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Effective Role of Media Needed to Resolve Conflict Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by k, Nepal Apr 26, 2003
Peace & Conflict  


The Nepalese media can show that the Maoist philosophy, like the communist philosophy, has been unworkable in practice. Several communist utopian communities were attempted in the 19th century in the U.S. and in Europe, and every one failed and was abandoned. On a national scale, the Soviet communist state left the country underdeveloped and had to be completely abandoned and made into a capitalist economy.

The Chinese Maoist state did not result in a developed society and had to be revised to include substantial capitalist economic structures. In both the Soviet Union and China, the theory of a communist "classless society" never occurred. Instead, they became class societies where the rulers enjoyed freedom and wealth while the people were oppressed and poor. The same thing would result in Nepal under a Maoist government.

"As for the press in Nepal, I don't know how much opportunity they have to make political analyses? As for the West, I am sure that very few North Americans know anything about that problem. The trouble is, the regular press doesn't give it any attention and people don't read the alternative press. I think there is probably more opportunity to get onto radio and television programs than most other media but of course, you can't be sure how many people will watch those discussions either. It is a conundrum. Foreign policy is at the bottom of the list of topics that interest people or that they base their votes on," editor of the Peace magazine Dr. Metta Spencer said while speaking with the People's Review.

Peace Magazine has been publishing articles and news stories on disarmament; conflict resolution; nonviolent sanctions; conflicts and crises and has been playing a great role to highlight the conflict issues around the world.

Can the Nepalese media really prevent present conflict in Nepal? What kind of responsibilities does the media have and what limits are there on the media in fulfilling this role? It is true that closing the door on dialogue with the Maoists is not politically acceptable. We should not forget how media coverage during the Vietnam war, and the media coverage in Bosnia and Kosovo and how media in India and Pakistan had prevented all the conflicts.

Nepalese Media should provide information in an unbiased, neutral and well-informed manner. Media must be fair, accurate and must present all points of view. Is the media in Nepal capable of playing this role? Unfortunately, the answers are also not very optimistic. It is true that a few Newspapers in Nepal sustain economically through regular circulation and sale, but many of them have to depend on sponsorship either of the opposition political parties or the parties in power.

Nepalese media can definitely play an effective role in conflict prevention, peace building, and war against violence. Nepalese media have the potential to achieve a positive impact towards peace, democracy and tolerance. Nepalese media should condemn the killing of innocent people children and women and should report how in the villages of Nepal, where the majority of the people live, there is genuine fear. How the Maoists come to the village and ask each family to provide either a son or a daughter to recruit in their ranks. How children, young women and men are no longer safe in the rural areas. How hatred and desperation continues to shock Nepalese people as it simultaneously reveals and disguises itself in political violence.

We cannot play effective role in preventing conflicts until the very nature and the root causes are understood. Even it is known that media are a vital factor for peace, democracy and a dignified human development. Nepalese media reporting on the possibilities for conflict resolution, could become a useful support for non-violent problem solving.

Metta Spencer further says, "Nowadays, we have a peace movement getting mobilized that cannot be ignored. The marches this weekend prompted the NY Times to write an editorial today warning Bush not to take support for the war for granted. But that crisis has been building for the better part of a year and it has required a lot of energy from concerned Americans to get it this far. I wonder if there is a way to link up issues better, so that a movement that is active will be exposed to the issues about Nepal, and so on". Metta Spencer, has been editing Peace Magazine since 1985 and also writes for it. She also created a peace and conflict studies program at her college and she has produced books on such peace-related topics as women in post-Communism; separatism; and the lessons of Yugoslavia.

"King Birendra was very young and seemed to be a nice person. I met King Birendra once at Harvard when he was a student. I was in the office of a friend who was tutor to the then Crown Prince when he came in for a session". She worked as a research assistant at Harvard University where she met King Birendra.



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Writer Profile

Journalist and Story Writer Kamala Sarup is specializing in in-depth reporting and writing on Peace, Anti War, Women, Terrorism, Democracy, and Development. Some of her publications are: Women's Empowerment in(South Asia, Nepal)Booklet). Prevention of trafficking in women through media,(Book) Efforts to Prevent Trafficking in for Media Activism (Media research). Two Stories collections. Her interests include international conflict resolution, cross-cultural communication, philosophy, feminism, political, socio-economic and literature. Her current plans are to move on to humanitarian work in conflict areas in the near future. She also is experienced in organizational and community development. A meeting of jury members held on 21 March in Geneva has decided to attribute Kamala Sarup, The Conservative Voice, writer, with a Honorable Mention of International Award for Women Issue.

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