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Sever and Strengthen Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Robbie, Australia Apr 24, 2011
Education , Globalization , Peace & Conflict , Languages   Opinions


Sever and Strengthen Language. The defining mark of humanity. Of cultures; races, thoughts, secrets, news, lies, truth.

Language presents itself to us as a necessity, yet at the same time language inherently sequesters and divides humanity.

Are we lost in translation? For the past decades of humanity have caused regret under the banner of language; one race believing themselves superior to another. Greater than another. Better than another.

And the cause for their hatred? Merely the simple slip of a syllable; the furtive glances of unease growing to blatant hatred all because of a feeble misunderstanding.

I think that if we wish to examine the detriment of language, we must also address its beauty - its benefit.

Since the emergence of the concept itself, language has crafted and nurtured a plethora of cultures and habits. It has preserved some of the oldest ideas and it has emboldened spirits and amalgamated nations all united under a uniform tongue.

And then of course we have to face the lone possibility that of there being a single language, spoken and known to every man and woman on the Earth.

A daring proposal, attempted numerous times, with each time the endeavor has failed.

And I think I know why.

Language is ingrained into our minds - our families, our cultures, our lives just as much as our beliefs. To lose something so intimate, so precious, in favour of clumsy clauses is almost unthinkable for some people.

Language doesn't light the flame of war and hatred, it's merely the humans who misuse it and skew and estrange it into an ugly remnant of what it should be.

It remains and it will remain, eternally, a representation of our individuality, creativity, beauty, strength of spirit, and most powerfully, a sign that we still think for ourselves as humans.

In sum, I think that the prevalence of language is a sign that we will clutch on to our most treasured concepts no matter the situation.

And that is a most beautiful thought indeed.



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Writer Profile

I am a 13 year old boy working to become an author. My love of writing surfaced when I was about 7, and my ambition to become an author has grown and so has my writing (I hope), I feel that writing is the easiest and the most satisfying way to express myself and that words are one of the most precious things, and to stretch them to their very limits, use them in unique ways, is the most expressive form of media. I aspire to one day master this intricate, beautiful language and use them in more creative, wonderful ways. I would greatly appreciate any tips or constructive criticsm on my work, especially from a current or former author. I would recommend writing to anyone looking for an enjoyable hobby or career,and you might be surprised, everyone has a different style of writing, and if you think yours is only average, it might actually be brilliant.

Mutebi Bwakya | Jun 9th, 2011
This is very creative work for a 13 year old boy. This is merely a piece of evidence that you will grow to be a very fine writer. Keep up the practice and the passion.

Lavinia Loredana Spargo | Jun 25th, 2011
I really enjoyed reading your article, I love your style, and I agree with everything you said here.

Shreya | Aug 11th, 2011
yup... i'm an aspiring author as well and its great to read your work

Adanna Chigbo | Dec 14th, 2011
I am glad that you have your eyes set on your dreams even now. Your writing reflects the fact that you actually LIKE writing-you will be surprised as to how many people don’t. How anyone can’t like writing will always elude me. You want some constructive criticism? Here’s some. I like that you make use of lesser-known synonyms for the words in your writing. It makes your writing “richer” and I like to think that a good writer should make me check the dictionary at least once. (This would have made me check my dictionary when I was your age, so good job!) My only would be for you to know when it is best to just leave the regular words in or making sure that the synonym(s)’s definition works well as per the purpose of your sentence. For instance, in the second-last sentence, you wrote, “… language is a sign that we will clutch on to our most treasured concepts …”, I don’t think “clutch” was the best word to use here; using the simple word “hold” should have worked fine. You remind me of myself at your age, I used to almost jump for joy at learning/using new words; yet today, my writing has, shall we say, taking a detour to la-la-land. Don’t let that happen to you. I know you are only 13, but you have no idea what perseverance holds in store for you! Never settle for less than perfect. To the joy that is writing.

Correction(one of many presumably .. I need to proofread my work more often)
Adanna Chigbo | Dec 16th, 2011
My only comment would be for you to know when...*

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