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Being Fahterless Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by alin love rai, Nepal Dec 5, 2006
Peace & Conflict   Poetry


Being Fahterless I ponder into the essence
of having lived a life
as a son to my father,
and wonder
how beautiful my life would be
with sweet lil' surprises
for Father's Day,
treating my pals with his bucks
and how he would never find it
and the expression on his face
that at times he makes.
Together we'd pull
pranks on the lady of the house
and rely on each other
for lame excuses for the mess in the hall
and how proudly I'd say,
during my soccer matches
"Hey everybody, that's my father".

Like a dream
I reminise the yesteryears
and wonder again,
why me?
and I look into my reflection
to see
a person
grown wiser
far beyond his years.
many times it hurt
a man who has learnt to hold back his tears
I have become.
I learnt to smile with a broken heart
and you have shown me
that it's a sweet lil' hope
that keeps us going
and how life goes on
without even the sun
if one learns to live.

Because of you
I learnt to fight my way on my own
and grew stronger and stronger
and how proud you shall be,
my father,
that I learnt to be soft inside
just a man you would want your son to be.

I am greatful to you
for making me what I am,
a "survivor"
thank you,
thank you so much,
my father.



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alin love rai

i believe expressions in the simplest form have a remakable effects on the readers. i have always found it very labrous to follow any article that has extensive use of heavy words and sentence complexicity.
the essence of literature is lost somewhere if the reader is not able to enjoy it. so keep it simple and just see how beautiful ur writings will be.smacks.....

full of Sentiment
Odimegwu Onwumere | Jan 4th, 2007
your poem is full of sentiment, and I noticed it is from experience and from the heart. Take heart!

R Kahendi | Nov 20th, 2007

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