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I am a Soldier Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Reggie, Canada Apr 15, 2003
Peace & Conflict   Poetry


Fear and anguish is the least bit of my worries
Nightmares and horror is but an eye shut away
Rage, hate and anger is my only allowed emotion
I am trained in the art of hatred because I am a soldier

I crave to murder and call it duty
I kill bread winners and claim to protect the family
I torture and inflict terror and pretend to love humanity
I torment lives and kill because I am a solider

I stand for honor or is it power I demand
I build malicious weapons for the sake of power
I torture the innocent for the sake of honor
I destroy hopes, dreams and lives because I am a solider

My fate asks for me to be evil and vengeful
My career asks for me to be destructive and vicious
My pride asks me to be unforgiving and merciless
Yet I stand and say I am a soldier

There is no honor in hate
Yet I have found honor in war
There is no pride in murder
Yet I have found pride with my bullet
This is my honor and pride because I am a solider

I go to war to kill because I say I value life
Only the death from my nationality is terrorism
The death of other innocent people is unfortunate
Unfortunate because they are voiceless and I am a solider



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Nina Bagli | Apr 22nd, 2003
This poem is extremely thoguhtful and compassionate. It made me sit down and think about the effects of war and what people have to go through during these difficult times. I must say that it is really well written.

Cheryl | Nov 6th, 2003
I thought soldiers were to protect fellow citizens. Certainly, those brave, patriotic soldiers did protect back in WWI and WWII times. Now, it's bitter and disgusting to see soldiers torturing their own people. Aren't the soldiers' jobs to protect the people? Now, not only are they not protecting their citizens but also they are slaughtering them. Just because they are soldiers, doesn't mean they can go around killing thinking it's the right thing to do. Soldiers are trained to protect and serve the people of their country. They are not trained to destroy each other. Since the folks people do not own weapons and guns like the soldiers, the gunmen feel more powerful when they push and threaten others. In countries like Afghanistan and Czechoslovakia, their own soldiers beat the people up for the most worthless reason. It is so wrong yet the citizens of the country have no say or control over it. The government in those countries do not even mind the soldiers tormenting and causing destruction in innocent folks' lives. The government really is the key to a more peaceful country. And even the world. The government can prevent arguments between countries and instead compromise for the right and proper decisions. The government can make sure people aren't mistreated and disrespected. The government can equalize the privileges amongst lives. The government can help change the world into a more peaceful and safer place. The government is the soldiers' boss. If the government doesn't even care for the country's people's lives, then why should the soldiers? Like a child idolizing and obeying their parents. Soldiers are always obeying the government. The government can right the wrongs of soldiers harming men, women and children in countries like Czechoslovakia. The government can really make a difference and change the soldiers' perspectives to serving the people instead of murdering the people. You're poem is probably speaking for thousands of people living in countries with abuse from soldiers. Wonderful poem!

Gerry Cockburn | Mar 8th, 2004
Brilliant words and emotions. Yes who does send people to war?

thanks for that
gicik misin | May 6th, 2004
inspiring and encouraging. keep it up, please...

April | Jun 17th, 2004
Your poem has strong words and feelings. Its lovely. Keep up the poems, please.

Kelly | Aug 29th, 2004
Awesome poem! Very well written!.....And to think in your profil e you mentioned you were a terrible speller!!.. .Well this poem totally proves that wrong!! Keep it up!

Painfully Inflicting.
Stacie Brantley | Nov 11th, 2004
I suppose the harsh words of reality can sometimes take a toll. I toyed with the same idea in a poem of my own, "I was a Soldier". Stylistically the same, however your words are braver than mine.

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