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Out Of The Ashes: 2 Years After September 11th Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Ken, United States Sep 11, 2003
Peace & Conflict   Opinions


On this fateful day two years ago, the most deadly and massive terrorist attack on the United States was carried out. Terrorists linked to Al-Qaeda hijacked a total of four civilian airliners. Two of the four airliners hit the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. One hit the Pentagon, United State’s military headquarter, in Washington DC, and one crash-landed in a field in Pennsylvania. A total of more than three thousand people died in that day that changed history forever. Most of the people died in the North and South Towers.

Americans, so used to the belief that the United States’ role as the sole international superpower prevented them from attacks, were shocked to find out that a terrorist group had inflicted so much damage. Americans, along with many people around the world, were shocked and angry about the attacks.

Many wonder how a human can be so heartless that he can murder thousands of people without remorse or guilt. Many are also heartbroken and bereaved as they found out that their husband, sons, daughters, grandparents, relatives or friends would not be coming home after that horrible day.

Some found out the dreaded news as their loved ones called from the Trade Towers to tell them that they cannot make it. Some found out as the towers collapsed, and many found out the fearful news after their loved ones failed to show up in the days after the attack. Many searched the streets for days before accepting the inevitable news that their loved ones have perished.

The attacks turned the Trade Towers into a pile of twisted metals. It also brought down parts of the Pentagon and changed the face of a normally quiet and featureless field in Pennsylvania forever.

Now, two years after that fateful day, many Americans, as well as people around the world, have moved on and resumed their normal lives. Some continued to live in grief, failing to understand why their loved ones perished in the attacks. The standard “Why me?” question is still asked by some whose loved ones perished from the attacks. September 11th have taught Americans, as well as people around the world, lots of things about these terrorists. Of all these lessons, one thing is for certain and that is we, as members of the human race, have to become stronger, prouder, and better beings.

Humans, as they did for thousands of years, learn from experiences, bad or good. An often-used adage says “what does not kill you makes you stronger”. As we have proudly shown after the terrorist attacks, we were not brought down to our knees. We resumed to our normal lives and have shown that we were not defeated. This is the spirit of mankind. Among the spirits of mankind, perseverance and adaptation are the most important. We, as members of the human race, need to show to the terrorists that we can continue with our normal lives with courage and pride.

The final thing that we, as members of the human race, needs to do is to remember those who have perished from the attacks. We have to remember that these innocent people did not die in vain. These people, for their gallantry and courage in the face of death, perished with honor and with purpose. Although many innocent people perished on that horrible day, a peaceful world will be their eternal epitaph. Let us take some time out to reflect and remember those who have can never return. Their memories will live on for eternity.



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German Augusto de la Espriella | Dec 28th, 2003
lo inportante despues de estos incidentes es que los elaboremos con disernimiento, aprendamos y sigamos m

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