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Should breaking news be so negative? Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Jacob Waiswa, Uganda Jan 23, 2009
Peace & Conflict   Opinions
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Should breaking news be so negative? This is a summary of problems associated to man and his environment -where man's responsibility is key to save himself. To do so values humanist and ecologically-minded nature must be generated.

Human plans must not cheat on nature but get balanced with or to consider ecological needs and those for future generation. Our own actions must neither make us slaves nor other members of the eco-system.

The headlines news papers put to us can be sickening. Sometimes one could be forced to bury his or her head in the sand to avoid watching or looking at them and/or miseries surrounding the globe.

Misery continues to chock as more problems create more problems. Indeed, very few to note could choose healthy behaviors or come out with a proactive plans that step-by-step might solve personal and/or community problems.

Many would resort to drinking alcohol and illegal drug use, abusing their spouses and children or even killing, or make killing a hobby, and form survival cults or sects yet extreme in their values -most of which being psychopathological -showing signs of a long history of misery and/or violence to self and others.

However, a section that would choose to spend time watching premier-league, champions' league or other soccer leagues should not be left out as one way of burying heads in the sand people sometime opt for -much as it is non-violent.

Definitely, it would not be surprising if a formally abused or traumatized by others injurious actions too became abusive to others. There would be a compensatory element -to feel some form justice granted or “life balance” -through injury and then recovery. One thus, could choose to recover through harming others or vengeance.

Plans must be created upon sensing humanly threatening problems, and actions immediately taken -first; by the action initiator through group formations to later form community perception and engagement. Gladly, many humanitarian initiatives have emerged from spirited and courageous global citizens -as observable on facebook and other sites or blogs. These must be strengthened.

Besides, mere writing down the genesis of one's troubles could help create very big difference in an individual or whoever does so. The differences could be in form of resuscitated energy, self-discovery, gained self esteem and confidence.

With the energy got, individuals would be encouraged to form or share and action-plan to pursue. Any thought or plan to create positive change can therefore, not be under-estimated since that alone provides the beginning -which of course; is most important.

Sustaining action, however, is another. This would be characterized by off and on the “track.” But undying vision could, nevertheless bring hope and later re-ignition of actions for positive global change.

Resilience studies have showed that such (resilience) is well; born, sustained by community but also a process started, and a struggle -whose positive results tend to be gradual, in bits or once in a long time.

The focus could then be; belief or faith that sustains actions. That (belief or faith), simply must be kept burning. Without pushing much far, why shouldn't we pick Barrack Obama as a model here? He used faith to steer his vision to success.

Actions must start now rather than later to help ourselves and environment in totality since the more we continue to watch, the more bad fate watches us instead.

All we have to do is begin with the nearest resources at our disposal -which is ourselves -may be our hobbies and interests as medium for channeling important messages, creating positive social causes and pursuing them as long as life allows.

The implication might be that all institutions would be penetrated and injected with awareness of human challenges and positive actions to work on. From one individual showing concern in a locality, we could create a new peaceful, environmentally-mindful and cooperative community in search of goodness and natural rights.

For impact realization or just an action, we must seek support, cry out if need arises, seek partners, create new positive and supportive relationships, break into closed -yet helpful social systems -as decisions we should never tire acting on.

Individual values must be carefully considered and projected to help save lives, protect nature from degradation and cause a smile to the lives of many, or helping to share individual successes with those in the process of self-liberation as well as the physically and mentally handicapped.

As a community with a common destiny and related struggles as being channeled to goodness of living, we ought to do and show love, care and support for one another. This would be the single way to defeat terror, nazi-like tendencies in families and communities as well as the could be “normal” challenges of life.

They ought to be guided with such values as long as they live. In case of death, let it me for goodness of self and others, rather than seeking to suffocate others out of life for some form of gratification.

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Writer Profile
Jacob Waiswa

A qualified community psychologist with professional packages in community participation & intervention/prevention, mental health assessment, change management, HIV/AIDS & Mental Health, project planning & management, research & presentation, stress management, basic counselling, forensic science, and organization health.
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