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Episcopalian Church to Split on Gay Bishop Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Dennis Dames, Bahamas Aug 1, 2003
Human Rights , LGBT Rights   Opinions


The Anglican Church in the United States is set to be weakening permanently on the appointment of the openly gay bishop- Gene Robinson of New Hampshire. It looks like the entire issues of homosexual bishops, gay marriages and the like are set to backfire in the face of their instigators.

Canada is already experiencing deep wounds in the church on homosexual matters. It appears that gays might be having their way in certain respects, but will soon realize that they are more isolated than ever before.

The fact of the matter is that, the western world will not endorse seriously the gay agenda - ever. No matter how hard they try, segregation will be their fruit.

The U.K. has already shot down quietly its first gay bishop appointment- Canon Jeffrey John in the face of public and international pressure. Bishop Gene Robinson could forget receiving the blessings of the Church of England if his appointment is fully endorsed by the Episcopalian committees in the U.S.

The history of this region, especially the Americas- is built on Christianity! Many have suffered because of it, wars were fought because of it, and the founding fathers of the United States held it in high esteem! That will not change just now, for the sake of pleasing an insignificant minority - in my humble opinion.

Call this writer homophobic or crazy, but that will not change the collision course that homosexual activists are on with the general societies of the world. Wake up and smell the coffee if you may folks!



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Dennis Dames

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