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The plight of an illegal migrant on a journey to Europe Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by MICHAEL, Ghana Dec 27, 2006
Peace & Conflict   Interviews


The plight of an illegal migrant on a journey to Europe One individual, who prefers only to be called Franklin, is one of the thousands of African migrants who have made the perilous journey to the Canary Islands in small boats.

The basic story that he told me at my request at interviewing him was that “I would rather die trying to make it to Europe than to stay in this country.”

Franklin was unfortunately caught and deported back to Ghana in his bid to make it to Europe. He is a student of one of the universities in Ghana.

12th December 2007, marks another day for the remembrance of migrants contribution to the development of the world. I took this opportunity to interview Franklin, on the ordeal that he had to go through in his desire to make it to Europe.

This is how Franklin started; My name is Franklin, I am 25 years old. I tried to get to the Canary Islands once before but it did not work out for me, I have been caught and now I am back to the zero point. But I will try again.

The journey was one of the most frightening experiences that I have ever had in my life. I had nothing to drink for two days.

Life in Ghana is a pain. I have no future, because even after school there is no guaranteed job for me. I need to feed my family. I think life will be easy out there in Europe. I believe I did what any father or brother would do to protect his family or his life for the future.

My parents died during the Dabgon conflict crises in the Northern Region of Ghana when I was young and now even at age 25, I don’t remember a day which I have not struggled to eat.

I left Brong Ahafo, in Ghana on 12th January, 2005 and that was how the journey began. I was in the company of two of my friends who whom I had convinced into this whole thing. We traveled on land through Togo, through to Benin, Nigeria, Niger Republic, Libya, Algeria and then to Morocco.

In each of these towns we had to work. In some instances we had to work as head porters.

A friend whom we met in Morocco who was also a head porter told us that we will have to meet an acquaintance of his who could assist us to get to the Canary Islands. This was after we had made known our intentions to him. Despite his advice for us, on the need to stop this journey, we were burnt on getting to our “dreamland”.

Upon meeting the man we had to give him 600 euros before the three of us could join him to the desert where some people including young migrants like us were waiting for their turn to get into a boat.
At long last it got to our turn and it seemed like we were making it to our “dreamland”. One person among us began singing a song which we all joined. It really kept our souls and our spirits alive.

After many hours on the water, I was nauseated. I thought it was just me feeling this, but within a few minutes my two friends had all vomited.

After sometime a wave which I describe as a boisterous one arose. Everyone was praying and shouting to his or her God for help. Some people began to cry.

Its seemed our God had heard our prayers. The waters calmed just like the time Jesus commanded the winds and the waves to calm down whilst he was at sea with his disciples.

We were at sea for about another five hours.

We were rescued by the coast guards (police) as we got near the coastline. Some of us started to kiss the ground when we finally touched land.

When I later looked around to see my two friends, I realized that one of them had died in the boat. I wept bitterly for that. My other friend also had some nasty salt sores on his body which was caused by wet clothing rubbing continuously for many days.

For those of us who were quite healthy we were held in internment centers for up to 40 days, and from there we were sent back to our countries of origin.

Now I will have to start all over. My plight is worse. I have started to save some money to make another journey.

This was the story of Franklin. After spending about 2 hours with Franklin for this interview, I began to realize how people like Franklin would go every length to satisfy their dreams.



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Writer Profile

Michael Baompong is the Founder and Executive Director of Young People We Care (YPWC). He has recently completed a four-year undergraduate degree at the University of Cape Coast, where he read Economics and Geography as his major courses. Michael graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Sciences He is an ardent believer in youth empowerment and believes that if the youth are not empowered now, the world’s future will be nothing to write home about.
He participated in the recently-held Civil Society Day of the Global Forum on Migration and Development in the Philippines where he made a strong case for youth migration.
In September 2008, he successfully managed a joint initiative that was undertaken by YPWC with support from UNICEF Voices of Youth, Global Youth Action Network, Migrants Rights International and TakingITGlobal for the creation and publication of some key youth statements for the Global Forum on Migration and Development in the Philippines.
He was nominated in 2006 by the Task Force Committee of the UN-Non Governmental Liaison service to present a paper on Migration and Development at the UN Headquarters in New York. Michael was also a youth delegate to the 2007 Global Forum on Migration and Development and also the Regional Consultation on Migration, Remittances and Development in Africa.
Aside the numerous contributions that he makes on youth and development issues on networks like TakingITGlobal he also has a research work findings on International Migration and Remittances to his credit.
Michael is currently an Advisory Board member of the Bangladesh Youth Parliament, and was also a contributor and editorial member of the young people version of the UN Human Development Report for 2006 and 2007.
His desire to see to the well being of the youth in the world, which has been given a major boost by the introduction of the Millennium Development Goals, continues to spur him on to greater heights as he renders unconditional services to humanity aimed at making the world a better place for all.
After successfully completing an E-course in Project Management and Grant/Proposal Writing, his organizational abilities have been enhanced. In his own words, ‘I have been able to organize a series of programs on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and the Millennium Development Goals, thanks to the knowledge I acquired from the course’. He has his eyes on being a Migration Expert.

meddahi | Aug 15th, 2007
[x] بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على إمام المرسلين وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين..أما بعـد إنـني غاضب جــدا جــدا لأن هذه المعوقات التي تريد أن توقف مسيرتي الأدبية من شدة الفـقـر والحرمان اللذان أعيش فيهما إنهما ليعيقان مسيرة الشعرية التي ستفيد الإنسانية جمعاء بإنشاءاته الإبداعية المتشعبة الأطراف... بـيـنما أنا أنــقـح قصيدة جديدة وأنتم بحكم ثقافتكم تعلمون أن العالم أو الأديب أو الشاعر يحتاج إلى الهدوء والراحة الجسمية والمعنوية وحتى الظروف المالية .. لكي يستطيع أن ينتج أدبا رفيعا يفــيـد الإنسانية جمعاء بإنشاءاته الإبداعية المتشعبة الأطراف... إذا بأمي المكرمة تعنفـني تعنيفا كبيرا لم تحتمله نفسي وأنتم تعلمون نفسية الشاعر الحساسة إلى أقصى حدودها المترامية ............... فقلت لها إنني أعمل من خلال قصيدتي التي أتمم أجزاءها بردار خيالي من أمكنة بعيدة لا يدرك كنهها إلا من أتاهم الله تعالى يصيرة شفافة وإنه عملٌ فكريٌّ لا يستطيعه إلا أولي الأحلام و النهى ولا يفهمه إلا ذوي الألباب الناضجة فهذا العمل ليس ككل الأعمال اليدوية البسيطة التي يستطيعها أي إنسان بعد خبرة قليلة فقالت لي بكل سخرية واستهجان إنك تهــذي.. إن هـذا الأدب الي أنت تُزاوله لا يجني عليك من المال شيئا ولا من جاها......... بل أنت تضيع وقتك هباء منثورا بينما أبوك يعمل ليصرف عليك فقلت لها يا أماه يا أماه يجب أن تفهمي مرادي البعيد وسيأتي اليوم الذي ستفهمين فيه قصديَ النبيل أنــــت لا تدركــين بُعـد عـملي الفكري هذا ولا غيرك من الناس الذين لا يؤمنون إلا بالمادة التي هم يتنعمون بها دون أن يُــؤدوا شكرها اللازم لأن المولى عز وجل قد سخرها لهم في هذه الحياة الدنيا الفانية فإن هذا الأدب الذي أنا أضحي ليلا ونهارا من أجله قد حباني الله تعالى به دون أن أدرس في كبريات الجامعات لله الحمد والمنة ………………. إنه عمل جليل يشرفك ويشرف أبي الذي هو يرعى هذه الموهبة الـفــذة و يشرف وطــني العزيز و الأمة الإسلامية جميعا فقالت إن الله تعالى لا ينزل عليك من السماء كنزا إذا لم تعمل في الأعمال اليدوية ستصاب بالفقر الذي سيدفعك إلى التسول يوما من الأيام ........... نعم إن أمي تبني أحكامها على الأوضاع الجارية في الأمة العربية والإسلامية ................. وتلك الأحكام منطقية إلى أبعد الحدود ..... فكم من الأدباء تشردوا وكم من الأدباء أصابهم اليأس والقــنوط من جراء التخلف والتشرذم الذي يجري حولهم ولكن تلك العهود قد مضت ولله الحمد ونحن نرى بشائر الرقي والازدهار بادية لكل من كان له قلب أو ألـقى الســمع وهــو شهـيـد ....... ولكن لا نلوم بعض الناس لأن عقولهم لا تدرك الإرهاصات المستقبلية ببعض العوامل التي تراها في الحاضر ........... وما أضيق الحياة لولا فُسحة الأمل ... ..آلمتـني كلماتها القاسية التي نزلت على قلبي كالصاعقة المحرقة التي تحرق من القلب الرهيف كل آماله وأحلامه التي كان يحلم بها طوال السنين القاسية وأضافت إلى أسماعي كلمات أخرى بكل برودة وقالت إن هؤلاء الذين يذيعون قصائدك لمَ لم يساعدوك حتى الآن لكي تكمل مسيرتك الأدبية التي تدعيها فقلت لها يا أمي كل شيء في أوانه ينضج إنني أتألم إن وجداني ينفجر من شدة الغضب لماذا أولئك الذين لا يملكون من الكفاءات إلا الشيء القليل نراهم يكرمون ويبجلون أمام أعيننا أما نحن الشعراء نعيش وسط الحرمان والفقر المدقع لماذا لماذا وألف لماذا إنني أستنكر هذا الإهمال هذه الشريحة التي تمهد لمستقبل زاهر تتنعم فيه البشرية بالأمن والسلام والمحبة الصادقة .......... لماذا هذه اللامبــلات التي طال زمانها ..أنظروا إلى الغرب كيف تقدم لأنهم يقدرون المواهب الإبداعية في أي مجال كان، لكي يُثروا مجتمعاتهم بالأشياء النافعة التي تعود على المجتمع بالخير والرفاهية الكبيرين لماذا نهين العقول الناضجة ونكرم العقول البائسة التي لا تنتج إلا بعض التفاهات التي لا تُسمن ولا تغني من جوع ..إنني أتألم وإن وجداني ليبكي من شدة هذه الإهانات المتعددة التي تنهال علي من حين لآخر كأمثال الحجارة الصماء التي لا تسمع ولا تــنـفع ..لماذا لا تنشؤون صندوقا خاصا بالمبدعين الذين يثبتون للساحة الأدبية أنهم قادرون على الإبداع و الإختراع والإنتاج سواء الإنتاج الفكر أو اليدوي المتوفر في كل مكان عكس الإنتاج الفكري النادر لأنه يعتمد على الموهبة المُعطاة التي تغــــــــوص في بحر التجارب لتكتسب المعرفة العميقة تلك المواهب التي تكتسب بعد سنوات من الجهد المضني المرير شخصـــــــــــية قــــــــوية لا تقـتـلعها حتى أعـتا الأعاصير المدمرة هذه الشخصية التي تحقق أهدافها بإذن ربها العلي العظيم لأن أهدافها سامية ونبيلة لا ينكرها أحد من الناس العقـلاء إنها تؤثرة في المجتمعات تأثيرا إيجابيا لأنها تعي ما تقول وما تفعل لا تندفع وراء الحماسة الزائدة التي تسبب آلاما للأمة العربية والإسلامية تزيد من أزماتها المعـددة التي هي بغنى عنها وخصوصا في هذه الظروف المحزنة التي تمر عليها الإنسانية جمعاء ... ولكن الخير آت آت آت إن شاء الله تعالى فلها من الحكمة الواعية التي تضع كل شيء في محله الذي يليق به.. إن هذا العصر الذي نوجد فيه لقد انبثقت فيه معظم العبقريات الكبيرة التي أثبتت وجودها بكل فاعلية ولكنها لا تلقى الرعاية الكاملة التي تحتفظ بهذه العقول التي تنفع البشرية جميعا ....؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟............؟ من أخوكم المعذب في الأرض الشاعر العصامي مداحي العيد من الجزائر الحبيبة إلى قلوبنا جميعا meddahi | Aug 15th, 2007 [x] MERCIFUL peace and prayers be on the senders and the machine owners and all .. After I am very, very angry because these constraints that want to stop my life literary The severity of poverty and deprivation in which they lived, which hinders the march of poetry that will benefit all mankind Banchaeath creative branched parties ... While I revise a new poem and you know that the ex Thagawickam world or writer or poet needs to be calm and relaxed physical, moral and even financial circumstances .. In order to be able to produce literature High benefit humanity Banchaeath creative branched parties ... If Pamy Mecca Tanfani Taneva not significantly unbearable myself and you know psychological poet sensitive to the limits vast ............... I told them that I am working through Gosaidti which Transact Brdar imaginary parts of the places far not only aware of essences Wrath of God Isaireh transparent He also worked for reconsideration first goal only dreams and Prevention nor understood only with mature minds. It is not a whole handicraft simple can in any human being yet little experience Li said both ironic and deploring you Theve .. This literature to you do you practice you do not reap money from nothing prestige ......... But you wasted your time squander your father worked for a while you spend I told them you Amah Amah you must run, I understand Moradi day will come when my noble Stphmin You Do you not yet practical intellectual in this crowd of people who believe not only that article are Itnamon without thanks to perform necessary because God Almighty has marshalled them in this mortal life This literature which I became a day and night in which he addressed to me may God by without studying in the major universities thankfully, the best ... ... ... ... ... .... That work Jalil Echervk oversees Abe who is a sponsor of this inimitable talent and oversees national Aziz and the Islamic Ummah all She said that God does not descend from the sky, you treasure if they do not operate in manual jobs will be hit by poverty, which will push you to begging Days ........... Yes, that my mother built its case on the current situation in the Arab and Islamic nation ................. Those provisions logical extremely ..... How many literary displaced How many writers and despair suffered as a result of underdevelopment and the fragmentation that was happening around them But those times have passed, thankfully, we see positive signs of progress and prosperity displaying each have a heart or hearing a martyr ....... But do not blame some people do not realize that their minds precursors future Some of the factors that you see in the present ........... The narrower life in the expanse of hope ... .. Matni her harsh blow to my heart thunderbolt Holocaust that burns the heart of every Alerhev hopes and dreams, which he had dreamed for years of harsh Her ears to the words of another All cooling She said that those who advertise Kassaedk It did not help you until now to complement it gives moral course I told them my mother everything in premature ripens I am hurt that emotional burst of intense anger Why Those who do not have the skills, very little We see them honored and have revered Before our eyes As poets we live amid deprivation and extreme poverty Why, why and why A. I deplore this neglect of this tranche, which will pave the way for a bright future Ttnam human security and peace and love and sincere .......... Why this Allamblatt long time .. Look at how the West provided they appreciate the creative talent in any field was so enriched their objects beneficial to society and the well-being of the great minds mature Why humiliate honoring minds miserable not only produce some platitudes that do not protect fatten or hunger .. I am hurt and emotional cry of the severity of these multiple insults heaped upon from time to time Like unto stones dumb not hear no avail .. Why not Tencion special fund creators who prove to the literary arena they are capable of creativity and invention Both production and production of thought or manual Available everywhere in reverse intellectual production rare because it depends on the talent given by Sank in the Sea of tests to gain deep knowledge of those talents acquired after years of painstaking effort bitter strong personal Tuguetlaha not even Atta devastating hurricanes These personal permission achieve its objectives because the Lord Almighty objectives and lofty undeniably one of the people Sensible It preferences positive impact in the communities because they understand what it says and do not go beyond the euphoria which cause suffering to the Arab and Islamic nation further crises that are listed unnecessary, especially In these sad circumstances with the whole of humanity ... But goodness AT AT tires that, God willing, It may be prudent to develop conscious everything in place that it deserves .. That era find it has emerged how ingenious the most significant proved themselves both effective, but do not receive full care they retain minds that benefit all humankind ....???????????????? ?............? Your brother of the martyred poet in the land of self-reliant Mdahi feast Algeria beloved to all our hearts بلغ عن هذا المقال أو التعليقات عليه لTakingITGlobal علىeditorial@takingitglobal.org. يرجى ادراج الموقع أو العنوان بالتحديد للمقال الذي تقرأه والسبب وراء تبليغك عنه. اصنع العلاقات | تحرك | تصفح المصادر | عبر عن نفسك | تفهم القضايا | اكتشف

AhMaD Abed Elmonem Elhaw | Aug 31st, 2007
I like that

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