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Mental Depression in Youth Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Alok Shrestha, May 9, 2002
Peace & Conflict , Health   Opinions


Many young people suffer from mental depression due to a variety of different things they must face in our modern world. As we know, mental health is very necessary to do any kind of work, so depression is a great problem for youth. Youth are the pillar of the society and nation. If he himself suffers mentally then what can he give to others?

It is important for everyone to be concerned about this widespread problem in youth. Once, I heard from my teacher that three of his friends comitted suicide due to depression at the age of twenty-two. From this, we also come to realize how deeply young people are getting depressed in this competitive modern would. In Nepal, out of every four youth one youth is mentally ill or depressed. However, they can't express the reason of depression to others and, therefore, cannot solve their problem and become depressed day by day.

Some of the main reasons for mental depression are stated below:

Tense house: Some homes are so tense that no one would want to live there. There is always quarrelling between parents which cause members of that house, especially teenagers and children, to mentally suffer very much. This results in he/she becoming depressed and they become vulnerable to drugs and other dangers.

Unhealthy competition: Unhealthy competition is the one of the main reason for youth to be depressed. Since, in this modern world, there is competition in every field, there is less chance to get the job or scholarship or any other thing. If they don’t get these things, they become depressed. So young people should be kept away from unhealthy competition.

Conflict in mind: Many youths become mentally depressed due to conflicts in their minds. Generally, a young person's mind is in constant dilemma. They fall into uncertainties and anxiousness when it comes time to choose the right field. For example: after finishing the high school, they must choose the subject for higher study, and if they can’t choose right subject they become frustrated in their future.

These are some of the reasons that youth become depressed. Every class in our societies should be concerned about the causes of depression in youth. That way, they can help them get rid of depression and frustration and live normal lives and do some creative work, which is beneficial for all.



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Christopher Landon | Jul 2nd, 2002
I just want to respond to the comment made about chemical imbalances. I am sorry, but once you consider such a scientific stance you are making a deterministic agreement. What hope are you giving to anyone who has depression when you state "that there are biological reasons" to there mental health. How can one relieve the feelings of hopelessness, vulnerability, anger towards self and sadness when its out of their conscious control. People who make statements like that are the ones writting out perscriptions to youth who come to see drugs as a way of diluting their feelings about themselves. Prozac is just yet another commodity in the economy, one more thing we need to pay for. Lets take another stance grip! Cheers :)

Clara Syme | Oct 14th, 2003
Nice Article. I think that you laid down the facts very well and you have helped those who read this become much more aware of Youth Depression.

teen help
John Sen | Aug 12th, 2010
As mental depression in teenagers is one of the most considerable problems that needs to be find out in the initial stage. In my view, being a responsible parent spending some time with teenagers is very important and with in this time if parents are able to find a new kind of behavior, acting immediately can help teens and parents to come out of major depression problems. It is helpful to take specialized professionals help on how to identify new kind of behavior in teenagers

narabahadur | Nov 27th, 2010
which alok you r i dont know but your concern about depression is good.

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