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Misconstrued Ideas on Communism Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by TOPH, Philippines Apr 12, 2003
Poverty , Human Rights  
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“When we look at a thing, we must examine its essence and treat its appearance merely as an usher at the threshold, and once we cross the threshold, we must grasp the essence of the thing.” says so by Mao Zedong, the icon of the so called founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines, Jose Ma. Sison.

Just recently, the American Government has declared an all-out war against terrorism. It was unfortunate that having so declared they still haven’t vanquished the primal source of terror in this world, themselves.

Pres. George Bush and PM Tony Blair has already "liberated" the days of Iraq, although the UN does not approve any military offenses to be brought on Iraq. The Bush-Administration defied Sec. Gen. Koffi Anam by deliberately stating the fact that they would bring down Saddam Hussein with or without the support of the United Nation. Such scenario just makes one wonder who the real terrorists in the group are?

In the Philippines, the Arroyo Administration was effective enough in tracking down “Terrorists”. They’ve been already crashing the Abu Sayyaf, the very bandits whom was said to be created during the Ramos Administration. Let the Abu Sayyaf dies, let them die together with the very military people who have created the group.

The absurd reality of the Manila Government is the hunting down of Communist “rebels”. Yes, they have already been successful enough in destroying these “rebels”. Indeed, too successful that even the people who show compassion for them are harassed and worst killed.

Lately I found myself, crying. I cried after seeing a very beautiful face. I cried after knowing that Bheng Hernandez, an Ateneo student spending her time to report on the abuses on human rights was brutally killed by the CAFGU in Mindoro. For God’s sake, why Bheng?

I am not against the military. I am just astounded with the grave fact that the military who are supposed to be protecting the Filipino people are the very ones oppressing them. I don’t know for sure whether Bheng was an NPA. But NPA or no NPA she hadn’t than any terror. But maybe she has the potential of doing such. Like US, CAFGU might thought of this, does firing Bheng at a closed range, even the latter was said to be begging for her life.

They say, that the heartrending scenario for those who are abused, is not when they are actually abused, but when they realized that people who could have helped them just shrugged shoulder as if nothing went wrong. This transpires because we are anxious that we’ll be target of another abuse if we lend our hands to others. What we fail to recognize is the fact that such abuses will cease if someone will have the guts to stand up. Who’ll stand up? We now point our finger to the very person who was abused.

Knowing what is amiss is the first step for ensuing change. We should figure out what has been fed lately by the “Invisible Forces” in our minds. Most of the misconstrued facts are those pertaining to Communism. Communism is Terrorism

When we thought that NDF is in the full offense, Jose Ma. Sison in an interview with Jay Sonza said otherwise. He remarked that the CIA’s are the only one spreading this news to confuse the public. In this case, is Sison saying that the bombings of police stations and ambush of police officers are not committed by the same group? Well, it is either the death of these people were nothing but a strategical move of the “Invisible Forces” as a leeway for the justification of the extermination of NPA (pests according to GMA) or Sison is lying.

Why is it that when the United States called for War and denied by the UN, more incident of bombings incidentally mushroomed in different countries such as Indonesia.

Ronalyn Olea (a friend of Bheng Hernandez) in the recent Lunduyan Seminar of CEGP held in Ateneo relates her experience when she was opportune to ask a young girl the reason for joining the NPA, according to Olea the girl said “wala naman hong mawawala sa akin. Pinatay na po nila(?) ang tatang ko. Inagaw ang aming lupa.” The question now is, are the NPA’s merely depending themselves or are they calling for massive terrorist activity? Now, let us think, does the girl have even the slightest idea that at her early age she is already a ‘terrorist’?

It is quite ironic that when we think about communism, we usually thought of evil. Horacio dela Costa once said, “If we cannot produce leaders as intelligent, as devoted, as selfless, as heroic as communism has been able to produce in Asia, we shall fail.” Indeed, we are all failures, aren’t we? How many of our politicians are willing to give their life for the nation. Isn’t it that at the very sight of trouble they are the ones who first leave the nation. Leaders who abandon their people, that is the true evil.

Communism causes Economic Instability

Economy as defined in Webster dictionary, is management or an organization. Are we to say that Economy belongs only to the 2% upper class. That’s bull! That’s the real Instability, don’t you agree?

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Since 2003 I've been an active contributor of Panorama. I am grateful for this online magazine for allowing individuals to be able to share their ideas and expression to other youth across the globe. Exchanges of ideas and aspirations leads to empowerment and spark of inspiration.

Panorama Rocks!

christopher bernardo | Apr 15th, 2003
That was such a radical perception, I like the fact that you related COmmunism with Love. I agree with you when you quote Luis Taruc's

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