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by Agbedejobi patrick niyi, Nigeria Apr 18, 2007
Peace & Conflict   Opinions


The title of this article is chosen deliberately because of the nature of the so-called bourgeoisie in Nigeria. Strictly speaking, a bourgeoisie, according to Karl Marx is that class of the society that owns the productive forces and the property relations and they ultimately become the ruling class because they own the means of productive and they make production decisions. What to produce, how, when to produce. Hence they determine the advancement, stability or other wise of the society.

The bourgeoisie according to Marx encourages production and the advancement of that society thought the continuous plough back of the return on instrument. The attitude of the real bourgeoisie is amply demonstrated in the American society where almost all sectors of the American society are developed to the optimum level. Sometimes in the 80s, in America, where as a result of the overproduction of wheat t he re was a glut in the market and the American government had to take the option destroying the excess wheat produced so that the world market for wheat will not collapse. This is the attitude of the real bourgeoisie. The so-called pseudo bourgeoisie in Nigeria is a vivid contradiction to the real bourgeoisie described above. He is a destroyer, a shameless thieve. A cog, a fetter and can be vividly likened to a virus that progressively destroy its host by gradually destroying the immune system and finally leading to the total collapse, though gradual, of the host. The virus does not stop at the destruction of the host alone but any other medium it comes in contact with. Having laid a proper background, I will now move to the critique. I will start with the concept of the ‘church’ in Nigeria and how it is used as a pseudo bourgeoisie in instrument of exploitation of the naive congregation. Originally according to max Weber in his book ‘The Protestant Ethics and The Spirit of Capitalism’ provided the best-known discussions on the influence of religion on economic behaviors.

According to him the ‘spirit’ preaches hard work and this produced disciplined and rational pursuit of economic gain. It was believed that long before man was born, he was predestined to either salvation in heaven or damnation in hell. This brought about anxiety and to relieve such anxiety and resist temptation, man could only turn to self-control and serious labor. The church then believed that whether saved or condemned, the faithful must work hard for the glory of god. They saw hard work as a calling from ‘God’ so as to establish his kingdom on earth. To them the purpose of hard work was to glorify God and that they should not spend there wealth on worldly pleasures instead they reinvested their profits to make their businesses grow. The constant accumulation of wealth, continued reinvestment of profits led to the development of the society. This idea was in tandem with the early missionaries who came to Africa. They built Schools, hospitals, libraries etc. for the growth of then society. They believed that in doing this people will turn to God. In Nigeria today, reverse is the case. Our churches do not preach hard work but they have twisted and upturned the concept of miracle and tithe that literally mean 10% of ones income. Making the congregation to believe that once they give 10%, their incomes will be doubled. They emphasizes cliches like ‘he who sows sparingly will reap sparingly’, ‘you cannot sow maize and reap yam’ and on We now experience the deregulation and commercialization of churches and the attendant vices that goes with it. Stealing of tithes, money laundering, adultery, and material acquisition of wealth. It is common to see a ‘founder’ of a ministry having seven Lincoln navigators at the expense of development of the flock and society. Some churches have gone to the extent of becoming stockbrokers forcing their flocks to invest in companies where their Shepherd has Equity interests. We now see rigorous advertisements of crusades; revivals and various carnivals; people are deceived into buying holy water, miracle oil, miracle candle, magical handkerchiefs, blessed pen and pencils.



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Agbedejobi patrick niyi

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