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Results (1427)

IL Y A LE POUR ET LE CONTRE (Poetry) 6-10-2010
by Awosusi Oluwatope
On dit : les fleurs sont beaucoup Mais à vrai dire elles sont petites Ne me demande pas pourquoi Ils ne sont pas nombreux Et ils existent comme ils sont morts Ne me demande pas pourquoi Ah! C’est notre monde Lequel refuse la vérité Ne...

Save our Future (Poetry) 24-03-2008
by Atta ur Rehman Qureashi
I'm working in an auto workshop Save me. I'm picking up rags from markets, roads , open waste material and the sewerage line. Save me I'm working in different houses involving domestic labour . Save me. I'm working in an...

Droits des femmes (Opinions) 8-01-2007
by JOSEPH Marckenson
Les Nations unies ont célébré, le 13 octobre 2004, le 25e anniversaire de la Convention sur toutes les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes (CEDAW). 25 ans après l’adoption d’un texte que l’on considère comme une véritable charte des...

Memory (Poetry) 4-02-2006
by Nandita Saikia
The Girl in Hyacinth Blue. There were those who called her 'Morning Shine.' She sits by a window with sunlight gently sweeping over her. Her serenity as the world passes by her seems overwhelming. Can anyone ever do that in real life? Blood...

Stigmatisation et discrimination des PV/VIH (Opinions) 7-01-2007
by JOSEPH Marckenson
La stigmatisation et la discrimination liées au VIH/SIDA menacent l'efficacité des programmes de prévention et de soins. La crainte, l'ignorance et le déni conduisent les gens à réagir devant les personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA (PVVIH) de...

Women's Rights and the Media (Opinions) 6-10-2004
by Nandita Saikia
I've heard it said that fighting for women's rights isn't about obtaining results overnight but about changing the attitudes of people over a period of time and as true as that might be, whether one talks about the implementation of CEDAW, rape,...

"Notre propre occident" (Opinions) 4-01-2007
by mjimmk
La migration devient en Afrique un sujet très préoccupant .La majeure partie des jeunes africains sont prêts à tenter le pire pour atteindre l'occident qu'ils considèrent comme un paradis où il fait vraiment bon vivre. Fuyant leur condition de...

"On va encore faire comment?" (Opinions) 5-08-2008
Si on admet généralement qu'un ventre affamé n'a point d'oreille, il est là clair qu'il y a bien quelque chose à faire. "On va encore faire comment?", voilà bien une forme ironique d'acceptation . Cette manière de penser est déjà encrée...

"Youth Empowerment" (Opinions) 22-01-2005
by Abdallah Sobeih
On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the declaration consists of 30 articles, I would like to state for you two articles from those 30, article number 18...

''Small is Beautiful' : Tracking Direct Democracy in Southern Brazil (Opinions) 29-05-2005
The Brazilian city of Porto Alegre has surprised the ranks of academia by undertaking a spectacular and unexpected return to grassroots direct democracy after a long tyrannical rule. Indeed, many answers to the problems of the ill-adapted Western...

'Societal Cancers' and the Media (Opinions) 25-01-2007
by Jay-R Patron
Have you seen “The Village” by M. Knight Shyamalan? I have! Yes, it’s an old movie…and very surreal at that. But many of its themes reverberate the reality that many of us face today. Violence, poverty, corruption… these are very much...

(Re)awakening the voice of the people (Opinions) 27-07-2008
by tim bryar
(Re-)awakening the voice of the people Democracy is promoted around the world as a “must have” commodity for any legitimate government, and most importantly, for any country wishing to reap the benefits of the “democracy club” led by...

(untitled) (Short Story) 7-05-2002
by Finn Cheshire
When in 1950 the newly establish Peoples Republic of China invaded Tibet under the pretence of ‘reuniting China’ and ‘liberating Tibet from imperialistic control’, Tibet, its peoples, and its religion were thrown into turmoil . The People's...

(untitled) (Short Story) 1-04-2002
by Demo Demo
Enslavement is defined in the Long man Dictionary of Contemporary English as being a noun of the verb "enslaved" which means, " to make into a slave". In this same dictionary, money is stated as being wealth, pieces of metals made into coins. with...

...the New Nigeria ! (Poetry) 22-12-2008
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Its Christ time, the yuletide of another year, the moment flew fast, things change, faces appear, gifts exchanged, some disappear; The season is joy but for some, more pain, sorrow...

20 anos do isolamento do vírus HIV no Brasil (Interviews) 16-02-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Bernardo Galvão: “Foi um marco simbólico na pesquisa no país” A década de 80 ainda não tinha terminado. Em meio à euforia que tomava conta do país, da efervescência em função do final de um longo período de ditadura militar, a Aids aparecia...

20 Juin 2007- Sénégal: Journée mondiale du réfugié,les ONG lancent un cri d’alarme aux autorités et à la communauté internationale. (Interviews) 21-06-2007
by Djibril
Placée sous le thème de l’intégration locale, la journée mondiale du réfugié était célébrée hier sur l’ensemble du territoire national sénégalais. Plusieurs manifestations en marge de cette journée ont été organisées par les institutions...

2004: One Year Closer to Nineteen Eighty-four (Opinions) 25-08-2004
by Nima Shirali
As history is being written in our current trends, George Orwell’s vision of totalitarianism is further nearing realization. Indeed, many, as do I, believe that his forethought has already been actualized. A close scrutiny of the current state of...

2008/9... Is there a future for Liberalism in South Africa (Opinions) 29-10-2008
by Avishkar Govender
We understand Liberal values to be Peace and Human Rights, Constitutional Democracy, Universal Suffrage, Radical Subsidiarity and Individual Initiative; Indivisible and Individual Human and Environmental Freedoms, Rights and Responsibilities;...

25 يناير (Opinions) 5-02-2011
by randa
25 يناير اعتقد ان ما فعالناه قد اذهل الجميع بل اذهلنا نحن كشباب خرج من بيته وذهب الى ميدان عام ليتظاهر سلميا طالبا حقوق شرعية تتمثل فى العدالة - العداله التى هى رجاء كل من يعيش على وجه الكرة الارضية وليس من يعيش داخل مصر فقط . ولا اخفى عليكم...

25 يناير (Opinions) 5-02-2011
by randa
25 يناير اعتقد ان ما فعالناه قد اذهل الجميع بل اذهلنا نحن كشباب خرج من بيته وذهب الى ميدان عام ليتظاهر سلميا طالبا حقوق شرعية تتمثل فى العدالة - العداله التى هى رجاء كل من يعيش على وجه الكرة الارضية وليس من يعيش داخل مصر فقط . ولا اخفى عليكم...

International Youth Day There are some two billion children and another one billion young people in the world today. Their population grows by 130 million every year. In other words, more than half of the world's population is young....

5º Fórum Mundial da Água discutirá questões chave sobre o futuro da água (Opinions) 5-01-2009
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Efraim Neto Depois de meses de um longo trabalho colaborativo, um primeiro esboço da programação do 5º Fórum Mundial da Água (World Water Forum), com cerca de 100 sessões, já pode ser conferida virtualmente, após receber mais de 700...

8 MARS 2009, JOURNEE INTERNATIONALE DE LA FEMME : (Opinions) 10-03-2009
8 MARS 2009, JOURNEE INTERNATIONALE DE LA FEMME : LES OBJECTIFS LOIN D’ETRE ATTEINTS… DEFIS ENORMES ! QUID DE LA REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO ? Chers tous ; Ce 8 mars 2009 nous allons ensemble célébrer la Journée Internationale de la Femme...

A Burden (Short Story) 5-08-2004
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
Welcome to our camp Mr. Happy! I see you are here to make a report about us. Perhaps you work for some news-agency and are here not because you feel sorry for us but because you can feel that it is a 'juicy' story. Am I right? Well, if you...

A Bus Journey: On Equal Opportunity (Opinions) 15-09-2008
by Tipsuda Chaichana
The stars were sparkling on the horizonless skies which looked like a magician’s dusky cloak when I found myself on a bus leaving from Bangkok to ChiangRai, my home at the end of the world. Sitting for eleven hours on the bus wasn’t very ideal,...

A Call to Action on the Genocide in Darfur (Short Story) 24-08-2009
by Anushka T
The humanitarian plight in the Darfur region of Sudan does not receive the media attention it once did since the outbreak of violence in 2003. Scanning through the local newspaper, the most recent story I came across regarding the situation in...

A CNMA e a imprensa (Opinions) 29-11-2007
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
A III Conferência Nacional de Meio Ambiente está chegando (08 a 11 de maio de 2008 - http://www.amazonia.org.br/noticias/noticia.cfm?id=255938). Qual o papel da imprensa no processo de construção das propostas que serão apresentadas durante as...

A Community for All, Saving Dreams! (Opinions) 23-08-2009
by Cyril France
One community, one world, let us all build the protective walls, the walls of dignity, freedom, integrity, justice and above all love for the environment and humankind. Attempting to state what community building is, made me delve into a basic...

A Critical Look at Affirmative Action (Opinions) 5-04-2005
by Martin Tairo
Since the ‘birth’ of affirmative action it has remained an extremely controversial issue. It is generally accepted that affirmative action is morally right, as it is empowering those who were previously disadvantaged. Inequality, form a...

A Daunting Feeling. (Opinions) 25-04-2002
by Mike Blanchard
[B]That Daunting First Expereince[B] It didnt take me long to find that I was out of my league after signing up for TakingITGlobal. It took me maybe 2 or 3 days to realise that by just submitting myself to act as a discussion board moderator...

A Day With Junvenile Prisoners (Opinions) 10-05-2002
by Rana Bilal Ahmad
In celebration of International Youth Week,The Alliance for Human Rights and local artists in Pakistan organized an outreach event in their community. The participants arranged to visit children incarcerated in prisons in their local communities...

A Different History (Poetry) 7-12-2004
by Trevor Kellogg
Dear society, who are we? I thought we were free? Dear society, who am I? I thought I was me? I came from my past But its left my future I ask you again, who am I? As you whip me down I ask you again, where am I? As you hunt me down...

A Discourse on Liberty (Opinions) 1-02-2006
by Andy Carloff
It is in the heart of every revolution, in the mind of every Humanitarian; it is attacked by every dictator, scorned by every politician; it is held in animosity by the enemy of the people; held as the most sacrilege by every tyrant and the most...

A Glimmer of Hope (Poetry) 27-08-2004
by Judith Bosire
They are clustered along the streets Watching the dawn of a new day With hope The hope they have never realized Yet with each ray of the sun It is renewed and held with sheer determination. Their melancholic eyes searching For blurred...

A good leader (Poetry) 17-12-2006
A good leader is an agent of change, resilient and forward thinking. A good leader understands the hopes dreams and aspirations of his people. A good leader believes in transparent honesty and accountability. A good leader works towards the...

A Heartrending Account of a Most Horrendous Massacre of Our Time (Opinions) 27-12-2007
by Waliullah Ahmed Laskar
A Heartrending Account of a Most Horrendous Massacre of Our Time: A Review of Neelie, 1983: Asom Andolonor Borborotom Gonohatyar Postmortem Report Neelie, 1983: Asom Andolonor Borborotom Gonohatyar Postmortem Report (Neelie, 1983: A...

A Imagem de Um Sonho (Opinions) 8-09-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
É um dia comum, assim como todos os outros. Estava indo novamente para o cursinho, como sempre faço todos os dias. Subindo, vagarosamente, as duas ladeiras que fazem parte do curto-longo caminho, quando estou a reparar nos detalhes de minha vida....

A Knight In a White Sari (Opinions) 7-09-2003
by prernac
Our world has faced many different times of fear, war and trouble and in every era there have been great heroic figures to follow. In our time, there have been many warriors battling many different issues, ideas and events. These great heroes have...

A lesson from "those" people (Opinions) 25-12-2004
by zuvelu
Continuing to gaze outside as we waited for our turn to get by in the busy junction, I decided to closely observe the four roadside workers hammering away heaps of stones. Slow and tedious work. In their old and dirty clothes that they seemed to...

A Letter (Short Story) 27-07-2004
by Rare breed
Dear Refugee, I have always wanted to ask you, how do you feel? Being forced to leave everything that you knew to be: To be safe To be real To be right To be just To be yours? How does it feel to go to a new place in which; it matters...

A Letter During the Holocaust (Short Story) 11-02-2008
by cms-brionna
Dearest Family, You are extremely lucky to be living freely as citizens of the United States. I have been living in the ghetto, a sad place where I am punished for being who I am. And for being who I am, I have paid a terrible price. But I...

A Little Hours... (Poetry) 9-11-2005
by hazem al jaber
when a speech was over we spent many hours in walk the city was very attended in winter heard you when you talked and felt your muse giving you warmth you tried to hide your feelings, while a tram runs away but you can’t your feelings...

A l’ombre des Jeux. (Opinions) 9-10-2008
by Youths Ahead!
A Pékin, tandis que des millions de personnes vibrent au rythme des exploits de leurs champions, des Michael Phelps et autres Ursain Bolt, quelque part loin de l’euphorie des légendes célébrées, des gloires éternelles que les foules adulent, dans...

A mixture of disappointment and hope (Short Story) 19-02-2008
One day, a lady from the community and I went into some communities to have talks with the people in the streets. We wanted to know what had caused the great increases in street children numbers, child trafficking, teenage pregnancies, armed...

A New Dawn for Africa (Poetry) 30-03-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
From East to West, we are building a bridge Reconnecting for our continent Time to chart our destiny here To achieve liberation with our seeds Sowing seeds for Africa A time of rebirth with fire of our youth The morning is set to set the...

A New Education (Opinions) 25-12-2011
by Robbie
As a 15 year old student attending a school in Australia, I am well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of modern education. Yet increasingly we are seeing a new type of education - one that takes into account individual learning styles and the...

A nossa cultura da água (Opinions) 29-11-2007
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Estamos vivenciando uma profunda crise de valores, uma verdadeira crise civilizatória. A partir do boom populacional da Terra, estudiosos de diversos países constataram que o planeta está com déficit de qualidade ambiental e desenvolvimento...

A nous seuls (Poetry) 2-05-2007
by Bemoute serge Mario
Malheur à nous cobayes de la terre, Presumés coupables de crimes inconnus, Subissant les infamies aux bases inégalitaires. Que de pensées nocturnes nous sont apparues. Que de souffrances lugubres nous investi. Innondant nos mansardes de...

A PLEA FOR PEACE (Poetry) 17-10-2006
by Alexander Orok
Can man ever understand The cry of the innocents in foreign lands Or the anguish shared on our own soil. Death and destruction taken its toll, Peace interrupted it commonplace, Retaliation occurs at a rapid pace? "Vengeance is mine",...

A Poet I am not (Poetry) 16-11-2007
by afddf
A poet I am not A writer unappreciated Works unworthy of appreciation A poet I am not Though words wrapped in metaphorical loveliness They only evoke feelings of nothingness A poet I am not But a promoter of silence Not only in sounds...

A Review of "Women and Children at Risk: A Feminist Perspective on Child Abuse" (Opinions) 18-07-2005
by Allison Buckley
Article Review Stark, Evan and Anne H. Flitcraft. (1988). Women and Children at Risk: A Feminist Perspective on Child Abuse. In E. Fee and N. Krieger (Eds.), (1994) Women’s Health, Politics, and Power: Essays on Sex/Gender, Medicine, and Public...

A Song for the Environment (Poetry) 3-06-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Yes I know I need you Yes I know you are the best I know you need me too For your protection Yes you need my help But do I give it to you? Have I given it to you? I may be trying But have I tried enough Planting trees Is one of your...

A Stranger (Poetry) 12-09-2003
by Brique Zeiner
A stranger in a strange place. In the life of a child who neither knows him Or has even seen a photo of him. The child doesn't know his likes or dislikes - His history or his future plans - How many children of his own that he has, if any...

A thought on democracy (Opinions) 29-09-2009
by Ashish Bhandari
One of my teachers told me, “Democracy is the rule of people by the people for the people.” I always used to run around these words, never knowing what they meant. I never cared whether it was autocracy or democracy; they never meant anything to...

A Trip of Realisation - I (Opinions) 22-03-2002
by Tanmay N. Vora
It was a dull Sunday, and having no other work to do, I was getting bored. I had an overdose of both sleep and reading. Having nothing else to do, we decided to visit a temple just two kilometers away from the town. It being our first trip in...

A Trip of Realisation - II (Opinions) 22-03-2002
by Tanmay N. Vora
As we moved out of the orphanage, my mind was crossed by the invoking thoughts about the orphan little flowers. They were so innocent that they didn’t even realise the importance of a mother’s lap, or of a father’s love. These orphans had either...

A Trip to Insanity (Short Story) 12-04-2003
by christopher bernardo
He storied the times he is scavenging in trash cans, lucky enough to find a piece of fried chicken with some meat still intack. He would get it out from the rubbage, would wipe some of the dirt, and then gnaw the bone. He remarked it was alright...

A truly international volunteer project (Opinions) 26-04-2008
by Eric Anderson
Several months ago, I decided to use the power of TIG to expand a previously done project to the far corners of the globe. The organization that I volunteer for, Youth for Human Rights, had found that the UN document, the Universal Declaration of...

A verdadeira crise existente (Opinions) 7-05-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
A crise social, ecologia e tecnologia existente são realmente assustadoras. Uma sociedade cientifica voltada cada vez mais para o pensamento reducionista e cartesiano, que nega os princípios e a existência de soluções interdisciplinares para os...

A Wake Up Call for Anticorruption Initiatives (Opinions) 24-12-2005
by Dilep Paudel
Corruption in the governmental and non-governmental sector has been a candidly addressed matter in the international arena. Despite the economic and development progress of any nation, it has been considered as the single major challenge to all...

A war of choice (Opinions) 19-03-2006
by wahooe
The role of Islam in Arab society; The Buddhist self-immolations in Vietnam. We face in Iraq, like we did in Vietnam, an enemy who refuses to play by our rules, and is clearly willing to die for their beliefs. But Iraq looks a lot like Vietnam:...

A WOMAN, KHADIJA AND ISLAM (Opinions) 9-02-2007
by mohammed
A WOMAN, KHADIJA AND ISLAM Today, Islam is the greatest force in the world. The other religious forces cannot do it any harm, what it achieved in last 14 Hundred years others couldn’t. It is like a mighty oak, which the storms of the world...

A-AH! SHH!! (Poetry) 16-04-2006
It hurts to remember. How the guns cracked, How with sneering gesture they raped, maimed, looted, Looted a people – the OGONI Raped a land – OGONI “Aa-ah!” are their cries, “shh!” their tormentors shout. Day after day, the land dies....

A.sexual or A.ble? (Short Story) 24-07-2008
by chechemy
Sometimes I get tired of all these asexual assumptions. Like, what, a wheelchair is supposed to be the embrace one longs for on lonely nights? Blindness doesn't make pity glances and scoffing from the opposite gender (or in many cases, within...

Abandoned! (Poetry) 24-04-2004
by Karim Al Nadoury
Calling from the deep ocean Seeing nothing but darkness Breathing nothing but water Doing nothing but crying! Shouting so loud but no one to hear! Looking for a human but no one here! Drowning….dying My life is slipping away….Slowly They...

Abolishing torture in Nepal (Opinions) 9-09-2006
by Dipendra Tamang
Nepal is currently living through times of extraordinary challenging circumstances: a de-escalating national conflict which needs to be resolved, massive human rights abuses both by the State and the insurgents, large number of internally...

About human rights (Poetry) 26-11-2007
by NGALA Elvis
The feeling of being Human, The right to a fair trial, The right to equal protection by the law, The right to education, The right to seek and enjoy asylum, Freedom of assembly, expression and association, Freedom from discrimination, Its...

ABUSED (Poetry) 23-03-2006
by Pallavi Mogre
"I don't want to lose touch with you". Right. Thank you. You expect me to believe that? Tears. Evaporation. NaCl. So many pinches of salt. Mounds. Heaps. Mountains. I refuse to scale...

by Ajagbe Samsondeen Idowu
It is no longer news that Africa is the most impoverish continent in the world and there has been various approaches toward reducing/eliminating this trend. The contemporary framework for sustaining development and eradicating poverty on the globe...

Actions for Maternal Health in Argentina (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Damian Profeta
If one is looking to find initiatives in Argentina related to the promotion and the fulfillment of Goal 5 of the Millennium Development Goals: improve maternal health, involving youth as protagonists of the social improvement, the Foundation for...

Activism in the 1960s and Today (Opinions) 18-04-2002
by Jamie Denim
In the 1960s, activism seemed to draw much of America, especially youth, into alternative ways of looking at life, politics, and the world. Demonstrations, teach-ins, and sit-ins occurred throughout the country as citizens became involved in...

Adamant Adams Oshiomole: The Heartbeat of the Nigerian Masses (Opinions) 19-10-2004
by George Osaremen Alenkhe
ADAMANT ADAMS OSHIOMOLE – THE HEARTBEAT OF THE NIGERIAN MASSES By George Osaremen Alenkhe Providence High School 1b Nawfia Close Independence Layout Enugu The crushing and intimidating weight of the elephant cannot withstand the...

Adia, the survivor (Short Story) 25-07-2007
by salamatu seidu
As commonly seen in most extended families of West Africa, Adia, a seven year old girl was sent to her auntie, Osiwa to assist her in her daily activities. Osiwa happens to be very rich but without a child. Adia's parents were confident that...

Adiós (Short Story) 18-11-2006
by Fermín Erdocía
Un hombre anciano de repente sacudio su cuerpo he incorporandose erguidamnete comenzo el dia, pero no cualquier dia. este dia se figuraba intrinsecamente distinto, anormal. como si una pelicula onirica se proyectara ya en la realidad o quiza esa...

Adult Learning, where are you? (a tribute to learners and educators) (Poetry) 17-09-2011
by David Kapp
Adult Learning, where are you? (a tribute to learners and educators) In the beginning, CNE, Christian National Education. Hewers of wood and drawers of water, Coloured Affairs, Indian Affairs, Bantu Education, divide and rule, separate(d)...

Advancing the Millenium Agenda (Opinions) 20-04-2009
by akwalla Johanness
This short article is to consider the implication of the youths in the United Nations’ scheme of what has been termed the “Millennium Development Goals.” Whatever the latter term may mean, I would begin with some definitions: on who is a youth; we...

Aesthetics in Africa (Opinions) 13-03-2006
by Pallavi Mogre
“ Most of the stories I wrote were the stories I told myself just before I went to sleep” - Edgar Rice Burroughs Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan is a colossal daydream spanning twenty six books that spawned over forty Tarzan movies, hundreds...

Africa (Poetry) 6-09-2008
by ogunfusika oluseyi harold
Is there a way out of poverty for us in Africa? Will there ever be a day: When our stomachs will no longer be our master, When black will truly be a sign of beauty and darkness our enemy, When life will no longer be pain and discomfort and...

Africa and The Third World Do Not Need Aid (Opinions) 31-05-2004
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
Much to the chagrin of Western countries, many poor African and third world countries would rather go to the World Bank, IMF and other Western funding institutions so as to off set their self-created ‘budgetary deficits’. The fact noted by the...

Africa's Independence? (Poetry) 11-11-2008
by Remish Gasiano
Independence in Africa? Oh spare me, son of my mother. What independence is there to talk about When budgets made and money spent are engineered by the donors? What good is political independence when economical emancipation is still a myth?...

Africa, Heir to the Coming World (Poetry) 11-09-2003
by Seshendra Sharma
Spending all his life In only living the life He is tired- From the present he retired into history- *** My thought Like brilliant sun Fell Upon the word And its long shadow Fell Upon the century- Sun was playing With the early...

Africa, My Beloved Land (Poetry) 1-03-2007
by Amany
Don't look at me and pity us Africans Tell me when you look at me, what do you see? Hunger, pain, need...Yes, all those feelings and more. It's true what you see; but what you don't see is that you have given us no chance to stand on our...

Africa-Reborn or Perish? (Opinions) 28-10-2004
by Dereje Amera
AFRICA Africa is a continent blessed with potential natural and human resources. But, today the continent is crying with begging hands for it is in the depth of many problems looking for assistance, even though there is a claim that Africans...

Africamix Receives CDs Featuring Songs Celebrating Volunteerism From UN International Year of Volunteers (IYV 2001) (Opinions) 10-04-2002
by Ruth Naam
Africamix Receives CDs Featuring Songs Celebrating Volunteerism From UN International Year of Volunteers (IYV 2001) Sacramento, Calif - April 9, 2002 - Africamix, a California based nonprofit organization of volunteers serving to introduce and...

African American Positive Backup Needed in Africa (Opinions) 31-05-2004
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
As descendants of Africans, it is a great wonder that African Americans have done little or nothing at all to help fight the various socioeconomic ills afflicting the African continent. Though many may argue that they are no longer African...

African Funding and the G8 (Opinions) 27-12-2002
by skay
During the summer I was inspired to do a little research on the costs of the G8 summit and the amount of money that was being pledged to release Africa from poverty. I was shocked by my findings. I wrote the following document during the...

African leaders are near to failing us!!! (Opinions) 29-07-2007
AFRICAN LEADERS ARE NEAR TO FAILING US!!! The implementation of every policy by governments matters the Child’s well-being. African countries have moved from colonialism into constitutional, self-governing states and their leaders have for...

African Leaders: I'm Sorry For You (Opinions) 9-09-2003
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
From every perspective, leaders in Africa nations are indeed the ones better known to be brutal, wicked, barbaric, crooked and anti-development because of their egocentric, corrupt and “I -care-for-myself” attitude. What an unfortunate situation...

African Politicians (Poetry) 12-08-2004
by Salisu Suleiman
Bing, bang, bong! Sweat, shiver and shout Everything and nothing Sweat, blood and tears Murder and strife and tears And then, on mounds of skulls; Clout Premised on pretexts, lies and fears Submerged in subterfuge Silent tears no refuge...

African Politics, A Mockery to Democracy. (Opinions) 27-07-2010
by Anthony Lukwesa
It's very highly unlikely that we the Africans really Understand what democracy is all about. The simple definition of Democracy as rule by the people and for the people seems to be very difficult to understand. I say this because many Africans...

African Science (Poetry) 17-09-2007
by Oluwaseun Akinkunmi Ogunbiyi
Alas! Thou western gods, Despise not the feebleness of our words. And of our progress, Nor the might of our fortress. Dim not thy perceptions To these fairly scorned colors For they only be a sheath, Forsaken when we un-breathe....

African Solidarity (Poetry) 22-05-2009
by Daniel Nuxe Thomas
Perceived were the days of men that held their heritage, the paths they took that made them bonded So enchained by selfishness and enslaved in mentality they claimed to have a common voice How can we? When brotherly killings and maiming...

African Youth at the UN World Summit! (Interviews) 7-11-2005
by Vidar Ekehaug
Hellen Tombo from Kenya was one of only two youth delegates to the World Summit at the United Nations in September. She was able to get on the Kenyan delegation that traveled to New York. Hellen came to represent the people of her country, the...

After he was killed (Opinions) 10-05-2007
by k
After He Was Killed Kamala Sarup Ritakumari was a woman like any other in the village, who goes talking with anyone and singing around the fields and forest. Though beautiful in appearance, she kept intact her good behavior. 'A son of a...

Ageism Against Teenagers (Opinions) 6-07-2003
by Ilavenil K
On one of those particularly boring days at the library, I found myself in a pleasant conversation with my English teacher. Somewhere during the course of our discussion, I mentioned reading Osho (Bhagawan Rajneesh) – only to find my teacher...

by Issam Ourrai
Chers(e) amies, amis ; Imaginez que vous etes assis tranquille a la maison et que vous naviguez comme d'habitude sur le net... Puis un ami en ligne, d'un autre pays vous dit :"oh l'ami tu as vu je suis tombe par hasard sur un site qui parle des...

Agonies of a Nigerian Woman (Short Story) 18-02-2005
by Oluyemisi Joel-Osebor (Nee Agboola)
I got a SOS call from Basirat asking me to come over to her house immediately, she sounded so depressed and I kept wondering what warranted such reaction. Basirat was my course mate during Master’s class. She was a strong support for me since I...

Agony of being a youth (Poetry) 22-11-2007
by hilary kent
No one wants to trust you, Yet everyone is eagerly awaiting to criticise you Your downfall is perhaps, What gives people a reason to merry; The future is always pitch-black and eerie. When you seek for help, The responses wanna make you...

Agua: un derecho o un recurso (Opinions) 23-03-2007
by Francisco Hurtado
El agua en Quito, capital del Ecuador proviene de fuentes de agua cuyo aprovechamiento al ritmo en que crece la ciudad está llegando a su fin. Así el Municipio de Quito, que ventajosamente sigue proveyendo de este servicio a los habitantes de esta...

AIDS Doesn't Kill, Your Attitude Kills (Poetry) 1-11-2004
by Nikhil Parekh
Compassionately shaking hands with them, won't in anyway enshroud every ingredient of your blood with the most unforgivably cancerous of disease; won't in anyway annihilate you forever and ever and ever from the trajectory of this fathomless...

AKE: THE BEATS OF IROKO, (Poetry) 1-06-2007
by simeon ifarinde
The sage of letters drew His strength from the pouch Of knowledge Where mighty men fail To listen, word dazzle the Mind, Ninny men disguised In a wise cloak, claiming to be Wise, but Ake: The beats of iroko, Whips lustful Men of...

Alis15-Моя миссия (Opinions) 14-10-2005
by Victoria Tim Tekhtilova
Моя миссия- спасение моего будущего и поиск безопасного места на Земле. Наше общество спекулирует моей молодостью ( в 30 и я и ты- не будем нужны обществу -как прошлогодняя трава- вырастит новая). Благая весть - доступность...

Amazônia – Minha, Sua e de Todos Nós (Opinions) 9-09-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Querem internacionalizar o que é nosso. Mesmo que os governantes não tenham o devido cuidado com esse patrimônio que é a Amazônia, ela continua pertencendo a todos os países que a têm em seu território. O Brasil detém a maior parte da Amazônia e é...

America is Not Innocent (Opinions) 19-04-2002
by Yvonne Shao
Since 1945 the Americans has bombed China, Korea, Guyana, Indonesia, Cuba to Congo, Peru, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Guatemala, Grenada, Libya, El-Salvador, Panama, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. How humanitarian can you get? America's...

América Latina e Água (Opinions) 12-12-2007
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Protesto é realizado na Bolívia, motivo: construção das duas grandes hidrelétricas no rio Madeira, Amazonas, próximo a fronteira entre os dois países, chama a atenção para a importância dos conflitos envolvendo água e desenvolvimento na América do...

America: Police State Incorporated (Short Story) 4-10-2005
by Andy Carloff
Introduction Unlike many of my other works, this piece is not about theory or ideology. It does not discuss evidence, or reasoning, or logic, as to the ideas that I believe about society. Rather, it is a confession of the things I have...

American Literature (Interviews) 14-10-2003
by melanie mae
According to the critique by Carolyn Karcher, “Preconceiving Nineteenth Century American Literature: The Challenge of Women Writers,” author’s such as Catherine Sedgwick challenged the assertion that women are more prone to concentrate on...

Americanidade X Americanização (Opinions) 29-01-2008
by Rafael Barbosa
Brasileiro? Mexicano? Argentino? É possível que estes conceitos estejam totalmente ultrapassados. Em um continente como o nosso, tentar se enquadrar em determinada nacionalidade pode ser tão difícil, apesar de parecer simples. O povo da...

An Action Plan for Extending a Helping Hand (Opinions) 3-05-2006
by mohini singh
The Indian Government proposes to reserve up to 50 % seats in educational institutions in India for the disadvantaged sections of society. It is proposed that educational institutions like IIT's and IIM's, which have carved out respected names for...

An activist at 13 (Opinions) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
My name is Kgomotso Thamae. I am 13 years old and I live with my grandmother in Orange Farm. After I discovered my grandmother’s HIV positive status I felt very sorry for her. I kept asking myself, “Why is this happening to my grandmother?” I am...

An Ethiopian Story (Short Story) 28-07-2006
by Mbũrũ Kamau
There was once a king called King Firdy, the Just. He called himself the Just because he was proud of his fairness in all judgements. When he seized the throne, King Firdy decreed that anybody who spoke against him would be roasted over a slow...

An Interview with Marilou McPhedran: Feminist and Human Rights Lawyer (Interviews) 28-02-2005
by Cheryl Gudz
It is clear after an hour-long phone interview with Marilou McPhedran that she is passionate about women’s rights and social justice. It may come as no surprise, then, that McPhedran is a human rights lawyer, specializing in women’s legal rights....

an open letter. (Opinions) 4-10-2001
by Mike Blanchard
Dear All. After the dust has settled, and the flags raised. What do we become? Do we become determined to bring those responsible for the atrocities in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington to a vengeful, painful and deserved death? Do we...

An Unforgotten Event (Opinions) 31-03-2008
by cms-megan
Holocaust Project Final The Holocaust is an event in history that will not be forgotten or ignored. In the beginning it was only Hitler’s malevolent idea of genocide to wipe out the Jewish citizens. Innocent people were...

An Unjust Stigma on ‘Positive Thinkers’ (Opinions) 1-12-2005
by Romi Nhung
For World AIDS Day 2005 “She acted so well, though I bet she must have tried her best to clean her hands after that handshake show with the HIV positive,” Xuan’s voice over the phone suddenly became harsh as she quoted a ‘miserable utterance’...

And at the end of innocence.... (Poetry) 6-10-2006
by Ruth Gonzalez
She sparkled with her greeness and beauty of Sub Sahara Being called The eternal spring Her hot, spicy, sweet, seductive air so pure it could be mistaken for drugs Like an emerald in the middle of the desert, She was bleesed One day,...

anger is what i got (Poetry) 13-08-2005
anger is what i got for a country that doesn't love blindness they show to our situation anger and hate is what we give from this position what the eyes don't see, the heart don't grieve they've seen our hurt, yet won't believe ignorance in...

Animal rights (Opinions) 30-10-2002
by Pooja
Whether animals have rights is a good question of great importance because if they do, those rights must be respected. Animals have properties that qualify them for protection of morality. One of the most important...

Animal rights and human rights: exploring the links (Opinions) 5-07-2009
by Charlotte
( Wild (Portrait of Ruby, the artist's dog) : picture by Carey Charles ) I've been a vegetarian for the better part of ten years now, and for someone who is only 20, that is a long time indeed. At first my choice was a weird cry for attention...

Anti-corruption Crusade Bears the Burden of History (Opinions) 3-03-2006
by Wilfred Mamah
Nigeria’s anti-corruption crusade is currently being perceived as a witch-hunting exercise. Hence, the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) is being viewed, by some people, as a grossly dependent institution, speakjng out vigorously...

Anyadike's Father and His Story (Short Story) 1-06-2005
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Anyadike was a young boy from Okebi village, say, 19 years of age, groomed a Christian, and morality in him was at its expediency. People within and outside his jurisdiction were in deep passion with the manner he behaved, without quarrels with...

Anyone for a summit? (Opinions) 26-08-2002
by Mike Blanchard
At the top of the website for the United Nations is the phrase "It's your World." A rather significant phrase considering it is the message heralded to a visitor to the website of an organisation that represents those little, but incessantly...

Aportes de la sociedad civil para una sociedad más justa (Opinions) 14-03-2004
by Mariana Ballestero
Este artículo, realizado a modo de ensayo, es un fragmento del capítulo “La participación con perspectiva generacional y de género” de una publicación realizada por la FUBA (Federación Universitaria de Buenos Aires) durante el año 2001, cuando...

Are government laws increasing or decreasing the presence or absence of discrimination (Opinions) 19-06-2002
by Tinashe
It is almost impossible for someone living in the world to confidently come out and say that they do not know what discrimination is. Unfavorable treatment based on prejudice is a something that at one time or another everyone has either been a...

Are our leaders cut out for peace-building? (Short Story) 14-07-2009
by Victor Oriwa
After the 2007 elections, Kenya was burning. Tens of thousands of people, mostly women and children, were displaced. The world thought Kenya was finished. Was it ethnicity or just people and power? In recent weeks, the Kenyan delegation went to...

Are We Speaking Gnomish? (Opinions) 15-01-2007
by Dana Gowland
The average height of a gnome is 15 cm. The average height of a human is 5' 8". The average gnome's intestines are longer than those of an average human. The average gnome's liver is more robust and the average gal bladder is smaller than a...

Arise and shine (Poetry) 27-07-2008
by Daniel Nuxe Thomas
Beaten by hardship you slept in tears. Burdened by labor you hoisted your strength. Abandoned by friends, rejected by families yet you weathered the storm. They shut their doors and barred their windows. Oh what a time it was when you...

Arlington (Poetry) 3-07-2006
by clarita zarate
Arlington (To all the heroes and veterans of foreign wars) Oh say, can you hear beneath the white crystal snow to the soft crunch of my footsteps unheard below? Are the songs of my heroes silently dreaming in the whispering wind...

Arrêtez la répression homophobe au Cameroun ! (Opinions) 23-06-2006
by Joel Nana
Communiqué de presse / 22 juin 2006 Arrêtez la répression homophobe au Cameroun ! Signataires AIDES, Alternatives-Cameroun, A.M.B.C., An Nou Allé !, Arc-en-ciel Plus (Côte d'Ivoire), Association Diagonale IDF, Association nationale Le...

As I Like It (Opinions) 28-03-2006
by Pallavi Mogre
Opinion about William Shakespeare’s “As you Like It”, has often been polemic, what with some critics labeling it a ‘sentimental pastoral’, while others like G. B. Shaw contending that it is more ‘lucrative’ than ‘sentimental’. Shakespeare, Shaw...

As long as the moon beams (Poetry) 1-08-2008
by Bilal Hamamra
Sana' The mirrors of my memories are not firm. With the blankets of lonesome night I am folded, Aloof, grievous and ever-puzzled. But as long as the moon beams I, from your love, fashion my dreams.

As Mudanças Climáticas e um novo cenário para as crianças (Opinions) 9-01-2009
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Por: Efraim Neto* A busca exacerbada por um desenvolvimento cego, sempre provoca conseqüência irreversíveis à natureza de uma criança; por conseqüência, ao ecossistema e, também, a uma cultura. Em tempos de crise social, ambiental e...

Asian Youth Network for Human Development Plan of Action (Opinions) 23-08-2002
by Ryan V. Silverio
Asia Youth Network For Human Development Regional Youth Human Development Rights Education Workshop 28 July – 1 August 2002 Bangkok, Thailand Regional Plan of Action Preamble As a follow up to the UN World Conference Against Racism,...

Assassin (Poetry) 23-08-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Mordant and Mawkish are your dealings, So what wisdom do you have? Our best men have become Your best enemies, Our wise men are ashamed And our land dismayed in dire; Everyone is not given to covetousness But you are hurting healing wound...

Astrid Gustafson: A woman’s story (Interviews) 11-10-2005
by Fabrizio Scrollini
This is the story of an outstanding woman. She is the first female architect in Paraguay that stubbornly resisted the dictatorship of General Stroessner [one of the worst dictators in Latin America], and the creator of one of the most important...

At Cairo +5 Where Youth-less is Useless (Opinions) 26-11-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Children and other young people converged in Cairo, the rich and great capital city of Egypt for the Cairo + 5 Summit and Mid-Term Review of the Africa Fit for Children, youth and child representatives made recommendations to the African Union led...

Attitudes Toward Animals Are Changing (Opinions) 24-02-2008
by 1BigCatRescue
Big Cat Rescue Nears Critical Mass According to the Internet dictionary, the definition of Critical Mass is: 1. The minimum quantity of fissile material required for a nuclear chain reaction. 2. The minimum amount of people with shared...

Azerbaijanis (Opinions) 7-07-2009
by Segun Oni
Iran’s large Azerbaijani minority feels disappointed and ignored by the pro-democracy movement, which has been widely praised internationally for opposing the Iranian government’s attempt to rig the June 12 election. The sense of...

Baby you’re beautiful to be married (Poetry) 11-06-2005
by Odimegwu Onwumere
You’re beauteous As you just passed My mind passed away But later ricocheted to know you The rain drizzled on my dress, The mud plastered my pant But my mind didn’t think much About my injuries, but you! You are tall and huge Of a...

bad things... (Opinions) 28-04-2007
by Chi Hoang
I was at a local market one day, and I accidentally saw a man stealing some eggs from an eggs store, the seller was too busy selling around so she might not recognize it! And no one told her that there was someone stole her eggs! Even me! One...

Bad Water, Bad Life in Ontario: The First Nations' Water Crisis (Opinions) 2-11-2008
by A A
To: Hon. Jim Prentice (Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians Government of Canada) Dear Minister Prentice, A specter haunts Canada. This terrorizing phenomenon is not a...

Bands of Promise (Short Story) 8-04-2006
by Kelsey Page
And this is what it feels like to die. At least she observed the details so carefully she missed the larger picture. The scent of vanilla had always seeped in from the garden and courtyard to the more private and personal corners of the house,...

Barack Obama (Poetry) 27-01-2009
by Simonette Brebenariu
( An acrostic poem of mine) (Dedicated to USA President Barack Obama ) B-arack Obama, a genius, respected gentleman with the gift of the gab, A-ttraction for him might be the rock with crystal, gold and aura. R-ichness of...

Barbaric plague (Poetry) 30-04-2010
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
The inhumane rush of blood flows, killing our own, loving their death. Brothers and sisters of who we don't know, watching them gasp as they take their last breath. Our morals, our souls get tossed aside; we do not care about tears. All...

Basic Primary Education Remains a Mirage for Millions of African Children (Opinions) 30-06-2007
We all can agree, and the United Nations has affirmed, that the right to basic education is a fundamental human right. However, this right remains a lingering and ever-growing mirage for millions of African children who have been deprived of this...

Battered Women in the Arab World (Opinions) 9-05-2005
by Dmitriy Kokarev
Female abuse is a common phenomenon that takes shape in several forms in Arab societies. However, this phenomenon tends to be extreme in certain communities where women are mercilessly battered by males of their household. The magnitude of the...

Be The Change You Want To See In The World! (Opinions) 30-01-2008
by Anupreet Kaur
The other day, a friend of mine sent me an email urging me to sign a petition to pressurize the government of some country to take action to combat global warming. As I signed the petition, I wondered what...

Because we are one (Poetry) 1-07-2007
No matter your colour You breath the same air Have the same blood Share the same earth Have the same hopes Because we are one No matter your religion We share a common humanity We all have two hands We all have two legs One head, two...

Become a Friend (Opinions) 2-02-2006
by Semergey V.Artem
What does it mean to live with disabilities? Persons with disabilities have the same dreams as those living full lives: they are capable of loving and to be loved; to dream, to look at the beauty of nature, to be good to other people, and to...

Before I go (Poetry) 11-02-2005
by Karim Al Nadoury
Before I go, I need to say I love you I need you to know it However I think you feel it! Since the first day I saw you, I knew it! Since the first time I touched your hands, you felt it! Then why didn't you confess your love to me? "It...

Before our youth all become millitants (Opinions) 18-09-2008
Greeting to you fellow advocate. How is the advocacy work, I hope we are still resolute in our campaign effort in sanitize the society. I want to tender my apology to fellow advocates who have been receiving my monthly piece which I failed to send...

Before the Rains (Poetry) 7-04-2006
We’re done with festivities. It was mid-February Cultivations just began. Our euphoria’s maximum. Our energy? A compendium of zeal Our gods and ancestors Spoke soothingly from their abodes We’re ready for a bountiful year Hoping the...

Behave or Beware: Immigrants, the Nanny McPhee of Globalization (Opinions) 30-11-2006
by Wilson
The term ‘globalization’ has been already embedded in the social fabric: media, fashion, environment, politics, economy, education, culture and everyday life talk. Everyone seems to be more aware about the effects of local events across...

Behind Every Dark Cloud (Opinions) 12-10-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
The master of rhymes Geoffrey Chaucer aptly remarked in his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales: “The gifts that nature often endow us are those that least befriend us.” It seemed Chaucer had Nigeria in mind when he penned down the above though...

Being our brother's keeper (Poetry) 8-11-2007
Being our brother's keeper is being the anchor in times of trouble Being our brother's keeper is being a friend in need and indeed Being our brother's keeper is obeying the freedom of speech and right to liberty Being our brother's keeper is...

BELIEVING MYSELF (Poetry) 20-02-2007
TOPIC: BELIEVING MYSELF How can I? Will I make it? Make what? I am in a race So what about place? What it got to do with me? I am a competitor. For I am in a competition But I got losses. Why must I? And how did...

Best idea to change the world (Opinions) 21-10-2006
by Shakti Ghimire
We have a strong belief in respecting fundamental civil liberty, sustainable peace, development and Democracy. Our initiative should be spin around strategic philosophy, trouble solving and preparation agendas under the issue of peace, not on...

Better Off Alone (Poetry) 18-10-2005
by Samori Sombel Sy
Unless I wanted to dig my grave I would work be illiterate and just behave I was taught the bible and told I would be saved But for centuries I was enslaved Than one day the civil rights movement came I died over and over so things...

Between Wars and Killer Diseases (Opinions) 7-02-2007
by Oluwatosin
Even if we don’t want to face it, the world powers are spending more on military than on humanitarian problems. We spend so much on war prevention, terrorism and military activities but spend little for humanitarian purposes. The world is...

Big Man's Culture; Black Man's Burden (Opinions) 15-04-2004
by Wilfred Mamah
A destructive culture is holding sway in Nigeria and most African countries. It is the culture of Big Man. This culture is a burden on Africa’s shoulders. It has made hay of the cherished African ideal of collectivism and replaced it with...

Bigot (Poetry) 1-11-2005
by Jack Lashbrook
The snail of your thoughts Slithers to it's sad demise. Whether you like it or not What you believe are just lies. No purpose to reasoned debate. No worthy point will sway you. You're much too in love with your hate To let honesty...

Bioinformática: “é possível mapear as origens e as causa dessa infecção”, defende Túlio de Oliveira (Interviews) 3-01-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Projetada por pesquisadores do Centro de Bioinformática de Oxford, a técnica desenvolvida a partir do isolamento do DNA, aplicado à tecnologia do relógio molecular, foi de fundamental importância para a comprovação da inocência do médico e das...

Black Beauty (Poetry) 11-10-2004
by Andrew Lauman
The darkness runs Riding into the night The clouds part Wrath has found flight The rain sweeps Life is on the edge The lightening beckons The divide becomes a wedge Why do you run? Oh, beautiful one. What is within me, That makes me...

Blood Diamonds (Poetry) 13-03-2008
by Emmanuel sackey
Mornings as gold bright and grow dim at sunset. Like the bright beautiful morning that lingers on through the day It’s said diamond last forever. Its luster is eternal from day to day as the smile of a child. They sparkle at us when we look...

Blood on the waters (Poetry) 20-03-2008
by Ositadimma Amakeze
And the monsters ravenously stirred Beneath the bleeding raging waters Snarling and sniffing for the fleshes Of the ill-sacrificed victims Drifting in ‘patriotic’ futility That is nay the harvest of beasts As crocodiles’ halves tile the...

Bloor and Gladstone (Poetry) 5-06-2004
by shawn
Well the drunk high teenaged girls in the park want me to sing classic psychedelic rock for them all night this wouldn't really be so bad if it came without all the redundant chatter I've also got tired playing for my echo in the wall so I'll...

Blown through the wind (Poetry) 20-04-2004
by Trevor Kellogg
Blowing through the wind It's as if I could remember The times have changed but things remain It's the feeling of freedom in the wind The corruption blown right out of my eyes And it fly's away to make me remember They say we have come so...

Body, mind and soul (Poetry) 28-04-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Body, Mind and Soul If the mind was torn from of the body, where would be our soul. How would one accomplish, it's last and final goal? Is the need of having the two together- make use of what we're to endeavor. Is it that imprint that...

Bound by faith (Poetry) 30-05-2007
Bound by faith that one day, in our time all people shall be free from shackles of poverty and hunger strife and disease Bound by faith that all humans are made equal to strive and excel without fear or threats and bound in valour we...

Breaking the barrier: The importance of sex education for adolescents (Opinions) 24-07-2008
For a very long time, the issue of sex education for young people, particularly in the African region but not exclusively so has remained a taboo. Although sex is a natural developmental process, many parents, cultures and societies frown at...

Breaking the Chins of Violence (Opinions) 7-06-2007
by Cyril France
Breaking the Chins of Violence Women in Ghana are recognized under law as having equal rights with men in all spheres of life. The 1992 Constitution recognizes equality of all persons before the law and prohibits discrimination on the grounds...

Breathe (Poetry) 25-08-2005
by Abby Mac Phail
BREATHE I am a black child born into a world full of hate cause all people do is discriminate. They see ya skin and black face and then they segregate. I am a welfare child walkin’ on line to get my government cheese so that...

Broken Dreams (Poetry) 17-10-2006
by Alexander Orok
Had a job that paid real well. Got laid off and then came hell. They gave it to some foreign jerk and didn't care I had no work. Paid him less and dogged him more, then raised the prices in their store. Guess that's how they pay...

Burning heart (Poetry) 7-08-2008
by Bilal Hamamra
The coldness of my mind is like the idleness of my father Who to his offspring matters gives away Obedience and follow-up of his orders he demands But I by my defiance to him my chronicle win Ay, mother, the burning heart of my poetry You...

Bursary kitty: varsity students want in (Opinions) 22-11-2007
by kenya
The Kenyan government initiative to offer free and compulsory primary education to all was a noble idea and the recent one to waive secondary schools tuition fee was even a grater one and the power wielders of the have proved true to the saying...

But I could not yet define illiteracy! (Poetry) 11-06-2005
by Odimegwu Onwumere
He came to our country The man from France He greets everyone he sees Symbolizing such with his hands-raised And smile so cheery and awesome He walks from street to street And children follow him follow him because of his colour? One...

Buy a Coke, Support your School (Opinions) 12-03-2004
by Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler
Selling chocolate almonds, magazine subscriptions or gift certificates is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fundraising by public schools. The largest contribution comes in the form of centralized corporate contracts. First found in the...

By the Library (Short Story) 4-07-2003
by Matthew Crespi
In the heart of Philadelphia stands a majestic building whose stone cloak is thoroughly classical and whose interior is a modernized portal to, and guardian of, a large and representative portion of human knowledge. It is the Central Library, and...

By Your Mistakes Enrich Your Self. (Opinions) 14-02-2007
by mohammed
By Your Mistakes Enrich Your Self. Mistakes cannot be avoided but we can learn how to be come rich by them. Unless we teach ourselves to fail wisely, we cannot succeed in life gracefully. Our gratitude should free us: not bind us. Four...

California State University, Sacramento to Host Africamix Collective Volunteer Pledge For Needy Children Festival. (Opinions) 22-04-2002
by Ruth Naam
Sacramento, California - April 22, 2002 - Africamix was today delighted to announce that California State University, Sacramento has officially been selected as the first host venue of its touring arts and music festival designed to help combat...

Call to Action (Opinions) 7-09-2005
by Lewis Best
Every 3 seconds, a child dies from hunger. This phrase, popularized by the MakePovertyHistory campaign along with the Live8 concerts, shows the world what state it is in. Worldwide, 208 million young people live on less than US$1 a day, and a...

Campus Watching and Censorship (Opinions) 31-07-2003
by Ayman El Hakea
An increasing number of universities in the western world nowadays are beginning a massive stampede to revive campus watching. It is thought that surveying social and political activities held by some specified groups of students, or by some...

Can beginnings be dreamt anew? (Poetry) 11-07-2008
by R Kahendi
To write is to tell of worlds yet unformed. To dream is to build new kingdoms abroad. But what of our living world and our aging kingdoms? What of the dystopian madness in which we dwell? Can we not change it, Scrap the old story? Can we not...

Can you ??? (Poetry) 18-08-2007
by Ibrahim K. Oyekanmi
Can you see the tears in the eyes of the babies ? Can you feel the despair in the hearts of the millions of down trodden youths ? Can you hear the cry of your soul ? urging you to do something ? urging you to make a move ? Can you summon...

Can you assist my voice from there? (Poetry) 6-06-2005
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Mentally challenged Yesterday, he begged me for money When I was broke. Today, I saw him eating Morbidly, than food, I smelled I began to question: Where is the government? Where are the philanthropists? Where are the psychiatrists?...

Can you hear the nukes line up? (Opinions) 26-02-2003
by Andrew Lauman
A shot rings out, An ambulance screams by, An airplane crashes, People die. CDC sets the alarm, Diseases coming to devour, AIDS haven’t you heard, Scientists running by the hour, Stockbrokers laughing, Some money gambled here, Stock...

Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy-Interview (Interviews) 21-11-2012
by Des
Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy - by Desmond Washington The Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP) is a national, grassroots, youth and student network. We provide the necessary education and resources to empower chapters...

Cantaré contigo (Poetry) 11-09-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
A Noris Roberts Llegarás del cielo, paloma de paz, trayendo un poema y cantando al vuelo tantos versos más. Cantaré contigo y América Linda, colmada de sueños como el sol que nace después del rocío. Mi canto es tan solo que sólo...

Captain Jerry Coffee – Vietnam War POW, Keynote Speaker, Author and Media Commentator (Interviews) 18-05-2007
by Jay-R Patron
Evan Leong: Welcome to Greater Good Radio, Hawaii, where we develop tomorrow's leaders by bringing you up close and personal with today's top businesspeople. Greater Good, Hawaii is dedicated to social entrepreneurship. I'm your host, Evan Leong,...

Care for abused children weakens when it is most needed (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
The ongoing migration of Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Units (FCS) out of specialised locations to ordinary police stations is doing nothing to help young survivors of violence. In a country with pervasive problems of...

Carta em Defesa do Velho Chico (Opinions) 27-10-2005
by João Ferreira
Exmo. Sr. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Presidente da Republica Federativa do Brasil Senhor Presidente, Os jovens brasileiros sabem que para o Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, o projeto de integração (transposição) do rio São Francisco “é...

Cases of Gross Violation of Human Rights in Barak Valley of Assam (Opinions) 5-01-2008
by Waliullah Ahmed Laskar
Cases of Gross Violation of Human Rights in Barak Valley of Assam The Assam Police and CRPF personnel have been violating human rights systematically in Barak Valley killing serially innocent persons, denying justice, framing fake charges,...

Castles in the sand… (Poetry) 4-11-2006
by Anu maheshwari
I look at the streams of tears That runs down her cheeks Tiny hands that were meant to build castles in the sand, now wiping tears …. The sandy beaches, A place for family gathering, Turned into a burning pyre, Crashing her world...

Causes and Contributions (Opinions) 11-07-2007
by Jared Otieno Oloo
Child labor is widely spread in the poor regions of Kenya. A question not that many people dealing with the issue of child labor ask is why does it happen? I have found out in my own research some of the things that have led to the widespread of...

Causes Of Stress In Genders (Poetry) 2-04-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Causes Of Stress In Genders When the paycheck is less than The pile-up bills Man is bound to be troubled. But when the paycheck piles-up And there is less love for a woman, She is bound to be troubled. Copyright 2007 Odimegwu Onwumere,

Ccuyay C`uchuricuy Kacharpary (Poetry) 14-11-2006
by Paola Quiroz
De tiempo en tiempo, de noche a noche cuando del cielo su manto de perlas observo y escucho de mi tierra nacer sonidos de muerte sin orgullo y de las quebradas tiempos de silencios y revoluciones es entonces señores cuando yo murmuro....

Ce que je crois.. (Opinions) 30-11-2007
by Youths Ahead!
Je me nomme Ludewic, âgé de 22 ans, je poursuis des études en droit au Cameroun. Je suis passionné de littérature et de poésie. Entre écriture et études académiques, j’essaie de trouver le temps nécessaire pour être utile à ma communauté. Il...

Ce que je crois.. (Interviews) 30-11-2007
by Youths Ahead!
Je me nomme Ludewic, âgé de 22 ans, je poursuis des études en droit au Cameroun. Je suis passionné de littérature et de poésie. Entre écriture et études académiques, j’essaie de trouver le temps nécessaire pour être utile à ma communauté. Il...

Censorship kills civic spirit (Opinions) 25-01-2007
by kenya
It’s well known that a journalist armed with a pen is like a military man brandishing a kalashnkov gun but still a censored press has a demoralizing effect ….. The government hears its own voice, yet acts under the illusion that it hears the voice...

Chains of Democracy (Poetry) 1-12-2004
by Salisu Suleiman
We were told it would give us freedom, but got chains We were promised progress, but returned to the dark ages Where we expected bread, it fed fat on our hungers While we prayed for hope, it grew on our fears When we dared to cry,...

Challenging (Opinions) 26-11-2003
by Adam Fletcher
“Volunteerism isn't right! Matter of fact, it is not good at all." With that, Mister Sankton ended his speech, complete with "Amen!" and "Hallelujah!" coming from the crowd gathered. I was a 19-year-old at a neighborhood meeting in the...

Chaos in the Promised Land (Poetry) 3-06-2008
by Zaid Shopeju
Before the forceful and vicious advent of the intruder, The so-called colonial masters who subjected Africa and Africans To the highest level of denigration, depredation, Degradation, ruination and exploitation: The homeland of our...

Charles Taylor of Liberia (Opinions) 19-08-2003
Today, Charles Taylor is at the mercy of Nigeria government, living on charity provided by the same Nigerian tax-payers when he used to deride. There are moral lessons to be extracted from his downfall and humiliation, not just for all men in...

Child Labor Practices (Opinions) 22-02-2002
by Preethi Nath
The question is should we or should we not buy products made by children? Most people do not understand the tremendous magnitude and complexity of child labor and look at it through rose-tinted glasses. His or her perception is that by boycotting...

Child Laborers (Poetry) 30-05-2004
by Helen Fu
Waking up to the dust above, Going to work under the age of twelve. This is a normal day of my life, That is probably out of your belief. Just because of a little debt, That my parents owe to them, I have to work to pay the debt, That will...

Child Labour (Poetry) 30-10-2005
by jaleel
Children of the 21st age, Can you not see? Can you not feel? What your peers are up to? Fetching rags, saving every tit and bit, for our nation to capitalize. Can you not see? Delivering newspapers, braving the daybreak chill, for a...

Child Labour and Human Rights (Opinions) 21-05-2004
by jamal siddiqui
We are guilty of many errors and faults, But our worst crime is abandoning the children, Neglecting the foundation of life, Many of the things we need can wait, The child can not, Right now is the time his bones are being formed, His blood...

Child Labour and the Need for Education (Opinions) 29-06-2007
by Z Maani
General questions have been laid out before me: 1. Employing a child in hazardous conditions is worse than employing an adult in hazardous conditions. Do you agree? 2. In places where child labour exists, should children be paid the same as...

Child Labour- a Dehumanizing Slave Master (Opinions) 26-06-2011
by Omoruyi Osaretin Samuel
Child labour is something common in Africa and Nigeria where I come from because of poverty. Here, most families live below the poverty line, and as a result, malnutrition is not uncommon in Africa. The wealth of the nations is not evenly...

Child Labour: Is it a Blessing to the Children or a Curse? (Opinions) 15-06-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Sweating and panting, you would see most children in the streets, plantations, factories and anywhere there is work to be done. On many occasions, the children are given the duties that many older people would consider degrading to them. It is...

Child Prostitution - A Global Menace (Opinions) 21-06-2004
by King, Aja Nwabueze
All forms of sexual exploitation are incompatible with human dignity and therefore violate fundamental human rights, regardless of the age, gender, race, ethnicity or class of the victim. In many parts of the world, the problem of Child...

Child Prostitution: Whose child next? (Opinions) 30-12-2002
by Charis Demetriou
13-year-old Anna was tied to a chair by a man in his late 20’s in a dark, wet room. Her wounded legs lay motionless, while her tired black eyes stared with panic at the beaker of boiling water which the man threatened to pour down her throat if...

Children and Human Rights in the 21st Century (Opinions) 13-04-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
The global scandal of violence against children Is a horror story too often untold? With malice and clear intent, Violence is used against the members of society Least able to protect themselves— Children in school, in orphanages, on the...

Children demand their rights, protection for a brighter future (Opinions) 29-07-2007
Ten school children from selected Junior Secondary Schools in Tema on Thursday marked the Day of the African Child with a call on African leaders to implement sustainable plans that would eradicate poverty, provide protection and security for...

Children of Africa (Short Story) 2-09-2003
by neema mbeyu
Change is inevitable and a quest for mans life. It lingers in lips and has posed a challenge, for it is not spontaneous. It manifests with time and has no limit. I grew up never knowing what really counts in my future. Nevertheless I had a vague...

Children of the peasant farmer (Opinions) 5-04-2007
by Rashid Zuberu
The trees were tall above me, the sun was warm against my face and I marveled at the blues and greens as I walked slowly through the bush. I was on my way to visit a friend in the remote and seldom visited third village Young Peace Brigades works...

Chilling Evidence Exposes Mining Company (Opinions) 12-05-2006
by Megan Nettleton
The chilling evidence of multiple bullet wounds on the body of Awudu Mohammed, 25, has raised serious concerns about the business conduct of multi-billion dollar mining conglomerate, AngloGold Ashanti, and shed new light on the perceived...

Chosen (Poetry) 29-06-2005
by alexis gumbs
In the Elmina Castle, a slave dungeon in Ghana that is now a tourist attraction, there is a post in the center of a square in the center of the dungeons where female prisoners were kept. As one of many forms of punishment, female prisoners were...

Christianity Under Fire (Opinions) 23-11-2005
by Jamie Applegate
Blasphemy law 295c was instituted in 1986 in Pakistan. The law states that any person who “ by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representations, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly defiles...

Christie's Story (Short Story) 29-04-2009
by Mekhala Chaubal
Christie Ladner, 26, Mississauga/Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Student/Columnist Like most aspiring writers, Christie Ladner begins her day with a fresh cup of coffee and some form of writing, usually a blog entry. As a student at Toronto’s York...

Churches under UFMCC open for gays in Nigeria (Interviews) 1-11-2006
by Joel Nana
House of Rainbow becomes the first church in Nigeria to accommodate all people irrespective of their sexual orientation. Launched last month in Lagos, the church was founded by Reverend Jide Macaulay who started with his ministry long time ago...

Cigarette Smoking in Nepal (Opinions) 25-08-2002
by Prabesh Paudyal
We know that youth are curious and have an attitude of experimentating. Many youth in Nepal are spoilt in smoking as they want to explore things that they see or are told about by their friends. Many of the youth smoke to be "smart" -- believing...

Ciudad educadora…una propuesta para los y las candidatas. (Opinions) 28-04-2008
by Walter Jose Trejo Urquiola
“La ciudad será educadora cuando reconozca, ejercite y desarrolle, además de sus funciones tradicionales: económica, social, política y de prestación de servicios, una función educadora, cuando asuma la intencionalidad y responsabilidad cuyo...

Closing the Gender Gap (Opinions) 7-12-2006
by alfred ibulu jr
The full participation and involvement of women in every level of society is important for countries striving to become more open, stable and self-sufficient. It has become increasingly clear around the world that investment in women pays off...

Collateral Damage (Opinions) 13-08-2004
by Nadia Badeka
Ever since the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on September 11th 2001, the United States government has taken steps it claims will protect first Americans and then the rest of the world. The reality is, however, that actions following...

Combating the Rise of Fascism and Erosion of Democracy in Australia (Opinions) 30-09-2005
by Cameron Neil
"I'm So Worried About ..." - Monty Python The Monty Python song lyrics came to me this morning, reading the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) over some pancakes and a latte at a local cafe. The more I read, the more came back to me about all I have...

Come Together & Try to Make a WORLD (Poetry) 25-03-2007
by Shahnawaz Chachar
COME together & try to make a WORLD A world where, Justice, peace & mercy can beat Violence, crime & hate A world where, humanity, love and relations will be strengthen from selfishness, hunger and poverty A world where, gender, color,...

Commanding Heights: Case of the Philippine Government (Opinions) 29-10-2003
by christopher bernardo
Ideas… Reform… Rules… These were the main topics that were shown in the three-long episodes of the Commanding Heights. Presumably, these can also be said as the three factors that are involved in the unending battle of world economies. There...

Comme un mauvais vent (Opinions) 31-10-2008
Libreville, capitale gabonaise est devenue depuis un bon moment déjà, le siège, sinon la scène exhibitoire de plusieurs gens sans scrupule, que l'on appelle communément mendiant. En effet, ces derniers aux membres souvent complets et à la...

Common Sense And Female Leadership In The Workplace (Opinions) 16-04-2007
by Adeshola Komolafe
"'Watch the way you talk to me, you are a woman if you don’t know.' I forbid her to talk carelessly to me; I have a woman like her at home. Boss my foot! She is no different from any other woman out there, always nagging at work. It’s obvious that...

commonwealth of Nations and African Nations (Opinions) 27-03-2007
by fatoki taiye timmy
The Commonwealth of Nations comprises of about 53 independent sovereign states of the world. Some of are among the richest, while most are among the most wretched, and are poverty stricken. The Commonwealth of Nations which has about one-third of...

Community Banking on tribal areas (Opinions) 6-02-2003
by Venkatesham Burra
COMMUNITY BANKING IN TRIBAL AREAS Tribal areas are one of the most deprived areas for living. The mere survival in these areas itself is an uphill task. The life in these areas is beyond imagination for city dwellers, who live everyday...

Cómo los activistas utilizan las redes sociales (Opinions) 28-07-2008
by Reiner Mora
Beneficios del mundo Globalizado: Los ideales, los proyectos, los movimientos sociales; siempre han necesitado la ayuda de medios para su impulso, expansión y, en su tiempo, un futuro establecimiento. Piensen en la radio, la televisión y en...

Concierto PAZ SIN FRONTERAS: nace un movimiento social? (Opinions) 20-03-2008
by Walter Jose Trejo Urquiola
Ptgo Walter Trejo Urquiola(*) La convocatoria realizada por el cantante Juanes (Colombia), el pasado domingo 16 de marzo 2008, para realizar el Concierto Paz sin fronteras, en plena frontera colombovenezolana, ha resultado apoteósica...

Conférence: La lutte contre la criminalité raciste & xénophobe (Short Story) 27-09-2005
by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
Conférence sur les Stratégies européennes de lutte contre le racisme et la xénophobie en tant que délit 11-12 septembre 2004 Tulip Inn, Brussels ENAR souhaite relancer le débat en parallèle à l'OSCE et organise une conférence sur le...

Confusing messages about sex for young people (Opinions) 11-02-2008
by Esther Agbarakwe
Growing up as a youth in the HIV/AIDS era must be tougher than it was before the advent of the epidemic. Watching your friends get ill, suffer through bodily pain, social stigma, or self-induced shame and isolation, creates a general feeling of...

Congo’s missing girl soldiers (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
The recent election and appointment of a new government in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a landmark event in the country’s post-war future. However, away from the capital Kinshasa, and away from the media focus, the war has not yet...

Congratulations to Palestinian women in the world today (Opinions) 31-07-2008
by Adham Tobail
Many books have been written about women. This month I felt a duty to write about women in general, and Palestinian prisoners in particular. This is honour of the International Women's Day and Mother's Day. I recognise the status of these days and...

Conmemoración por los 10 años de la Defensa de la Democracia por la Juventud Peruana (Opinions) 16-07-2007
Salón“ Baquijano y Carrillo” Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Lima Lima, 21 de junio de 2007 Discurso de orden a cargo de : Christian Pardo Reyes Presidente de la Comisión de Asuntos Universitarios y de la Juventud Ilustre Colegio de...

Conscience of a Madman (Short Story) 28-08-2004
by Mohammed Ali Asghar Shah
How could they do this to me? He is my only brother. What went wrong? His wife must've ... Why am I thinking like that? But he knew I was going through a rough patch. My wife had recently left me for that idiot pilot. I have no idea what she saw...

Conscious Nigerian (Poetry) 29-04-2008
by Mohammed Ahmed-Shaibu
Looking into the eyes of citizens, Catching glimpse of unwanted happenings, Feeling the vibe of clamouring indigents, Expecting the action of angry chantings. This is one picture in the faces of Nigerians, Injustice rule like Kings & Queens...

Construyendo puentes para una sociedad mas justa (Interviews) 28-03-2008
by Brenda Ibette Alvarez Alvarez
“Esta experiencia me ha servido como punto de reflexión sobre las diversas realidades y situaciones que tienen que enfrentar los niños y adolescentes de nuestro país; también me ha permitido conocer mas a fondo la historia que cargan los niños,...

Contrastes de una guerra que no acaba (Opinions) 28-06-2006
by Andrea Durán Sánchez
La política capitalista agresiva que ha seguido el gobierno de G.W Bush ha sido escudada como parte de la “lucha antiterrorista”. Pero aquellos fuera de territorio estadounidense no pueden apreciar que los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, hoy...

Corporate Responsibility for a Better Tomorrow (Opinions) 5-01-2004
by Brian Smith
What drives us? Is it the need for more? Is it the love of another? Is it as simple as need to differ? Motivation becomes increasingly important as we move forward in this new millennium. This motivation is the same that drives and destroys...

Corruption is a Crime against Humanity (Opinions) 19-09-2007
by Wilfred Mamah
The war against corruption in Nigeria is winning and losing at key battlefronts. It is winning because it has strategically positioned the corruption discourse on the front burner. But, it is losing at the utilitarian front of serving as deterrent...

Corruption is a Crime against Humanity (Opinions) 21-09-2007
by Wilfred Mamah
The war against corruption in Nigeria is winning and losing at key battlefronts. It is winning because it has strategically positioned the corruption discourse on the front burner, but, losing at the utilitarian front of serving as deterrent to...

Corruption: Through my spotlight! (Opinions) 3-11-2007
by Aniekan Ekah
Sometimes I wonder why a single word would create so much concern and attention whenever it is mentioned. Over the past years or so, the word 'Corruption' never rang a bell but it was still in its lay-low existence. With the advent of man's...

Cotton Candy Dreams (Poetry) 5-06-2004
by Ux Anwar
So clearly do the crystal eyes speak, Such depth in their mute words, How can one but not feel touched, By the way they see the world? I saw the eyes of the naked child, The truth in them, so clear and bright, The desperation, the...

Crab's Law or the Physics of Immigration (Opinions) 25-05-2006
by Wilson
I remember the first time I saw the Pacific Ocean in the coast of Ecuador. A young man had several buckets full of crabs on display for sale under a tiny palm tree kiosk. Interestingly enough the crabs were alive and untied, having free movement...

Creating Change (Short Story) 24-04-2003
by Lewis Best
TIG suggests that you need to "Think Globally, Act Locally! Global Change begins with positive action within communities." It's true. To create change anywhere, you need to start locally, and at a small level. even then, many people our age don't...

Cries for Mercy (Poetry) 16-07-2003
by George Gardashian
O! to you I express my grief And my cries for sympathy and relief Never has injustice so weighed down- Five million smiles are now one big frown. In a DROUGHT of benevolence But overflowing with violence We are engulfed by iniquity. "O...

Cristino Gómez: Un Joven que vive para su Fondo Grande (Interviews) 22-11-2008
by Johanny Arilexis Pérez Sierra
Un joven dinámico, muy activo, visionario y talentoso. Son adjetivos que describen al poeta y agrónomo Cristino Gómez. Amigos desde la secundaria, en el Instituto Politécnico Loyola, y compañeros en la Universidad EARTH, Costa Rica, me surge el...

Crónica del Tercer Encuentro de Jóvenes del Mercosur (Short Story) 22-03-2006
by federico pita
En los últimos días del mes de febrero, más de 180 jóvenes de unas 20 organizaciones (incluyendo a una delegación jóvenes no videntes), provenientes de Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Perú, España, Italia y Francia, se...

Cronica familiar Colombiana (Opinions) 20-06-2007
Y ACASO QUE NOS VAN A PEDIR... SI NO TENEMOS NI DONDE CAERNOS MUERTOS !!! Ey pilas que me llamaron de Barranquilla y me dijo mi tia que secuestraron al viejo Freytter... Eche que va , y acaso que nos van a pedir si no tenemos ni donde...

Crows can fly…"Never Forgets". (Poetry) 21-02-2006
Crows are rare birds. Ask me why they’re So and I’ll answer “Go ask the crows!” Though they can, And act it out like Their peer birds, Crows are atypical. Crows are black, Gregarious, sharp; Crows are revered, Feared, ravenous,...

Cry for Unity (Poetry) 28-01-2006
Tears of hope roll down my face, In my heart a song of grace, A promise to the human race, Together all in one embrace. No more days of discrimination, No more signs of stigmatization, No more isolation and categorization, No more acts of...

Cry no more (Poetry) 23-10-2006
by sharmini enoch
Let not the rain fall on you and enjoy the fun If you feel it comes out of some one's tears!! If all the happiness in life wants to be yours Then you can never have it to the least!! No mercy I had when I was naive I embraced warmth when...

Crying Free Child (Poetry) 30-05-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Today I am here Tomorrow I am there Trying so hard To see the sense Of it all I try my level best To tell my friends That all is well I try to tell my friends That I am okay But deep within my soul I keep on Asking myself The self...

Cuento del Asesinato de Kennedy (Short Story) 19-06-2005
by Julián Profeta
Esta es una novela del asesinato de Kennedy que mi hermano me dijo que la escriba esto no es nada real así que no me busquen para ir a declarar y me basé en la idea de contarlo como el libro "Relato de un Naufrago" de Gabriel García Marques....

Culture globale et culture locale: les divergences et les complementarités (Opinions) 7-04-2010
by YEOUYE Koffi Gaston
Tout être humain, et par extension, tout groupe social, dispose ses propres normes culturelles. Et donc, pourquoi certaines cultures sont-elles considérées plus importantes et utiles que d’autres, alors que selon la DUDH élaborée par l’ONU en...

Curtains (Poetry) 26-02-2006
by Cherrie Kong
It's no surprise, this violent guise Has only lasted so long Lived since birth with no remorse Or desire to compromise Now this hate will dissipate To leave a lifeless hollow Who shall come to see this son Lying with his eyes closed...

Cyber Invasion (Poetry) 22-12-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
Depersonalized personalities Asphyxiated in sophistication Of gruesomeness of cybernetics And like locusts they besiege us Minds having been invaded to Reducible physicalists’ conceptions Thus consciousness comes to be the Physical...

Cyber invasion (Poetry) 12-01-2007
by Ositadimma Amakeze
Cyber invasion Depersonalized personalities Asphyxiated in sophistication Of gruesomeness of cybernetics And like locust they besiege us Minds having been invaded to Reducible physical’ conception Thus consciousness comes to be...

Cybercamps (Opinions) 21-09-2002
by Jason Alinen
¡§Impacting Children¡¦s Lives Through Technology¡¨ Cybercamps/Giant Campus began with a man and an idea. His name is Pete Findley and his idea was to create an interesting mix of summer camps and technology, hence the name ¡§Cybercamps¡¨....

Dancing Life (Poetry) 4-09-2009
by Sina MrK
Dance with me, dance with me, Once I'm free, And dance till then And sing with me. Dance like the wind, shake the trees, move the boats, on the seas. Dance like the waves, breaking on the shore, reaching the coast, knocking at the door....

DANIEL K. INOUYE - United States Senator from Hawaii (Interviews) 31-07-2007
by Jay-R Patron
Daniel Inouye has gone through life-changing events that would eventually put him at the forefront of the country’s political arena. Today he is a senator who relentlessly advocates the cause of Hawaiians, the very people he has grown to identify...

Darfur (Poetry) 31-01-2008
by Alfia K. Johnson
Her silence was forgotten as her tears stained her burnt skin And the body she carried became limp Black eyes pierce through the camera Speaking words unknown to many among humankind Asking Searching Hoping Wanting to ask...

Darkness (Poetry) 31-12-2010
by Zulekha Karim
Lets gaze around on this very day where the human race Stands today we lack the knowledge that's our valid right and without it today we've lost the inner sight each day a conflict each second a fight is death our destiny? is...

De Cumbres y Anticumbres... (Short Story) 28-11-2005
by Andrea Durán Sánchez
Eran las 5:30 de la mañana en Mar del Plata. Caminaba por las calles con una amiga, mi compañera en el viaje, buscando el hotel al que supuestamente debíamos llegar. Cruzamos con suerte una barrera policial - gracias a las credenciales...

De l'eau pour tous les Hommes! (Opinions) 11-03-2006
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
D’ici à 2015, les objectifs du Millénaires prévoient de réduire de moitié le pourcentage de la population mondiale privée d’eau potable. Pour y parvenir, deux défis sont à relever : prévenir l’épuisement et la pollution des ressources en eau de...

Dear Senator Kerry (Opinions) 13-07-2003
by ana g
Dear Senator Kerry, As a rising senior at Phillips Academy who is a lesbian, I was very disturbed to learn that you had publicly stated your opposition to the legalization of gay marriage. In May of this year, I attended the Boston youth...

Death Penalty Abolition and Missing Fundamentals (Opinions) 27-07-2004
by Wilfred Mamah
In a recent death penalty abolition forum, I observed a crack in the abolitionists' camp. A journalist, a supposed death penalty abolition crusader, spoke up and stunned participants. Drawing curious distinction between herself as a journalist,...

Death penalty in Nigeria: An evaluation of the arguments for and against its abolition. (Opinions) 24-08-2007
by umeche, chinedum ikenna
:: Introduction Undoubtedly, the right of man to life is the most fundamental of all human rights. The Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Commission on Human Right describes this right in a nutshell: “the right to life is a...

Death Penalty in Nigeria: Time for Reflection (Opinions) 22-11-2003
by Wilfred Mamah
The daily violation of right to life is now the most serious problem facing the human race. “Man is a wolf to man”. The question of retention or abolition of death penalty at a time like this will provoke serious emotions. I am not surprised that...

Debt Cancellation for Climate Justice (Opinions) 1-12-2007
by Yuyun Harmono
The great impact of flopped projects funded by loan forced us to rectify neo- liberalism development model of which frequently had been compulsive, an economy exploitation system which alleviated the road of capital holder on economy wealth...

Debt cancellation: the wrong signal for fighting poverty (Opinions) 13-06-2005
by Yambwa, Nziya Jean-Pierre
Defining poverty varies and depends from one place to another, from one time to another and from one year to another, from household to another… A poor person in my village, Kpala, owns land, has shelter, eats fresh food but does not have health...

Déclaration du millenaire: mythe ou réalite pour l’Afrique! (Opinions) 5-05-2005
by Yambwa, Nziya Jean-Pierre
DECLARATION DU MILLENAIRE: MYTHE OU REALITE POUR L’AFRIQUE! La Communauté Internationale s’est fixée un nombre raisonnable d’objectifs pour éradiquer la pauvreté en élevant l’accès à l’éducation et le standard de la vie sociale. En lisant cette...

Defending Ancestral Lands (Opinions) 30-09-2005
by Jacinta Isaacs
Defending Ancestral Lands The community of Shiwa Yaku in Ecuador`s Napo province in the canton of Tena is facing a battle not only for their land but also for their freedom and personal security. Members of the Nueva Jerusalen community are...

Defining Moment (Poetry) 15-10-2006
by Ruth Gonzalez
In a small dark room Stumbling crashing Sorrow full in heart's content Gasping Reaching Not knowing what to do Hopeless dying Opening Pandora's box All the secrets and scandal escaping Like salt water waves splashing on my...

by Ganizani Gwai
Definitions of corruption vary from country to country depending on both legal and moral standards or norms of that given society or country. However, though with variations, most legal definitions of corruption in most countries are similar in...

Delitos Sexuales y derechos de las mujeres (Opinions) 29-10-2006
by Mariela Silvina Fiamingo
En los últimos años se registra un aumento en la Argentina del índice de denuncias por delitos sexuales. En 2004, se denunciaron 10.746 casos de los cuales 3.447 fueron violaciones, según datos brindados por la Dirección Nacional de Política...

Democracy - truth will win over falsehood (Opinions) 25-08-2005
by Matongo Maumbi
DEMOCRACY Democracy is a word familiar to most, but it is a concept that is still misunderstood and misused in a time when totalitarian regimes and military dictatorships have attempted to claim popular support by pinning...

by sofia gutierrez reyes
DERECHOS HUMANOS E INTERCULTURALIDAD Estamos orgullosos de tener y ser parte de un país lingüista, pero no le damos ningún valor, dado que en el Perú no existe producción de lenguas en forma escrita, la Lengua es un Símbolo de...

Derechos Humanos y Desarrollo Humano: alianza estratégica para el logro de una Cultura de Paz sostenible (Opinions) 16-03-2004
by Mariana Ballestero
Este artículo, inspirado en parte en el Informe argentino sobre Desarrollo Humano 2000, es la base de la ponencia que realicé en el Encuentro Franco – Latinoamericano de Juventudes en Paraguay: “Mediación y Cultura de Paz”, realizado en Asunción...

Derechos sexuales y reproductivos (Opinions) 14-09-2008
by Elizabeth Arceo
La sexualidad es un conjunto de posibilidades biológicas, psicológicas y eróticas del ser humano que inherentemente se encuentran ligadas a la cultura y a otros aspectos como la religión, sociedad y familia. La sexualidad forma parte del...

Desmitificando a data da suposta libertação (Opinions) 14-05-2009
Desmitificando a data da suposta libertação Freitas* Estamos no mês em que se completa 121 anos o momento histórico que acabou juridicamente com a idéia de que a servidão do negro pela coroa de Portugal. Princesa Isabel assina um documento,...

Desplazados y Megaproyectos (Opinions) 22-09-2007
by Francisco Hurtado
En la actualidad, en todos los países de América Latina están en discusión megaproyectos que, según sus promotores apuntan al desarrollo de la región y el progreso de los pueblos. Por ejemplo, en la visita que realizó George Bush al Brasil, el...

Devastation in Darfur (Opinions) 16-11-2007
by Kayla
In rural Darfur, the western region of Sudan, about the size of France, there are several gullies at the bottom of a hill. Surrounding them are 14 bodies. They are innocent Africans whose only crime was not being Arab. They had been divided...

Development and Tribal Peoples (Opinions) 30-12-2008
by Cal
The blinding winter sun beats down upon the windswept snowy landscape. The faces of the people are warmly coloured, but their expressions downtrodden. These people have learned to bear the harsh weather, but not the harsh life they have been...

Diamond Road Online (Interviews) 4-03-2008
by David Oppenheim
Diamond Road is a three-part documentary television series and feature-length documentary film exploring the many facets of the world's most intriguing gem. Filmed on four continents in High Definition, the series was directed by Nisha Pahuja with...

Dictatorship: For Immediate Elections Into Local Councils (Short Story) 21-09-2003
Instead of ensuring that long-overdue election into local government, councils are organized across the country. The Obasanjo government, supported by his party, the PDP, recently set up a Presidential Technical Committee to review the local...

Digital Culture & New York Terror -> A New Era of Terrorism and Governance (Opinions) 13-09-2001
by Derek Martin
How do you defend against a de-centralized attack (how can the RIAA stop Morpheus? Can they?). I would propose that you have to fight de-centralization with de-centralization. Have 5 buildings in different areas instead of 1 pentagon with 5 wings....

Dilapidated Democracy (Opinions) 8-11-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Democracy has traditionally been viewed as the form of government able to deliver the greatest amount of personal freedoms to the greatest amount of people; what happens if you're not one of them? In Australia, if you're a refugee or asylum...

Direct democracy? Not at all (Opinions) 3-04-2003
by giuliano gennaio
I write this article being inspired by my participation in a meeting of an Italian political movement called “Democrazia Diretta” (Direct Democracy). This movement is aimed at involving citizens in the ‘res publica’, the ‘common cause’ through...

Direitos Humanos (Short Story) 24-03-2004
by Mayra Rody Peixoto
A faculdade de Direito do Vale do Rio Doce ( FADIVALE), a Universidade onde estudo,situada em Governador Valadares ( Brasil), realizou no dia 02 de março no auditório, a primeira aula magna de 2004, que foi proferida pela doutora Elianne Maria...

Disability in Uganda (Opinions) 5-02-2006
by Ssendagire Paul
Disability is part and parcel of every society. There is no generation or society without a disabled person. Yet the term disability encircles the mentally ill, the visually impaired, people with behavioural and communication disorders, the poor...

Disappearing Behind the Wall of Child Labour (Opinions) 23-06-2007
by katie
I am not sure where to begin. I am not sure if what I say will even make a difference, and if it does, I will not worry about the credit I get, but more so the credit that will benefit the world. I may be the only one who notices this, but then...

Disappearing Shadows (Poetry) 17-03-2004
by Amy Megsin
I stand here staring At a shadowed wall. Curious shadows. They squirm and dance, Only to be hushed By the ever present Light, controlling the Shadows, as I on A chain. Whipping them Back at any sight Of movement or fright. As the...

Discrimination (Poetry) 1-07-2007
Discrimination comes in all forms Racial, religious, sexuality, age And a host of many others It has the capacity to maim and destroy It perpetuates a sense of anger and frustration It breeds hostility and resentment It spurs violence and...

Do all men kill the things they do not love? (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
We have seen it repeatedly throughout history, crimes against humanity, and crimes against our earth. Even the architect of Shakespeare, with the written word, would not have been able to articulate the implications of what it would mean to be;...

Do as I Like (Opinions) 11-07-2004
by Shahjahan Siraj
The break down of love and relationships is the most serious problem in the present world. We are all longing for happiness, but if we don’t know what happiness is how can really be happy? I asked many people for their opinions on happiness....

Do boys always like blue, and girls pink? (Opinions) 19-08-2008
by Omar S
Boys like blue. Girls like pink. Boys like toy trucks. Girls like Barbie dolls. These statements seem to capture what is normal and natural in most societies. Indeed, we cannot help but notice that it is natural for boys to lean towards cars,...

Do you? (Poetry) 3-04-2008
Do you condemn a man Who tries to try genuinely Without flowers, Without sweeteners, Just bare and raw … just as it is? Like water Without coloration? Like tea without sugar? Like bone without flesh, Just bare, dry, and raw? ... do you...

Does Slavery Still Persist? (Opinions) 25-02-2004
by Timmy
In this modern world, is there anything like slavery? Most people would like to think not. That's because the word slavery conjures up horrific pictures of brutality and oppression. In the minds of many, such pictures belong to the past...

Dollar Salaries For Serving Ministers in Nigeria (Opinions) 27-02-2004
by Wilfred Mamah
I have been following the story of the reported dollar salaries for two serving Ministers of the Federal Republic of Nigeria with interest, disgust and anger. My interest doubled following the recent report that Gani Fawehinmi has gone to...

Domestic Violence in the Press a Century Ago (Opinions) 27-12-2007
by Nandita Saikia
In 1881, a Mr Bergh (who had earlier restrained cruelty towards animals) proposed a bill which would punish wife-beaters by flogging them. The article which reported this questioned Mr Bergh’s reverence for the holy institution of marriage and...

Don't (Poetry) 26-11-2003
by Azira Binti Aziz
Don’t tell me that I’m in love Don’t tell me I’m trapped in a cove Don’t tell me to dare to hope Don’t tell me to bear and cope I refuse to acknowledge it Don’t tell me that I’m hopeless Don’t tell me I’m easily burst Don’t tell me I’ve...

Don't Blame Me For My Ignorance (Poetry) 14-12-2007
by Alexandra Cummings
My mistakes are only human And not just by default So don't blame me for my ignorance And say it's all my fault 'Cause if the world came crashing down Would you still be Would you still be here The promises I make Are not as bad as your...

Donkey's Fate is Boss's Fortune (Short Story) 7-10-2006
by vinaykumar B R
Once upon a time a washerman was bringing up two donkeys. Let's say Donkey-A and Donkey-B. Donkey-A felt it was very energetic and could do better than the other. It always tried to attract the washerman's attention by taking more load and...

Don`t Ask..... (Poetry) 11-12-2006
by hazem al jaber
Don`t ask me , my sweetheart.... don`t ask what is wandering in my mind... don`t ask how many ladies I've known... just ask how much I loved you ... ask, how many times I dreamed about you.. ask, how much I desired you, while we were apart......

Don`t Lie to Yourself (Poetry) 25-11-2006
by hazem al jaber
my love no one is there in my life you are the true fact in my life only you I have only you I love first love to me you are the first breath that I take take from the lips which I kissed there where we were and no one else with us my...

Dowry Laws (Opinions) 31-01-2005
by Nandita Saikia
Sometime ago, I read a comment by someone using the pseudonym 'MisuseDowryLaws' which said, "Because of extremism displayed by some selected Feminists in India, there will be great fun in coming years. Please search for dowry 498a in google and...

Draining the brain: We have to keep the promise (Opinions) 28-11-2007
Brain drain syndrome is one of the intricate social-economic challenges facing developing African nations. It is a phenomenon that has gained patronage around socio-economically depressed regions of the world, where the knowledge, skills and...

Drama and music fight against gender-based violence in all forms (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
Every year, across the globe, thousands of women and girls are being trafficked and sold into virtual slavery. What if it happened to you or someone in your family? What will you do about it if it does? These are some of the questions that...

Dream On (Poetry) 16-10-2005
by aubrey madeline
They go through life without any dreams not knowing what life is all about They got no dreams to live up to no hopes to hold In their eyes they don’t see where the sun shines after the storm no one to listen to their sad story each and...

DREAMing of Education (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Jameson M. Berkow
The right to receive a basic education is the right of every human being. For over 50 years the U.N. has backed this statement, but by making it the second of eight Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2015, they have finally turned it...

Dreams On Hold (Poetry) 25-10-2006
by Joseph Nthia
She steals a glance, Her bloodshot eyes tell it all. In their smoking shelter She watches her siblings Fearing only for their future. She thinks of the next meal Tears run down her already sunken cheeks A dreary heart, it does not heal...

Drug Abuse: The Deteriorating Scenario Among Youth (Short Story) 1-06-2004
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The current trend of substance abuse among youth and especially school age children is troubling. Many fingers have been pointed at the youth themselves while at the same time ignoring the very people who abet the youth’s drug habits, and wantonly...

Drummers from Burundi play music in the midst of incredible danger (Interviews) 7-08-2005
by Bart Abbott
It was Monday, August 4, 2005 and I found myself standing on the golf course of Stirling University in Stirling, Scotland, with three young men from the country of Burundi, Africa. The four of us were part of the six hundred youth from one hundred...

e-Democracy: Taking Our Democracies Back (Opinions) 21-12-2003
by Choo Zheng Xi
Howard Dean is the ex-Governor running for the Presidency in 2004, and faces a crowded field of 7 other challengers for his party's nomination. What has he done that's important enough for a teenager in Singapore to sit up and take notice of? Put...

E-DHAKA.COM: The Development of Webculture in Bangladesh (Short Story) 23-10-2003
by M.S.A. Shobuz
In Bangladesh many people don't even know that what is Internet and how can we properly utilize it. It's hardly true that Bangladesh has no fiber optic cable connection for some political related business reasons, but we want to introduce peoples...

Eagle Square (Poetry) 2-08-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Were winners meet to celebrate success Losers also meet here to oppose bad policies by and large’ Capacity deliverance at the highest levels A place to be in the days of call to service Our fatherland is our home; likewise our motherland We...

EARTH en el 4to Congreso Mundial del Jóvenes. Québec, Cánada. 10-21 Agosto. (Short Story) 6-11-2008
by Johanny Arilexis Pérez Sierra
En la ciudad histórica de Québec, Canadá, y en las instalaciones de la Universidad Laval, se estuvo celebrando el 4to Congreso Mundial de Jóvenes: Regeneración 2008, bajo el tema: "Desarrollo Liderado por Jóvenes". Este fue el cuarto de una serie...

Earth Song (Poetry) 5-10-2005
The moon is at her peak By bits, we all gathered Trees sway and clap, Others bleat; insects shriek A match of time in weather, It's the earth song; we sang Each steps in her manner; Though the tune swerve the rhythm On we dance; hope it’ll...

Eastern Sisters, Monkey Brothers (Poetry) 7-07-2004
by melanie mae
The sisters walk by Dark clouds Overhead Crowds closing in Just persons Just walking on by No hellos No goodbyes Eastern sky sisters, jaded monkey brothers Aging Next to the dresser of coffin The trail on his land The steel art...

Ecos de la Cumbre de Presidentes – Marcha Anti-Bush (Short Story) 28-11-2005
by R
Son las 5 de la tarde del viernes más polémico de noviembre, la Plaza de los Dos Congresos es una fiesta de colores y ánimos, hay cientos de personas: entre ellos estudiantes, padres, sindicatos, gremios, niños; todos unidos por una misma causa:...

Educar en DDHH y Cultura de Paz en el Contexto Venezolano. (Opinions) 15-03-2008
by Walter Jose Trejo Urquiola
Educar en Derechos Humanos y Cultura de Paz en el contexto Venezolano. Ptgo Walter Trejo Urquiola (*) En el año 2007, conmemoramos los veinte años de la Cátedra de la Paz y Derechos Humanos “Mons. Oscar Arnulfo Romero” de la Universidad de Los...

Educating Girls...Transfroming the future (Opinions) 15-12-2003
by Timmy
Uneducated and undereducated girls are robbed of the opportunity to improve their own lives. Denying them their right to a quality education effectively denies them all other human rights and shrinks the chances of advancement for succeeding...

Education For All: Is it Really Achievable? (Opinions) 1-08-2006
by Mbũrũ Kamau
Since the declaration of Education For All in January 2003, a substantial amount of resources, both human and financial, have been allocated and an increase in the enrolment ratios has followed. The achievement of free basic education was...

Educational Barrier (Poetry) 17-02-2011
I've stayed here too long This dunghill l turned home Please pity my age Running faster than I can catch Count me among your freed men Slot me in this batch That l may go this rainy season You WAEC has turned me a weak vessel I have lost...

El abstencionismo: Fracaso de la Democracia (Opinions) 10-07-2007
by Caleb Ordoñez Talavera
Cuando vemos que las elecciones en nuestras ciudades se resuelven por menos del 50% de los que pueden votar podemos darnos cuenta de la gran apatía que hay en los electores… la pregunta es: ¿Por qué? Por el desprestigio en las campañas...

El Bueno, el Malo y la Nada: Medios y Jóvenes. (Opinions) 25-03-2007
by Sebastián Galanternik
En la década del setenta, durante la última dictadura militar en Argentina, la propaganda estatal mostraba que ser joven era hacer equitación o polo, vestir jerseys color crema, llevar el pelo corto y una expresión bovina en el rostro....

El cristal con que se mira (Opinions) 17-04-2008
by Laura Müller
EL CRISTAL CON QUE SE MIRA RULETA URBANA El cristal con que se mira 1913: Altagracia Martínez era lo que denominaríamos “una niña bien” nacida de una prominente familia de la ciudad de México. Altita, como le decían sus amigos, esperaba con...

El derecho a crear la verdad. Reflexiones ante las ODM (Opinions) 4-04-2005
by Pablo Cavalieri
Ayer me preguntaba si los políticos serían realmente sinceros cuando hablaban de lograr las metas las metas del milenio para el año pactado. Realmente, me preguntaba sobre la verdad y su valor. ¿Y qué tal si todo es una mentira? ¿Qué nos...

El día del Refugiado (Opinions) 19-06-2007
by Francisco Hurtado
El 20 de junio se celebra el Día Internacional del Refugiado, pero hay motivos para celebrar o más bien llamamos a la reflexión de todos? La situación actual que atraviezan muchos países provoca que día a día, sea masivamente o a cuenta gotas,...

El joven del futuro: ¿Quién es? (Opinions) 22-08-2008
by Reiner Mora
El mundo está cambiando rápidamente, basta con leer el periódico, ver las noticias o navegar en la Web para darse cuenta de ello. Lo que se aproxima es una importante reforma en todas las estructuras sociales. Sea en la política, el comercio,...

El nuevo movimiento sindical argentino (Interviews) 29-10-2006
by Julián Profeta
Daniel Jorajuría es uruguayo y llégó a la Argentina en 1972 por razones políticas. Trabajó en el rubro gastronómico y en los años 80 fundó una agrupación gremial junto a Luis Barrionuevo con el objetivo de recuperar la democracia gremial que había...

El otro Irapuato (Short Story) 16-09-2008
by aldoivan
“La critica es el aprendizaje de la imaginación en su segunda vuelta, la imaginación curada de fantasía y decidida a enfrentar la realidad del mundo.” (Octavio Paz 1914-1998, escritor y poeta mexicano) Imaginemos por un momento que hoy no...

El sistema universitario colombiano bajo la lupa (Opinions) 8-09-2006
by simon
Como colombiana me encuentro ahora empezando una nueva etapa como estudiante en una universidad argentina. Y al hacerlo, empiezo a notar algunas diferencias de fondo entre las universidades de Colombia y las locales. Y parto del simple hecho de...

El sol de las tres (Short Story) 11-09-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
En sus ojos eran dos bueyes, y el arado detrás de los animales labraba la tierra fértil por toda la extensión del camino a casa. El sol de las tres le quemaba frente y espalda, haciéndole sudar a ríos. Ese es el trabajo, para los hombres el pan de...

El triste llanto (Poetry) 7-12-2007
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
Mis ojos lloran cuando muere un santo, mis ojos lloran cuando muere un cruel, pues mis sentidos no distinguen tanto entre las lágrimas y el triste llanto de cada madre que los vio nacer. Arde la sangre, cual flamante llama, tierra y...

Elections rectorales au Bénin : la démocratie gagne le terroire de la science (Opinions) 7-07-2006
by François Vianou Godonou
Depuis des années les syndicats, les enseignants, les étudiants et d'autres acteurs de la vie universitaire ne faisaient que caresser un rêve. Celui de voir les universités gérées de façon plus démocratique avec de meilleures conditions de vie...

Elementos a Tener en Cuenta en Materia de Legislación Penal Juvenil (Opinions) 7-12-2003
by Mariana Ballestero
Por Mariana Ballestero * Representante de JuLaD Argentina y Relatora de la Comisión de Niñez, Adolescencia y Juventud. XIII Reunión de Comisiones Permanentes de Parlamento Latinoamericano, 22 al 26 de mayo de 2000, Chillán, Chile. Dado que...

Eliminar al enemigo…¿Una forma de Derecho? (Opinions) 29-10-2006
by Leila Mucarsel
Ya sea si, como sostienen los iusnaturalistas, los seres humanos nacemos con “derechos naturales” que nos corresponden por el simple hecho de ser personas o si, como postulan los más relativistas, nuestros derechos no son preexistentes a las...

Emergence des associations homosexuelles en Afrique (Opinions) 5-12-2007
by Joel Nana
En Afrique, le respect des droits des personnes homosexuelles ne fait tout simplement pas partie des centres d'intérêts actuels des politiques. En outre, la réalité homosexuelle reste encore mal connue, largement déniée et marginalisée. Comme...

Empower our Aardvarks (Opinions) 11-06-2002
by Ian Bailey-Harris
Hi my name is Ian and I’m global co-coordinator for “Striving for Quasi Excellence.” We are a group of like minded individuals working towards the personal betterment and empowerment of all quasi-humans. Our goal is to empower all quasi-humans in...

En Haïti, le désespoir pousse à l'exil malgré les risques (Short Story) 19-05-2007
by Osée Résidor
Article tire du : www.lenouvelliste.com En Haïti, le désespoir pousse à l'exil malgré les risques Réunis par groupes de cinq ou plus, assis sur des troncs d'arbres face à la mer ou sur de vieilles barques de pêcheurs, des jeunes Haïtiens...

Ending Impunity for Violence against Women (Opinions) 4-06-2007
by .
Thursday 8 March was celebrated as the International Women’s Day. The theme for this year’s celebrations was Ending Impunity for Violence against Women For many of us, this theme may strike a cord in our core nerves. We have either experienced,...

Endless Flow (Short Story) 5-09-2006
by Mbũrũ Kamau
She stole my heart as my genuine friend. I could not but help to refer to her as a person I could not live without. Christine was an extraordinary figure who many could envy. When we became friends during our college days, she was a blank page in...

Enigma (Poetry) 1-08-2005
by A. Tsang
Everyone Have a lock in their hearts? Have a switch in their hearts? Who has the power to start? Are there any rules? Success and failure? Who'll be penelized, insulted and yelled at? Any rewards? Politically correct? Could we start...

Enquanto Houver Sonho (Poetry) 12-04-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
E nquanto houver crianças sonhando, haverá sempre Esperança! U tópica sociedade de falsos moralistas! A doramos e admiramos a vossa ignorância: Tu és Homem? M elancolia é a essência do mundo; cada um vive a tua vida! O rdinária situação de...

Enquête sur la situation des talibés au Sénégal 2007 (Opinions) 21-07-2007
by William
Définition Les talibés sont les disciples du Coran sous la direction d’un marabout c.q. maître du Coran. Position La situation des talibés en Afrique de l’Ouest et spécifiquement au Sénégal est depuis quelques années, un sujet de...

Entrada en vigor de la Convención Iberoamericana de Derechos de los Jóvenes (CIDJ) (Opinions) 11-04-2008
ENTRADA EN VIGOR DE LA CONVENCIÓN IBEROAMERICANA DE DERECHOS DE LOS JÓVENES (CIDJ) 10 DE MARZO DE 2008 Por Christian Pardo Reyes Abogado Presidente de la Internacional Juvenil (IJ) internacionaljuvenil@yahoo.es La Convención...

Entre la Anomia y la Esperanza? Sobre Cultura Politica (Opinions) 13-07-2004
by Gabriela Alejandra Alvarez
Cultura política podría entenderse como las normas, valores, costumbres, conocimiento de los fenómenos políticos y ejercicio activo de los mismos. Dado que pretendo caracterizar la cultura política en la Argentina, no puedo trasladar el concepto...

Entrevista a Alex Freyre: “El preservativo en el obelisco fue lo más grande que hicimos" (Interviews) 27-12-2005
by María Laura Caraballo
Interjóvenes presenció la entrega de diplomas que la Fundación Buenos Aires Sida otorgó a los representantes de las escuelas que participan de la campaña de capacitación que la fundación lleva adelante, a través de charlas con los alumnos y...

Entrevista a Osvaldo Bayer: "La Patagonia Rebelde marcó mi destino" (Interviews) 13-01-2006
by Julián Profeta
Llegué a la casa de Osvaldo Bayer en el barrio de Belgrano apodada por él, “El Tugurio” por ser este hogar un verdadero acumulamiento de libros, diarios, papeles y revistas que están apilados en el pasillo, en el patio, por toda la casa. Me...

Entrevista com Ana Adeve sobre como é ser uma jovem ativista feminista no Brasil (Interviews) 25-09-2008
by Luciana Brasil
Ana Adeve faz parte das Jovens Feministas de São Paulo e da Rede Jovens Brasil de Direitos Sexuais e Direitos Reprodutivos - No nível pessoal, você poderia dizer como você se envolveu com o feminismo e o que ele significa para você? Ana...

Episcopalian Church to Split on Gay Bishop (Opinions) 1-08-2003
by Dennis Dames
The Anglican Church in the United States is set to be weakening permanently on the appointment of the openly gay bishop- Gene Robinson of New Hampshire. It looks like the entire issues of homosexual bishops, gay marriages and the like are set to...

Erase una vez (Opinions) 5-06-2006
by Laura Müller
Eran las 5 a.m. Isaac no había llegado a dormir, Adriana permanecía despierta preocupada de que algo le hubiese pasados, Arturo de cuatro años dormía y Mariana de tan solo un mes de nacida, fruto del amor o un accidente sufrido hacia ahora 10...

Eres tú, compañero (Poetry) 22-02-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
No es el agua salada del mar ni la luna ni el cálido sol. No es el mundo que debe cambiar; eres tú, compañero, y soy yo. No es el alma de los inconscientes que se nutren de la destrucción ni la astucia del inteligente que se vende por una...

Ese Mexico que discrimina. (Opinions) 30-07-2007
by Caleb Ordoñez Talavera
Debo reconocer que me llene de asombro, de celo, de indignación, de vergüenza, que no lo quise aceptar, me llene de ira, de miedo, lo medité una y otra vez, lo he llevado en la cabeza a donde voy, desde que lo supe lo he reflexionado una decena...

Esquecer (Poetry) 26-08-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
É chegado o dia em que necessitamos repensar as nossas atividades. Repensar a nossa insignificante ação de omitir fatos e verdades. Assumir a nossa dependência pela tristeza e pela pureza. Acrescer a nossa agonia o tom da nossa insensibilidade...

Estados Unidos Politica Exterior, Politica de Dominio (Opinions) 19-07-2007
by Manuel José Chocano
Estados Unidos: Política Exterior, política de dominio. Durante la post guerra fría, después de la caída del muro de Berlín hace casi veinte años, Estados Unidos había logrado ascender como la única superpotencia capaz de tomar el control...

Et le politicien recréa le monde... (Poetry) 21-02-2008
Le jardin a disparu sous la pomme croquée Et la femme et l'homme mangent avec gaieté le péché Partout règne l'Anti-Créateur Partout règne ''l'Anté-Peuple'', le politicien. Que faire? Dieu s'est tu (et pour certains mort), Que faire? le...

euthanasia (Opinions) 6-11-2002
by lil_sukka_12
Our topic is Euthanasia. We have researched that Euthanasia has caused a lot of conflict around the world. The first place to legalize Euthanasia was Holland. That is a bad thing because it is voluntary which means that you have the choice to...

Euthanasie : mourir à la carte. (Opinions) 26-03-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Elle s’appelait Chantal. Un prénom comme un autre, mais porté par un destin singulier. Elle se savait condamnée par une maladie terrible, incurable, insupportable pour elle et pour ses proches. Elle avait demandée aux autorités françaises le droit...

Evento que ocorre ainda este ano no México, reconhecerá os melhores projetos para o desenvolvimento da juventude na América Latina e Caribe (Opinions) 20-01-2009
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Projeto de cooperação entre organizações internacionais, regionais, governamentais, do setor acadêmico e civil, organizado pela UNESCO, selecionará as melhores práticas em políticas e programas de juventude na América Latina e Caribe em 2009....

EVERY WOMAN {Men only!} (Poetry) 10-03-2007
by Ositadimma Amakeze
EVERY WOMAN {Men only!} Is only known to her heart Other than any she gives it to For from secret places of secrecy Her prowess knows to the crevices She that rocks the cradle Reigns this throne thereafter With soft words and...

Everybody Come Together, We can Work Magic (Short Story) 29-07-2004
by Rhianna Thompson
My name is Rhianna and I have only joined TIG recently with very integrous ideas and an enthusiastic mind. I would like to share with you some of this. I had felt that there was something missing my life, and to cut a long story short, I...

Everything On Me (Poetry) 14-01-2009
by Miyar De'Nyok
Everything On Me: poem by Miyar De’Nyok or Akurdit Our friendship is normal Our love is convivial Our habitat is friendly We all have to compromise We all have to seek forgiveness We all have to terms as family Because we need one another...

Exchange Peace (Poetry) 23-01-2009
by alexandra tome
I say to you, “I want peace.” So then I ask you, “Will you give me peace, or shall I give you peace?” But then soon after, I realized we should, instead, exchange peace, because peace is harmonizing, it is compromise, understanding, and...

Exclaimation for Youth Participation in Decision-Making (Poetry) 21-03-2007
Tears of subjection fill our eyes As the rain falls down from the skies Cries from justified positions all over the globe Weeping for the opportunity to partake and probe Depressed by oppression!!! We scream You call us mean, are you...

Exodus from the Rural (Opinions) 12-12-2002
by Rashid Zuberu
People have waged numerous wars and campaigns around the globe in aid of women children and the human race in general. Success has been achieved on various occasions and on the other hand failure. Nevertheless, our part of the world has gone under...

Experience. (Opinions) 16-03-2007
by friday solomon
My experiences in life has thought me to be calm in the midst of crisis, to be patient when all odds are against me and and to appreciate my creator for the gift of life, the beauty of life and to give thanks Experience has thought me to show...

Exploitative Child Labour in Cocoa-Producing West African Nations. (Opinions) 30-06-2007
With 44% coming from Ivory Coast, 15% from Ghana, 7% from Nigeria and 4% from Cameroon, West Africa produces 70% of world’s cocoa consumption. However, the majority of this cocoa is being produced with the use of child labour. According to the...

Extradition: who art thou? (Opinions) 25-12-2007
by Barr. Stephen Edetanlen
EXTRADITION -WHO ART THOU? The radiation poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko which led to his horrifying death in London raised international furore with Britain and Russia as the principal actors. The genesis of the dispute can be traced to the...

Extraordinary Lines (Poetry) 29-09-2008
by Simonette Brebenariu
Visions grasp the knot of success, blends the cruises,imaginary blest! Chrome sketches the brick of light, passing through the edge of fight! Intensity seduces on the cream blot, compasses the realm of bulky plot! Quick signs are in...

Face the reality (Poetry) 17-04-2005
by maria santa perez
They have money for shows like Rich Girls But can’t end poverty in this world Females selling their souls To men, that should be classified as dogs In return of materials and richness Putting our women in disgrace Making us look like...

Fair Trade in Fredericton and Abroad (Opinions) 21-06-2011
by Samantha Hodder
Fair Trade. Two simple words, one life-altering concept. When I volunteered in rural Ecuador a few years ago, I met someone who showed me the simplicity and the importance of fair trade. His name was Fredy, and he was the talk of the...

Fair Trade- from the jungles of Latin America to the stores of North America (Opinions) 6-05-2009
by Samantha Hodder
I walked through the jungle that day in June, looking at Freddy’s farm and all it contained. When he proudly showed me his coffee plants, I was unaware that he was one of the few organic certified farmers in this remote area of Ecuador. He then...

Faith (Poetry) 21-09-2009
by Alexandra Cummings
I have loved I have immensely disliked I have faith And faith is my guide It is the light shining overhead This world doesn't always deal us such a neat hand It is then that we are to shine, when we are at our lowest I believe this...

Fall Into Grace (Poetry) 9-11-2003
by romeckvanzeyl
There is a beautiful Creature living in a hole you have dug. So, at night, I set fruit and grains, and little pots of wine and milk beside your soft earthen mounds and I often sing. But still, my dear, you do not come out. We should...

Fall-out of the Elections in Nigeria (Short Story) 21-05-2003
FALL OUT OF THE ELECTIONS IN NIGERIA The fall-out of the 2003 general elections top national debate is occuring presently. It is so due to massive rigging of the processes, besides the importance of transition. We beleive...

FALLEN SOLDIER’S LOVE I & II (Poetry) 12-01-2007
by Ositadimma Amakeze
FALLEN SOLDIER’S LOVE 1 Come at haste O comrade! Prior to my running out of breath Hold my heart fast, lest she dies Keep those tears, they’re all mine See this picture, she’s my lily Embraced in my chest pocket in love She gives me...

Family Courts: Discrimination Against Men for Being Men (Opinions) 14-09-2004
by Kabwe Chibwe
Historically, children were regarded as the father’s pre-industrial assets and custody was out of question. Consequently, the ‘tender years’ doctrine dictated that young children be kept with their mothers (Newsweek, [Online], 1995). But as...

Family Day (Opinions) 5-05-2008
by Rose Irungu
A family is the basic unit of a society. Family denotes a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, and co-residence. Although the concept of consanguinity originally referred to relations by "blood," many anthropologists have argued...

Famine en Afrique : des idées contre la fatalité (Opinions) 16-02-2009
by Ludewic Mac Kwin De Davy
Le sommet du FAO tenu dans la capitale romaine, il y a quelques semaines, s’est efforcé, ou du moins a donné cette impression, à trouver des remèdes à cette maladie terrible qu’est la faim dans le monde. Malgré les prêches de prédicateurs...

Famine en Afrique : des idées contre la fatalité. (Opinions) 9-10-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Le sommet du FAO tenu dans la capitale romaine, il y a quelques semaines, s’est efforcé, ou du moins a donné cette impression, à trouver des remèdes à cette maladie terrible qu’est la faim dans le monde. Malgré les prêches de prédicateurs...

Fate Unknown (Poetry) 8-08-2004
by Judith Bosire
I see their melancholic eyes Piercing fiercely into the unknown tomorrow Seeking for answers unfolded Asking silent questions Of their fate Of their obscured destiny I hear their silent whimper Pleading to the well wishers for a meal To...

by Jacob Waiswa
Pronounced militarization of the Ugandan opposition political parties started with the rise and growth of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) as a party. Soldiers now play the game of politics in a more democratic environment. More so, at the...

Feeling the War (Poetry) 22-11-2005
by phan minh thang
When I was born War belonged to the past When I grew up I began to imagine it from my mum and dad’s stories From pages in history, From movies and newspapers… I sensed a head-splitting pain because of the roar of bombs And the dreadful...

Female Genital Mutilation: Does the West Have the Right to Intervene? (Opinions) 24-05-2002
by adele madonia
HLW OAE POSITION PAPER "Advanced or developed cultures should have the right to impose their laws on cultures that are less advanced or developed.." The gap between first and third world countries has become increasingly more obvious in...

Feminism: A Worthwhile Fight for Women's Emancipation! (Opinions) 20-06-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
Feminism is an ideology advocating for women’s rights and sexual-equality with their male counterparts. Feminism arises from the fact that women have to be emancipated from traditional patriarchal society. Before World War II in 1938, women were...

Femme (Poetry) 7-06-2005
Dès ta jeunesse, ton rôle est connu; ta patience montre ta plénitude; ton régard doux et craintif, reflète ton humanité; ta maternité se fait sentir dans ton assurance; Jeune fille déjà, tu eveille et donner la joie, ton sourire séduit, sa...

Femmes dans la conduite (Opinions) 5-06-2007
Je consacre ceci à toutes les femmes dans le monde, marié, célibataire, le divorce, les veuves, les mères et les filles. En Europe, l'Afrique, et Amérique du Sud, les femmes ont juste pris les poteaux supérieurs. Mais l'image plus grande n'est...

Femmes du Monde (Poetry) 13-07-2005
by Ndzakou- Nkiandzo Denise
Les femmes du monde ont-elles donné leur voix. À des gens sans foi. Ni loi ? Voilà qu\'au nom de Dieu Cachés sous leurs uniformes Des hommes se disent Les plus forts... Ces hommes qui se voilent la face Pour ne pas voir les morts....

Few Men Rape, Others Just Watch (Opinions) 20-06-2005
by Martin Tairo
Violence against women is widespread in Kenya. Every day, women are physically and sexually abused. Rape occurs in all social and ethnic groups. It is a crime that shocks and traumatizes the victim, and undermines the status of women in society....

Fickleness (Poetry) 30-06-2006
by Tanya Tee
“Fickleness” Tanya Tuble I Puppets talking, visible on every medium, is the understatement of the century. II Teeth glimmer, eyes twinkle with plastered smiles and unstained skins, chiropractics of society. Unhealed rumpus...

Filosofía y Letras: una odisea inigualable (Opinions) 30-08-2006
by María Laura Caraballo
La crisis y el deterioro físico y “moral” que aqueja a la Universidad de Buenos Aires han dejado de ser un síntoma alarmante para convertirse en un mal crónico y generalizado. La corrupción, los vicios burocráticos y las falsas promesas se han...

Finalmente la Ciudad de Buenos Aires tendrá su Consejo de Juventud (Opinions) 19-01-2006
by Mariela Silvina Fiamingo
A 9 años de haberse establecido su creación en el artículo 40 de la Constitución de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (1) y como fruto del sostenido trabajo de lobby y advocacy realizado por las organizaciones nucleadas en la Mesa de Concertación Juvenil...

Financial Aid From A Foreign Land (Short Story) 28-10-2007
by Myrna J.Brown
Financial aid from a foreign land does exist? This is a question that comes out in my head. I know a lot of people including my family back in the Philippines had been victimized of this financial aid. They were buried in a big debt due by their...

Finding Inspiration in the Gambia (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
What does it mean to think globally, but act locally? Joel Andersson, a dedicated volunteer and fundraiser for UNICEF, does just that. Imagine the sense of gratification you might feel investing a few hours a week raising funds and awareness to...

Five years of the army dictatorship in Pakistan: one more black day added to the dirty rule (Short Story) 19-10-2004
by Aftab Hassan Khan
Five years after seizing power in a bloodless coup, Pakistan’s military Dictator, and self-appointed President Pervez Musharraf remains Pakistan's most powerful man. Shortly after the 1999 coup, General Musharraf told the nation: "I shall not...

Flying Graves (Poetry) 17-04-2007
FLYING GRAVES So true it could be Those who had children Would wish they had none; The barren would be better of. What trauma They have begun to see; Mothers laying beautiful flowers...

Food Insecurity in Canada: Food Banks, Injustice, and Social Inequality (Opinions) 27-06-2005
by Shannon Richardson
When one thinks of hunger and malnutrition, one often thinks of the third-world. However, food insecurity is a problem that is also plaguing industrialized nations. A visit to any local supermarket in Canada, with its thousands of readily, always...

Food: A Political or Nutritional Tool? (Opinions) 6-06-2005
by Yara Kassem
Can you think, make vital and important decisions, talk and even joke when you’re still hungry? What about those entire populations spending years in hunger, or even those who cannot afford to get the food for their children? Food is...

For You, Painter (Poetry) 1-06-2006
Painter, if I were to choose a calling, yours I’ll never begrudge. That was then, not now. At the height of my growth, Painter, I’ve grown to think twice… I wish I was you! I’ve wrapped my fingers around your brushes, not letting go...

Forgotten Heroes in History (Poetry) 18-03-2011
by michael merritt jr.
The heroes were passionate people in motion. They starred down double barrow shotguns of death and did not flinch. With their feet deeply rooted in the moral high ground they vowed to change the course of the day. Armed with the knowledge of...

Free (Poetry) 1-06-2009
by Yanan Wang
The clouds above me floated In endless puffs of white, As I dreamed of other worlds, my mind loaded With impatience, the will to take flight. If only I could sprout wings Of feathered white cloth and magical fairy dust powder! I would...

FREEBORN (Poetry) 19-02-2011
Phew! I'm not a poet Only I seem like a pen When everything goes pale The skies I paint... With my finest words in pages Halt it! I'm not a writer For liberty, I write my writs; Scream in scripts Since I'm a silent sailor in this...

Freedom (Poetry) 15-08-2009
by Otis Johnson
The dream: Bloody, beaten, scarred and maimed, How we suffered for our name, A name that brings out pride and hope, The name that takes us cross the scope, A name that came forth from these hands, The name I know my child must brand, A...

Freedom (Poetry) 18-11-2003
by Arun N. Nair
Burden bears no more, no anguish, perennial sorrow, No feeling the pangs of pain in anticipation of tomorrow. No chains to hold my creativity, no bars of confinement, No war of words, no dispute, no forced assignment. Sealed lips arrest...

Freedom for All (Poetry) 15-11-2007
by 'Jide Oluwafemi Jinadu
Again I observed all the oppression That takes place in our world I saw the tears of the oppressed With no one to comfort them The oppressors have great power And the victims are helpless So I almost concluded that the dead are better than...

Freedom of Mass Insults: Is it a Constructive Approach in a Culturally Divergent Global Community? (Opinions) 7-08-2006
by Ayman El Hakea
The world has turned rapidly into an interrelated and interconnected community, by virtue of the excessive progress of communications and media bridges. At the same time, human rights activists worldwide complain about the stance of the Chinese...

FREEDOM SPEECH (Poetry) 15-03-2011
by Mutebi Bwakya
The freedom that we seek, for which the sound we hear - Is the freedom we won’t fight for; the freedom that we fear. The strength bound within us is the weakness we display - The happiness we yearn may be hindered by the dismay. The mask of...

FREEDOM? (Poetry) 20-03-2011
by kaboyo julius
FREEDOM? Freedom without control is but chaos, sSpeaking much is not a measure of sense, Communications without a message is like a monologue intended for no one. Hearing and not comprehending is like a whirling wing on the trees. Praying...

Friendship is the Best Way of Life (Poetry) 21-09-2005
by Chibuzo Governor Nwachukwu
Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything. Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain....

From 'When I' to 'If I' (Poetry) 15-11-2007
by 'Jide Oluwafemi Jinadu
The response of the majority is continually digressing from 'when I' to 'if I'. It was 'when I': When the common man was sure of at least two meals in a day; When the common could sleep with his two eyes closed; When the common man could...

From the deep... (Poetry) 27-03-2010
by Mary
Picture, "War and Peace" , by Jaffna Central College Students, Sri Lanka. I was having the best The very best I thought I deserved I was suddenly proved wrong When my life shattered All around me was chaos And confusion and commotion...

From Violence to Peace: Terrorism and Human Rights in Sri Lanka (Opinions) 21-02-2003
by Sanjana Hattotuwa
From Violence to Peace: Terrorism and Human Rights in Sri Lanka Introduction In the context of a militarily strong secessionist guerrilla movement actively seeking a negotiated settlement to their goal of a separate state, an examination of...

Fuel (Poetry) 6-04-2005
by selene z
It’s in your hand You see with different eyes One is blurred Other is crystal Crystal? You don’t see it Tell yourself you don’t see it You have to All is behind Things are as they should Let your fire fuel you Fuel The real It’s...

GADDAFI (Poetry) 7-03-2011
We wish we could tell them What they’ve done to us Our past damaged beyond repairs Because of taste for power and honour We wish we could find words to describe Pains we gained from unwillingness to change What falls us each day spend in...

Gay community gives media failing grade (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
A recent radio talk show discussed some of the terms used to describe gay and lesbian people, and, rightfully so, invited a prominent gay presenter to talk about what he thought of the way that media represented non-heterosexual communities....

Gender Power (Poetry) 4-02-2009
by Peculiar Ediomo-Abasi
She was to lead a group of males, But, "NO!" she blurted. "I'm female." Quite a lot she could have achieved But engraved in her emotions, It determined her direction. The ego—he had it quite much! But if he hadn't bragged too much, Quite...

Getting At the Root (Opinions) 27-08-2002
by dharisha
“I am a woman. And a woman who wonders everyday if she will ever see the day when it is safe to venture out at night alone. A day when my attire no longer determines if I face harassment. A day when no longer face prejudice of any kind in my work...

Gifted Hands (Poetry) 27-06-2007
by dare oshinuga
Not for once have The klieg-lights lighted On these fingers that Built up your wardrobe These fingers, fragile Days yet numbered Uncatered for, worked to china brittleness These fingers that threaded The sequins tight into Your Cannes...

Gigantes (Poetry) 20-07-2007
by Karina Hernández Sánchez
Y se inclinò para conocer su mundo Y se sorprendiò al ver que èste brillaba Entendiò que la fuerza no es el tamaño Entendiò que la fuerza es la verdad y la pureza de las cosas. Este es un pensamiento de una imagen que me llegò a...

Giving and receiving: reciprocity (Opinions) 22-04-2008
by R Kahendi
There seems to be a general recognition that each one of us is perpetually in debt to our community, perhaps for its affording us opportunities that we wouldn’t otherwise have had access to. Some might resent this, so maybe I should modify this...

GLOBAL LOVE (Poetry) 12-04-2007
by Dapo Diamond
In a plain just, I must... I can't bear not to let hear, For it's a compulsory plea, For inner joy and peace, That can put weak hearts in pieces, If not hear or bear fast For it carries fear for fairness, A total plea to all who are...

Globalization as Neo Colonialism (Opinions) 23-09-2004
by Salisu Suleiman
When in the 1950s and 60s, most colonized countries and territories across the world threw off the yolk of colonialism, there was tremendous hope and anticipation that a new era of hope, independence, freedom and self – determination was about to...

Going Home (Poetry) 2-05-2004
by Karim Al Nadoury
Clouds and distances keep you far away A strong tingle makes me feel you through my heart I'm a butterfly waiting for the spring, A bee looking for a flower, A bird flying against the wind Come along angel, fly away with me Feel the breeze...

Going Out with a Bang: Guerilla Activism with More Gray Hairs and a Wider Girth (Opinions) 4-06-2007
by rita wai ting chung
June 2007 is the 40th anniversary of the capture of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, Sinai and the Golan Heights by the Israeli army in the 1967 war (aka. The Six Day War according to Israelis, and aka. Naksa – Setback – according to...

Gold Black (Poetry) 6-11-2006
Gold black Jet black In the bowls Of our soil! Black gold Crispy bills From the doles Of our toil!

Gone! (Poetry) 24-11-2004
by Samuel-Malachi Odekunle
She did her best to bring him up right Struggling day by day to give him the best She thought him to be a gentleman To be a decent member of the society She taught him how to say thank you To hold the door open for the ladies She taught him...

GOOD GOVERNANCE (Opinions) 13-09-2006
by foy franklin
PROMOTION GOOD GOVERNANCE If men be good, government cannot be bad. -WILLIAM PENN (1644-1718) Fruits of Solitude The marvel of history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their...

Good Morning (Poetry) 11-08-2007
by John kariem sila
Good morning Africa, This will be my favourite song In my straw house In middle of jungle! O mummy, my smile is happy And my soul is running away From the dust of civilization Like Nile washing The tears of my own Africa From north,...

Goverments in Africa and the Disabled (Opinions) 23-05-2006
by Baijuka Elvis Rufus
Walking along the streets of Kampala it is not a rare sight to see disabled people lying on the walkways and holding their hands up, begging for something to eat. In this disabled state, the message you can read in their eyes is, "I do not like to...

Governance joke (Poetry) 28-08-2005
by Dr. A. Prabaharan
Governance is a good word invented by World Bank It is a bad practice done the rulers all over the world. Not just in Third world, governance is bad. Not just in poor nations, it is sad. Every country in this world is fooling its citizens....

Government and the Right to Life (Opinions) 8-03-2002
by Anthony Brandon Goldson
What is Government for? In the Declaration of Independance it is said that three and life in particular are in constant danger. The government is instituted to protect our right to life yet state-sanctioned murders are occuring in this country...

Governments are selfish and fabricating: (Opinions) 7-06-2007
by Cyril France
GOVERNMENTS ARE SELFISH AND FABRICATING: Here on Earth we have weed and lots of it! It's as much a part of this planet as you or I. It's not degenerative such as cocaine and heroin and it's unfortunately not yet fully legalized. Our bodies...

Grandes fatos, grandes farsas (Poetry) 14-02-2013
by Yan Paiva Campos
Cabral descobriu o Brasil sozinho? É possível apenas um homem navegar uma caravela? Bem, não deve ser difícil fazer uma expedição sem um grupo de pessoas. . Quando o Brasil foi dividido em Capitanias Hereditárias, Dom João III que coordenava...

Greatness vs. Pettiness - Review (Opinions) 27-11-2007
by Harini Dias Bandaranayake
As the world focuses on the violence-free rights of women this week, I thought it apt to review the film - ‘The Contender’. Physical violence, it turns out, is only one dimension of abuse. I watched it anticipating the jaded expectation of...

Guantanomo Bay and the Embattled Norms of International Law (Opinions) 9-06-2006
by Wilfred Mamah
The US detention facility in Guantanomo Bay is symbolical as it mirrors the current dilemma of international law. Amnesty International in its recent Human Rights Report, discusses the impact of this symbol on international human rights law....

HabitatJAM: ¿el principio del futuro? (Opinions) 27-12-2005
by Victoria Bembibre
Evento: HabitatJAM Fecha: 1 al 3 de diciembre de 2005 Objetivo: Debatir a través de Internet sobre el futuro de nuestras ciudades, con vistas al World Urban Forum a realizarse en junio del 2006 en Vancouver, Canadá....

Haciendo oír nuestras voces...El Reporte Mundial 2005 de ONU sobre Juventud (Short Story) 28-11-2005
by Luis Irigoytia
En el mes de Octubre de 1995, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas suscribió un importante documento sobre la realidad de los jóvenes y su importancia como actores en el desarrollo. Este documento, denominado “Programa de Acción Mundial para...

Hail Gabriel (Poetry) 2-05-2005
by Boniface Chimedza
Hail to thee, Son of the Soil, Thou hast swam in blood for victory, Thy troubles were worthwhile, Thou hast pulled our rights from wrongs. Hail Gabriel, the Victorious Conqueror! Hail to thee, the Chosen One! Thy war cry has delivered us...

Hamas does it again (Opinions) 4-07-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
It is difficult to accept it, I know, but it is better to give the devil its due however much we may dislike it. Even though it is still early to judge, it is apparent that Hamas want to tell the world that there is more to resistance than it...

Happiness Of The Dead (Poetry) 17-10-2007
by Samuel K Akinbo
she came and gone all in poverty and tears she gains ideas and she tries to contribute to the development of her people but those that feed from the pocket of devil did not allow children also became rich from the well that she...

Happy New Year (Poetry) 14-05-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
HAPPY NEW YEAR At the beginning of every-year, Our hearts make resolutions, While proletarian resolutions, are revolution while unattended to. The bourgeoisie are sheer undemocratic, as if they are not the people who map out...

Harambee- pulling together (Opinions) 20-11-2007
by R Kahendi
As we strive to bring positive changes into the communities we live in, we are sometimes beset by doubts. Are our efforts really worthwhile? When we push for certain agendas, are we making a difference, or are we simply reinforcing whatever...

Hard Worker (Poetry) 16-07-2003
by George Gardashian
He had to rise at 3:00 AM every day To earn some money to make his way. His family relied on him for food He promised to provide- And his word was good. This is my life he thought As he haggled daily with customers For the goods they...

Have Mercy for the Sake of our Children (Short Story) 12-08-2003
by Hussein Limaco Macarambon
The speakers from both parties spoke about the stories of their children who died from this war. They had different stories about their experiences of losing a loved one and this love has united them to demand an end to Israeli military attacks on...

Haven (Opinions) 29-07-2004
by Sardar Taimur Hyat-Khan
The sight of suffering humanity penned into refugee camps and deprived of the little self-respect that they had left over from their ordeal of death and destruction can be more of an opportunity than a problem. After all, what had they left...

He was a boy. And his name was Ryan . . . (Opinions) 1-11-2002
by Mike Blanchard
I had arrived at a follow up ceremony for an environmental conference that was co-funded by the Foundation for Young Australians; and since I was on the committee that decided to fund them, I had been invited. By some freak occurrence, I was...

Heal The World (Opinions) 3-05-2009
by Ezeadi Ozuah
HEAL THE WORLD. Ladies and gentlemen, I have decided to drop a few lines to drive us into memory lane, lest we have forgotten and lest we should be the last to act. I am definitely aware of the efforts being made by a whole lot of us humans in...

Healing the Societal Wound (Opinions) 29-06-2005
by Nelson Olaoluwa Gabriel
Recent occurences in the US at bringing to bare and fore the past evil, mistrials and Justice denied is an event that is commendable. There is a saying in the Legal parlance that, \"Justice delayed is Justice denied\" We have, however, seen...

Heart of a king in a feeble body (Opinions) 23-03-2005
Women all over the world have been oppressed and suppressed for centuries by the discriminatory practices meted on them by men and the laws made by men. These discriminations are built into myths, folklore, cultures, traditions and the ways of...

Helpless soul (Poetry) 8-09-2007
by oridupa
Sunshine scorches and rainfalls to make wet. Flies fenced while friends ran. Passers-by pity to wet his throat. Kown! kown!! Their coins crying in his pleading plate, Being the best they can. Do they give from the deep unseen mind? As...

Her Dark World (Poetry) 21-01-2008
by Eric Agyei Twum
She treads on a tortuous road. The kitchen they've made her home. Her plaintive tears that fall today Will hardly keep them at bay. She stands at the edge of a cliff. All she can descry is a big future But she can only catch just a whiff Of...

Here at home (Poetry) 16-08-2007
by Amodu O. Razaq
here in my home when i tread on the soil of where i was not but a child here at home infant die of hunger the old and the young live on the old path that give not hope but to the people of the last when shall all we see the way...

Here on earth (Poetry) 22-06-2008
by sanmi
Here on earth, Looking at the world, the so-called earth: There lie God’s creatures. Each has its own troubles. The Oceans make troubles drive; Animals suffer a slaughtering life. Transformations are stones’ lives. Birds bother making the...

HEROES DE CARNE Y HUESO (Short Story) 20-07-2007
by Laura Müller
HEROES DE CARNE Y HUESO RULETA URBANA Héroes de carne y hueso Diciembre 2006: Lorena se levantó más temprano que de costumbre, por fin era 8 de Diciembre, el día más esperado desde el nacimiento de Julissa, al sonar el despertador pegó un...

Himno Nacional de la Juventud Liberal de Colombia (Poetry) 25-08-2008
by Ivan Sanes
Viviendo en la gloria de nuestra rebeldía Con ímpetu y tesón Recordamos a Gaitán recordamos Galán Llenos de valentía Es nuestra historia Camino hacia la paz Cuna de verdad Reivindicación social Bienestar para tu hogar La insignia...

His eyes (Poetry) 27-06-2008
by Yasir
His eyes asked me questions, the answers to which I didn't know. That look had many notions: Abominable life, empty and hollow. Why am I working When the other kids are going to school, An uncertain and dark future lurking, Nice clothes...

His Faithfulness (Poetry) 24-01-2008
by Johnson Kayode Jedidiah
The year is about to end. With few hundreds of minutes And some thousands of seconds to go, Bothered about numerous Unfinished businesses Unachieved dreams And unexplored virgin grounds, Sandwiched between divergent options, Set to...

His Values Help Address The Plight of the Youth (Interviews) 9-04-2008
by Jay-R Patron
Ray Dean Salvosa endeavored in uplifting the cause of destitute children, eventually paving the passage of the Philippines’ juvenile justice and child welfare law. This, after discovering a value-clad spirit that helped him get through the most...

HIV & AIDS, Who is to be Blamed? (Opinions) 1-08-2008
by Hayford Siaw
The priorities of the nations in the world have totally been misplaced by virtue of the many strange revelations on this planet. On 2005 May 3, CONRAD program of the Eastern Virginia Medical School (USA) announced that, they had received $ 12M...

HIV/AIDS and morality (Opinions) 22-08-2005
by Adeolu Adewoye
HIV/AIDS and morality Human immunodeficiency virus is, for sure, a big issue in many fields of life. In the science world it has become a battle and to society it has become one of the most deadly viruses. The saddest part is the attribution of...

HIV/AIDS, Rape, and Sexual Violence Threatens the Lives of the Disabled in Kenya (Opinions) 20-03-2006
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
HIV/AIDS, rape and several other forms of sexual violence face today’s African woman, man and child. This happens at the height of a litany of campaigns and pseudo-campaigns orchestrated to fight against the same socioeconomic ignominies. In a...

Holding Hands (Opinions) 6-10-2006
by Maria Céu Tarouca
A group of 4 students from Jose Gomes Ferreira School in Lisbon, Portugal, who attended a Young Masters Program online Course throughout last school year, are committed in helping out in eradicating poverty. From 17th October to 1st December...

Hollywood's Post-Colonial Africa (Opinions) 4-02-2009
by Lynne Lessard
The distraught state of post-colonial Africa is a popular subject with the western media. This kind of exposure has the potential to gain the much needed international attention. Though what is an issue of concern is the way the stories are...

Homeless (Poetry) 26-09-2007
by Melissa S.
Frostbitten blue Left in the snow Blackened fingers And blackened toes Has no blanket To keep him warm Has no family waiting For him at home Years of loneliness Has closed off his heart Sleeping in allies And eating out of trash...

Homelessness (Opinions) 24-11-2005
by Daniel Brophy
What is it that we think when we see a homeless man sleeping on a bench with a grocery bag at his feet, stagnant before the slapdash society? Maybe he wears a quill-face, thorn-like-whiskers in the raw air of the night. You know he is alive...

Homesick at Home (Poetry) 27-02-2008
by Lynne Lessard
From deep behind the bars of a dark room This young lady would come to see This crib could be her tomb Or her sanctuary Anxious for the future, anxious to be free From the dark loneliness of her prison She would not dare pause her...

Homie, Are you for real? (Poetry) 27-03-2007
by Racquel Nixon
This is for the women who have a victim of lame males trying to pick them up. Homie, are you for real? Seriously, What's the deal? Your game is weak. Guidance, is what you need to seek. Whispering, hollering, cat calls, oh god. No...

Homosexuals: Prisoniers d'opinions (Opinions) 26-05-2006
by Joel Nana
Ils sont neuf devant la barre, ils sont âgés de 18 à 37 ans, c’est la troisième fois qu’ils comparaissent devant le tribunal de première instance de Yaoundé depuis le 1er Juin 2005 date à laquelle ils ont étés écroués à la prison centrale de...

Homosexuels: Prisoniers d'opinions (Opinions) 26-05-2006
by Joel Nana
Ils sont neufs devant la barre, ils sont âgés de 18 à 37 ans, c’est la troisième fois qu’ils comparaissent devant le tribunal de première instance de Yaoundé Depuis le 1er Juin 2005 date à laquelle ils ont étés écroués à la prison centrale de...

Honor Killing a gross violence Aganist Women in Pakistan (Opinions) 17-02-2008
by imran khan laghari
Honor Killing: honor killing is a very old cultural practice of Pakistan in which male kill women relatives in the name of family honor. Thousands of Pakistani women and girls are killed every year by husbands, fathers or brothers who believe...

Hope Betrayed? (Poetry) 1-08-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Install a shining light in our presence At the end of the dark tunnel Open up the virtually closed doors Landscapes for prosperity in posterity A legacy that was poignantly messy Nurtured with political dexterity around the corners But we...

Hope – Her Future (Poetry) 8-10-2010
by Tokini Pax-Harry
Her face was well made up She looked a success She tried to carry herself With dignity and confidence she strode Yet there was something in her stride Something in her gait Something - No longer there Her face was well made up Her...

Hope, wish (Poetry) 5-08-2008
by Bilal Hamamra
To rest in the lap of happiness, Man struggles on. It is the noblest end we pin hope on. Blind hope our spirit with strength supplies. Our sick hope on light and pleasure wishes to lie. But inevitably to the shoreless sea blindness...

How can (Poetry) 19-11-2004
How can she say, “I don’t love you?” She doesn’t know what I’ve been through, Without your love, my heart’s in a maze, Searching with no end in sight For a love I know is right, My love I freely give to you A love that is sacred, a love that...

How can i create a positive change (Opinions) 18-12-2007
by Ajimokunola Babatunde
How can I create a positive change? Hhmm…an effort aimed at answering this question is like that of a scientist trying to answer the question of life itself ─how did life evolve? The complexity in the question “how can you create a positive...

How Do Children Suffer in Nepal due to the so-called Maoist Insurgency? (Short Story) 14-05-2002
by Yasmary Mora
The Maoist insurgency which commenced six years ago in Nepal had created many problems in this poor country. The insurgency is making the situation in the country more miserable day by day. The prerequisites of development are being destroyed by...

How I Sold Myself in the Emirates (Short Story) 12-06-2006
by Valentina Golovasin
This last year of my life had been the worst I remember. And I don’t think I’m just another depressed teenager. I had been a teenager for a short time and I wouldn’t pass through that period once again. I was a lonely and unhappy philosopher....

How schools are turning hopelessness to hope in rural Ghana (Opinions) 5-04-2007
by Rashid Zuberu
In the Upper Denkyira District of Ghana lie the small communities of Kramokrom, Camp, and Nyame Bekyere. These rural farming villages are located deep in the rain forest and lack many basic necessities. In total, there are over 500 inhabitants...

How the Left is Lost... (Opinions) 24-10-2003
by Mike Blanchard
It’s funny, isn’t it? There has existed at only a few times since the emergence of the post-modern age a situation where the right has had such an amount of vicious suspicion towards the left and where the left has had such a degree of contempt...

How the Post Soviet Collapse Influenced the Political Systems and Parties In Africa (Opinions) 10-11-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The Soviet Union finally collapsed in 1992, leaving in its wake countries that had been, in more than one way, over-reliant on it for the so-called alternative Balance of Power (BOP) phenomenon; an allegory of socio-economic and political...

How to Contribute to Solving Community Problems (Opinions) 23-08-2007
by Enoch Selbol Vyapdong Yarnap
Its’s true that the human community experiences great challenges from diverse aspects of life. Doubtlessly, individual and concerted efforts are often directed at reaching lasting solutions to these impediments to human comforts. The concept of...

How to Kill a lion (Opinions) 2-06-2007
by Muhammad Imran Shahid
In comercial banks how they will kill the Lion in a situation HSBC method: Hire a lion and ask him to meow like a cat . Give him lots of ESOPs and grass to eat. He will die eventually of hope and starvation. Citi method: Hire the...

Human Bombs (Poetry) 10-02-2006
by Anu maheshwari
And the mind reads what the lips dread to utter A hollow fear of the lonely weary wayfarer A world of incoherent whispers A tension between the strings of lyre Of mute melodies and jarring cacophonies Of fire and raging tempest Of shock,...

Human Peace: Is it Totally Achievable? (Opinions) 4-08-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
All over the world, people yearn for peace. But if we could just ask ourselves this hypothetical question; ‘Have we really done enough to achieve this?’ to me this answer lies just in front of our eyes. We are doing a lot to enhance human...

by umeche, chinedum ikenna
Before attempting an exposition of the topic, it is imperative to define the key concepts: “HUMAN RIGHTS”;” RULE OF LAW” AND “EMERGING DEMOCRACIES”. Human Rights are those rights which the international community recognizes as belonging to all...

HUMAN RIGHTS (Opinions) 15-10-2006
Well my perception on human rights is to look at our inclination towards our faith.As a muslim,islamic religion allows and permit equality and right for essentials basic of life.The roles of individual and our leaders has undermine this bottom...

Human Rights (Opinions) 7-06-2007
by Cyril France
Human Rights I believe Human rights are the rights people are entitled to simply because they are human beings, irrespective of their citizenship, nationalities, race, ethnicity, language, sex, sexuality or abilities. Human rights become...

Human Rights and Torture in Cameroon (Opinions) 22-12-2007
by akwalla Johanness
Torture is a serious violation of human rights and is strictly prohibited by international law. As the issue of torture strikes at the very heart of the civil and political freedom, it becomes the first issue that was dealt with by the United...

Human rights and youth leadership conference in USA (Short Story) 30-10-2006
by Shakti Ghimire
The UNESCO Chair & Institute of Comparative Human Rights at the University of Connecticut invited 30 young human rights leaders from around the world to participate in an inter-generational educational conference, held on August 7 - 13, 2005 at...

Human Rights Cannot Be 'Notwithstanding . . .' (Opinions) 25-04-2006
by James Campbell
April 25th was Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah). To commemorate the event, the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) created a Green Ribbon campaign, and urged all federal and provincial MP's, MPP's and MLA's to wear a green ribbon in their...

Human Rights Does not Destroy our Culture (Opinions) 19-08-2007
by Chris Rarumae
As a youth I used to have the same view as Mr. Leonard Olea (Solomon Star published on 20/ 07/07) with regards to human rights destroying our cultural values and traditional practices. However, after doing some readings I realize that this is a...

Human Rights in Pakistan (Opinions) 27-06-2004
by Muhammad Idrees Khan
Speaking constitutionally, Pakistan guarantees all the essential human rights to its citizens and persons living in Pakistan. Part II of the constitution is essentially devoted to fundamental rights. These rights include the inviolability of...

Human Security and International Stability (Opinions) 6-08-2007
by Eugenia Bivines
Africa's human development challenges are immense. This is not surprising, given the continent's history and geography, and its place in the global political economy today. Nor is this cause for despair. African struggles to meet these challenges...

Human Slavery in the 21st Century (Opinions) 20-09-2003
by MH
I recently read an article entitled "Human Slavery in the 21st century." in the National Geographic magazine. My eyes glared at the photos I saw; they were opened at the cruelty and injustice that people experienced. I love to learn, no, I do not...

i Always Hope (Poetry) 9-11-2006
by Rwax Qax
I hope that I will always be for each person what he or she needs me to be. I hope that each person's death will diminish me, but that fear of my own will never diminish my joy of life. I hope that my love for those whom I like will never lessen...

I Am Setting You Free... (Poetry) 3-12-2011
by jeane
I am setting you free From abuse and poverty I am setting you free From the streets where all The crimes exists I am setting you free come with me i am setting you free close your eyes and dream i am setting you free lets escape this...

I can't speak (Poetry) 21-04-2008
by R Kahendi
I want to write, but somehow I can’t. I see the images in my minds eye. I know the story, but the words are gone. Why? Can you understand the urgency behind my desire to write? Do you know how important it is for me to tell? I...

I have a Dream (Poetry) 2-02-2007
by friday solomon
I have a dream; a land, without prejudice of peace and tranquility. I have a dream; women, treated as equally as men, I have a dream; see love prevails hatred no more I have a dream; a land, no flood, drought-less, flueless,...

I Relate, Therefore I’m an African (Poetry) 18-05-2006
I relate, therefore I’m an African I relate to the oddness of not carrying an African name and the confusion of who I am…so ashamed I relate in carrying the identity of a once colonial master and being called a bastard I relate, therefore...

I want (Poetry) 6-05-2008
by Alexandra Cummings
I want a world where the voices of the poor won't haunt me anymore Where the people around me are no longer suffering Where war is something left to be taught in the history books Where genocide has never been heard of Where fantasy meets...

I want to be 'ME' (Poetry) 18-02-2007
by Mian M Adnan Amin
I may not have a perfect personality, but I'm 'ME' I may not be the most intelligent, but I'm 'ME' I may not meet every challenge that comes along, but I'm 'ME' I may not be "in", but I'm 'ME' 'ME' is sensitive, 'ME' is kind, 'ME' is...

I want to go (6 July 2008) (Poetry) 14-08-2008
by Ryno Julio Platt
I tried so hard to stay strong and I tried to carry on, I tried so hard to stay solid even though I was torn. I tried so hard to fight the tears and to fight my fears, I tried so hard to give my all during these last few years. My heart is...

I Was, I Am, I Am Going to Be (Poetry) 23-06-2004
by jeremy chaila
To start with I was, some cells, some fluids some water and flesh I was fragile and safe warm and innocent, one or two hairs to form my mesh I had food and shelter all I could ever need; I knew no fear or worry indeed I had a heart so tender...

ICT: Building the Information Resource Center for Water Resources in Africa (Opinions) 31-01-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
It has been often discussed how genetically modified food, commonly referred to as GM food, will help alleviate poverty and hunger in Africa and other regions. It is true that GM food can help alleviate food crises facing Africa and the world....

Idea sobre la impunidad y su solución (Opinions) 4-04-2005
by Gerardo Peña Franco
Hola, mi nombre es Gerardo Pena Franco, tengo 21 anos, soy de Culiacan Sinaloa, pero radico en Monterrey Nuevo Leon porque estudio en esta ciudad, en el ITESM la carrera de Ingeniero Mecanico Electricista con especializacion en Ingenieria...

Identidade latino –americana? (Opinions) 1-08-2007
by Diego do Nascimento Magalhaes
Identidade e integração Identidade latino –americana? Uma identidade latino-americana é difícil de ser esboçada. Acredito que o primeiro passo é uma reflexão de identidade. Devemos ou não continuar insistindo com essa proposta de identidade...

IDH Jovem, um instrumento de informações para a Juventude (Opinions) 10-11-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
A juventude já possui mais um instrumento de informações sobre as Mudanças Climáticas. Lançando neste segundo semestre pelo Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD) e a ONG inglesa Peace Child, o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano...

If I Were a Refugee (Poetry) 15-12-2008
by Meredith Flanner
If I were a refugee, it wouldn't be nice. I wouldn't be able to wash very often and all that I 'd eat, is rice. If i were a refugee, I wouldn't have a bed. So when I go to sleep at night, I'd have nowhere to rest my head. If i were a...

If I were in a position of authority (Poetry) 3-11-2004
by Oluyemisi Joel-Osebor (Nee Agboola)
If I were in a position of authority I would: - Always remember that if it were not for the electorate I would not be there - Remember people voted me into office because they believed in my manifesto and trusted that I could deliver - Be...

If I were in a wheelchair (Poetry) 23-08-2009
by calieel rashad amahad
If I were in a wheelchair I'd wish you would not stop and stare, Unless it was at the glare from my super fine hair. If I were in a wheelchair man, I would love to have ramps everywhere. If I were in a wheelchair I would love to play ball,...

If it glitters, it comes at a price (Short Story) 15-07-2008
by Juliejacqui
This is the story of Rita, a young woman whose life took a turn when she was seventeen years old. Rita was a high school student living in one of the slum areas of Nairobi called City Carton. She was in her final year, waiting to do her Kenya...

If Only… The clarion call (Poetry) 14-05-2007
by David Habba
If only Nigerian youths recognized their position in the polity If only we know our relevance to the development of our nation If only we begin thinking towards national development Giving up greed and personal gratification Recognizing that...

Illegimate International Debt (Opinions) 29-10-2003
by kristin haltinner
There are over 14 million orphaned children in Africa, a continent in which orphans would not have existed before the AIDS epidemic wiped out nearly an entire generation of people. According to the Global Exchange this number could escalate to 40...

Im a Child (Poetry) 19-09-2008
by Atta ur Rehman Qureashi
I am a child, Every one see me . What’s my condition? I have no house No Parents,No Friends, No food to eat, No Clothes to wear, No School for me to learn, I have No Money for these things. All of you people know very well about my...

IMAGINE (Poetry) 24-04-2012
by Cassie
Imagine in my world you couldn't get out of bed everyday. Scared to go back to school the next day. Imagine in my world you didnt feel safe anymore. Had no one to talk to. Imagine in my world all the bad names and things you have done to...

Immigration (Opinions) 18-09-2002
by mitch riley
I am going to write about people coming to Australia to live, and what I think should happen. Firstly, I believe that people coming to live in Australia, should have to learn English (if they don't speak it already) making it easier for people...

Immigration jugée coupable? (Opinions) 16-11-2005
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
Au moment où chaque peuple s'attèle à participer à la réalisation de la mondialisation pour que la terre soit un espace dans lequel chacun de ses habitants ait accés à une vie meilleure, on peut encore malheureusement lire, dans les discours des...

In appreciation... (Opinions) 1-08-2005
by Ruth
Greetings to ALL. Every morning when I woke up I used to question the way things stand in the world we live in. How communities shrug off the most inhumane abuse towards women, children and environmental rot?? And how we are still prepared...

In Awe of the Woman in Me (Poetry) 6-10-2008
by Sumukhi
The day I took shape in my mother's womb: She was happy with joy & didn't know what to expect. If it’s a girl, she said, 'I wont send her to the tomb' Be it a boy or a girl, the child gets the same respect. Being born as a girl, I was made...

In denial (Poetry) 6-12-2007
by Suraya Asmal
On the radio on the TV on the news Everywhere we go We hear of stories already told Of rapes, hijackings, robberies and murders Not escaping any all young and old Our corrupt leaders are being brought to trial Too soon released – what’s the...

In Memoriam: To Rajiv Gandhi (Poetry) 22-05-2004
by Madan G. Gandhi
(May 21, 1991) (i) Time casts ominous shadows, Lurid clouds of grief, Presaging many a shipwreck In its tempestuous swirls. Puzzled, I stand aghast Seeing my dear ones Being swallowed by engulfing gloom. (ii) Gosh! My mirror is...

In My Country (Nigeria)... (Poetry) 25-09-2003
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
Peace is snoring Enmity is reigning Freedom degrades Autocracy is exalted Violence is synonymous In my country Justice is limited Poverty is the victor Famine is sine qua non And killings are necessary In my country Democracy is in...

In Our Kingdom (Poetry) 19-01-2007
by Awa Innocent Ndah
In our kingdom peace reigns from north to south If not for their flashy and stereotype norms. In our kingdom nobody is a persona non Grata Because we do not have clench teeth guards In armors fiercely ready to pounce on “immigrants.” In our...

In the name of International Aid (Opinions) 12-09-2007
by Harini Dias Bandaranayake
Having been a part of an international organization for humanitarian relief work, I have come to mature in my thinking of the world’s ways, views and sadly, have also come to feel somewhat jaded about the modus operandi of the monster mechanism of...

In the name of international aid (Opinions) 3-09-2007
by Harini Dias Bandaranayake
Having been a part of an international organization for humanitarian relief work, I have come to mature in my thinking of the world’s ways, views and sadly- have also come to feel somewhat jaded about the modus operandi of the monster mechanism of...

In the Vanguard of Greed (Short Story) 22-05-2008
by Saintmoses Eromosele
SCENE ONE {A bar. Three young men are sitting in the bar, drinking palm wine and playing draughts. As the lights beam onto the stage, Wole is heard shouting in protest, while the other two roar with laughter.} WOLE: - {Turning the tables...

Independence (Opinions) 14-09-2006
by Mbũrũ Kamau
When we hear of the word ‘independence’, what comes into our minds? What does it imply to us on a daily basis? Independence means autonomous, liberated, neutral, non-aligned, self-determining and self-governing or sovereign. It could also mean...

Individuality (Poetry) 7-11-2003
by sidney
I told everyone that I would complete this mind-field of a task Even if it was at my own peril I have not chosen that path of least resistance But instead dive into unknown territory without any compass Fear pumps through my veins destroying...

Indulged (Short Story) 18-10-2005
by sophie
As she drifts patiently upon this earth, waiting for something real to fall upon herself, it arrives unexpectedly. It exists beyond the flesh, within the energy that is now born. The red flag boldly appears blinding her from all else. It allures...

Inequal Opportunity - Politicians are neglecting aboriginal education (Opinions) 29-09-2008
by Simon Child
Politicians should be treating the causes not the symptoms when it comes to problems with the aboriginal education system As British Columbian students returned to school last month, some students returned to schools with new renovations, a...

Information as social empowerment (Opinions) 21-10-2007
by Jeff Mowatt
As one whose career in IT began in the 60s what we call the digital divide hasn't been a particular problem for me. It was not until the 90s, and even more in the last few years that the real potential in the developing world became clear....

Infrastructure of Inequality (Opinions) 20-03-2002
by Phillip A. Dawid
Question: How are inequalities within and between societies being maintained, and how are they being challenged? Do you think these challenges can reduce structural inequalities? Why and/or Why not? Societies have always had intrinsic flaws...

Innocence Undone (Opinions) 11-12-2003
by Laaama Gwaandbe
We as Americans are so concerned about the preservation of our rights. We have the right to say what we want, the right to print what we want, the right to have guns, the right to a fair trial by jury, and so much more. What about our right to...

Innocent Glaze (Poetry) 17-10-2003
by Don'tBeAShreya
Too innocent for love too innocent for life too innocent to know what is wrong or what is right Someday will come when the innocence has fleet The inner voice will come out from beneath Maturity shall rise and all innocence will leave...

Innocent until proven guilty and equal in the eyes of the law? (Opinions) 14-10-2002
by Jordan
On October 9th, 2002, I attended the Ontario Courthouse in Brampton, Ontario to observe a legal aid case dealing with a twenty year old was being tried for possession of a firearm. When I arrived the courthouse was slowly beginning to fill up,...

Inside or Outside? (Opinions) 11-01-2005
by Rana Lotfy
In a world which regards appearances as a free ticket to get anywhere, do anything, and be anyone, the number of women undergoing cosmetic surgery is increasing. I guess the idea "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" has become outdated, huh?...

Inside the Court Room in Delhi with Thanks! (Short Story) 18-02-2007
by shakil
I struggled. I used my sides to cleave though the milling crowd, inside the small low ceiling, packed courtroom, meeting with thuds and clicks and angry glares of protestations. The blue padded low seats on either side were fully occupied....

Interacting in a Democracy (Opinions) 27-08-2003
From Aristotle, Hobbes, Hamilton, Madison and Jay down to Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and Mandela search for democracy either by individuals, philosophers, activists, academicians, or democratic institutions has been endless. Nations today...

Interests Behind War (Opinions) 20-03-2009
by Yagmurov Farhad
“…Early in the morning, the sun has risen and birds are already singing songs making all livings happy about the coming day. A usual farmer stands in the field and looks into a distance. Everything is calm and quiet. Suddenly, he hears a noise. It...

International Human Rights and Political Realism in the 21st Century (Opinions) 24-10-2003
by Nima Shirali
Recent trends, which have contributed to shaping prevalent, universalized norms, are of significant importance, upon pursuit of the study of human rights in an international context. Such trends have been formed, and accredited with the...

International Responsibility (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Madelaine
Yes, we are frustrated. Yes, it is about time governments around the world make the promise of cutting the world’s poverty by half. And yes, we are tired of promises being broken by national governments. Yet, Canadian youths are not...

Internet, Jóvenes y Participación (Opinions) 5-04-2007
by Damian Profeta
Nota : Este artículo fue presentado originariamente como parte integrante del trabajo " Juventud y TICs: una relación con mucho futuro " realizado y publicado por el Portal de Juventud para América Latina y el Caribe en abril de 2007...

Intervención en representación del Perú, en la II Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jóvenes (Opinions) 7-02-2008
II Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jóvenes Hotel Auditórium Madrid, España 1 de diciembre de 2007 Intervención en representación del Perú, en la II Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jóvenes Por Christian Pardo Reyes (*) Presidente de la Internacional...

Interview de Marion Viau (Canada) (Interviews) 22-03-2008
Né en France, Marion Viau réside à Montréal. Elle a accepté de partager un peu de son univers avec la communauté francophone de TakingITGlobal. Bonjour Marion, pourrais tu te présenter à nos lecteurs ? En fait qui es Marion Viau ? Je...

Interview de Maxime YAO KONAN, leader national de YES (Youth Employment System) Cote d'Ivoire (Interviews) 27-05-2008
• Tu es né à Anyama en Cote d’Ivoire. Décris nous un peu ta ville natale, ce qui te relie à elle encore aujourd’hui ? Anyama est une banlieue située à 50 km du District d’Abidjan. Elle a une population estimée à près de 150.000 habitants. C’est...

Interview with a Young Activist (Interviews) 22-07-2004
by aclam
Ann Nguyen is a Year 11 student from Sacred Heart College, Geelong VIC, Australia. She is one of the leaders of the Social Justice Committee at her school. Amy Lam: Why are you interested in social justice/ refugee issues? What inspired you...

Invisible (Poetry) 29-06-2005
by Jurina Smith
A child whose cries are unheard Unheard silence of tears Tears that haunt her soul into womynhood And here she stands Petrified by her past, but no one will listen Frightened by the unknown—a scared voice left to lay low Lay low—in silence...

Is it Neo-Slavery? (Poetry) 17-06-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
It is inimical, criminal and bestial Especially when a child Is forcefully taken on the road To work as slaves in oddity; Sometimes the oldest is eleven. They are sometimes Isolated from the outside world For a long period of time They...

by Enefe,
Over time, I have listened to the flimsy excuse by Nigerians that say the prolonged stay of the military has hampered development in Nigeria. And our mischievous and dubious leaders have always articulated this reason for their non-performance...

Is There Another “Apartheid”? (Opinions) 18-05-2005
by Romi Nhung
I was staggered to hear my favourite newsreader had committed suicide because of “it”. Two days later, I read from the Tienphong newspaper a tragic story about “its” other victim. These two recent sad news made me worried about “its” alarming,...

Is This Democracy? (Opinions) 16-06-2003
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
To many people, democracy is a representative system of government that allows people to vote for the leaders of their choice through a free and fair election. Yes, that is true! In civilised societies, democratic government encourages the rule...

Is this Democracy? (Opinions) 16-06-2003
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
To many people, democracy is a representative system of government that allows people to vote for the leaders of their choice through a free and fair election. Yes, that is true! In civilised societies, democratic government encourages the rule...

Is “Behaviour Change” The Ultimate Solution? (Opinions) 12-12-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Every now and then, ones hears of the arguments for ABC (Abstinence-Be Faithful-use Condom) as ways of combating the ever rising cases of HIV/Aids in the world. More often than not, however, these ideas end up in deaf ears, even though we have to...

Israel, America and The World (Opinions) 14-10-2002
by Bobo
With the heavy losses the Palestinians are suffering on daily basis, in terms of human life, freedom of movement, and economic activity, it is only logical that they would desire nothing more than a peace settlement and an end to their 52 years of...

IT ALL BEGINS WITH ME (Opinions) 30-07-2007
by karen wanjiru
In my country, it is said corruption is a cancer, I do not agree with that wholly. It is true that it is like a disease, but not cancer. Cancer has a tone of doom to it because as we know it has no cure. It appears as though, we have accepted the...

It is your choice now! (Poetry) 11-09-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Many people have lived in fear. For many a day we have not chosen our way. We do not understand what we read nor hear. Some of us think it's just what we have to say. Our statements are true- for only short times. Until they're approved...

It's our Generation that will do It (Opinions) 13-04-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
The moment I hear them mention poverty My mind reminds me of the future there is no future with poverty it is a lost future in the face of poverty Our leaders needs to speak out our teachers needs to teach us our youth needs to live...

It's That Time of the Year Again (Poetry) 25-12-2005
by Anu maheshwari
It’s that time of the year again The time we all wait for All year through A fresh new year With a ray of hope Ushering in a chance To make up For all our past follies To begin anew Broken relationships To help those In need To...

Italy: struggling for equality between North and South (Opinions) 4-07-2007
by Valentina S.
After centuries of territorial fragmentation, my country gained independence and unity in 1861. Still, there was a long way to reach unity of language (people used local dialects to communicate), culture, political/social/economic awareness of...

Jettisson! (Poetry) 16-01-2006
by gabriel babatunde oluwakorede
In the middle of the turbulent sea Our ship is at the verge of wreckage People on the shore scream As we cry for survival What do we do When a kingdom is collapsing How do we survive The damage inflicted by The political godfathers Our...

José BOVE à Montréal : "Globaliser la lutte pour globaliser l’espoir" (Opinions) 18-11-2008
La conférence d’ouverture des JQSI : La conférence d’ouverture des Journées Québécoises de la solidarité internationale, intitulée : Quels défis pour un monde sans faim ? a fait salle comble! En effet, plus de 150 personnes (étudiants,...

Journal of Misery and Hope (Opinions) 27-12-2002
by Rashid Zuberu
Mary is 12 years old from Denu, a small town in the Volta Region of Ghana. She was just nine years of age when she was separated from a her mother. Mary recalls one sunny afternoon when a woman, that her mother told her was her aunty, came to...

Journée Mondiale du Commerce Equitable 2007 contre les accords commerciaux inéquitables entre l'Europe, l'Afrique, les Caraïbes et le Pacifique. (Opinions) 5-06-2007
La Plateforme des Etudiants Africains pour un Commerce Equitable (PEACE) en partenariat avec OXFAM International, Sup de Co Dakar, les Associations des étudiants et jeunes et autres organisations de la Société Civile du Sénégal ont organisé le...

Journée Mondiale du Commerce Equitable 2008 - Pour une consommation locale (Opinions) 13-05-2008
La population africaine devrait passer de 832 millions en 2002 contre 1,8 milliards en 2050. Face à ces tendances démographiques fortes qui marqueront les prochaines décennies, quel sera le sort du continent africain? Continent qui représente de...

Journey into Darkness (Short Story) 11-09-2005
by May Fawaz
The first time I saw Fatima was on a TV show called “People’s Talk”, where she had appeared to describe her experience with AIDS. Her face was covered and her voice distorted so that she would remain anonymous. She spoke shamefully, cried, and...

Jóvenes que hacen cosas diferentes: De ser parte del problema a ser parte de la solución. (Opinions) 10-10-2008
by Reiner Mora
Los jóvenes obtienen una cierta satisfacción al quejarse por los problemas que los rodean, parecen liberarse de una innombrable “culpa”, dejando en otros las responsabilidades sociales y el trabajo sucio. Sin embargo, esa actitud reprochable, ha...

Jóvenes voluntarios por Cartagena (Interviews) 1-04-2008
by Rosa Isabel Montero Torres
Con el ánimo de poner el potencial juvenil al servicio del progreso de su ciudad, el Consejo Distrital de Juventud de Cartagena, hizo el día jueves 27 de marzo de este año, el lanzamiento de uno de sus más importantes programas de proyección...

Jovenes, organizaciones juveniles y cohesion social (Opinions) 2-05-2008
by Marioliva González
INTRODUCCION Por primera vez en la historia de la humanidad, el mundo es joven, la primera generación constituida por alrededor de 1700 millones de jóvenes de 15 a 24 años de edad. Casi el 20% de la población a nivel mundial. De estos, el 86%...

Jovens do outro lado do mundo, mas com os olhos no Brasil (Opinions) 5-06-2004
by Mateus Fernandes
Parlamento Internacional de Juventude Existe no jovem um grande potencial para ser protagonista e empreender no contexto social em que vive. Uma dificuldade que se tem apresentado à juventude é encontrar os meios de participação – o que,...

Judge Not (Poetry) 31-01-2006
by Gordon Nicol
Judge a man, not by the colour of his face Judge a man, not by the name of his race Judge a man, not by the nature of his creed But judge a man, by the measure of his deeds For there are many good Arabs and many good Muslims Many a poor...

Jungle Justice for Pot Belly Men in Africa (Poetry) 28-05-2004
by Simon
in Africa especially my country Nigeria men with pot bellies have been made synonymous with wealth wealth that has been gotten through their ill ways they do not mind how it came or whose life is lost in the process now we set up for this...

Just Skimming the Surface of Privatization!!!!! and its possible effects (Opinions) 13-11-2002
by Madeeha Saleem
Privatization involves delegating functions, responsibilities and activities that have traditionally been carried out by the public sector to private sector providers. The last decade has seen a radical revolution all over the world in the...

Justice (Poetry) 28-06-2008
by sharon
Who are you to speak to me that way? Who are you to look at me with such disdain? Where is it written that you are superior? And who gives you the right to belittle me? Your hypothesis can get you nowhere. Your initiative is no example to...

Justice Beyond the Grave! (Poetry) 19-10-2004
by Henry Ekwuruke
Justice is never dead and neither negotiatable Grave they also say have no ear Therefore never can hear The voice that roam the world! So those who have crawled Beneath the earth Shall not blame death It has been involved The world now...

Justice for Palestine (Opinions) 9-09-2006
by Bahjat
Palestine is considered a strife-torn region of the world. It's also known as the largest prison in the world. Since 1948 Gaza and West Bank have become home to many Palestinian refugees. In Gaza about 1.4 million people live in an area only 40 km...

Justice in the Egyptian Legal System (Opinions) 11-10-2008
by Ahmed
Have you ever found someone shouting: “this is not fair!!”, have you ever went to talk to your boss or dad or whoever superior you and said: “well, I think this is not just, I have more rights to take!!”?!! When you try to identify your rights...

Justice!!! (Opinions) 31-12-2003
by Timmy
JUSTICE !!! JUSTICE!!! Even very young children know what justice is. They certainly have no difficulty recognizing any infringement of it. Justice is the virtue that promotes fairness between Individuals and in the society at large. Unlike...

Juventud y Desarrollo: Los jóvenes argentinos vistos desde el Índice de Desarrollo Humano 2005 (Opinions) 27-12-2005
by Luis Irigoytia
El 15 de diciembre de 2005, la oficina Argentina del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo presentó su Informe sobre el Desarrollo Humano para Argentina. Este informe, el cual se realiza a nivel mundial (1) y nacional, es muestra de...

Juventud, Cambio Climático y Salud (Opinions) 27-08-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Vivimos ahora un período muy interesante de nuestra historia en la odisea terrestre. Es un momento que exige la reformulación de nuestro comportamiento ante la naturaleza y ante la propia civilización humana. Según el filósofo Guattari, vivimos la...

KÉNWIGBARA (Poetry) 7-04-2006
Kέnwigbara, Several times I’ve thought of you. I think of your battered harbors, Memories of colonial cultivations On the affluent oil river; I think of your narrow-potopotric Streets endangered more by The debris of their old castles;...

Kenya Referendum (Nov 2005): The Verdict on the Draft Constitution (Opinions) 24-11-2005
by Martin Tairo
With the completion of the much-awaited referendum process, it is time for Kenyans to sit back and reflect on the tides and turns, examine the effect of their decision to reject the draft, and in consultation with their leaders, chant their way...

Kindness is human (Poetry) 17-06-2009
by Dereje Amera
( Loving and Caring : picture by Krishna Giri ) One is created as human To be kind and good to all. Who created cruel, which comes from inside Making others suffer and think of evil? When living as good is still a choice, Thinking holy...

Kiryat Arba' - the difficulties of peace between Israelis and Palestinians (Opinions) 15-07-2008
by M J
After Israel prevailed in the war with the Arab countries in 1967, the Israelis began to govern the West Bank, which had been under Jordanian control before the war, and Gaza strip, which had been under Egyptian control before the war. The...

Know what? (Poetry) 25-04-2007
Know what? It’s not the mindset we carry From the hoods of childhood That imprisons us in cocoons. Know what? It’s not the ephemeral drumbeats Or the jingles of commercialization That drives humanity close to insanity. Know what?...

Kofi Annan - Quel Homme, quelles paroles! (Opinions) 1-08-2007
Kofi Annan - Quel Homme, quelles paroles! «Aujourd'hui nous vivons dans un monde où un homme a plus de chances d'être jugé s'il tue une seule personne que s'il en tue 100 000 !» Kofi Annan - Le Nouvel Observateur «Le monde se définit non...

L'acculturation est la règle et non l'exception! (Opinions) 28-02-2008
Je propose d'arrêter tant soit peu le temps sur un terme qui fait polémique ici et là-bas et de façon séculaire: la culture. Les littératures semblent s'accorder à la définir comme l'ensemble des traits distinctifs, tant spirituels, affectifs,...

L'iPhone et désert. (Opinions) 17-01-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Il y a quelques mois le monde découvrait l’iPhone, le nouvel appareil multifonctionnelle fascinant et révolutionnaire d’Apple. Il a donné au monde un avant-goût de ce que sera ce siècle naissant : innovant et impressionnant. Mais pour le reste...

L'iPhone et le désert. (Opinions) 13-01-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Il y a quelques mois le monde découvrait l’iPhone, le nouvel appareil multifonctionnelle fascinant et révolutionnaire d’Apple. Il a donné au monde un avant-goût de ce que sera ce siècle naissant : innovant et impressionnant. Mais pour le reste de...

La "Communauté Internet" dans les débats de la Gouvernance Internet (Opinions) 16-06-2008
by Pascal Bekono
La Gouvernance Internet est une vaste thématique en construction. L’émergence de l’Internet à susciter l’apparition de divers acteurs tant du coté politique que technique, au vu de toutes les activités qui y sont liées. L’une des questions...

La belle et le clochard (Short Story) 31-08-2008
by Safa Mahjoub
Elle ne put que dire un seul mot et unique mot: "Adieu". Ce fut, d'ailleurs, le dernier mot qu'elle prononça. Elle ferma les yeux. Elle se sentit étourdie, les membres engourdis, la tête lourde, la gorge sèche et les mains froides... Les idées se...

La belle et le clochard (Short Story) 31-08-2008
by Safa Mahjoub
Elle ne put que dire un seul mot et unique mot: "Adieu". Ce fut, d'ailleurs, le dernier mot qu'elle prononça. Elle ferma les yeux. Elle se sentit étourdie, les membres engourdies, la tête lourde, la gorge sêche et les mains froides... Les idées...

La citadelle du silence... (Opinions) 17-10-2005
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
L'un des huits objectifs du millénaires est de promouvoir l'égalité et l'autonomisation de la femme. Autrement dit > Cependant, le respect des Droits de l'homme est le fondement d'un développement social qui se veut équitable. Il faut donc...

La desigualdad social y una posible solución: la educación en valores humanos (Opinions) 12-11-2003
by Ciro Gabriel Avruj
En esta presentación trataré de hacer un breve esbozo sobre la realidad política de mi país, la Argentina, y me enfocaré en los temas específicos en los que vengo trabajando desde hace años: la integración y los valores. Creo que el país saldrá...

La discriminación en los tiempos del CONAJU (Opinions) 7-06-2008
by Giovanny Manuel Romero Infante
Reflexiones acerca de la Convención Iberoamericana de los Derechos de los Jóvenes, su mutilación en el Consejo Nacional de la Juventud y el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos Giovanny Manuel Romero Infante (Lima, 1988). E-mail:...

LA FAMILLE (Poetry) 23-10-2007
by kambulu mande henri lopez
La famille Dans les pires et durs moments Elle est là, Dans les sombres décalages des temps, Elle nous restera fidèle comme l’au-delà. Pour elle, pardon veut dire Considérer le fait sans racine En dépit de l’offense sans...

La France ne respecte pas le droit au logement des minorités (Opinions) 27-09-2005
by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
ENAR exprime son inquiétude face à la réaction des pouvoirs publics français après la mort de 24 Africains, dont 18 enfants, en août dernier dans les incendies d'immeubles vétustes et dangereux dans lesquels ils résidaient. Les deux incidents, qui...

La guagua (Short Story) 30-03-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
Bajaba por el camino cementado que cortaba en la calle, dejada la rotonda, para continuar a unos pasos más adelante. Vestía una camisa azul de manga larga y un pantalón negro. Era mulato y llevaba en su cabeza el recuerdo de los seis primeros...

La jeunesse est-elle responsable? (Opinions) 16-11-2007
by Youths Ahead!
La jeunesse est –elle responsable ? Une question intéressante. Tellement importante qu’on a du mal à y répondre, du moins de manière claire et précise. Mais tout dépend et avant tout de ce que l’on entend par responsabilité. Est-ce le fait...

La lutte contre le changement climatique : un impératif de solidarité humaine dans un monde divisé (Opinions) 17-08-2008
by MOMBO NZIENGUI Rostano Eloge
Le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD-Gabon) met en garde contre l’impact des changements climatiques lors de ses Journées portes ouvertes organisées au Centre Culturel Français Saint-Exupéry de Libreville Le Programme des...

La lutte contre le racisme doit se poursuivre en Europe (Opinions) 27-09-2005
by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
Au cours de son allocution d'ouverture à la 22ème réunion du Conseil d'administration du Réseau européen contre le racisme (ENAR), le Président, Bashy Quraishy, a commémoré les victimes des attentats de Londres et déploré les réactions violentes...

La medicina natural para incidir políticamente (Opinions) 29-11-2008
by Gabriela Calles
La medicina natural o alternativa, es muy utilizada por las comunidades campesinas del Ecuador, un ejemplo lo encontramos en el Cantón Guamote de la Provincia de Chimborazo, Parroquia Cebadas, sus habitantes mayoritariamente campesinos la...

La Motivation des Militaires, une Condition Essentielle pour la Restauration et la Sauvegarde de la Paix en Republique Democratique du Congo (RDC)? (Opinions) 30-11-2008
by Dr. Joseph YAV
I. Position du problème Après des longues années d’instabilités et d’insécurités, la population de République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) était en droit de croire en une nouvelle ère, après les élections au niveau national et provincial et...

La muerte de Pinochet (Opinions) 19-07-2007
by Manuel José Chocano
En marzo de 1954, el secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Ch. Wilson declaro: “Los Estados Unidos lo mismo que Rusia tienen de ahora en adelante el poder de aniquilar el mundo entero.” No aniquilaron el mundo entero, pero estuvieron cerca de...

La niña y el buitre (Opinions) 6-07-2007
by Laura Müller
RULETA URBANA La niña y el buitre Abril 1994: Kevin Carter veía realizado el mayor sueño de su vida; por fin era el mejor, había logrado el sueño de cualquier fotógrafo; ganar el premio Pulitzer. Su fotografía dió la vuelta al mundo, es una...

La pluma de aguila (Poetry) 3-12-2003
by German Augusto de la Espriella
LA PLUMA Mi vida trascurre en un inmenso bosque Lleno el de sueños y realizaciones Carencias y frustraciones Acaricie el fruto de sus más escondidos placeres Tome uno a uno de sus caminos de tal manera que: A veces me siento vago y a...

La Universidad de las Madres (Interviews) 29-10-2006
by Sebastián Galanternik
En el mes de las inscripciones universitarias, al menos en lo que respecta a la Argentina, Interjóvenes estuvo entrevistando a la Secretaria Académica de la Universidad Popular de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo, la licenciada en ciencias...

La violencia de la no violencia. (Short Story) 27-12-2005
by Julián Pablo Sinesi
Hace casi dos años tuve la oportunidad vivir en el país que, según la ONU en aquel momento, tenía la mejor calidad de vida en el mundo: Canadá. Lo primero que hice fue hacer un curso de francés para extranjeros en la ciudad de Québec. En ese...

Lamjung: Armed Conflict & Its Impact Upon Youth (Opinions) 28-06-2006
by Shakti Ghimire
Geographic Region Lamjung, a district that falls under the western development region, lies in the Gandaki Zone of Nepal. The district, which is the home of approximately two lakhs (200,000) people, has a literacy rate of 56%. There are 61...

Land of my Birth (Opinions) 19-07-2004
by Mwangi munyua
Perhaps I wouldn't claim to be an expert or much informed on refugees and refugee issues but what I have may be enriching to the debate on Refugees. I'm 19 and writing from Kitale, Kenya. Although I don't really consider myself one, I could be...

Langage comme Violence, Violence comme Language - Et la violence fut... (Poetry) 30-06-2005
Et la violence fut... Parole acerbe, langue perverse… Apre misère des maux vocifère Douceur amère au goût acre La violence est un plat qui se mange froid Sang couleur Jouissance éphémère Frappante, Virulente, Écœurante Sang Saveur...

Language as violence, (Opinions) 29-06-2005
by simeon ifarinde
The earth was spun out of violence; the big bang theory and the most subtle aspect all religions account of creation lies in the spoken word. It clearly tolls the line of violence creating the universe, acting on the forces of...

Language as Violence, Violence as Language: Expression of Violence as a Substitute for Communication (Poetry) 29-05-2005
by Odimegwu Onwumere
The youths' means for communication Ignorance is a pandemic as is HIV/AIDS. Train him, control him and care for him. It's disgusting to neglect his fundamental needs and pleas It's injurious to see him grow branchless in the norm, hale and...

Las hermanas Mirabal: heroínas de la no violencia (Short Story) 7-08-2007
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
La tarde del día 25 de noviembre de 1960, la República Dominicana se vistió de luto. Ese luto aceleraría los hechos para que seis meses después el país se liberara del manto que le cubrió por años. Se trata del día en que las hermanas Minerva,...

Le berceau de mes ancêtres (Opinions) 9-10-2008
by Youths Ahead!
L’enfer des prisons camerounaises est celui décrit par Dante, où les âmes damnées par la société et le pouvoir politique sont tourmentées par les démons de l’oppression. Personne ne peut y survivre. Un feu incendiaire détruisait, il y a...

Le blocage des Fang au Gabon (Opinions) 5-08-2005
by Abbé Dimitri
Pour nous definir, nous devons nous situer vis-à-vis de notre culture. Le terme culture n'est pas moins équivoque. Ainsi , l'homme cultivé est celui qui sait situer ses connaissances et reflechir. Nous parlons aujourd'hui de la lutte contre...

Le cobaye africain (Opinions) 16-02-2009
by Ludewic Mac Kwin De Davy
Terre d’éternels conflits armés, vaste cimetière à ciel ouvert où sont enterrées chaque année des millions de personnes, désert des économies flouées et des rêves spoliées, l’Afrique est aussi l’eldorado des firmes pharmaceutiques internationales...

Le langage comme violence, la violence comme langage (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Francis Cardinal
Bamako Mali. Dans la plupart des pays du Sud, la jeunesse n’a pas encore l’accès, sinon, le droit, de se prononcer publiquement sur des sujets sociaux tels que les Objectifs du Millénaire (OMD). Dans ces pays, la culture dit que le droit de...

Le souverain au Cameroun (Opinions) 3-09-2007
by Youths Ahead!
Le principe électif est fondamental dans le fonctionnement de la démocratie. C’est pourquoi les pays qui se veulent démocratiques ont recours périodiquement aux consultations électorales pour choisir leurs représentants. Le droit de vote n’est...

Le suicide : le dernier tabou africain (Opinions) 9-10-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Il y a quelques jours, Myriam a été retrouvée morte dans sa chambre. A coté de son corps inerte, se trouvait un flacon de comprimés entièrement vidé. C’était une adolescente qui allait encore au collège à Yaoundé. Personne n’a rien vu venir. En...

Leave Things As They Are (Short Story) 5-09-2006
by Mbũrũ Kamau
I do not know why she had to kill herself. We loved each other so much despite our age difference. I was still trying to figure out whether to go for one among the many when she quickly bumped into me and openly declared her love for me. At first,...

Leave Yourself to Dreaming (Poetry) 10-03-2009
by noha mohamed hesham moustafa metwally
"Leave your imagination for a few minutes free, and give me your hand, come dream with me, of a world of a so much better future, of a sensitive human, not a cold-hearted sculpture, dream of a child so happy and secure, dream of relationships...

Lebanon Crisis vs. The World: Don't Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk. Help. (Opinions) 25-07-2006
by Parker
Today I ate a delicious dinner with my family. I went to work and laughed with co-workers about nonsense. I messaged a friend to tell her I loved her. Today I read a book written by a literary genius and watched a movie produced by a film mogul....

Legalizing prostitution: right or wrong? (Opinions) 25-10-2008
by Fred Amese
Sex is not illegal, neither is payment, so why should a combination of the two be? Prostitution is the oldest profession, so let us legalize it. These are some of the points often raised by the proponents of the call for legalizing sex trade....

Les democraticides africaines (Opinions) 9-10-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Ils s’appellent Wilfried et Ferdinand. Personne ne se souvient d’eux aujourd’hui, pourtant cela fait cinq mois seulement qu’ils sont tombés dans les rues de Douala, fauchés par les balles des forces de l’ordre. Des noms de jeunes qui sont allés...

Les kamikazes sociaux du 21e siècle et les chemins de l’espoir. (Opinions) 13-01-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Ils sont des milliers chaque année à s’échouer sur les plages blanches de l’autre coté de la mer rouge, à défier les murs de fer barbelé couvrant sur les frontières occidentales. Ils sont des centaines chaque jour à tenter l’aventure de leur vie...

Les Larmes du monde - I - (Extrait du recueil de poésie, Les larmes du monde (Poetry) 27-01-2006
by Ndzakou- Nkiandzo Denise
Depuis que la suie est maîtresse du monde, Le long des routes, il y a des tombes. Dans ces tombes, il y a des maux. Des pensées pauvres sacrifices à la seule mort. Enfants de cette terre. Errance, de ta croix les francs ont scarifiés mes...

Les larmes du monde- II - (Extrait du recueil de poésie, Les larmes du monde (Poetry) 27-01-2006
by Ndzakou- Nkiandzo Denise
La mitraille se fait guide spirituel des hommes. Facile, les vils déracinent sans scrupule les civils. Feu, flammes ! Quelle soif dans cette république ! Ô, feu ! Cessez donc ces meurtres en série ? Enfants de cette terre. Des...

Lesotho elections: SADC Chair needs to live up to gender commitment (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
When Lesotho went to the polls on 17 February, voter turn out was high. Women’s participation increased significantly since the last election, yet is still far from the 50% target set by the Southern African Development Community (SADC). In...

Less talk, more action (Opinions) 6-06-2008
Congratulations to you, my fellow advocates all around the world. How was last month? I hope it was splendid, exciting. I hope that this month will give us ample opportunity to make a greater impact in our world. To those who have been responding...

LESSONS FROM THE HOLOCUAST (Opinions) 20-01-2007
by Lucky Musonda
INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY: LESSONS FOR ZAMBIA By Musonda Lucky (YUNA-Zambia Secretary General) Background Out of curiosity, one would wonder what really the term holocaust means; the New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of the...

Lest We Forget (Opinions) 28-06-2007
by Jocelyn Sweet
Child labour takes all sorts of forms. Boys wash city buses in Mexico. Girls sell kebabs in Ghana and fruit in Bangladesh. Some sell themselves in Thailand. Boys kill each other in Uganda. All around them, their societies function and accept their...

Let the 'Braves' be 'Braver' (Opinions) 2-04-2005
Sarita Tyagi, Swati Tyagi, Sunita Devi, Sushma Rani, Neelam Rani – the teenager bravery award winners of 2003 were highlighted in all the leading newspapers of India on 20 January, 2004. They belong to the state of Haryana and participated in the...

Let the children play (Poetry) 8-01-2010
by Felista Wambui Wangari
Remember when children used to play Not a care, not a worry Just fiddling with clay Remember how they ran about Rolling in the playing fields Laughing, loving the bright blue sky Enjoying childhood: a time to play Who wonders where the...

Let's Open Our Eyes (Opinions) 7-07-2003
by George Gardashian
It is 7:00 AM in the morning right now. Yes, I have been awake all night. The Isreali soldiers that came and parked on the private road near our house made sure of that through their loud chattering, through their entering into our private...

Letter to Dua (Poetry) 8-01-2009
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Sir, I was there the other day on the squash court with you, I saw your fingers, your grip and vouch your stamina, but Sir, Do you believe that your death is possible if you think alone about your responsibility ? Sorry i said it Sir,...

Lettre de l'esperance pour un nouveau monde (Opinions) 21-05-2009
by Max Jean-Louis
Très chers amis, Très récemment, j'ai rencontré une personne formidable, une âme libre, une personne visionnaire. En tant que jeune de 18 ans, engagé dans des associations à vocations humanitaires et culturelles depuis l'âge de 15 ans,...

Let’s find a way… (Poetry) 8-04-2008
by Carlos
The key to changing the future is starting to help in our own neighborhoods. I will donate a pound of food to a food bank on my way to my destination! I will donate clothes I don’t wear anymore to a homeless shelter! I will learn about...

LiberArte (Interviews) 28-11-2005
by María Laura Caraballo
Como jóvenes, muy pocas son las veces que encontramos, los espacios adecuados para expresarnos, los medios serios y bienintencionados donde poder llevar a cabo acciones productivas y concretas. Sin embargo aún nos quedan alternativas sumamente...

Liberdade Liberdade? (Opinions) 9-06-2005
by Mariana Alves Rosa
Quando você pensa na palavra liberdade, qual a imagem que vem à sua cabeça? Qual o tipo de som, de movimento, de forma, de conteúdo, qual é o SEU tipo de liberdade? "Liberdade é poder ir e vir quando se quiser"-diriam uns-"Liberdade é poder se...

Liberians Need Peace (Short Story) 4-07-2003
by Joseph H. Kebbie
(CNN) -- George W. Bush has said Liberian President Charles Taylor must leave, as Washington considers sending American troops to the war-torn nation. "One thing that needs to happen is Mr. Taylor needs to leave," Bush told CNN. "I think most...

Liberty v. Security:Where the line should be drawn in fighting terrorism (Opinions) 25-02-2006
by Wilfred Mamah
Liberty and constraint are not new phenomena, but striking a proper balance between the two has always been problematic. There seems to be a consensus, however, that freedom in a concrete sense does not imply the absence of constraint. This...

Libya....Revolutions... (Opinions) 27-02-2011
by bia
I've always believed that all the wars worldwide are the fault of the people obsessed with money and power. But when I heard on the news that Gadaffi said that those who sustain him should gain entry in the revolutionary's houses and kill them, I...

Life (Poetry) 7-01-2004
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
Life is like a walk on a beach, We leave different prints, Prints that say who we are Some so slight that we never notice, Others so heavy we can't but notice, So it is with all of life. It makes the whole lot of difference, Between those...

LIFE AS IS (Short Story) 15-07-2009
by diana
Many times in our daily life we take a lot for granted. We think that it is our 'right' to do anything we want regardless of anyone's opinion, and when the consequences become too harsh, then life is being 'unfair'. Well, many a time we disregard...

Life in Afghanistan (Opinions) 11-12-2001
by Karis
Right after the events of September 11th, one of our members (Jennifer Corriero) connected with a young Canadian (Adriana) who had recently returned back to Canada after being in Afghanistan for several months! After hearing a few perspectives on...

LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL (Poetry) 21-05-2007
by Stephen O. Silas
Life is beautiful Life is sweet It’s good when you give it a world around you It bring joy to the heart And cast all sorrows and sadness away It dose not choose whom to serve It’s all for all who love it. Sometimes I love my life...

Life is Short for some (Poetry) 21-06-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
The small wooden casket contained the small fragile body of the three day old child Stood under a wall of, artificial transparent, rock. The flame of the candle did not flicker. The flowers and the people not even their breaths moved their...

Life is Worth Living When......... (Poetry) 1-07-2007
by Danjuma Mohammed

Life! (Poetry) 26-10-2004
by jeremy chaila
Come see the water flowing free, like herds of untamed horses The streams and springs and falls so deep, more powerful than dams or man-made forces Yet, harnessed, enslaved, made to drive the metal sails, so powerful and wild yet feeble and tame...

Life's Dream Pursuers (Poetry) 31-08-2006
by Awa Innocent Ndah
LIFE'S DREAM PURSUERS I have a dream I am pursuing, though it is not yet clear to me. My mission is however as vivid to me as my own image in a mirror. I savour...

Like a Tremor (Poetry) 10-07-2008
by Kate Irura
Sitting on the couch, With no more books left to read, Brings the thoughts I read so much to forget, My heart leapt with joy, On seeing you onscreen at first flip, Memories flooding, Of past infinite flawlessness, I cease to wonder why I...

Límites al Crecimiento Económico? (Opinions) 18-01-2007
by Francisco Hurtado
En 1970, el Club de Roma, una asociación privada compuesta por empresarios, científicos y políticos, encargó a un grupo de investigadores del Massachusetts Institute of Technology bajo la dirección del profesor Dennis L. Meadows, la realización de...

Living War Preaching Peace (Poetry) 29-05-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Every time they we speak We preach peace Every time we act We act war When will we realize That we were given intelligence Not to finish ourselves But to build ourselves Support ourselves Encourage ourselves Inspire ourselves Inform...

Living without a voice (Opinions) 20-04-2006
by Kat Birch
The Philippine National Office of Statistics (NSO) estimated their population at over 84 million in 2005 and the number of people living with a disability (PWD) as somewhere in the region of 943,000. According to the World Health Organization, a...

Livro discute desafios e perspectivas do Jornalismo Ambiental (Opinions) 4-11-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Publicação do Núcleo de Ecojornalistas do Rio Grande do Sul traz 32 textos de autores nacionais e internacionais O Núcleo de Ecojornalistas do RS lança na quarta-feira, 05.11, às 18h30, na Feira do Livro de Porto Alegre, o livro “Jornalismo...

LKJ aka LINTON KWESI JOHNSON (Interviews) 6-07-2005
by Ndzakou- Nkiandzo Denise
LKJ aka LINTON KWESI JOHNSON Interviewé par Denise Ndzakou. Le 20-06-2004 à Montreuil Ndzakou LKJ and his 25 years of Reggae music. Denise Ndzakou : Lkj, bienvenu à Montreuil. Nous sommes très heureux de vous accueillir ici. Nous...

Lo inaceptable del trabajo infantil (Opinions) 3-06-2008
by Elizabeth Arceo
Este 12 de junio se celebra internacionalmente el día contra el trabajo infantil. Coordinado por la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, la celebración de este día busca concientizar y eliminar las peores formas de trabajo infantil. Pero, ¿Qué...

Local is Beautiful? (Opinions) 27-08-2002
by Ayelen Amigo
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Can you imagine a perfect world just an hour away from your home? Just around the corner? ‘Local Action 21’ may be the answer, the Johannesburg Summit was told here this week. According to the International...

Lone Child (Poetry) 13-04-2007
by Peculiar Ediomo-Abasi
Because i surfaced through a woman by the handiwork of a man, tradition calls her my mother and also calls him my father. But i refuse to consider them as such even though left alone i don't do much. i live by the saving grace of God even...

Lonely Butterfly (Short Story) 18-03-2008
by Sraj Banda
Just as they came, they left without any emotions. My father had just died two days ago. We lost him AIDS, which took away my mum eight months earlier. They told us that everything was going to be okay as my Granny (my mom's mother) will be taking...

Look afresh! (Poetry) 28-05-2008
by 'Jide Oluwafemi Jinadu
Have a new look; Get a new perspective; See from a new angle; Look afresh! Though life may look rough, Things may seem tough, Don’t leave the plough. ‘Cos the time is now For you to wow At the roads you tow, ’Cos they now look anew,...

Look him in the eyes (Opinions) 29-04-2007
by Keely Aleathea Constance Boom
It is so interesting seeing how people react to beggars. I look out and see across the way a table of tourists. Women wearing high heels and dresses complemented with their dyed and straightened hair. The men with rich sunglasses on their heads....

Los Derechos Humanos en perspectiva Rastafari (Interviews) 29-10-2006
by simon
En cierta época viví junto a un rastafari, que más tarde se convertiría en mi mejor amigo. No estaba acostumbrada a los rezos durante las noches ni a las bendiciones, pero a medida que iba aprendiendo un poco acerca de su vida y su forma de...

LOS ESPIAS TAMBIEN CHATEAN (Short Story) 24-07-2003
by Rubén Hernán Weinsteiner
Exclusivo Total News 21/7 LOS ESPIAS TAMBIEN CHATEAN POR RUBEN HERNAN WEINSTEINER En un viejo edificio de la zona industrial de New York, que fue durante muchos años una fábrica de ropa, se encuentra ahora el comando nacional de una mega...

Los Objetivos del Milenio en simples palabras para Mexico (Opinions) 13-01-2006
by Laura Müller
"Sé el cambio que quieres ver" Mahatma Gandhi Imagina que trabajas mas de ocho horas diarias bajo condiciones inhumanas, en un lugar oscuro, húmedo donde todo huele a moho, o con una pala a la intemperie del sol bajo mas de 40 grados...

Los portones de Goliat (Opinions) 26-05-2006
by Sebastián Galanternik
Todos, más o menos, somos inmigrantes. Pensemos en los primeros hombres africanos como gobernaron su entorno para luego trasladarse a otro en épocas de escasez. Pensemos en los antiguos chinos que gobernaron el Pacífico, en los ingleses asomando...

Love (Poetry) 12-11-2007
by Madeline Rose
What do we have without Love? A world where nothing makes Sense? A cold empty place without any Feeling? A place where being friendly and neighborly Doesn't Exist? I...

Love (Poetry) 8-01-2009
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
What can you love more apart from God ? That which everyday of your life would depend on forever ? What can you call your greatest decision ? That which made you longer can undo ? What...whatever...however, Life must continue and it must...

Love Beyond The Wall (Poetry) 22-01-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
With bombs of silence, turned me apart With storms of freedom's air, gathered me back Never as it was, calling my name Without meaning me But had to, had to “Stop killing people”, he said Engaging with a documentary machine More than...

Love for Humanity (Poetry) 19-11-2008
by Shirouq Elsheikh
Take my hand, I know you well Walk with me, together we dwell In a world that's free So full of delight While the sun rises here In another part it's night But hatred spreads As the moon shall dare Where true love is forbidden In a...

Love is NOT abuse. (Opinions) 11-12-2007
by Racquel Nixon
According to the United Nations, at least one in three women around the world has been beaten, coerced into sex or abused in some way, most often by someone she knows. This is a scene that happens all too often. Women who are being abused by...

Love Your Neighbour (Opinions) 21-10-2005
by Enyinna Onwusonye
The quote “love your neighbour…as you love yourself” has been my favourite quote since I begin to understand world events. It is a commandment from God, through Jesus Christ. I can state every place in the bible where love is mentioned. Love...

Love, Where Were You (Poetry) 27-05-2006
by Gordon Nicol
When the hearts rose up, to higher hearing of the Head, and made up a whole decision where were you? When the blood became bold By building a body hated When the boundaries of love and hate were broken Where were you in that time?...

Lutte contre la Pauvreté -Pertinence des OMD : Pistes pour l’action (Opinions) 28-12-2005
by Latif M'bengue
A travers cette contribution je donne mon point de vue de jeune étudiant et activiste camerounais, sur la pauvreté (en relation avec les OMD, Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement), notamment son impact sur le plan social, et surtout les...

L’angoisse de l’avenir. (Opinions) 13-01-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Près d’un millier d’étudiants en ce jour de rentrée académique dans cet amphi de l’université de Yaoundé qui semble trop étroit pour contenir toute leur ambition et tout leur enthousiasme. Il fait près de quarante degré à l’ombre et il sont...

L’école : elles ont aussi droit (Opinions) 19-09-2007
by Spéro Hector ACKEY
Au Bénin, 20% de la population est alphabétisée. Parmi ces 20%, à peine 8% sont des femmes instruites. Si la gratuité de l’école décrétée par le gouvernement béninois pour les écoles primaires constitue un acquis, elle appelle ou oblige les...

L’esclavage conjugué au présent (Opinions) 16-02-2009
by Ludewic Mac Kwin De Davy
Plus de 250 millions d’esclaves dans le monde. Enfants exploités, travail au noir, conditions de travail précaires ou à la limite de la légalité, les esclaves modernes sont souvent derrière les bénéfices records des multinationales, derrière la...

L’homosexualité et la Jeunesse Africaine au XXIe siècle. (Opinions) 15-06-2008
by Youths Ahead!
« L’homosexualité est une tare blanche qui ne s’applique pas aux Africains ». Cette déclaration, un peu à l’image de son auteur, est de Robert Mugabe, président éternel de cet enfer austral qu’est le Zimbabwe. Loin d’être isolée, cette sortie sans...

L’université d’été de PEACE / ACTION SOLIDAIRE (Opinions) 14-10-2007
L’université d’été de PEACE / ACTION SOLIDAIRE est un lieu de rencontre, de réflexion, d’échange, de sensibilisation, de formation, de formation de réseaux et de coalition des organisations de jeunes du Sénégal. La première édition a été...

Made in Argentina ¿Por qué los extranjeros eligen nuestras universidades? (Opinions) 8-09-2006
by Andrea Durán Sánchez
El título podrá sonar un poco extraño, pero creo que dice todo lo que este artículo quiere transmitir a sus lectores. Argentina es de por sí un país particular. Construido desde sus inicios por inmigrantes, su crecimiento se lo deben a los...

Mais uma Mera Notícia de Jornal (Opinions) 8-09-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
É mais uma mera notícia de jornal. Creio e vejo que a maioria das pessoas tratam este fato com certo desprezo; seria a violência mais uma fase do nosso cotidiano? Sim, bem que se sabe o quanto omitimos as informações contidas em um jornal, e...

Making a difference (Poetry) 4-01-2008
by Alexandra Cummings
The inspirations flowing from me are so much more than I can take The relations of my body and soul fighting to make a difference The wars and hate with the violence that surrounds us all Sometimes it makes me nervous Sometimes just sad...

Making a living, making a life (Poetry) 13-06-2007
When you strive and toil In the deserts heat Or from a panoramic office view In the scotching heat of Africa Or in the sea breeze of Florida You are driven to eke out a living You are making a living, making a life When time cruises by...

Mallory Pigage, 19, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada; Student (Short Story) 29-04-2009
by Mekhala Chaubal
Mallory Pigage enjoys going to school, and it’s mostly because, ‘I don’t get tested, or grades,’ she informs me, laughing my reaction. ‘Well, it’s a resource school, so that’s why mostly. But I love what I study.’ Mallory is required to stay in...

Malta (Poetry) 23-07-2004
by Mwangi munyua
Today we buried my sister. She was only eighteen months old. So well had she looked yesterday, So full of health, life and joy, So full of good cheer. But a storm came last night, On the bosom of my mother she lay, With nothing but mama's...

Manifiesto Revolucionario; El movimiento violento. (Opinions) 20-06-2007
by Caleb Ordoñez Talavera
Los disparos y la sangre corrieron ese día por los salones de clase, todo el mundo fue conmocionado. Doce vidas fueron arrancadas, El 20 de abril de 1999, Eric Harris, de 18 anos de edad, y Dylan Klebold, de 17, recorrieron la escuela preparatoria...

Married women at risk (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
Marriage may be putting Sub-Saharan Africa’s women in a risky situation when it comes to HIV/AIDS, challenging perceptions about what is sacred, what is “safe” and what should be constituting prevention methods. What makes marriage dangerous...

Martyrdom (Poetry) 5-08-2005
by S
The ties that I thought had us bound; adjacent to the vows unsound, abraded by agents of memories past destroys the love (I thought) would last. Ablution seeks the truths I speak, but denies my very heart. in order to sell yourself...

Mas allá de las buenas intenciones... (Opinions) 3-05-2007
by Solange Márquez
En mayo de 2006 el primer ministro de Israel, Ariel Sharon, anunció un plan para la “descolonización” de la Franja de Gaza. En junio, Sharon obtuvo un voto mayoritario dentro de su gabinete para este plan. Desde que la Franja de Gaza y...

by erick ochieng otieno
With the on-going conference on the climate change taking place at the United Nations Environment Program at Gigiri Nairobi Kenya, one thing remains clear - it is quite easy to make promises. What about implementation? If I can remember, a lot has...

Maybe...maybe not... (Poetry) 24-08-2007
Maybe, maybe not, The changing faces of our generation! The 'lingering' sad tastes of our times! It's an adventure maybe to nowhere, Maybe to somewhere... My soul, like an inferno, Burns with wicked sadness! These aches broil with...

MDG Contest: Another Sky Falling (Short Story) 22-05-2005
by Saad Javed
4th Place Winner of the Millennium Development Goals writing Contest She lay there, dying. In fact, she had been in the Intensive Care Unit for about an hour. Mutilated due to the burn scars, her face remained unrecognizable even to me, her...

MDG Contest: The future hope (Poetry) 14-04-2005
by Odimegwu Onwumere
The future hope Are we not the future hope We that are negated in all sphere of life In Pub, Politics and Policy making For being young in their eyes, Becuase of our character, But matured at heart, Because of our knowledge? Our...

MDGs in Africa: where are we now? (Opinions) 3-11-2007
by Ritchie Felix
I strongly believe that African youth need close financial assistance to reach the grassroots where very much human capital is wasting away. Just about 20% of African youth have access to a computer, let alone one connected to the internet. I am...

Me militant (Poetry) 20-09-2009
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
I would buy me a Dane gun And order a spear make me a wooden gun that I may qualify Count me in and gimme my share I have a gun and my machete Gimme bread in return and an oil well I have no bread I can’t earn bread Both by book...

Meio ambiente nosso de cada dia (Opinions) 18-02-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Qual é a importância do meio ambiente para a sociedade humana? Desde quando essa relação existe? De que forma ela ocorre? Está muito fácil hoje em dia falar em meio ambiente e desenvolvimento ambiental sustentável. Entretanto, nossa sociedade...

Memories (Poetry) 16-07-2003
by George Gardashian
The mountains give off an erie glow If you happened to catch it at the right time. The birds chirp gladly in the valleys Between the unpicked olive trees. And if you gaze at the stars at midnight They appear like a million fireflies in the...

Memories Never Die (Poetry) 19-02-2007
Seasons come and go Humans live and die So are the grasses in The summer and fall But memories never die; Seasons come and go Humans live and die So do the tides at Flow and ebb Yet legacies are rocks; Sun rises in the east Sun sets...

Merci Mesdames... (Opinions) 19-12-2005
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
La femme à l'honneur... L'expérience a prouvé que la femme, mis à part la mythique inconséquente de Eve ou de l'épouse de Lot, a toujours soupesé ses actes avant de les poser. Beaucoup plus portée à la réconciliation que l'homme, et ce en...

Messiah (Poetry) 19-05-2004
by Murali Krishnan
A messiah was born once upon the lands in the east, And he preached of love and peace, The people learned of hope and fear, And bore from that day, an immortal faith in return for prosperity. That passed through generations so long, That none...

Might As Well Go Shop? (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Natalie Morris
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Where are human rights at the World Summit on Sustainable Development? Gradually getting there, may be the answer. Lisa Sock from the International Campaign for Tibet feels that human rights groups have not...

Migrants as heroes of development (Opinions) 21-12-2007
by Michael Boampong
December 18th has been recognized by the international community as International Migrants’ Day. In some countries, this day is used to pay tribute to the contributions of migrants to the development of their host countries and to their countries...

Migration of Nepalese Youth for Foreign Employment: Problems and Prospects (Opinions) 31-05-2006
by Prakash Bhattarai
A huge number of Nepalese workers go abroad to work in the absence of fruitful local employment opportunities. Migration is nothing new to Nepal, and the total stock of Nepalese nationals working overseas (excluding about one million in India) in...

Migration: the New Storytelling? (Opinions) 16-01-2007
by Wilson
You and I have heard that not long ago our ancestors used to gather around the fire pit every night and listen to the elders tell stories, most of which were fascinating for they brought always amazing adventures lived by people like us, sometimes...

Mining and Migration in Kenya (Opinions) 20-12-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
All over the world, people associate migration wit aftermaths of war, famine, and other related problems. However, here in Kenya a group of certain communities are bound to face forced migration from the hands of the government that is supposed to...

Minority (Poetry) 13-11-2007
by Samuel-Malachi Odekunle
I have a new name They call me Minority They say we are not the same There is not much of me around To make a uniform mix So on my application I am a minority But then who is the Majority You never hear them say Apparently they are more...

Misconstrued Ideas on Communism (Short Story) 12-04-2003
by christopher bernardo
“When we look at a thing, we must examine its essence and treat its appearance merely as an usher at the threshold, and once we cross the threshold, we must grasp the essence of the thing.” says so by Mao Zedong, the icon of the so called founder...

Mitos y verdades de la educación universitaria argentina (Opinions) 8-09-2006
by Maria Gabriela Altilio
"¡Fuera las camarillas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires!" reza uno de los carteles suspendidos en el pasillo central de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. "Rechazo a la asamblea universitaria ilegítima y aumento del presupuesto", propone...

MMPR Denying Patients Freedom To Grow Medicine (Opinions) 10-03-2013
by Des
MMPR info: Proposed Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations Government Objectives- Treat marijuana as much as possible like a medication Authorize 3 key activities 1. The possession of Marijuana for medical purposes by...

Mobile Communication (case for Tex2+) (Opinions) 26-07-2008
by Gachara Irura
Introduction. Globally, different wireless platforms, key related software languages and protocols have assembled a complete set of powerful and proven wireless solutions and services. These are put in use on a daily basis by customers across the...

Mobile phone (Poetry) 27-01-2009
by Simonette Brebenariu
M-odern technology outrages the sensitivities of all mankind, adheres the good news to all who have a unique power of mind. O-bsession on ringing and sending messages with photos in grand, money is wasted through communication, an updated...

Mobile phones for development: A report on Southeast Asia (Opinions) 5-03-2007
by Upasna
The developing countries in Southeast Asia have recently seen tremendous growth in mobile phone services. That villagers are beginning to buy mobile phones is indicative of an explosive growth in mobile services in countries where the poorest...

Mobile phones in the wrong hands (Opinions) 8-02-2009
by manuel ryan ricohermoso
During prehistoric times, our ancestors communicated by etching on cave walls or mimicking animal sounds, but due to the creative minds and heroic effort of our patriotic scientists, helpful gadgets have been developed for the betterment of...

Mon identité (Poetry) 4-05-2007
Mon identité D’ici ou d’ailleurs, d’où suis –je vraiment ? Là bas, je suis immigré mais ici, émigré Ici, je rêvais de métro, de richesse, d’euros sur du sable et de belles voitures Là bas, je pensais mélancoliquement au soleil, à...

More than Just a Color (Short Story) 9-05-2003
by Pekky Marquez
Hispanic/Latino: that's the way how my race, or my ethnicity for that matter is defined. Coming from a country where race was generally a color of skin, and where classifying heritages is next to impossible due to the amazing racial integration of...

Mother and Child Lost (Poetry) 31-03-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Thou ravishing daughter of my king Such a radiant epitome of beauty Captured in an earthen flame A fountain sealed awaiting time Thy appearance sends to our hearts Genial messages of love and pride From an orchard of pleasant flowers...

Mother Nature Cries for a Nation Plundered to Death (Poetry) 16-12-2005
by simeon ifarinde
A nation at the brink: crumbles at the Hands of death. In reminiscence: the Past deeds of our heros might have been lumped (bagged) for the dump, the cod of prosperity thrown for a lot, mumped by the dogs: a non-ruminant, ravaging the...

Moving Beyond Pity (Opinions) 31-01-2006
by R Kahendi
I am uncomfortable with the fact that society teaches us to pity those who we believe to be less fortunate than we are rather than to empathize with them. Pity implies an imagined sense of superiority over the other, so that we end up looking at...

Mujeres en América Latina: ¿Cambio de visión o juego político? (Opinions) 22-03-2006
by Andrea Durán Sánchez
“Detrás de un gran hombre, siempre hay una gran mujer” es la frase usada para referirse a la condición de muchos grandes hombres en la historia, como por ejemplo para el Libertador, Simón Bolívar, y su tan adorada mano derecha Manuela Sáenz....

MY AFRICA (Poetry) 11-08-2007
by John kariem sila
My Africa I am just a simple messenger Of kingdom of dream Carrying message from lord H-o-p-e To sir F-r-e-e-d-o-m! The crown table Of the dream people Demand justice To the earth lands Of workers, From hope to freedom...

My Almost Life (Poetry) 22-11-2007
by Katie Williams
I almost lived today I almost breathed one breath I would have let out a cry If my mother hadn't sentenced me to death I almost opened my eyes I almost woke from sleeping But my mother had an abortion She didn't think I was worth keeping...

My best clothing (Poetry) 19-04-2008
by Osamuyi Okpame
It is nature’s clothing It is free, and free indeed! Not given by social status But as a gift It is the best cloth I have ever worn And it stays with me till the end of time Only people of this world Call it whatever they like They...

My Bird! (Part 1) (Poetry) 12-08-2004
by Karim Al Nadoury
My bird flying into the sky, Dissolving in the clouds, melting in the atmosphere What could happen more, he saw enough! What he could expect more, he knew enough! They laugh at him, They ignore him, But yet he strong to repel them My bird...

My Challenge to African Women (Opinions) 6-03-2005
by shola adu
This piece is about women, from a woman to another woman. I am not a woman of many experiences but of great awareness about the status of women in Africa, also of insight into the prospect for change. So I write this not in partnership with the...

My Challenge; My Action (Opinions) 2-08-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
My community development is one of the most pressing issues in my agenda as a youth. That is why I have no alternative but to work out the change, voice out and act. That is also the reason we should not pretend that we haven't got very major...

My contribution towards the prevention of violence against women (Opinions) 15-08-2006
by Michael Boampong
Violence against women is defined as any act of gender-based nature which results in or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women. It entails instances like threats, coercion,rape,mutilation or arbitrary...

My Cries Within. (Poetry) 8-03-2007
by prudence
Let's see Where do I begin? Right Here. They say that a person is defined by their smile. I smile. Always. In fact, they even call me Smiley But do they know? I smile to hide my fears and deep within, I cry I cry within me so that...

My Cry (Poetry) 8-08-2004
by Judith Bosire
Just like the seedlings fighting for survival, Our lives as youths are compared, Because our cries are being vacuumed, And we end up projecting our voices in vain, In search of true leadership In a true democracy. Some never germinate...

My Decision (Poetry) 19-05-2009
by Adebayo Waidi Gbenro
I stood on the threshold of time. My horizon just ahead. Knowing that many had made this journey before. Many had passed this way before, many are making the same journey, and history has had no room for them. Then, how do I journey well?...

My Dreams for Africa (Poetry) 9-09-2003
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
I have a dream that one day Every valley shall be exalted Every will and mountain shall be made to low The rough places will be made plain And the crooked places will be made straight And the glory of the God shall be revealed And all flesh...

My everywhere companion (Poetry) 16-03-2009
by Ssendagire Paul
In 2003, I fell in love with mobile phones and engaged myself to one. Since then, I have maintained steady relationships with mobile phones. Hammering the last nail to my cassava leftovers and dry tea, I hear a melody whose scream I...

My father (Short Story) 26-12-2005
by phan minh thang
During the different phases of life, everybody has something to remember; among them is the love from their parents. As people say, “Love is not finding someone to live with. It is finding someone you cannot live without.” For me, apart from the...

My first trip to Pakistan (Short Story) 8-07-2008
by Anum Khan
My first visit to Pakistan (May-June 2008) As I scramble to get ready for my sister’s friends’ wedding ceremony, the lights go out. “Shoot, I only put on mascara on one of my eyelids.” I carefully search for my cell phone as it can offer me...

My God (Poetry) 1-12-2007
by Katie Williams
My God is with me every second He heals me when I am hurt I know He feels sorrow and sympathy When my dreams fall and hit the dirt He made me who I was He made me who I am He is both strong and gentle Both Lion and Lamb People tell me...

My Life as a Refugee (Opinions) 19-07-2004
by Prof. Alpha Thomas-Bangura
Nobody like me would have ever dreamt of running from my dormitory room at the Williams V. S. Tubman College of Science and Technology in Harper, Maryland, county of Liberia on June 1, 1990. This day, the day of heavy gun fire, pools of blood,...

My Most “Enabled” Colleague (Opinions) 31-01-2006
by Tanmay N. Vora
Over my total work span of eight years, I have had the pains and pleasures of working with a diverse set of people - intelligent, smart, average, novice and dumb ones. But very few are as extraordinary and as modest as Mitesh. If I travel back...

My Name (Poetry) 22-05-2004
by Simon
Though I was murdered for too long But never put an end to the sun nor moon. Therefore I live I live in one too close for comfort Until the sun and the moon Shine no more I live in him My name is J-U-S-T-I-C-E

NAÏVE’S TEARS (Poetry) 23-07-2006
by Branson Shao
Little innocent tears, Worries grew into a mountain, Hopes driven by gurgling streams. Left home forcibly, Whipped, sold for the price of a bear, For ages naïve’s tears never ceased. Little innocent tears, Loved little more than a donkey,...

Naked (Poetry) 25-10-2005
by hazem al jaber
Naked... Naked... naked as a little creek mouth to mouth, hand to hand and every tremor comes from you gives a more sweetened kiss, with its memories keeps coming to me every day, every moment was in a dream, or was in a wakefulness?...

National Solidarity Conference (Opinions) 3-01-2003
National Solidarity Conference, Manila. November 14–15, 2001 APASE YOUTH CONFERENCE, November 12-17,2001 NATIONAL SOLIDARITY CONFERENCE, November 14,2001 ASEAN Solidarity Network Meeting, November 15-17, 2001 Manila,...

Nature of Human Freedom (Opinions) 16-12-2002
by Ayodeji Thomas Adewunmi
I am a person; I can think, choose, and act deliberately: meaning I am a free person! Freedom is not doing it my way, but the freedom to do the right thing, the right way for the right reasons. This is the basis of the authentic freedom of every...

Nature or Nurture: The Controversial Dilemma of Homosexuality (Opinions) 4-08-2008
In my naivety as a teenage boy growing up in relatively conservative Nigeria, I was of the view (which was consistent with popular opinion then) that all boys and girls, irrespective of social status and religious affiliation, typically grew up...

Nej/RS apresenta novo portal EcoAgência e lança livro no próximo dia 26 (Opinions) 22-11-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
O Núcleo de Ecojornalistas do Rio Grande do Sul (Nej/RS) encerrará o ano lançando na próxima quarta-feira, 26, às 19h30, o novo portal da EcoAgência e o livro Jornalismo Ambiental: Desafios e Reflexões. O evento será na Palavraria (Rua Vasco da...

Nepal: Country where the blood is flowing (Opinions) 9-08-2005
by Shakti Ghimire
Every day is the same, I wake up to feel a fresh day with new hopes and aspirations but as I read the morning newspaper and listen the radio a chill goes through my spine. Today, a military Colonel was shot dead in my town. This is crazy, why...

Nepal: Human Rights in Perplexity (Opinions) 9-08-2005
by Shakti Ghimire
Nepal is the country for whom? Democracy is only the pretence of a word; human rights are only a constitutional decoration. Similarly, a resolved peace agenda is the only likely way to create a stable government. Nepal is the poorest country...

Never poor (Poetry) 15-03-2010
by Arunmozhi
It's what they say When you are next to nay You are poor, But they have lost you. It's what what they say When you have got nothing to sway You are poor, But they have not seen your heart. It's what they say When you stand amidst the...

Ni muy muy ni tan tan. (Short Story) 23-11-2007
by Laura Müller
RULETA URBANA Ni muy muy ni tan tan. Septiembre 2001: Mi avión partía el día 14 de septiembre, cancelaron el vuelo después del atentado a las torres gemelas y movieron mi vuelo para el día 17, salía de El Paso, Texas rumbo a Atlanta, el...

Nigeria and Her Problems: Where Have We Gone Wrong? (Opinions) 20-05-2003
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
On October 1st 2002, Nigeria celebrated her 42nd Independent Anniversary in a grand style with nothing to actually prove our existence as a sovereign nation. Since Nigeria's independence in 1960, we have virtually got nothing to juxtapose the...

Nigeria: Where Do We Go From Here? (Opinions) 2-09-2003
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
When Africa threw off the chains of colonialism, Nigeria was by then seen as a beacon of hope and progress by all African Nations and even “the international communities”. Nigeria was then looked up to as a country with enormous energy and...

Nigerians: Explorers of New Frontiers (Opinions) 10-12-2006
Nigeria may not have the best reputation in the International community because of the fragility of our socio-economic and political structure resulting in instability in many facets of our national life. But as a proud Nigerian who has travelled...

Nilesh Singit, 39, Disability Rights Activist; Mumbai, Maharashtra,India (Short Story) 29-04-2009
by Mekhala Chaubal
Nilesh Singit has a story to tell. ‘Can you believe they almost didn’t let me vote?’ He refers to the time when a few months ago when he arrived at an election booth in Mumbai, only to find it inaccessible on the second floor of a building with no...

nine one one response (Poetry) 9-12-2008
by transcenderARTS
penned round midnite, september 11th, 2001 c.e. title: nine one one response finally; the bully, in his own front yard, glistening crest neon stream got smashed in his nose, and the spurting blood was deemed holy, and the crest...

No end in sight (Opinions) 22-02-2007
by R Kahendi
A few encounters with people and with books have given me pause for thought lately. In one conversation, two friends were talking about their love for reggae, going back to their childhoods. I was therefore surprised to hear the turn in their...

No past, no present, no future (Poetry) 22-06-2008
by sanmi
No past, no present, no future… What a stagnant life without the past. What a shameful life without the present. What a hopeless life without the future. Past deeds are something cogent. The present state is something to talk about. The...

No to racism (Poetry) 30-11-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
You say you see no color. I say you're full of it!* I hope when you look at me you see black a little bit, for when you say you see me how can that really be when part of who I am is my ethnicity? I like my hair, my skin tone,...

No! To New Loan (Opinions) 16-06-2007
by Yuyun Harmono
The government plan increased the foreign loan just in APBN-P 2007 did not acceptable. As being known, to mend 50% of the budget deficit of Rp. 56.9 trillion of – Rp. 75.87 trillion in APBN-P 2007, the government will use the loan just through the...

Nomás a esperar el tren (Short Story) 1-09-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
Mamá llegó a las once, una hora después que tú te fueras. Entró a tu habitación, todavía con la compra en manos. Habías pedido que te trajera una botella de vino… Ella te reprendió, recordando que no había lo suficiente para comprar siquiera el...

Normal or Different? (Poetry) 27-12-2006
by Kevin A. Ferreira
Look around, At life all around, People complaining, People following, Doing what they will, People acting without thinking, Quickly sinking into the world. To live in a world, Where people depend on others, For their ideas, Of not...

Nosotros que nos Sentábamos (Poetry) 21-10-2005
by Susan Ricalde Blume
sentándome sin silla, casi sin piso, casi sin pies pero sentándome sin silla la espalda erguida que se joroba la silla ¿Dónde está la silla? la espalda erguida que se joroba sin leyes sin respaldar sin silla ¿Dónde está la silla? Aquí...

Not African (Poetry) 20-03-2006
by unathi mila
My feelings are defined as not African Because I am a woman that has feelings for Another woman instead of a man Isolated by my society So I can learn that I am not African If I am a lesbian. Now my Body is covered with my blood But...

Not Too Good Of a Night (Poetry) 12-04-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Fear griped the good evening Like the masquerade of Eke on the Afor day The laughter of the moon ceased to make noise Watching the day unfold with the victim epic The irony of the dark-less night Our window vexes like the secret servant...

Nuestro futuro por la borda: del bono al pagaré demográfico (Opinions) 16-04-2009
by Rosa Isabel Montero Torres
Los cambios en la estructura poblacional que a los países industrializados tomaron más de dos siglos, se están consumando en América Latina en unas pocas décadas, según el CELADE. Desde 1965, Colombia se encuentra en la segunda fase de lo que los...

O caminho contrário do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Opinions) 13-12-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Por: Efraim Neto* Que o mundo está passando por transformações sociais e econômicas, não é novidade. Enquanto a crise econômica vigente acumula perdas históricas à nossa sociedade, e faz com que uma pequena parcela seleta da sociedade repense...

O MST e a Reforma Agrária (Opinions) 28-09-2003
by Mayra Rody Peixoto
O MST E A REFORMA AGRÁRIA Um dos temas mais discutidos na mídia brasileira atualmente é a ação do MST.Junto ao movimento, a desigualdade social e a busca pela reforma agrária também tem sido retratada.Uma guerra entre representantes do...

O mundo Sofre (Opinions) 28-07-2008
by Tony Pent
O mundo sofre com a falta de comida e para isso deveriamos discutir a conservação do solo, a água, a biodiversidade que é a base de tudo que existe no nosso planeta, isso sem comentar sobre o sustento dos agricultores, a segurança...

o my pen.... (Poetry) 30-09-2006
by hazem al jaber
Oh,my pen.... got out my notebook and hold my pen, which all what I have took a sip from my coffees` cup and looked to my notebooks confused been I am , my sweetheart what should to write and how to start my sadly story and from where...

Obama-time (Poetry) 27-01-2009
by David Kapp
This is the end. He walks alone All by he-self On his way, out. This is the end. He walks alone, His imperial thoughts And policies with him. This is the end. Out with the pale grey, in with the darker shade of view. This is the...

Ode to Kenyan Vagrant (Poetry) 26-12-2006
by Aderemi Adegbite
Along suffocated streets, Briskly, I walked, Casting gazes on gigantic structures On earth-scape of my country's home: Nairobi, Kenya's capital state. Across silent streets I shambled, with subtle gazes On mountainous mansions;...

Of We (Poetry) 16-10-2004
by Cara
let’s start a solution to this global pollution self-absolution mate/ realistic evolution egotistic revolution artistic devolution kinetic convolution corrupt transnational collusion of the governors behind accepting cash and in-kind...

Oh Terrorists (Poetry) 3-05-2006
by Mohammad Nibras P K
The error of terrorism They say… Is the power of belief. When the blood paints the earth, They say… It’s the colour of relief. The masks they wear Show… How cowardly they are. The pain they caused, Reminds… How cruel they are....

Oh, my mother! (Poetry) 29-10-2008
by kaboyo julius
I wonder why wired wickedness Wipes wildly our worthy culture? A kingdom where bulls mowed like calves, In zigzag ways, women’s waists wagged, Sending weak men wild with morality, Where men valued virtue and vanity Beyond beauty. Children...

Oliver Twist (Poetry) 2-05-2009
by Emperor Omorogiuwa Edionseri
O my boy! O my courageous boy! You weren't wrong to ask for more. In truth, you needed more, But sometimes the rules are fixed. Though cruel, for you they can't be bent. Be content with the little you got Or lose what you aspire for and...

OMC (Opinions) 14-12-2005
La 6ème conférence ministérielle de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) se déroulera à HongKong du 13 au 18 décembre prochain. Cette conférence a pour objectif essentiel d’accélérer les processus de libéralisation des marchés dans de...

On and On (Poetry) 18-05-2006
by Elisa D.
My world extends only to the horizons I know that yours does too I feel like I am avoiding pain but there is nothing I can do Only in my mind can I see suffering Yet my heart feels no pain My television set can spur an image but to the...

On Mr. John Foppe's Visit: Disabled Motivational Speaker Visits Privileged Nigerians (Opinions) 19-11-2004
by Oluyemisi Joel-Osebor (Nee Agboola)
I am writing to commend the efforts of First Bank Nigeria and Soft Skills Management for bringing Mr. John Foppe – a physically challenged American motivational speaker – to Nigeria. The purpose of his visit, amongst others, was to share his...

On the Narrow Road (Poetry) 19-11-2007
Whose child is that, on this lone road amiss? He looks like a cat estranged from its miss! He looks like a ghost matching on lanes men can't! He reads like the toast written in haste, without a pant! Wrong. He's a brother, a kid...

One Blood One Body (Short Story) 11-04-2007
by Prince Charles Jiduwah
I was born to a man and woman I called Mama & Papa, They were also born to their own Mothers and fathers Who I called Grand Parents, Whom were also born by woman and man I got to know as my Great-Grand Parents. These births went on and on and...

One people, one destiny (Poetry) 22-05-2007
We are one people webbed into one world With one hope, one dream That we may thrust afar In all that life may bring We are one people with one destiny. We are one people made in the image of God That we may live in peace And search for...

Only the Youths Can Salvage Nigeria (Short Story) 20-05-2003
The last elections in Nigeria have confirmed, once again, that only the working people and the youths are capable of uniting the students and youths across the country and prevent the descent of the country into an ethnic andjor political parties,...

Orígenes del Charango (Short Story) 22-03-2006
by Julián Pablo Sinesi
Decidí escribir esta nota porque, además de que estudio este instrumento, cuando lo escucho en el subte o en los colectivos, siento una vibración especial…,la vibración de la identidad. De lo nuestro postergado por cientos de años, pero con la...

Our Children Are the Future of Mankind, but Who Raises Them Now? (Opinions) 9-07-2004
by Ajomuzu Collette Bekaku
Once upon a time, children were the most precious “thing” to mankind. The birth of a child was marked with celebration and festivities. Nursing mothers were cared for in turns by other women of the tribe until she could leave her child and go to...

Our citizens in exile (Opinions) 3-08-2008
by Edward Jolotee Foiryolo Sr.
I am one of those Liberians who left Liberia at the inception of the war in1990. I had the opportunity to be sponsored by the United Nations through a German program called DAFI, but despite that I have suffered being a refugee. I have since...

Our Cries (Poetry) 10-01-2009
by Precious Ediomo-Abasi
As the rain dropped, I remembered my pains and fear I wept every day; I could not bear! They mutilated me with a sharp, unsterilized object and I was declared HIV positive. My world has collapsed! This was the cry of a mutilated girl....

Our curse, our cross, our choice (Poetry) 21-07-2008
by Adebayo Waidi Gbenro
Taah! Taah! Somebody has been shot. Taah! Taah! Somebody has been robbed. Taah! Taah! Somebody is dead. Somebody? Who is this somebody? You, me, him or her. If it is him today, It could be her next; It might even be me, Or you, the next...

Our Experience in Another Country, Mexico (Opinions) 22-06-2006
by Anum Khan
No one can fully understand the impact one can have on another person until you look into their eyes and see the light of hope that you gave them. That was something we started to see and understand when we had the opportunity to go on a...

Our Fellow Creatures (Opinions) 27-10-2002
by Andy Carloff
Our Fellow Creatures By Punkerslut It is the notion of our time that non-human animals exist for the advancement of the human species. In whatever field -- cookery, fashion, blood-sports -- it is held that we can only be concerned with...

Our Funny Elections (Opinions) 21-04-2007
As far as i am concerned there were no election in Nigeria.The process was marred by so many irregularities that even a blind man could tell the story better than the television. How can one say there was an election when ballot boxes were being...

Our Kitchen Thoughts (Poetry) 19-09-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Speakers whose mouth refuse to speak Riding in the land the gods cursed Cutting our mistakes to live short Inside the triangle that cuts corners Read the laws for our understanding Move out movements to unfold facts Our destinies have been...

Our Leaders: Can anything good come out of them? (Opinions) 28-07-2006
by Mbũrũ Kamau
Some 2000 years ago, a contemptuous inquiry on the honour of Nazareth is recorded in the book of John: “And Nathaniel said to Phillip, ‘can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?’ Phillip said: ‘Come and see.’ Nathaniel’s inquiry can be...

Our legacy of hope (Poetry) 20-01-2009
by Rare breed
No longer held back By the excuse Of the color of our skin No more need to heed The doubt Now we can refute Internalized inferiority Lying Within No longer can we be Fatalistic about our future Now we have tangible proof That...

Our right (Interviews) 4-03-2008
by Amodu O. Razaq
Our right is our power And our power is our right The vote we cast is our right But our right ceased to be our power The power is with the powers And our power is our power We shall stay at home When is time to exercise our power...

Overpopulation (Opinions) 30-09-2007
by Jillian Xenia Sunderland
Imagine, a woman lying in the street bleeding, her screams echoing through the poverty-ridden back allies. Yet, no one takes notice, for she is a woman; a woman who just underwent a botched abortion and who is now praying for death to come...

Pandemonium-Brother Killing Brother! (Short Story) 16-05-2009
by EUCHARIA IGWe Nee-Chukwuma
The day was Monday, February 28th 2000, the very dawn of the new millennium with millennium fever still in the air. The day started for my mother and I like the day before it, very ordinary. If only we knew what was to happen later that day. My...

Participación Ciudadana y los Objetivos del Milenio (Opinions) 5-04-2005
by Rolando Zapata Rumiche
Es interesante, para hablar sobre la participación ciudadana y su relación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, hacer mención al actual Código del Medio Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales, en el artículo I de su Título Preliminar:...

Participation, Empowerment, Critical Input & Judgementalsm (Opinions) 15-02-2007
by Dinidu de Alwis
And I promise not to use any big words in the post. If it's me who is going to benefit from what you are doing, then why can't I have a say in what you do? After all, you are doing it with good heart. Why don't you let me mess up on my own,...

Partnerships at Community Aid Abroad (Opinions) 6-01-2002
by Jarra McGrath
Notes Taken from Woodford Folk Festival 2001. _________________ PARTNERSHIPS AT COMMUNITY AID ABROAD Relationships: Internal relationships are a primary focus. – Relationships inside the organisation are incredibly important. They...

Passionately Speaking and Advocating for Kenyan Youths (Short Story) 7-09-2007
Kenyans in the age bracket of 30 years and below constitute about 75% of the country's population, forming the largest source of human resource. However, they have remained on the periphery of the country's affairs and their status has not been...

Patch's Interview - A Indigenous Perspective (Interviews) 1-02-2004
by Patch
“What is your full name” “Luis Abel López – ‘Patch’” “What is the name of the people that you are from? Where were you born and when?” “I am Colla which are the descendents of the Aymaras, who are the ancestors of the Incas. The...

Patriotism and African Leaders (Opinions) 10-09-2003
by Enyioma Anaba
Some of us are familar with “Africa my Africa,” a famous poem. It is quite apparent that the writer really loves Africa as much as we do. However, what is not clear is the fact that it seems everybody who loves his/ her continent or country is...

Peace (Poetry) 19-04-2010
by abnish singh chauhan
Peace comes, not through the barrel of a gun, not through the use of power, not by an act of governance, but, being a matter of the heart, a matter of the mind, it comes and stays where life is easy, where thoughts are freely expressed,...

Peace and the Jackal (Poetry) 13-05-2010
by Erickson Almario
True peace can never be attained through random acts of violence that justify the things we fight for or the beliefs we seek refuge in. Peace is lovely, harmonious, and is the see-all, end-all result of the darkest days of the world we live in....

Pérez Esquivel: el amor en acción (Opinions) 29-10-2006
by Sebastian Pujol
En 1980 Adolfo Perez Esquivel recibió el premio Nobel de la paz en reconocimiento a su militancia a favor de la lucha por los derechos humanos durante la última dictadura militar en la Argentina, razón por la cual permaneció encarcelado entre los...

Pete's Pavilion (Poetry) 3-07-2008
by Mohammed Ahmed-Shaibu
Free from civilization, three hours behind globalization; Held up in Pete’s pavilion, exploring pure naturalization, Excited to try out this adventure, pure exploration, Sleeping here will be fun and enjoyable by all. Elle’s my savior today,...

Peut-être loin. (Poetry) 1-12-2008
Pourquoi demain est encore loin, Qui va me reveiller si je m'endors? Pourquoi demain est encore loin, Qui prendra mon parti,quand ils penseront que j'ai tort? Pourquoi demain est encore loin, Sinon ma vie ,qui la menera à bon port? Pourquoi...

Phones against AIDS (Opinions) 13-03-2009
by Kate Jongbloed
You and I might use text messaging to remind our roommate to pick up toilet paper on the way home from work, but around sub-Saharan Africa, mobile phones are taking on a new role as tools against the AIDS pandemic that is ravaging the continent....

Physically abused by security guards (Opinions) 26-08-2008
by ayman nassar
What happened to me on Saturday is something out of an action thriller. It was a hate crime. I was assaulted at an amusement park called Hawalli Park by the security officers there. The story I have sent out to various local new agencies, I shall...

Physically Challenged Not Disabled (Opinions) 16-03-2006
by Amurawaiye Olushola
The use of the term disabled to describe a handicapped or physically challenged person always irritates me. I am handicapped and I know that I am certainly not disabled in any way. In my daily life, I undergo so many challenges that are not...

Piedad por el enemigo (Opinions) 1-04-2006
by Fabrizio Scrollini
Día tras día, en miles de laboratorios del mundo, cientos de miles de animales son sacrificados en nombre de la investigación y la ciencia. Hasta hace poco me parecía intrascendente cualquier clase de discusión sobre este tema. Como buen...

PILLARS OF THE EARTH (Poetry) 5-02-2007
by Awa Innocent Ndah
Pillars of the earth indeed Pillars made up of rootless and deficient replicas? Roots, ruthlessly deprives of the strings they need to hold the earth, its dreams and its tomorrow? A foundation built on the cast topography of ceaseless blood...

Piura Educa y Recicla (Short Story) 5-04-2005
by Rolando Zapata Rumiche
La necesaria reflexión sobre la disyuntiva que trae consigo el desarrollo económico o industrial de una nación, frente a la necesidad de conservar un ambiente equilibrado para defender el derecho de las nuevas generaciones, conlleva la tarea...

Placer postmortem (Short Story) 17-04-2008
by Laura Müller
Placer postmortem Agosto 2006: Las pasarela brillaba bajo el embrujo de las luces que la iluminaban el hotel Radisson Victoria Plaza en Monte Video, Uruguay. Era la sede de la semana de la moda, Luisel había tenido una semana de locos, esta...

Plant a billion tree campaign: What role do the youth have? (Opinions) 3-06-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
If there is anything that needed to be said with regards to the issues of restoring the world’s forest cover, which is a crucial aspect of global carbon sink, it has all been said. Many though still wander what needs to be done concerning the...

PNMC enfrenta dificuldade em articular idéias para mitigação (Opinions) 4-11-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Em diálogo sobre mitigação às mudanças climáticas, Estados apontam necessidade em apontar questões locais. Por: Efraim Neto Se dependesse de um debate maior e mais aproximado da sociedade civil organizada e dos Fóruns Estaduais de...

poetry (Poetry) 1-09-2005
by Jack Lashbrook
-----A LITTLE BETRAYAL----- La petite mort tickles in the sweet,sweat-soaked sheets, Welcome and warm in the space where love and lust meets. Rising and writhing to a climax of intimate desires, Love doesn't just make fools of us, it...

Police Killings of Protestors in Nigeria (Opinions) 15-07-2003
The Democracy Volunteers (DV) condemns the callous killings of several innocent Nigerians and peaceful protesters by the Nigeria Police in the attempt by the Obasanjo government to quell the nationwide strike and mass protests against its 20th...

Political change in Honduras- an immoral coup d'etat (Opinions) 16-07-2009
by Richard Zhang
June 28th, 2009 was the day that sent Honduras into turmoil; it was the day that the Honduran military broke its own established democracy and overthrew its democratic leader, Manuel Zelaya, who was exiled into Costa Rica. The pretext that his...

Political Will and Sustainable Development (Opinions) 26-07-2006
by Stephen N. Asek
It is weird how one can be given power but still has the inertia to wield it Political will remains a particular challenge for developing countries today. Though often invoked as a concept, political will refers to the desire and...

Politics of Hope/Fear (Opinions) 10-09-2007
by Christopher Mikkelsen
Politics of Hope vs. Politics of Fear. Intrinsically, the political arena was created to reflect our core values in a channeled and focused way, a bid to correlate humanity to the world at large. This, by definition, should at least be the...

Pollutant (Poetry) 18-01-2006
by Not Available
Oil and Corruption. Guns and Violence. The blue suits Dominate. The Brown suits Die. The White suits Deal- Bright red scars For clean white Suits. The beating of Drums for peace Silenced. Garbage against None. Recycling for...

Poor mad man (Poetry) 19-08-2007
by gigi

Positioning Ukrainian Liberals (Opinions) 22-05-2004
by Olexiy Kuzmenko
With Presidential Elections in Ukraine just a few months ahead I would like to turn to Parliamentary elections in Russia as an illustration of, to a large extent, general situation inside of the liberal and democratic movements in the region and...

POSSIBILITIES EMERGE...... (Opinions) 10-01-2007
by Adriana Sassoon
Possibilities Emerge ... Possibilities emerge when we earnestly search for what is hindering our destiny to flow naturally. There are times when it seems that we are going round and round in circles about the same situation and our...

Poverty (Opinions) 1-03-2007
by Stephen O. Silas
Dear all, I have a complicated issue here with a syndrome call POVERTY, I hate POVERTY like crazy; I don’t like it for any thing, But to sincerely look into it, if you don’t know its meaning you will think is a good think to embrace. May be...

Poverty and the rural African youth (Opinions) 28-02-2008
Poverty has always been associated with the rural populace in Africa, agreeably due to poor infrastructural development in rural Africa. Although poverty eradication has always been a major focus of international organizations, governments and Non...

poverty and youth prostitution (Opinions) 11-02-2003
by ishola musa shehu
Youth prostitution grows in an environment of misery and poverty. Youth exploitation and prostitution are clearly linked to the disunity of the family and fruits of misery and hunger. Some parents claim that poverty led them to sell their...

Poverty in Prosperity (Poetry) 17-12-2006
Poverty in prosperity The reality of some people's existence Even in prosperity, poverty is a reality In countries far and near In countries rich but poor In countries young and old In countries big and small In countries white, black or...

Poverty: The World at Stake (Opinions) 9-10-2002
by Ayodeji Thomas Adewunmi
Poverty affects the lives of millions of people, including two of the world’s best paid football players: Ronaldo, and Zidane. What is more surprising is the fact that we now live in a world where almost a quarter of the population, live in...

Power (Poetry) 8-12-2005
Power is not callous Like that of a heartless barrel. That destructively decimates The populace of the human race To make extinct of the rivals Or trample over a thousand victims, And...

Power Dynamics in the Human Rights Movements - Universalism or Relativism (Opinions) 28-08-2007
In a world where identity has become a political tool for public mobilization, it takes great facilitation skills to navigate across the universalism and cultural relativism debate without hurting anybody's feelings. Ideas of global citizenship...

Premier tour des élections au Bénin : la victoire du peuple (Opinions) 10-03-2006
by François Vianou Godonou
Lés élections du 05 mars dernier a été l'occasion pour les populations du Bénin de démontrer au monde entier combien elles sont mûres. Depuis la rumeur du report et du couplage de ces élections, ce peuple n'a cessé de prouver sa détermination à...

Presidential Youth Fellowship Program (PYFP) Launched (Short Story) 4-06-2003
In continuously recognizing the historical roles of the youth in nation building and today's need to form a group of excellent young Filipinos who will be built up as the role models of the new generation, the Presidential Youth Fellowship...

Profession? Oppositioner! (Interviews) 1-04-2005
by Olexiy Kuzmenko
During the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, that had burst after rigged Presidential elections and led to Fairer and Open elections, our guest Volodymyr Lesyk was a senior officer of PORA, a nation wide youth organization (civic campaign) that is...

Programa Integral de Asentamientos Irregulares (Interviews) 28-03-2005
by Andres Klein
Programa Integral de Asentamientos Irregulares: una lucha por el desarrollo El Programa Integral de Asentamientos Irregulares (PIAI), se ha desarrollado en una etapa de “arreglo del barrio” nos decía Mauricio García, joven que ha...

Progression? (Opinions) 31-01-2011
by Luke
What's happening with our planet? We are being run by politics. What do groups of people, all with different views who sit in a room and squabble about what needs to happen, effectively do? We talk about change; we talk about the...

Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women (Opinions) 22-03-2006
By Isata Mansaray 17 Years old - 2nd Prize- TIG Sierra Leone Essay Contest Do you think the MDGs will be achieved and what will be the role of youths in their achievement? MDG Goal #3: Promote gender equality and empower women - Eliminate...

Promoting a Meaningful Response Towards Ending Gender Based Violence (Opinions) 12-12-2005
by mbonisi zikhali
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence that have just gone by are a reminder of a necessary lifetime commitment to the protection of women against a widespread and brutal human rights violation. It is a movement whose own success should...

Prophet Muhammad Cartoons: Media Freedom or Cruelty? (Opinions) 23-02-2006
by Wilfred Mamah
Human rights are, as we know them today, the outcome of the historic and collective fight against crude power; against the dictatorship of a few, who abuse their positions to the detriment of others. Media freedom is a crucial right that has been...

Qasim Amin and the education of women (Opinions) 20-03-2007
by Ayman El Hakea
The 19th century represented the boiling point of social, political, economic and religious reform in the Middle Eastern region in general, and Egypt in particular. The Islamic renewal principles of Muhammad 'Abduh (1849-1905), the Grand Sheikh...

Quand la franc-maçonnerie devient employeur. (Opinions) 27-09-2008
Le travail peut être considéré comme une activité économique visant à long terme le bien être sur le plan socio-économique d'une communauté donnée. Vue de cette manière, le travail est considéré dès lors comme un moyen pour chaque...

Quand l’État est en faillite, la Nation est en péril. (Opinions) 10-03-2007
by JOSEPH Marckenson
Des vérités qui dérangent : Le peuple haïtien fait face à un très grave problème : L’Etat haïtien est en crise. Il est en faillite. (Multiple organ failure). Il n’est pas viable. Il survit par des moyens « artificiels ». Il est réduit à la...

Queen of my heart (Poetry) 17-06-2008
by Peculiar Ediomo-Abasi
I watched my wife give birth to my child and her pain quenched the fire that made me wild. I wept from my debt and could feel the depth that my stone-hearted heart had created and was surprisingly in a few minutes melted. I hated myself...

Questions and Stereotypes (Poetry) 28-10-2004
by Salisu Suleiman
I tried to live by the norms and was labeled Conformist So I tried something else, and earned the tag Radical And then I tried to be both but was called Unstable I therefore tried to articulate myself, only to be slapped Misleading...

Raise My Voice (Poetry) 27-12-2006
by Kevin A. Ferreira
I am going crazy, The world has become hazy, I am stuck in a world, A world in which I was not prepared for, One where everywhere I turn, I am being shaped, Being molded, To fit society, A society, Where everyone just keeps to themselves,...

Reach Out and Shout (Poetry) 28-01-2006
Shout for social mobilization Roar for harmonization Scream for information Reach out for education Increase the standard of care AIDS is a reality, not a scare So let’s dare to share And be tolerant, it’s not fair Let’s create...

Reality bites (Poetry) 13-10-2006
by Farrukh
Looking at a beggar, Sitting on the road, Instead of giving him a token, So he could buy a meal, We just walk away, And join the crowd, Looking at an impoverished infant cry for food, Instead of giving a little from our meal, We just eat...

Reality Bites, Indeed! (Opinions) 9-02-2003
by Naynesh M. Vora
REALITY BITES, INDEED. Naynesh M. Vora, Morbi February 8, 2003 Life, as it seems, is like a continuous flow of water in a stream. People pass through it, using their own experience, capacity and of course, tact. It is the...

Reconstructing Haiti: A great opportunity for co-development reinforcement (Opinions) 11-03-2010
by Edy Fils-Aime
After the earthquake hit the heart of Haiti on January 12th, 2010 international humanitarian aid with long chains of logistics are necessary to save lives and relief people. In the meantime, it must be said that humanitarian aid will not undo...

Reflections (Opinions) 3-06-2002
by Josh Lasky
Reflections on the Recent Past (10/21/01) Josh Lasky is a 17-year-old high school junior in Cranford, NJ. He recently attended the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance in...

by Yambwa, Nziya Jean-Pierre
REFLEXION SUR LE PROCESSUS POLITIQUE DE LA R D CONGO La légende veut que la République Démocratique du Congo symbolise le ''continent noir'', portrait datant du temps des propensions exploratrices de l'Occident. Ce symbole, en tout cas, n'a...

Reflexões sobre a Teoria de Gênero em Relações Internacionais (Opinions) 29-08-2008
by Luciana Brasil
Inicialmente, para apresentar os argumentos centrais da "Teoria de Gênero em Relações Internacionais", é preciso conceitualizar o que vem a ser gênero. Gênero, diferente de sexo, são as construções sociais, morais, valores, atribuídos ao sexo...

Refocusing African societal values and leadership (Opinions) 7-02-2007
by Oluwatosin
The African society is growing more and more in size and economy and is probably among the fastest growing economies in the world. Over the years the African society had been over ridden with no definite values thereby making the Nation into one...

Refugee Crisis (Opinions) 20-04-2002
by Yvonne Shao
I would just like to say that Australia has clearly not provided enough humanitarian assistance to recent refugees. One example I can use is the Tampa incident where the Australian government turned away 400 refugees stranded at sea. The asylum...

Refugees (Poetry) 20-06-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
A cruel world it is Or is it not A better world it is Or is it not People laugh People cry People get excited People are people Others have all they yearn for Others search for it Others have to sacrifice all Others still, robe from...

Refugees (Poetry) 15-12-2008
by Meredith Flanner
Hunger Despair, grave danger, weep, dry tears, salty, scared, families, kids, walk miles, no home. Petrified Bang! gun fire, deadth, cries, war. Poverty...

Regard sur la pauvreté (Opinions) 14-02-2006
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
(cf. Rapport du Secrétaire général de l'onu; session d'organisation, 30 avril-2 mai 2001) La composante sociale du développement durable va de la mise en oeuvre de l'équité au renforcement de l'identité des êtres humains dans la diversité....

Regina VS Mitchell (Poetry) 1-09-2004
by Louise Chapman
Alone, I walk into the crowed room As heads do turn, I fluster with remorse, This court case culminating in my doom, What’s destined for is soon to take its course. Each question asked does feed upon my shame, As piercing eyes condemn me for...

Release Yourself (Poetry) 10-05-2006
by suzannah scanlon
Look at us What have we become? What have they done to us? What have we let them do? We are herded Like sheep Into what we know is wrong But do not care Our mouths Zipped shut No truth escapes these lips Just lies Created by the...

Relevancia y protagonismo juvenil latinoamericano (Opinions) 28-03-2008
by Miguel Gallegos
Introducción En la actualidad, nadie duda de que los procesos de producción y generación de conocimientos se hayan vuelto prioritarios para el desarrollo y el crecimiento de todas las sociedades. Estamos siendo protagonistas de un nuevo perfil...

Relief (Poetry) 25-05-2005
by jumoke
Relief I am a seed in this fertile soil of youthfulness, a Part, to this increasing, fervent hunt for an embrace of Love. I look towards a changing world. A consistent Brightness, and a continued reason to share real, hearty Laughter...

Religion, Culture and the Rights of Women (Opinions) 22-12-2007
It has always been an interest of mine to read about men and women alike who have excelled in their chosen fields, whether in science/technology, education, entrepreneurship, politics, religious vocation, etc. But recently I have been critically...

Remembering Ali (Opinions) 20-07-2007
by Peter Saval Mutung'u M
Saturday Ali arose to the searing pain in his back & in that moment he feels sad that his wish to die in his sleep was not granted. He quickly puts on his tattered shirt & shorts, it’s another day, he recalls that his stepfather said he...

Remembering Dr. Parsa (Opinions) 9-05-2005
by Ardavan Bahrami
A quarter of a century ago, on May 8th 1980, the Islamic Republic executed an Iranian woman whose only crime was educating her compatriots and setting an example for so many who gained their rightful place in our society. She was to face the...

Report from Seoul (Opinions) 28-12-2002
by Ha Thi Lan Anh
From 9th to 13th December 2002 in Seoul,Korea,the representatives of children from 15 countries including Cambodia, China, East Timor, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, Tuvalu, Vanuatu...

Report from the IYPF and YES WSSD Side Event (Opinions) 30-10-2002
by International Young Professionals Founda
Report on the work of the IYPF and YES at the World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg August 26 – September 4, 2002 Background: The International Young Professionals Foundation (IYPF) and the Youth Employment Summit (YES)...

Represión en la Plaza de Toros (Opinions) 15-02-2006
by Carlos García-Robles
México D.F., 5 de febrero 2006, 60 aniversario de la Plaza de Toros México Los organizadores, convocantes y participantes de la marcha contra las corridas de toros y las celebraciones del 60 aniversario de la Plaza de Toros México, decidimos...

Reseña de mis Principales Propuestas a llevar adelante desde la Legislatura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (en caso de ser elegido) (Opinions) 25-07-2003
by Ciro Gabriel Avruj
La política es un medio que bien utilizado puede ser una excelente herramienta para transformar la realidad. Es por eso que decidí involucrarme y participar también desde este ámbito. Trataré de llevar mi vocación de servicio y experiencia en ONGs...

Respect du guide de bonne conduite dans les ateliers :lorsque l'indigence oppose son veto. (Opinions) 14-01-2008
by Spéro Hector ACKEY
Deux bouteilles de boissons fortes, des noix de Kolas et une somme d’argent de 40.000 à 100.000 f Cfa variant parfois selon le maître artisan. Voilà comment les enfants apprentis sont recrutés dans nos ateliers de la place. Courbés, dos au...

Responsible Citzenship for Good Governance (Opinions) 10-05-2006
by Wilson
A few weeks ago while visiting my home country (in Latin America), I stumbled over a journal devoted to study the fact that my country was ungovernable. I wondered, what did these pundits mean by describing page after page, the lack of governance...

Restitución de la Ley CONAJU y vigencia del Diezmo Juvenil en el marco de la Convención Iberoamericana de Derechos de los Jóvenes (CIDJ) (Opinions) 15-05-2008
Restitución de la Ley CONAJU y vigencia del Diezmo Juvenil en el marco de la Convención Iberoamericana de Derechos de los Jóvenes (CIDJ) Por: Christian Pardo Reyes(*) Mesa Redonda “Convención Iberoamericana de Derechos de los Jóvenes...

Retaliations fromThe 999 SIN Card (Interviews) 28-08-2007
February 26 2006, 13h30, Québec City É: Hello Mini-Mini. M: Hello Manue. É: I was going to ask you some questions for my research methods course that I take at University. M: Okay. É: So if you agree we are going to have a really...

Rethinking Globalization: Nirvana or Armageddon? (Opinions) 29-08-2005
by Andi
Globalization remains a paradox in our world today. It brings about dramatic economic growth and advancement of technology, but at the same time also causes unprecedented human and ecological problems. Anthony Giddens (1999) describes this...

Rich In Love (Poetry) 15-11-2009
by sharon
I can't seem to erase from my mind The need and pain I saw in that outstretched palm And how they just passed by without the blink of an eye. Where is the pity for a fellow brother or sister? Where is the sympathy and love that should be a...

Rise up (Poetry) 4-01-2008
by Alexandra Cummings
Defy those who deny you Defy those who said you couldn't do it Rise up against the ordinary Let yourself be heard Allow yourself to make a difference And rise up

Rock On in Flint Michigan (Opinions) 14-05-2005
by Kayamone Sutton
Freedom of speech, an ideal that has been the centerpiece of American democracy is one of the most argued over rights in modern times. The American constitution, solidified by the Bill of Rights, states that “Congress shall make no law…abridging...

Role of Youth Associations in Building future India (Opinions) 4-02-2003
by Venkatesham Burra
Role as facilitators in implementing the government programmes and acts: Many of the legislations, laws, and acts enacted for noble purposes are not able to make any headway due to lack of people’s participation and support....

Romania: Stigma Attached to HIV Postitive People (Short Story) 30-07-2004
by Daniela Tuchel
The Romanians affected by HIV/AIDS face the trauma of social exclusion, due to community ignorance. "When I was diagnosed with HIV, I fell into a depression so severe, that it almost cost my life. I was in deep shock; I couldn't believe this...

Rude, Blunt and Rusty (Poetry) 1-12-2008
by Nikki Allison
On November 13 I visited the Canadian War museum. The following is a poem based on the machete from the Rwandan genocide that was on display. Hack, rip, shred. Hear the cries of the dead. Tear, toss, throw. The cries of a people grow....

Sacred Corruption! (Poetry) 19-09-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Life stood still for a stronger life People saw visions that lack meanings Our waters rose to swallow waters Even in the face of unperturbed miracles We have seen lives that are lacking Our imaginations imagine terrible thoughts...

SAF-Nepal (Short Story) 21-11-2007
by Social Concern and awareness forum-
Social Concern and Awareness Forum Nepal (SAF- Nepal) is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-government organization working for a peaceful and democratic Nepal. It was established in 2003 by a group of students and youth, seeking peace in a...

Saints and Sinners (Poetry) 12-08-2006
by Ayo Adedapo
Before my death I have this to say: Man's riches gather When he exploits, extorts And neglects the suffering. Vision for the self Is lubricant for vices; Vices accomplices of evil Whose abundance Pullulate profane power, As symbols...

Same-sex marriage is about Human Rights and Equality? Supreme court of Canada is to answer... (Interviews) 12-10-2004
by Olexiy Kuzmenko
The Supreme Court of Canada began its historic deliberations on same sex marriage this month, and many Canadians are wringling their hands. Many other will merely shake their heads. The court will hand down a non-binding legal opinion in...

Sarah Baartman's Homecoming (Poetry) 24-01-2007
by Selwyn Milborrow
Beyond the mountains caged like an animal in one corner of the world with only a longing in the heart and a barefoot prayer you came home at night to be nestled in a cradle of love. You looked at the African night sky imagined a sun of...

Sarah's Story (Short Story) 29-04-2009
by Mekhala Chaubal
Sarah, 20, Salvation Army Camp, Kenya It is nine ‘o’clock at night in Kenya when I call Sarah, and as soon as she picks up, phone with shouts and noises of women’s voices in the background. Amidst all of this, Sarah’s stands out. We talk about...

Save our future (Poetry) 28-03-2008
by Atta ur Rehman Qureashi
I'm working in an auto workshop; Save me. I'm picking rags from markets, roads, open waste material and sewerage lines; Save me. I'm working in different houses, involved in domestic labour; Save me. I'm working in an agricultural...

Save the Roma (Opinions) 18-11-2008
by Scott Elliott
I would like to bring your attention to an issue that has received little attention( if any). The Romani (singular Rom, plural Roma as a noun; also known as Romanies) are Europe’s largest and fastest growing minority. Tragically, they are being...

Sentenced to death by stoning (Opinions) 29-08-2002
by Charlo Seychell
Dear Mr. Ambassador, PATH - European Youth Without Drugs is a European network run by, with and for young people, promoting a healthy lifestyle, mainly through drug-abuse prevention projects. We have received the attached email, and, being a...

September 11th: It Is Only Tomorrow That Today Will Matter To Any Of Us (Opinions) 30-09-2006
by Parker
Today is no particular day. It is September 30th, 2006; it is just another day in my life and in most peoples lives. But I picked up an old Time magazine from 19 days ago paying tribute to September 11th. I looked up any articles written 19 days...

Settlement (Short Story) 23-04-2009
by kasim
For the last one year we have been living in Lebanon away from our home because I was kidnapped by the gunmen and my family exposed to threat by the Militias we are an Iraqi family escaped from Iraq to Lebanon via Syria after the shitte...

Sex in Today's Society for young women (Opinions) 2-06-2003
by Kasey Young
Teen sexuality integration into our society continue to grow every day. Teenagers find it all in fun and having a good time, but what they're unaware of is that there are major consequences for the deed. HIV, Herpes pregnancy, those are just...

Shakara (Opinions) 25-01-2007
by friday solomon
Shakara, there is time for everything. Who is crying will always see, who is full will be hungry, Shakara....

She Walked Away (Poetry) 8-04-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
She piped my glory And called me her baby, Sent lots of cheers With kisses and roses I too, in my part Cherished in my heart For she’s all intriguing And dearly darling Abstract love’s absurdity And its blind credulity; Spell bound...

She was like an angel (Short Story) 16-04-2010
by Adham Khalil
She was like an angel when I saw her dancing with a group of classmates in Alassria Cultural Center in Jabalia Refugee Camp. Then I didn’t see her for three years. I asked my friend Abdallah Abuzaiter, the instructor, about her: “Isn’t she the...

Should Governments Guarantee Freedom from Poverty? (Opinions) 8-08-2002
by Franklin Cudjoe
Poverty is no stranger to the world. Nearly one in four people (1.3 billion people in total) live in absolute poverty, surviving on less than $1 a day. The world Health Organization terms it “the world’s deadliest disease and the biggest single...

Sigh. (Poetry) 20-02-2007
by friday solomon
It takes one to make two, some wish to be divided into two when they are not yet one. a little drop of water makes a mighty ocean be patient in life, be satisfied with what you have climb the ladder from beneath and not from the middle;...

Silhouettes of neglect (Poetry) 30-03-2005
by Dmitriy Kokarev
Step into their world See their lives ruined, shattered and left to rust Since the early days and up until today Mere objects of possession in the hands of men Another trophy on their wall of insecurity and doubt A vase on display filled...

Simply Said about Sex (Opinions) 26-07-2008
by Kermi Liya
It's true that while most of us are paranoid about "sex" while in our teens, it's also the time when we are most vulnerable. The media showers us with images and news about sex and the sex life of others, making it nearly impossible to not include...

Sinsabores de un operador telefónico (Interviews) 22-03-2006
by Andrea Durán Sánchez
La crisis del 2001 en la Argentina y la catastrófica devaluación monetaria, dejó a la clase trabajadora dócil e indefensa, dispuesta a aceptar cualquier oportunidad de trabajo para poder sobrellevar la crisis. Esto hizo del país escenario propicio...

Sisters Forever (Poetry) 24-04-2008
by Kayleigh
No matter how close we are, Near or far, Our similarities will keep us together, Sisters Forever.

Situation of Refugees (Interviews) 29-06-2007
by Djibril
June 20th 2007-Senegal: World Refugee Day, NGOs urgently call upon the authorities and the international community to take action. With the theme “Local Integration”, World Refugee Day was celebrated all across Senegal. Several humanitarian...

Skipping Childhood (Opinions) 27-06-2007
by Wilson
Millions of children have been poured into the streets of all urban centers in the developing world; they are the by-product of the absorbent modern society that often centralizes jobs, housing and services, where those who cannot afford it do not...

SLAVERY (Poetry) 30-05-2004
by Helen Fu
Sadness running through you Like a deadly snake biting you when A master whips you Very hard on your body Everyone looking at you Recalling when it happened to them You are helpless with despair

Slippery Cocoon of Anger (Poetry) 15-12-2007
by Michelle Domocol
In my medical anthropology class of 2003 students sought to garner truth shoveled between HIV statistics and Africa’s name that day we garnered scaled truth and gossamer-clad solutions. a stylish man demanded, ‘it’s because… it’s...

So little time (Poetry) 2-08-2008
by Bilal Hamamra
So little time is left to me But a cloud of affections From the sky of my throne To your land is going to fall. Thought is dry When by feelings is not charged Desert I am When by your love I am not touched

Socially-conscious travel (Opinions) 20-11-2008
by Stacia
In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of tour groups offering ‘responsible tourism’, ‘volunteer trips’, and ‘socially conscious travel’. These groups advertise travel with a conscience- i.e., tours are complemented by volunteer work...

Soft Tools for Emerging New Global Citizens (Opinions) 19-10-2007
by Vittal Koppal
Main objectives of these soft tools is to give the participants a best opportunity to learn, practice and master new self-expansion and professional behaviors, to enhance their day-to-day productivity and functional efficiency in the globalizing...

Soja con soja no es comida de zonzos (Opinions) 27-04-2006
by Sebastián Galanternik
Cuando éramos niños e íbamos a la escuela aprendíamos de memoria muchas frases que en ese momento carecían de sentido, pero que terminaban siendo un cliché de nuestra vida. “Belgrano creó la bandera”, “San Martín cruzó la cordillera de Los Andes”...

Solemn Face (Poetry) 17-05-2006
by Elisa D.
The reason for a solemn face Isn't because of where I am but because of what is happening to our world to our time look at a globe put your finger on it you smile and mock but I cry In that country there is violence In that one...

Sólo en México (Opinions) 6-11-2007
by Karina Hernández Sánchez
México es un país que tiene una gran riqueza natural y que también cuenta con muchos habitantes que unidos pueden hacer que las cosas mejoren en nuestro país y apoyen las verdaderas causas. Muchos quizá dirán que el apoyo se da en los momentos...

Some thoughts about the concept of justice... (Opinions) 1-01-2007
by Iman Ng
What do the law courts of Nigeria and those in the U.S. have in common? For one, the judges are staffed by the executive (or sometimes quasi-military dictatorships) of the government to work in the ruling coalition’s favor; that is not to say that...

AFRICITES 4, NAIROBI 21 septembre 2006 RESOLUTIONS DES MAIRES ET AUTORITES LOCALES Préambule Nous, les Maires et Autorités Locales réunis a Nairobi pour le Sommet Africités du 21 au 22 septembre 2006, après délibération sur le thème...

Song and Dance (Poetry) 13-08-2005
by Smeetha Bhoumik
There was a song on her lips a child in her arms as palms outstretched, she danced along the scalding city streets - where she belonged. Here a right jig, there a light prance, In with the lights and...

Spectator (Poetry) 30-06-2007
by Janet Wong
Watching A fogging reality of tragedies Information bursting from all directions Electron particles buzzing Catching our attention Numbers with tens of zeros following up What do they mean? Sent to heaven, they’re gone The planet is now...

Stalemate (Poetry) 7-10-2009
by Andrew Benson Greene Jr
You and I were playmates At school. You were soon forced to get rid of your slates 9 years later. In late 1999, You made my country, Your country Forced to pay the highest bill of hate When you grabbed a rifle, your abominable tool....

Stamp Out Violation of Human Rights (Opinions) 11-07-2007
by David Ephraim Pewa
Stamp out violation of human rights ONE of the greatest achievements of this century has been the awareness by the international community of the role of human rights as the foundation for progress, development, democracy and prosperity. I...

STAND UP Against Poverty: But What Is Poverty? (Poetry) 2-10-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
MILLENIUM Campaign: STAND UP Against Poverty I, Odimegwu Onwumere, a Nigerian poet and creative writer, neither a group who would understand this memorable call “STAND UP Against Poverty” do I have, nor could I organize an event, but I send...

State of Emergency (Opinions) 3-01-2007
by Sitiveni
I wonder if the commander has taken into consideration the consequences of his actions. As we the youths of today the leaders of tomorrow, we shall not have to bear the burden of rebuilding our nation. The actions of so called coup makers, or is...

Stepping into the spotlight (Poetry) 22-06-2008
by sanmi
Stepping into the Spotlight, It is a step to remember. Full of fun and freaks Full of dreams and fantasies, It lies in what the future holds. It is another step out of the dark ages Based on the sweet present deeds With respect to...

Strange Faces (Poetry) 21-06-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
Strange Faces In an unseeing crowd Slow paces My own heart beat loud Panic thoughts on replay No money to pay The pay phone Without sympathy Lost…

Stranger to Different (Poetry) 27-10-2008
by alexandra tome
My eyes so open so able yet so blind, blind to so many blind to so called differences why must we persuade ourselves to recognize different are we not proud to be embellished by others and within others. can we not tolerate, or embrace...

Street Children - Whose Challenge? (Opinions) 11-09-2001
by Ezekiel Kevin Annan
A new millennium has dawned for another look to be taken on the subject of street children. An encyclopedia has not been written about this all important subject but only little have been done in practice to curb this menace. Street children’s...

Street Children. (Poetry) 5-10-2005
by Lukonge John
The hunger the street children endure feels like death itself when it twists the inside of their stomachs causing them to wince in pain. More than once, they curse why they came to earth being under such torture. They keep questioning...

Street girls in Mekelle town (Short Story) 3-12-2007
by Yoseph Berhane
GENERAL SITUATION Streetism is one of the social problems growing from time to time. The cause of streetism is mainly economic problem, divorce of parents, death of parents etc. and differs from town to town. In Mekelle city there are two types...

Struggle of a brilliant girl (Interviews) 16-03-2007
by Habibullah Mizan
Habibullah Mizan Staff Reporter The New Nation, Dhaka, Bangladesh Back from Rangpur A girl living with starvation, abject poverty has finally made an extraordinary success facing manifold problems in her day-to-day life. She, however,...

Struggle of a brilliant girl (Interviews) 16-03-2007
by Habibullah Mizan
Habibullah Mizan Staff Reporter The New Nation, Dhaka, Bangladesh Back from Rangpur A girl living with starvation, abject poverty has finally made an extraordinary success facing manifold problems in her day-to-day life. She, however,...

Student Group Targets Corporate Elites (Interviews) 9-11-2008
by Jonathan Frank
On November 3, 2008 in Waterloo, Ontario a student activist group, Anti-War @ Laurier, from Wilfred Laurier University targeted Manulife Financial for their leadership role in the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC) and the Security and...

Suddenly (Poetry) 12-03-2006
by lucy wagereka
The atmosphere suddenly changed What was blue and white was now grey and dark Like a monster forming and ready to attack Down its all noisy and confused Sideways- children, mothers and fathers Run for safety And I in the middle not really...

Suffering and Smiling (Poetry) 1-07-2007
They wave, smile, laugh and are happy They are children, innocent and subjugated They are suffering, yet smiling They are used in farms and paid less Exploited and abused with no help in sight No one to turn to because of their...

Suffering and Smiling (Opinions) 1-10-2003
by alexander tayo
At times I wonder if we have a competent government that truly cares about the welfare of its people. The activities of the social miscreants popularly called "area boys" in Lagos state has gone beyond what the citizens can handle. Area boys...

Suffering at our place (Poetry) 18-07-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
The heat of the day fueled the mosquitoes Such was the time for this experience The hot sun watched the hunger mobilize, let’s trudge on We see a light of hope ahead let’s continue the journey Coming in silken drapes of white Welcomed in...

Suffering silently: bulls and men (Short Story) 14-04-2008
by shakil ahmed
It has been four months since I took up residence here at Jogabai Extension, an outgrowth of the predominantly Muslim locality known as Zakirnagar. The outgrowth is said to be an unlawful encroachment on the dried up bed of the river Yamuna. I...

Suicide (Poetry) 3-03-2006
The world will never understand why you took the stand and decided that it's the end for your life can never mend So many questions and conclusions with no apparent solutions which just increase the confusion for your life became an...

Suicidio: el reclamo de una generacion en crisis (Opinions) 16-07-2007
by Caleb Ordoñez Talavera
El 14 de Enero del 2007 Dave Steve Pedrosa Guaderrama de 24 años de edad, se desempeñaba como elemento de seguridad publica, se dio un balazo en el tórax a la altura del corazón con el arma calibre 9 milímetros marca Ruger que tenía bajo su...

Survivor (Poetry) 20-05-2005
by Amy Megsin
So I sit. Scarred eyes In the blackness. I stare into the hole Knowing not of the Colours I knew before. I know no life No beauty or joy. Only blackness. A hole created By brash hands. And harsh words. Hands that once...

Sustainable Development: Is it a reality or a phantom? (Opinions) 26-08-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Everyone in the world yearns for a better life. It takes different forms of needs. There are those who want to have industries built for them and get employed, there are those who want a better infrastructure, such as proper roads -so as to have a...

Sweat Shops (Opinions) 30-10-2002
by Angel
Today no one understands the meaning of "human rights". These human rights have to be thought about, especially in regard to sweatshops and that's what we are talking about today. Only 2 of the many orginizations have tried to stop...

Sympathy (Poetry) 15-10-2003
by Ayomi Meneko
I know what the caged bird feels When the sun sets When the river flows to the east As the road gets rough with the beast How he flies through the glen When the cry of a baby is out As the sky lightens, in a sky blue cloud I know what the...

Symphonie automnale (Poetry) 27-05-2008
by Youths Ahead!
En Septembre les fleurs faneront Elles s’éteindront avec le cycle des saisons La musique triste et funéraire Accompagnera ces longs crépuscules austères.. En Septembre les feuilles aussi valseront Avec le temps gris ce vieil aigri...

Taken (Poetry) 26-02-2006
by Cherrie Kong
It was cool - a little cold A little harsh A little hole Had nonetheless Punctured through To that sheltered place, now It is cold - freezing still, And through my core Runs a chill Solid base but On ice you slip... Will you take me...

Talking About Racial Discrimination (Opinions) 10-04-2003
by Kelly
When you actually put yourself in someone else's shoes, you know exactly what is it like. I mean absolutely exact. Racial discrimination is not something funny at all, just because some of us are colored, doesn't mean we should be treated...

Tapestry (Poetry) 4-03-2007
by Carlos
It is somehow new, willingly placing the self in the unknowable the blindness of beauty in autumn a mere moment in a life time unlived hoping to catch sustenance and peace perhaps for the first time, a memory rising into the furthest stars...

Teachers Never Intervened - homophobia in South African schools (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
AJ is a white lesbian now in her 20’s; she remembers during her school days, “I’ve always had crushes on girls. One day a friend of mine asked me, ‘Who do you like?’ So I told her. The next day I got beaten up at school. They kicked me and threw...

Teenage Pregnancy and Development (Opinions) 10-08-2007
Many third world countries are swimming in the pool of poverty without knowing what to do or how to come out of it. Some heads of state both present and the past have tackled the root of poverty or they have lost sight of it. One of the major...

Tel un mauvais vent (Opinions) 14-01-2009
Si le mal était perçu communément dans notre monde comme positif,nous auront dit que tout va pour le mieux dans cette partie de la terre qu'est notre pays. En effet, au regard des soulèvements sociaux pacifiques menés par des syndicats des...

Terrorism, religion and global politics (Opinions) 29-08-2005
by Andi
The suspects of the Bali bombings may indeed just be "dummy agents" sacrificed to protect greater powers, yet further investigation has reportedly led to an extreme religious group planning ruthless attacks on foreign targets in Indonesia. No...

Terrorist triumphs are sown in the disasters of development (Opinions) 9-03-2008
by Dermot Ryan
This article is a summary of my unpublished essay ‘‘Democratic Development would Win the War on Terror,” previously entitled “Terrorist Triumphs are sown in the Disasters of Development”. I give evidence of the almost hysterical United States'...

Testing (Poetry) 16-02-2006
by Not Available
I passed the keys to my man. He passed the kids to me again. I passed them off to the day-care staff; that I passed by on my way to work. I passed the dollar to the driver; And passed three seats to find one empty. I passed the time in...

That Could’ve Been Me… If Not For My Mother (Short Story) 22-08-2006
by Amurawaiye Olushola
Every morning, as I a drive through the gates to my office, I see Tamedo sitting by the roadside, begging for alms. I give him a smile and wave. On more than a few occasions, I’ve given him money for food or to repair his locally fabricated...

That girl (Poetry) 23-05-2006
by Elisa D.
That girl in the corner She always stands there There face is blank Her eyes are bare Blank for the ridicule haunting her Bare for her crying soul A frown smothers her face Discrete, thin Compelling disgrace Her curling hair Never...

That Woman (Short Story) 11-09-2005
THAT OLD TALE This would be a story narrated before or else would have befell someplace in Kerala, a province in India. It was years back, during the reign of the British, when the states had local rulers mostly servants to the former. It was...

The (Poetry) 21-07-2007
by Samuel K Akinbo
tell the wind, to cease his motion. and rub love like lotion Headed head, cry in jagged edge hole, Full loaded city, now mourn the steps, and noise of his beloved Cows lost their horns Kings lost their crown... imagine! the mat...

The "T" Word in Kenya (Opinions) 20-01-2008
by Caroline Wao
Today, Talk of the Nation on NPR (National Public Radio) featured the "T" word that is in the midst of tearing Kenya apart. Tribe. Forgive my cynicism; but unfortunately tribalism has existed in Kenya (subtly or otherwise), for a long time now....

by erick ochieng otieno
Looking at these young African children from Kisumu looking for fish at the shores of Lake Victoria, one question lingers in my head, "why do they do it? Is int there some one ton fetch for the so that they can go to school?" Then the reality...

The African Child and EPAs (Opinions) 29-07-2007
Today, we have gathered here to celebrate the African continent, its past and future, successes and challenges, potentials and threats, especially what concerns its children, the African children. We do this with the hope that the African...

The African Child: (Short Story) 21-10-2012
by samson tare ekiyor
The African Child: the story of the pregnant 10 year-old By: SAMSON T, on November 18, 2011. She (name withheld) was young, innocent looking with an unusually protruded stomach; she came rushing towards our vehicle when the government bus...

The African Displacement Dispute (Opinions) 22-01-2007
by Madelaine
The involuntary displacement of people is a long-standing phenomenon. Throughout history, forces and factors have driven people from their normal and secure environments in search of more favorable locations that would support their survival....

The African Woman: Hail The Cornerstones of Africa! (Short Story) 5-12-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
African women, traditionally an epitome of forced aloofness in decision-making and community development, are today gregariously riding the emancipation hatch of openness, freedom of speech and recognition. Nowhere is this point more illustrated...

The aged that finally rests (Short Story) 14-07-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
There is a man I know who lives within 15 miles of me, in the same cloud forest as I. At 87 years of age, his body and life have been tattered by many an injury. He will not stop, not for a moment during his time awake, to rest. He says that if...

The American Burden (Opinions) 22-01-2005
by kyra ferber
Okay Americans, here we go again. Maybe you weren't listening, but yesterday, our president pledged an unlimited amount of resources, American life, and human turmoil to the rest of the world. It might have gone unnoticed, what with the glitz of...

The Annoying Thing (Poetry) 28-06-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
The annoying thing Is worth annoying for indeed; It is not only Kaffir they call us Is the bane, but questioning of Everything that we do: Who gave you the certificate to teach us? Where did you get such qualifications? Who are you to hold...

The Apocalypse (Poetry) 12-01-2007
by Ositadimma Amakeze
The Apocalypse Oh feller, fell no woods, Fell no woods anymore For sarcophagus, for here’s Come with us massive Massacre of masses Fell no tress in vain Say to bury the dead As in quantum we now die So do we be quaffed off Like...

The Atomic Bomb (Opinions) 25-03-2003
by Yvonne Shao
At the beginning of World War II, the bombing of civilians was regarded as a barbaric act. As the war continued, however, all sides abandoned previous restraints. But international law has always distinguished between civilians and combatants....

The Awakening (Poetry) 16-07-2003
by George Gardashian
The day the earth and its people Are let loose, wild. And the mother is taken from her child. When the skies are red like blood And the moon is as black as mud. When the houses collapse, trapping those within And even the mouse cannot hide...

The Beauty Of The Beast (Poetry) 19-10-2007
by Emperor Omorogiuwa Edionseri
A Beauty From AFRICA Your feet were still far away, When I heard you were coming this way. They said you’re black from Togo But, never said you knew how to tango. Why should one wish only to be able When it’s possible to be fully...

The best, the rest and the worst (Poetry) 22-06-2008
by sanmi
The best, the rest, and the worst… Better is the bid of the best, Best, better, and bighearted. Who are the best? Ace of all do-gooders, Enemy of expatriates, Eyesore of the evildoers. Worrywarts are the ways of the worst, Worthy of...

The Bicolana (Short Story) 23-07-2003
by pxi
“They talk about a woman’s sphere as though it had a limit; There’s not a place on earth or heaven there’s not a task to mankind given, there’s not a blessing or a woe, there’s not a whisper, yes, or no, there’s not a life, or death, or...

The Black Pride (Poetry) 26-12-2006
by Aderemi Adegbite
Be proud my child, be proud Of your endowed black shining skin, Glistering like the sparkling stars Above in the glooming sky At arrival of the glowing moon. With pride my child, with pride Must you display your beauty Along cities and...

The Blessing of Society (Opinions) 2-09-2005
by Andy Carloff
­The Blessing of Society "Society in every state is a blessing..." -- Thomas Paine, Common Sense What of Value? Interaction among human beings has provided us each with unique, fulfilling experiences, fond memories, and satisfied...

The Bruhaha Called Resource Control: To Be or Not to Be (Opinions) 4-08-2005
by Enefe,
The quest to regulate how the proceeds from its natural endowments are expended to the benefit of its people has in more than a decade been the problem of the South – South people of Nigeria. The clamour emanates from the lack of trust...

The Brutality of Strangers (Poetry) 17-03-2004
by Amy Megsin
A hurricane of cruelness; Steps freely and with joy On every last, remaining piece Of my confidence. I am small. Some can barely see me, But he finds me still, To chew on me like a toy. I fear to feel pain For my heart is not of stone...

The Bumpy Road to Special Session (Opinions) 15-05-2002
by Ha Thi Lan Anh
Cheerful and confident, hundreds of children are here at the UN from around the world attending the children's forum . But one must ask themselves how were they selected? Many child delegates have overcome a rough time trying to gain a seat in...

The Caste System: Clearing up the Misconceptions (Opinions) 10-06-2005
by AK
India and Hinduism in particular have come under a lot of flak on account of the Caste System. A noble system, which was actually a symbol of the Utopia that was ancient India, has been misused and abused over the last few centuries. The Caste...

The Children's World Water Forum aponta para as preocupações existentes em torno da questão da infância e dos usos da água (Opinions) 20-01-2009
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Estabelecido em Quito durante o 3º Fórum Mundial da Água, a seção direcionada para as crianças realiza conexões entre a infância e a questão da água. Por: Efraim Neto Nos países em desenvolvimento, um terço das mortes em crianças tem origem...

The Clouds (Poetry) 16-07-2003
by George Gardashian
At dawn the clouds spill in the valleys Giving it a sip of dew as they sink And the mountains extend its neck Over the top of these clouds Seizing the chance to be more lofty Cause the proud must come low And the lower must get respite As...

THE COMMONER. (Poetry) 10-10-2006
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
They call her rustic, But grandma knows Better math than they. If we are ten and Have twenty to share, She’d give us two each, But they give us none, Yet she is illiterate. And they are learned. A country of flowing milk, Where dirty...

The Conflict Zone (Poetry) 20-04-2012
by Ikram Ullah
Rue of a Woman half–widowed, The Ordeal of a girl yearning to see her father, The sigh from the broken soul of a Mother, And, the mourning of a Friend. You Ain’t gonna escape, when you Incur into this Conflict Zone....Where Blood is...

The Cradle of Poverty (Poetry) 15-02-2006
by simeon ifarinde
Rock the cradle, rock the boat, the arms of power rock they do, while alms ringing in thirsty drone Crying, hunger sang there too man the cradle, bread to spare nonetheles, none brewed here A wailing man, cradle rock famine in bellies...

The Cruelity of the life we live...... (Opinions) 16-07-2008
by Nekesah
I always sit and wonder why the world is just an unfair place…then something hits me; we were all born on a different day, time and way. Some were born in the rural areas where even the talk of a dispensary is like a dream hence it is never...

The Cycle (Poetry) 16-06-2007
by Tarini Chandak
Peace is a word that is used too much, It is said in speeches, Where politicians talk about love and such. Love is the topic of pop songs, It makes movie stars famous, And sends them fans in throngs. Throngs of people with no cares, To...

The Darfur Crisis: An African Apocalypse (Opinions) 25-12-2006
by Sarah Zaaimi
Despite its being the widest country of the black continent, crossed by the biggest river of the world (The Nile), and enjoying a rich amount of mineral resources, especially oil and gold, Sudan remains one of the hot spots of the world because of...

The Dawn (Short Story) 28-08-2005
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
Life is one horrible nightmare, someone had once told him; now, he believed it. It would be surprising to others that such a multi-millionaire and a business tycoon would think that way, but others couldn’t see what was going beneath the surface;...

The Death of Terri Schiavo (Opinions) 23-05-2005
To many, they believed justice had been done; they seem to give as a valid reason for the 13 days starvation of Terri Schiavo the fact that she "had been on life support for more than 15 years" with no significant improvement, and was "in a...

The Disease Called Bureaucracy (Opinions) 20-10-2003
by christopher bernardo
Many people once thought that “Red Tide” was the worst non-human epidemic… now, the same people who encountered “Red Tape” now think otherwise. Red Tape could be said to be an epidemic, the saddening part is that while “Red Tide” has its seasons,...

by umeche, chinedum ikenna
INTRODUCTION Society consists of individuals whose co-existence depends absolutely on interacting with one another. Man, as a being is a gregarious animal. Put in another way, no man is an island. Societal values are determined by members of...

The Downtrodden (Poetry) 16-03-2006
by Henry Ekwuruke
They are a motley crowd These downtrodden ones of the earth Unable to bear the stress and strains of these hard times Some find refuge in drugs and alcohol Thus destroying their mental equilibrium Others devastated by debilitating diseases...

the end of hope (Poetry) 1-04-2006
by aubrey madeline
Little baby boy with the whole world in front of him, living freely like a bird in the sky with blue eyes that anyone could fall in love with how could anyone denied him life? His journey has just begun, living his childhood everyday....

The Eternal Refugees (Opinions) 3-08-2004
by Zuhra Bahman
(I acknowledge the hospitality of people of Pakistan and Iran for hosting Afghan refugees for so long. I acknowledge the hard work and financial resources that goes toward the improvement of the situation facing Afghan refugees world wide. I...

The factory children (Poetry) 22-04-2011
by Maja
They’re not the happiest bunch They think that it’s unfair Not taking a break for lunch Because they really care Two-hundred and fifty thousand They all protest, mad People wish it hadn’t happened But, guess what, IT HAD They’ve...

The First South Asian Summer University (Opinions) 27-11-2005
by Anu maheshwari
South Asia including Afghanistan is endowed with so much diversity in culture, tradition, language, flora and fauna that not only does it create a unique kaleidoscope of images but the images also play a salient role in shaping the mind set of the...

The forgotten childhood experiences (Poetry) 19-02-2008
by Chakanetsa Ruzvidzo
Joys of childhood! “I wish to be young forever,” Many would assert and imagine, Hoping to lift back the hands of time. Innocent, discreet, gay, Lavish, tender and ambitious- All describe the nature of a child. Neglect, sodomy, forced...

The fugitive (Poetry) 11-08-2009
by Robbie
The fugitive was a frail piece of artwork. The tapestry of his skin intertwined with scars of futile journeys, limp limbs etched with the inevitability of death. Ostracized... Outcast... Forgotten... Eyes peeked from beneath his shawl-sanctum,...

The Future of the World Trade Organization (Opinions) 28-02-2006
by jaleel
While farmers of developing nations take to the streets, in a faint movement to protect themselves from the backlash of the WTO agreement, policy makers of the developed nations are fast losing patience with the conservative regimes of the...

The Garden (Poetry) 16-07-2003
by George Gardashian
The sunset casts a purple glow on the garden Once a year when the sun's position is just right. Yet war has taken that garden away from me- As such, friends and family prevent the trip. And the smoke-filled skies show such intimidation That...

The Girl Child (Poetry) 10-03-2006
by Oluyemisi Joel-Osebor (Nee Agboola)
Life is in stages Each stage a phase So girl child… Understand that you have a great future ahead of you Dear girl child Do not settle for less because you are destined for great heights Can you not see greatness ahead of you? Girl...

The Girl Child (Opinions) 11-10-2006
by Ntwale Siulanda
In 2004, the Zambian girl child brought pride and some form of recognition for Zambia. Once unknown females won first prizes in international competitions such as the Big Brother Africa Competition and the Project Fame Competition. Cherise...

The Global Efforts Initiative (Opinions) 18-07-2007
by Eric Gitonga Mburugu
My fellow Taking it Global Partners, My name is Eric Gitonga Mburugu, 19 years old. Towards the end of last year 2006, I came up with a new concept aimed at reaching out and empowering people to participate and be more proactive in the process...

The Gurkha karma (Opinions) 19-08-2009
by L.B.Tapmaden
The UK Government had already granted the right of settlement and equal pensions to those Gurkha soldiers serving in the British Army after 1997. The Gurkha veterans’ campaign was to provide settlement rights and equal pensions to all those Gurkha...

The Headscarf (Opinions) 4-12-2003
by Ayman El Hakea
A considerable amount of the world’s population, Muslims and none-Muslims were concerned about the issue of banning the Islamic Hijab or veil in the French public schools last month. A French lady was speaking about that issue, on the behalf of...

by Otemuyiwa Bamidele
The African Union was carved out of a previously existing organisation called the Organisation of African Unity (OAU). The OAU was established on 25 May 1963 in Addis Ababa, on signature of the OAU charter by representatives of 32 governments. A...

The Hollow World (Poetry) 28-08-2005
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
A mystic silence fills my ears. The noise of the rotating fan dissolving into the void. My probing eyes, feel as they scan the room and its walls. The emptiness of my mind projects unto the world through a lens of peculiar kind. I see...

The Homeless Cry (Poetry) 24-10-2006
by nouran awad
When you see a homeless child, sitting lonely on the street and singing the saddest lullaby. Do you ever stop and wonder about all the good times that pass you by? He's only a kid worrying about what to eat sitting, crying and living on the...

The humanists in depth (part one) (Opinions) 19-12-2004
by Kebby Thijesko Shampongo
Humanists are women and men of this century. They recognize the achievements of humanism throughout history, and find inspiration in the contributions of many cultures, not only those that today occupy center stage. They are also men and women who...

The Igbos (Ibos): Our Journey So Far (Opinions) 14-05-2007
The Igbo (Ibo) Culture: Our Journey So Far. The Igbo tribe in Nigeria is, no doubt, one of the most dynamic tribes in the African continent. Unfortunately, little is known about this tribe beyond the shores of Nigeria, and one of the reasons is...

The illusion of Freedom (Poetry) 22-03-2004
by Amy Megsin
You tell me I am free, And I believe. Free to the world and its people. Free to have the rights All people should have. But in my mind's eye, I see. I am captive. My cage in my home, My home is my love, My love is my freedom. What am I...

The Impact of the IMF and World Bank on Human Rights (Opinions) 30-04-2002
by AJ
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are two of the most powerful intergovernmental organisations in the world. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which preserves receipts, payments, and currency valuation throughout the world,...

The Ink of Your Eyes (Poetry) 24-02-2007
by Awa Innocent Ndah
In the mist of nowhere You regrettably stand at akimbo Drowning your pain in your tears And your dreams with fears. Filled with words of inspiration, Chocking with the bitterness of your experiences, You look so indecisive To take the next...

The Ink of Your Eyes (Poetry) 24-02-2007
by Awa Innocent Ndah
In the mist of nowhere You regrettably stand at akimbo Drowning your pain in your tears And your dreams with fears. Filled with words of inspiration, Chocking with the bitterness of your experiences, You look so indecisive To take the next...

The Issue of Homosexuality (Opinions) 30-05-2002
by ana g
I vividly recall my "crushes" on the various behaviorally-challenged male monsters at my elementary school. Up until about 5th grade we were virtually inseparable, as I opted out of the seemingly mindless gossiping and instead, channeled my energy...

The journey of life (Poetry) 15-02-2009
by Adebayo Waidi Gbenro
The distance seem so far: my destination, very vague and uncertain. So many distractions, so long the time since I started this journey. It is so daunting, seemingly insurmountable. But alas! I have learned that nothing in life is to be...

The Judges (Poetry) 12-01-2007
by Ositadimma Amakeze
The judges They judged me to an edge Of what alone subsists in them That I fall off this precipice As a suicide from a cliff And I die every day and night In the crosses in their minds But they are them in crises Of scourges that...

The Key To Eradicate Poverty and Hunger - Basic Education (Opinions) 8-10-2006
by Eugenia Bivines
Achieving universal primary education is a key prerequisite for the successful eradication of poverty and hunger worldwide. Only guaranteed access to a full course of primary schooling ensures that individuals are able to fulfil their development...

The Last Hope (Short Story) 20-03-2006
Anita, an undergraduate student, has an aged mother and a brother. Her father died when she was in secondary school. Anita was a very beautiful girl; tall and fair in complexion. When she was still in school, she had the chance to get married;...

The Leader (Poetry) 29-03-2005
by Yara Kassem
He was standing up there, & talking to those millions of people He looks at them, His eyes‘re brightening They’re clapping their hands They’re screaming, Those screams of victory & excitement He’s that symbol of liberation...

The Liberalization of Relations between Government and Ukrainian Citizens via NGO Networks (Opinions) 31-07-2004
by Olexiy Kuzmenko
Ëîêàëüí³ îñåðåäêè ãðîìàäñüêî¿ àêòèâíîñò³ ÿê ïðîñò³ð ë³áåðàë³çàö³¿ ñòîñóíê³â ì³æ âëàäîþ òà ãðîìàäÿíàìè â Óêðà¿í³. Àêòóàëüíîþ ïðîáëåìîþ äåìîêðàòèçàö³¿ Óêðà¿íè º õàðàêòåð ³íñòèòóö³îíàëüíèõ çì³í, ó çâ’ÿçêó ³ç ìîäåðí³çàö³ºþ ïîë³òè÷íî¿ ñèñòåìè...

The Life I Knew (Poetry) 30-06-2005
by Judith Bosire
The suffocating smoke wakes me I throw off my covers and open my eyes Which sting terribly as I try to adjust to the dark room. ‘Daughter, grab a few clothes and run this way’. A mother who knows no sleep calls out her child She calls with a...

The little ant (Poetry) 5-02-2008
by Azira Binti Aziz
The little ant works and toils To get his company By his little hands and little feet Endlessly he finds food The Queen and company He asks no questions of And bothered not his why's For it is to Queen and company Does his life owe of...

The Little Princes (Short Story) 12-08-2003
by Hussein Limaco Macarambon
“He who could wound others the most cleverly was thought the wisest,” Niccolo Machiavelli wrote in his book “The Prince.” Today Saddam Hussein has persecuted his people but he remains the lone savior to their eyes. Although Iraqis regard Saddam as...

The Live 8 Revolutionaries (Opinions) 1-09-2005
by aGn
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) run on the simple, efficient and inherently unfair principle of one dollar, one vote. British political commentator, George Monbiot, says in a very clear and uncomplicated way that “to...

The Lone Spring (Poetry) 14-01-2006
It was long, long ago When the waters gathered Inside a shallow pool. A lone spring in their Member issues cadences Of life so divine. Yet little did the waters Take notice…or if they Did, it was pretence Not to take notice… The spring...

The Loss of Mental Metamorphosis (Poetry) 19-11-2007
by Satis Shroff
Eight Indians on the run, Fifty Neonazis behind them. 'Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus! Hier regiert der nationale Widerstand!' Roars from the throats of the Neos, Beer in their blood, Defiance in their sanguine eyes. The puls...

The Love That We Had Once (Poetry) 25-12-2004
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
The eyes that I saw once The smile that I loved once The secrets that we shared once The warmth that you showed once Do they exist still or have they gone? Like the flowers that bloom at dawn Gone they have despite my fears...

the man in you (Poetry) 6-03-2005
by oladipo ahmed
patient enough like a vulture waiting for a carcass as its culture man will watch you die than help you revive happy enough like a dog wagging its tail to get a bone man will bark at you when he gets what he wants sweet-mouthed like...

The march of liberty (Poetry) 15-02-2009
by Adebayo Waidi Gbenro
He thought, they thought that the situation was not right. Basic amenities were lacking, There was poverty all about, There was nepotism in the land, Corruption was endemic, Abuse of power was the order of the day, Kleptomaniacs were on the...

The March of Remembrance and Hope: a collision of past, present and hope (Opinions) 22-06-2008
by S
If you have not experienced injustice in your life, well, some might say you’re pretty lucky. But if you have not experienced genocide in your life, many would agree that you are definitely blessed. This past May I embarked on a trip that I was...

The Masses Have Spoken (Opinions) 28-08-2003
by Nadia Badeka
Firstly, the statistics: over 6 million protesters on the streets of cities around the world on February 15, 2003. More than 567,000 children dead in Iraq as a consequence of the embargo. Mortality rates in the country have increased to 32...

The Meaning of Life (Opinions) 31-03-2002
by Naynesh M. Vora
A Day in one’s life should start with an auspicious note, generally with a prayer to the Almighty, and then to steer up with routine chores connected with human activities, both social and economical. It gives you the strength and vitality so that...

The Middle East Crisis:Who Killed Art. 2(4) of the UN Charter? (Opinions) 29-07-2006
by Wilfred Mamah
The prohibition of the use of force by Article 2(4) of the United Nation’s Charter, generally accepted as a “jus cogens” norm (compelling law), has been killed by the ongoing war on terror; or so it appears. The tool, employed in this destructive...

The Mystic Dancer (Poetry) 27-12-2006
I watched you dance all night, Your feet barely touching the earth, You swung rhythmically, To the music of egwu ndu. You danced with such savagery, Filling me with ecstasy, Your skin glistened with sweat, As your body sung the...

THE NATURE OF ISLAM (Opinions) 10-07-2005
The nature of Islam in China and South East Asia :- Islam regards all of humanity as one family as Allah SWT created mankind to get to know each other, including the Chinese and their role in spreading Islam is no less than other races. The...

The Needless Frontier (Opinions) 9-10-2004
by Sean Joseph McNeill
In a world ravaged by destruction and conflict both domestic and abroad, it is a wonder to me why we care to explore any further then our own atmosphere, set aside populating and arming this vast space which lays above us. With its roots set in...

The New Slave Trade (Opinions) 23-09-2004
by Salisu Suleiman
In the 400 year period between 1500 and 1900, perhaps 30 million Africans were forcibly taken from their homes and sold into slavery. It is estimated that of these, 17 million were sold into slavery on the coast of the Indian Ocean, Middle East...

The Niger Delta Youth in Nigeria's Development (Opinions) 20-04-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
The Niger Delta region is no doubt the primary treasure base of the Nigeria state proudly and geographically endowed with both human and natural resources. The inability of these human and natural resources to understand each other well bring...

The Nigeria Dream (Opinions) 23-07-2007
by Adeshola Komolafe
I SEE HOPE… My vision for Nigeria is of a world free of crises, hatred, and greed. A place where poverty and starvation is abolished and replaced with equality for all. It is a time where we have women liberation. A time when we embrace...

The Nigerian child: our future (Opinions) 3-02-2009
by fatoki taiye timmy
Though education is an enabling right of every human, which open doors to other rights. Unfortunately, in Nigeria children (orphaned and vulnerable children-disabled children) are the hardest hit in terms of deprivation of their right to quality...

The Nigerian Youth and Politics (Opinions) 15-10-2005
by Waive O. benjamin
Nigerian youths have lost hope and confidence in our present leaders. While some youth are trying to emancipate and empower youth in the right direction others, who called themselves members of the Peoples Democratic Party Youths Vanguard (PDPYV),...

The nightmare which was not a dream (Short Story) 22-01-2008
by xxxx
I had a dream in which little kids were crying, parents begging, fathers jailed, police officers dragging little kids in their cars as if they were little criminals. And the nightmare went on as I saw Refugees being abused and then some more...

THE NON-VIOLENT SOCIETY (Opinions) 3-07-2002
I HOLD that non-violence is not merely a personal virtue. It is also a social virtue to be cultivated like the other virtues. Surely society is largely regulated by the expression of non-violence in its mutual dealings. What I ask for is an...

The Noose (Poetry) 7-03-2007
by Alisha Yoder
THE NOOSE A dirty stained rope Hanging limply from a stand Fibers of our fears And our dark envy...

The Nordic student democracy model (Opinions) 18-06-2002
by Raymond M. Kristiansen
Having been involved in a European network of students from 19 different countries, I have had some experiences regarding cultural differences in not only the way university students are involved in activism, but also in how the university...

The North Korea Threat (Opinions) 27-08-2003
The United States Defence secretary in the Bill Clinton administration, William Perry, recently alerted the world of a possibility of war between America and North Korea before the end of this year as the necessary conclusion for their nuclear...

THE ORIGIN OF WOMEN’S LIFE (Opinions) 23-05-2007
Nature was created in a perfect balance. Each magnanimous power has their compliment. Like Yin and Yang, holly and nasty, earth and fire, wind and water. Human has a functional role as a part of the nature and as a component to unified the...

THE ORPHAN's HOPE (Poetry) 5-04-2007
by shadrach kerwillain
On his face it is written The dream of a better tomorrow He basked in glory Without the knowledge of how it will be realize Strange then it seems That he really thinks of these things But he must hope For he is an ORPHAN without HOPE...

The Parker Lynch Case (Opinions) 11-05-2006
by Janelle Flegel
Racism in the Deep South led to the suffering of many Negroes and they led an unjustly life because of it. They were wrongly accused of things, stereotyped and even murdered because of the color of their skin. Mack Charles Parker was one of...

The Pasture of America's Great 'Wars' (Opinions) 27-03-2002
by Whitney Haring-Smith
I would like to be the first to welcome the “War on Terror” to the great pasture of America’s “wars.” Within five years, the “War on Terror” will have a small plot next to the “War on Poverty” and the “War on Drugs.” All of these great “wars”...

The Patient (Short Story) 23-05-2004
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
The voice of the newscaster was echoing through the room: “The whole country was moved by the sudden and tragic death of the renowned scholar and reformer, John Ruskin. He brought this country out from the state of anarchy and…” “Hypocrites,”...

The People on the Wall (Poetry) 5-08-2005
by Fatema
Who are the people on the wall? They are the ones who possess you Possess your property, your life and most importanly your essencse Who absorb your blood from your artery while your heart still beats Uproot you from where you belong and play...

The Personal Background of Bhakti Bhandari (Opinions) 29-04-2002
by Yasmary Mora
I visited my friends and also the refugee camps at Maidhar. Seeing the over-crowded shacks, poor health conditions, malnutrition, etc., I felt I would lose my mental balance if I lived in the camps, so I decided to stay outside the camps. I then...

The Plague (Opinions) 22-09-2003
by Damilare T.A Onajole
After so many years of degradation, humiliation, slavery and colonization, we still suffer from something we could not figure out. Something amazing, funny and above all sad. It still remains a surprise why most of us slave to this concept of...

The Plight of the Tibetan People (Opinions) 7-03-2003
by samuel isichei
To all who care to listen to what we have to say, Tibet is facing a very difficult time in its lifetime, the very essence of her and her cultural heritage is threatened by China which happens to be a member of the United Nations Security Council....

The Political Economy of Governance in Nigeria (Opinions) 16-09-2003
by Enefe,
And rather than relax and forget issues of governance, the man who annulled the elections has decided to step back in from where he went on recess. Barely four months into the existence of Obasanjo’s second tenure (or part three if you like), the...

The Politics of a New Generation (Opinions) 10-04-2006
by Lewis Best
As a 17 year old, I nevr know if I should be commenting on social issues that i see around me. Sure, I know that many encourage the participation of youth in various levels of decision-making, policy formulation and the such, but sometimes i still...

The poor man's cry (Poetry) 20-02-2009
by Daniel Nuxe Thomas
We can’t reject their constant pleas, Betrayed by time, we bear their suffering with no hope. Our children are taken as slaves And ceaselessly toil, enriching their dinner tables. In their house of justice we are denied the very fruit...

The pounding (Poetry) 31-07-2008
by Anam Ansari
1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi 4… It’s almost like a game; hide and seek. Only, there’s no place to hide and no place to seek. It’s all still a blur to me: The pounding, the beating, the suffering. The expression on his face,...

The power that kills (Poetry) 23-11-2008
by Miyar De'Nyok
Africa! Africa! Africa! Are you crazy? The land of milk and honey Corrupted by ill greediness Romantic political influences Blood thirsty to human life War and genocide Will this cruelty? Relieve you from hatred Traumatized politicians...

The Prevalent Negative Portrayal of Africa in the International Media Smirks of Economic Malice (Opinions) 10-11-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The ever sarcastic and turncoat portrayal of Africa in international media is eliciting protests and cries of foul play from many socially conscious global citizens across the two hemispheres. Many are questioning whether there is a miscreant...

The psyche of development work: making sure development is done right (Opinions) 20-11-2008
by Stacia
The greatest danger involved in development work is not the projects themselves, but the mindsets of the people who implement them. For one who is only barely acquainted with development, the entire development project is seen as a ‘good’ thing....

The Question of Reparation (Opinions) 19-09-2002
by Huiging Wu
African Americans suffered at the hands of others, an instance often repeated in history. Slavery was unfair as are many other historical events. Man has committed travesty upon travesty; the Holocaust and the Armenican Genocide to name a few....

The rain, the storm and the Violin Man (Short Story) 26-05-2008
by Dan akinlolu
The first time Greg heard the mysterious music it was a Monday morning, about 6: 30 am. The kind of Monday morning when the drizzle fell rapidly, so much so that one would be tempted to remain indoors and lie back on the bed for an extra minute of...

The Ravages of HIV/AIDS: An Ongoing Public Health Emergency (Opinions) 5-12-2007
The threat of HIV/AIDS is, no doubt, a global scourge that has descended on humanity with merciless ferocity! As the global community just observed the World AIDS day on December 1, it is high time the human race substituted complacency with...

The Ravages of Poverty (Poetry) 14-01-2007
Poverty is poverty, mild, moderate or extreme It oppresses, it suppresses It breeds fear;it generates anger From places far and wide, It pervades like an endless storm From the ghettos and slums It parades an endless grudge As the rich...

The Refugee Was Born (Opinions) 22-07-2004
by Sindorela Doli
There are words that you never want even to hear or to exist, never mind to experience. One of those I experienced by myself, and I’ll tell you my story: I was sleeping in the shaking of the bus, while driving on holed roads of northern...

The Repudiated (Poetry) 13-06-2007
by Terese Mörtvik
They mourn them with lips unmoving; the days of violence –and the peace that went missing. Silence shrouds like a warming blanket the wailing of minds gone quiet, for why scream when no one is listening? They mourn them with silent...

The Responsibility of Students (Opinions) 26-08-2004
by Nima Shirali
My years as an undergraduate student were spent in a competitive environment where fierce rivalry characterized university life. In fact, this type of environment is the typical North American learning environment in which every student is taught...

The Rising Star (Poetry) 23-02-2011
by Ayo Morakinyo
It’s a new day in a new month The sun seemed a little impatient, Scorching my back from beneath the clouds The sky seemed pale and grey As the rising star raised himself up It’s another boring morning He thanked his creator surely And...

The Role of Nigerian Youth in National Transformation (Opinions) 6-01-2008
There is no doubt that almost all Nigerians want change, and the mood for change is evident from small villages to big cities where poverty, disease, lack of social infrastructure and most significantly lack of hope is everyday reality for...

The Role of the Media in Peace Processes (Opinions) 23-02-2003
by Sanjana Hattotuwa
The search for drama within a peace process can also be detrimental to the process. Headlines, as one has often seen over the past few weeks, which focus on threats, accusations and sensational confrontations, generate anger on both sides, with...

The Role of the Youth in Promoting Peace and Conflict Resolution (Opinions) 7-11-2007
by David Fakunle
The world we live in is full of competitors; we are all competing for one thing or the other. We all have rights and wants; our human nature desires that our rights be protected at all times, whatever the situation. The impossibility for this...

The role of women in the military (Opinions) 26-04-2008
by Kayamone A. Sutton
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These words represent the...

The Role of Youth in the Philippines (Short Story) 29-07-2003
The Philippines today is tormented with various social afflictions – poverty, crime, corruption, and indifference. Just as Jose Rizal and others like him exclaimed, the task of cultivating the motherland is burdened upon the youth. Hence, how...

The Room of Expressions (Poetry) 16-09-2012
by Aly
I am trapped in a room with invisible walls, Invisible windows, And an invisible cause. This room makes me play opposite day, but there's a twist; It's every day. And the room follows with every step I take, Causing me to be someone else,...

The Science behind Female Genital Mutilation (Poetry) 10-12-2012
by kabbatende Annaise
It’s the dawn. The crickets back to their holes, the dew light; the smell of nature overpowering, It’s a village; nameless to the world. A world in itself; filled with remnants of generations long gone, The sound of feet shuffle through the...

The season of Christmas (Poetry) 6-11-2008
There are seasons and there are seasons. Seasons of sorrow and seasons of joy; Seasons of laughter and that of cry; Seasons to cherish and those to relinguish But the due season, the season of Christmas A season to count your blessings And...

The Seeds of Hatred (Short Story) 29-05-2005
by Yara Kassem
The location: A famous law office in downtown, whose owner is the honorable and well-known intellectual, law professor in Cairo University and former minister. The time: Almost a year after the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York on...

The Shackles of Fears (Short Story) 12-05-2005
Iberuju village was the biggest among the neighbouring villages. It was endowed with a large expanse of land. Farming was the preoccupation of the inhabitants of this village. However, there was dearth in the land, because the village had...

THE SHATTERED KINGDOM (Short Story) 12-04-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
The third article in the commandment of the Animal kingdom reads thus, “No animal MUST kill another for food; but can have one when found dead.” Not long enough, however, there stirred up a commotion that instigated a debate on the necessity of...

The Siege of Gaza and Solidarity (Poetry) 12-12-2008
by Adham Tobail
Strip a small area, see the eyes of the world every day The suffering there has been going on for years, a small prison isolated from the world Children being killed every day Youth lost their future Hospitals without medicine Schools...

The Situation of Gay Youth Today (Opinions) 8-06-2002
by Martin Kuplens-Ewart
Gay youth are among the most critically under-supported segments of Canadian society (Underserved, 1). Taking a look at the community directory in the back pages of “Xtra!” magazine, we find fewer than ten services offered to gay youth [not...

I wrote this article in Novermber 2004 during my National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), a program designed to foster good relationship between the different regions in Nigeria. THE STATE OF THE NIGERIAN CHILD (PART ONE) The trend things...

The Story of a Palestinian Refugee (Interviews) 19-07-2004
by Riyadh Bseiso
This is the story of Saf-Saf, a small village in the north of Palestine during the British Mandate. This is also a story of Afif, a boy who lived in Saf-Saf before ‘al-Nakba’, or ‘the Catastrophe’ as it is known throughout the world, befell the...

The System (Poetry) 3-07-2005
by Martin John Rawlinson
The System is cracking, the world\'s cracking, society is folding, the older generations are crumbling, their ideas are collapsing, their ways are bending, their future is ending, but what is taking their place? Prodigals of themselves,...

The terrorists of Iraq, The Bandit Countries and Freedom! (Opinions) 16-04-2005
by cetin
Following the operation made to Iraq by the coalition powers, we witnessed various news of a speculative nature in the press. Nobody knows where and what the reality is while exaggerations and anti-American publications are all around! It is as if...

The times we are living (Opinions) 11-01-2002
by Juan Manzero
The president resigns. The advisors do the same. Why? Because they realised they weren't good enough? Because they were tired of power? Because they had done everything they could? No. The answer is much more simple: because of the people. Many...

The tool for Unity: NYSC ! (Opinions) 7-05-2007
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country...the heartbeat of the Black continent. Considering the diverse government of the day that has been in power since the inception of independence. We have come a long way till date to stand a ruler taller,...

The tube (Poetry) 4-03-2007
by Carlos
Half hour news TV all about constant nothingness white noise in a colourful darkness infinite tasteless flavours mindless supermodel caravans all shake and pose channel singularity in dialed variety tripping on wishful vanities the high...

The Tube (Poetry) 8-01-2009
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Did you see the movies last night? Or were you too busy on your assignment? I was up to see the obscene scenes again, No adult to caution my eyes or sighs, I was up with the tube as my teacher... ...and I listened; I saw the world in a...

The UN involvement (or lack thereof) in the 1994 Rwanda Genocide (Opinions) 21-06-2004
by Erika Kneeland
In 1994 and the years leading up to it, Rwanda was involved in a civil war between its two major ethnicities, Hutu and Tutsi. The world was well aware of the situation, yet failed to react appropriately when the Hutu began deliberately and...

The Value of Life (Short Story) 17-01-2008
by Shireen
The old, frail man had been brought to the general hospital. I am not sure how he landed there but the nurses said he was found at an LRT station and no one knew who he was. Above his bed, his name was written as UNK which I later came to realize...

The vanguards of tomorrow (Poetry) 1-05-2007
The Vanguards of Tomorrow As there is no today without a yesterday No tomorrow without a today No future without a past And no past without a present This is the ‘world ‘of our youth The vanguards of tomorrow When our yesterday was...

The vibrations (Short Story) 9-01-2005
by Harry Munyaradzi Mwenda
It was time in the opposite of time yet again, a moment of truth, and a reflection of two paths. I had been rubbing my version of truth. Someone had initiated the communication cycle of life and now it was all up to me to take up an...

The Victim gets arrested- Trafficking in Cambodia (Short Story) 16-08-2002
by edgar
In June, fourteen Vietnamese girls who are alleged victims of trafficking were arrested by Cambodian authorities after they were rescued from a brothel in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Human Rights Watch said today. On June 20, police arrested the...

The victims (Poetry) 26-03-2007
by friday solomon
The moon dim his light and withdrew himself to the shelters of the cloud;with his "libre" stars bowing to the approaching king of light The sun smiles as it was his turn to light the golden globe, his powerful beam heralds the of a new day;of...

The Vitality of Learning About the Black Heritage (Opinions) 20-10-2003
by Obinnah.S.Anyanwu
The fundamental problems concerning the past, personality, education and the ''who'' of the African person has been a thing of ridicule. Blacks have been educated away from their own culture and traditions, as African peoples have attached...

THE VOLUNTEERS (Opinions) 25-11-2004
by Rashid Zuberu
In a country of limitless opportunities, in a region recovering from decades of conflicts, stark with poverty, a population waiting for genuine inspiration, corruption at the highest level with high political injustice, and a daily struggle for...

The Water (Poetry) 9-07-2004
by Karim Al Nadoury
I was so small in the depth of clay Waiting for the helping hand to hold So dark in here, who am I? Who are you? My friend, my family I ‘m not believing in your care Get out of my face, leave me alone Did I hurt you before? I am sure I...

The Ways of God Are Past Finding Out (Opinions) 25-08-2003
Truly the ways of god are mysterious. Writing in his column in London’s Daily Mirror shortly after the death of the Russian dictator Josef Stalin celebrated remarked; “ He died in his bed”. This was the greatest coup that this man achieved in his...

The weather is miserable/ It's over (Poetry) 14-10-2008
by David Kapp
"The weather is miserable," announces the 6 am radio presenter from her Johannesburg studio. The presenter, a woman, should know, no, not about the weather, but that it is December 10, International Human Rights Day, the end of our 16...

The Worker (Poetry) 18-01-2006
by Not Available
Forget about money for a moment, And focus on the person In blue, Blackened by society. The worker. The ailment? The propaganda fed to everyone That truth Exists only in one’s propinquity To torture. Complain? No. You do not...

The World Mourns (Poetry) 6-11-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
Looking yonder I see a tear drop Looking further I see a blood drop I then ask myself Why the drops? I then wonder aloud Where did they come from? Didn’t you know? There came a sound From nowhere I then start To see the sense...

The World of Words (Poetry) 12-01-2006
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Words, oh words, Powerful cords From the vocal chords; Pulling thoughts to hearts and feelings Across to hearts a-leaping With joy and nervous tension For such artistic cohesion. Make them dizzy, Throw them into a tizzy, Brandish those...

The Youth - Untapped Potential For Social Change (Opinions) 28-09-2005
by Himakshi Piplani
With the rapidly changing political-economic scenario the world over, new conflict areas are surfacing in every sphere of societal activity making the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) a distant dream. However it remains to be...

Their Blood cries out (Opinions) 21-12-2002
by Andrew Lauman
In Sudan Christians are enslaved. In Iran they are assassinated. In Cuba they are imprisoned. In China they are beaten to death. In more than 60 countries worldwide, Christians are harassed, abused, arrested, tortured or executed specifically...

There was once a catechist (Short Story) 20-10-2009
by Ayo Morakinyo
There is no work that Ada, my older sister, has not done in Lagos City. Since our escape from the village, she has done every job that the word “menial” fits. From load carrier to road sweeper, from store keeper to food seller, from sales girl to...

These Words (Poetry) 14-08-2006
These words speak of youth Of zeal, of enthusiasm Cry out from neglect From inexperience, from pretence These words speak of truth Of peace, of brotherhood Cry out from war From poverty, from treachery But these words are strong...

They Promised Us (Poetry) 28-06-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
They Promised Us They made us promises of life: To create Three to Ten million Job opportunities for us And they gave us hopes of Standard roads, constant Electricity supply, Good education System, exhibition of the Rule of Law And...

Thierno - Une enfance volée (Opinions) 28-12-2008
by Oliveira Ianis
THIERNO (Une enfance volée) Du sang accompagné de larmes amères coule sur des joues poussiéreuses et desséchées. Un regard vide, confus, triste, désespéré est posé sur un sol en terre battue. Dans cette pièce sombre et froide, une petite...

Things come and go (Poetry) 29-11-2007
by hilary kent
Why do you have to show off your phone cause it's expensive, You deride me and try to derange it, but , its still effective, And hey! I got one before you thought you could, I never made your life miserable- I knew one day you would I'm...

Think (Poetry) 13-01-2009
by alexandra tome
Think about every single thing you can do. It can be anything, it can be breathing, walking, listening, singing, remembering,thinking. Now think about the people who can't do those things. Now think about every...

Thinking About Diamonds (Opinions) 17-03-2008
by Yasmary Mora
I have spent the better part of two years thinking about diamonds. Before presuming to make a movie that might be seen by millions, I felt an obligation to try to better understand my subject. And so I’ve studied their science, their history and...

Thinking of Another Step Further (Opinions) 26-02-2007
Thinking of Another Step Further “Better late than never” – the Supreme Court in India has ordered compulsory registration of marriages irrespective of religion. I think, it is high time to declare the equal property right of girls a compulsion...

THIRTY SILVER FOR A SOUL (Poetry) 11-07-2005
by Jacques Gimeno
The foxy woman went to him offering a smile, "Thirty silver pieces sir, you'll have the greatest time..." And every hour of every day she wished that she had tried for more than thirty silver pieces before she even died. The brutal...

This is Africa (Opinions) 26-04-2007
by Siphephile
I rose from the continent of contrasts, of pains and privileges There is a line in the movie Blood Diamonds, where Arnold Vosloo says to Leo De Caprio: “Tia, This is Africa”. This is indeed Africa - a place where some still celebrate...

This is my memory of Regina Gelb (Poetry) 22-06-2008
by S
I remember… I remember Chopin’s Nocturne playing in the background while my two older sisters and I danced in the center of our cottage in Central Poland. I remember… I remember my beautifully kind mother and her musings about the future...

This is no Fly-by Play, Face it or Wither (Opinions) 8-02-2008
by Mbũrũ Kamau
Anastaciah (not her real name) is sixteen, but she knows much more than some people older than her. At her age, she should be in high school like her age-mates. Instead, she spends most of her day sleeping, only to wake up later in the evening for...

This is our day (Opinions) 29-11-2008
by Samira Hassan Ahmed
Yesterday, it was a beautiful evening, warm and soft and very still. I watched a dance troupe of moths pirouette outside on my house window screen, attracted to the light from my desk lamp inside for I have switched all the lights off, and had not...

This is the richest year in human history...ironically (Opinions) 13-03-2007
by Jay-R Patron
Forbes Magazine has recently released its list of the world’s richest; stating no other than Bill Gates as the top most contender in the wealthiest-man-in-the-planet position, with Warren Buffet closing in on the Microsoft founder’s lead. In...

This life (Poetry) 20-10-2008
by kaboyo julius
What offense have we committed? We are born prematurely, Wailing in agony, blind and mute, Hearing that which we can't comprehend, Visualizing that which we cannot see, Guilty of sins not committed. Why then do we live? We sprout...

Tiburon (Poetry) 14-03-2007
by fatima
Dazzling, grayish black sky throwing reflection on the sea. The call of the sea is so loud and tempting. Hard rocks on the edges of the walk path. Nebulous view of the golden gate bridge, on one side Fleet of white ships sitting there...

Time for Action (Poetry) 25-02-2004
by X
Blue, I am a Human, Green, There are rights I have on others, Red, There are rights others have on me, Green is the land, blue is for water, Red, For what? Though about it, Pondered over it, Spent hours in deliberation, Rattled my brain,...

Time to look at Customs (Opinions) 10-02-2005
by Yasmary Mora
In Turkey, women have won numerous rights which have stunned the Muslim world. Despite this, Muslim traditions are often stronger than the simple right to life and respect. In regards to women’s rights, even though Turkey is in many ways...

Time will come (Poetry) 29-11-2007
by hilary kent
These nowaday governments They amaze me, They marvel and rejoice at compliments But never give a damn to complains and laments. All they do is oppress the weak, To their "splendid" tactics they'll stick Thinking we are blind we never see...

Tip of the iceberg (Opinions) 15-02-2007
by friday solomon
I cried bitterly every time, I cried bitterly for my country. The whole treasury, all the money is in the hands of very few. A land greatly endowed, where natural and human resources is not scarce but is left unutilized, underutilized and grossly...

TO GANI (Poetry) 10-11-2009
by Adebayo Waidi Gbenro
You stood tall in death. You lived on in death. You came back to life at death. For the deeds of men they say live before and after them. Your deeds have forever put your name in the annals of history. You lived in times of great peril....

To Give is to Get: How a Disabled Person Can Turn His Life Around and Support Other People (Interviews) 17-05-2005
by Giang Nguyen
Tran Van Tinh is currently the focal point for the United Nation’s Youth Programme in Vietnam. Aged 25, he has gone to numerous Youth Conferences around the world and is a dynamic activist to promote regional youth activities. It comes as an...

To my loved man (Poetry) 11-08-2007
by John kariem sila
To my loved man The only man I ever loved Told me the day He was going to kiss the death But I was too young To understand, Why, And I did not cry I was strong As my grandmother’s song! My old man is gone Nor ill not sick, As he...

To Protect and Serve (Opinions) 22-06-2004
by olatoyosi esuola
It is true that if we do not learn from history, we may have to re-live it, but if we do not change the future, we may have to endure it and that’s worse. -Toffler I believe the Police Force of every nation has its flaws. Even the so-called...

To the Soldier (Poetry) 11-03-2007
by Alisha Yoder
TO THE SOLDIER Did you never feel a DEBT for STOLEN land Did you never heave a sigh at such SORROW Did your march never lose PURPOSE Did another's blood on your HANDS never make you weep Did your eyes grow so NUMB Were you such a HERO...

Tochi Deserved to Live but Singapore Murdered Him (Opinions) 6-02-2007
by Wilfred Mamah
By: Willy Mamah* & Frances Nworka* This reflection is inspired by the article, “Did Tochi Deserve to Die?” authored by Leonard Dibia, Lloyd Okereafor and Chinelo Chinweze, of an NGO named Access to Justice, Lagos and published in the THISDAY...

TODAY AND THE FUTURE (Short Story) 12-10-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
This is a story about two complementary phenomenons, Today and the Future. They are relatives who once lived together. One day the Future told Today that I want my share of security and Today said that He would look into it. Today had all what it...

Today I Ate Food Aid (Short Story) 6-02-2007
by Chad Hamre
Yesterday after a hard morning's work plowing my field, I came home hungry to a house with no food. I hadn't planned well and did not stock pile for the week's end. I rummaged high and low but all I could find were a few small pieces of cassava...

Tolerance as a Solution for Displacement (Opinions) 10-01-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
In most war torn regions, people become displaced. This is not their choice, but circumstances force them to accept it. The question is, “Does it have to be this way?” and the answer is, "Absolutely not." Looking at regions around the world...

Tommorow That Never Came (Opinions) 21-05-2004
by Simon
All we see is today, today and today All we hear is tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow Yet never was it seen yet not a day past without a say of tomorrow And never came but heavy words All this was part Part of whatever remained green,...

Tomorrow (Poetry) 6-09-2005
by gabriel babatunde oluwakorede
hear as I beat the gong. listen as the trumpet sounds. gather at the market square and hearken to the voice of the watchman. our crops, our crude oil, the wealth of our nation, they are all taken away. the treasure of our land has become...

Tonight's Fight (Poetry) 17-09-2005
by Samori Sombel Sy
Goals were set without my consent Did they forget that I represent more than fifty percent? Meetings were held without my participation Don’t they know invitations should be given to all delegations? I am not going to give up the fight My...

Touris équitable, tourisme solidaire: une issue pour les la lutte contre la pauvreté (Opinions) 26-10-2006
by Eric DOMBOU
Le tourisme est l’une des premières activités économiques mondiales. Sous certaines formes, ce secteur d’activités participe largement au développement des territoires. Il permet aux personnes de toute origine de connaître d’autres milieux. Au...

As a Nigerian, it beats my imagination to see how our social, political and economic infrastructures have crumbled with merciless ferocity. Although there are a litany of problems confronting Nigeria, it is imperative more than ever to drum home...

TraPPed – the story of a political prisoner (Opinions) 25-05-2002
by katherine watson
(News music fades out) Li Song Nam, a 46 year old North Korean national and his family fled Korea for the People’s Republic of China on the 5th of August, and have not been seen since they were detained by the Chinese police on the 6th....

Treading On All Our Heels (Poetry) 3-08-2008
by Melissa Leigh Snowden
We must be kind to each other, There's something behind everyone Treading on all our heels; What makes it go? We've got to go Somewhere and not escape it Exactly, but at least be aware. No, we're not always alone with our struggles Others...

Trees in the Philippines (Opinions) 14-12-2006
by Kat Birch
In Samar, the third largest island in the Philippines, it is illegal to cut trees in areas designated as “timberland” by the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). This law was put in place to protect the island’s rapidly...

Troubled life (Poetry) 6-01-2008
by Shucheesmita
Life's so bad, It should now end. But what happens if life ends? Lying in the grave? Being forgotten by all? But, is there any other way out? No. I get beaten up mercilessly. Which makes me cry hysterically. I am hated, So cruelly...

True Blackmail Story (Short Story) 12-02-2007
by shakil
Brok raised his voice to a crescendo waving the paper in his left hand and pointing his left hand towards Mr. Singh Who was the complainant and had come to the court of Mr. Goel to depose his evidence .He said “ this man a few moment back outside...

True Hero-Dedan Kimathi (Opinions) 8-06-2003
by Eric Tutu Kiarie
Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi Waciuri was the head of the Mau Mau, a militant group that waged a guerrilla war against the British colonial government in Kenya. Kenya's independence from British rule is largely attributed to the spirited fight the...

Truth Manifesto (Short Story) 23-06-2012
by transcenderARTS
Instructions: If you agree with this piece, [ at least in theory,] then please make 10 copies and pass them on to 10 others, and request the same of them, thank you... Title: Truth Manifesto Absolute truthfulness has never been tried...

Truth Speaker: An Interview with a Torture Victim (Interviews) 27-07-2004
by Aftab Hassan Khan
Please tell us about you early life. My complete name is Aftab Hassan Khan b and I was born in the Umerkot Sindh district in 1979. I graduated from The Karachi college of Computer Science, Karachi and completed Diploma of Associate Engineer in...

Tsunami: Silent Weeping (Opinions) 31-05-2005
by Harini Dias Bandaranayake
Asia did it again! The world was wrapped with attention on 26 December last year as the greatest natural calamity of the century (or at least in recent history) played out before its very eyes. The numbers of the dead kept rising every hour, like...

Turning the Pages (Opinions) 18-04-2006
by shola adu
In this fast paced, knowledge driven era, one of the greatest weapons in fighting gender divide will be the saying, “a city on a hill cannot be hidden”. As women, we need to realize that if we keep asking for rights, then we acknowledge we...

Twelve (Poetry) 22-02-2008
by emilybrink
Grandpa and John Wayne and the soldiers of fortune Men who’ would say Hemingway was a fairy Because he wrote books Get up before dawn, run five miles and do fifty pushups Speak the language: AWOL, MIA, Beaucoup, PAX. Shine Your boots...

Tyran, mon gouvernant! (Poetry) 21-02-2008
Toujours dans les rues la même tension Qu'il parte enfin en cette élection Et que le peuple respire enfin la démocratie Yíì1, voilà que l'odeur de la mort reparait Que les écoles ferment, que les prisons se remplissent Que l'a-démocratie...

Ubomi Life in Imizamu Yethu (Opinions) 9-08-2006
by Marcia C. Schenck
South Africa Imporessions: Ubomi Life in Imizamo Yethu On a sunny, warm January day my feet carry me over the gravel roads and muddy, stony paths of Imizamo Yethu. Imizamo Yethu, better known to the locals as Mandela Park, is the Township...

Ukrainian Elections - manikin battles , played out in the virtual realm (Opinions) 18-10-2004
by Olexiy Kuzmenko
Ukrainian Elections - manikin battles, played out in the virtual realm Leading World's political scientists specializing in Ukrainian studies, gathered in Ottawa University this weekend, 15-16 of October to "understand the transformations of...

UN meets Millennium Development Goal on drinking water (Interviews) 15-03-2012
by Eugenia Bivines
UN meets Millennium Development Goal on drinking water By David Loyn Development correspondent, BBC News A hand turning on a tap with running water, Sub-Saharan Africa has not benefited as much as other areas. The Millennium Development...

Un Noir à la Maison Blanche. Et Alors? (Opinions) 6-11-2008
Depuis la participation en phase finale des Elections présidentielles aux Etats Unis d'une homme de peau autre que blanche, on se croit permis de tout penser. En effet, l'ancien candidat, aujourd'hui vainqueur des élections...

Un solo paso basta para cambiar nuestro rumbo (Short Story) 29-03-2008
by Maria Guadalupe
Alrededor del mundo existen miles de personas con alguna discapacidad ya sea genéticamente o por causa de algún accidente. Es muy importante reconocer que ellos tienen los mismos derechos y obligaciones no hay distinción alguna el ejemplo de esto...

Una mirada al voluntariado en el Perú (Opinions) 28-03-2008
by magaly oviedo gamero
Entrevista a Nadia Ramos* 1.- ¿Cuál es tu concepto de voluntariado? Es el ejercicio de nuestra ciudadanía en busca de justicia y cambio de nuestra realidad, es dejar de lado nuestra indiferencia para organizarnos haciendo o deteniendo algo...

Understanding Differences (Opinions) 11-07-2005
by Thomas Ronald Shotwell
Why is it that when someone walks by who looks \"odd\", most of us have this need to look and stare like that person is from outer space. If someone talks funny, or has a problem speaking for what ever reason, they get laughed at to their face or...

Understanding the World + Taking Action (Opinions) 3-07-2004
by Adam Fletcher
"War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength." - George Orwell in “1984”. Young people who are dedicated to social change have a responsibility to learn about and critically reflect on the political situation they face today....

Undun (Poetry) 9-10-2006
by Ruth Gonzalez
To see such evil Such horror Such indifference Such blood Having innocence taken away to no avail To have action glued to the grass Dark ruby rivers overflowing with no signs of stopping To have the soul in tattered rags In such misery...

Une alternative pour un commerce équitable (Opinions) 14-10-2007
Du 12 au 16 août 2007, des jeunes de différents pays de l’Afrique centrale et de l’Ouest se sont réunis à Saint-Louis au Sénégal pour l’Université d’Eté sous thème : « la jeunesse face aux défis du millénaire ». L’université d’été a été organisée...

Unemployment (Opinions) 7-11-2002
by ashanti
Are you unemployed and are wondering how being unemployed could effect your life? Well, here’s your chance to know everything that you need to know!!! Did you ever wonder about what could happen to your future if you don’t go to college or...

Unemployment (Poetry) 6-10-2008
Unemployment is a societal menace. It is the elephant on the back of Africa, Roars like an angry lion. Unemployment perpetuates all ills, Drives people into a life of crime It is a pervasive threat to peace and security. Unemployment...

Unexplored (Poetry) 30-04-2008
by Kayla
There is a world out there That I do not know. It exists, I am sure, But I have never been there I have never tasted that food Smelled those smells Run on that land Felt that wind Or heard that language. They tell me what it is. But...

Unfortunate and Fortunate (Poetry) 2-04-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Unfortunate and Fortunate My friend is always reading Because going for refreshment To a pub he cannot afford. He looked at his dad one day Walking home uneasily. My friend looked at me and said: It is unfortunate. I noticed...

UNGASS+5: Entre frustraciones y esperanzas (Opinions) 21-06-2006
by Ariel Gonzalez Galeano
“Si tuviese que calificar la revisión del UNGASS del 1 al 10, le daría un 5, pero no por ser medianamente buena, sino por estar en la delgada línea de lo bueno y lo malo” Haber sido participe del Grupo de Jóvenes Progresistas que ayudaron a...

UNICEF Africa Named Beneficiary (Opinions) 31-01-2002
by Ruth Naam
1/28/02 10:58 AM Source: PR Newswire SACRAMENTO, Calif., Jan. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Africamix, a California-based nonprofit organization announced today that UNICEF Africa will be a primary beneficiary of its traveling arts and music festival...

University student leadership (Opinions) 12-06-2008
by Nyambega Gisesa
Can student leaders reclaim their glorious past? Less than a fortnight ago, most university student bodies in Kenya held their elections. Setting the political tempo was Moi University, followed by one of the most hotly contested elections at...

Unjustified Decisions (Poetry) 20-05-2004
by Eric A Ahuruonye
Some things are independent Some things are sovereign So respect for sovereignty Should be given Loyalty to oneself should be recognized Let us not wheel within wheels Let us not paddle on ones boat Let us not go beyond our pale It’s not...

Unplugged and connected (Opinions) 3-03-2009
by Stuart Dykstra
Picture a pocket sized address book in your head for second… Listed down the right hand side are the letters A through Z on little tabs, each well designed for flicking from entry to entry effortlessly. Now imagine if, every time you turned the...

Untitled (Poetry) 13-01-2005
by Charity Fadun
Why we don’t speak out... Because we are in shock, Because we are confused, Because we feel ashamed, Because we feel at fault, Because we are scared. What will people think? What will he do? Will I be believed? Have I been waiting too...

Update on the status of Portugal (Opinions) 4-02-2002
by Miguel Ângelo
Well, I gave a little introduction and manifested my preocupation on the situation of my country on a political basis. Now I want to share the way people are acting and what is happening here... The European Union alerted our government...

Upholding Human Rights of Children (Opinions) 30-01-2002
When the United Nations was created in 1945, one of the first acts of the general assembly was to establish, in 1946, the United Nations' Children's Fund (UNICEF), which is today the main pillar of international assistance primarily to children....

Used and Abused (Poetry) 7-07-2007
by Mervis Ifeoma Emelife
Dejected and rejected, they are Innocent and ignorant, they are crushed Softly weeping, quietly groaning They are used and abused, Intelligent and humble, the future leaders Hardworking and diligent, our pride Yet they are trampled on By...

Value life (Poetry) 30-03-2007
by Peculiar Ediomo-Abasi
We are the best of all creation and the most delicate. Why then should we abuse each other? And be this wicked to each other? The pain of seeing a loved one die, is enough to make one ponder why. Every human should be cherished and...

Values-based leadership (Opinions) 29-07-2008
by Unyimeabasi
A society is defined as a self-perpetuating group of people with mutual interests, characteristic relationships, shared values and a common culture. A society is not identified by its name, but rather by the values it holds dear. These values...

Vampires in Africa (Poetry) 28-05-2004
by David Lanre Messan
VAMPIRES IN AFRICA Africa in the hands of vampires sucking the blood of Africa like a terribly hungry baby. sucking the precious blood of the young and the old. casting a cloud of anguish upon...

Victor Malarek - A Review (Opinions) 19-10-2004
by Charity Fadun
Victor Malarek, a former CBC fifth estate investigator, delivered a heartrending public lecture on Sunday May 30, 2004. Based on his book The Natashas - The New Global Sex Trade (2003), he discussed the inhuman global trafficking of young females...

Viet Child Delegation to UNGASS on Children (Opinions) 15-05-2002
by Ha Thi Lan Anh
The 6 Vietnam Child Delegates to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children ( UNGASS) and the Children’s Forum has just returned home from New York with the outcomes,inspirations and several messages from the conference....

violation of human right article 5 is a cause of poverty (Opinions) 22-01-2007
by ndana
Article 5: ‘No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.’ United Nations General Assembly 10 December 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights Recognition of the inherent...

Violations of Human Rights Through Corrupt Practices in Governance (Opinions) 3-11-2003
by Yasmary Mora
Human rights are topical issues not only in Nigeria but also across the globe and the third world particularly. First and foremost is the need to elevate these rights to a certain pedestal following the rapid transition of these societies from...

Violence Against Women (Opinions) 15-10-2008
by Chukwu Mercy
The issue of violence against women has been a thing of great concern to all who are interested in establishing human rights. In most cases, women face the culture of impunity and the failure of the rule of law where their human rights are...

Violence en Milieu Universitaire (Opinions) 24-01-2006
by Abbé Dimitri
La violence règne partout dans le monde . Il semble presque impossible de circonscrire la violence tant les formes de manifestations en sont varriées . Ainsi , le monde universitaire n'est pas en reste . L' université restant toujours...

by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
Les 25 novembre de chaque année sont consacrées à la violence faite aux femmes. C’est donc l’occasion pour tous : organisations, associations, clubs, organismes de défense des causes de la femmes de voir comment ces dernières est traitée dans la...

Virginity – everyone should have the right to choose. (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
In Zimbabwe, a recent front-page story reported on the case of a 34-year-old Harare man who allegedly raped his 11-year-old sister-in-law because of a long-standing dispute with his wife, the girl’s sister, for not having been a virgin at...

Volunteer (Poetry) 3-01-2005
by Tom Jones
In light of the disaster in South Asia, we send hope and aid to those in need: I do not come in a box I do not come in a pail I come in a person And I come to prevail I come to give wisdom I come to help cope I come to cure heartache I...

Volunteerism (Opinions) 9-06-2002
by onyinye
To begin, I have to confess that I did not know where to start when this assignment was given to me. Was I to write on the joy of volunteering? Or was I to write on the advantages of Volunteering? What view point should I take to look into this...

Volver a Empezar: la Experiencia de una Fábrica Tomada (Short Story) 28-11-2005
by Mariela Silvina Fiamingo
Se trata de la ex Gatic, una fábrica de San Martín. En 2001 quebró y sus trabajadores lucharon por hacerse cargo de la misma. Y lo consiguieron. Más de lo mismo, podría decirse. Una fábrica más que quiebra. Una más arrasada por el interés...

War and Discrimination (Opinions) 19-11-2003
by Yasmary Mora
Discrimination in my personal view is the part of human conscience that makes him supercilious or rather makes him see only the inferior sides of their fellow beings. As a youth and leader, my first perception about discrimination is that, it is...

War is inhumane! (Short Story) 9-04-2010
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
War: It bears many deep scars within my emotions. I have lived World War I in the heart and mind of my grandfather. He was an infantryman in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was hit and took shrapnel in the jaw, then was sent home after serving 18...

War May Not Be The Right Decision (Opinions) 28-04-2003
by Sami Kerim Galal
To put it bluntly, I do not agree with Nir Dagan's piece on the necessity of the Iraqi conflict though he did bring up several good points. I would like to take this opportunity to explain why... First of all, let us lay it all out on the...

Warrior (Poetry) 23-04-2007
by dare oshinuga
I I'd be the cork on the scum-rivers of mass destitution I'd be the stubborn grass blunt cutlass jabs of oppression bouncing off my stalks I'd be the under-the-breath-hum of resistance-songs of hope of a future, bright I'd be...

WATER CRISIS: Can it not be averted? (Opinions) 27-02-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Year in year out, the world celebrates the World Water day. Conferences, workshops, seminars are held every now and then to discuss the issue of this special commodity, “WATER”, papers are published and scientist are awarded prizes for coming up...

Water: A Human Right (Opinions) 15-08-2007
by Patricia Sudi
Human rights protects all people from social, physical, political, legal and social abuses. Access to safe water is a fundamental human need. World governments must make 20litres of fresh clean water every day a universal human right. Water is not...

We - Is much more than a pronoun. (Poetry) 26-04-2007
by Aisha
We - we are the people We - we are the same We - we have been through struggle We - we all know suffering has no degree We - we all have forgotten to care We - we find selfishness a form of survival We - we take much for granted We - we are...

We All Belong Here (Poetry) 14-05-2012
by Stephanie
As we all originated from other lands we turned this into our Mother land. All different cultures and beliefs we united as one hoping there'd be peace. Going through tough times, we helped each other out, never doubting the person we knew...

We are born free (Poetry) 4-07-2007
We are born free Yet destroyed by wars We are born free Yet peace eludes us We are born free Yet the kids are enslaved We are born free Yet there is no freedom

We are Challenged! (Poetry) 9-11-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
In the world of the poverty of the youth of Africa People rise to make history but are told In the manner of appreciation in a unified language: One people, one generation, one destiny Our place is the future that our minds occupy....

We are conscious (Poetry) 19-05-2009
by Daniel Nuxe Thomas
Like our old folks used to say, The rain never tells when it’s going to fall, But just as the thunder roars, it is right behind. So were we when the days were grey And the street full of antiques. There we watched our fathers being...

we are not terrorists (Opinions) 13-06-2007
My dear world I am also human I am MUSLIM, and like all the Christians and the Jewish, I believe the Resurrection, the Death, the Hell, the Paradise…and I worship GOD-ALLAH And because I am alive, I prefer life than death, I like music,...

We are Proud We are Black (Poetry) 12-10-2005
by Omoruyi Osaretin Samuel
You are not me You are you I am me You cannot be me Let me be me I hate these people They are not me They do not want me to be me They want me to be them Then who will be me? They feel they are perfect I should be perfect...

We are Spirits (Poetry) 14-02-2006
by mbonisi zikhali
We are spirits Tethered to an adverse existence Slaughtered without occasion Our blood dilutes itself with tears We are spirits In mutilated lodgings We remain calm But our veins roar in turbulence We are spirits Struggling to paint...

We can positively discipline our children (Opinions) 4-08-2008
by Ahmed Shaban Abdulrahim Mugweri
The term “positive disciplining” may look like a new concept, intended to derail African people from their culture, values and practices in child upbringing. However, a closer look at this idea shows us that it is actually a revival of our...

We fatten all animals to fatten ourselves and we fatten ourselves for maggots (Opinions) 2-02-2008
by Agbenyo John Stephen
Each year the World Day Against Child Labour has often focused on one of the “Worst Forms of Child labour” listed in Convention No.182, starting with the Unconditional Worst Forms, such as child trafficking. This was then followed by child...

We Have Hope in the Imperative and Challenges of Mainstreaming Youth in Leadership and Governance (Opinions) 15-06-2006
by Carrie Ndoka
Generally speaking, it can safely be argued without a doubt that leadership and governance are engines for growth and development. Over the years, Africa has had to contend with crises associated with leadership and governance, which have...

We Have The Key (Poetry) 2-07-2012
by Awosusi Oluwatope
Our greatest fear is that we can’t do it; While we have the power to make dreams come through. We see easy things as difficult things. Life is easy if we believe it is. Why are we afraid of problems? Every problem has an expiration date....

We Live In A Jungle After All! (Opinions) 9-07-2003
by Lucia Sui
The jungle is the home of the moose, the deer, the antelopes, the caribous, their kind and their neighbours. It is also the home to the butterflies, ants, mosquitoes, their species and their families. It is also the home of the owls, the sparrows,...

We Morn...Love Morns More ! (Poetry) 26-10-2005
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Only is capable in understanding how great love can be, the eyes may shed waters left in its bowels for lack of space, the eyes have seen a thousand love ones depart without a note... ...no warning, no intention to take leave asked for by...

We need Female Taxi-Operators (Opinions) 6-06-2008
by Guga
I think the time is ripe for us to have Female Taxi-Operators (FTOs). Gone are the days when Men dominated the Transport Sector to the disadvantage of other road users! Why FTOs? The Male Dominated Transport Sector is taking us through a lot...

We need knowledge - both know-how and technology (Opinions) 24-01-2003
by Irena Curin
NEW CIVIL SOCIETY INSTITUTIONS AND PERMANENT MONITORING SYSTEM FOR A NEW CONFIDENCE AND TRUST BASED ON EQUAL CHANCES By asymetry of informations and unnecessary complicated relations in the world, the trust has been eroded far beyond the...

We've got to keep the Promise (Poetry) 9-06-2007
We've got to keep the promise Made by our leaders To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger As a millennium development goal We've got to keep the promise Let our word be our bond We've got to keep the promise The promise of our global...

We've Got to Keep the Promise (Poetry) 9-06-2007
We've got to keep the promise Made by our leaders To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger As a millennium development goal We've got to keep the promise Let our word be our bond We've got to keep the promise The promise of our global...

Weep Not, Nigerian Child! (Poetry) 10-08-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Weep not, Nigerian Child! The lands are arable, But people cannot plough? People have built houses Through suffering with modicum sums, Trained children through bitter-sweet And children had not tales: Than the tales of woes Weep not,...

What a mystery! (Poetry) 5-10-2007
by Johnson Kayode Jedidiah
Tired of everything about relationships Decided to stay single and get settled Enjoying every moment of the present phase Without any strange feeling of inadequacies What can I say Or how do I explain it Stocked in-between two divergent...

What do you see? (Poetry) 21-06-2008
by Samuel K Akinbo
We all write and talk about a better world, But I want to ask us today, How many steps have we taken To create this better world? It is time. We have to stop looking And start seeing, Because what is at stake Is beyond what we see....

What does the future hold for our generation? (Opinions) 11-09-2003
by kamoru e'manuel UMORU
I just don’t know where to start. I’m quite sure that it must have been said over and over again that “What does the future hold for the next generation in third world countries and African countries in particular?" Is our generation in doubt?...

What for? (Poetry) 30-11-2007
by manuel ryan ricohermoso
Leaders can hear... what for? if often the government is deaf Emperors have powerful sight... what for? if often, justice is blind Warriors look so mighty... what for? if often, a nation is lame

What Home Feels Like (Interviews) 28-07-2004
by Yara Kassem
They call them “the departed,” the Palestinian departed or the Palestinian emigrants: those ones who had to walk away from home to Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt in the year 1968, right after the tragic Arab defeat. They call them “the departed,” the...

What I can do to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (Opinions) 9-09-2005
by sabina mutangadura
I could show my support by wearing a white band, Join a thousand others on the streets by taking a stand. Would it make you do something about babes and mothers dying? Or help little ones around you do sums, perhaps even stop you from lying...

What I would like to tell about Russia (Poetry) 21-04-2005
by JB
Набросок Холуй трясется. Раб хохочет. Палач свою секиру точит. Тиран кромсает каплуна. Сверкает зимняя луна. Се вид Отчества, гравюра. На лежаке -- Солдат и Дура. Старуха чешет мертвый бок. Се...

What in the world are you doing? (Opinions) 13-12-2002
by Brique Zeiner
In other parts of the world it's summer. Here in Germany, winter is just a few days away. We awaken to icy cold mornings. Some of us would rather turn over and go back to sleep than to have to get up and go out into the cold. After a nice, hot...

What is Body Language? (Opinions) 19-02-2007
by Rwax Qax
Body Language is the unspoken communication that goes on in every Face-to-Face encounter with another human being. It tells you some one's true feelings towards you and how well your words are being received. Between 60-80% of our message is...

What is Fortune! (Poetry) 29-04-2007
by Dereje Amera
In the World of Knowledge Ignorance becomes fortune Where some wants more respect from us Using the stick of obedience to oppress In the World where thinking is considered as sin Who wants to stay there, unless Justice is seen Showing...

What is Human Rights? (Opinions) 20-08-2008
by Anita Li
The term ‘human rights’ is thrown around a bit too casually nowadays. Particularly in this generation, we hear it all the time, everywhere—from the mouths of people around us to mass media. But what does it really mean? Human rights is a...

What is Love? (Poetry) 8-11-2008
by Shahnawaz Chachar
When you find yourself out of emotions, feelings and dealings that shows the peak of your love, and when you feel and understand all these exteriors that shows the weakness of your Love.

What is the really good governance (Opinions) 26-06-2006
by Andrew Ashiofu
WHAT IS GOOD GOVERNANCE? . GOVERNANCE The concept of "governance" is not new. It is as old as human civilization. Simply put "governance" means: the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not...

What Lula's No-Win Options in Brazil Teach Us About 'Democracy' (Opinions) 4-10-2002
by Cameron Neil
Here’s how it works: The left-of-centre policies of higher social and environmental protection the electorate wants and which Lula promises will certainly cost business more, thus threatening to make Brazil a relatively unattractive place for...

What makes a youth leader? (Opinions) 10-01-2003
What makes a youth leader? You see leaders in government, businesses, and non-profit organizations and you wonder what they were like when they were about your age. Have they always been disciplined, serious, and optimistic? Have they been...

What makes you think you can’t? (Poetry) 21-05-2007
by Stephen O. Silas
What makes you think you can’t? When you can? What makes you think you are dull? When you are intelligent What makes you think you are not capable? When you are capable One thing I know It doesn’t mater who you are Or where you come...

What They Won't Like To Hear... (Opinions) 19-07-2006
by Henry Ekwuruke
Nigeria as a multi-ethnic nation is fraught with socio-economic and political problems. These problems are multifarious in nature and as such makes one develop solar plexus and cold heat when reflecting on them. Yet in the face of the problems...

What We Become (Poetry) 1-04-2010
by Adebayo Waidi Gbenro
We are each endowed with immense potentials. Events, occurrences and achievements Through history have continued To amplify and corroborate this assertion. For each and every one of us Our possibilities are limitless. All through history...

What went wrong in Ethiopia (Opinions) 7-06-2006
by Yoseph Berhane
Ethiopia is one of the ancient independent states located in the horn of Africa bordering Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia and Djibouti. It is widely known for its physical and ethnic diversity and for over dependence on volatile agricultural...

What Would You Expect? (Opinions) 6-07-2003
by George Gardashian
Every day is the same. We do not even have to turn on the television because we hear the sirens pass by our house. We know from the worried expressions on everyone’s faces: the Israeli Defense Forces have invaded another town and have used F-16’s...

What's Law Got To Do With It? (Opinions) 27-08-2002
by Natalie Morris
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Everybody knew that a host of different stakeholders would be descending on Johannesburg to attend the World Summit -- businesspeople, civil society representatives, government officials, reporters -- but who would...

What? (Poetry) 1-01-2008
by qassem
What is that? I can't understand. The way is far from me, mad. I am not a rock; I am not a stone. They tell me that I live to postpone. All of you shut up and leave me alone! My love is being shipped, He is gone to bed To lay down...

whateveryoufeelwouldfit (Poetry) 15-03-2004
by Rare breed
Love will outlast the past; Outlive the future And redefine the present Love will come unexpectedly, Hit you determinedly And leave you Ineffectively Able to regain your Previous location On the continuum of sane. Love charges you a...

When School Violence has Gone Out of Control (Opinions) 19-03-2006
by A. Tsang
I was continually sexually abused and physically attacked by a syndicate of a youth gang for a year in Hong Kong. It was the year 1990. The abuse was started because I reported that I was verbally abused by someone to a teacher. The syndicate...

When The State Is In Bankruptcy, The Nation Is In Danger. (Opinions) 2-03-2007
by JOSEPH Marckenson
With) Truths which disturb: The Haitian people face a very serious problem: The Haitian state is in crisis. It is in bankruptcy. (Multiple organ failure). It is not viable. It survives by “artificial” means. It is tiny room to the international...

When Will the Injustice End: Child Labor and Rights (Opinions) 29-06-2011
by Amiya
Where I live, child labor is nothing out of the ordinary. Practically every single household in Bangladesh employs underaged domestic help. On the streets, pedestrians are ever so frequently greeted by children with armfuls of flowers or books,...

Where is it going? (Opinions) 7-12-2002
by Andrew Lauman
“1 Now the whole earth had one language and few words. 2 And as men migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. 3 And they said to one another, "Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly." And they...

Where prisons serve the purpose (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
A prison is a rehabilitation institution meant to make convicts know that once their jail tem is over, the society expects a lot from them. Some come out as complete reformed ex-convicts as others are hardcore that nothing under the sun makes them...

Where roses stink and gloom glows (Poetry) 22-03-2005
by Saad Javed
Where flowing rivulets wail their thirst Where trails lead to filth and dust The lark chirps of misery and dismay Where the wolves lurk to snatch their prey Where the breeze mourn the loss of love Where mercy lies under assault above The...

White Privilege (Opinions) 29-10-2003
by kristin haltinner
I tuned to the news that was told to me by one of the 90% of newscasters who are white, talking about the axis of evil that does not look like me, being killed by the 30% of American infantry who are of color, who are taking orders by the 93%...

White, Black and Grey (Short Story) 12-03-2010
by Ahmad Magdy
The three ducks were intimate friends. They were not in fact three, they were more than this little number. The flock consisted of about ten ducks but some analysts concluded that Darwin’s survival of the fittest theory contributed a great deal to...

Whither Shall Society Wander? (Opinions) 19-01-2006
by mbonisi zikhali
Sins of omission seem to persist in almost all of man’s noblest causes in our age. It appears, by some universal conviction, that we either do very little or offer too much of what is not really needed. We congregate to lament how the world has...

Who am i (Poetry) 11-08-2007
by John kariem sila
Who am I? I am the old building ruin Saluting freedom, And my soul is a walking shadow Of past and present, O future of my arrow Be brave as tomorrow. I am sweet As Cashew drink Going home drunk, So who am I? I guess I am...

Who am I? (Poetry) 29-07-2004
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
What will become of me? When the dawn wakes my sad feet To the whip of my master crying lazy, And my bones shake at the rising of Sorrowful sun I wish could go away, My heart running the race that the Light of noon should take its...

Who are we? (Opinions) 23-02-2006
by Hira Nabi
The evening was heavy with moisture. I could feel the humidity pressing in on me. Septembers in Lahore are hot, and relentless. Incidentally, I was born in September. It is assumed that I should be habituated to the stifling atmosphere. I try and...

Who Are We? (Poetry) 22-01-2007
by Postcards from Katrina
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963 In reflection of those voices lost during...

Who are you to tell me who I am? (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
On the 7 March 2004 when I was 17 years old I started hating all men. It took one man to make me hate all men. I hated him so much. The only thing I could think of was killing him. On that night I made a promise to myself that I’d never associate...

Who Can Bear? (Poetry) 31-07-2006
Who can bear this great torment That seeps from the crevices of the innermost being? The eyes itch red and drip Hot moistened rain… Through shafts Through windows Not minding doors; Oh what a life man must lead From day to day! It...

Who Cares About Elections of Sangguniang Kabataan? (Opinions) 3-03-2003
THEY'RE over-aged. A majority of the sitting Sangguniang Kabataan(SK) members in the country's 14,943 barangays nationwide are older than the 15-21 age bracket for membership in the Katipunan ng Kabataan (KK) or the youth assembly in the...

Who is listening? (Poetry) 20-04-2009
by Jane Arwa
Who does the listening When everyone seems to know it all? Who will lend an ear And hear the cry of the faithless? Many are the afflicted But few are the listeners; Many are the hopeless but few are the encouragers. The young generation is...

Whose Military? (Poetry) 5-08-2004
I thought it was the people’s military, For their wages is the tax-payer’s money. Their uniforms are bought with the people’s money. I was informed that they are to maintain law and order, And that they are to protect the citizens. They...

Why Africa? (Poetry) 1-11-2008
by kaboyo julius
Why should it be Africa, where children starve amidst food, people die evil deaths without cause, war wipes out entire communities and commodities and causes panic inside our intestines-- leading to miscarriages that discourage our courage?...

Why Did You Make Me Black God??? (Poetry) 13-03-2007
by John Doe
This is deep y'all so take your time....... Why Did You Make Me Black Lord .... Lord .... Why did you make me black? Why did you make someone the world would hold back? Black is the color of dirty clothes, of grimy hands and...

Why don’t we end this? (Opinions) 2-02-2007
by Shelby Challis
Priorities -something afforded or deserving prior attention, here in North America our set of priorities seem to be off balance, what we value most in the world only seem to be what surrounds ourselves. Were almost ignorant in a way of the...

Why my heart bleeds (Poetry) 23-01-2008
by Tosin Olowoyeye-Taiwo
For the children without a place to called home, my heart bleeds! For the suffering masses in the continent called Africa & all over the world, I bow in tears! And what shall I say about those that lost their lives in the fight for justice and...

why they will have to go abroad? (Opinions) 20-04-2007
by Ogaga E. Maxwell
I have been reading different stories about those who migrate from Third World countries overseas for greener pastures. Although I will not encourage that, but before we talk about those who are going abroad lets us find out WHY. The conditions in...

Why we will lose in the election, whatever side we are. (Opinions) 6-07-2007
by Nyambega Gisesa
YOUTH MATTERS Are youths battling to lose? With elections a few months away, the Kenyan youth remain at a gambling spot. Unlike in the past, there are echoes of a youth revolution in the political arena. What the Kenyan youth don’t...

Will I ever see Bobby again? (Poetry) 17-06-2008
by Peculiar Ediomo-Abasi
Bobby few years back was seven and the love for me and his mum was even. Life was cute and comfortable, just as Bobby was fine and reliable. Fun came to town one day and frustration came to stay. With friends I began drinking and with...

Will you deliver a better Kenya? (Opinions) 6-07-2007
by Nyambega Gisesa
The empowerment campaigns are all over and every body wants a piece of the youth vote. Our country is at a stage of empowering the youth in political, social and economic aspects Dig dipper and you had discover that what they are doing is just a...

Wipe My Tears! (Poetry) 18-01-2009
by Miyar De'Nyok
My tears! My tears! My tears! Who will wipe tears? Oh! People of the world, Where are you to rescue me? Where are you to listen to me? Where are you to comfort me? I am a refugee, I did not choose to be one. But a situation gave me...

Witnessing A First Nations (R)evolution (Opinions) 3-07-2005
by Jessica Bell
This is a story about local communities regaining control over global multinational corporations and the world\'s powerful elite. This is a story about the resurgence of sustainability. And this is a story about victory. I visited Haida...

WOES OF THE TRODDEN (Poetry) 15-05-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
Peace to your Souls So says the trader As there toes’re gored Beneath his gaulish Shoes They wail in tears and sweats Mingled with abelish-blood Streaking like a troubled Stream In their sorrow- burrowed souls Over-laden with his...

woman (Poetry) 24-01-2007
by Selwyn Milborrow
woman (inspired by UN humanitarian, Simone Monasebian) i failed in my promise to shelter you from life’s frailties – may i never again have the privilege of seeing you fall like a tree in the lonely cry of night woman with arms...

Woman, This is Your Day (Poetry) 11-02-2005
by Matilda JOHNSON
Woman, get up and go Today the 8th March is your day-so Celebrate! Stand up for your right Don't ever give up the fight. My Sisters, you are the caretakers, You are the country's food producers, You are the home's unpaid...

women (Opinions) 19-03-2008
by Karina Hernández Sánchez
I was thinking about my condition like a woman who lives in Mexico and the others women who live around the world and it´s good to me know the woman have better conditions than in other times. In spite of that almost women around the world suffer...

Women and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria: From rhetorics to action (Opinions) 16-02-2007
by Amaka
Introduction Poverty has been identified as a major obstacle to realization of women’s human rights and one of the most surreptitious forms of violation of a woman’s rights. Not surprising it came on top of the list of twelve critical areas of...

Women as Mistreated and Misguided (Short Story) 14-01-2006
by Abhipraya Subedi
The Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal is replete with natural beauty and ancient traditions, which has for decades attracted tourists to come back and experience its beauty, ethnic mix and diverse landscape. But people fail to notice the ubiquitous...

Women in Sindh (Short Story) 2-07-2004
by Aftab Hassan Khan
INTRODUCTION: By nature, Sindhis are a very loving, polite & generous nation. They love their land, home and fields and, in most cases, do not want to leave Sindh. The roles that women take on in society are very important: they are mothers,...

Women of COP18 (Opinions) 3-12-2012
by The Verb
Last year, on the United Nations’ Gender Day, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres sat on a panel with Qatari Royalty , the former President of Ireland, the Minister of International Relations and Co-operation of the Republic of South...

Women Revolt (Poetry) 25-12-2006
by Aderemi Adegbite
Weaker sex we’re known and termed, We are made idle like lexis Without structure to construct sentences. They treat us as infants for we’re fragile; To rear offspring we’re considered fertile ’Tis then we would be teased as agile. Stop...

Women Trafficking: True Story of My friend (Opinions) 10-05-2007
by k
Women Trafficking: True Story of My friend Kamala Sarup I wrote this diary about my friend. Actually after returning from Prostitute Brothel, my first meeting with her began the strange day for me. In a way, every day I have been meeting a...

Women's Misery (Poetry) 21-08-2005
by Dr. A. Prabaharan
Born equally in the society Seen unequally everywhere Women face the trouble everytime From birth to death. With technology even girl babies are killed before birth. They say boys are symbol of power Girls are object of sadness what a...

Won`t Wake Up Again... (Poetry) 1-12-2008
by hazem al jaber
won`t wake up again... last night dreamed of you.. dreamed because i took your mind yesterday.. as you i felt too about you... dreamed that we were together... as a happily teenager sharing each other honestly feelings......

World Refugee Day: What are we Proud of? (Opinions) 20-06-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
It is yet another day that the world is commemorating the world refugee day. However one thing still remains clear even after so many years of this day. That is the ever increasing rates of the refugee cases. A greater number of people still flee...

World Social Forum - Another World Is Possible (Opinions) 3-10-2006
by Hira Nabi
It was a hot and dusty Karachi that greeted us as we stepped out of the air conditioned environs of Quaid-e-Azam International Airport. Coming from rain drenched Lahore, we were more than a little chagrined. Of course Karachi, vast and sprawling,...

Yaoundé by night.. (Opinions) 19-03-2008
by Youths Ahead!
Quand s’éteignent les lumières de la nuit, sous les réverbères mal éclairés dorment les oubliés des soirées folles de Yaoundé. Couverts par de vieux cartons, ils se protègent contre un froid devenu sibérien au cours des années. Que sont-elles, ces...

Yearning (Poetry) 9-11-2005
by hazem al jaber
Gather up me from sadness in warm arms, shake off a dust on me I became an old color, because of a time and became a dim-sighted, wipe a cloud around my eyes. while I ride a craving seas. a wind tore me and broke my ship and became...

yes y all (Poetry) 17-04-2003
by Fransen Filip
Yes y all. Lets get some flow.. we are here to grow, descended from usual living so we shall know. Always had an urging curiosity, the world isn t an example of simplicity. Do you see all the cultures. Signs of no appreciation are...

Yes...I Will Write (Poetry) 7-10-2005
by sur
I board the boat of thought Whenever I want to write But my hand is still And many question arise What should I write? The darkness of the society or light Or a romantic story of emotion Or write the struggle of revolution Or sketch...

You Thought.... (Poetry) 10-01-2007
by hazem al jaber
You Thought.... maybe people thoughts that i am alone... may they thought that i am without anyone... and running away into my sadness monstrous night... and confused without safety and peace... no,,,they are not right... and they...

Young People's Right to Participation (Opinions) 13-11-2002
by Ryan V. Silverio
It is worth affirming the importance of young people in creating change. Various events in our history have witnessed this from the anti-dictatorship movement in the 70’s, to EDSA 1 and EDSA 2. These events have proven that young people are...

Young vendors in Egypt (Short Story) 11-01-2012
by Jenna Carter
I just recently got home from a ten day adventure to Egypt. It was really sad seeing all the young vendors everywhere. It really puts how young people are having to drop out of school to work to support their families in perspective....

Young women taking over the reign (Short Story) 1-07-2007
by Jonas Eriksson
They say, “Today’s children are tomorrow’s future.” Simply meaning that if empowered and well nurtured at a tender age, people we consider as young today, tomorrow will be leaders of the nation in different aspects of life. To ensure that women...

Your Decision Matters (Opinions) 26-04-2007
by Keely Aleathea Constance Boom
Faced with the problems of the world, the sweatshops, the wars, the pollution, the dying species, it is easy to be overwhelmed. It is easy to feel helpless and that there are no solutions. Or that if there are solutions, someone else will handle...

Your Lordship, Mr. President (Opinions) 1-03-2006
by Barr. Stephen Edetanlen
We all played our parts in the current political system existing in our country, Nigeria, today. While some may consider themselves the sole or principal architects of this system, the present writer is not concerned with such disputation herein....

Your Thougts cutting our Hearts (Poetry) 11-12-2007
by haider
Your Thougts are cutting our Hearts, How can we forget you in the Days of Happiness, while you keep us in your mind in the days of Difficuly and ignorance, how can we avoid to Recognize you, While you keep us near you in the days of Hunger,...

Youth Active Participation in: Democracy, Good Governance and Nation Building by Creating Space in the Mainstream Politics (Opinions) 15-06-2006
by Carrie Ndoka
They tell me, “If you find a slave asleep, don’t wake him up; he maybe dreaming of freedom” I reply, “If you find a slave asleep, wake him up and talk to him about freedom”. (Politics: Oxford Dictionary describes, “Activities associated with...

Youth and Rights (Opinions) 28-02-2007
by Sean Amos
The youth form more than half the worlds overall population. As seen in most nations this group takes up more than half of their countries total population. Kenyan youth in particular constitute approximately 60% of Kenyans. The group's large...

Youth and Social Exclusion in the Information Society (Opinions) 19-05-2007
by Azeem Sajjad
Youth and Social Exclusion in the Information Society Tale of Two Worlds: Keeping Pace with a Moving Target (Azeem Sajjad) (Project Manager-National ICT R&D Fund, Ministry of IT) In today’s world the concepts of social interaction are...

Youth Are Building Presence Inside WTO (Opinions) 13-01-2006
by Emily Davila
'Six years ago, my first truly global experience came to my hometown. I was on the streets in 1999 when the WTO came to Seattle. In December, I traveled to Hong Kong to be part of a team of young people 'on the inside' of the WTO.' Like much...

Youth Empowerment (Short Story) 1-06-2003
by Abdallah Diwan
I mean to enlighten the youth about the concept of “Youth Empowerment” which may seem vague to a majority of us. I have read, collected data and finally put the essence of the issue in the following few lines. “It is us the YOUTH who can change...

Youth Migration from Africa (Opinions) 30-08-2006
by Stephen N. Asek
The departure of youth migrants and their arrival in host countries generates a wide range of problems relating to economic, demographic, social and health issues on the one hand and socio-economic benefits on the other hand in their countries of...

Youth organizations: the vehicle for youth involvement (Opinions) 15-02-2010
by Kassem Daud Kalinleh
At the beginning of the 21st century, the youth organization initiative has come on board in the Republic of Somaliland. The move reflects the competency and talent of youth. It has built a bridge for youth to mount the skyscrapers of...

Youth Participation in Migration And Development (Interviews) 18-07-2006
by Mariya Petrova
Fabrizio Scrollini representing SUMANDO Uruguay was one of the spokespersons at the United Nations Informal Interactive Hearings with NGOs, Civil Society and the Private Sector on International Migration and Development held on July 12, 2006....

Youth Related Views on Female Political Participation in the Arab World (Interviews) 11-09-2005
by May Fawaz
In June this year, Maasuma Al Mubarak, a professor of international relations and a staunch women’ rights activist, was appointed minister of planning and administrative development in the Kuwaiti cabinet. Mubarak’s appointment came one month...

Youth Speaking to the UN General Assembly (Interviews) 31-10-2005
by Vidar Ekehaug
Mohammed Al-Ghanim, Arab Regional Coordinator for the Global Youth Action Network, participated as a youth representative in a hearing for civil society at the United Nations in New York. He had the honor to be the only youth speaker at the event,...

Youth towards Democracy (Opinions) 7-06-2007
by Shakti Ghimire
Youth, conflict and democracy are associated terms; when one is altered the other is affected. When youth of a certain nation are disengaged or misguided then they might create conflict and democracy might be terminated like scrap metal. When...

Youths... don't stop shouting! (Opinions) 2-12-2008
by Haris S
In my country, it is said, that "a youth's blood is boiling", wanting to show how energetic and active a youth is. But, unfortunately, this does not happen in most of the societies of the western world. In the last few years, most of the...

" Vision 2015: votre futur ". (Opinions) 30-05-2005
La réalisation des Objectifs Développement pour le millénaire : Je suis convaincu que le principal défi que nous devons...

¡Alerta, Patagonia Amenazada! (Opinions) 14-10-2007
by Stephanie Vanessa Donoso Ramírez
Me encuentro situada en Chile, Sudamerica, nací aquí y cada día me sorprendo del hermoso regalo que la madre tierra me ha dado ...Vivir en un país con una diversidad de ecosistemas y lleno de paisajes que van desde el desierto más arido del mundo,...

¿Por qué nos enamoramos? (Interviews) 22-05-2007
by Laura Müller
Sentada en una silla con una coca de dieta al frente, un poco mas al frente de la Coca de dieta estaba un tipo con el que salía por primera vez, era muy alto por poco llegaba a los dos metros, hasta cierto punto atractivo aun que algo cachetón, y...

Взаимопонимание в политике (Opinions) 13-03-2007
by Smetanin Alexey
Даешь понятную политику! Непонимание, одна из главных причин возникновения проблем в отношениях между людьми, играет не менее роковую роль и в политике. Обсуждение деятельности Общественной палаты в программе «Школа злословия» на НТВ еще раз...

Как выбрать ВУЗ (Opinions) 4-05-2007
by Zulfiya Yunusova Fathiddinovna
Нелегко бывает выбрать свою будущую профессию. Справиться с трудностями, возникающими при принятии решения, вам помогут статьи в специализированных изданиях, рассказывающие о той или иной профессии и о требованиях, которые предъявляются...

Конкурс: Будущее цифровых технологий в России (Short Story) 12-10-2005
by Igor
Отток мозгов. В век цифровых технологий очень актуальна проблема конфиденциальности информации. Это связано с тем, что с каждым днём человечество достигает новых вершин в области квантовой наноэлектроники и подход к решению задач является...

by Shevnin

Светлая сказка (Short Story) 30-06-2008
by ashpaa
Это случилось давным давно , когда люди только начинали заселять свободную землю. Одинокий путник всюду и всегда искал хорошее место для жизни , и вот однажды , когда он долго - долго шёл по пустыне и у него уже закончились...

أحفاد رفض الراديو! (Opinions) 16-06-2008
قبل ‮٥٧ ‬سنة تقريبا بدأ البحرينيون‮ »‬سرا‮« ‬في‮ ‬اقتناء أجهزة الراديو،‮ ‬وكانوا‮ ‬يخبئونه في‮ ‬بيوتهم بعيدا عن الأعين،‮ ‬ويستمعون لما‮ ‬يبثه في‮ ‬الغرف المُحكمة الغلق؛ خوفا من أن‮ ‬يتهم أصحابه بالكفر والشعوذة‮!. ‬ ووصل بالبعض لمقاطعة المقاهي‮...

أطفال غزة تحت الحصار (Opinions) 28-08-2008
by Adham Tobail
لقد كان الفلسطينيون من بين الأفضل تعليما في الشرق الأوسط، واليوم، بعد سنوات من العنف والحصار والفقر والاحتلال ، يبتعد التعليم كثيرا عن أولوياتهم. قتلوا الطفل الرضيع لأنه كان يقود دبابة إسرائيلية ويحمل قذائف الكاتيوشا ويوجهها لصدورهم، يا لها من...

أفكار و أحلام (Opinions) 13-07-2008
by nour halawani
أفكار و أحلام لوجودي مع شخص لم يعد له وجود ،ولمسات و ضحكات و همسات لا وجود لها ، هي فقط موجودة في عالمي الصغير الذي لطالما حلمت ببناءه و جمع أحجاره ليكتمل.... لكنه تهاوى ولم يسل..... ما حدث حدث ... ولن نغير ما شاءت الأقدار فعله .... لذلك سأمضي...

أكرهكم جميعاً (Opinions) 27-03-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
بين لحظة وأخرى تستشف وجودك بصمت غير مشروط.. وتابى التنازل عن صوتك.. تختبئ بين صمت الأفق و حفيف الصرخات .. غير أنك في الكثير من الأحيان تصغر الأبعاد الدنيوية ويبدو كل شيئ شاحباً.. كذلك في الكثير من الأحيان تستيقظ لصباح مميز ممزوج بفرح وبألوانك...

أنا وحياتي (Opinions) 27-02-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
قد تضطرنا الظروف أحياناً لأن نمر بحالات نفسية مختلفة قد تؤدي فيما بعد إلى إنهاك غير مشروط. فماذا إذا كنت الضليع بكل الأمور، ليس إطراءً و لكن لتكون المسؤول عن كل شيء. يتخلى عنك الزمن حين تكون بأمس الحاجة لدقيقة أو دقيقتين ( لإنهاء عمل- في...

أنا ولعنة الفراعنة.. (Poetry) 23-07-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
ذات صباح .. بين حلم الغد وشغف المشتاق .. تملكتني روحه .. أطياف أمل لا تبارح لا خيال و لا انتظار.. قلدني بسمة ساكنة .. واجتاحني باسترسال .. ألبسني ..ثياب الملائكة ملطخة بالعار المفتعل.. ثياب ليست بثيابي.. ونفس ليست كنفسي.. وسفحت...

أهمية العمل مع الشباب في الوطن العربي (Opinions) 2-06-2007
by younes naoumi
يقول العديد من الباحثين في العالم حول الشباب أن البنية السوسيوثقافية للشاب تتحكم في ميولاته واختياراته مع الاحتفاظ بهامش من الثماثل بين مختلف الشباب سواء من لندن أو عمان، أو نيويورك أو جوهانسبرغ، باعتبار المرحلة العمرية وعلاماتها الفارقة سواء...

أَوقفُوا مطرقة التحديث (Opinions) 13-12-2010
by محمد
أَوقفُوا مطرقة التحديث بقلم: محمد التتري أفضل الأشياء هي التهيئة الكاملة لمن يقع عليهم المعاناة , المعاناة التي تنقل صورة الواقع الحقيقي في كل مكان وزمان وكل حدث وموقف , المعاناة التي أخذت تستمر وتبدوا على وجوه المسحوقين والطبقة التي...

إختطاف السياسة والجمال (Opinions) 19-07-2008
تيارات إختطاف السياسة والجمال صدق من قال‮: ‬الارهاب والتخريب والمخدرات لا دين ولا مذهب لهم‮. ‬وربما أضيف أن هذا‮ »‬الثالوث‮« ‬لا‮ ‬يُفرِّق بين الجمال والسياسة‮!. ‬ لا أدل على ذلك أن الرئيس الكولومبي‮ ‬الأسبق‮ »‬أندريس باسترانا‮« ‬اختطف...

إرحلي (Poetry) 17-06-2005
by Karim Al Nadoury
إرحلي أيتها الروح وإبحثي عن درب لإيوائك أوجدتِ في مرسى مدينتهم من يدلك عن فؤادك؟ أم كَرهتِ العيش ,حيثُ العيش أصبح وهماً إلا في خيالكِ؟ شمسُُ وليل ووجهوهٍٍ تعبث في حياتك تصارعها الظروف, أملاً في أن تغيرها المواجع يا من وجدت في قلبي السلام.....

إشكاليات التقدم فى المجتمع المصرى (Opinions) 25-12-2005
by Abdelrahman mahmoud
مقدمة لا شك إننا جميعاً ننظر إلى موضوع التقدم على أنه ذلك التحدى الهائل الذى يواجه مجتمعنا فى العصر الراهن، بل وسائر المجتمعات النامية على وجه العموم. وكثيرا ما سمعنا أو قرأنا عن أهمية تحقيق التقدم لعبور ذلك الحاجز الذى يفصل بيننا وبين مستقبل...

إلى نساء سورية... هذه ليست توقعات مايك فغالي (Opinions) 1-02-2010
by Milia Eidmouni
ميليا عيدموني سورية الغد كما اعتدنا بمناسبة وداع عام واستقبال آخر، نتسمَّر أمام الشاشة الصغيرة لأكثر من ساعتين نتنقل من فضائية إلى أخرى أملاً في معرفة ما سيحصل في السنة الجديدة، من خلال توقعات "رؤيا" هذا المنجم /ة، سواء عن أبراجنا...

اتنين صراصير (Poetry) 21-04-2008
by gsas egypt
اتنين صراصير قاعدين على قهوة في البلاعة قاعدين سوا بيتناقشوا حوالين قضايا الساعة قالوا المجاري السودة حصلت فيها مجاعة آخر خبر: الفيران اخترعوا ضد السموم مناعة ***** وف صفحة الحوداث بجورنال الماسورة سم الفيران يا اخواننا في غاية...

اغمرني يا وطن (Poetry) 23-04-2008
by gsas egypt
يا وطني ثراك أوحشني واشتاقت للثرى شفتايا يا وطني هل تسمعني؟ أم صمّت أذناك كأذنايا؟! الظلم فيك يمنعني والخوف يقيد قدمايا سجنوني فيك فأخرجني تنطق في الغربة عينايا **** يا وطني إسمع شكواي فأنا مسجونٌ في داري كلّت يا وطني قدماي وطالت...

الأهداف الإنمائية للألفية (Poetry) 24-04-2005
by Maged Hassan
ميثــاقُ شَـرَفْ * لـتحقيقِ هَدَفْ أهتمـامُ الأمـمِ * إليــه انـْصَــرَفْ لبِـضْعِ سنـيـنَ * عـمـلٌ بشَغَـفْ فنبنيَ كوْكبَنا * لـسنــيـن ألــفْ أهـدافُ تنميةٍ * نـُريدُها تُـعْـرَفْ فـانظُـرْ إليِّ * و سَمْعَـك أرْهِفْ...

الاصلاح العربي بين التيار الداخلي والدولي (Interviews) 9-04-2008
by Radwanalmajali
لقد ظهرت فكرة الإصلاح في المنطقة العربية بشكل واضح بعد انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي، وبروز المتغيرات الدولية، وانتقال حركة العلاقات الدولية من مرحلة الحرب الباردة الى مرحلة القطب الواحد، حيث شكلت رؤية مرحلة ما بعد عقد التسعينات أساس في وضع قواعد اركان...

الانفتاح من منظور مسؤول عربي (Opinions) 22-12-2008
by Fadi Doukhan
وزيرة يهودية للبحرين. مضيفات طيران من إسرائيل على شبكة الخطوط الجوية القطرية. غاز مصري بسعر " مدعوم" إلى إسرائيل. لقاءات بين مسؤولين ( عرب ) ويهود هنا وهناك. تبادلات تجارية ومؤتمرات دولية ... إلخ . كم أجدني ممتعضاً من النظرة الاندماجية...

البطالة العربية: الشباب المتعلم يعيش على وقع كارثة حقيقية (Opinions) 8-01-2008
by Adel Gana
التخرج...الوظيفة المناسبة للاختصاص المدروس...الدخل المرتفع الذي يؤمن الرفاهية اليومية... حلم بسيط يعيشه الشباب العربي على أمل أن تلمس أحلامهم الحقيقة يوما ما، وأن يجدوا الاستقرار في موطنهم محاولين بكامل جهودهم الهرب من سبح البطالة الذي يلاحقهم في...

التجارة (Poetry) 7-10-2005
by Ahmed Haroon
يا مركز العلم الجميل المستحب إلى الأمم علم التجارة بالنقود وبالإدارة والنعم يـا مـنــارة الـكــون الفــسـيــح القــائـمـــة لـكــل جــاهــل أو تـائــه وسـط الظلـم مالي أراك حـزينــة مهـمـومــة يغـشــاك...

التنوع الديني و الثقافي في دوال البحر الأبيض المتوسط (Opinions) 4-05-2007
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
التنوع الديني و الثقافي في دوال البحر الأبيض المتوسط قيمة تاريخية و حضارية نحو المستقبل هناك نظرات مختلفة لدوال الجنوب و متباينة حول نظرة إلى الشمال , والعكس صحيح, و لهدا من الضروري ان يكون هناك نقاش و نظرة موحدة لدوال و...

الجســــــر (Poetry) 21-04-2008
by gsas egypt
هويتها منذ طفولتي... كانت مستحيلتي .... برغم أني لا اعرف المستحيل ... لكنها كانت المستحيل.. الوحيد الذي ادركته.. نمت وترعرعت بداخل كياني أحبها وتحبني.. قدراً التقى المستحيلان.. لا لشيءٍ سوى العذاب.. لا لشيءٍ...

الحياة السياسة في مصر (Opinions) 16-06-2005
by Moustafa Mohamed Hussein
منذ أوائل العام الحالي 2005، وبدأت الأصوات تتعالى تطالب الرئيس مبارك بالإصلاح السياسي في مصر مطالبين بتغيير الدستور لتتم عملية انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية بالاقتراع بدلاً من الاستفتاء وأيضاً يتم تحديد عدد مرات الولاية للرئيس وإلغاء قانون الطوارئ. وخرج...

الخطوط الحمرا (Poetry) 27-06-2008
by Belal jahjooh
الخطوط الحمراء تتفادى دائما الخطوط الصفراء والسوداء في أحيانا أخرى فما هي الخطوط الحمراء؟؟ أهي التي لا نعرفها إلا عند لمسها أهي ليست خطوط بل قفزات مجنونة من شيخ أو من رأس مجنونة لا ينطبق عليها سوى الفخامة سير عبر مرتع الوحل فيه...

الديمقراطية المصادرة!!! (Opinions) 31-05-2007
by Adel Gana
إن الوضع الذي تمر به بلادنا العربية شديد الشبه بالتنين ذلك الكائن الأسطوري ذي الرؤوس الكثيرة المخيفة، و ليس وجه الشبه في البشاعة و الرعب فقط، لكن التشابه الأساسي في طابع التعدد و الكثرة، تعدد الأسباب المباشرة و المنابع العميقة و كثرة الوجوه...

الزرقاء .. (Opinions) 3-03-2009
by Zidan
أنا أسبح الليل مع الزرقاء بتخيلاتي هناك من يلومني بأن صواريخ كتيوشا تقصف بها أحياء سكنية وقنابل ذكية في هذه اللحظة ذاهبة الى مكان تعرفه لتنسفه برشاقة لم يعهدها الآمنون بلمسة زر على لوحة لطائرة لا تكشفها الرادارات من قائد طائرة لا يعرف فائدة الزر...

السندريلا المخبأة (Opinions) 12-07-2008
هل صحيح أن "سندريلا الشاشة" الراحلة الجميلة سعاد حسني تعيش صغيرة في داخل شريحة واسعة من الشابات؟!. إن نفت أو استبعدت بعض الشابات ذلك فإنه التمنع بعينه!. تلفتُ إنتباهي "السندريلا" المخبأة بشاباتنا، اللائي يُفضلن عدم الإفصاح عنها أمام الآخرين...

الشباب العربى ...... هل تاهت البوصلة (Opinions) 5-08-2008
هل حقا ان الشباب العربى يتعرض لهجمة شديدة على كافى المستويات والاصعدة وهل باتت هذه الهجمة تستهدفه فى حياته اليومية وحتى فى سلوكه الشخصى , ومن جانب اخر هل حقا هو ذلك الشاب الذى العابث اللاهى الذى يستجيب لتلك الهجمة ويوفر لها الظروف...

الشباب... والإنتخابات الفلسطينية القادمة (Opinions) 29-12-2009
by Mahmoud M. AlBurbar
الشباب... والإنتخابات الفلسطينية القادمة بقلم: محمود مصطفى البربار ناشط شبابي الحال هو الحال... والقضية الفلسطينية تراوح مكانها بل تتراجع يوما بعد يوم.. والحريات والحقوق تنتهك كل يوم بقصد أو بدون قصد, وطريق المصالحة الفلسطينية ما زال...

الطائر الحزين (Opinions) 29-01-2010
by Hayam
الطائر الحزين (من مذكرات فتاه تحلم بالحرية) لكم وددت أن أكون طائراً يحلق فوق الجبال ، يحلق أينما شاء ووقتما أراد ولكن .......هيهات لك يا طائري الحزين من أن تري حريتك دون أن تكون سجين ......هيهات لك أن تستيقظ في الصباح وأنت ممتلئ بأمل مشرق مغنياً...

العمل الجمعياتي في تونس (Opinions) 7-06-2007
by aaa
تكتسي الحياة الجمعياتية في تونس مكانة هامة، حيث بادر بعض التونسيين منذ عهد الاستعمار بإحداث عديد الجمعيات الوطنية الثقافية، الخيرية والاجتماعية، لكن بقي عدد الجمعيات محدودا حتى بعد صدور قانون 1959 حيث لم يتجاوز عددها الجملي 1976 جمعية إلى غاية سنة...

العنف ضد المرأة (Opinions) 3-11-2008
by ouzani zohir
- إن ظاهرة العنف ضد المرأة أبشع طريق لإنتهاك حقوق الإنسان عامة وحقوقها خاصة ثم كيف نقوم بالتمييز بين المرأة والرجل وهي رفيق دربه ومؤمن طريقه في الحياة وشريك ماضيه وحاضره ومستقبله فوراء كل رجل عظيم امرأة عظيمة وإن الذين يدعون السلم ويحرضون على...

القائد الفذ الشيخ السيد عمر المختار (Poetry) 1-04-2009
by meddahi
بـطــــلٌ قــاومَ شـــــدّة الغـُـزاةِ قاهِـرًا فـاشـِــيةًً مـِـــــلْءَ الهـِناتِ ولقـد بـــذلَ جُهــْـــدَه شُـجــاعا في مـيــاديـن روتْ منْ ذِكـرياتٍ ِ ولقد سعـــوا بـلا هـــــوادةٍ كـي يُضعـــــــفــوا إرادةً كالصّاعقات لـم...

القمع الجديد (Opinions) 19-10-2007
by محمد الشركي
القمع الجديد هل أنا امن في وطني ؟ ها أنت امن في وطنك ؟ هل أنت امن في بيتك ؟ في نومك ؟ في لحظات حلمك هل تستطيع أن تمتد على سريك دون خوف؟ دون قلق تغمض عينيك لا تخشى عل مستقبل أبنائك هل تستطيع أن تسمح لابنتك ذات الخمس سنوات أن تلعب خارج...

الكتابة بين المقاومة والمساومة؟ (Opinions) 4-07-2010
by رداد السلامي
أيش تشتغل ؟ سؤال سمعته من الكل من كل فرقاء السياسة، ومن لديهم إعمال، ومن يمارسون الإزاحة حين تقرر ان تعمل في صحيفته وهؤلاء في كل مكان لديهم وظائف متعددة ، يسدون الفراغ ولو بحضور عادي. إن أسوء شيء أيضا أن يتكرر السؤال ممن يعرف مسبقا انك بلا...

الكفاح من أجل الحصول على ترخيص للمحاماة (Opinions) 2-10-2007
by Fahad Al Farhan
من المؤسف في عصر التطور والسرعة أن نجد الإجراءات لدينا تسير كما تسير الزواحف وخصوصاً فيما يتعلّق بموضوع استخراج تصريح لممارسة مهنة المحاماة وبطء الإجراءات المتبعة، حيث إن المواد الواردة في النظام تنص أنه لا بد على المحامي المتدرب أن يتدرب لمدة...

المرأة..أكثر من نصف المجتمع (Poetry) 16-03-2005
by Maged Hassan
أَلَا إنّــــه مُنْــذ أزَلِ الــزمـــان * و الرجـلُ و المــرْأةُ كلاهُمـا إِنســان وَ لكـنّ ابــنَ آدمَ مِــنْ طُغيانِه * جَعَلَ النسـاءَ دونه جنســا مُهَـــــان فتــارَةٌ سِلْعــة و تـــارةٌ عَـــار * و لاْ تَدرِي لِمَ كــلُّ...

المشاركة السياسية للشباب (Opinions) 1-03-2008
by DR.Amira Mostafa
رغم كل الفضاءات المفتوحة الا ان الشباب مازال يحجم عن المشاركة . آلاف الشباب يدخلون المواقع الالكترونية الترفيهية منها والتثقيفية الا ان القليل منهم من يذهب الي ندوة او يشترك في حوار مفتوح او حتي يطلع على الاراء السياسية ويشارك في تنمية مجتمعة...

المشاركة الشبابية .......... ضرورة وطنية (Opinions) 5-08-2008
انطلاقا من اهمية الشباب فى بناء مجتمعاتهم وخصوصا المجتمع الفلسطيني، اذ يمثل الشباب الركن الاساسى لتكوين وتنمية المجتمع فى مختلف النشاطات الحياتية وكافة الجوانب السياسية والاقتصادية والثقافية والفكرية والعلمية . وحيث ان المشاركة الشبابية فى...

المعركة (Short Story) 24-05-2005
by Riem A. Hassan
كان مظهرهما مخيفا. هو بجسده الضخم وعضلاته المخيفة أمام جسدها النحيف. حاجباه الغلاظ، ابتسامته الساخرة، والنظرة المضيئة في عينيه أمام شعرها المشعث باهت اللون ونظرتها الممتلئة بالإصرار والعزم علي الانتصار في هذه المعركة. وقف كلاهما ينظر إلى...

اليمن : كلام في صميم السياسة؟ (Opinions) 22-05-2010
by رداد السلامي
لا أريد أن أكتب بانفعال ، الحديث عن تجربة ما ، خصوصا حين تكون سياسية ، يجعلك على قدر من عدم الحيادية ، بحيث لا يمكنك التمييز بين ما هو صحيح أو خاطيء. منذ 2003 م يحس المرا أنه غدى مستهلك ، فالعمل الحزبي دخول في متاهة تشبه " التحنيط" إذ أنه يجعلك...

اليمن:منطق السلطة العجيب..!! (Interviews) 16-01-2010
by رداد السلامي
الوطن بيتنا جميعا ، ونحن أبناؤه ، وليس ملكا لفرد أو عشيرة ، والذي يريد أن يقول لك أن هذا ليس وطنك ، كي يشعرك بالغربة ، هذا منطق مأفون ، تافه ، وحقير مستحوذ ومترفع ، يقدم مرافعاته تلك الكاذبة ، في محفل مزور ، وهو العدو الحقيقي للوحدة ، والوطن....

انتظر قيامتي (Poetry) 21-04-2008
by gsas egypt
في ليلة أشد ظلمةً ... من الليالي المدلهمة ... كنت أعاني سكرات الموت.. كنت أحتضر... وأنتظر قيامتي .. متى ستقوم القيامة؟!! متى ستقوم القيامة ؟!! أترنح من وقع الضربات .. تكاثرت تكاثفت تكأكأت.. لكي تزيح هذا الرأس...

اه يا طفولة مستعمرة ........... (Poetry) 1-08-2008
by Adham Tobail
فلسطينى انا اسمى فلسطينى نقشت اسمى على كل الميادينى حروف اسمى تلحقنى تعيشنى تغذينى تبث النعش فى شرايينى صلاح الدين فى اعناقى اعناقى تنادينى وصوت مؤذن الاقصى يهيب بنا اغيتونى اغيتونى والا ف من الاسرى والمساجينى ابى لما حرمونى منك...

بدايات و نهايات (Opinions) 24-07-2008
by nour halawani
هل هذه بداية أو نهاية رواية , لا أعرف..... و لكنني سأكتب ما أنا عليه الان من بدايات و نهايات .... لطالما حلمت برواية أخطها بقلمي و أكون بطلتها .... أقص فيها أفكاري و أحداث حياتي و ما أنا عليه... ولكن يلفها الغموض فلا يستطيع أحد فهم ما أعيش فيه ......

بريطانيا أسوأ دور فى التاريخ (Opinions) 2-11-2007
by Adham Tobail
لقد كان واجب علينا أن نسعى دائما للكشف عن الدور الخطير الذي لعبته ومازالت تلعبه الدول الاستعمارية ضد استقلالية وحرية وكرامة امتنا العربية والإسلامية عامة والشعب الفلسطيني خاصة والوقوف في وجه تطورها والعمل بكل الوسائل والإمكانيات لوقف تقدمها...

تخريج الدكتورة (Short Story) 24-09-2004
by Fadi Ghawanmeh
ما أجملها من ساعات، تلك التي أدركنا خلالها حلاوة أن نكون بين أهلنا و عشيرتنا يداً واحدة، يلتف حولها كل من بالقرية مختالاً فخوراً. و كيف لا يكون لنا ذلك و قد أنجبت قريتنا "دكتورة ولا كل الدكاترة" اقتحمت بإنجازها حقلاً ما اعتادت فتيات...

تسونامي (Poetry) 22-01-2005
by Maged Hassan
خَطْبٌٌ جَلــــَل حــــلَّ بالعالميــــــنَ * منْ أهـــــلِِ آسيــــــا صرنـــا له ذاهليـــنَ "تسونامي" الرهيبُ - بالفجرِ- فعل * مـــا يُعْجِـــــزُ الصناديــــــد الجباريــــن َ يحصـــدُ الأرواحَ حصــــــداً زؤاماً * لم نكن...

تنامي تجارة جنس الأطفال في العراق (Opinions) 21-08-2007
by Fahad Al Farhan
الحذر من تنامي تجارة جنس الأطفال في العراق لم تر العراقية أم زكريا، التي أقعد المرض زوجها عن العمل، عيبا في أن تسلّم ابنيها البالغين من العمر 13 و14 عاما، إلى عصابة تتاجر في ميدان جنس الأطفال داخل العراق، معتبرة أنّها قدّمت لها خدمة وأنّها...

ثقافة السلام لدى الشباب العربي , وصوته عند الأخريين (Opinions) 7-05-2007
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
من دكار إلى روتردام وصولا إلى الدار البيضاء ’ هناك أسئلة تطرح:هل في المجتمع العربي ثقافة التسامح و السلام أو اللا عنف؟ بدأت مسيرتي مع أسئلة تطرح في المجتمع العربي , انه مجتمع عنيف لا يتقبل الأخر ,من أصدقاء أجانب من خلال أمثلة كثيرة: كأحداث...

جنسيتي لي و لأطفالي،كثرة الضغط تولد.... التغيير (Opinions) 30-12-2009
by Milia Eidmouni
ميليا عيدموني سورية الغد القرار الأخير الصادر عن مجلس التعليم العالي،ورغم مرور وسائل الإعلام السورية عليه بشكل سريع ـ الندوات عن المسلسلات الرمضانية أهم من المرأة السورية وحقوقها ـ أعاد الضوء إلى ضرورة التحرك من جديد للعمل على تعديل قانون...

حرية التعبير في العالم العربي أية علاقة ؟ (Short Story) 26-03-2010
by wldlhouma
الكلمة أمانة والقلم لابد أن يملك هدفا نبيلا ورؤية مشرقة حتى يكون قلما جديرا بالإحترام والتقدير بين أقرانه لدى اتخدت من الكتابة وسيلة أول بها أفكاري للأخر واتحاور معه واكتشف وجهات نظر ورؤا اتفق واختلفمعها وهدا هو الأمر الطبيعي دوما . كل هدا هو...

حقوق الإنسان في الديانات السماوية (Opinions) 29-04-2008
by mohyiddine harchaoui
إذا أردنا التطرق لحقوق الإنسان في الديانات السماوية، يجب أولا : التمييز بين الأديان ( اليهودية ، المسيحية ، الإسلام ) كأديان ساهمت في تأسيس الوعي بحرية الإنسان وحقه في العيش الحر الكريم، و تحريره من كل القيود، حيث أن هذه الأديان ذات المصدر...

حيفا.. (Opinions) 25-02-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
صمت مطبق، صدى خفي، يهزني و يرعشني..برود في أطراف أصابعي .. يدي .. قدمي و شرايين قلبي..رائحة البحر في كل مكان.. اخترقتني لدرجة أنني في الأعماق و الأمواج المالحة تؤرجحني.. حيفا؟؟؟ أهي حيفا؟؟؟ في ذلك العالم الغريب تخلت العروبة عن أصالتها ..عن...

حين يسرقك اللص ليمنحك..!! (Opinions) 7-07-2009
by رداد السلامي
فاصل قصير ، ويبدأ آخر أطول ، وزمن سيأتي ليس كهذا الزمن ، حقبة نحياها ، على أمل أن يكون الوضع يوم أفضل. على افتراض أن الذي حدث كان مشهدا تلقائيا ، تم الإعداد له ، لكن ألا يستحق مشهدا كهذا أن يبعث على الألم على هذا الطفل ، وعلينا جميعا ، وعلى...

دلال العـذارى كزهـر الورد (Poetry) 4-12-2008
by meddahi
دلال العـذارى كزهـر الورد فهنّ يُـثـرنَ جمــوح الفرد إذا ما لمحتُ الجـمال أمامي تُخفّـفُ عــني عناء الجهد وكيف سأصبرُ بعـد الأنـيس الذي أذهب الكرب بعد الوجد ولما ألـفـتُ وُجـــود الجمال وإذ بـه يرحل وفــق الوفد فهُنّ الخليلات بعـد...

دور الشباب في خلق التعايش المشترك وفض النزاعات في السودان (Opinions) 8-08-2008
by yagout
يعتبر السودان من اكبر الدول الافريقية مساحة ,و اكثر الدول التي يتباين فيها النوع السكاني, و تتاثر بالمناخ والطبيعة الجغرافية في توسيع دائرة الصراعات القبلية والدينية مما ادي ذلك خلخلة نوعية وعدم توازن من حيث التوزيع السكاني والخدمي وبالتالي عدم...

دور المنظمات غير الحكومية في تعزيز وحماية حقوق الانسان (Opinions) 27-04-2008
by mohyiddine harchaoui
إن المنظمات الدولية غير الحكومية هي تنظيمات أو جمعيات أو اتحادات عبر قومية، يتعدى نشاطها نطاق الدولة الواحدة، و رغم غياب الإجماع حول تعريفها، فإنها أضحت حقيقة في المجتمع الدولي و تشكل قوة خاصة لها دورها و تأثيرها على الحياة الدولية، و تختلف هذه...

دور المنظمات والمؤسسات الدولية في تعزيز الديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان (Opinions) 29-03-2008
by Radwanalmajali
لقد أصبحت موضوعات الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان من الموضوعات الهامة والتي شكلت أطار عام لقياس تطور المجتمعات الحديثة وكيفية تعاملها مع قضايا الإنسان في العلاقات الدولية. فمنذ نهاية الحرب العالمية الثانية أصبح ينظر لهذه الموضوعات مسلمات رئيسية لابد من...

دورالشباب في تحقيق التنمية البشرية (Opinions) 13-04-2008
by Radwanalmajali
ان موضوع التنمية البشرية من الموضوعات التي أصبحت على أجندة هيئة الأمم المتحدة في نهاية القرن العشرين وبداية القرن الواحد والعشرين، حيث نظر إليها في السابق على أن التنمية ذات جانب مادي يرتكز على السلع والخدمات. حتى بداية عام 1990 وإطلاق الأمم...

رسالة الي قلبي الكسير (Opinions) 29-01-2010
by Hayam
رسالة إلي قلبي الكسير هذه رسالتي إليك ياقلبي الكسير ، ويا حزني الكبير: قررت أن أكتب اليك يا قلبي لأني أكثر من رأي معاناتك بل وعاشها معك لُحيظة بلُحيظه .... نعم يا قلبي فأنا أعرف كم أنت كسير ...كم جرحك الأحباء وخانك الأصدقاء ...كم ذهبت حزيناً...

رسالة امرأة شريرة (Short Story) 21-10-2008
by Ahmad Salah
شعرت به ينتفض ورأت على وجهه ملامح توحى بالاكتفاء فلم تطلب المزيد..فقط قامت عنه واستلقت الى جواره فى السرير ومرت دقائق وهى تنظر اليه وهو يتأمل سقف الحجرة.. فنظر اليها وابتسم فأبتسمت ابتسامة من نال ما تمناه قام من السرير وسحب الملاءة من فوقها...

زرعنا مالقينا (Poetry) 16-08-2006
by mohamed ali
زرعنا وبنينا فى الشمس اتهرينا ماحدش شكرناولا طبطب علينا ولا فكر يسلم ولا يمسك ايدينا ولا يروى عطشنا ويبص فى عينينا سيبناهم رجعنا رفضنا وعصينا وقفنا برجوله والحق فى ايدينا جم يجروا ورانا ويبوسوا فى ايدينا قلنالهم كفايه اتبلوا علينا وبضرب...

سراباً ام ليس بعد ؟؟ (Short Story) 6-10-2008
by firas
سراباً.. أم ليسَ بعد ؟؟ أنا الروح التي لم تذكر الكاتب الكبير توفيق الحكيم منذ زمن بعيد ..إلا فجأة ومراراً عند سماع تلك الأغنية الملائكية التي تصدح وتنادي بـ /عودة الروح/ في قلب أحداث ومشاهد تجدد الروح وتعيد الروح للروح .. وتتساءل هذه الروح...

شجرة الكينا (Opinions) 26-02-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
في يوم مشمس وغير متميز صحوت من نومي وكالعادة لفنجان القهوة وسيجارة ممقوتة ومن ثم إلى العمل.. وإذبي أجد شعاع الشمس يبدو أقرب والوجوه في الطرقات من موظفين وطلاب مرئية وكأنني معهم في الشارع.. غريب هل يعقل أنني أسكن هنا طوال 25 عاماً ولم أدري بذلك...

شعر الحرية (Poetry) 24-01-2009
by Bendaas Abdelkrim
انكم بارعون في استثمار الاستقرار لم اجد الانوار و لا حتى الافكار لماذا تضعون على الستار الستار ؟ و تقولون.......... و تدعون.......... و تصرخون....... لكنكم لم تعرفوا انكم ارتكبتم العار انكم بارعون في استثمار الاستقرار سنرفع...

شهادات فى زوارق الموت (Short Story) 28-12-2008
by Bendaas Abdelkrim
ياسفنى ان اقول ان البكاء مطلوب ابكى على انظمة فاسدة جعلت من الشباب عنوانا لمسرحياتها الهزلية. جعلت جدارا بين الشباب و الامل و جعلت اليسير مستحيلا و ارادت للعلم ان يغرق في عرض البحر . شباب كان اكثرهم طموحا للحياة عمل و اجتهد بجد ليكون فردا صالحا...

عالم يحتضر .. يحلم بحق بحق حيواني (Opinions) 14-07-2009
by Zidan
في ظل أزمة لا تكل أو تمل تلتهم الاخضر واليابس .. في ظل قوات دولية .. تحمي الكبار .. وتنغص عيش الصغار .. في ظل حق الفيتو .. تحول الانسان .. ألى حيوان .. لا يمثل فائدة الحيوان ذاته .. وأنما تحويلة جيفة .. تلقى وتدفن باالات .. أطالب بحق الحيوانات...

عذاب الفلسطينيين على المطارات والمعابر العربية (Opinions) 8-07-2008
by Adham Tobail
لا يخفى على احد مدى العذاب والمعاناة التي يعانى منها الفلسطينيين على المعابر والمطارات العربية فقط. فأين وجدت طابور طويل وكبير فهو للفلسطينيين ، جميع العرب والأجانب وجميع جنسيات العالم في طابور واحد إلا الفلسطيني له طابور خاص به مميز، هذا...

عزف المطر (Poetry) 20-06-2006
by Neda
المطر ينهمر منذ الصباح الباكر.. لاصطدام القطرات بذرات التراب موسيقى..أسمعها فقط حين ينهمر المطر كما تفوح روائح التراب..تحمل معها ذكريات مدفونة في أعماق الأرض ذكريات عن فتيات و شباب...أطفال و شيّاب..كانوا يوماً هنا..و ذهبوا لم يبقى منهم سوى...

علاقة الديمقراطية بالشباب والتنمية (Opinions) 11-03-2010
by Fahad Al Farhan
الديمقراطية نظام سياسي يقوم على مجموعة من المبادئ والحريات الأساسية لحياة المجتمع وهو احد النظم الأكثر انتشار في العالم. ويهتم هذا النظام بالطبقات الاجتماعية باختلافاتها من حيت العرق والكم و الدين و المستوى والسن ,خصوصا الشباب الذي يشكل اكبر...

عودة رامبو مراوغة إستراتيجية (Interviews) 5-09-2008
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
رامبو "سلفستر ستالون" يعود من جديد في فيلم" RAMBO 2008 "الشهير بأداء شخصية الملاكم المتعصب" روكي" وشخصية الجندي الأمريكي الأوحد" رامبو" الذي عاد إلى فيتنام ليهزم وحده الفيتناميين بعد هزيمة الأمريكان الحقيقة على الأرض. ولكن لماذا سعت الولايات...

فساد .. (Opinions) 3-09-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
قصتنا بسيطة، وللحقيقة كنت أفضل تأجيلها لما بعد شهر رمضان خوفاً من النميمة ولكنني أخذتها نهاية من باب الحقيقة. المهم هو موظف معتبر و بدرجة علمية ممتازة حصل عليها من دولة أوربية معترف بها ولعلكم استنتجتم في أي قطاع يعمل، المهم هو استيائي المعتاد في...

فكر غيرك واعرف ان هناك اناس يطلبون السلام (Opinions) 1-08-2008
by Adham Tobail
عندما تصحو فى الصباح وتعد فطورك فتذكر ولا تنسى ان هناك قوت للحمام عندما تشن حروبك لا تنسى ان هناك اطفال ليسوا لهم ذنب عندما تذهب الى بيتك تذكر ولا تنسى شعب الخيام عندما تذهب الجامعة تذكر ان هناك من يتمنى الذهاب الى بيوت العلم فكر بغيرك...

في الذكرى 54 لاندلاع الثورة الجزائرية المظفرة (Poetry) 6-11-2008
by meddahi
قـد أتى نوفـمـر بعد الإعـتلإل طـاردا مَـن طغـوا بالإحتـلال شـردوا جــــيلا بـرمـته بـعـد جـــــورهم قد ملؤها بالضلال أفسـدوا الدنــــيا بظلمٍ لا مثيل لـه في الحـياة بؤسٌ. كالـوبال وإذا اجتمعت الكـــروب كــمًا تــقـع الشـعـوب بين...

قبل فوات الأوان ..هدية رمضان (Opinions) 5-09-2008
by عبد الحميد عبد العاطي
أتساءل : هل ستعفون أنفسكم من الكفاح لو أن ارض فلسطين لم تكن مقدسية؟،يبدو وللوهلة الأولي أن هذه الجملة بحد ذاتها جريمة ، ولكن لو كانت نسبية من حيث أن بعض الناس يعرفها والبعض الأخر لا يعرفها ولا يكترث بها ولا يفكر فيها ، وبعض الناس يندهش إذا وضعتها...

قد أهينت كـــــــــــــــــــرامة الإنسان (Poetry) 4-07-2008
by meddahi
الشاعر العصامي مداحي العيد هذه أول قصيدة أنظمها من بحر الخفيف يا خفيفا خفت به الحركات .. قد أهينت كـــــــــــــــــــرامة الإنسان في زمـان العلـــــــــــــــــــوم والإتقان لا...

قصتنا مع المواصلات (Short Story) 5-05-2008
by Alaa Almalfouh
قبل اكثر من أسبوعين ... تسربت الأخبار بأن اسرائيل ستمنع الوقود و الغاز عن قطاع غزة .. فما كان من أصحاب سيارات الأجرة ( و الذين تعودوا على تقلص كمية الوقود منذ بدء الحصار على قطاع غزة ) إلا أن سارعوا بشراء كمية إضافية من الوقود لتسد حاجتهم لاحقا .....

قصيدة جديدة (Poetry) 1-10-2009
by meddahi
قد أهـــانــني صــــديـــقٌ بالمعان فـفهـمتُ أنّ قـــــــــــــوله عـناني ســخــرالرجــــل مـن فــتىً أبوهُ يـتـكـفـّل بــه طـــــــــــول الزمان فشعرتُ بالأســـى وهــم ضحكوا...

قصيدة غزة (Poetry) 1-09-2009
by meddahi
أيا غـــزة الـربـــاط أنــت صـمـدتِ بـعــــزم يــقــلّ فـي زمـان الشّقاق ستنتصــريـن رغــم كــيد الدهـاة على المـفسدين بعـد ضـــمِّ الوفاق مُـقـاومـة الأحــرار صـامـــدةٌ في وُجـوه الطـغاة رغــم قـصـف المراق قنابلهم تُــزيـل...

قصيدة غزلية من بحر الطويل (Short Story) 29-06-2008
by meddahi
قـد انحـــدر الدمـــــــع مــن الإشتياق فما أصعب الوجد مدى الإفتراق فصرت نحيل الجسم مثل الغصون قد ذوتْ عند بُعـــدها عـن الإنتشاق لقد أرهـقــتــني بهــــــــــــواها ليـاليا فهزّت محــــــبــة الفــؤاد رفاقي فما أعــــذب الحـــب إذا كان...

قصيدة محبة الوالدين والإحسان إليهما (Poetry) 24-03-2009
by meddahi
بكى الطّـفـل شــوقا لـضمّ الحنين لأمّـــه تــــــــاق بُـعـيْـد الأنيـن فحـرُّ الجـوى بعد حيـنِ النوى قد يُشـتّتُ قلبَ الرضـــيع الحزين قد اشتــــاق قلـــــبُ البَراءةِ حينا لأمٍّ عـواطـــــــــــفها كالدهون...

كن إنسان (Opinions) 24-11-2008
by AbdAl-Rahman Hamdi AbdEl-Gawad
وأنت في هذه الحياة تمضي معها ، تقابل كثيرين وتعرف كثيرين ، تحب البعض وتبعد عن البعض ، لا يضرك ذلك في شيء اذا كنت انسانا كن انسانا عندما تحب فلا تخدع من تحبهم ولا تضمر لهم غير ما تظهر كن انسانا سيسيء اليك بعضهم فلا تبغضهم بل اشفق علي اخطائهم...

كيف الطريق لك يا وطني (Poetry) 2-01-2009
by nour halawani
كيف الطريق لك يا وطني أصداء لأصوات , أ سمعها .. أحاول تجاهلها..أريد أن أسمع صوتي يرن في كل ركن من أركان حياتي.. و الأن لماذا أجمع أثاثا لبيتي ثم أرحل..؟ لماذا لا أرحل الأن ...؟ إلى غصن الشمس.. إليك .. إلى ليل قرمزي.. أرى شجرة بيضاء , و...

لانك مثل بلادي (Poetry) 1-06-2008
by saddam motea
لانك ِ مثل بلادي يُشوه وجهك ظل العساكر ويجلد جسدك سوط الفتاوى ويصبح صدرك قبل التكور مباحٌُ و(فيدٌ) * لكل القبائل لانك مثل بلادي حيث يجول الرجال على صدر انثى بغير مشاعر يصير اغتصابك فتحا..يلعلع فيه الرصاص ويصبح ثوب دمائك...نيشان نصر ٍ...

لعنة الفراعنة ام لعنة الفساد ؟؟ (Short Story) 6-10-2008
by firas
لعنة الفراعنة ام لعنة الفساد ؟؟ سوف أكون هناك أسفل النافذة التقطك , وانت تصرخين : حرام!! .. حرام!! .. نعم ..سوف التقطك يا معلمتي الاولى بين ذراعي .. لأحملك وأصعد بك من جديد تلك الدرجات المعتمة , والتي اكل الدهر عليها وشرب وتحملت دعسات أقدام...

لقائد الثورة الليبية العظمى (Poetry) 17-09-2008
by meddahi
سما مَـلكٌ عـلى عـرش فـنال من الشرف الذي ضـاهى الهلالا قد انهال عـلـيه الفـخــر جار كـمــثـل الـبــرق رعـــــده يتوالإ فشمس عـدالة الحــر أنإرت بـقـاعاإلأرض طـــــــاردة الوبالا له من كل مَـكـــرُمة نصـيبٌ بــه نـــال مــن...

لماذا انا عربى؟ (Opinions) 24-01-2008
by Mamdouh Osama
لطالما سالت نفسى....لماذا انا عربى؟؟!! لماذا فتحت عينى لاجد نفسى ابنا لوطن عربى يعيش فى ظل حكومات دكتاتورية غير مسئولة..أعيش وسط شعب لا يرى..لا يسمع..لا يتكلم..!! لماذا لست فخورا بان اكون عربيا..؟!! لماذا هذا التخبط الذى بداخلى بين حبى لوطنى...

لولا السخاء... لما بقي في الحياة ...بقاء (Poetry) 29-08-2009
by meddahi
قد عجزتُ عـذرا عـن الإنفاق مـن شــــدة البـأسـاء والإملاق لم يُكلفْ ربُّ الورى نفسا ما َ لا تُطيقه من جهـــــود الأعماق أهلك الفقر كل شيء جـنونا ففقدنا كــــــــــــرامــة الإنعتاق لم أنـل حـق الحياة مـن بلاد قد عشقناها من فؤاد...

ليس سراباً.. (تقارب أم تباعد الأديان) (Opinions) 14-09-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
الإسلام والمسيحية، مدى التقارب و كيفية الابتعاد؟؟ حوار بين الأديان وكيف يكون هنالك حوار ، وهل من منظم للقاء بين الأخوة في بيت واحد..وهل من يدعو لتآلف على مائدة واحدة..للعب والسهر في حارة واحدة، ونحن من درسنا وأبدعنا في مدرسة واحدة .. استغراب...

ليس هربا من الموت ولكن إصرارا على الحياة (Short Story) 29-12-2009
by Mahmoud M. AlBurbar
Picture, "Gaza Saber", by Shareef Sarhan . ليس هربا من الموت ولكن إصرارا على الحياة " قصة حقيقية من قلب غزة " بقلم : محمود مصطفى البربار ناشط شبابي غزة – فلسطين . صحيح أن هذا الجيل في غزة لم يعش هجرة عام 1967 ,إنما قرأ في الكتب أو...

ما أطول الطريق اليكي .. (Poetry) 6-10-2008
by firas
ما أطول الطريق اليكي .. نعم ..طويلٌ جداً اليكي الطريق ,, في أيام المطر وبعيد جداً وجهكِ عني ,, ومن يطال البدر ؟؟ أصبحت لا أراك الا في لوحاتٍ .. أو في صور .. لأشرب منها ذكرياتٍ ..سرقت مني هذا العمر .. نعم ..طويلٌ...

ماذا أقول للروسية ألونا (Opinions) 27-07-2008
تقود الشابة الروسية الأنيقة‮ »‬ألونا‮« ‬منظمة شبابية في‮ »‬سانت بطرسبرغ‮« (‬أو كما‮ ‬يُفضل اليساريون تسميتها لينيينغراد‮) ‬وهي‮ ‬من أجمل المناطق بالعالم،‮ ‬وتقع في‮ ‬الشمال كنافذة تطل على أوروبا،‮ ‬وكانت عاصمة الامبراطورية الروسية في‮ ‬عهد...

ماذا فعلت الديمقراطية الغربية بحقوق الإنسان في العالم؟ ! (Opinions) 30-11-2005
by hassan_talib
ماذا فعلت الديمقراطية الغربية بحقوق الإنسان في العالم؟ ! الديمقراطية زبدة تجربة حياة الشعوب عبر التاريخ. فهي حكمة إنسانية نتجت عن مجموعة من الصراعات السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية... التي عرفها الإنسان سابقا. حيث جاءت لتضع حدا...

مثلهم لن اعاتبك (Opinions) 17-01-2010
by saady hamad
حصارك أبكى أطفالاً .. ولم يبكيني ، ودمارك أدهش أحراراً .. ولن يثنيني ، لكن تذكر ترنيمة الطفل المكبل خلف أسوار غزة العالية ، وتمعن طفلا صغيرا يحمل الأخ الأصغر، واعلم ان سماء الأرض لن تكسوها قنابل فوسفور أبيض ، واستمع لأنشودة الحجارة التي تستغيثُ...

ممنوع التجول (Short Story) 5-06-2008
by Alaa Almalfouh
لا أنسى تلك العبارات التي كان يرددها المسئول العسكري في الجيش الإسرائيلي عبر مكبرات الصوت " يا أهالي مخيم جباليا ، ممنوع التجول و من يخالف القانون يعاقب" ، " ممنوع التجول و اللي يطلع بره دمه في رأسه " .. لا زال صدى تلك الكلمات يدوي في أذني حتى...

من إفريقيا إلى العالم: تجارة العبيد...باسم الإغاثة (Opinions) 6-01-2008
by Adel Gana
أثارت في نفسي مؤخرا قضية تهريب أطفال أفارقة من تشاد عندما علمت أنها تمت باسم منظمة ادعت أنها تقوم بأعمال الإغاثة الإنسانية، وأن ذلك تم بإذن ذويهم المغلوب على أمرهم عندما تم إبلاغهم أنها تهدف لتعليمهم، مستغلة بذلك تلهف الأهالي إلى تعليم أطفالهم،...

من فقير إلى أثرياء العالم: أفضل الطرق للتخلص من إزعاج الفقراء!!! (Opinions) 4-01-2008
by Adel Gana
سيدي المحترم، لكي تجنب نفسك الشعور بتأنيب الضمير تجاه البؤس الذي يعيشه ذلك الكم الهائل من الفقراء في العالم والذين تطالعنا صورهم على شاشات التلفاز يوميا تستطيع أن تقنعها بأن الفقراء مع معاناتهم الصعبة في هذه الدنيا لكنهم بالمقابل سيجزون خير...

مهنية الصحافة ... والبيئة الطاردة (Opinions) 13-08-2010
by Abdulelah Sallam
مهنية الصحافة ..... والبيئة الطاردة تتشابه العوالم الاجتماعية التي يعمل فيها الصحفي العربي ونوعية القيود التي تفرض علي حرية ممارسة المهنة الصحفية. وأن كان هناك بعض الاختلاف فهو لا يتعدى الشكليات التي يعتبرها البعض بالتطور النسبي وهي لاتصمد...

نظرة استشرافية: مستقبل الوطن العربي بين بذور الحياة و طوق الواجهات المصنوعة (Opinions) 14-07-2007
by abdou
إنّ استشراف المستقبل العربي من أصعب مواضيع الاستشراف على المتخصصين في هذا المجال، ذلك لأنّ صناعة المستقبل في هذه الرقعة من العالم محكومة بنوعين من العوامل: عوامل القوة والضعف الاقتصادية والسياسية والاجتماعية والثقافية المعروفة، وعوامل أخرى تتعلق...

هارب (Short Story) 3-06-2007
by Kefaya Diab
هارب... صوت بصطاريّ الجنديين واصطكاك عقبي البندقيّتين بحزاميهما كان كلّ ما يمكن سماعه في تلك الساعة، الليل الستار يحيطُ بجميع الأمكنة، فيستر الجنديّين ويستر آخرين. توقّفا لحظةً يصغيانِ لصوت قدميه، سمعا تعثّره بالحصى، أشار أحدهما إلى الآخر...

هاربون من التغيرات المناخية (Opinions) 21-12-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
لاجئون في وطنهم ومهددون من قوى خفية قادرة على اقتلاعهم من جذورهم ووضعهم في أي مكان إلا أماكنهم التي عرفوا فيها طفولتهم. نزحوا واستأثروا الخيام على بيوت باتت الآن خاوية إلا من ذكرياتهم، وهنا لا أقصد أي قوى عسكرية أو تهديدا إرهابياً مسلحا لبلدنا أو...

هل لأننا مسلمون؟ (Opinions) 11-07-2006
by ahmad muhammad qatamin
هل لأننا مسلمون تنتهك اعراضنا؟هل لأننا مسلمون تهدم دورونا ؟ هل لأننا مسلمون تحتل ارضنا؟ هل لأننا مسلمون يقتل شيبنا وشبابنا؟ كثيرون منكم شاهدوا مافعلت اسرائيل من أجل جندي واحد ونحن ألسنا ببشر؟ ألايموت منا الآلاف كل يوم وبحجة ماذ؟ا بحجة الارهاب....

وثبة الجهل التي قد سكنت (Poetry) 24-12-2008
by meddahi
وثبة الجهل التي قد سكنت في ظـلـمات لا تُـرى فـيها الأكف العلم محـجــوز هـناك لا يشف قد تعطل عُقـــــــــــيل مُستـنير من حــمــاقة حــــوارها يلف كيف تنطلق...

وحيدة في لحظة تردد (Opinions) 13-07-2008
by nour halawani
ها هي الدنيا تدور حولي ... أنا في المنتصف وحيدة ....أضواء مسلطة علي من كل اتجاه ... ذكريات و أحلام ... قرارات صارت من الماضي، و قرارات منتظرة.... حركات ،نظرات ، همسات ،ضحكات .... أحلامي و مبادئي الراسخة التي لن تتحرك متى ستتحقق؟؟؟ أنا و الدنيا......

وداعاً .. بيروت (Poetry) 17-10-2008
by firas
وداعاً .. بيروت عُدت من بيروت ,, وما علمتُ بأنها اتخذت القرار . عُدت من بيروت مثلجاً.. حالماً بضم ذلك السوار نعم , ما عدت أريد عمري .فالطرقات كلها صارت تحت الحصار . فأضعت كل شيء,, فقدت تماثيلي, وشغفي بالتدمريات .. وعلم الآثار بعد أن...

‘DRUGS ARE NOT CHILD’S PLAY’ (Opinions) 28-11-2006
by precious ebisintei
YOUTHS AGAINST DRUG ABUSE AND CHILD TRAFFICKING (YADACT) Presents The Paper ‘DRUGS ARE NOT CHILD’S PLAY’ In Nigeria today, whenever the word drug is mentioned most people refer to its as tablets or pain killers which when taken,...

‘Freedom’ and Poverty: A Look At the Struggle of African Canadians (Opinions) 4-07-2003
by Nima Shirali
‘Freedom’ and Poverty: A Look At the Struggle of African Canadians As one passes through the east or west ends of Toronto, it would not be difficult to discern the fact that Canadians of African descent are most affected by poverty. After a...

“Developed” helping out “Developing” on the way to MDGs. (Interviews) 5-05-2005
by Olexiy Kuzmenko
For Eddy Orinda just like for many youth in developing countries, words like “Yes, we are Highly Affected but we’re doing something!” are a motto, and he’s the one who produced this formulation. Eddy’s wealth of experience, skill and ability...

“No somos tan diferentes como se piensa” (Interviews) 19-06-2007
by Damian Profeta
María: 19 años, colombiana y refugiada en Argentina “No somos tan diferentes como se piensa” Por Damián Profeta A los 18 años, corriendo riesgo su vida, debió abandonar su país, alejarse de su familia y sus amigos y comenzar una nueva...

“Precisamos voltar para a pesquisa básica para entender mais o HIV e tentar outros tipos de vacina”, diz David Watkins (Interviews) 22-02-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Em recente visita à Fundação Oswaldo Cruz na Bahia (Fiocruz-BA), o doutor David Watkins, da Wisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC), disse estar entre aqueles que ficaram decepcionados com a recente fracassada tentativa de produção de...

“Provocar para Transformar” (Opinions) 19-04-2007
by Adrielle Saldanha Clive
É com grande alegria satisfação que escrevo mais uma vez. Certamente este foi o que me deu mais alegria ao construí-lo. Isso depois de diversos rascunhos feito antes de transcrevê-lo aqui. Alegria de viver e ajudar a construir a história deste...

“Strengthening Young People’s Participation in Peace Building” (Opinions) 6-03-2007
by Ryan V. Silverio
The following information is the final statement adopted by youth leaders and representatives from conflict areas in the Southeast Asian Region. *********************************** “Strengthening Young People’s Participation in Peace...

“Strengthening Youth Leadership for Community Development and Peace” (Opinions) 13-01-2003
We as youth must use our creativity, idealism, and energy to work for non-violence in our homes, schools communities, countries, and the world. "Developing Student Leaders Toward a Century of Peace and Humanity." My talk will focus on our theme...

“Urge Portugal to uphold human rights for all citizens” (Opinions) 23-06-2006
by Marco P Gomes
PRESS RELEASE June 19, 2006, Toronto, Canada. Assim como nós comemoramos a Semana de Portugal e celebramos as tradições, realizações, culturas e valores do povo Português, nós devemos refletir sobre a necessidade de...