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Am I alone in world when I think....? Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Grazie Mille, United States Mar 14, 2003
Peace & Conflict   Opinions


To all who read this: I assume that you have read my bio and know that I am "usually unopinionated and indifferent about the world around me and I take that position because I have always been more of a follower than a leader, more of a listener than a speaker." However this is one of those occasions when my indifference abandons me. That being said, the rift in the world that has been created over the way the United States has been conducting itself lately is very disturbing to me. One good example is the strong anti-French sentiment that some people in this country have, for instance; I saw footage on the news of a group of people pouring French wine down the gutter in front of the French embassy. In North Carolina, a restaurant owner has renamed French Fries "Freedom Fries", I really hope this doesn't catch on. I would really like to know just exactly how bashing elements of French culture and insulting our allies when there is a disagreement on an issue is going to help anything. If you don't like the French that is your right as a human being and you should be allowed to express your disapproval of them, but this is no way to behave! Honestly, what good do you expect to come from bashing the French?! I could go on, but I think I've said enough. I do realize that this is only a very small part of a much larger problem and that there are much more important things to worry about but it really disturbs me to see people get lured into such ignorance. Any good and rational people out there please tell me if I'm right or wrong about this one, I really want to know.



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Grazie Mille

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You're not alone...
Victoria Wong | Mar 15th, 2003
I also feel disturbed by some of the actions and opinions a few Americans have demonstrated recently. It is okay to dislike the French but when you start attacking French culture in a RIOT, then it becomes immature and pointless. Pouring French wine down gutters will do nothing but waste good wine.

Shayaan Afsar | Apr 16th, 2003
It seems to me that it is out of sheet arrogance that many Americans treat all that is French like this. Just because they disagree with you in your warmongering doesn't make them demons or immoral. Many Americans must realise that there is a world outside of the 52 states, Mexico and Canada. There is a continent called Europe that has many different political tendencies and traits. If Americans really care about freedom, let the French be free to express their disagreement. I don't agree with the American adventures and Iraq, but I don't boycott American goods or replace everything "American" with something else. It's time many Americans realise that they can be wrong too!

Anuj Kapoor | Jan 23rd, 2008
You are right friend. There are a lot many other important things, but i feel such minor things only when taken together form up that major issue. People should realise that people are generally good, and some disagreement in some policy should not make them resort to such means.

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