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Muslim youth hit by Tomahawk missile Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by pnjunkie, Pakistan Oct 14, 2001
Peace & Conflict , Education   Opinions


Newsflash.. Muslim youth have been struck with a tomahawk cruise missile, which was basically targeted onto the Terrorist organizations residing in Afghanistan. Since the 11th September tragedy, millions have felt that they were affected by the severity of the incident, but when you try to measure who suffered the most, it would be the Muslims, and Muslim youth in particular. And to top it all, they would continue to suffer, as the WTC rebuilds.

After a month of the incident in New York, when the strike against terrorism is getting intense in the South-Asian region, schools in neighboring Pakistan remain closed, Exams are rescheduled, while youths are engaged in rioting and protesting on the streets of Karachi. Why? Because they have been deprived off their educational activities, which keep them busy and have been sucked in radical groups and organizations that use their energy and strength in their own destructive goals.

The more peaceful youths are also now deprived of good professional education, which they wished to seek abroad mostly the US, where now they will be called followers of the BIN LADEN, substituted for the devil, I guess? And in the US itself, the capital of racism and discrimination, worsen their fears. Though this may seem as an apparent or temporary problem, its affects will span over decades, and in the fields of economy and professional skills which these third world nations are already short of.

The third loss, is life itself, which is the most saddening. I quote the Koran "If you kill one, its as if you kill a whole race", which is so true, And killing youths is even worse. Who knows the girl, who died out of the bombing in Kabul, would be the Mother Teresa of tomorrow? Who knows one of those Afghani orphans who get killed because of famine who would be the Albert Einstein of tomorrow? We should value each life on an equal basis, the lives of those who got killed in the WTC were as important as those who are now getting killed because of these attacks on Afghanistan.

It's sad to say, but i believe all this has been caused by the ignorance of the Western world, which is why it got those reminders on the 11th of September. It still fails to understand its mistakes. It's time they learned something from them.



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Andrew MacInnis | Nov 2nd, 2001
How many future Einsteins and mother Theresas have been killed in past conflicts? More than we know, more will die than we'll ever know. It's not my meaning to be pessimistic, but history will repeat itself. This shouldn't dissway anyone in this world from trying to do their part in an effort for a more peaceful, open minded world, I try to do mine, but it remains a sad fact. I do, however, have faith in new generations being more tolorant and accepting. All the people making the bombs fly are thinking in old ways. Ancient ones even. New generations, raised in a globaly communicated environment will grow to power and rule with much less prejudice, so long as web sites like this one keep up the good work. Every person is different, and yet all are the same, is that not so?

Suvi | Oct 28th, 2002
I totally agree. Muslims are getting yelled on the street of canada. Many children are dieing because of terrorism this isn't fair. Youth didn't bomb usa so why are they the ones suffering. Childrent should have a right to live their live with out being harmed.Not only muslims are getting hurt all the third world countries are getting harmed. Just because they cant stand a chance against developed coutries. And Osman bin Laden was part of the Taliban. He is not the whole muslim race. So we should find him not focus on our different religon. -serpent1233

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