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Child Of War Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by ..., United States May 5, 2006
Peace & Conflict   Poetry


Mother, I swear
From the day I get there
I’ll do all that I can for you

And should my time pass
Remember my last
Cuz, Mother, I always stayed true

I’m not saying it’s right
I’m not saying it’s fair
But, alas, it’s what I must do

So remember this day
And heed what I say
Cuz, Mother, this is all for you

A year has now gone
I’m still alone
Johnny, I miss you
Please come home

You made your choice
I didn’t dare fight
But without you here
It’s just not right

You were right
Its not fair
I need you here
Not there

Johnny, come home
Don’t leave me alone
You’re my son, and I love you

Two years to the day
Since I went away
But in a week I’m coming back

I can’t wait to see your face
And to feel your grace
And finally set down my pack

It was wrong, I won’t lie
For me to say good-bye
But now the light has cracked

It won’t be long now
And I kept my vow
Because, Mom, I’m coming back!

Too much time has gone by
Since I last saw you, son
My tears have not stopped
Even though yours are done

You were just a boy
And I never knew
How different you were
How much you grew

God took you from me
On the day that would be
A reunion, treasured and sweet

But in time, boy
I’ll see you once more
I’ll always love you
My child of war



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Jamie Stack | May 26th, 2006
That was amazing the best

Trust in life is what is demanded by children without a family
Yama Enayat | Jul 24th, 2007
We must trust in life! Unborn children are silently laying claim to trust in life. Many children, deprived of their family for various reasons and who can find a home that welcomes them through adoption or a foster family, also ask for trust. .. May God, Kind of the world, help us to succeed in facing the "challenge to life" that is the greatest of the challenges to humanity today. " by the way, the poim is great". YaMa

Yashoda | May 28th, 2009
yeah, chel, mother is the best gift that anyone can have in their life...

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