My eyes so open so able
yet so blind, blind to so many
blind to so called differences
why must we persuade ourselves to recognize different
are we not proud to be embellished by others
and within others. can we not tolerate, or embrace community and oneness.
Let us be joined by hands
letting go of self, destroying me
let us evolve from me to something greater
from me to we... forget all self indulgences and embrace we
joined we can not be broken
the bond so thick yet so impenetrable
let us continue to grow as we shower selfless on all ...we are we..let us stay that way.
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Writer Profile
alexandra tome
I am Alexandra Tome , a writer in training. I hope to make change through the use of words and dialogue and not through violent or oppressive means. I want to influence people, I want to invoke conscience thought.
A Beautiful poem Kermi Liya | Nov 7th, 2008
It really touched my heart. Great poem, great writing and keep on going! :) You are a brilliant poet, please keep writing! :D
Zidan | Dec 5th, 2008
very nice i need read more
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