Dear Mr. Ambassador,
PATH - European Youth Without Drugs is a European network run by, with and for young people, promoting a healthy lifestyle, mainly through drug-abuse prevention projects.
We have received the attached email, and, being a pro-life organization, felt that we cannot refrain from repeating the appeal expressed in the attached text. We would like to make our position clear, that of being against the death penalty whatever the crime is.
Thus, we pledge your Excellency, to condemn the sentencing to death of a woman who just had a child, and to guarantee the physical and mental integrity of Ms. Amina Lawal and her family. No human has the right to suppress another human's life.
We trust you will take our plea into account.
Thanking you for your kind attention.
Charlo Seychell
Dato: 22. august 2002 18:38
Emne: Fw: Amina trenger støtte
Nigerianske Amina Lawals "forbrytelse" er at hun har født et barn utenfor ekteskap.
Hun er dømt til døden ved steining. Dommen skal fullbyrdes så snart hun er ferdig med å amme sin lille datter. Bidra til å stoppe henrettelsen, send en e-post til Nigerias ambassade!
Ankedomstolen i delstaten Katsina besluttet 19. august å opprettholde dødsdommen over Amina Lawal. Hun ble i mars dømt til døden ved steining for å ha fått barn utenfor ekteskap. Beviset for forbrytelsen er åtte måneder gamle Wasila, datteren Amina Lawal fikk etter at hun ble skilt. Amina Lawal har fått 30 dager til å anke dommen i denne saken. Amnesty International oppfordrer til protest overfor den Nigerianske ambassaden. Dette er meget enkelt: Kopier teksten i brevet nedenfor inn i en ny epost, sett inn navnet deres nederst. Send e-posten til den nigerianske ambassaden i Sverige på følgende adresse: nigeria.embassy@swipnet.se Send oppfordringen videre! Amina og lille Wasila trenger all den hjelpen de kan få.H. E. Mr George Ochekwu Ajonye
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Tyrgatan 8
Box 628
S-101 32 Stockholm
H. E. Mr George Ochekwu Ajonye
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Tyrgatan 8
Box 628
S-101 32 Stockholm
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
I am deeply concerned at the decision by a Sharia court of appeal in Funtua in Katsina State to uphold the sentence of death by stoning imposed on Amina Lawal, a young Nigerian woman who is alleged to have had a child out of wedlock.
This judgment is incompatible with the Nigerian constitution which guarantees the right to life, the right to freedom from torture and the right to fair trial.
The judgment is also incompatible with Nigeria's legal obligation under international human rights law, including the Convention against Torture, and obligations under the African Charter of Human and Peoples' Rights.
I urge you to condemn the sentencing to death of a woman who just had a child, and to guarantee the physical and mental integrity of Ms. Amina Lawal and her family.
I ask you to take all necessary measures to secure respect for the rule of law in Nigeria, which includes respect for the prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment, such as the practice of corporal punishment. I ask you to acknowledge the need to apply Sharia law in accordance with the respect of fundamental rights of every human being.
I ask you to guarantee women their human rights, including their right to be free from discrimination based on social status or gender and their right to be free from torture and inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. I also ask you to ensure the full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with national and international standards in all circumstances.
Yours Sincerely
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Charlo Seychell
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