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When The State Is In Bankruptcy, The Nation Is In Danger. Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by MARCKENSON, Canada Mar 2, 2007
Human Rights , Peace & Conflict , Globalization   Opinions
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With) Truths which disturb: The Haitian people face a very serious problem: The Haitian state is in crisis. It is in bankruptcy. (Multiple organ failure). It is not viable. It survives by “artificial” means. It is tiny room to the international begging. Major reasons and analysis of this bankruptcy. Historical and cultural reasons: Undesirable side effects and pervert of the war of independence: Destruction of the infrastructures of production and loss of invaluable human resources. Saving in obliged war, - at the beginning of our existence like nation independent vis-a-vis the manifest hostility of the colonizing powers: The unproductive military expenditure: It was necessary to build fortifications and to buy weapons at the full price. The payment of the debt of independence. Continual violence set up in system, like only and single means of solving the conflicts. In the first instrument testifies to violence: the assassination of the emperor in 1806, two years hardly after independence. The eternal “koupé tèt swell kay” (to cut the heads and to burn the houses), which should not have its justification any more after independence. Innumerable case of arson and plundering, acts of piracy. Even the old cathedral of Port-with-Prince was not saved. Our multiples and inopportune internal, fratricidal wars and devastators. Many extortion of capital perpetrated under the threat of the drain-holes of foreign powers during the XIX ème century and more close to us (1914-1915), surreptitious, clandestine and illicit disappearance of the gold reserves of the National Bank. Our frequent generally superfluous and unjustified extravagant expenditure. A recurring political instability to finish moreover it With for obliged corollary: The exodus (escape) continual of the capital, The continual exodus of the brains: departure forced for the exile and voluntary departure. The continual exodus of the arms. All these annoying events of our history, Our regrettable and counterproductive behaviors, Our strong propensity with the baronage, A savage individualism, Our leaning visceral, once with the capacity, to want to direct, without division. Mistrust with regard to the ones and others, Mistrust even hostility towards the foreigners. {étranjé mélé Pa: foreigners to abstain from}. A nationalism jingoist and bad quality, currently completely exceeded. Our daily turpitude's, did not allow us, during the 200 years of existence of our nation, to accumulate the capital essential to the development of our country, Haiti. And today the Haitian State, the private sector - the aforementioned Haitian “middle-class of businesses” - the civil company in general, all together do not have the means - capital, technology, know-how and tally legal - to exploit the natural resources (rough) country, to add value to it, in order to create productive jobs - (putting the population at work) - and to thus generate services and richness. The demographic explosion and the rural migration: A population which did not cease and does not cease growing at accelerated intervals, whereas the resources do not even increase or decrease. Depopulation of the campaigns to the profit of the cities (urban overpopulation and bidonvilisations). An endemic and chronic unemployment: The great majority of the population is found with unemployment (true or disguised). This majority, which claims and requests services from horn and á cry, does not have a sufficient formal income to be fixed with the tax. Quite to the contrary, it also, is reduced to the begging through ONG of humanitarian aid and the transfers of money coming from the Haitians living abroad (the diaspora). It should be noted that a certain fraction of this majority - the small contractors, small shopkeepers, makers of small trades - is found in “the abstract one” and does not contribute either in income tax to increase the public revenue. It results from it enormous and insurmountable disproportion between on the one hand the resources available and on the other hand the needs to satisfy through the kingly missions of the State. Our leaders are thus always managing the shortage, poverty and misery. The annual budget being always a budget of famine - Ex: 800 million dollars (of which, it should be said in passing, 500 million must come from the international community) for 10 million inhabitants for 2005-2006-. Less than $100.00 per annum per capita. The State being the provider of services par excellence, one includes/understands well why, with such a budget, all the provided services are with the even execrable reductions and extremely often non-existent. Here, it is wise to point out the kingly missions impossible to circumvent of the State:  To deliver a birth certificate, a marital status with all the citizens.  To make the detailed statement of the communal territorial properties (Land register).  To finance the obligatory schooling of the children until the 14 years

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I am a positive young man and especially an optimist who believes in the human resources, I am very interest in all that milked with development and epanouissement of young people. I am the secretary-general in the organization that I am in: BBFK (Breaking bread for kids) the purpose of who is principal to help the children in vulnerable condition.

Joseph Marckenson from HAITI

It is really Sad!!!
Bhuwan K.C. | Mar 7th, 2007
It is really sad to listen such a critical situation of Haiti. Since my country has just come out of conflict I hope nothing like this doesn't happen over here. I have nothing except sympathy and words of hope for people of Haiti. Bhuwan

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