Social Concern and Awareness Forum Nepal (SAF- Nepal) is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-government organization working for a peaceful and democratic Nepal. It was established in 2003 by a group of students and youth, seeking peace in a country being torn apart by violence and conflict. Today, SAF- Nepal involves professionals, aspiring student political leaders and concerned youth. Having worked with the youth and student organizations for several years, the Social Concern and Awareness Forum Nepal(SAF- Nepal) saw the need for a program that would create a more aware and concerned youth cohort which could play a role in strengthening the democratic structure of the country by means of proactive participation in democratic forums. In this regard, SAF- Nepal envisions educating its constituency on the issues of the youth through
Youth Counselling and Youth Policies
Human Rights and Democracy Strengthening
Conflict Resolution and Peace Building
Child and Education
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
International Labour Migration
Marginalized, Minorities and Indigenous Youth
Leadership Development and Capacity Building
Media / Information and Communication Technology
Environment, Climate change, Geography
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