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The Masquerades Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Odimegwu Onwumere, Nigeria Oct 15, 2006
Peace & Conflict   Poetry


The Masquerades

Now the faithful
Are preparing the masquerades
For a great festival in Two thousand and seven.

Many hearts are highly beating,
Highly panting like a raced deer,
Because the Caines among them
Have started their practice against the Abels.

But the poet heard a voice
Through a cartoon warning thus:
“A couple was arranging
for their wedding, and asked
the baker to inscribe
the wedding cake with:
‘1 John 4:18’ which reads:
There is no fear in love,
But perfect love casts out fear.

“The baker evidently lost
the scripture reference,
but working from memory,
beautifully inscribed on the cake
‘John 4:18’.

“Imagine the shock of the few faithful
who looked up the reference to read:
‘For you have had five husbands,
and the man you have now
is not your husband…….”

The most educative was the title:
“Sub contracting?
Please always Re-check”.

Now is the time
The faithful has to Re-check the masquerades
Before the Two thousand and seven
Great festival
To avoid these other words:
Ntooo! Ochi! Mmeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Copyright 2006 Prince Odimegwu Onwumere



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Writer Profile
Odimegwu Onwumere

Odimegwu Onwumere, a poet and an author, is the Founder, Poet Against Child Abuse (PACA), Rivers State , Nigeria . +2348032552855. apoet25@yahoo.com

If it's prose, he writes stories,
If it's poetry, he writes poems,
If it's drama, he writes screenplays,
And he has achieved some poetry nominations, in the USA and in Canada. He was born in Accra Ghana. A Nigerian by origin and is in his early thirties.
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