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Identity and The Nation Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Prakash Bhattarai, Nepal Sep 18, 2003
Peace & Conflict   Short Stories
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While talking about the present crisis of the country, two conflicting parities- the government and the Maoists are carrying their own philosophy to grab the political power of the nation. The Maoists on the one hand are applying their philosophy by operating violent activities around the country, which include abolishment of the physical infrastructures of the community, inhuman killing of the civilians and the people with different political beliefs. At the same time, the Maoists have attacked on the development works of the nation and the supplement of other basic facilities to the people in the remote part of the country. Their previous work of social activism could not be continued if they broke the peace dialogue with the former Deuwa government. As a result the country and the people are facing crisis on entire process of the nation. Many people have been displaced from the villages. The local festivals and the other cultural activities in the rural communities have been in a state of disappearing, due to the possible attack both by the conflicting parties.

On the other hand the government is also applying their philosophical identity to quell the Maoists through the army operations. The state has declared the Maoists the “terrorists” and also imposed the state of emergency to create peace in the country. But every initiative of the government is being failed. The government’s philosophy for quelling the Maoists and establishing peace through the army operation has been failed by looking over the previous events. The Maoists still have enough power to make the situation worst and to create disproportion within the nation. But the government is not taking any concrete action for negotiation.

At the same time, the Maoists have been already failed to grab the power by their revolutionary action. Most of their actions are against the civilians and they have failed to maintain support and people’s participation to there. Frequent events of abduction and using children as armed soldiers are some of the examples to prove their forceful behavior. After declaring the state of emergency, the rate of killing civilians and the demolishment of physical infrastructures have been increased alarmingly. At the same time, the internal displacement has come out as a glaring problem and more than 150,000 people have been displaced from their origin. Now the conflict affected areas have been transformed into the blazed areas, where the people’s cultural identities and the implication of philosophical identities have been disturbed badly.

We all are in confusion; what are the better ways for the safe landing of present conflict? Most of us, without any provision say, the dialogue is the better way for permanent solution. But the dialogue is for what? And how and when does it come to the ground of reality? No one denies that dialogue is inevitable and it should be launched with proper vision to address the present crisis of the country. It should not be ended like previous dialogue between the former Deuwa government and the Maoists.

But, before the dialogue between two conflicting parties takes place, it is needed to commit, to protect the philosophical as well as cultural identities of the people. The government and the Maoists have to think once again and have to realize thousands of time what they did against civilians. Their action was whether crime against humanity or the way of their guiding philosophy. We all people working for human rights, social justice and peace should go towards the areas of conflagration, where people need trauma treatment, where the people again desire to enroll their children in the school, where an older people need capsules to heal the fever, where the people can enjoy with traditional customs and festivals and the people could forget their bitter past. Only then the nation could go on progress. The human rights of the people would be protected. The most important thing, the philosophical and the cultural identity of the people would be justified.The Fight Of Two Nations

Nepal, the peaceful and beautiful country in the world now, is in the threshold of the civil war. The numbers of killings are escalating day by day. INSEC’s latest report says more than 7,200 people have been killed so far in connection with the present conflict the “people’s war”. But still the questions arise, why these many people are being killed and why the people are being fought among themselves?

The government and the Maoists have declared that they are fighting for the nation and well being of the people. On one side the government is fighting to quell the Maoists for establishing peace and prosperity and on the other side Maoists are proud of themselves fighting for freedom and radical change in the social, economic and political situation of the nation. I don’t know how they are achieving their goal. But the thing that is still questionable in my sole and mind is that why those people are fighting? What are the reasons behind it? Have they have been satisfied by killing hundreds of people, wounding thousands and displacing thousands of people? What thing they achieved and what battle they are winning? But I think they are only fighting for their identity that they need for their existence and for argument among others. Both of the parties are loosing the battle, but they are acting of winning it.

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Prakash Bhattarai

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Clear Vision of Future and Supportive Actions
Zorica Vukovic | Dec 30th, 2003
This article of yours is very appealing and very alarming regarding the hard situation that people of Nepal are in, but also very informative and broad regarding the observation of possible consequences that every war has on culture and the identity of people involved. Also, it gives the opportunities for possible action towards creating better future for the people which can be considered as a long term engagement, lifetime orientation for a generation, sometimes. The experience of other countries and other individuals who have been walking that path can help. For Nepal, what else to say except - something has to be done! What are the supportive actions that are already applied there with the best results, and which are the ones that haven't been done but would be beneficial? What else is needed to be done? What can be done regarding the cultural identity that you mention that can be a strong drive for positive changes? Who are the carriers of the actions? Have in mind that the best actions taken tend to reach twofold target - immediate result that can be obvious (broadcasted in media) and also a long term value creation or re-creation (according some existing cultural pattern) which is creating intangible but priceless value. However, talking about media including the internet - it's always sad to trace one country (regardless its culture and profile) in the news that outline only one side, its worst, an open wound side of war operations, negotiations and destruction, and rarely concentrate on positive side - everlasting values that should be protected. The only thing to "fight" bad image in media is to produce news of other kind. That is the question of what actions could be taken to create news and/or attract media attention - reporting on positive change of course! This needs thinking more creatively, but also having a strong support! The most important thing is what you have briefly outlined here: "But, before the dialogue between two conflicting parties takes place, it is needed to commit, to protect the philosophical as well as cultural identities of the people. The government and the Maoists have to think once again and have to realize thousands of time what they did against civilians. Their action was whether crime against humanity or the way of their guiding philosophy. We all people working for human rights, social justice and peace should go towards the areas of conflagration, where people need trauma treatment, where the people again desire to enroll their children in the school, where an older people need capsules to heal the fever, where the people can enjoy with traditional customs and festivals and the people could forget their bitter past. Only then the nation could go on progress. The human rights of the people would be protected. The most important thing, the philosophical and the cultural identity of the people would be justified." That is exactly what has to be done! A program of preserving culture and identity and the course of actions needed - in a nutshell! If you are speaking like this that means that you have a clear vision what need to be done! If you are envisioning like this it means that you have knowledge that you need for the beginning. For the rest you would need help - the more you articulate your vision, your needs and requirements, the more you personalize the picture and the more people you involve - the better. You can use all your contacts and your friends, me, my friends and many people out there, (even powerful people and celebrities :), who would like to help you, your noble cause, legendary Katmandu and Nepal in general to reveal its beauty and keep nourishing its true values. P.S. Please, tell me what you think of this example of intl. volunteer cooperation available on: http://www.cosmicvolunteers.org/oggie.html

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