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Poverty and the rural African youth Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by CHIDIEBERE UGO-OFOEGBU, Nigeria Feb 28, 2008
Culture , Environment , Human Rights   Opinions


Poverty has always been associated with the rural populace in Africa, agreeably due to poor infrastructural development in rural Africa. Although poverty eradication has always been a major focus of international organizations, governments and Non governmental organizations (NGOs), all efforts geared towards such goal has repeatedly seemed not to make the desired impact or failed out rightly because no such resources has been directed towards the rural dwellers, which I strongly believe are the most vulnerable groups among the vulnerable, (I stand to be contradicted).

Today it has been practically proved that youths who dwelled in the rural areas in the past, who have been previously relegated to the background, in the scheme of things due to their poor social standing, withstand all odds and excel in chosen careers, sports and other social engagements given the minutest opportunity, this goes along way to show that talents abound in these youths, their understanding of Africa’s culture also gives them an edge over their urban dwelling counterparts.

Sportsmanship is one principle they strongly believe in, giving a helping hand anywhere it is necessary. They are strong and adaptable to change, willing to make sacrifices, but unfortunately easily deceived by meager and unsustainable financial gratifications: one particular aspect unscrupulous power seekers has taken advantage of to exploit the African rural youth.

In other to attain the eight-millennium development goals (MDGs), the plights of the rural dweller (especially youth) must be critically addressed. Having said that let’s look into the MDGs and how it especially affects the rural youth.

1. Eradication of extreme poverty: However the relevant agencies hope to achieve this aim, without adequate capacity building, this goal is far from being attainable. One sure way to attain this goal is through massive skill training i.e. creation of skills centre which is totally absent I rural Africa.
2. Achieve universal primary education: In this twenty first century pupils and students still learn under unconducive environments that leave much to be desired, whereas their counterpart in the urban areas in Africa and other continents learn in “air conditioned” buildings.
3. Promote gender equality and empower women: Due to some perceived women inferiority passed from generation onto generation and social and religious gender stereotype this goal is hardly attainable unless the minds of the rural dwellers are disabused through modern civilization.
4. Reduce Child mortality: What society has the highest prevalence of child mortality other than the rural African society more due to poverty, hunger, malaria and other child killer diseases? Interesting to note is the fact that any aspect of the MDGs, when not critically addressed puts a clog in the wheel of success or any hope of attaining such goals in its entirety.

The poor rate of maternal health in rural Africa, due to poor maternal health education and facilities is no news coupled with HIV/Aids, malaria and other disease, makes it mandatory for any individual, government or agencies with a sincere of intention of attaining the millennium development goals (MDGs) to focus on rural Africa and most especially the African Rural youth for Posterity.

Goal 8 i.e. Developing a global partnership for development is far beyond the point, the only partnership the rural African youth knows is that of those who seek to exploit them.

One way I believe global partnership could be promoted is through improving practical Information Communication technology, in both urban and rural areas in other to allow youth access to information and modern trend of events in the global world.



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