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A Message About the War in Iraq Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Saladin, Egypt Mar 30, 2003
Peace & Conflict   Opinions


Our world, through its history has seen massacres, bloodbaths, terrorism, genocide, injustice, slaughtering and torture of innocent
women, children and elders.

In each era, the positions of leader of our world has gone to the most prosperous, the most systematic, the most religious, the most hard-worker, and sometimes the most vicious and violent….

What is happening now on the land of Iraq, is by all means an
uncivilized large-scale atrocity, committed by those who consider
themselves as the legal protectors of liberty, justice, freedom, and
human rights.

What does it mean if the “most free country” is giving its army the
permission to kill children in such a way, under whatever reason?
What if that “whatever reason” is “the Freedom of Iraqi people”?
What can Mr. Bush say to his American children if he is asked why is he
very happy while his troops demolish a whole country with cruise
missiles, and MOAB bombs?

Yes, Saddam is bad... but the worst is the way in which Mr.G.W.Bush
wants to replace him, which can be summarized as bombing and brutalizing civilians to encourage them to revolt against Saddam by "thinking" that what is happening to them is because of Saddam's previous mistakes...

If Saddam killed people through his long history of leadership under
the title of "protecting the Iraqi national security", then
Mr.George W. Bush continues to spoil lots and lots of human lives in
his short period of leadership, under many titles: "preserving world
peace," "limiting weapons of mass destruction," "combating
terrorism," and "liberating Iraqi people"!

Could it be reasonable now to say that Saddam Hussein is more
merciful for the Iraqis than his master in torture, Mr.George Walker

Why didn’t the Iraqis welcome the U.S. heroic troops, while they did
no more than killing Iraqi children, burning people alive in crowded
markets of Baghdad, shelling provision warehouses in Basra,
exploding some “Tomahawk fireworks” upon the heads of Iraqi
civilians, attacking Iraq bilaterally with “GREAT” Britain without
U.N. permission, derailing homes, hospitals, schools, and orphanage
residences? What on Earth are these Iraqis? Terrorists? Fanatics?

Well, Iraqis are definitely war criminals; they defend their land from a
“liberation army,” they didn’t welcome their liberators, they commit
suicide-bombings and they broke the Geneva Conventions on

The coalition forces are definitely a liberating army; their
fighting is "legal", and in breach of the UN resolutions and the
International Law, they want to establish the "Oil-for-BLood"
program, they use Napalm, Self-Exploding bombs, "Mother-of-Bombs," which are all O.K. and legal, and they hold a "clean war"...

Enough irony now... I need every reader to remember who first
broke the Geneva Conventions in Guantanamo, who first attacked
Iraq with a full neglect of the U.N. Security Council, and who first
had the historical honor to use weapons of mass destruction in

Do you think that a new Iraqi puppet regime that "must" support the
American atrocities against Iraqi people in this so-called “war of
liberation” would be accepted easily by the Iraqi people?

Clearly, I do not defend the Iraqi regime, but my concern is Iraqi
people. Imagine that the daily expenses of this war, which are $3.2
Billion US, were instead, used in combatting poverty, diseases,
and in developing poor regions of the world.

I ask every reader to be positive rather than being a simple
spectator of this tragedy.

Those who agree with me, please continue to send emails to all U.S.,
British, Spanish, Australian, Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian,
Hungarian, Czech, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Ukrainian,
Slovakian, Portuguese, and all other embassies of that coalition.

To know more about different embassies' emails, go to the website,



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Writer Profile

My name is Ayman el-Hakea, I am a Construction Engineering graduate from the American University in Cairo. My origins date to an interesting mixture of Yemeni, Moroccan, Albanian, and Egyptian ancestors. I always try to be a moderate Muslim, I like animation, geopolitics, comparative religion, and football. I like to be with "people"...and I hope my writing isn't boring for anyone.

A message about the war in Iraq
Mickel Hendrix (for now) | Apr 7th, 2003
Hotep (Peace), Your comments are, indeed, meritable and shed light on some things that the great majority of the people in Amerikkka are quite oblivious to. There are others, who know exactly what you're saying, but choose to turn a blind to the facts. These are the very same ones, who claim they're God-loving Christians, professed followers in the figure Jesus of the New Testament. The real reason behind the war in Iraq is imperialism, with the United Snakes of Amerikkka at the controls. Bush and Blair are nothing more than employees of the imperial gangsters, who want to establish their one world government. We can go back to 1963 and find the C.I.A. using Saddam as a tool to overthrow the Iraqi regime that was in power at that time. Need we wonder why? It is the height of folly to lob the perception that Iraq is a threat to world peace, because it supposedly has weapons of mass destruction, while the largest chemical and biological weapons program on the face of the Earth is housed in the United Snakes. And just how do they know Saddam has such weapons? It's because they supplied him with them, such as a toxic agent dubbed Vollum 1B, which is akin to anthrax. Lastly, the war in Iraq is also chance to commit genocide on people of color, people who are not White-European-Anglo-Saxon-Protesant. In code language, it's called population control in Third World countries, which are actually First World countries. P.E.A.C.E. Proper Education Always Corrects Errors!

war does not do it all
elegbede | Apr 7th, 2003
may i salute your observations has regards the war.in as much as we should all condemn the despotic manner with which Saddam rules Iraq,much emphasis need be laid on the fact that war does not do it all. as far as i'm concerned,nobody wins the war as both sides lose lives en property.also we may want to consider some other implications,one of such is that an unborn foetus of Iraq may one day grow up to hate anything american. LET'S COME TOGETHER TO DISCOURAGE WAR. MOST IMPORTANTLY AVOIDABLE ONES>

wahooe | May 8th, 2005
NABIL ATTIA, C. E. O. Worldwid organizations of HOPE for peace on Earth 551- 704 SPADINA AVE. TORONTO’ M5S 2T1 ONTARIO .C A N A D A Date: May 5, 2005 The Honorable George W. Bush President of the United State White House Presidental whitehouse.gov Washington, DC 20500 Hand Fax:1- 202 456 2461 Mr. President As friends of the United States, we respect your country’s strength, creativity and generosity. At this point in history however, we are compelled to speak out. Nintey per cent of the people of the worldwideCountry oppose the U.S.-led war on Iraq and there government has failed to clearly express the majority opinion of its people. We Clearly Speak out our opinion and Concern about the War in Iraq , Israel State, Suedan State, Palestinian State living Peacefully alongside Israeli ,It all make sense in terms of political tactics for the ’ disengagement ’, the israeli tail is wagging the Amer- ican dog , as you know one Issue is completely off -limits:The Israeli- Palestinian conflict. Mr. President – we urge you to change your foreign policy. To pursue a flawed and failed policy is a sign of weakness. We want the United States to be strong and creative enough to apologize to the Iraqi people for an unjust war, and to the Allies for having misled them. We want the USA to be generous enough to compensate the innocent victims of violence, looting and trauma inflicted by torture. We firmly believe that the quest for peace in Iraq is best led by the United Nations and a democratically-elected Iraqi government. Mr. President – your country can once again be a leading example of democracy and freedom, inspiring a world where terrorism can no longer breed. Your present policy only fosters resistance, more than ever, everywhere. Mr. President – the choice is yours. Sincerely Concerned citizens and Worldwid organizations of HOPE for peace on Earth taken care of MY C h i l d e r n . Mr. president- the choice is all yours only. Thank you God Blessed America BEAST REGAEDS” SPRERD THE WORD send an email and tell people about this Initiative. Sincerely, N A B I L >>>> Nabil Attia

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