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Skeletons in the Closet Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Catarina Abreu, Canada Sep 27, 2002
Peace & Conflict , Culture   Opinions


Imagine that you are playing God for just one day. In you lies the power to have control over another life. All it would take was a simple word of command and your victim would be lying dead at your feet. Feel the corrupting power as a life force struggles in your hand, begging for your mercy.

Bow down to the blood that flows forth because for it, you have become a spiritual martyr: a hero through the eyes of many.

Throughtout the centuries of recorded history, humans have killed in the name of their beliefs. They murdered to justify their supposedly superior way of life, and supressed cultures, such as that of the Aztecs for example, to the point of extinction. All in the name of self righteousness.

This is the story of the Inquisition, where hundreds to thousands of people died at the hands of God-fearing men who ironically wanted to play God. Their victims skeletons laid buried for many centuries in hope that they would be forgotten below their many layers of dust.

But is it really over? Or is it just reoccuring but in different forms?

It's these very dark veils that have caused events such as World War 2, the genocide in Rwanda, the oppression of women by the former Taliban regime and fighting in the middle East. It's even causing the rape and sodomisation of innocent people in our society.

So are we really learning from our experiences and history itself? Or are we forgetting it? In today's day and age, it seems that our techonological advances have surpassed our spirituality. We are left burying the corpses of our souls wondering why it had to come to this.

In the Savannah Dry commerical, you hear a man telling his companion: 'You know, mistakes aren't all that bad, you learn from them.' To this she replies: 'Well then you must've had a fantastic education.'

So as a nation of brothers and sisters, have we truly learnt from these skeletal remains? Many of us like to think so, but then why is it that history seems to be repeating itself? Could it be that we are shrouding them in our own ignorance and fear? Could it be that we do this willingly in hope that we don't face responsability for our own actions?

Albert Einstein once stated: 'I do not know with what world war 3 will be fought with, but what I do know is that world war four will be fought with sticks and stones.'

Could his predictions indeed come true? It's very possible. Unless we truly learn to educate ourselves from our skeletons, we will never advance spiritually. We will find our own remains buried by our bloody deeds and will face the risk of becoming recognized as the historically blind race. One that saw no evil, did no evil, but buried it in the shallow graves.



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Catarina Abreu

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