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This Has happened with me..... Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Id Owaineh, France Apr 9, 2003
Peace & Conflict   Opinions
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Politics, what do I have to do with politics and all these things that I don’t understand, and I don’t think those who talk about it 24/7 understand it as well. I mean, I’m the one who suffers through the checkpoints, and who can’t continue his education, and who has a broken jaw. The next two hours we joined a group they “caught” before us. You see, these soldiers seemed to enjoy hunting. It made me remember the movie Planet of the Apes, which draws a similarity of people being hunted down and basically enslaved. At the checkpoint Vlada, the soldier who broke my jaw, seemed very happy, he called everyone around to see his “brave” deed. He was like an 8 year old child who has got a new bike. I don’t want you to interpret this as excusing him, but I think he suffers from a terrible inferiority complex; he might have been mocked as a child and all through his life stages till he reached the army, so he had to do something to prove his being a macho person. After these three long hours, we were released, they didn’t even offer me any basic aid, not even a sip of water, the soldier who knew Arabic told me consider it a stone that we return back of hundred you through, the next thing I thought he would say is that they are about to send Hans Blix to check our quarries and lands.

After I was released, I phoned a friend of mine, of course I was not allowed to cross the checkpoint, so I went with my friend to Ramallah, in the hospital I discovered how many injuries I had, I knew that my jaw was broken, and I realized that I am about to enter a new phase of suffering. For me, "Bloody Vlada" came the whole way from Russia to Qalandyah (the check point) just to break my jaw, and for me the whole Israeli army seemed to be the same. I would like here to send a greeting for all the Israeli refusniks who I have friends among, those who knew me realize how pacifist I am, and to save my pacifism and the pacifism of hundreds of Palestinians, internationals, and some Israelis, I am calling you to help me seek justice not revenge, and therefore I want you all to help me take my case to courts to sue the “Israeli Defense Army” that beat the hell out of a defenseless Palestinian- me. After all I’m a human that might lose control at a certain point. I know I am not the first Palestinian that was beaten or shot by Israelis, and I know I am not the last one.
I know also that this is not the worse injury caused to a Palestinian by the IDF, and I know it is not much more important than our long suffering, or than the terrible war in Iraq, or even than thousands of conflicts and diseases around the world, but maybe for this particular reason I think I can do something about it, I can gain a victory for Palestinians and for justice.

I have already started contacting some local Palestinian and Israeli organizations, but I need your help so that I can ensure having a wider result and success.

Thank you all for reading my appeal, and I hope I will hear something from you soon.

Imad Owaineh

I am sorry I haven't been in touch with TIG for quite a long time, but I am sending this message right now while I am fighting pain, and although my mouth is literally shut, that is because of an operation I had last Thursday, due to an injury caused by an Israeli soldier. However, I can still shout loud enough to show you the truth.

I can’t remember what happened exactly on Saturday the 29th of March, all what I remember is that while I was trying to go home from Birzeit, where I study, to Bethlehem, where I live, I was forced to pass through a rough mountain passage, because the origional point is closed to me as a Palestinian. I was among tens of old women and men, and children, and they were running all around because of the fear of hidden soldiers, I thought that we are humiliated enough and we don’t need to run and to get tired as well, then an Israeli soldier called me from far away, I went directly to him, because I thought I might get to a sort of an agreement with him, at least to let the old people pass. I was pretty much elusive, when I reached close to the soldier he started insulting me, and threatening to shoot me, he seemed to enjoy this macho part of shouting and swearing, and threatened to shoot me, and started loading his M16, I was pretty sure he would not shoot. I don’t why- they shot dead a 14 year old kid a day before- and I had with the soldier the silliest and shortest debate ever, he was shouting for me to jump over a wall that rises about 1.5 meters, I’m only 1.75 m, and I was trying to tell him that I will turn from a lower point of the wall, but he seemed to enjoy the role he started very much. I don’t remember exactly what happened after that, for my part I remember that I was putting my hand over my jaw, and wondering if he did hit me or something, there was a feeling of anesthetization all over my body, and when I regained my conciseness and balance, I started to feel pain gradually all over my body, the soldier was still shouting and threatening, there was another soldier who was coming all the way down, he spoke Arabic fluently, and he was asking me stupid questions in Arabic, that I answered in a not less stupid way, except that I answered in Hebrew, I was really confused. I started to discover bruises and sores all over my body, after that the soldiers held us for three hours. The first hour we were kept in the mountain, the same one we where trying to cross, the captain seemed to have a good time discussing silly issues like wives and girlfriends and politics.

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Id Owaineh

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Shavkatjon | Apr 13th, 2003
Dear Imad, I would like to than you very much for sharing your story. Through out the page I was reading your story the was something happening in me that I couldn't not explain. I tried to feel how it was to be in that situation it is hard even imagine it. I would like you to know that whatever is going on there with you al palestinians is also affecting us people from outsidde and I personally do pray for the soon resolution and peace aggreement. I hope for your soon recovery and would like to ecourage you to keep this strong spirit you have to make peace not with war but understanding. I would be glad to keep contact with you. best regards, Shavkat from Tajikistan

Ashamed to be American ...
Julian Garr | Apr 23rd, 2003
It saddens me to hear the story of Imad Owaineh ... A quiet young man minding his own business who has to suffer the cruel sadistic punishement of the IDF. The sadder thing is that the USA supports and finances this cruelty. I hope for an end to this occupation. My prayers are with Imad Owaineh. Good luck and never give up hope.

From a Canadian Palestinian . . .
Amani Obeid | Jun 8th, 2003
Dear Imad: I must thank you for taking the courage to share your story with us here at TIG. I would not insult you by stating that I know how you feel, because I do not. However, I know that the pain you went through, and what millions of other Palestinians have to go through on a daily basis is definitely inhuman and unfair. It is unimaginable that humans are capable of such cruelty. Although I am Palestinian, I have never been to my beloved Palestine. However, as a Palestinian, my heart will always be with you, and all the others. "Insha Allah, 7atirja3ilna Falasteen. . . " God bless you, and may He give strength and courage to all suffering in the Occupied Land. Yours, Amani Obeid - Palestinian at Heart

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