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Soft Tools for Emerging New Global Citizens Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Vittal Koppal / ISBN: 978 0 9822586 3 7, India Oct 19, 2007
Media , Culture , Human Rights , Global Citizenship   Opinions
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Main objectives of these soft tools is to give the participants a best opportunity to learn, practice and master new self-expansion and professional behaviors, to enhance their day-to-day productivity and functional efficiency in the globalizing world at large.

A better set of tools that greatly contribute in our personal as well as professional success.

How we interact with the people of the world around, are the best abilities like global winning personality, personal behaviors, intuition, creativity, positive object oriented global attitude, diplomacy, flexibility, change-readiness, problem solving, qualities of global leadership along with effective global communication skills.

Today influence of globalization upon the people of the world and their functional efficiency in the interdependent world has been widely recognized world over.

To a great extent the localized personalities can be changed into expanded global personalities and modified to change the ordinary world of a person into a better object oriented, productive and successful global world.

Accordingly, recent years have seen variety of efforts by many modern thinkers in different parts of the world in designing books that will help develop positive global attitudes and cultivate collective global development wisdom into the personalities of the participants.

The objective of these soft tools is to expose, remove and screen out the barriers and obstructions that stand in the way of self-expression of an individual and the fast globalizing new world around.

These global soft tools is specifically designed to meet the needs and demands of the present day requirements of students, graduates, executives and officers living in globalizing word.

These soft tools have derived from the global wisdom of self-expansion for imparting effectively into the personalities of the emerging global citizens.

These Soft Tools will ensure its participants the change of their functional efficiency in their day-to-day globalizing world for a better productivity.

Here participants are given adequate opportunity to gain soft skills that will help improve their personal behaviors successfully.

The main objective of these soft tools is to bring about self-expansion with regard to the global Identity and global personality development & the art of global communication.

And also different behavioral dimensions that have far reaching significance while living their global life effectively, positively, objectively and successfully in global orgs and companies.

The global vision behind these soft tools is the recognition of the multidimensional influence of the individual’s behaviors on the globalizing world around.

And the influence of employee’s behaviors on the effectiveness and the success of the global orgs and companies they represent.

Still many of the people world over have limiting individualized personalities therefore they perceive and experience their own version of day-to-day reality based upon their innermost adapted localized expectations, limiting thoughts of social, political and religious belief systems of the old outdated divided world.

Therefore no two individuals in this world are in a position to think alike.

Hence endless violence because of misunderstanding amongst the people of the world has become a day-to-day natural accepted evil.

Such evil is thriving and growing day-by-day into the world is only because unconsciously you are permitting it to thrive and grow.
Your innermost inter-opposing localized limiting social, political and religious thought systems and beliefs are influencing your capabilities of experiencing everyday happening global events that you perceive through your five sensory inputs.

Naturally, you are facing difficulties while you are trying to understand your individual positions and identities in the fast changing world around.

It is quite interesting to realize how your own innermost thoughts and beliefs influence your understanding of the fast happening world events.

Here is my simple answer for your natural question, how does it influence?

It is just like your experience of watching a well made fictional movie.

Now think when just watching of a fictional movie has so much impact to bring changes into your emotions, feelings and moods.

Then think again what may be the effect of the real events of violence world over which have been planed and staged only to influence and to bring about changes into your way of thinking?

Planed and staged big events like attack on the WTC, and many such events which are being staged world over with the main intention to influence simple common people’s thoughts and their way of thinking.

In the same way your own innermost localized limiting thoughts and beliefs are continuously influencing your experiencing, your understanding, your day-to-day actions and your entire life and personality as a whole.

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Writer Profile
Vittal Koppal / ISBN: 978 0 9822586 3 7

Hello, my name is Vittal Koppal. I am a published author; I write on global issues in English and Kannada. My English book, which has been published by an American publisher, "Think Globally, Act Locally" is now available on the Web at: www. scribeworx dot net. If you would like to read my book, I could give you a copy if you contact me: vittalkoppal at gmail dot com.
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