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Global Peace Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Steve, United Kingdom Jan 16, 2007
Peace & Conflict   Opinions


-Barr. Stephen Edetanlen
There is cause for sober reflections about the trend of the world today, I mean in international relations. The reflections are worrisome, to say the least. Basically, there appears to be grave conflict between the West and the Middle East, with the West assaying to bully or cower the Middle East. Depending on what perspective you view it from, it could be seen as a clash of values between the West and the values of the predominant Islamic Middle East. Recently, to lend credibility to this particularly standpoint, the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, in Australia, said it was a fight for their "way of life". Australia having fought alongside Britain against the Nazis, it equally fought with Britain in Iraq. But, like Blair said, this is another type of battle they have to win also. And, with the Islamists perceiving themselves as targets of the West, will there ever be peace in the world, given their belief that there is a great reward for them in "paradise" when they fight for their "faith"?
Another cause of worry, is the ununited United Nations. We have the United Nations, comprising virtually every nation in the world today, whose prime purpose and mandate is to secure world peace, with its chief security and decision-making organ being the Security Council. The principal members of this council, whose seats are permanent, are at war -albeit, covertly- amongst themselves. Where you find the United States condemning an act or a nation for certain acts or developments, you find Russia or China taking a contrary stance. Hardly will you find Russia, the United States, France, the United Kingdom and China unanimous in any decision or action. Even, as I write they are divided with regards to many security issues currently rocking the global scene. A moment of rumination about the Belorussian election results, Hamas government in Palestine and Iran's nuclear activities will bring this discord amongst these nations -which, by their votes in the Security Council, can decide whether particular activities in certain parts of the world are a threat to global peace, and if so, what steps to take- to the fore.
How can a house divided against itself stand? If there can be no unity, even of decisions, how will the world maintain peace? Who is going to monitor and control hostilities? What organ of which organization is going to play the role of the Global Peace Police? Or, should one nation assume this role? Under what authority? A nation distrusted by many and seen as a bully? Even at that, how long can such a situation be allowed to persist without violent confrontations? Or, should each nation begin to truly see and regard other nations of the world as really equals? There is cause for serious pondering. There seem to be more questions than answers!



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Writer Profile

Barr. Stephen Edetanlen is a legal practitioner from Nigeria, currently living in London. He acquired his DSW, LLB and BL from Nigeria. He, also, holds an LLM in International Law from London. He has a passion for contemporary global legal issues and practising law. Many of his written online opinions can be found on his website www.steveinitiate.fusiveweb.co.uk. He likes an intercontinental life, and does not wish to confine himself to a particular country.
By the grace of God, he is a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He presently ministers to the Lord's flock in London.
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