But I want to ask us today, How many steps have we taken To create this better world? It is time. We have to stop looking And start seeing, Because what is at stake Is beyond what we see....

What Happens When a Part of You Dies? (Poetry) 2-05-2006
by michael merritt jr.
What happens when a Part of you dies? The feeling left is like a hollow drum. The missing parts hang around like a irritating song in your head or an unwanted thought that when conjured empties out your heart. You are left only with...

What Home Feels Like (Interviews) 28-07-2004
by Yara Kassem
They call them “the departed,” the Palestinian departed or the Palestinian emigrants: those ones who had to walk away from home to Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt in the year 1968, right after the tragic Arab defeat. They call them “the departed,” the...

What hope for Somali children? (Opinions) 20-04-2010
by Ahmedsadik yusuf Mohamed
In general, Somali children’s lives are endangered everywhere in the country, because their mothers face a very high risk of dying during the period of pregnancy or in childbirth. Contagious diseases like diarrheas, disease-related dehydration,...

What I Learned (Poetry) 14-04-2003
by Shavkatjon
At school I have learned always to fight, Fight for the peace, fight for my rights. From world I have learned always to fight, Fight to survive, fight for my life. Always to be the one and the first, This is the rule "they say" of the life....

What if? (Poetry) 28-04-2007
by andrewpickens
"What if?" What if we all came here in a peanut? What if the whole Scientology ideology is true? What if, well think of it really hard for a second, What if none of this, of life, is true and is happening? We are all just cells of...

What is life? (Poetry) 29-12-2004
by iyamu.A.O sariemen
What kind of world is this? What is life all about? Why are some born Blind, deaf, cripple and others having natural disabilities? Is it their Fault that made them so or they are paying for the atrocities committed By some other individuals?...

What is love? (Opinions) 27-12-2004
by Jose Menacho Galiano
"Love," like energy, is one of the main talents people have. All we need is to use it appropriately, and in any occasion we think that it will be valuable to transmit to others. If you aren't sure what the real meaning of "Love" is... What you...

What is Love? (Poetry) 8-11-2008
by Shahnawaz Chachar
When you find yourself out of emotions, feelings and dealings that shows the peak of your love, and when you feel and understand all these exteriors that shows the weakness of your Love.

What is Peace without Violence? (Opinions) 28-03-2007
by Fiona McKenzie
If concepts could be divided between those that are totally good and those that are totally bad, many would put the concept of “peace” into the totally good basket without a moment’s hesitation. Peace is an ideal for which many states and external...

What is Terrorism? (Opinions) 1-11-2002
by Sally Kor
What is Terreoism? by:Serpent1233 & Sally *Cause of war = anger, greediness, profit. *The way we try to deal with terrorism = we kill which is the way of terrorism *We should figure out the differences between terrorists and innocent people....

What lessons are you teaching future generations of leaders? (Opinions) 18-06-2008
by enock
DEAR Mr Odinga. Please be advised that we take great exception to some of the words you have used in describing our leadership in Zimbabwe, when you know very well that some of those words you use could well be used to describe yourself and your...

What problems for nuclear deterrence does the proliferation of nuclear weapons create? (Opinions) 26-04-2008
by Kayamone A. Sutton
Since the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945, the United States has steadily enforced its policies of strategic nuclear deterrence. The strategy of deterrence was vital during the Cold War Era because of the...

What shall the Zimbabwean youths say and do? (Opinions) 30-07-2008
by Michael
We met in Durban for the Your City Summit on crime and violence prevetion from June 16 to June 22, we dinned and wined, we talked the talk and then talked the walk. Research papers were presented by some renown academics from different parts of...

What shall we do then? (Opinions) 18-02-2007
by Joshua Osezua
In a world where morality is no more social- compliant and the right - doers have been termed traitors and sinners, where the world is so full of tears and so many yearning for justice, what shall we do? It is so bad or would i say mad? that the...

What will save the world? (Opinions) 28-01-2003
by Jose Menacho Galiano
Archeologists, Anthropologists, Historians, Politicians, Priests or Futurologists... Who knows the next steps of the humanity in their running to arrive in a new level of ideas that really change the world? Perhaps it will be a new vision of...

What Would You Expect? (Opinions) 6-07-2003
by George Gardashian
Every day is the same. We do not even have to turn on the television because we hear the sirens pass by our house. We know from the worried expressions on everyone’s faces: the Israeli Defense Forces have invaded another town and have used F-16’s...

What's War? (Opinions) 12-02-2003
by Jose Menacho Galiano
Since people have governed this blue planet, battles and wars became a natural reaction of the human race for saying: “I’m the strongest and most powerful than another.” When societies became more “Civilized” the frontiers reached as masters and...

What? (Poetry) 1-01-2008
by qassem
What is that? I can't understand. The way is far from me, mad. I am not a rock; I am not a stone. They tell me that I live to postpone. All of you shut up and leave me alone! My love is being shipped, He is gone to bed To lay down...

whateveryoufeelwouldfit (Poetry) 15-03-2004
by Rare breed
Love will outlast the past; Outlive the future And redefine the present Love will come unexpectedly, Hit you determinedly And leave you Ineffectively Able to regain your Previous location On the continuum of sane. Love charges you a...

When I am asleep...... (Opinions) 24-01-2003
by Otiotio Ejiro
Often times, when I sit quietly and ponder on this thing called human existence, I feel pride in knowing that I am part of humanity at this point in history. But my pride never lasts for very long because the beauty of humanity is quickly...

When I Was a Refugee (Poetry) 7-02-2007
by Joseph Jib
I might have been a refugee but, I had brain for knowledge, I had a heart full of love, I had hope for a bright destiny I had dreams for success. I did drop tears, I did wear smiles. I might have been alone, But I had God, God who used...

When Science Becomes Immoral: “Weapons of Mass Murder” (Opinions) 19-08-2004
by Ayman El Hakea
The disastrous dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima in June 1945 by the U.S. air fighter Enola-gay, brought, generated and amplified endless crucial interrogations on the future of the relation between scientists and policy-makers. Does...

When The State Is In Bankruptcy, The Nation Is In Danger. (Opinions) 2-03-2007
by JOSEPH Marckenson
With) Truths which disturb: The Haitian people face a very serious problem: The Haitian state is in crisis. It is in bankruptcy. (Multiple organ failure). It is not viable. It survives by “artificial” means. It is tiny room to the international...

When the White Flag Rises (Opinions) 10-04-2003
by Shayaan Afsar
He silently lays his tools ahead of him and anxiously walks towards those waiting to greet him. He holds a flag made from a twig and a torn bed sheet. He notices that the party receiving him does not hold flowers but the very tools he had just...

Where are the Sanctions? (Opinions) 4-06-2007
by Samuel-Malachi Odekunle
We are sat here and watched as the American empire began a siege that today has left a country desolate. We sat here and listened to the lies that the US government fed the world. WHERE ARE THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?? The UN clearly stated...

Where Are You Africa? (Poetry) 9-07-2004
by Chrispetra Onyinye Okeke
Mama Africa writhes in pain She holds onto her broken heart and winces “Who will cry for me when I am gone?” She turns her head and looks back Behind her she sees the child soldiers, The abused girls, The malnourished and the sick children....

Where Can I Find Peace? (Poetry) 21-09-2004
by jeremy chaila
What’s so hard to come by yet so easy to lose? What can you feel in your heart, yet lose in a heartbeat? What choice brings so much joy yet is so painful to choose? What, in its dreadful absence, can leave blood-dripping streets? When can we...

Where I Stand (Poetry) 14-10-2005
by Moboluwaji Raphael Ojo
On the platform of truth I stand How many are they pray my fall They look my plight with eyes of loving tears There mind sing of sad song to blow away my star If life I give friends With death am wished in return And if joy I wish to many...

Where is the peace? (Short Story) 18-04-2007
by Abigail-Precious Ambweni
It is 6:30 am. The sun could be spotted just rising. The air is chilly and slightly foggy mostly from the highly polluted atmosphere than the weather elements. Tin huts, as the brick and cement housing structures are commonly referred to in the...

Where is the republic? (Poetry) 17-09-2007
I see the real and the dreams The euphoria and the elation Of those within and beyond the realm Phasing out into Shoel, the great pit. Here is the apogee of frustration The nudity of political perversion. As myself Look in the mirror The...

Where To From Here? (Poetry) 20-06-2007
by Siphephile
Where To From Here? My heart aches, my mentality is covered by blood and it bleeds. I wake up every morning, not knowing what the future holds. I am 9 years of age, have been to school, but I had to drop out in first grade because my...

White, Black and Grey (Short Story) 12-03-2010
by Ahmad Magdy
The three ducks were intimate friends. They were not in fact three, they were more than this little number. The flock consisted of about ten ducks but some analysts concluded that Darwin’s survival of the fittest theory contributed a great deal to...

Who am i (Poetry) 11-08-2007
by John kariem sila
Who am I? I am the old building ruin Saluting freedom, And my soul is a walking shadow Of past and present, O future of my arrow Be brave as tomorrow. I am sweet As Cashew drink Going home drunk, So who am I? I guess I am...

WHO DO WE CHOOSE ? (Opinions) 27-04-2007
by George Osaremen Alenkhe
WHO DO WE CHOOSE ? By GEORGE OSAREMEN ALENKHE PROVIDENCE HIGH SCHOOL 1B NAWFIA CLOSE P.O.BOX 1408 INDEPENDENCE LAYOUT ENUGU It is my candid opinion that if Nigeria must develop and make progress in this century, it is imperative...

Who should be blamed? (Opinions) 16-02-2008
by chuka
Diamond, mineral form of the element carbon, valued as a precious stone,has brought wars,wealth, disaster and vanity fame to some categories of people living on earth today. These categories are those who live in diamond mining regions example in...

Why Africa? (Poetry) 1-11-2008
by kaboyo julius
Why should it be Africa, where children starve amidst food, people die evil deaths without cause, war wipes out entire communities and commodities and causes panic inside our intestines-- leading to miscarriages that discourage our courage?...

Why All the Hatred? (Opinions) 22-06-2005
by Moses Okoth Akwiri
Language as violence, violence as a language! That’s the topic for discussion. I ought to give my view on what I think about VIOLENCE and as a youth who is confronted with violence! One thing though comes to my mind when I think of this topic: we...

Why Can't This World Ever Learn? (Poetry) 16-12-2008
by Robbie
Why can this World ever Learn? Never learn to nurture, together. Never learn to have peace, and equanimity. Never learn to hold on to the most precious things, and resist the relentless waves of world weariness and temptation enfolding you with...

Why can’t we stay young? (Poetry) 12-04-2008
by Carlos
Why can’t we stay young forever? Why do our bones age and ache? Why does life seem to pass by faster and faster? Why can’t we stay simple and pure? What is Patriotism? Why can’t we play like children? Why do we thirst for power...

Why Consumerism Corrupts (Opinions) 30-09-2007
by Jillian Xenia Sunderland
Imagine a world where bloodbaths, death and violence are brought on by the need for food and water. Imagine a world where more money is spent on guns than on education. Imagine a world where one in every two children lives in poverty. Imagine a...

Why Did You Make Me Black God??? (Poetry) 13-03-2007
by John Doe
This is deep y'all so take your time....... Why Did You Make Me Black Lord .... Lord .... Why did you make me black? Why did you make someone the world would hold back? Black is the color of dirty clothes, of grimy hands and...

Why Do We Fear? (Poetry) 6-07-2004
by Andrew Ashiofu
Why do we fear? Though we live in a world full of turmoil A world where hunger prevails A world full of poverty A world where safety is being paranoid A world where disaster prevails What do we seek? When we enter a new dawn When we try...

Why does New Zealand give so little aid? (Opinions) 19-04-2007
by Fiona McKenzie
In two months, I’m leaving New Zealand to study Development Management in London and this is because I’m passionate about eliminating poverty in my lifetime. Not just alleviating it, but eliminating it completely. Recently, Sir Bob Geldof,...

WHY FIGHT??? (Short Story) 22-01-2007
by ndana
In the eyes of a young person, the world is a place where there is never peace throughout. There will always be fighting from one continent to another, one country to another or even one human to another. Regardless of who you are, where you are...

Why my heart bleeds (Poetry) 23-01-2008
by Tosin Olowoyeye-Taiwo
For the children without a place to called home, my heart bleeds! For the suffering masses in the continent called Africa & all over the world, I bow in tears! And what shall I say about those that lost their lives in the fight for justice and...

Why The ‘Dirt’ In Our Politics (Opinions) 19-08-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Especially now that a brother can kill a brother, sister can kill a sister etcetera, because of political positions, the game of politics and its practitioners in our country are in trouble. They are rotters in a ritzy country. Their conducts are...

Why we will lose in the election, whatever side we are. (Opinions) 6-07-2007
by Nyambega Gisesa
YOUTH MATTERS Are youths battling to lose? With elections a few months away, the Kenyan youth remain at a gambling spot. Unlike in the past, there are echoes of a youth revolution in the political arena. What the Kenyan youth don’t...

Why? (Poetry) 4-04-2004
by Andrew Ashiofu
I hear the cry again I hear it screaming with a sharp pain, into my ears. I look around and all I see is blood mixed with fear. I run around looking for a place to run away from the cry but nowhere I hear it more. I ask myself why all these...

Will it ever end? It seem that we're going back to the 60's (Opinions) 9-07-2002
by Dion Barker
One might ask, "will it ever end"? It seem as though that is the question of every individual that lives within the boundaries of the Guyana. Guyana! A country that became independent in the year 1966, yet it seem that we are still slaves of...

Will there be a place to call a home of their own? (Opinions) 21-10-2004
by chidiebere arinzechukwu
There are millions of people around the world. Many of them have been traumatized by war and suffer from hunger and thirst. Few have known a normal family life and many will never return to their homes. They are the poorest of the worlds poor. The...

Will you deliver a better Kenya? (Opinions) 6-07-2007
by Nyambega Gisesa
The empowerment campaigns are all over and every body wants a piece of the youth vote. Our country is at a stage of empowering the youth in political, social and economic aspects Dig dipper and you had discover that what they are doing is just a...

Winds from Sub Sahara (Poetry) 20-09-2005
by Emmanuel sackey
I will never forget the times we played in the new sounds of tropical rains. The smell of new moisture in the dust How we longed that it will not go away again. Yet somewhere, someone destroys our air with corpse left to dry. It were dried...

Winter Dream (Poetry) 5-06-2006
by alvin
through the long nights of winter, as the cold winds arrive from the north, without a word it descends so low, when the biggest of the beasts slumber, and the howling of the wolves heard yonder, when 'round the wooden cottage, as the good...

Wipe My Tears! (Poetry) 18-01-2009
by Miyar De'Nyok
My tears! My tears! My tears! Who will wipe tears? Oh! People of the world, Where are you to rescue me? Where are you to listen to me? Where are you to comfort me? I am a refugee, I did not choose to be one. But a situation gave me...

Wisdom in Verse (Poetry) 10-02-2004
by Arun N. Nair
In my days of repress, I was a prisoner to my distress, A solution I sought, a respite, hoping a miracle, The obstacles were unbearable, inevitably loomed a debacle, Sinking in the sand, I stretched out my hand, crying for a redress. Then my...

WISDOM IS SWEET TO THE SOUL (Opinions) 24-09-2002
by Chrisbel Dafeamekpor
*For you to do what you need to do, you must first come to terms with the fact that you need to do what you need to do. *It is not enough to wish but what is most important is to act; it is not enough to have a dream but what is necessary is to...

Without Mismo (Short Story) 22-02-2004
by katherine
When they placed his body in the grave she knew one thing for certain, he had contributed nothing concrete to our world. His name had never been placed on a plaque but the one that stared at her that day. A plaque for living, for just living....

Without You (Poetry) 22-07-2004
by melanie mae
A sea A bay In my view Heavy With summer light Heavy With ships At sea Heavy Without you Men’s Earthly wishes Dreams Give and take Push and pull Up and down On the lake Boats Glide And I drift And Slide

WOES OF THE TRODDEN (Poetry) 15-05-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
Peace to your Souls So says the trader As there toes’re gored Beneath his gaulish Shoes They wail in tears and sweats Mingled with abelish-blood Streaking like a troubled Stream In their sorrow- burrowed souls Over-laden with his...

Women and Conflict Resolutions (Opinions) 15-02-2003
by k
Nepal’s situation is an urgent and complex one. For true peace in Nepal, security is essential. Only with security will we win the restoration of women’s rights, peace and democracy. Since the conflict, and trafficking in women have increased in...

Work Ethic (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) - Too many children who should not be working are, while too many young people who should be working aren't. Sometimes statistics speak louder than words. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO),...

Workplace Communications (Opinions) 1-12-2006
by Iman Ng
The success of an organization depends on many factors, and among them includes connections, capital, human resources etc. However, effective communication among workers constitutes an important role in maintaining the dialogue, openness and...

World Peace (Poetry) 31-05-2008
by None of your business
Separated into countries, Separated by the colours of our skin, Separated by the languages we speak, Separated by our religions and war. We're all humans so why are we separated?

World Refugee Day: What are we Proud of? (Opinions) 20-06-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
It is yet another day that the world is commemorating the world refugee day. However one thing still remains clear even after so many years of this day. That is the ever increasing rates of the refugee cases. A greater number of people still flee...

World Social Forum - Another World Is Possible (Opinions) 3-10-2006
by Hira Nabi
It was a hot and dusty Karachi that greeted us as we stepped out of the air conditioned environs of Quaid-e-Azam International Airport. Coming from rain drenched Lahore, we were more than a little chagrined. Of course Karachi, vast and sprawling,...

Would You (Poetry) 20-05-2004
by Murali Krishnan
When hope is down, Stained with blood, Would you sell your faith? For sweet tender love, That could never be, Would you turn to stone? For the moments of joy, In all your life, Won’t you shed a tear? When the worlds selling peace,...

Wrong Way (Poetry) 20-03-2008
This isn’t the way to fulfillment This is the way to anarchy This is the way to strife, Yes, it’s the way to destruction! We weren’t born to walk this Way – the way to nothingness We weren’t weaned to construct A worthless rider-coach...

Yaoundé by night.. (Opinions) 19-03-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Quand s’éteignent les lumières de la nuit, sous les réverbères mal éclairés dorment les oubliés des soirées folles de Yaoundé. Couverts par de vieux cartons, ils se protègent contre un froid devenu sibérien au cours des années. Que sont-elles, ces...

Yes, I know (Poetry) 4-11-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Yes, I know I know that Africa Needs medical doctors, lawyers, Nurses engineers, writers/poets, Others to move ahead From the crawling state To the peak of utopia. But don’t know When Africa would embrace love To restore peace In...

You Cannot Bomb Me Anymore (Poetry) 26-02-2008
by Sean Amos
Listen, little big man, you cannot bomb me anymore because I don't allow you to bomb me anymore nor to choke nor rape me anymore,...

You Need No War (Poetry) 9-04-2003
by Shavkatjon
You can give peace to the world Mr.Bush, You can share your love with the world, Mr. Bush. Listen to the world, Listen to the crowd, Screaming loud, We want peace Mr. Bush. Listen to the baby crying in the night, “I want to sleep in peace”...

Young women taking over the reign (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
They say, “Today’s children are tomorrow’s future.” Simply meaning that if empowered and well nurtured at a tender age, people we consider as young today, tomorrow will be leaders of the nation in different aspects of life. To ensure that women...

Your Decision Matters (Opinions) 26-04-2007
by Keely Aleathea Constance Boom
Faced with the problems of the world, the sweatshops, the wars, the pollution, the dying species, it is easy to be overwhelmed. It is easy to feel helpless and that there are no solutions. Or that if there are solutions, someone else will handle...

Your new birth (Poetry) 4-05-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
If it's time to say hello my friend, I just wonder where we are? This time you will not go, my friend, because the flight was quite too far. But here together, as we all should, because it was us that did all we could. We tried to make some...

Youth Ahead! as a synonymous of change. (Opinions) 10-08-2007
by Youths Ahead!
From the thick fog that covers the world, a heavy and deafening noise makes the matted horizon tremble. From the dark and cold night which seems to immortalize the bloody meaningless, a strident scream tears the conniving silence of a society...

Youth as Advocates of Peace (Short Story) 25-04-2003
by Emmanuel Eduru
The youth in Africa has a lot to do as regards the conflict situation in Africa. In all the conflict that has been occurring, the youth are the perpetrators and at the same time victims of the wars. They end up not going to school and becoming...

youth in its prime (Poetry) 6-04-2005
by selene z
Youth in its prime Mind over matter is the only thing that will allow the freedom Black cloud in your mind Judgments wrong Seriousness no more Let them take over mind body mind body Don’t think Do Don’t think just do it cruel...

Youth in Protest (WSSD) (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Alan Wu
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Protest is in the air at the World Summit on Sustainable Development and youth delegates are playing a part in a wider movement of dissent. As marches and rallies are organised outside the conference, an increasing...

Youth in the Philippines Also Feel the Fear of War (Opinions) 27-09-2001
by Yasmary Mora
More than a year ago in May 2000, small bombings took place within the shopping malls of the Philippines’ capital, Metro Manila. Though not many were injured and very few died, people were scared. The youth in the Philippines was more or less...

Youth Open House (Opinions) 20-07-2007
by Kirsten Jordan
TakingITGlobal connects 150,000 youth around the world to find inspiration, information and gets youth involved in improving their local and global communities. Americans for Informed Democracy, a non partisan organization works to bring the...

Youth Speaking to the UN General Assembly (Interviews) 31-10-2005
by Vidar Ekehaug
Mohammed Al-Ghanim, Arab Regional Coordinator for the Global Youth Action Network, participated as a youth representative in a hearing for civil society at the United Nations in New York. He had the honor to be the only youth speaker at the event,...

Youth towards Democracy (Opinions) 7-06-2007
by Shakti Ghimire
Youth, conflict and democracy are associated terms; when one is altered the other is affected. When youth of a certain nation are disengaged or misguided then they might create conflict and democracy might be terminated like scrap metal. When...

Youth, Employment and Conflict in Colombia (in spanish) (Opinions) 15-01-2003
EMPLEO, JUVENTUD Y CONFLICTO EN COLOMBIA LUIS DANIEL SANTOS PINZON Red Jóvenes Constructores de Paz – Cundinamarca - Colombia En Colombia el 75.6% de la población total, se encuentra apta para trabajar, sin embargo en los últimos años los...

Youths... don't stop shouting! (Opinions) 2-12-2008
by Haris S
In my country, it is said, that "a youth's blood is boiling", wanting to show how energetic and active a youth is. But, unfortunately, this does not happen in most of the societies of the western world. In the last few years, most of the...

¡Alerta, Patagonia Amenazada! (Opinions) 14-10-2007
by Stephanie Vanessa Donoso Ramírez
Me encuentro situada en Chile, Sudamerica, nací aquí y cada día me sorprendo del hermoso regalo que la madre tierra me ha dado ...Vivir en un país con una diversidad de ecosistemas y lleno de paisajes que van desde el desierto más arido del mundo,...

¿La paz al alcance? (Opinions) 30-07-2004
by Solange Márquez
“La paz está a nuestro alcance” es el título de un artículo publicado hace algunos días por Reforma escrito por David Dadonn, embajador de Israel en México. Es a este artículo al que haré referencia en esta ocasión. En tal artículo, el...

Взаимопонимание в политике (Opinions) 13-03-2007
by Smetanin Alexey
Даешь понятную политику! Непонимание, одна из главных причин возникновения проблем в отношениях между людьми, играет не менее роковую роль и в политике. Обсуждение деятельности Общественной палаты в программе «Школа злословия» на НТВ еще раз...

краеведение человека (Opinions) 28-02-2005
by Shevnin
‡ не для публикации. Предположим мы берем мертвого человека и в титановой сетке погружаем его в торфяное болото. Он и его ДНК сохранится там на века. ПОЭМА ЖИВЫХ ДУШ: евгенетика и краеведение....

КРАСОТА ПОГУБИТ МИР (Short Story) 19-09-2006
by Shevnin
Сегодня производство красивых вещей и людей превратилось в огромную империю гламура. А если ты с детсва некрасивый то тебе в этом мире нет места. Копи деньги на пластику меняй нос и уши, вставляй груди иначе тебя невозьмут на работу от тебя...

Марокко отмечает 33-ью годовщину Зеленого Марша (Short Story) 11-11-2008
by semion
6-ого ноября, каждого года, марокканцы празднуют годовщину Зеленого Марша. Но в этом году событие отмечено тем, что вопрос Сахары знает о новых развитиях на международном уровне, главным образом это растущая поддержка марокканского проекта...

Новый уровень организации человечества - неизбежен. (Opinions) 13-03-2008
by ashpaa
В окружающей нас природе мы наблюдаем поразительную  и, в то же время, внешне простую закономерность . Это видно простым глазом и легко понимается человеческим разумом . Когда элементы неживой или живой природы объединяются между собой, то это...

Подарок (Short Story) 13-05-2005
by Vera
Ольга Горяевна включила телевизор. Она редко смотрела телепередачи, но любимый сериал и программу «Жди меня» старалась не пропускать. Вот и сегодня, приготовив очки и носовой платочек, она уютно устроилась в кресле, искренне, радуясь встрече...

ПРОСТИТЕ ПЕХОТЕ… (Poetry) 13-05-2005
by Vera
Там много ребят полегло из той роты Там каждый четвёртый остался двухсотым. Они уходили на бой рано утром, Туман оседал на поля белой пудрой. За каждую сажень земли вы сражались, Врага не пустили и сами не сдались. Весь день пролетел,...

by Райма Саряева
Зачем нам война? Мне, выросшей много позже войны, она - из рассказов - казалась настолько страшной, что просто, ну, не могла больше повториться. Политинформации и классные часы под лозунгом "Нет - ядерной войне!" казались формальным мероприятием....

Светлая война (Opinions) 29-04-2005
by Luydmila
«Война – самое светлое в моей жизни»… Эту фразу я услышала в интервью с ветераном по телевизору. С первого взгляда кажется, что произошла ужасная ошибка: слова «война» и «светлое» никак не могут существовать рядом в нашем сознании. Но это только...

Светлая сказка (Short Story) 30-06-2008
by ashpaa
Это случилось давным давно , когда люди только начинали заселять свободную землю. Одинокий путник всюду и всегда искал хорошее место для жизни , и вот однажды , когда он долго - долго шёл по пустыне и у него уже закончились...

ТАКОГО БЫТЬ НЕ МОГЛО!!! БЫТЬ НЕ МОГЛО, НО БЫЛО... (Opinions) 13-05-2005
by Vera
Весна! Как много в этом слове! Сколько приятного оно в себе таит! Яркое солнце, распустившиеся почки на деревьях, тёплый ветер и голубое небо, такое чистое, высокое, недосягаемое ... Когда смотришь в это небо, хочется обо всём забыть, кружиться в...

by Райма Саряева
Есть удивительные люди, встречи с которыми заставляют заново и непредвзято оценивать свою жизнь, соразмерять ее с их жизнью, их поступками, их подвигом. О таком человеке мы бы хотели рассказать молодежи, что весьма важно в преддверии дня Победы....

آن لحماس أن تستقيل (Opinions) 3-02-2009
by mohamed a mohadi
خطأ حماس التاريخي -ككل المتأسلمين- هو خلطها بين الدين والسياسة،حماس قدمت نفسها للشعب الفلسطيني والعربي كحركة إسلامية للمقاومة،فأحبها الجمهور غير الواعي بمخاطر الجمع بين السياسة والدين،والحقيقة هي كما قال الرئيس السادات"لا سياسة في الدين ولا دين في...

أم يوسف (Poetry) 31-07-2007
by rasha omar ahmed
أم يوسف أسكت يا يوسف وخاف خليك زى باقى الناس أنت يا أمه بتقولى أسكت ده أنت يا أمه اللى علمتينى أصرخ الناس راضيه وشايفه الذل وأنا يا أمه مش حتذل كان نفسى أصرخ معاك بس كل اللى صرخ مات وبلدنا تحت الاحتلال دايس عليها أحقر انسان شهيد...

أمة الشعارات مهزومة (Opinions) 29-02-2008
by Adham Tobail
امة الشعارات امة عربية واحدة شعارت رنانة رضعناها مع حليب أمهاتنا منذ الطفولة تربينا وترعرعنا وكبرت مع أحلامنا وألامنا وأحزاننا التي لا نعرف منها شيئا صدع بها مدرس التاريخ العربى حتى صدأت حنجرته ورواها لنا مدرس الادب في قصص الاولين والآخرين مثلما...

أنت .. والحصار (Poetry) 19-06-2008
by Abdallah Habash
عندما يأتي الحصار تدرك انك والوقت لا تفترقان فعمرك يمر اامامك كما الحصار ودقات الساعة تحاصرك في مكانك تحاول ان تنسى ولكن ياتيك الحصار في منامك تذهب إلى أماكن بعيدة لم تطأها قدماك من قبل ولكن لا يبقى لك سوى احلامك تشاركها مع دقات الساعة...

أهمية العمل مع الشباب في الوطن العربي (Opinions) 2-06-2007
by younes naoumi
يقول العديد من الباحثين في العالم حول الشباب أن البنية السوسيوثقافية للشاب تتحكم في ميولاته واختياراته مع الاحتفاظ بهامش من الثماثل بين مختلف الشباب سواء من لندن أو عمان، أو نيويورك أو جوهانسبرغ، باعتبار المرحلة العمرية وعلاماتها الفارقة سواء...

أَوقفُوا مطرقة التحديث (Opinions) 13-12-2010
by محمد
أَوقفُوا مطرقة التحديث بقلم: محمد التتري أفضل الأشياء هي التهيئة الكاملة لمن يقع عليهم المعاناة , المعاناة التي تنقل صورة الواقع الحقيقي في كل مكان وزمان وكل حدث وموقف , المعاناة التي أخذت تستمر وتبدوا على وجوه المسحوقين والطبقة التي...

إختطاف السياسة والجمال (Opinions) 19-07-2008
تيارات إختطاف السياسة والجمال صدق من قال‮: ‬الارهاب والتخريب والمخدرات لا دين ولا مذهب لهم‮. ‬وربما أضيف أن هذا‮ »‬الثالوث‮« ‬لا‮ ‬يُفرِّق بين الجمال والسياسة‮!. ‬ لا أدل على ذلك أن الرئيس الكولومبي‮ ‬الأسبق‮ »‬أندريس باسترانا‮« ‬اختطف...

إرحلي (Poetry) 17-06-2005
by Karim Al Nadoury
إرحلي أيتها الروح وإبحثي عن درب لإيوائك أوجدتِ في مرسى مدينتهم من يدلك عن فؤادك؟ أم كَرهتِ العيش ,حيثُ العيش أصبح وهماً إلا في خيالكِ؟ شمسُُ وليل ووجهوهٍٍ تعبث في حياتك تصارعها الظروف, أملاً في أن تغيرها المواجع يا من وجدت في قلبي السلام.....

اذار (Opinions) 2-04-2008
by Riham Haji
لوحة فنية في غاية الجمال معلقة على جدار الزمن في ذلك المعرض الكوني , في كل عام يقدمها مبدعها بحلة جديدة يضيف اليها رتوش لا يمكنها الا أن تزيدها أملا . فكيف للون لاخضر الذي يشغل مساحتها العظمى أن لا يعطيك أملا وكيف يمكنك أن ترى زهر اللوز ولا...

ارتباط وتطورالديمقراطية في المنطقة العربية مرتبط بتحقيق التنمية الاقتصاية (Opinions) 21-04-2008
by Radwanalmajali
ان البحث عن مفهوم الديمقراطية يحتاج منا وقفة تأمل تأخذ معها ساعات وأيام من التفكير في محددات نشوء وأفول الديمقراطية في المنطقة العربية. إذا أن هنالك قراءات عديدة تشير الى إرتباط وجود الديمقراطية مع نشوء حالة التطور والتحديث، وذلك بإرتباط تحقيق...

الأزمة اللبنانية.. الى أين؟ (Opinions) 9-05-2008
by Radwanalmajali
إزاء تطورات المشهد اللبناني، تلوح في الأفق مجموعة من السيناريوهات والتي على أساسها يمكن قراءة مستقبل المنطقة، في ضوء إضافة الأزمة اللبنانية على قضايا السياسة الدولية في مرحلة ما بعد 11 سبتمبر الى جانب عملية السلام في الشرق الأوسط والأزمة العراقية....

الأزمة المالية العالمية : (Opinions) 23-10-2008
by Radwanalmajali
كثيرٌ منا يسمع عن الأزمة المالية العالمية وربما يجلس بعض الوقت يفكر فيها وما هيتها وما يمكن أن توثر في دولنا وشعوبنا. ويبرز سؤال جوهري ( ما هي الأزمة المالية العالمية؟ وما تدعياتها على العالم؟ ولماذا ارتبطت بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية...

الاتجاه الواقعي في العلاقات الدولية وتأثيراته (Opinions) 28-04-2008
by Radwanalmajali
لقد شهدت فترة الاربعينات في القرن العشرين تحولات عديدة ، وكان ابرزها ظهور الاتجاة الواقعي في العلاقات الدولية والذي جاء كرد فعل على الاتجاه المثالي، بسبب عدم صحة هذا الاتجاه، والذي قد استند قبل تلك الفترة على دراسات عديدة قامت على ما يجب ان يكون...

الاصلاح العربي بين التيار الداخلي والدولي (Interviews) 9-04-2008
by Radwanalmajali
لقد ظهرت فكرة الإصلاح في المنطقة العربية بشكل واضح بعد انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي، وبروز المتغيرات الدولية، وانتقال حركة العلاقات الدولية من مرحلة الحرب الباردة الى مرحلة القطب الواحد، حيث شكلت رؤية مرحلة ما بعد عقد التسعينات أساس في وضع قواعد اركان...

الاعلام الفلسطينى والدور الحقيقى (Opinions) 21-08-2008
by Adham Tobail
لقد اسهم الفلسطينيون عبر التاريخ فى بناء الحضارة والانسانية وبصماتهم واضحة ومعروفة للجميع ، حيث كان الفلسطينون من المدارس الاعلامية المتنافسة فى مرحلة الثلاثينات والاربعينات مع المدارس المصرية واللبنانية والاردنية وقد حددت القيادة الفلسطينية منذ...

الانفتاح من منظور مسؤول عربي (Opinions) 22-12-2008
by Fadi Doukhan
وزيرة يهودية للبحرين. مضيفات طيران من إسرائيل على شبكة الخطوط الجوية القطرية. غاز مصري بسعر " مدعوم" إلى إسرائيل. لقاءات بين مسؤولين ( عرب ) ويهود هنا وهناك. تبادلات تجارية ومؤتمرات دولية ... إلخ . كم أجدني ممتعضاً من النظرة الاندماجية...

التنوع الديني و الثقافي في دوال البحر الأبيض المتوسط (Opinions) 4-05-2007
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
التنوع الديني و الثقافي في دوال البحر الأبيض المتوسط قيمة تاريخية و حضارية نحو المستقبل هناك نظرات مختلفة لدوال الجنوب و متباينة حول نظرة إلى الشمال , والعكس صحيح, و لهدا من الضروري ان يكون هناك نقاش و نظرة موحدة لدوال و...

الثأر .. الصياد والفريسة (Opinions) 23-06-2007
by Sharif Moh'd
إن الإنسان لا يولد مع الخطيئة..لكن الإنسان المٌربّي هو الذي يعشقها -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .... الثأر الثأر...هذا الداء الذي لا يوجد له دواء..داء مُميت . ترى هل يشبه الطاعون..أم...

الحرية لفلسطين (Poetry) 5-08-2008
by Adham Tobail
الحرية لفلسطين . الحرية للأحرار في كل العالم . الحرية للمناضلين . الحرية لكل من يدافع عن أرضه ووطنه. الحرية كل الحرية لمن يرفض الظلم . هكذا تعلمنا هكذا ربينا . الحرية الحرية لفلسطين وشعب فلسطين . رغم الحصار ورغم الدمار رغم القتل ورغم...

الدور العربي في الأزمة اللبنانية. (Opinions) 12-05-2008
by Radwanalmajali
إزاء تجاذبات الوضع اللبناني ما بين الصدام والإقتتال وبين السلم الأهلي وعودة حالة الإستقرار، يبدأ الحديث عن تأثيرات التيارات الخارجية في تصعيد أو تقليل حدة الخلافات بين أطراف المعادلة في السياسة اللبنانية. حيث إرتبطت رؤية كل طرف داخلي بالتأثيرات...

الديمقراطية المصادرة!!! (Opinions) 31-05-2007
by Adel Gana
إن الوضع الذي تمر به بلادنا العربية شديد الشبه بالتنين ذلك الكائن الأسطوري ذي الرؤوس الكثيرة المخيفة، و ليس وجه الشبه في البشاعة و الرعب فقط، لكن التشابه الأساسي في طابع التعدد و الكثرة، تعدد الأسباب المباشرة و المنابع العميقة و كثرة الوجوه...

الزرقاء .. (Opinions) 3-03-2009
by Zidan
أنا أسبح الليل مع الزرقاء بتخيلاتي هناك من يلومني بأن صواريخ كتيوشا تقصف بها أحياء سكنية وقنابل ذكية في هذه اللحظة ذاهبة الى مكان تعرفه لتنسفه برشاقة لم يعهدها الآمنون بلمسة زر على لوحة لطائرة لا تكشفها الرادارات من قائد طائرة لا يعرف فائدة الزر...

الســلام عليكم بقلم: عبد الحميد عبد العاطي (Opinions) 13-11-2008
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
الســلام عليكم بقلم: عبد الحميد عبد العاطي للأسف ولأول مرة.. تصفعني الكلمات المثقلة بصدري ، تهزني برغبة ، ترفع غطاء البلادة الممدد على جسدي المتعب ، وتصرخ بوجهي العابس بكل ما تملك من قوة ، وكأنها تقول " لا تكن كالقوم الذي إذا ضرب النعال وجوههم...

الشرعية (Opinions) 29-06-2007
by Samer Mohammed Kamel
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و الصلاة و السلام على نبينا خير الأنام النبي الأمي محمد بن عبد الله عليه و على أصحابه و من والاه أما بعد السلام عليكم ... ما حدث في الفترة الماضية بخيره و شره نبهني الى مفهوم غائب عنا منذ زمن و ربما نسيناه أو تناسيناه أو...

الظلمة (Poetry) 25-07-2007
by qassem
الظلمة نحن في ظلمة لا يوجد نور في الطريق لا نعرف ما الجميل والرقيق حياتنا كلها مذلة لا يوجد فيها إلا علة النيران أحاطتنا ولا أحد يطفأ الحريق قد انتحر من رآنا من جنس البطريق ونادى قبل انتحاره وفي قلبه غصة كالمصلح...

العنف في عالم متغير (Opinions) 2-11-2007
by Adham Tobail
بقلم : أدهم عدنان طبيل Adham_333@hotmail.com في التعريف بكتابه الجديد "العنف في عالم متغير" يقول الأستاذ دكتور زكريا بن يحيى "تكاثرت أعمال العنف الدامية التي وصلت في معظم الأحوال إلى حدود اللا منطق واللامعقول وباتت تشكل ظاهرة خطيرة تلتهم أمن...

الكتابة بين المقاومة والمساومة؟ (Opinions) 4-07-2010
by رداد السلامي
أيش تشتغل ؟ سؤال سمعته من الكل من كل فرقاء السياسة، ومن لديهم إعمال، ومن يمارسون الإزاحة حين تقرر ان تعمل في صحيفته وهؤلاء في كل مكان لديهم وظائف متعددة ، يسدون الفراغ ولو بحضور عادي. إن أسوء شيء أيضا أن يتكرر السؤال ممن يعرف مسبقا انك بلا...

المطلوب (Opinions) 2-02-2009
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
المطلوب خيمة ورغيف خبز وملاحق الرحيل وان أمكن مذياع معطل وكيسا من الطحين وقهر.. وفقر.. وسلام.. !! وبياض ورقة مَوقع كثوب الإحرام ودمعة بالخفاء تلتحف العراء تسقط ولا تترك أثرا كنعيق الحرباء ..... المطلوب أكفان لا إسكان...

المعركة (Short Story) 24-05-2005
by Riem A. Hassan
كان مظهرهما مخيفا. هو بجسده الضخم وعضلاته المخيفة أمام جسدها النحيف. حاجباه الغلاظ، ابتسامته الساخرة، والنظرة المضيئة في عينيه أمام شعرها المشعث باهت اللون ونظرتها الممتلئة بالإصرار والعزم علي الانتصار في هذه المعركة. وقف كلاهما ينظر إلى...

الواقع (Opinions) 1-03-2009
by Akrm almdwahi
الواقع كلمة انطلقت منها رسالات الانبياء ونظريات الفلاسفة لان عالمنا المشاهد والذي دائما ما تؤلمنا مشاهدته وتضايقنا التزاماته وفرض اوامره للتعامل معه لكن عندما يكون الواقع غير ملموس وغير مشاهد وهلامي الملامح قد يتشابه في كثير من الاحيان مع...

الوعي السياسي في المجتمع الفلسطيني (Opinions) 16-11-2007
by Adham Tobail
بقت فلسطين تحت الحكم العثماني من سنة 1513 حتى 1917م وقيام الحرب العالمية الأولى وفرض الانتداب البريطاني على فلسطين بواسطة عصبة الأمم المتحدة عام 1921 وقد سمحت بريطانيا لليهود بالهجرة إلى فلسطين حث أصدرت بريطانيا وعد بلفور المشؤم الذي يعطى...

اليمن : كلام في صميم السياسة؟ (Opinions) 22-05-2010
by رداد السلامي
لا أريد أن أكتب بانفعال ، الحديث عن تجربة ما ، خصوصا حين تكون سياسية ، يجعلك على قدر من عدم الحيادية ، بحيث لا يمكنك التمييز بين ما هو صحيح أو خاطيء. منذ 2003 م يحس المرا أنه غدى مستهلك ، فالعمل الحزبي دخول في متاهة تشبه " التحنيط" إذ أنه يجعلك...

اليمن يحتاج إلى الصراحة..! (Opinions) 4-05-2008
by رداد السلامي
من سيقرأ سيقول رداد السلامي متناقظ بل سيستغرب وسيصفني بكل ما هو رديء تافه..لا بأس عليه فأنا ابن هذا الوطن وبيئته التي تحمل المتناقضات لكن ثمة حس وطني كامن في الذات لا يبارحها.. دعونا نكون صرحاء لأن الصراحة كما يقال راحة ..بل دواء ناجع يستطيع...

اليمن:منطق السلطة العجيب..!! (Interviews) 16-01-2010
by رداد السلامي
الوطن بيتنا جميعا ، ونحن أبناؤه ، وليس ملكا لفرد أو عشيرة ، والذي يريد أن يقول لك أن هذا ليس وطنك ، كي يشعرك بالغربة ، هذا منطق مأفون ، تافه ، وحقير مستحوذ ومترفع ، يقدم مرافعاته تلك الكاذبة ، في محفل مزور ، وهو العدو الحقيقي للوحدة ، والوطن....

اليمنيين بين خيارين..!! (Interviews) 30-10-2008
by رداد السلامي
في اليمن لايمكن الإلمام بتداعيات الاوضاع وأسباب انسداد الحياة السياسية ، إلا إذا توافرت لدى الباحث خلفية تاريخية ولو بسيطة عن ذلك. فحزب المؤتمر الحاكم الذي يرأسه صال و تديره قوى "ظاهرة" ديكورية ، وقوى خفية فاعلة كما كشف ذات حوار شيخ قبلي...

انهزمنا ولكن (Opinions) 20-01-2009
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
اعلم أن الطريق لعقولكم متاهة بل ويمكن أن تكون ذات مسلك وحيد لا يوجد له مخرج سوى العودة من حيث أتيت.. وهكذا الحال في كل مرة بالنسبة للتعاطف والتكاثف مع أي أمر جلل يصيب هذه الشعوب ذات المستوي الثالث ،أما بالنسبة للإحساس والمشاعر الجياشة لا يختلف...

ايدولوجية اليمين المحافظ الأمريكي (Opinions) 28-04-2008
by Radwanalmajali
•تعود جذور اليمين المحافظ الى تصورات استشراقية، فهو يفهم ويصور العالم على انه صراع بين الخير والشر، وان عدم أخذ القيم الليبرالية الغربية يشكل حالة من التمرد والإرهاب، فهم يروا بضرورة نشر الديمقراطية بالقوة العسكرية، والقوة العسكرية في نظرهم مطلقة،...

اين سنكون ؟ (Interviews) 23-10-2008
by ola
في اخر يوم من الكون ربما تتلون السماء وتجف المحيطات وتذبل الازهار و لكن هل ستحزن الارض على فراق البشر ؟؟؟ام سوف تفرح لان الظلم قد ابعد عن ظهرها في اخر يوم سوف يبكي الجميع ويهرب الى كل اتجاة ربما لن يكون احد سعيد ستتناثر الاحلام و تصل لكوكب...

ايهما اهم الوطن ام المواطن ؟ (Opinions) 28-07-2008
by Adham Tobail
فى البلاد التى تعانى من الاحتلال والحصار والقهر وسياسية التجويع والقتل والعدوانية دائما يطرح السؤال نفسه، من هو الاهم ، الوطن الجميل والتضحية من اجله، ام المواطن وحقوقه الاجتماعية والثقافية والحرية والعيش بكرامة ؟ سؤال صعب، والاجابة عليه اصعب...

بالمقاومة ... تصنع الانتصارات (Opinions) 23-11-2008
by Akrm almdwahi
في اللحظة الاولى اللذي ابتسم فيها النصر للمقاومة العربية الاسلامية بكل اطيافها والتي ابدلت الياس العربي اللذي بنته الحكومات والانظمة العربية في شعوبها بان ماكان يراهن علية من جيوش عربية والذي تمثل الرهان الخاسر عند الشعوب للتحرير واعادة الكرامة...

بدياتي (Short Story) 4-05-2007
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
لمادا نعمل مع الشباب ؟ أحسست بنوع من الإحساس الغريب في داخلي عندما سمعت السؤال لمادا نعمل مع الشباب , هدا السؤال يجعلني ارجع قليلا إلى الماضي , لكي أتأمل أسباب انطلاقتي في العمل الشباب ومن هناك انطلاق في لبنة كمجموعة لمادا نعمل مع الشباب ,...

بين الشريعة و و الديموقراطية ... (Opinions) 29-06-2007
by Samer Mohammed Kamel
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و الصلاة و السلام على نبينا ممد صلى الله عليه و سلم خاتم الأنبياء و خير الخلق أجمعين و بعد منذ فترة و أنا تتملكني رغبة شديدة في بحث و مناقشة موضوع طالما شغل تفكيري و أثار حفيظتي و أظنه كذلك بالنسبة لكثير من المسلمين و لكن...

تحقق حلم مارتن لوثر (Opinions) 6-11-2008
by ouzani zohir
- أربعون عاما بعد حلم مارتن لوثر كينغ و سعيه الدؤوب إلى تحقيق رؤى إنسانية تهدف إلى المساواة بين البيض والسود في أمريكا فإذا برجل أسود نحيف الجسم شاب في مقتبل العمر يتربع على عرش أعظم دولة في العالم ألا وهو أوباما. - إن أمام هذا الرجل تحديات قوية...

تنامي تجارة جنس الأطفال في العراق (Opinions) 21-08-2007
by Fahad Al Farhan
الحذر من تنامي تجارة جنس الأطفال في العراق لم تر العراقية أم زكريا، التي أقعد المرض زوجها عن العمل، عيبا في أن تسلّم ابنيها البالغين من العمر 13 و14 عاما، إلى عصابة تتاجر في ميدان جنس الأطفال داخل العراق، معتبرة أنّها قدّمت لها خدمة وأنّها...

توقعات العام 2009.. (Opinions) 20-11-2008
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
كلما حاولت استنشاق الوضع الممل الذي يصرف النظر عن قضيتنا ،لجأت للكتابة متخفيا بين الفواصل وامتداد الكلمات ، لعلي أجد أحدا يشاركني أوجاعي الفكرية والوطنية ، مستندا بلغتي العربية التي لطالما أعطتني حكمة التواصل ومصارحة الذات على ورقة لا تقوي احتمال...

ثقافة السلام لدى الشباب العربي , وصوته عند الأخريين (Opinions) 7-05-2007
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
من دكار إلى روتردام وصولا إلى الدار البيضاء ’ هناك أسئلة تطرح:هل في المجتمع العربي ثقافة التسامح و السلام أو اللا عنف؟ بدأت مسيرتي مع أسئلة تطرح في المجتمع العربي , انه مجتمع عنيف لا يتقبل الأخر ,من أصدقاء أجانب من خلال أمثلة كثيرة: كأحداث...

جنية الحلم (Poetry) 21-11-2009
by yamenalhaj
" جنية الحلم " من بعيد .... حيث اقتربت الشمس إلى المغيب ... وسكن الهواء وبدأ النسيم ... نظرت إلى الدنيا نظرة مهموم ، والقلب يدوي صراخ الألم من جديد ، والعين بها الدمع الخجول من الظهور ، بدأت أحاور الدنيا !!!! أحاور كل شيء فيها !!! أحاول كشف سر...

جولات مكوكية لسلام افتراضي (Opinions) 1-02-2010
by Milia Eidmouni
نطالب برفع الحصار، نؤيد قيام دولتين، لن نوقف دعمنا لأمن إسرائيل،هذه العبارات التي حفظناها على مدى أكثر من ستين عاماً، وفي الختام وضع الرئيس الأميركي في خطابه الأخير النقاط على الحروف ناسفاً عملية السلام من أساسها متجاهلاً الصراع في المنطقة....

حيفا.. (Opinions) 25-02-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
صمت مطبق، صدى خفي، يهزني و يرعشني..برود في أطراف أصابعي .. يدي .. قدمي و شرايين قلبي..رائحة البحر في كل مكان.. اخترقتني لدرجة أنني في الأعماق و الأمواج المالحة تؤرجحني.. حيفا؟؟؟ أهي حيفا؟؟؟ في ذلك العالم الغريب تخلت العروبة عن أصالتها ..عن...

دانيل.. إهداء لوزير الخارجية (Opinions) 11-10-2008
"دانيل".. إهداء لوزير الخارجية الجدل حول اقتراح وزير الخارجية البحريني تشكيل منظمة إقليمية تضم الدول العربية إضافة لتركيا وايران و"اسرائيل" ذكـَّرني بنقاش ساخن حول "التواصل" مع شاب "اسرائيلي". دار النقاش بين العرب بمؤتمر شبابي عالمي، شاركتُ به...

دعم ومساندة للمفاوض الفلسطنيى (Opinions) 29-10-2007
by Adham Tobail
العقلية الفلسطينية الرفضوية المعارضة أو"الممانعة" عامة لا ترى أملاً أو نورا أو وإشراقا إلا إن جاء من بين أيديها ومن صنعها، بمعنى أن الرفضويين والمعارضين عامة إن كانوا من يحاور أو يفاوض فهذا جائز وحلال ومباح سياسيا واجتماعيا بل ودينيا بالنص والقول...

دفاعاً عن الصحفيين والإعلاميين المستقلين (Opinions) 12-03-2008
by Adham Tobail
تعتبر وسائل الإعلام بفاعليتها وسطوتها إحدى أقوى أدوات المعرفة وتكوين الوعي، إضافة إلى كونها أداة مؤثرة في صناعة القرار السياسي وتوجيه الرأي العام وتوعيته، وتلعب وسائل الإعلام دوراً هاما في إحداث التغييرات وتدعيم الاتجاهات وبناء التصورات حول مختلف...

دور النضال المتزن في عملية التغيير (Opinions) 10-11-2008
by رداد السلامي
حين تجد ذاتك بلا معنى ..أو تناضل في الفراغ وما يبدو أنه كذلك ، خصوصا في وطن ملتهب بالمتناقضات لا يسعك إلآ تكون ساعيا بروية نحو تكوين معناك وسط هذه الفوضى واللامعنى ..!! تريد أن تكون واضحا مميزا في نضالك لك نكهة أخرى، ووجود مختلف لا تكدره زوابع...

ديمقراطية مستوردة (Opinions) 15-08-2008
by Adham Tobail
التغيير السياسي وحتى الطريق إلى الديمقراطية في العالم العربي محفوف بمخاطر العنف. وعلينا أن نفكر في هذه الإشكالية بعناية. هل هناك فرصة لنطرق طريق الديمقراطية بدون أن نعرِّض أنفسنا وبلادنا للعنف؟ وهل الديمقراطية صالحة أن تطبق في عالمنا العربي...

ذاكرة وطن ومسيرة شعب (Opinions) 16-11-2007
by Adham Tobail
11/11 ذاكرة وطن ومسيرة شعب 12/11 انهــز الوطن أمطار فتحاوية ، الزاحف الأصفر، بالكوفية السوداء، غزة التاريخ والنضال، العهد والشرف القضية والقدس، الحب والعطاء،القيم والأخلاق، زلزل بقوة 10 فتحاوية يهز الأرض تسقط أمطار غاضبة صفراء اللون ملتفة...

رسالة ... بعيون الصغار (Opinions) 3-09-2008
by ramzi abu abdou
هنـــــا غــــزة، هنا خيم فرح تاه في أعين الصغار فقدوا الأمن والأمان في مشروع بطولة بين بساتين غزة الخضراء،صغاراً تجمعهم الألعاب النارية والمفرقعات، تفتش عن ملاعب آمنة ضاعت بين السحب المارة، بين أزقة ودهاليز المخيم يخرج الصغار ليلعبوا لعبتهم...

رصاصة .. (Poetry) 2-10-2008
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
سقطت بندقيتي شهيدة .. مشوهتا لون الرمل فلون جرحها اسود باهت كالظل .. أغمدت قبلتها الجاحدة بصدري وألصقت تهمة الإرهاب على ظهري لتعلن بابتسامتها العريضة أنها برئيه من دمي صفق الحضور ..ومات المغدور لا يهم إن كان أبا أو أخا أو رضيعا لا يهم...

رغبة أم رهبة (Opinions) 16-06-2008
by Riham Haji
وسط ضغوط الدراسه والامتحانات والرغبة في الترفيه احيانا والعوده الى البيت احيانا اخرى اجد نفسي ارتب جدولا كاملا في عقلي لما سأفعله بأسبوعي المزدحم هذا . واخيرا علت الابتسامه وجهي واجتاحني شعور بالارتياح ,استلقيت قليلا لأجوب داخل عقلي علّي اجد فكرة...

سيكلوجية الرئيس علي عبد الله صالح-حلة مزمنة عمرها 30عاما (Opinions) 27-06-2009
by رداد السلامي
لدى صانع القرار إشكالية عميقة ، لازمته ربما منذ صغره ، أو تكوينا نفسيا جبل عليه ، فما أن يكون على مسار نظري صحيح يتحدث عنه في خطاباته ، حتى يقفز إلى مربع آخر سلبي، في استحضار عميق يجسد مدى تأثير تلك السيكولوجية على قدرته والحد من وثباته الناهضة.....

سُلطة الكُرسى .. ام كُرسى السُلطة ..؟ (Opinions) 27-12-2008
by tarq ez aldwn
" كم ظالمٍ حكمَ الشعوب وعرشهُ قُبقابُ" جدلية الكرسى والسلطه لا تخلو من الغرابة والطرفه فى زمن تعلو فيه شعارات الديموقراطية .. وصوت الشعب فى زمن اصبحنا نسمع فيه عن سلطة الشعب وحقة فى الاختيار نجد ان ما يعُلن مُخالف لم يحدث.. وبعيد كل البعد...

شباب العالم أين انتم ما يحدث في غزة-قفوا مع غزة -شباب غزة بين مطرقة الاحتلال والأفكار التخلفية (Opinions) 7-06-2008
by Adham Tobail
من يسمع عويلك يا غزة ؟ من يسمع صرخات النساء الثكلا ؟ من يسمع أنات الرضيع اليائسة ؟ من يسمع استنجاد الصبايا المحترقة ؟ من يسمع دوي انفجار المنازل والسيارات . لا يخفى على أحد حجم الظلم السياسي والاجتماعي والنفسي والاقتصادي الواقع على الأطفال...

شعر الحرية (Poetry) 24-01-2009
by Bendaas Abdelkrim
انكم بارعون في استثمار الاستقرار لم اجد الانوار و لا حتى الافكار لماذا تضعون على الستار الستار ؟ و تقولون.......... و تدعون.......... و تصرخون....... لكنكم لم تعرفوا انكم ارتكبتم العار انكم بارعون في استثمار الاستقرار سنرفع...

صباح الخير يا وطنى (Opinions) 26-07-2008
by Adham Tobail
لم اعد اعرف اهذا وطننا ؟ ام وطنهم ؟ اهو وطن الفلسطينين ؟ ام هو وطن حماس ؟ ام وطن فتح ؟ ام وطن الغزويين ؟ ام وطن رام الله ؟ اقدسنا ؟ ام قدس العرب والمسلمين ؟ فلسطينى الداخل او كما نسميه عرب 48 اهم اصحاب قضية ؟ ام التاريخ والساسة قد نسوا انهم...

صراع البقاء... إنعكاس لطبيعة البشر: (Opinions) 15-06-2008
by Radwanalmajali
في الكثير من المرات والتي جلست فيها أتذكر اللحظة التي تمنيت أني لم أتذكر منها ولو جزء من الثانية والتي تقود إلى مزيد من المعاناة نحو ألف ساعة حزن وبكاء. فالألم والدماء عناوين تقود إلى القسوة، والبحث عن الروح شي فيه جوانب كثيرة من الإرتياح والبعد...

صمت الروح ..... (Opinions) 6-11-2008
by Akrm almdwahi
انها الروح الصامتة في قلب الحياة انه الانسان الذي امتزج بها وقال انا ... انه توام الوقت شقيق الزمن الصغير .. يعيش بحركة والروح تراقبه بحب وتخاف عليه كطفل يعبث بجهل في محيطه المخيف ان الكون يأرجح هذا الانسان على ارجوحة زرقاء انه كوكبه او...

صوت من اجل غزة (Opinions) 17-01-2009
by Bendaas Abdelkrim
منذ ان خلق الله الكون و منذ اول قدم بشرية على هذه الارض و الانسان يحتاج الى مساعدة من أخيه الانسان .وهذا الكائن يحتاج ولو نصيحة تقوده الى البعيد تنور له الطريق و تنبئه بمخاطر مجهولة .فقد يقع فيها و هو لا يدري و قد تاتي من الصدف او حتى من الامان و...

طيور العرب (Poetry) 31-07-2007
by rasha omar ahmed
طيور العرب إلى أين الرحيل ما دامت أرض العرب اغتصبت فى البصرة وفلسطين وجنوب لبنان وهضبة الجولان ضاعوا جميعا وبدأنا فى النسيان يا طيور العرب لا تتركى أرضك كما تركها الإنسان بل أذهبى للحرم فأنتِ من ردت أبرهــــــــــــا...

عالم يحتضر .. يحلم بحق بحق حيواني (Opinions) 14-07-2009
by Zidan
في ظل أزمة لا تكل أو تمل تلتهم الاخضر واليابس .. في ظل قوات دولية .. تحمي الكبار .. وتنغص عيش الصغار .. في ظل حق الفيتو .. تحول الانسان .. ألى حيوان .. لا يمثل فائدة الحيوان ذاته .. وأنما تحويلة جيفة .. تلقى وتدفن باالات .. أطالب بحق الحيوانات...

عزيزتي (Poetry) 10-11-2004
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
عزيـــــــــــــــــــــزتي لا تظني أن الحب سحابة عابرة لا تظني أن الصدفة التي جمعتنا ستنتهي دون أن تتقابل مرة أخرى..... بوابة عريضة دخلناها معا بقلوب متفتحة وابتسامة, تستيقظ لها الذكريات النائمة. قلت لك تقي في أفكاري تقي في نوابع و...

علاقة الديمقراطية بالشباب والتنمية (Opinions) 11-03-2010
by Fahad Al Farhan
الديمقراطية نظام سياسي يقوم على مجموعة من المبادئ والحريات الأساسية لحياة المجتمع وهو احد النظم الأكثر انتشار في العالم. ويهتم هذا النظام بالطبقات الاجتماعية باختلافاتها من حيت العرق والكم و الدين و المستوى والسن ,خصوصا الشباب الذي يشكل اكبر...

عن الأقلام وصناعة الرموز..!! (Opinions) 11-11-2008
by رداد السلامي
لا تجد من يساند رؤيتك إذا غامرت بقول ما يجب ، عن شخصية ما، يمثل رمزية أو يحاول ان يكون كذلك ، لكنك ستجد من يلومك لأنك مسست بهذه الشخصية واقتربت من كينونتها المقدسة ، يستمد البعض حضوره من ثراءه الفاحش ، ومن ذاكراته التاريخية المصاغة بمزاج...

عن مناضل متبرجز ونفعي (Opinions) 17-01-2009
by رداد السلامي
يظن البعض أنك من الغباء بحيث يمكن خداعك ، وانك ربما على غير إمكان من أن تكون قادرا على فعل شيء يمكن أن يحقق رغبتك في تحقيق ما تريد كثيرون يظنون ذواتهم بمنأى عن أن يدركوا ، أو يفهموا ، كثيرون من يتوهمون فيك صيدا ثمينا ، أو طعما لذيذا يغري هواء...

غزة الحزينة في زمن الانكسار-زمن انهزام أم زمن انكسار ؟ (Opinions) 2-01-2008
by Adham Tobail
لقد بدأت حركة المقاومة الإسلامية في غزة العام الجديد بالأمن والأمان لغزة مظاهر الفرح والسرور والوحدة والتلاحم والتضامن وإعادة اللحمة والمقاومة، ولكن صحيت من النوم بفزعة مما حلمت به. الواقع في غزة كل عام والموت لغزة . أفاقت غزة لتشاهد جثث 9 من...

فتوش النكبة (Poetry) 6-05-2009
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
من يوم ما وعيت وأنت بتحكيلي.. كشيخ عن ترابنا وعاداتنا.. أكلاتكم وأكلاتنا عن البصارة والفول وحَب البصل المفحول عن قعدتكم تحت الشجرة ورغيف خبز بتقسم لعشرة عن موسم الزيت والزيتون وكيف المغني و اليرغول عن أعراسنا وليالينا ما يحول...

في رثاء لفدوي طوقان (Poetry) 3-12-2008
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
حين يموتُ الشاعرُ يترك فينا وصيةً معطفه... وصورةً قديمة بصفحةِ الجريدةِ وحين يموتُ الشاعرُ تخرجُ في تشيعيهِ زجاجةُ الذكرياتَ وألفُ قصيدةٍ وقصيدةٍ صَدقوني.. وقفتُ حائراُ .. منكمشا على أبوابِ الكلماتِ استجمعُ قوتيِ أردتُ أن أنقمها أن...

قبل فوات الأوان ..هدية رمضان (Opinions) 5-09-2008
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
أتساءل : هل ستعفون أنفسكم من الكفاح لو أن ارض فلسطين لم تكن مقدسية؟،يبدو وللوهلة الأولي أن هذه الجملة بحد ذاتها جريمة ، ولكن لو كانت نسبية من حيث أن بعض الناس يعرفها والبعض الأخر لا يعرفها ولا يكترث بها ولا يفكر فيها ، وبعض الناس يندهش إذا وضعتها...

قصيدة مجنونة (Poetry) 10-06-2005
by memo
مجنونة... وكذا أنا عندما أفقد أسباب النجاة هشّ ضئيل خافت باع الحياة ضاع في العمر غبيا وقد أضعتيه مراراً وبريشته رسمك قلب في الثنايا والقلب حب نابض فأجيبيه من الذي أوقف نبضه حينما القلب محاه مجنونة وكذا أنا عندما أفقد في الشتاء أن أرى...

قصيدة السلام العادل والأمن الشامل ؟؟؟وليس الدمار الشامل؟؟؟ (Opinions) 9-07-2009
by meddahi
أيا غزة الربــــــــاط أنـت صمـدتِ بعزم يـقـلّ في زمـــــــــــان الشّقاق ستنتصرين رغــم كــــــــيد الدهاة على المفــســـــــــــديـن بعد الوفاق رأينا ضراوة الهجـــــــوم الذي لم...

قصيدة غزلية من بحر الطويل (Short Story) 29-06-2008
by meddahi
قـد انحـــدر الدمـــــــع مــن الإشتياق فما أصعب الوجد مدى الإفتراق فصرت نحيل الجسم مثل الغصون قد ذوتْ عند بُعـــدها عـن الإنتشاق لقد أرهـقــتــني بهــــــــــــواها ليـاليا فهزّت محــــــبــة الفــؤاد رفاقي فما أعــــذب الحـــب إذا كان...

قطرة ماء بائسة (Opinions) 24-06-2007
by Muna Kamel Fityani
مشيت ليلا و كان صوت خطواتي مصدر إزعاج للشجر النائم الذي استفاق على أول قطرات مطر الربيع, و كأنّ كل شيئ عاد للحياة بعد سبات طويل. دخلت جنّتي, و اذ بها قطرات اللؤلؤ تتناثر على الحشائش المغموسة بالفضة. و أكملت طريقي بدهشة, فأكاد لا أسمعها تبكي,...

قطرة ماء بائسة (Opinions) 24-06-2007
by Muna Kamel Fityani
مشيت ليلا و كان صوت خطواتي مصدر إزعاج للشجر النائم الذي استفاق على أول قطرات مطر الربيع, و كأنّ كل شيئ عاد للحياة بعد سبات طويل. دخلت جنّتي, و اذ بها قطرات اللؤلؤ تتناثر على الحشائش المغموسة بالفضة. و أكملت طريقي بدهشة, فأكاد لا أسمعها تبكي,...

كذبة نملة (Short Story) 11-11-2007
by Dr. Radwa Reda
في أحد المرات كنت جالسةً في البرية وأقلب بصري هنا وهناك ، أنظر إلى مخلوقات الله وأتعجب من بديع صنع الرحمن .. ولفت نظري هذه النملة التي كانت تجوب المكان من حولي تبحث عن شيء لا أظن أنها تعرفه ... ولكنها تبحث وتبحث .. لا تكل .... ولا تمل...

كن إنسان (Opinions) 24-11-2008
by AbdAl-Rahman Hamdi AbdEl-Gawad
وأنت في هذه الحياة تمضي معها ، تقابل كثيرين وتعرف كثيرين ، تحب البعض وتبعد عن البعض ، لا يضرك ذلك في شيء اذا كنت انسانا كن انسانا عندما تحب فلا تخدع من تحبهم ولا تضمر لهم غير ما تظهر كن انسانا سيسيء اليك بعضهم فلا تبغضهم بل اشفق علي اخطائهم...

كوكوكـــــــــــو (Short Story) 2-07-2009
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
ارسم دمعة وقلد منديلك نحو السماء ، نادي الصباح وتخفى بحنجرة الديك واهرب قبل أن يراك ضوء الشمس ، الليل يمضى ويداك تمسك بفرشاة الوقت ،حاول الرسم على فخد الثواني لعلك تستطيع الإمساك بجنين الحياة ، لحظة... ومض الوقت يا هذا ..ارق من سطر الورقة واخف...

كيف الطريق لك يا وطني (Poetry) 2-01-2009
by nour halawani
كيف الطريق لك يا وطني أصداء لأصوات , أ سمعها .. أحاول تجاهلها..أريد أن أسمع صوتي يرن في كل ركن من أركان حياتي.. و الأن لماذا أجمع أثاثا لبيتي ثم أرحل..؟ لماذا لا أرحل الأن ...؟ إلى غصن الشمس.. إليك .. إلى ليل قرمزي.. أرى شجرة بيضاء , و...

كيف نواجه هستيريا الحكم.؟ (Opinions) 24-03-2008
by رداد السلامي
ما لم يكن لدى الجميع استجماع قوة قادرة على كبح جماح الخطر فإنه سيداهم الجميع..وينتزع من العيون المقل.. فالمشكلة أن المشاكل استعصت وباتت غير مفهومة وطقس البلاد يغيم بالسوء على كل البلاد..والنائحون في نواح مستمر ،ونذر الشؤم وغربانها تنعق ،والجواب...

لست أنا (Poetry) 9-08-2008
by khalid-elaouni
لم أعد أطيق كرسيا مهمشا قد شاركني العنكبوت قعدته ونسجت حولي حبائل الإنذار ! لست أنا ذاك الذي كنت , يوما : يتأبط القيم ويدوس دوسا على زجاج هين الإنكسار على ماء يراه نار على قبلة خلتها إعصار … لست أنا ذاك الذي كنت : ألملم لوعة نعم ! وأنا...

لكـي يا فلسطين نعتذر (Opinions) 19-09-2008
by محمد نعيم مطر
لكــِ يا فلسطين نعتذِر الطفل يتلو الطفل شهيدا والشباب يتوافدون كحبات المطر من أجل الدفاع عن ثراكِ الغالي فلسطين بينما أتفاجأ بما رأته عيناي في قاعة " الهلال الأحمر " في دولة فلسطين حيث كان إحتفالاً وعشاء خيري نظمه الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني...

ليس هربا من الموت ولكن إصرارا على الحياة (Short Story) 29-12-2009
by Mahmoud M. AlBurbar
Picture, "Gaza Saber", by Shareef Sarhan . ليس هربا من الموت ولكن إصرارا على الحياة " قصة حقيقية من قلب غزة " بقلم : محمود مصطفى البربار ناشط شبابي غزة – فلسطين . صحيح أن هذا الجيل في غزة لم يعش هجرة عام 1967 ,إنما قرأ في الكتب أو...

ما هو الهدف من الحياة؟ (Opinions) 29-06-2007
by Samer Mohammed Kamel
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم أود الدخول في الموضوع مباشرة دون مقدمات لماذا نخطئ؟ لماذا نذنب؟ و الأهم لماذا نتوب؟ طبعا كل ابن آدم خطاء و خير الخطائين التوابون ... ما دفعني للكتابة هو شأني شأن كل إنسان على ظهر البسيطة أخطأت و...

ماذا أفعل كي أخبرها ماذا أريد ؟ (Short Story) 15-01-2008
by palymc
”وجاء المساء كعادته… ليكتب أخر سطور في صفحة أخرى ستطوى من حياتي …وكالعادة… دخلت عليها ووضعت رأسي على حجرها… وبدأت تمسح بأناملها الرقيقة على شعري… لمسات ترسل حناناً غريباً… وتجبر القلب على الحب …عطف يجعل العقل عاجزاً عن التفكير بأي...

مثلهم لن اعاتبك (Opinions) 17-01-2010
by saady hamad
حصارك أبكى أطفالاً .. ولم يبكيني ، ودمارك أدهش أحراراً .. ولن يثنيني ، لكن تذكر ترنيمة الطفل المكبل خلف أسوار غزة العالية ، وتمعن طفلا صغيرا يحمل الأخ الأصغر، واعلم ان سماء الأرض لن تكسوها قنابل فوسفور أبيض ، واستمع لأنشودة الحجارة التي تستغيثُ...

مقالنة بعنوان الفوضى وقناع الديموقراطية (Opinions) 14-03-2010
by معتز التميمي
قد يعتقد شريحة كبيرة من المواطينين الفلسطينين أننا شعب ديمقراطي ؟ و إننا قادرون على قول ما نشاء دون رقابة تذكر وإننا نملك مقدرات الديموقراطية من الالف الى الياء ومن الباب الى المحراب ، الحقيقة ان ما نسميه الديموقراطية لاتعدو ان تكون احد مفرزات...

ملامح الصدق العارية (Interviews) 3-12-2008
by رداد السلامي
في حياتك كثيرا ما تواجه ما لاتتوقعه وممن لا تتوقعه ، وكثيرا ما يحاصرك السؤال المهموم ، فلا تجد جواب شافيا ... أنت تمضي صوب الحقيقية فتجدها مجرد ملامح عارية من الصدق ، تبحر صوب الثقة فتجدها ملغومة بالشك والريبة ، تذهب نحو الصدق بشغف فيواجهك الكذب...

ممنوع التجول (Short Story) 5-06-2008
by Alaa Almalfouh
لا أنسى تلك العبارات التي كان يرددها المسئول العسكري في الجيش الإسرائيلي عبر مكبرات الصوت " يا أهالي مخيم جباليا ، ممنوع التجول و من يخالف القانون يعاقب" ، " ممنوع التجول و اللي يطلع بره دمه في رأسه " .. لا زال صدى تلك الكلمات يدوي في أذني حتى...

من أجل تحالف وطني يدافع عن الحقوق (Opinions) 28-10-2008
by mohamed a mohadi
منذ اندلاع الانتفاضة الفلسطينية بتاريخ 28/9/2000 وحتى الآن دخل الشعب الفلسطيني في مرحلة جديدة من مراحل كفاحه الوطني التحرري، دفع خلالها ثمناً باهضاً في الأرواح والممتلكات، ومورست بحقه مختلف أشكال القتل القمع والتنكيل علي أيدي قوات الاحتلال...

من أجل عودة المعنى إلى السياسة العربية (Opinions) 27-04-2008
by Adel Gana
لخص الفيلسوف زكي نجيب محمود في كتابه "خرافة الميتافيزيقا" تصنيف مدرسة الوضعية المنطقية لما تحتويه قواميس اللغة من كلمات إلى صنفين، صنف له معنى وهو ما يشير إلى وجود موضوعي مثل كلمة تفاحة أو بيت.. إلخ, وصنف آخر من الكلمات يتوفر في القاموس، ولكنه لا...

من إفريقيا إلى العالم: تجارة العبيد...باسم الإغاثة (Opinions) 6-01-2008
by Adel Gana
أثارت في نفسي مؤخرا قضية تهريب أطفال أفارقة من تشاد عندما علمت أنها تمت باسم منظمة ادعت أنها تقوم بأعمال الإغاثة الإنسانية، وأن ذلك تم بإذن ذويهم المغلوب على أمرهم عندما تم إبلاغهم أنها تهدف لتعليمهم، مستغلة بذلك تلهف الأهالي إلى تعليم أطفالهم،...

من فقير إلى أثرياء العالم: أفضل الطرق للتخلص من إزعاج الفقراء!!! (Opinions) 4-01-2008
by Adel Gana
سيدي المحترم، لكي تجنب نفسك الشعور بتأنيب الضمير تجاه البؤس الذي يعيشه ذلك الكم الهائل من الفقراء في العالم والذين تطالعنا صورهم على شاشات التلفاز يوميا تستطيع أن تقنعها بأن الفقراء مع معاناتهم الصعبة في هذه الدنيا لكنهم بالمقابل سيجزون خير...

من وحي شاب مغربي التقى شباب من فلسطين (Opinions) 4-05-2007
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
المغرب أبعد دولة في العالم العربي و التي مجتمعها المدني يردد دائما فلسطين في أنشطته. من وحي شاب مغربي التقى شباب من فلسطين . كنت في صغري اعرف فلسطين و الفلسطينيين فقط من خلال التلفاز و الجرائد. وفي 2003 في احد المؤتمرات الشبابية في المغرب...

نظرة استشرافية: مستقبل الوطن العربي بين بذور الحياة و طوق الواجهات المصنوعة (Opinions) 14-07-2007
by abdou
إنّ استشراف المستقبل العربي من أصعب مواضيع الاستشراف على المتخصصين في هذا المجال، ذلك لأنّ صناعة المستقبل في هذه الرقعة من العالم محكومة بنوعين من العوامل: عوامل القوة والضعف الاقتصادية والسياسية والاجتماعية والثقافية المعروفة، وعوامل أخرى تتعلق...

هل قدر الاخوان المسلمون أن يكونوا كروتا..؟!! (Opinions) 6-04-2009
by رداد السلامي
لعل عقدة الإخوان المسلمون هي أنهم ليسوا سياسيين بالقدر الذي يمكنهم من لعب أدوار هامة تستبعدهم من حالة الاستخدامات الدائمة كقدر لازمهم ، وفخ يستدرجهم للعب أدوار غير واعيين بها . إشكالية الإخوان أنهم غير قادرين على استيعاب الفرق بين الثوابت...

هل من امل في السلام؟؟! (Opinions) 27-01-2009
by Mohamed El Kashash
لن اتحدث مثل البقية عن النصف الفارغ من الكوب ... ولكن برغم المجازر الدموية التي ترتكبها اسرائيل في حق الابرياء في فلسطين وبرغم الحصار المميت وبرغم كل ما ينصل علية التاريخ الاسود للصراع العربي الاسرائيلي ... برغم كل ذلك اسال سؤال بسيط لا اجد له...

هل من انتفاضة ؟ (Opinions) 11-12-2008
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
هل من انتفاضة ؟ بقلم: عبد الحميد عبد العاطي فلتعلم أيها المحتل المختل الغاصب ، يا من ذبحت أبنائنا ، وسرقت أرضنا واقتلعت جهدنا، ودست على مقدساتنا ، وتنكرت من وجودنا ، فلتعلم.. أن جدارك وجيشك وبطشك لن يحميك ، فلتعلم وأظنك تعلم.... أن ترسانة صمود...

وطني بغداد (Poetry) 11-02-2006
by Abdelrahman mahmoud
بغدادُ كم فــاضت دمــوعي عندمـــا كافحــتِ وحــدكِ مــوكبَ الطغيـــان ورفــعتِ رأســكِ في شــــموخ بـينما كنا نحـــاربُ في حـِمى الشـيــــطـانِ إخوانُـك الشجعــانُ خــانوا عهــدك خفـضوا الرؤوس مُـغادري المـيـــدانِ بالأمـس كانــوا في حماكِ...

يافا عبر الأجيال (Poetry) 5-08-2005
by Maged Hassan
يافا .. نداءٌ عبرَ الأجيالْ يا عروس فلسطين، يا حديقةَ النجوم، أيَّتها المدينة التليدة.. داخلَ أسوارِك المجيدة، تقلَّبت صروفُ الدهر و الأحوالْ فتحكي لنا حبّات الرملِ في أرضها قصةَ المجْدِ العريق و نكبةَ الاحتلالْ * * * يقولون أن يافا...

‘‘Make Poverty History’ (Opinions) 25-10-2005
by Jude C Munaonye
Many live, die and languish in misery, too weak to resist as they are bled dry of life. Most are locked in a daily struggle for survival. They seem vulnerable, they are often malnourished and their children go to bed hungry. Hari, a south...

“No somos tan diferentes como se piensa” (Interviews) 19-06-2007
by Damian Profeta
María: 19 años, colombiana y refugiada en Argentina “No somos tan diferentes como se piensa” Por Damián Profeta A los 18 años, corriendo riesgo su vida, debió abandonar su país, alejarse de su familia y sus amigos y comenzar una nueva...

“Strengthening Young People’s Participation in Peace Building” (Opinions) 6-03-2007
by Ryan V. Silverio
The following information is the final statement adopted by youth leaders and representatives from conflict areas in the Southeast Asian Region. *********************************** “Strengthening Young People’s Participation in Peace...