I'm not anyone special
I'm not rich, not poor
Not privileged, not hated
Not black, white, one, or the other
I'm just one face in the crowd
But any dream will do
I didn't try and start a revolution
I didn't attempt to change the world
Just had a vision in my head
Something to share
A quest, a dream
And any dream will do
I didn't do much
Just shared my dream in every way I could
Making people see
Making people care
And they cared
Because it became their dream then
And any dream will do
The world is still not perfect
But it's so, so close
Because we have the power to change it
And that's all we need
To make our utopia
Scribble out your dreams
Paint them, write them
Shout them from the rooftops
Until people hear
Until it's your world
'Cause you helped shape it
'Cause any dream will do
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Writer Profile
euterpe42 is an American high school student activist. She believes in free speech, equal rights, and education improvement. She loves music, writing, and her friends and she wants to change the world.
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