I know what the caged bird feels
When the sun sets
When the river flows to the east
As the road gets rough with the beast
How he flies through the glen
When the cry of a baby is out
As the sky lightens, in a sky blue cloud
I know what the caged bird feels
When the first bird sings and the first bud opens
When he beats his bars and would want to be free
When all he wants is hope
It is not a carol of joy or glee
But a prayer that he sends from his hearts deep core
Side by side he stumbles on the floor
And wish he could be free on a tree
I know what the caged bird feels
When he flaps his wing
Up and down, he looks upward to heaven, he sings
After a cool breeze
He wants to be free
I know why the caged bird beats his wing
Till its blood is red on the cruel bars
Right, left, and centre he got pierced in his wing
Renew the old, old scar
He thinks, what is there to bring
I know why the caged bird sings
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Ayomi Meneko
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Wayne Leung | Nov 7th, 2003
Sorry but I cannot know how that bird felt while it is trapped since I have always lived here in Canada a free country but I can imagine how sad it would feels to be trapped and be alone not knowing what is happening to the real world, you say you can relate to its feelings did you ever feel like you were trapped in your life. Did you really ever felt such sorrowful pain like the bird. How do you feel its pain, why did you write the poem. I think if there were a person who really feel the same pain as that bird that would be really sad being trapped away from the real world and not see wut is happening in the real world . Loneliness is the most worst feeling that can be felt and that would be the feeling of someone being trapped away from everything else.
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