We must be kind to each other,
There's something behind everyone
Treading on all our heels;
What makes it go? We've got to go
Somewhere and not escape it
Exactly, but at least be aware.
No, we're not always alone with our struggles
Others get pulled in one way or another
We might as well face the consequences we share,
Meaning to or not:
But humankind must be open-minded about the problems
We face but never say. You can't explain
Your hardships to me within a day, and I can never
Really walk a mile in your shoes. That would take a lifetime,
And we don't have time for that journey.
But there is a small reminder we should say
When encountering others: to not hold fault against
Our brothers and sisters: Because you
Were or will one day be hurt like I have been,
And one thing we share is the struggle to surpass.
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Melissa Leigh Snowden
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Good Henry Ekwuruke | Jan 31st, 2009
Yeah, we are not alone in our struggles. It is a "we" world and "together" we achieved more...
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