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Results (675)

A la mère Nature (Poetry) 2-03-2011
by MOUSSAVOU d'Arles ismael
O nature! Sois notre couverture. Ne nous laisse pas à l'abandon, Fait nous plutot par de tes dons . Pourquoi es-tu en colère? Pourquoi nous regardes-tu avec cette air? Est-ce pour nous bénir? Où pour nous maudire? Je te comprends...

Il suffit d’un peu… (Poetry) 20-02-2006
by Slim MENZLI
Un grand piano blanc Tout blanc sur une plage Pleine de couleur et de lumière Il y a la mer devant Toute bleue toute belle Une légère brise matinale caresse vos joues Vous sentez le parfum des oranges et des coquilles Faites le plein...

La legislation sur l'implantation d'un projet éolien en France (Opinions) 8-01-2007
by JOSEPH Marckenson
Il convient tout d’abord de préciser que les projets éoliens sont soumis au droit commun de l’urbanisme, leur implantation n’étant possible que si le projet est conforme aux règles et servitudes d’urbanisme applicable sur l’espace concerné....

New Jersey needs a Recycling Awareness Campaign (Opinions) 3-01-2007
A well-developed state is one that develops in every part or sector of its government. The New Jersey government claims that the Garden State is a developed state, but to me it’s not developed because of the state’s actions with respect to its...

Of plants or planets? (Poetry) 20-01-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Husk, my little seed! Who is that there next to me? Hello my friend, as you will know, a large world awaits for you to grow. But where? We're in a big "black pit"! Hey! watch those words while we're in it- for this big black pit may turn to...

The Destination of a Searching Soul (Poetry) 21-08-2007
by CM
Most of us have been raised and have lived in the same place all of our lives and have had our families live close. The place is called “home”. There are others of us who have not. All of us try to love the world inside and out and believe...

"La Madre" (Poetry) 15-03-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Obvious changes, as our world rearranges. It's feelings within, have a new life to begin. So simple, so vast. Beaten by it's own past, by just bearing life, how long can it last. It had given the life, the joy and all splendor. It...

''THE OTHER SIDE'' By Moyosola Tugbobo (Poetry) 5-05-2011
by Tugbobo Moyosola
THE OTHER SIDE Think about this, ye friend When the question mark bears no dot Where then is the question? It bears no meaning Not even an ounce of significance. What if the mind has no questions? Then it would be as good as deceased A...

...Barren ! (Poetry) 24-10-2008
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
My land is not barren, just misused, A land that feed me and nurtured me, A city that saw me grow under the sun, Water defied science and was odor-full, The land is grey, grouse with a tint of green, Bitter is kolanut but yet medicinal for...

11 de Setembro: Dia do Cerrado – Dia do Esquecimento (Opinions) 10-09-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
11 de Setembro: Dia do Cerrado – Dia do Esquecimento Por: Efraim Neto A segunda maior formação vegetal do Brasil é uma dos ecossistemas mais esquecido pelo Governo Federal e pela população brasileira. Mesmo abrangendo 10 Estados, uma área...

11 O'Clock News (Poetry) 27-02-2008
by Lynne Lessard
Breaking news Reading improves your vocabulary Ambition creates success The more effort you put in The better the outcome There is no such thing as an overachiever Now to Harry Rear for sports Thank you, Cindy Last night’s game was a...

16 de Septembro - Dia Internacional de Preservacao da Camada de Ozonio (Opinions) 11-09-2008
by Ramatis Radis
A Camada de Ozônio presente na atmosfera protege os seres humanos de algumas radiações solares nocivas à saúde. Foi ela que permitiu, há cerca de 400 milhões de anos, o desenvolvimento de vida na Terra. A utilização dos CFCs (Clorofluorcarbono)...

5º Fórum Mundial da Água discutirá questões chave sobre o futuro da água (Opinions) 5-01-2009
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Efraim Neto Depois de meses de um longo trabalho colaborativo, um primeiro esboço da programação do 5º Fórum Mundial da Água (World Water Forum), com cerca de 100 sessões, já pode ser conferida virtualmente, após receber mais de 700...

A Amazônia padece (Opinions) 6-09-2007
by Remisson Aniceto
O outrora tão divulgado "pulmão do mundo" está doente, seu estado de saúde piora assustadoramente. Já não respira como antes, devido ao desmatamento ilegal e predatório que as madeireiras continuam fazendo na Floresta...

A ciência e a nossa sociedade (Opinions) 12-02-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Vivemos um momento muito interessante dessa nossa odisséia terrestre. As diversas formas de fanatismos estão cada vez mais próximas de todas as nossas relações sociais, afetivas e mecânicas. Tivemos, nessa grande concepção de construção...

A CNMA e a imprensa (Opinions) 29-11-2007
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
A III Conferência Nacional de Meio Ambiente está chegando (08 a 11 de maio de 2008 - http://www.amazonia.org.br/noticias/noticia.cfm?id=255938). Qual o papel da imprensa no processo de construção das propostas que serão apresentadas durante as...

A friend in deed; are you? (Poetry) 17-05-2004
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
I found you sitting outside crying. You found out your boyfriend was cheating and lying. I picked you up and put you on your two feet. I lead you home where you then went to sleep. I told you a story about a little girl Whose life was...

A Friend's Slap (Poetry) 2-11-2005
Is this water on my cheek? Or felt something streak O' where 's the glass magic? I guess my head plays logic Come, show me who I am Are these tears or sham? No, am not shirking Though heavy and shaking; I won't cry but smile, The body,...

A importância da participação dos jovens no jornalismo ambiental (Opinions) 2-12-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Por Efraim Neto A partir do momento em que compreendemos o meio ambiente como “o lugar determinado ou percebido, onde os elementos naturais e sociais estão em relações dinâmicas e em interação e que essas relações implicam em processos de...

A journey too far (Poetry) 9-05-2007
by pius reis
We pack our bags, Embarking on a journey we know not its destination. With broken HEARTS and shattered DREAMS, We take up the pieces of what is left of us, Hoping for a better life in a foreign land. A land with endless opportunities, where...

A little eye opener... Ready for discussion? (Opinions) 8-02-2010
by François Leblanc-Roy
Over the past years, climate change has gone from a little mentioned subject to an actual and essential issue everywhere in the world. The reason for this is that the expected consequences will affect every single living being on the planet. Even...

A Mother and the Child ( A Poem on Global Warming) (Poetry) 22-01-2008
by Gaurav Prasad
A Mother and the Child (A Poem on Global Warming) A mother; Whose eyes were bright like a glacier, are wet now. Whose skin was golden like desert’s sand, is full of cracks now. Whose throat was sweet like a lake’s water, has dried up now....

A nossa cultura da água (Opinions) 29-11-2007
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Estamos vivenciando uma profunda crise de valores, uma verdadeira crise civilizatória. A partir do boom populacional da Terra, estudiosos de diversos países constataram que o planeta está com déficit de qualidade ambiental e desenvolvimento...

A quem interessa importar lixo? (Opinions) 24-10-2005
by Pedro Fernandes de Toledo Piza
O Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (CONAMA), considerando os graves impactos negativos que o descarte incorreto de pneus usados causa ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana, veio estabelecer, por meio da Resolução n.º 258, de 2 de dezembro de 1999,...

A Song for the Environment (Poetry) 3-06-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Yes I know I need you Yes I know you are the best I know you need me too For your protection Yes you need my help But do I give it to you? Have I given it to you? I may be trying But have I tried enough Planting trees Is one of your...

A song of rhapsody (Poetry) 15-10-2009
by Arun Budhathoki
The wind in its weakest fear Keeps the heart to a rose very near, Frightens the storm with a spear, Closes the mind’s eye to hide the autumnal tear. The windy garden blows the Cupid’s shore Upon which I murmur and roar; Seize a love I...

A Teoria de Gaia de James Lovelock (Opinions) 7-03-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
A visão da Terra do espaço, pelos olhos de um astronauta ou através da mídia visual, produz a impressão de ela se comportar como um planeta vivo, onde os seres vivos, o ar, os mares e as rochas se reúnem e interagem: o superorganismo Gaia (nome de...

A Trip to Lamjung in Nepal (Short Story) 10-01-2006
by Shakti Ghimire
Sunset in the sauryabas pass (bhanjyang); the reflection of sunlight on Machapuchhre, Annapurna, Lamjung and Ganesh Himalayans; the rivers, like Midim and Pisti; the prayers in the temple; and the busy market in the limelight have all been like a...

A verdadeira crise existente (Opinions) 7-05-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
A crise social, ecologia e tecnologia existente são realmente assustadoras. Uma sociedade cientifica voltada cada vez mais para o pensamento reducionista e cartesiano, que nega os princípios e a existência de soluções interdisciplinares para os...

A Wet Evening (Poetry) 7-07-2006
by seharalam
When the sun starts setting very calmly And the breeze starts blowing peacefully When the wet evening comes to its peak And the unspoken sentiments begin to speak When the folks of birds return to their nest And the flowing water...

A Writer's Inspiration (Poetry) 3-07-2008
by Tamunobarabi Gogo Ibulubo
We live in an environment. It shapes our thoughts, Behaviors and languages. As we live together In the society, We watch each other Much as we watch nature. We endeavor to identify How nature and each of us Relate to each other....

Abstain from meat... let’s go vegetarian! (Opinions) 1-07-2009
by Mike Ssegawa
( Face to Face : picture by Shiv Mogali ) “Animal what?” very many people in Kampala would ask if you put it to them that animals too have rights. “Which rights?” they would quip, but they would have their reasons: everyday, thousands of...

Achieving MDG´s (Opinions) 30-08-2005
by Fabrizio Scrollini
The promise was made on the year 2000. It was an historic day for the UN. As a result of long process the United Nations arrived to a new framework towards development, but most important a promise to all mankind: to free us from want and fear....

achieving sustainable development (Opinions) 10-05-2008
by okorocha prince obinna
ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA: ROLE OF THE TIG(takingitglobal) YOUTHS The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which lays emphasis on global development is a welcome development because it came at a time when poverty and...

Africa (Poetry) 18-04-2007
by Nasidi Adamu Yahaya
Africa O mother Africa My love for you is endless But your sight makes me hopeless How then will I be great? Amidst colleagues and siblings O mother Africa Your heart is full of sickness Your head is also coverless Your shoes I see...

Africa Environment Outlook for Youth (Short Story) 27-05-2003
by neema mbeyu
The youth are critical stakeholders in the global economy and are the main actors and motors for change now and the future. The energy, motivation, and creativity of youth are essential assets for this change to happen in our societies. This is a...

Africa Rejoice! (Poetry) 21-10-2003
by (Serah Katusia)Tussi
Africa, My mother, my father, My only hope for a better tomorrow A new day for all of us But The new day must be sought Must be found by someone And that’s us, the African youth Our governments promise Promise day by day Yet none...

Agroforestry: Reducing Hunger and Poverty in Rural Communities (Opinions) 18-11-2006
by Benhildah Chihota-Masuka
According to a report by Pinstrup-Anderson and Pandya-Lorch (2001), the global demand for food (cereal and meat) is rising yet farmers in both developing and developed countries are experiencing slow growth in agricultural production. This is...

Agua: mitos y más mitos. (Opinions) 31-05-2005
by Solange Márquez
En marzo de 2004, la revista Nexos publicó una serie de artículos parte de “El agua y el mundo”, textos de un convenio celebrado con The Economist “Se necesita más dinero para resolver los problemas mundiales del agua. Pero aún más importante,...

Agua: un derecho o un recurso (Opinions) 23-03-2007
by Francisco Hurtado
El agua en Quito, capital del Ecuador proviene de fuentes de agua cuyo aprovechamiento al ritmo en que crece la ciudad está llegando a su fin. Así el Municipio de Quito, que ventajosamente sigue proveyendo de este servicio a los habitantes de esta...

All that glitters is not life (Poetry) 27-04-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
My experiences, reappearances, times have been the same. My grievances, my pretenses, all remain. I had hope, but it’s no longer early: There is a need for change- the type that matters. Life’s taken us for a ride on this silver platter- Was...

Always Pray & Others (Poetry) 14-04-2004
by Awosusi Oluwatope
Always Pray Mummy and daddy pray for me Sisters and brothers pray for me I want to be blessed Blessing comes for God Always pray, pray to God Play Time Play time, dancing time Dancing time, play time Move with time Work with...

Amazônia – Minha, Sua e de Todos Nós (Opinions) 9-09-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Querem internacionalizar o que é nosso. Mesmo que os governantes não tenham o devido cuidado com esse patrimônio que é a Amazônia, ela continua pertencendo a todos os países que a têm em seu território. O Brasil detém a maior parte da Amazônia e é...

América Latina e Água (Opinions) 12-12-2007
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Protesto é realizado na Bolívia, motivo: construção das duas grandes hidrelétricas no rio Madeira, Amazonas, próximo a fronteira entre os dois países, chama a atenção para a importância dos conflitos envolvendo água e desenvolvimento na América do...

An article about Environmental Protection from Ghana (Opinions) 4-03-2001
by Yasmary Mora
Our forefathers , or ancestors could not explain the methods as they were shrouded in mystery and secrecy and became taboos in the communities. Some forests were declared as sacred “nananom mpo” that is where the spirits of our forefathers liveed....

An Attempt to Help the Turtles in Pakistan (Opinions) 18-08-2002
by Madeeha Saleem
It was 8:50 in the morning and the air was damp and chilled. Complemented by a slight drizzle, the weather was almost heavenly at the shores of Karachi. But what was I doing at 8:50 in the morning, away from school and dangerously close to...

Anarchy In A Consumerist America (Opinions) 5-07-2002
by Joel Solow
Anarchy is generally regarded as chaos, mayhem, a state of gang or mob rule, and in the intellectual forums, a utopian dream. When thoughts of anarchy are conjured up, phrases and words like “terrorist”, “usurper”, and “subversion” are not far...

And they call them Niger Delta Militants (Opinions) 28-12-2007
by victor ikoli
The fact that Nigeria is the sixth largest crude oil producer in the world is no news, the fact that circa 90% of this oil comes from the Niger Delta region is equally no news, the fact that over $400 Billion US Dollars of crude oil revenue has...

Animal rights (Opinions) 30-10-2002
by Pooja
Whether animals have rights is a good question of great importance because if they do, those rights must be respected. Animals have properties that qualify them for protection of morality. One of the most important...

Animal rights (Poetry) 19-05-2010
by Margerite
Roses are red Pigs used to be pink Why are we covered in red? I see him with a knife I’m running for my life He has a kid and a wife How can he be so cruel I don’t want to die Why so much madness in his eye I’m only a pig I’m loved...

Animal rights and human rights: exploring the links (Opinions) 5-07-2009
by Charlotte
( Wild (Portrait of Ruby, the artist's dog) : picture by Carey Charles ) I've been a vegetarian for the better part of ten years now, and for someone who is only 20, that is a long time indeed. At first my choice was a weird cry for attention...

Animals have rights OP-ED (Opinions) 4-11-2002
by Melissa S.
Do animals have rights? The answer to that is yes. There are: Make-up: Because in labs rabbits are being tested for human products such as skin cream, beauty products, eye irritation, ect. Food: Lots of people eat animals for their daily...

Anti-smoking generates social projects (Interviews) 5-01-2011
by Delcimar Ferreira
by Jamile Santana Since he has 15 years, the administrative assistant Renato de Oliveira Brasson of Mogi das Cruzes, now 26 years, smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. He did not know, but, besides the risks with smoking, each of his cigarettes...

Are we Serious Participants or Mere Observers? (Opinions) 19-08-2004
by victor odhiambo
World conferences such as the Earth Summit in Johannesburg in 2002 are important for discussing global and coming up with a common way forward of tackling challenges that befall us all. The first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was a real...

As Mudanças Climáticas e um novo cenário para as crianças (Opinions) 9-01-2009
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Por: Efraim Neto* A busca exacerbada por um desenvolvimento cego, sempre provoca conseqüência irreversíveis à natureza de uma criança; por conseqüência, ao ecossistema e, também, a uma cultura. Em tempos de crise social, ambiental e...

At Your Funeral (Poetry) 4-04-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
This day was when I found the greatest Passion, As people wailed and mourned truly from their hearts. Rolled on the earth with eyes watered, stood At the tip of your everlasting home Waving hands of farewell. “Sand-to-sand, dust-to-dust,”...

Attitudes Toward Animals Are Changing (Opinions) 24-02-2008
by 1BigCatRescue
Big Cat Rescue Nears Critical Mass According to the Internet dictionary, the definition of Critical Mass is: 1. The minimum quantity of fissile material required for a nuclear chain reaction. 2. The minimum amount of people with shared...

Awareness to new Immigrants (Opinions) 12-06-2002
by Raihan Khondker
The benefits to citizens of modern industrial society may have peaked sometime in recent decades, and increasingly, we are paying the penalties of careless consumption and wanton pollution of our own nest. I am a Univeristy student. And when I...

Bad Water, Bad Life in Ontario: The First Nations' Water Crisis (Opinions) 2-11-2008
by A A
To: Hon. Jim Prentice (Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians Government of Canada) Dear Minister Prentice, A specter haunts Canada. This terrorizing phenomenon is not a...

Be The Change You Want To See In The World! (Opinions) 30-01-2008
by Anupreet Kaur
The other day, a friend of mine sent me an email urging me to sign a petition to pressurize the government of some country to take action to combat global warming. As I signed the petition, I wondered what...

Be a Ugandan: promote Ugandan culture (Poetry) 22-08-2008
by henry oriokot
Be part of the tradition and promote Uganda’s culture. Culture, culture, culture! The roots of culture are gone. Its wonders are no more. Its treasures were rooted, Its heritage is...

Beautiful Face of Failure (Poetry) 23-06-2004
by Olumide Olaniyan
Failure is an outcome of an attempt A man is not opportune to succeed, Unless he opens his door for failure to have an impact. Failure is the seed of success Failure is the placenta of success. Failure is the nutrient (food) of success...

Before the Rains (Poetry) 7-04-2006
We’re done with festivities. It was mid-February Cultivations just began. Our euphoria’s maximum. Our energy? A compendium of zeal Our gods and ancestors Spoke soothingly from their abodes We’re ready for a bountiful year Hoping the...

Behind Every Dark Cloud (Opinions) 12-10-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
The master of rhymes Geoffrey Chaucer aptly remarked in his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales: “The gifts that nature often endow us are those that least befriend us.” It seemed Chaucer had Nigeria in mind when he penned down the above though...

Behind the mask (Opinions) 29-09-2007
by dappa maple
Somehow, someway, in the process of going up the stage called life, we pick up masks that we intend to wear throughout the period we would be on stage playing out the roles inscribed in our scripts. While some that are strictly religious endeavor...

Being Black (Poetry) 17-05-2004
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
Being black means being proud To stand and say what you feel out loud When people's words strip your dignity Have no fear You have your own mind Words can be so full of hate We know now there is no time to wait At times I feel so alone...

Better Days (Poetry) 26-09-2008
by Mutebi Bwakya
As I take a look at my life, I examine every angle; thinking of words I can use to help this world detangle. Constantly surrounded by death and disease; the plague of HIV all across the seven seas. Lean thoughts of poverty, crime and corruption;...

Better Safe than Sorry (WSSD) (Opinions) 29-08-2002
by Natalie Morris
By Natalie Morris, Global Youth Reporter from Singapore Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Every time a natural disaster hits, it can set back a country’s ‘development clock’ by up to 10 or more years. This is why the World Meteorological...

Big time for the little ones! (WSSD) (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Charles Makanga Sendegeya
Johannesburg, September 2 (GYRP) – Today, a Summit Conference of world leaders heard the truth from the mouths of small children. It was a rare but surely valuable experience. Five young children addressed the plenary session of the...

Black or White (Poetry) 25-08-2007
by Amodu O. Razaq
Which would you have? Of this white or black dame So white a dame Shall my soul bereave ‘Cause I’m black at heart White dame shall at my world cavil Black shall smile in my hut near the hill ‘Cause I’m black at heart Lat me wade...

Black Paradise (Poetry) 23-05-2004
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
Once I saw through the black hole It was like Alice to Wonderland There were many beautiful gardens Like made by a magic wand There were many large fields Not of soil, but of sand There were many stunning statues Like made by a skilful...

Blast From the Past (Opinions) 3-11-2003
by Lindsay Sumner
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about a conversation I had at the end of this summer. I was talking to my parents after dinner one night, wondering somewhat naively, "where had all the hippies gone?" Back in the day, my parents had...

Blithering (Poetry) 19-04-2005
by prernac
Vivid, Scenic Scorching reality numbing to the core as winds brush past brush with silent words silent actions unchanged moments moments so sulkingly so drastically so coursely carried away as if to almost not exist at all and if...

Blood on the waters (Poetry) 20-03-2008
by Ositadimma Amakeze
And the monsters ravenously stirred Beneath the bleeding raging waters Snarling and sniffing for the fleshes Of the ill-sacrificed victims Drifting in ‘patriotic’ futility That is nay the harvest of beasts As crocodiles’ halves tile the...

Breathe For Others (Poetry) 2-07-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Breathe now, as deeply as you can Find that you can change this fate. Find your spirit, beyond your being a man Do it now, before it is too late. Let us take the blindfold off and see what's really there You may awaken with a thought of...

Bush unlikely to attend WSSD; reneges on (Opinions) 22-08-2002
by edgar
As the summit draws closer, the good news stories are hard to find. In particular the Bush government's intransigence on almost all issues that are crucial to sustainable development is particular cause for gloom. In the first instance, Bush is...

Butterfly & Others (Poetry) 2-05-2004
by Awosusi Oluwatope
Butterfly Butterfly is fine Fine, fine, fine, It has many colours Colours, colours, colours, Oh butterfly looks so nice Very Tough I dream about the top Anytime I sleep It is very tough Because it is not easy Singing Bird...

Calling all Youth Environmental Groups! (Opinions) 11-12-2001
by Sean Dineen
I remember it clearly. I had graduated from university and was looking for a job in the environmental domain. It was a daunting task, and just when I was about to give up, a friend of mine called with a proposal. Dave was connected to a local...

Cambio climatico: gobierno, industrias y personas (Opinions) 14-09-2008
by aldoivan
En el presente ensayo se exponen las causas y efectos del cambio climático, así como las acciones con las que el gobierno, industrias y personas pueden combatirlo, y sobretodo la postura juvenil en estos temas. El cambio climático se da por...

Cambio Climático: un asunto de extrema gravedad y urgencia (Opinions) 30-04-2006
by Leila Mucarsel
Estúpidos hombres blancos , titula su libro el polémico documentalista estadounidense Michael Moore, y con sólo analizar por unos instantes la situación actual del planeta y de la humanidad no quedan dudas acerca de la verdad que representa esta...

Camino (Short Story) 5-04-2005
by Rolando Zapata Rumiche
Hoy, al detenerme y reflexionar sobre esta parte de mi vida, trato de interactuar con mis pensamientos, buscando los fundamentos de mi propia existencia. Hoy, que me siento a considerar, a descansar a un lado del camino, pienso en lo que he...

Can the youth return our garden? (Short Story) 22-09-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
As we watch each other, in awe at the greatest creations of technology, we forget that we are praising false temples and loosing track of our inner selves. I only wish the youth had the time to turn the world back to the way it was supposed to be....

Catalysts (Opinions) 4-09-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – There are catalysts in our midst. And outside the conference centre too. By the entrance to swanky Sandton, where the World Summit on Sustainable Development is being held, Ally Mosina, 24, is handing out yellow...

Celebrating Gandhi (Short Story) 15-04-2003
by Heather Moore
by Ingrid E. Newkirk President People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) In these violent times, I would like to propose a practical way to remember the teachings of the most effective proponent of nonviolence ever to live —...

Change & Continuity (Poetry) 8-12-2008
by Chantelle Ennis-Charoo
Take a look around you. So much history has passed through these veins, Yet the source is still hanging on. Once so pure and rich, her status is declining, As the effects grow greater. Many like you, and many before you have devised Plans,...

Chaos (Poetry) 30-09-2008
by Tess
The minutes went by, As I burned the midnight candle. Dawn has arrived from weeping, Crystal silhouette in the meadow; Pen – touching a white paper. Blank notes, nothing to hide, Like a barren land. Clouds kissing the mountain, Like...

Child-Like Innocence World (Poetry) 19-10-2004
by Henry Ekwuruke
Nature is delighted when we open our hearts To express the god-given talents Of love and creativity Of charity and of self-giving Wonder fills our hearts Whenever we have a glimpse of instinct Which is the playfulness of life that abounds...

CHILDREN AT RISK (WSSD) (Opinions) 1-09-2002
by Lauren Kansley
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Almost 5 million children die each year from preventable causes. Environmental hazards kill the equivalent of a jumbo jet full of children every 45 minutes. These scary statistics have spurred the World Health...

Children Tell It Straight (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Alan Wu
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Amid the complex political negotiations at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, children had a chance to treat delegates to some straight talking. The only official side-event for children featured personal...

Científicos de la Convención de Estocolmo se reúnen en Punta del Este Uruguay para eliminar “la docena sucia”. (Opinions) 4-05-2005
by Fabrizio Scrollini
Científicos de la Convención de Estocolmo se reúnen en Punta del Este Uruguay para eliminar “la docena sucia”. A partir del 2 de mayo de 2005 se viene llevando a cabo en el Hotel Conrad de Punta del Este, la Convención de Partes contratantes...

Circular Zerolular (Poetry) 21-07-2006
by Sudip Aryal
Smoke of death dancing upon us Fooling thie we pretend to enjoy wondering the heaven out of hell stuffed with the zerolular are we searching for a corner in a round room Hey ungodly god! where leads this circular zeroruler? Dont's and...

City Concrete (Short Story) 22-07-2004
by Alycia Futrelle
I am. I am everyone that has ever been discriminated against. I am anyone who has ever had to live on the streets, begging for money, while people push me out of the way to catch the subway. I am the man who lives in your doorway, and I am...

City Green, City Red and City Blue (Short Story) 14-11-2004
by Vuong Van Kien
My city, it has many lakes. But the biggest lake divides the city into two. One is very busy everyday when people hurry up to get to the office, one wakes up very soon in the morning, very quiet, with a few people taking care of their garden....

City of Joy? (Opinions) 4-07-2004
by Radhika Basu Thakur
The British designed Kolkata (or Calcutta) like a grand European capital but today it has become one of the poorest and most overpopulated regions in India. The 20th century brought about a change in the character of the city, which until then had...

Civilizing the City: from my little hometown in Cordoba to skyscrapers in Manhattan (Opinions) 22-02-2007
by Maria Belen Avellaneda
In this article I describe my own experience using the specific example of the psychological changes that an individual may go through when moving from a little, traditional town to a bustling metropolis. Afterwards, I demonstrate how certain...

Clean or Cheap? (Opinions) 27-08-2002
by Lauren Kansley
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – The rising cost of fuel must have many people wishing that getting from point A to B was as easy as throwing a couple of litres of water in the tank. That dream might not that be so distant, judging by an exhibit...

Climate Change and Migration (Opinions) 8-02-2009
by Michael Boampong
Climate change has become one of the most topical issues of our era. However whilst much attention is focused on its effects on the environment, thus far little attention has been placed on how it will affect migration. This in itself leads us...

Climate change could be a blessing for Africa (Opinions) 8-12-2009
by Mike Ssegawa
Climate change could have positive implications for Africa. Apparently, the rich countries are desperate. They cannot escape because mother earth is angry and will swallow them first if they do nothing about it. At the top of the guilt list are...

Climate Change taking its toll- thousands dying in worldwide flooding (Opinions) 14-08-2002
by edgar
August 14, 2002 Floods have wreaked havoc in many parts of the world with up to 50,000 people evacuated from the mediaeval city of Prague yesterday and hundreds reported dead in Nepal. Some of the worst flooding Europe has seen in decades has...

Climatic betrayal of love (Poetry) 11-01-2010
by Peculiar Ediomo-Abasi
Our love was quite mutual at first but man's crave to get to his best in the great struggle for survival led to this painful betrayal. Man's ideas went out of sane range and his involvement grew strange. Man began to care less for me and...

CN Rail Fails to Abide Safety Regulations (Opinions) 6-01-2006
by Cassandra Chartier
CN Rail has quoted that over the years, they have built solid relationships with the communities through which their trains pass. They said these relationships were based on their mutual responsibility to ensure the safety of citizens and...

Coming out of the Woodwork (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – "Do as you say, Mr Blair. Don't be a backseat driver. Come here, and lead the Summit from the front!" This was the passionate plea from representatives of the UK's Woodcraft Folk at the World Summit of...

Comme un mauvais vent (Opinions) 31-10-2008
Libreville, capitale gabonaise est devenue depuis un bon moment déjà, le siège, sinon la scène exhibitoire de plusieurs gens sans scrupule, que l'on appelle communément mendiant. En effet, ces derniers aux membres souvent complets et à la...

Community-based Resource Management and Environmental Protection (Opinions) 4-10-2005
Environmental protection is the key to the preservation of our environment. This entails involvement of various individuals, organizations, and nations in a united effort to establish an environment that is giving life on Earth with comfort and...

Concept of Life (Poetry) 11-05-2004
Many a times I am confused, Wandering here and there Lying flat in the open field Looking at the clear sky Counting the twinkling stars, also Once in a while shooting stars Once again unable to count the stars Much more confused as much...

Conserving Natural Resources (fossil fuels) (Opinions) 7-11-2002
by Kiefer
Our article is based on “Conserving Natural Resources”. We are looking into fossil fuels. Natural resources are sources that are found on the Earth. Fossil fuels are resources that take millions of years to form. There are three types...

Consumerumption (Poetry) 16-02-2008
by Megan Trott
Bright lights, flashy signs, The City is a marvellous place. Buses, billboards and back covers Trying to sell us something new Buses pass, we read their signs, We even believe their meaningless lies Swirling, spiralling, spilling over us...

Consumo Responsable = Consumo Sustentable (Opinions) 4-01-2004
by Carlos García-Robles
Necesitamos un mundo en donde la actividad del mercado evite destruir al medio ambiente, pero se han dicho que los seres humanos estamos destinados a vivir en una era de consumo que rompe con el equilibrio social y ambiental hasta que una...

Coyote Runs (Poetry) 25-11-2007
by Laura M
Dry heat Scorching Mixed with Cool ocean breeze Chaparral Scrubs Coyote runs Through miles Wildly Chasing his prey Till one day His miles Grow shorter Cut off People scoff Hold out their guns Coyote runs Shorter Territory border...

CREATING AWARENESS: Why we have to change tactics to acheive the Millenium Development Goals (Opinions) 22-11-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
Tell any journalist that there is a nuclear bomb explosion, “…there is an attack on a president’s pet; there is a clash between two prominent leaders of the world….” and they will have the time create a headline out of it, but tell them that...

Cries Of Liberty (Poetry) 5-01-2008
by Tiffany Saxon
From politics to humanity's tricks, Outcries continue to pour in On a candle's wick. Bringing upcoming havoc To the new generation Known as Rick, Connie, Nick, Patrick and Vick. Too young to understand That devastation and complication Is...

Crude black (Poetry) 2-09-2005
by olawale
black was found down in the ground black is crushed black is burned and our life it runs white, brown and black all we run on black and it quelled not our hunger even the pangs stronger so we dug further into the ground deeper it got...

Culture globale et culture locale: les divergences et les complementarités (Opinions) 7-04-2010
by YEOUYE Koffi Gaston
Tout être humain, et par extension, tout groupe social, dispose ses propres normes culturelles. Et donc, pourquoi certaines cultures sont-elles considérées plus importantes et utiles que d’autres, alors que selon la DUDH élaborée par l’ONU en...

Cyber Invasion (Poetry) 22-12-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
Depersonalized personalities Asphyxiated in sophistication Of gruesomeness of cybernetics And like locusts they besiege us Minds having been invaded to Reducible physicalists’ conceptions Thus consciousness comes to be the Physical...

Dangers of Indescriminate Refuse Dumps in Metropolis Countries (Opinions) 4-02-2002
by Olanrewaju.Ademola.Ojasanya
This topic brings about the general environment around the country. Lanre Ademola Ojasanya. Dangers of Indescriminate Refuse Dump in Countries Metropolis. A healthy man is a wealthy man. If the nation is healthy, the nation will be...

DANIEL K. INOUYE - United States Senator from Hawaii (Interviews) 31-07-2007
by Jay-R Patron
Daniel Inouye has gone through life-changing events that would eventually put him at the forefront of the country’s political arena. Today he is a senator who relentlessly advocates the cause of Hawaiians, the very people he has grown to identify...

Days Gone By... (Poetry) 30-11-2004
by (Serah Katusia)Tussi
I remember with sadness, the days gone by, The days of our forefathers, the days gone by, When man knew no evil, love filled him, A love so sweet and serene, His deeds in harmony with nature His ways considerate He natured nature The...

De l'eau pour tous les Hommes! (Opinions) 11-03-2006
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
D’ici à 2015, les objectifs du Millénaires prévoient de réduire de moitié le pourcentage de la population mondiale privée d’eau potable. Pour y parvenir, deux défis sont à relever : prévenir l’épuisement et la pollution des ressources en eau de...

De la parole aux actes (Opinions) 8-06-2008
by lovens normil
J'ai suivi avec une attention soutenue les intérêts exprimés par le réseau global action jeunesse (GYAN) et la CDD pour un développement durable certain et véritable de ce monde et, comment aussi certains jeunes de partout du monde ont eux aussi...

DEAD SEA HOPES – AND DOUBTS (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Ayelen Amigo
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Water costs less than war – a good reason for Israel and Jordan to work together on an ambitious project to save the Dead Sea. Israeli and Jordanian ministers held a joint press conference here at the World...

Deal or No Deal (Short Story) 18-11-2009
by Mike Ssegawa
There’s such a thing called family business. The Fords build cars and they cannot live without steel. The Gates are computer programmers whose business is driven by silicon. The Bush family are into oil and they won’t spare any force to keep the...

Dear Mr.Harper... (Opinions) 30-03-2008
by Philip Fry
March 19, 2008 Ms. Mother Earth Lakes, Streams, and Mountains of this World Planet Earth Dear Ms. Mother Earth, Please find this letter in response to your complaint submitted March of 2007 regarding Canada’s current lack of involvement in...

Death Alarm: Insane Population Explosion (Opinions) 11-11-2003
by farhana siddique
“With a current population of 6 billion, the world is becoming a place in which human populations are more crowded, more consuming, more polluting, more connected, and in many ways less diverse than at any time in history. In the next two...

Debt Cancellation for Climate Justice (Opinions) 1-12-2007
by Yuyun Harmono
The great impact of flopped projects funded by loan forced us to rectify neo- liberalism development model of which frequently had been compulsive, an economy exploitation system which alleviated the road of capital holder on economy wealth...

Deconstruction of 21st Century Sustainability (Opinions) 19-06-2007
by Terhemba Aindigh
DECONSTRUCTION OF 21st CENTURY SUSTAINABILITY I. INTRODUCTION Take that somewhat notoriously impenitent universal addiction to the burning of fossil fuels for starters; add it to a corollary economic “necessity” to accommodate – perhaps adapt...

Defeat and Victory (Poetry) 28-03-2004
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
All is not lost, O son of sea! A little defeat doesn't harm a victory. Defeat is a part of life, you know. A component of the enigma, the mystery. Beyond understanding of humanity, Combined with dimensions of versatility, Strange are the...

Deforestation (Short Story) 19-04-2007
by CT
I can hear another rumble down there. From the hilltop where I stand, the machines look like black and yellow dots at the rim of the forest; like mice nibbling a big piece of cheese; like acid gnawing, germs infecting. Another loud noise echoed...

Deforestation or Deplanetation? (Opinions) 30-05-2004
by Helen Fu
Forest – a complex ecological system in which trees are the dominant life form Deforestation – the process of clearing of trees Forest and deforestation, both powerful words with major responsibilities. Forests cover almost one-third of the...

Desarrollo Sustentable ¿Por qué en Alemania sí funciona? (Opinions) 7-02-2005
by Solange Márquez
Desarrollo Sustentable, un concepto nacido por primera vez en 1970 en la Cumbre Mundial de Estocolmo y retomado posteriormente en 1987 por la Comisión Brundtlad en el libro Nuestro Futuro Común, publicado por la Comisión Mundial para el Desarrollo...

Desplazados y Megaproyectos (Opinions) 22-09-2007
by Francisco Hurtado
En la actualidad, en todos los países de América Latina están en discusión megaproyectos que, según sus promotores apuntan al desarrollo de la región y el progreso de los pueblos. Por ejemplo, en la visita que realizó George Bush al Brasil, el...

Development: change at any cost? (Opinions) 27-11-2008
by Norma
Primitive man was for many years limited in his ability to explore and exploit his environment. So he hunted close to home and had a limited sphere of influence. With time he learnt to explore and exploit his environment as he overcame many...

Développement durable, oui mais... (Opinions) 29-11-2008
by Ababacar
Expression traduite de l'anglais “sustainable developement”, terme apparu pour la première fois en 1980, dans le livre écrit par l'union international pour la conservation de la nature (UICN): Stratégie mondiale de la conservation. En 1987 –...

Dhaka City and the Environment (Interviews) 25-06-2004
by Shahjahan Siraj
Dhaka, the capital, is in the heart of Bangladesh, is the largest and historical city of the country. More than twelve million people live in this busy city. The rickshaws with their ornate decorations and imaginative hand paintings have a...

Diamond in our eyes (Opinions) 29-02-2008
by Henry Ekwuruke
Diamond in our eyes In the eyes of the world Luxury indeed in the deep of waters Humanity at risk of survival I have watched the tale told To children of my grand-parents That we owe destiny around our fate Precious invention of diamond...

Difusión y trabajo por la ecoexistencia (Opinions) 12-05-2005
by Adolfo Córdova Ortiz
Cuando bajó del árbol, el mono recogió algunos frutos, miró hacia arriba y vio con rabia a los otros de su especie que lo habían expulsado. Avanzó algunos metros y pronto sintió que aquel lugar le quedaba chico, que lo aprisionaba. Entonces pensó...

Discussão sobre Jornalismo Ambiental (Opinions) 26-03-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Seguindo o que determina muitos pensadores do jornalismo, isso na questão política – aqui não indissociável das questões ambientais – os meios de comunicação são compreendidos com um instrumento de interesse político, e nós jornalistas ambientais...

Do not you want to change? (Poetry) 5-08-2008
by Bilal Hamamra
Here, I lie There I travel I miss you I hold you between my arms I fill the soul with your love Here is a hell of torment I travel there There is heaven Here is agony There is joy With you I lose here, there and the I...

DO YOU HAVE A DREAM? (Opinions) 23-04-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
It was said that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their DREAMS. However, if I may be allowed to ask just a simple hypothetical question; “How many individual youths have a DREAM? How many are working to achieve their...

DO YOU HAVE A DREAM? (Opinions) 23-04-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
It was said that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their DREAMS. However, if I may be allowed to ask just a simple hypothetical question; “How many individual youths have a DREAM? How many are working to achieve their...

Does sleep come where fragility reigns? (Poetry) 20-09-2004
by Lauren Minis
Dream or reality comes to mind at a glimpse through the glass. Our "superior" minds, reckless in thought, cause too much pain to withhold. Are the trees hibernating? Is the ground sick with grief? My inner soul cries silently pondering...

Does sleep come where fragility reigns? (Poetry) 20-09-2004
by Lauren Minis
Dream or reality comes to mind at a glimpse through the glass. Our "superior" minds, reckless in thought, cause too much pain to withhold. Are the trees hibernating? Is the ground sick with grief? My inner soul cries silently pondering...

Doleful Memories (Poetry) 30-07-2006
by seharalam
In the dark night, in the moon's shadow Beside a lake near a green meadow When the fields were dancing on the rhythm of the breeze And with the beauty of moments time wanted to cease A door to...

Doorbreek de monopolie van Electrabel (Opinions) 17-08-2009
by Jana De Poorter
OOSTERZELE – 01/03/2009 De discussie over kernenergie laait de laatste maanden hoog op en ook het thema ‘groene energie’ is actueler dan ooit. Volgens milieuorganisaties als Greenpeace is er echter één probleem: Electrabel. Het zal ongetwijfeld...

Dumpster-Diving (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Madelaine
At the Co-op sur Généreux, dinner represents more than just a quick trip to the grocery store, twenty minutes in the kitchen, and a ritual of knife-fork-spoon. To the fifteen youths living at the Montreal-based housing cooperative, eating is a...

Eagle Square (Poetry) 2-08-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Were winners meet to celebrate success Losers also meet here to oppose bad policies by and large’ Capacity deliverance at the highest levels A place to be in the days of call to service Our fatherland is our home; likewise our motherland We...

Eclairage : pourquoi devons-nous protéger les zones humides ? (Opinions) 21-03-2009
by MOMBO NZIENGUI Rostano Eloge
Le Gabon a célébré comme toute la communauté internationale le 2 février dernier, la Journée mondiale des zones humides pour commémorer la signature de la Convention sur les zones humides du 2 février 1971, dans la ville iranienne de Ramsar,...

Ecoclubes: jóvenes concientizando a la sociedad (Interviews) 27-04-2006
by María Laura Caraballo
Entrevistamos a Gabriela Pereyra , quien se desempeña actualmente como miembro de la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Red Internacional de Ecoclubes , y que ejerció el cargo de Presidente de la organización durante 2003 a nivel nacional e...

Ecology (Poetry) 28-03-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
One day I left my home To the evil forest in my land To see nature as it was During a dry season. I saw ants were busy/diligent Gathering their crust-food. Each of them goes in, comes out To gather more of the food. As I stood on...

Egypt: Steps Towards a Healthier Environment (Opinions) 25-05-2003
by Yara Kassem
The environment is one of the most vital axes of development, so the deterioration of the environment represents a major danger threatening social and economic development, the sustainability of natural resources, and human health. Recognizing...

En la montaña (Poetry) 14-03-2009
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
Hoy entonaré contigo el canto de la montaña, como lo entonan las aves avanzada la mañana, y cuesta arriba los pinos con sus violines y arpas. Tengo ganas de subir paso a paso, hasta la cima, allí silbar o rugir sin que lo impida el...

End of Water: Myth or Reality? (Opinions) 28-06-2005
by Sophie Gar
Taking a look to the past and also to the present, water has been important in all ways of subsisting in life: to wash, to clean, to dissolve, to combine, and most importantly to drink. This precious liquid, so pure and so useful, is in crisis....

Endurance, The Ultimate. (Poetry) 14-12-2010
by Mary
If one is not better than the other If one is not superior to the other If one is not more knowledgeable than the other Then the cause of the disparity is unknown If black and white are same If moon and stars harmonize If individual...

Energías Biodegradables de Costa Rica (Interviews) 22-11-2008
by Johanny Arilexis Pérez Sierra
En una visita realizada a esta empresa, ubicada en Alto Ochomogo, Cartago, Costa Rica; tuve la oportunidad de conocer a Eladio Madriz, a su hija, la biotecnóloga, Lorena Madriz, y su familia. Han desarrollado una miniempresa basada en la...

by Rahul

Enviroment Friendly (Opinions) 27-10-2002
by Kasey Young
It has come to my attention that the Earth is in danger. Many people do not care what their actions are, and what they are doing to our planet. They think they are going to be gone by the time the end of the world comes along, from our...

Environmental Activism (Interviews) 4-08-2004
by melanie mae
You won’t find arrogance in Mike Gardner, Coordinator on Cooperative Education and Research at the Sigurd Olsen Environmental Institute (SOEI). He is eager to help Northland students on their way to becoming leaders in their communities and often...

Environmental Awareness (Opinions) 26-05-2003
by Temitope Oketunji
It is my sincere desire to see environmental issues take a strategic place in the program of any government. Environmental issues should be a central concern in the 21st century. Most social and economic issues will have a major environmental...

Environmental Organizations Perspective on GMO (Opinions) 3-10-2002
by onyinye
Content 1) Introduction 2) Negative Repercussions 3) Rationale and Policy Recommendations 4) Conclusion 5) Reference Terms used in white paper Animal as just machines paradigm Allergenic Biodiversity Bovine somatotropins...

Environnement -GABON (Opinions) 14-01-2006
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
Ce texte d'Antoine Lawson montre Les insuffisances dans l'enlèvement et le traitement des déchets qui aggravent le problème de l'eau potable au Gabon et permettent de mesurer les limites des politiques actuelles de l'environnement dans notre pays...

Epilogue (Poetry) 15-10-2009
by Arun Budhathoki
Picture by blahidontreallycare , licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License . After the rain, Icicle-like tears Scatter within me. This industrialized land Makes the fallen rain Mechanical. This wearied heart Makes...

Eradicating Poverty through Agriculture (Opinions) 23-03-2007
by .
Poverty and hunger are complex problems for which there are no simple solutions. Poverty affects both rural and urban areas, and is associated with social problems such as malnutrition, disease, violence and poor education. The line between cause...

Eres tú, compañero (Poetry) 22-02-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
No es el agua salada del mar ni la luna ni el cálido sol. No es el mundo que debe cambiar; eres tú, compañero, y soy yo. No es el alma de los inconscientes que se nutren de la destrucción ni la astucia del inteligente que se vende por una...

Esa música suave (Short Story) 13-09-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
Hoy es un hermoso día, definitivamente. Un radiante sol hace presencia desde llegadas las seis de la mañana, cuando los estudiantes y obreros de la escuela iniciaron sus labores en el campo. Levantarse a las cinco es lo difícil. Una vez tomado el...

Eternity (Short Story) 21-03-2005
by Saad Javed
He flowed. Nonchalantly and indolently, he cruised with his peers and other water droplets, entities of the same species. He could not comprehend who he was. Suddenly someone shouted in alarm. Another droplet pointed at a steep waterfall they...

Ethics in Development: Conduct-World fictional interview (Interviews) 20-11-2008
by Samuel-Malachi Odekunle
This is a fictional interview by Conduct-World Magazine on the topic “Ethics of Development”. Conduct-World Good Evening Samuel, How are you today? Samuel Odekunle: I’m doing great, welcome to my home. CW: Thanks Samuel, Do you want to...

Eu era algum bicho na última encarnação! (Opinions) 9-06-2009
by Luciana Brasil
Amo todos os bichos! Todos eles! Sem distinção! Amo a capacidade que eles têm de observar coisas que estão além da compreensão dos humanos, de terem uma sensibilidade incontestável. Tenho dois cachorros, mas se eu pudesse, teria todos do reino...

Every Five Years (Poetry) 2-08-2006
by Nikita Case
The people Are afraid, they’re cautious Out in the streets it’s restless. Teargas and police Road blocks and rioters Breaking, robbing, burning buildings. “Is this a war mommy, mommy?” I ask. “what’s going on?” “Why can no one leave...

Everything On Me (Poetry) 14-01-2009
by Miyar De'Nyok
Everything On Me: poem by Miyar De’Nyok or Akurdit Our friendship is normal Our love is convivial Our habitat is friendly We all have to compromise We all have to seek forgiveness We all have to terms as family Because we need one another...

Everything reminds me of you (Poetry) 0-00-0000
by Shireen
I wonder what distance means to you or what it can do to us because the space between you and me doesn't mean a thing if i can just hear from you and know you are doing okay i see you all over the place, everything i touch, everything...

Evolution is just a theory (Poetry) 27-07-2008
by kate mckee simmons
The box in my living room transports me to the other side of the world. An unclothed child grips a rifle and stares blatantly into my eyes. I beg. Don't Shoot. The box in my drive way moves me to the other side of the city. The...

Extraordinary Lines (Poetry) 29-09-2008
by Simonette Brebenariu
Visions grasp the knot of success, blends the cruises,imaginary blest! Chrome sketches the brick of light, passing through the edge of fight! Intensity seduces on the cream blot, compasses the realm of bulky plot! Quick signs are in...

Eye (Poetry) 23-04-2004
by neema mbeyu
That eye, That look in her face haunts me, Big, bulgy, teary eyes of a young soul Yearning for a cuddle and warmth. It was her... Her silent cry, whisper Of pain and resentment that flashes on my mind. Is it a mark I will ever forget?...

Fair Trade in Fredericton and Abroad (Opinions) 21-06-2011
by Samantha Hodder
Fair Trade. Two simple words, one life-altering concept. When I volunteered in rural Ecuador a few years ago, I met someone who showed me the simplicity and the importance of fair trade. His name was Fredy, and he was the talk of the...

Farmers fear sprawl (Interviews) 30-07-2006
by Nicholas Alexander Miller
At the corner of Fuller Road and South 35th Street one may notice an unfamiliar landmark; that is, a yellow pentagon, almost humorously pronouncing “Horseback Crossing.” The reason why this notice has become so alien can only be reasoned with its...

Farming & Others (Poetry) 23-04-2004
by Awosusi Oluwatope
Farming It is time for farming Not for playing Put my hoe inside the bowl Let us go Shall we go by boat? No, no, no, We shall go by road And be back by eight Ants Ants are small but mighty They are always busy working They...

Fast food: Fast life (Poetry) 3-09-2005
by Dr. A. Prabaharan
Fast foods are moving fast into everyone's lives. Nobody can escape from its network. initially started in America Today it has captured all corners of the world. Due to busy time schedules people prefer Quick foods than healthy ones...

Fatal Accident (2) (Short Story) 15-10-2005
by Kevin M
The Quartz grandfather wall clock chimed 10 o’clock as sergeant Ken walked to his desk from the toilet. Ken was thirty-two years old, married with two kids. He was short and thickset; he had big eyes, broad nose and an equally wide mouth. He...

Finding Poetry II (Poetry) 8-08-2008
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
Not far away stood the hunter’s grandchild, Ota'ibayomi Oba'olorun nii koje with his fathers' apomu at hand. He had listened to the ''ode of the brownfaces'' and expressed awe at its lines. As he left for home, he sang: Is it not Christ that...

Footprints of the Night (Poetry) 1-04-2008
by Ositadimma Amakeze
‘Tis the drama of the dark pregnant night Concealed ‘neath the dim moonlit earth When eyelids in slumber’re past As creatures creep out their sheath An awesome odyssey of unseen nature Upon the stage of preceding dawn Whereof the personae...

Four Sides of a World's Story (Short Story) 9-10-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
We are facing many variables, from the knowledge of the past to the knowledge we present today. It has been shown, through Mayan writings, prophecies, sacred scriptures, and even Arabic writings that this world will end on the date of 12/21/2012....

Fractured World (Poetry) 26-05-2008
by Azellica
We have shut out the sun, drawing bars of shadow- blinds. And inside, we light our home in Hard electricity. We close the windows, block the summer breeze, Turn up the air conditioning, Listen to cruel music. We communicate. Isolated....

Friday of the future (Poetry) 13-06-2010
by Mary
On Monday of last week Your roof came falling The cracks and leaks You did not repair You blamed the rain On Tuesday of last week The flies came buzzing The plates of suya You left unwashed You blamed the suya remnants On...

Full moon (Poetry) 11-12-2009
by Trish
When the full moon shines on me Oh what power I can see Everything that shines above Has a power with nature and love When I look up to the skies It's like wonder to my eyes Oh my God, look at that star Looks so close, yet so very far...

Genetically Modified Foods in Africa: The Chain Termination Sequence (Opinions) 9-06-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The era of genetically manipulated foods is here with us. Africa and the Third World must wake up to this realization. Within the decade, there has been an avalanche of agro biotechnology companies spreading their wings to the developing world,...

Ghana and her oil discovery: blessing or curse? (Opinions) 7-06-2010
Photo credit: "Oiled Bird - Black Sea Oil Spill 11/12/07," by Igor Golubenkov . A country endowed with natural resources can be considered blessed. When these natural resources are effectively utilised they can uplift the quality of life of...

Glimpses of life (Poetry) 12-10-2008
All around the deep forest Of the Kingdom of Heaven: Umpteen varieties of fruits to eat, Plenty of honey to drink. Wild animals were my neighbours. Heavy machines walked Into my forest one day, Chopped the trees, spoiled the river. Dark...

Global Climate Change: The Imminent Disaster in my Country (Opinions) 1-11-2005
by Luke Chike Igweobi
Hey you guys, I need your help! By this I mean that I would like to ask you to please assist me mobilize International Youth that may be interested in helping prevent an ‘imminent’ disaster in Nigeria, my country. Other Nigerian involved with...

Global Warming (Poetry) 8-07-2008
by Tess
Once on a wintry day, Down in yonder land. In snow boots, winter coats and mitten As everyone walked robotic. Chilling in memory lane, Reminiscing of last winter years. However this is a different year, Ice melting fast in the Antarctica....

Global Warming - at point of no return (Opinions) 27-11-2002
by Madeeha Saleem
In The Year 2001: A flood in Mozambique killed hundreds. A Storm in France left 90 dead with 270 million trees destroyed and 7.5 pounds worth of damage. Avalanches in Austria killed ten....

GLOBAL WARMING ... lest Ghanaians forget (Opinions) 31-07-2007
by dennis adjei dwomoh
Over the past decades one major issue that has confronted the human race is global warming. This has attracted all the international attention amongst states. A series of global environmental conferences in the 1970s, 1980s, and through to the...

Global warming ... lest ghanaians forget (Opinions) 31-07-2007
by dennis adjei dwomoh
Introduction: Over the past decades one major issue that has confronted the human race is global warming. This has attracted all the international attention amongst states. A series of global environmental conferences in the 1970s, 1980s, and...

Global Warming and All of Us (Opinions) 17-07-2007
by Ogonna Hilary Nwainya
Since the last quarter of the 19th century, the mean temperature of the earth surface has increased from 0.5 – 1.0oF. The ten warmest years of the 20th century all occurred between 1975 and 2000 with 1998 emerging as the warmest year in history....

Global Warming: Let's All Be the Change We Wish to See (Opinions) 5-05-2005
by Geoffrey Kipyegon Koech
The dawning of the 21st century saw the emergence of a myriad of problems that, more often than not, demanded concerted efforts on the part of the world leaders. These pertinent issues of concern span economic, social, cultural and political...

Globalization and Environment in Congo Basin (Opinions) 18-10-2002
Last August, the sustainable development summit which took place in Johannesbourg decided to protect the environment of the Congo Basin in Central Africa, this considered as a global area. Since the end of this conference, the inhabitants of this...

God's Chosen Ones (Poetry) 19-02-2007
by Tiffany Saxon
For the struggle is never over for some. From sleeping on the streets to panhandling just to get a morsel to eat, Scrambling through trash cans Searching for a meal to hold on to for days even weeks Becomes the tool of survival that so...

God's Creation (Poetry) 12-05-2004
by Henry Ekwuruke
God’s creation Different people with Different minds, Different temperaments, Different troubles, Different spirits, Different faces, God’s creation, People, animals, plants, microbes or inanimate objects They all be, In their different...

Going Green! Going Solo! Going Global! (Opinions) 18-02-2006
by Slim MENZLI
As I grew up in Tunisia, I decided to get some experience here upon my graduation, for I believe I should work to understand the local context and business culture here. Besides, I am sure that having some experience in my country will better...

Good Job, Society (Poetry) 26-04-2004
by Elizabeth Pyjov
Good job, Society Well done, Society You’ve finally trained her (Though it took over a decade and a half) Through Trial + error Reward + punishment The Circus method To act in the right way To be less of a threat to you...

Goodbye! (Poetry) 21-10-2007
by Emperor Omorogiuwa Edionseri
Goodbye! In my life, I've said many goodbyes. I've indeed told so many a lies. But none, ever meant this much; None ever cost me this much; none ever hurt me like this; Loosing love, a sweet angel's. In your arms for the last time, It...

Gorgeous Jersey (Poetry) 26-08-2008
by Anthony Fry
Lightning cracks, a lantern swings in a wild night. A mysterious ship lurks off of Elizabeth’s Castle. Merry sailors bob along, near those rugged rocks. A sea mist, disguised dances of white sea horses. Crew, capstans straddled, fingers...

Granddad Bestwick (Poetry) 13-05-2004
by Carlie Rees
I wish I could have seen you, Before you passed away, I wish it didn’t have to be like this, If only you could stay. I have so much to tell you, But I’ll have to wait a while, You sent so many photos, So I can still enjoy your smile. I...

Graveyard Stores. (Poetry) 25-03-2004
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
Look yonder no more for the treasure, For in silence it lies waiting, Lying waste for lack of use, Perhaps for more years it would wait, Until man decides to look within, For that he sets sail to search, The treasure may forever elude him....

Green Building, Energy Simulation (Short Story) 24-09-2012
by Green Tree India
Green building, or sustainable building, is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource efficient throughout a building’s life cycle. That includes everything from the sitting and the...

Ha vuelto el agua (Poetry) 30-07-2007
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
Los niños juegan entre las aguas. Las hojas viejas caen, la calle al fin se baña. Se vino el cielo abajo. ¡Oh, bendita agua! No ombe, ¿Qué bendita? ¿Si ha tiempo no venías, por qué malvadamente hoy llegas enojada? Ellos la adoran, no...

Hacia un desarrollo sostenible (Opinions) 10-05-2005
by Paola Canavesio
Cada cultura a largo del tiempo ha interactuado de manera diferente con el medio ambiente. Los aborígenes han cuidado el suelo, han valorado los recursos y también se han preocupado por no contaminar, ni destruir la flora y la fauna. Han sabido...

Hacia Una Ciudad Ecológica: Ecoaldeas Urbanas, Ecobarrios y Ecoveredas (Opinions) 16-10-2003
by Anamaria Aristizabal
Ponencia para el VI Seminario de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible Por: Anamaria Aristizabal, Carlos Rojas Antecedentes: Ecoaldeas urbanas y Ciudades Ecológicas Con más del 50% de la población mundial viviendo en ciudades y de hecho...

Harvest in the Cities: Urbanization in the Developing World (Opinions) 19-04-2007
by .
Today, about three billion people live in cities, or a little fewer than half the world's population. By 2025, the number of the city dwellers will almost double, to some 5.5 billion, 60 percent of a global population which will by then have...

Has Consumerism Truimphed Over Religion at Christmas? (Opinions) 10-12-2005
by Mike Ssegawa
Christmas is out of the churches and all over the shops. Even churchgoers are more worried of what to dress, eat, and drink and where to go for entertainment. It is not about where and what state of the soul they will be. Christmas is just a...

Have a Look & Others (Poetry) 24-04-2004
by Awosusi Oluwatope
Have a Look I have a book It is very good Come and have a look Before I read my book Babies Little baby girls Little baby boys Stop crying Mum is coming Dad is coming Little babies stop crying Jumbo Jumbo, jumbo,...

Have You Seen? (Poetry) 2-04-2007
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Have you seen Where our knowledge Has taken us to? Have you seen Where our civilization Has taken us to? Have you seen Where our globalization Has taken us to? Men now cry. Women now watch. Children now console. Have you seen...

He was a boy. And his name was Ryan . . . (Opinions) 1-11-2002
by Mike Blanchard
I had arrived at a follow up ceremony for an environmental conference that was co-funded by the Foundation for Young Australians; and since I was on the committee that decided to fund them, I had been invited. By some freak occurrence, I was...

Headlines (Poetry) 14-06-2007
by Adeshina Olusanya
It saddens Horse rides 'rider' Worm eats pig Ward slaps parent Son curses mum Dad docks daughter. Goat eats kid, Leaving stew fallow. Dog eats babe Servants manage master, Pupils beat teacher. It saddens When tenants Share...

Health Implications of telecommunication mast (Short Story) 9-06-2011
by Omoruyi Osaretin Samuel
The establishment of more telecommunications infrastructure such as masts and base stations has raised some environmental concerns, especially in the area of Environmental Impact Assessment. It has become a part of the environment to see tall...

Healthy and Sustainable Communities (Opinions) 25-10-2002
by Mike Blanchard
Healthy and sustainable cities are important because of the role communities play in so many people’s lives, and the importance of having a home in today’s world. The recent World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg may have put the...

Heart in reins (Poetry) 23-06-2008
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
The maples and ferns freely glide; Their hearts are like a medallion worn; Sentient man is free and in chains; His heart in the alcove lies As the feelings wither for fear.

Heat up (Poetry) 23-12-2008
by Tamunobarabi Gogo Ibulubo
It grew from the cradle to wear Flowers of colours to appeal, Branches with leaves to shelter, Nectar of juice not for a brawl, The day of the sun came With stiff over bearing, it came; A peel on the skin, empting of the branches, A...

Helping to Preserve the Environment: Realities (Opinions) 12-10-2002
by Catarina Abreu
While attending the world summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, we spoke about ways of preserving the environment. Yes, cutting down of the rainforests should be stopped. Yes, some industries should be stopped or improved so prevent damage to the...

Hidden Treasures of A successful Christian (Opinions) 21-07-2004
by Olumide Olaniyan
*This being the text of my speech delivered at my Church in Nigeria. Let me start this talk by thanking our Daddy here in the House and the entire Wisemen of DCI Churches of Marara for giving me this great opportunity to address us today on the...

Highly Green Movement (Poetry) 14-03-2008
by Yassir El Ouarzadi
Let's be green, let's be green. We really have to be seen As climate change leaders And as decision makers. What are you waiting for? The planet is burning, Youth are working, That's interesting. Hey you, Keep up your green attitude...

His Values Help Address The Plight of the Youth (Interviews) 9-04-2008
by Jay-R Patron
Ray Dean Salvosa endeavored in uplifting the cause of destitute children, eventually paving the passage of the Philippines’ juvenile justice and child welfare law. This, after discovering a value-clad spirit that helped him get through the most...

Home (Poetry) 19-07-2004
by Sandra Musonda
The city I now call home, Is not as vast as the others, It’s not a metropolitan by standards, It is the second from the capital Lusaka It is relatively quiet not spilling haphazard traffic, no mad rush of people no extreme high-rise buildings....

Hope After All (Short Story) 15-05-2012
by Haley
This is a story based on a real life experience I had. "This is disgusting." Malani stood in the middle of what she assumed used to be a nice park beside the local lake. The whole place was completely trashed- graffiti was spray painted on...

How a student teacher uses his experience and ideas to teach and learn about environmental issues (Opinions) 24-03-2003
At the start of the summer youth class, I polled my students to get an idea of their backgrounds, expectations and interests in taking the class. The last question on the introductory quiz this year was “How can you, as a student, contribute in...

Hugging Trees (Interviews) 15-07-2004
by melanie mae
Tuesday July 13, 2004 9:00-10:30am, Black Cat Purpose: To collect a variety of useable drafts about SOEI and its faculty, staff, and students for PR, special events and the website. Stacy wears GO BIG GREEN to inspire the green in...

Human Security and International Stability (Opinions) 6-08-2007
by Eugenia Bivines
Africa's human development challenges are immense. This is not surprising, given the continent's history and geography, and its place in the global political economy today. Nor is this cause for despair. African struggles to meet these challenges...

Hurricanes of The Bahamas: Past, Present and Future (Opinions) 1-08-2002
by Dennis Dames
A yearly phenomenon of forceful winds, hurricanes originate in the west coast of Africa and move to the North Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. The Bahamas is well situated in the hurricane zones mentioned, and every...

Hurt (Poetry) 29-04-2004
by Paul Robert Dimmick
He run up like a panther you are unaware He strikes I run I'm scared He shouts I run I run I run

I am what I am (Poetry) 23-04-2004
by neema mbeyu
Oh they call me crazy, Is crazy my name, No, its because of what I do. I could chose to be what I want to be, Despite my age, height, education, background I have to stop making excuses and face one on one. Does it apply to you? I know...

I have a Dream (Poetry) 2-02-2007
by friday solomon
I have a dream; a land, without prejudice of peace and tranquility. I have a dream; women, treated as equally as men, I have a dream; see love prevails hatred no more I have a dream; a land, no flood, drought-less, flueless,...

I Have Won! (Poetry) 11-05-2004
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
Not the national lottery Or the European Jackpot But the most needed courage As important as life itself And that is the courage to keep going. When life seems dark When sky seems cloudy And its limitations seem unending When life looks...

I Love the World! (Opinions) 4-08-2008
by Thomas Stoneman
Life is full of wonder... I wonder who was the first person to look at a cow and say, I think I'll squeeze the dangly bits and drink what comes out Life is full of surprises... I would be surprised if someone died by choking on a life saver...

I Pause (Poetry) 21-03-2004
by Stacie Brantley
Heart beats And thick lips remind me I can not help it That you've learned the perfect curves Of my hips Or taken hits off my bare chest And I thought you would be there Forever But you have slipped And I have forgotten why So remind...

I Shan I Pepe (Morning Star) (Poetry) 15-06-2008
by Kelvin Uever
I could not measure my heartfelt pleasure; Her exotic beauty stood out. Like a river goddess she stood; A tree shed a glow upon her pot. By the river she stood, Her luxuriant beauty lingered around her lids, Twilight rainbow- her face....

I Surrender (Poetry) 4-04-2006
by Jennifer Ehidiamen
Show me a way A channel, a route Through which I could Reach out to this hurting world And wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks I know, I know I must tread only on that part I know well Else I cramp my style with gibberish My...

I was A Soldier (Poetry) 20-03-2004
by Stacie Brantley
I was a soldier I use to melt the green army men I stored my GI Joes in a shoebox I played with fake toy guns I was pushing tin I climbed high into the sky I was a soldier They pulled my number from a barrel The whole time I was...

I Work So Hard & Others (Poetry) 7-05-2004
by Awosusi Oluwatope
I Work so Hard I am a little star That never stops shining I work so hard To shine like a king Teacher Teach Good Speech Play, players play, play the game Work, workers work, work to earn Write, writers write, write all the time...

ICT and Environmental Management (Opinions) 4-09-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
As the world advances very rapidly, there is also a significant environmental crisis that is looming over our heads. With the ever rising risk of global warming and the resulting threat of climate change, the concern for environmental management...

ICT: Building the Information Resource Center for Water Resources in Africa (Opinions) 31-01-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
It has been often discussed how genetically modified food, commonly referred to as GM food, will help alleviate poverty and hunger in Africa and other regions. It is true that GM food can help alleviate food crises facing Africa and the world....

Identity (Poetry) 10-05-2004
by abhimanyu dev singh billawaria
Nothing is new nor old, But something is there untold. My life has become so lone, I’m straying in woods forlorn. The eagle’s eye doesn’t leave the mark, Enquiring the question is so dark. Those smiles are really mine, Or it is the...

IDH Jovem, um instrumento de informações para a Juventude (Opinions) 10-11-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
A juventude já possui mais um instrumento de informações sobre as Mudanças Climáticas. Lançando neste segundo semestre pelo Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD) e a ONG inglesa Peace Child, o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano...

In the green (Poetry) 26-04-2008
by charles
Sharp claws of no comparison, seven inch-long teeth; Red eyes like the blood of its prey, noble spots. Blessed to the feet but still no heart within; Joy gotten from majority pain, no cares for one. Its uniqueness calls for a unique prey....

Individual, Society and Machines (Opinions) 9-07-2007
by Dr. Muraleedharan Koluthappallil
The continuous observation of an individual's activities by other individuals, from a distance, without direct physical interaction, or a common database of observations, creates numerous pathways for imaginative constructions. This individually...

Informations Bericht über meine Eindrücke Vom Klimajugendgipfel in Montreal (Short Story) 3-12-2005
by jochen link
Kurzbericht zu dem Weltjugendklimagipfel in Montreal: Internationale Jugend kämpft für eine bessere Klimapolitik: Als einziger deutscher Vertreter analysierte ich 6 Tage lang auf dem UN Klimajugendgipfel in Montreal (Kanada)...

Inner Courts of our Hope (Poetry) 23-04-2004
by Andrew Lauman
There is a beauty that is so sweet, A love that moves beyond words, Happiness moving towards an unseen depth, Embracing the inner courts of our hope. Dancing in a silhouette pose, Gracing even the darkness of dark, Hatred having no hold,...

Innocence Lost (Poetry) 20-03-2004
by Uzair Sultan
So clearly do the crystal eyes speak, Such depth in their mute words, How can one but not feel touched, By the way they see the world? I saw the eyes of the naked child, The truth in them, so clear and bright, The desperation,...

Insight to life (Poetry) 26-03-2004
by Blissful Ignorance
They say this world gives 'freedom' To talk and act as we please But what is life, if not guns and fire And no sense of laughter to seize? The mafia was said to cause torment Killings and death their shadow But how can we say they are no...

inspired by THE HEIDI CHRONICLES (Poetry) 22-03-2004
by Rare breed
What happens if or when You lose yourself By trying to do What it is you do best? What happens if or when Your passion lies where Some of the preconceptions You closely held Must die? What happens if or when Through fighting for...

International Youth Gets Its Head Together for the World Summit (Opinions) 27-08-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – When it comes to a vast concept like sustainable development, perhaps the only thing that youth can come to consensus on is – that it is difficult to come to consensus. At the first official meetings here of the...

Interview at the Summit (Opinions) 27-08-2002
by Natalie Morris
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – What is environmental democracy? At one of the WSSD's first side events, The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe organised a sharing session on the successes of participatory democracy and...

Interview de Kristian Gareau, éducateur (Québec) (Interviews) 29-11-2008
Agé de 29 ans, Kristian Gareau a travaillé sur un projet de conservation des tortues luths au Costa Rica, ainsi qu'avec plusieurs organismes québécois et canadiens sur des programmes relatifs à l'environnement et au leadership des jeunes....

Interview de Marie TAMOIFO N'KOM (Cameroun) (Interviews) 19-08-2008
En matière d'engagement des jeunes au niveau local et international, Marie TAMOIFO est une pionnière. Chevalier de l'ordre national du mérite Camerounais, elle est également Porte parole Jeunesse Africaine/ Diaspora ( Bamako 2005),...

Interview de Marion Viau (Canada) (Interviews) 22-03-2008
Né en France, Marion Viau réside à Montréal. Elle a accepté de partager un peu de son univers avec la communauté francophone de TakingITGlobal. Bonjour Marion, pourrais tu te présenter à nos lecteurs ? En fait qui es Marion Viau ? Je...

Interview: US Youth against US Policy? (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Dan Jones
Lauren Inouye, a recent graduate of Stanford University in California, is representing American youth on the US delegation. This 21 year-old from Washington, DC, makes her environmental and social concerns a central part of her lifestyle. She...

Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources (Opinions) 9-07-2002
by Irene Stoeckl
the advantages of natural gas as being less polluting, the possibility that natural gas will run out earlier might increase. The third fossil resource that will run out is coal. This source of energy will probably last for the next 100 years....

Is being vegetarian really that noble ? (Opinions) 18-07-2009
by asma siddiqua sayed
A few years ago, I read an article where a co-founder of Greenpeace condemned meat eaters as 'necrophiles'. Recently, we have seen animal rights and animal rights activists on the forefront in the news - ranging from blaming cattle for the...

Is Biotechnology our Friend? (Opinions) 22-05-2004
by Michael Monday-Ariyo
Biotechnology began rudimentarily; in a bid to improve the quality of their livestock, some cattle rearers began the practice of cross-breeding with the best of their cows and bulls. Modern biotechnologists, like their early counterparts have the...

is it yours? (Opinions) 28-12-2002
is it yours to destroy or keep? did God create it for you to keep or destroy? o!,when shall you listen you difficult human beings, we are in a world where our vegetation is being destroyed, come to your senses and let your yes be you yes and...

Is Maintenance a Taboo in African Cities? (Opinions) 28-06-2004
by Charles Makanga Sendegeya
There are two things that we forget only when we die, Turkish poet Nazim Hikmet has noted; our mother’s face and the face of our city. These words lead me to think of my city as a home, not only for my family and friends but also for posterity....

It is not just the people .... agriculture will suffer too! (Opinions) 15-05-2008
by Nekesah
As we sit down and wonder how we will get to work tomorrow with the current oil crisis, and also wonder even more on whether or not the we will have that loaf of bread tomorrow, there is even a bigger danger and crisis in waiting. One that will...

It's our Generation that will do It (Opinions) 13-04-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
The moment I hear them mention poverty My mind reminds me of the future there is no future with poverty it is a lost future in the face of poverty Our leaders needs to speak out our teachers needs to teach us our youth needs to live...

It's The Little Things (Opinions) 5-04-2012
by Myron Sta. Ana
Some people think that you have to be rich to be able to help the poor and to make a change in the society. Because, when you have the money, then you can buy the impoverished ones everything they need to be able to survive each passing day and to...

It's time to re-invent society (Opinions) 8-02-2010
by Ronzig the Wizard
Picture credit: "Boom - Our Tree," by Tim Lam . It's time to rethink our socio-economic system and re-invent our society. Neither Capitalism nor Communism are workable models for the new millennium. We need to invent something completely new...

IYPS2008: Young professionals and the Millennium Development Goals (Short Story) 7-07-2007
by Sarah-Jo Dawson
The 7th July 2007 marks the halfway point since the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) were launched by the United Nations and the target date of achieving these wide-ranging targets, covering eradication of poverty, environmental sustainability...

José BOVE à Montréal : "Globaliser la lutte pour globaliser l’espoir" (Opinions) 18-11-2008
La conférence d’ouverture des JQSI : La conférence d’ouverture des Journées Québécoises de la solidarité internationale, intitulée : Quels défis pour un monde sans faim ? a fait salle comble! En effet, plus de 150 personnes (étudiants,...

by Natalie Morris
JOURNALISTS HAVE OPINIONS TOO! (WSSD) By Natalie Morris, Global Youth Reporter from Singapore Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – It’s the weekend, and the Media Centre in the Sandton Convention Centre is still buzzing with activity. Most...

Journée Mondiale du Commerce Equitable 2008 - Pour une consommation locale (Opinions) 13-05-2008
La population africaine devrait passer de 832 millions en 2002 contre 1,8 milliards en 2050. Face à ces tendances démographiques fortes qui marqueront les prochaines décennies, quel sera le sort du continent africain? Continent qui représente de...

Jóvenes como Actores Claves en los Desafíos del Cambio Climático (Opinions) 14-07-2005
by Damian Profeta
nota: el presente artículo fue publicado de manera extractada en el libro De Buenos Aires a Kyoto: de la COP10 a la vigencia del Protocolo , publicado por la Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nación en diciembre de 2005....

Jóvenes en Defensa del Ambiente (Short Story) 15-03-2005
by Fabrizio Scrollini
Es un verano como otros en el Arboretum Lussich, una de las principales reservas de flora del Uruguay, la sexta de Sudamérica, ubicado a 200 Km. al este de Montevideo, en el Departamento de Maldonado. Allí se concentra una de las...

Jovens e Meio Ambiente – uma aliança sustentável (Opinions) 5-06-2004
by Mateus Fernandes
Outro dia me perguntaram se há jovens realmente interessados na temática que envolve o meio ambiente e o desenvolvimento. Fiquei até surpreso com a pergunta, porque convivo, cotidianamente, com jovens brilhantes que muito contribuem para a...

Judgment Day. (Poetry) 4-05-2004
by de la R
I tried childhood I tried growing up I tried to wise up I tried falling I tried learning I tried getting high I tried death but came back alive I tried working for a dying I tried sleeping for a living I tried fighting for my rights I...

Just a Minute (Poetry) 30-05-2005
by Enyinna Onwusonye
Have you ever taken a minute, To imagine how great God is, A God with no limit Having the whole world as his "Let there be light,” This was the beginning Light for day and night A word to give the world a meaning From the first day,...

Just breathe (Poetry) 8-03-2010
by Zarina
Just breathe My dear, Exhale it out into this world Consumed with doubt With every single issue that's going on Who has the time to sleep past dawn? Its a busy world with zooming cars Just promise me you'll sit down take a...

Just Skimming the Surface of Privatization!!!!! and its possible effects (Opinions) 13-11-2002
by Madeeha Saleem
Privatization involves delegating functions, responsibilities and activities that have traditionally been carried out by the public sector to private sector providers. The last decade has seen a radical revolution all over the world in the...

Justiça comercial (Opinions) 7-07-2010
by Claudia Cataldi
Você já ouviu falar em comércio justo? Se não, tem uma vaga idéia do que isso significa? Se pensou em uma nova relação de comércio em que, como diz o nome, se paga o valor justo pelo produto, acertou e errou. O conceito é basicamente...

Juventud, Cambio Climático y Salud (Opinions) 27-08-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Vivimos ahora un período muy interesante de nuestra historia en la odisea terrestre. Es un momento que exige la reformulación de nuestro comportamiento ante la naturaleza y ante la propia civilización humana. Según el filósofo Guattari, vivimos la...

Juventude e Meio Ambiente (Opinions) 20-03-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Estamos vivenciando um período muito interessante de nossa história na odisséia terrestre. É um momento que exige a reformulação de nosso comportamento perante a natureza e perante a própria civilização humana. Segundo o filosofo Guattari,...

Kaiveti Dam: a rotting political carrot of Mwingi District (Opinions) 25-01-2007
by kenya
Water is an essential cog in the wheel of life, otherwise put “water is life ” this is a challenge confronting migwani residents of nzauni location –mwingi distrct as they say when the cog creaks the wheel falters .A brief perusal in the history...

Kappa Alpha Psi (Poetry) 20-12-2007
by Tiffany Saxon
Association, Aspiration and Dedication are the words that describe the Achievements of this Fraternity. Founded in 1911, Still making its mark to the young and old... Creating a standard that will last through all eternity. Sedulous in every...

KÉNWIGBARA (Poetry) 7-04-2006
Kέnwigbara, Several times I’ve thought of you. I think of your battered harbors, Memories of colonial cultivations On the affluent oil river; I think of your narrow-potopotric Streets endangered more by The debris of their old castles;...

Kindness is human (Poetry) 17-06-2009
by Dereje Amera
( Loving and Caring : picture by Krishna Giri ) One is created as human To be kind and good to all. Who created cruel, which comes from inside Making others suffer and think of evil? When living as good is still a choice, Thinking holy...

Kofi Annan - Quel Homme, quelles paroles! (Opinions) 1-08-2007
Kofi Annan - Quel Homme, quelles paroles! «Aujourd'hui nous vivons dans un monde où un homme a plus de chances d'être jugé s'il tue une seule personne que s'il en tue 100 000 !» Kofi Annan - Le Nouvel Observateur «Le monde se définit non...

L'écocitoyenneté (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by Bonnie Jean-Louis
Cette année, la Journée de la Terre a porté sur l’« Écocitoyenneté ». Notre groupe « Jeunesse en Action » croit fermement, que, face aux objectifs du millénaire de développement, c’est l’un des rôles les plus importants des habitants des pays...

La culpa de dejarse ver (Poetry) 29-09-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
Un triste hurón viene sangrando; una culebra está al correr. Un pez también está pagando la culpa de dejarse ver. Han descendido de la palma nidos, pichones y esperanza. ¡Ay cigüa amada! Me desalma verte partir con tu mudanza. Caerá...

La dégradation de l'environnement (Opinions) 6-05-2008
by lovens normil
La dégradation de l'environnement n'est pas le fruit du hasard, c'est le fruit de la curiosité de certains de ses habitants qui essaient de mettre au jour le jour ceux que la nature nous a cachés pour nous préserver du malheur en vue de se faire...

La lutte contre le changement climatique : un impératif de solidarité humaine dans un monde divisé (Opinions) 17-08-2008
by MOMBO NZIENGUI Rostano Eloge
Le Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD-Gabon) met en garde contre l’impact des changements climatiques lors de ses Journées portes ouvertes organisées au Centre Culturel Français Saint-Exupéry de Libreville Le Programme des...

La melodía del silencio (Poetry) 17-09-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
Voy a callar un rato. Apagaré la radio, olvidaré el tambor, para escuchar el canto del ruiseñor. Me perderé por la carretera hasta llegar al puente y miraré sus aguas desiertas, tristes. Cansado del ruido de las máquinas, de los...

La muerte de Pinochet (Opinions) 19-07-2007
by Manuel José Chocano
En marzo de 1954, el secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Ch. Wilson declaro: “Los Estados Unidos lo mismo que Rusia tienen de ahora en adelante el poder de aniquilar el mundo entero.” No aniquilaron el mundo entero, pero estuvieron cerca de...

La sensibilisation pour un développement durable (Poetry) 23-11-2008
by MOMBO NZIENGUI Rostano Eloge
La verdure de la forêt me donne espoir Espoir qui se dissout au contact du désespoir Désespoir du fait des mentalités immorales Immorales est celuiqui jette le sachet après utilisation L'utilisation de l'avidité du gain et de la forêt Forêt...

La tierra explota... y nosotros que hacemos???? (Opinions) 27-01-2006
by Solange Márquez
Si algunos de ustedes ya leyeron el libro de "La tierra explota" de Giovanni Sartori (uno de mis politólogos preferidos) sabrá de que estamos hablando, si no, lean lo que viene abajo y también el libro, pero sobre todo, pongámonos juntos las pilas...

La Transición de Jibina, de Sujeto a Objeto. Apreciaciones de un nuevo producto (Opinions) 5-07-2004
by Javier Sosa RUIZ
* jibina significa coca en lengua nepode (de los uitoto) -------------------------------------------------------------- Para el pueblo uitoto, jibina es sinónimo de fuerza, es medicina. La hoja de coca es la materia prima del mambe, que se...

Lacking the Joy for war (Poetry) 21-06-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
Without a wish Without a will I stood upon a silent hill I looked up at the evening sky Pink, blue and violet was its die The setting sun, still watching me Playing the role of a huge eye. Mountains shot straight up high, and...

Lady Madonna (Poetry) 1-01-2008
by Tiffany Saxon
For she's running away from the backlashes of her past. Bringing the old into the new... trying to kill the memories that soaks the soul in a tainted mask. For she's lost in her own infatuation. Being lead astray by words of deception...

Lagos and Abuja – A Paradox of Urban Life in Nigeria (Opinions) 11-02-2006
by Oluyemisi Joel-Osebor (Nee Agboola)
Having lived in Lagos, South –West of Nigeria and former capital, for the greater part of my life, making a career move that took me to Abuja, Nigeria’s new capital city and one of the fastest growing cities in Africa was like taking a fish out of...

Land Of Opportunities (Poetry) 20-03-2007
by Bonita Shaquile Witaba
This Poem is works of Bonniy Shaquile Witaba aka ronaldo(on TIG) Nairobi, The city in the sun, So they call it. Others call it the land of opportunities, Where everyone is always rushing, Busy to listen to anyone But tell me my...

Land Trusts: an inspirational journey (Short Story) 22-12-2009
by EnviroKlaus
On the foggy morning of Thursday, October 29th, 2009, Peter Banks and I set out early to represent Lambton Wildlife Inc (LWI) at the 11th Annual Conference of the Ontario Land Trust Alliance (OLTA). The conference was held at the Kempenfelt Centre...

Las Metas de Desarrollo del Milenio... un listado de buenas intenciones? (Opinions) 16-07-2007
by Solange Márquez
En el año 2000, los líderes de todos el mundo se reunieron en Nueva York, en la sede de las Naciones Unidas para desarrollar y adoptar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODMs) los cuales establecen metas claras para reducir la pobreza, el...

Las papeleras agitaron el debate juvenil en Paysandú (Short Story) 22-03-2006
by Mariela Silvina Fiamingo
El Tercer Encuentro de Jóvenes del Mercosur se llevó a cabo este año en Paysandú a mediados de Febrero. Este evento sirvió para que chicos y chicas de Paraguay, Brasil, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina y España -hubo una delegación de jóvenes...

Le savane de mon enfance (Short Story) 1-02-2008
by R Kahendi
Un petit enfant de trois ans, laissé tout seul, vit dans son monde imaginaire, ne manquant jamais des choses à faire ou des amis avec lequel il peut jouer. Cette situation caractérisait mon enfance, particulièrement après le départ de mon frère...

Learning from Nature (Opinions) 10-09-2007
by George Wiliiam Onyore
So many things happen in life that puzzles even the loftiest mind. Many more happen right under our noses and we pass them as normal happenings in life. The flowers that bloom and blossom by the side walks, the tall trees that seem to stand ever...

Leaves & Styrofoam (Poetry) 6-05-2008
by Angela Sun
Crinkled leaves fly out Brushing past crushed paper cups Littering sidewalks

Let the wind blow, let the eagle soar (Poetry) 25-06-2010
by Chidubem Nwabunze
Let the wind blow, let the eagle soar, Let her wings swing, let them dangle in the sun, Amidst the tide or through the tempest storm, Besieged by dark or at the birth of dawn. Let her days bloom, may there never be gloom, Let her feathers...

Let tomorrow come! (Poetry) 15-06-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Let the children of the world live to see tomorrow shout for the future looks familiar In the face of uncertainties that abound to cross our hearts chasing a generation flee to the promised land My mother was brought up around here but she...

Leveraging the Agriculture Sector in Uganda (Opinions) 8-06-2011
by atuhaire aggrey
If we are to improve our country, we must start with sustainable usage of natural resources. Climate change is no longer a theme in a science fiction; it is now a reality as evidenced by the scanty rains and prolonged droughts. We must accept...

Life Goes On (Poetry) 0-00-0000
by Lewis Best
Would you take it? Would you take it? If you knew it would destroy Would you take it? Would you take it? If you could be anywhere Where would you be on a Sunday? Life goes on, Yet will you survive The horror of this world? Would you...

Life Together (Poetry) 30-05-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Ride the seas, the waves and the tides. Be it more than just a ride, As you sail and as you glide As you'll find yourself, far deep inside. Let the winds calm over the rain Let all love take over all pain. Let it not come to a stop, for...

Life! (Poetry) 26-10-2004
by jeremy chaila
Come see the water flowing free, like herds of untamed horses The streams and springs and falls so deep, more powerful than dams or man-made forces Yet, harnessed, enslaved, made to drive the metal sails, so powerful and wild yet feeble and tame...

Lightning and Lights (Poetry) 8-05-2004
by Moboluwaji Raphael Ojo
Roaring thunder Lightning strike Dark faces of glebe Like morn 'twere The bosky ignite Wildfire that run Quenching its thirst In bounteous fall of rain Mortal act Celestial play On terrestrial plain On both hands Rocks strike...

Limites al Crecimiento (Opinions) 14-03-2007
by Francisco Hurtado
En 1970, el Club de Roma, una asociación privada compuesta por empresarios, científicos y políticos, encargó a un grupo de investigadores del Massachusetts Institute of Technology bajo la dirección del profesor Dennis L. Meadows, la realización de...

Límites al Crecimiento Económico? (Opinions) 18-01-2007
by Francisco Hurtado
En 1970, el Club de Roma, una asociación privada compuesta por empresarios, científicos y políticos, encargó a un grupo de investigadores del Massachusetts Institute of Technology bajo la dirección del profesor Dennis L. Meadows, la realización de...

Listening to Youth (Opinions) 16-10-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
It is true that most youths do not know most of the Millennium Development Goals, and it also true that most who know them have not have the opportunity to showcase what they have done or what they can do to achieve these goals. The question...

Living (Poetry) 14-05-2012
by Haley
When a blooming flower can light up your day, And on clouds in seems you could float away, When the blue waves that crash upon the shore Are enough to make your heart want more, When a passing butterfly gives you pleasure, And...

Local is Beautiful? (Opinions) 27-08-2002
by Ayelen Amigo
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Can you imagine a perfect world just an hour away from your home? Just around the corner? ‘Local Action 21’ may be the answer, the Johannesburg Summit was told here this week. According to the International...

Los jóvenes fondogranderos del siglo XXI (Opinions) 4-10-2008
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
Al momento de la fundación de la comunidad de Fondo Grande, la gente vivía condiciones muy difíciles debido a la falta de muchas facilidades que son necesarias para alcanzar una mediana calidad de vida. Eran los finales de la tiranía de Trujillo,...

Los jóvenes frente al cambio climático (Opinions) 9-12-2009
by aldoivan
El cambio climático es quizás hoy en día el reto más importante que enfrenta la juventud y la humanidad en general. Sus causas son muy probablemente antropogénicas , es decir por causa del hombre, debido al aumento en la emisión de gases de tipo...

Love! Love!! Love!!! (Poetry) 17-05-2004
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
Love! Love!! Love!!! The easiest word to say But many people find it hard to practise Love that has no leg or wing But it can walk and fly high From Tokyo to Lagos From London to New York There is no place beyond love reach Love that...

Loved and Lost (Poetry) 29-04-2004
by Paul Robert Dimmick
Love and lost U tell me u like Your eyes speak a thousand words U make me feel We catch a special moment together the World stops Every time I see u I'm filled with joy It’s gone it’s lost No warning It’s over It hurts u...

LURE OF THE TABOO (Poetry) 5-09-2006
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
It buds in the cradle, The daily suggestion, The cue and mental poison, The shaping and carving of minds To attune to the masses, In bits we’re forged anew, Well packaged and parceled, We are introduced into life, The good with its...

L’acqua: da diritto fondamentale a merce redditizia (Opinions) 19-06-2007
by Francesca Montanari
Le grandi società private stanno investendo grandi quantità di risorse per cercare di impadronirsi della gestione dei servizi pubblici, dove il loro guadagno è così sicuro quanto la nostra dipendenza dall’acqua per la vita. L’acqua sulla Terra è...

L’Eau doit être considérée un droit humain fondamental inviolable (Opinions) 10-11-2005
by Spéro Hector ACKEY
Depuis la nuit des temps, l’eau se retrouve comme une ressource et a toujours occupé une place de premier choix. Comme le citais Antoine de St- Exupery, Il n’a ni goût, ni arôme et donc on peut pas le définir. Mais conclut-il, il est essentiel à...

Mãe, ouve-nos! (Poetry) 9-08-2006
by Leo
Mãe: Somos nós As tuas filhas e filhos Pedaços de ti Mãe: Somos nós Perplexos Perante a tua força Mãe: Somos nós Incapazes de compreender O pouco que de ti há em nós Mãe: Somos nós Querendo as respostas Que não nos podes dar...

Man and Nature (Poetry) 4-01-2008
by A.J. Pereira
Oh, Man! What have thou done to the world? Why got we, these curious minds That destroy their own origin, That being polluted, pollute everything around, That create weapons, to destroy our own kind? Of what use are the minds of men That be...

by Abdullahi Dosunmu
The life of the human being from the moment he arose throughout the entire process of his evolution, has always been closely connected with Mother Nature. His existence would be simply inconceivable without the flora and fauna, which satisfies all...

Man Is The Only Animal That Blushes: Or Needs To (Opinions) 4-09-2002
by Natalie Morris
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – “Man is the only animal that blushes: or needs to.” Mark Twain was right. We should be ashamed of ourselves. Reason being: it has been estimated that humankind produces over a billion tonnes of waste per...

Man, God and the future (Poetry) 21-10-2008
by shantanutungare
I opened my window. In the distant twilight I heard the shrill whistle of a bird, and then there was darkness. I said to myself: Where am I? Is this madness? There were no movements around me; I was surrounded by nothingness, gripped...

Mapping the Way out of Poverty (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Drawing a map is not an obvious solution to tackling poverty. But two major development organisations believe that mapping the distribution of the poor in individual countries can be a big step in the right direction....

by erick ochieng otieno
With the on-going conference on the climate change taking place at the United Nations Environment Program at Gigiri Nairobi Kenya, one thing remains clear - it is quite easy to make promises. What about implementation? If I can remember, a lot has...

MDG Contest: Active Youth, the Effective Solution to Environmental Issues (Opinions) 31-05-2005
by Elvira Nurieva
Man! The time is ripe to rethink! The environment can’t permanently stand such a tremendous destructive impact! Remember, if the environment is poisoned, the feedback will soon be the same - it will poison us! Clearly, it is necessary to...

Meio ambiente nosso de cada dia (Opinions) 18-02-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Qual é a importância do meio ambiente para a sociedade humana? Desde quando essa relação existe? De que forma ela ocorre? Está muito fácil hoje em dia falar em meio ambiente e desenvolvimento ambiental sustentável. Entretanto, nossa sociedade...

MEN NOW DANCE (Poetry) 13-10-2011
by chinedu ichu
Bonfire of the vanities A slight onto God Regardless of its rich flowing regalia Coated with dubious paraphernalia Beneath lies a grim reminder of an age forever lost Humans!!! Devious, treacherous ungrateful servants Always wanting...

Mercosur, más allá de la integración económica (Opinions) 12-12-2008
by Stephanie Vanessa Donoso Ramírez
Durante el 2007 se nos invitó como GEO Juvenil Chile a ser parte de un nuevo desafío, una nueva evaluación ambiental juvenil bajo el alero de PNUMA, pero esta vez abarcando un ámbito geográfico mucho más amplio, me refiero al MERCOSUR. Debo...

Mining and Migration in Kenya (Opinions) 20-12-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
All over the world, people associate migration wit aftermaths of war, famine, and other related problems. However, here in Kenya a group of certain communities are bound to face forced migration from the hands of the government that is supposed to...

Mobile technology: very positive impact and still moving forward (Opinions) 24-02-2009
by Mahamed Osman
Mobile technology is becoming significantly widespread in the Horn of Africa. Consequently, a lot people are dependent on mobile technology for their daily lives. It was just years ago that I got connected to mobile. Beyond normal communication,...

Modern American Haiku # 1 (Poetry) 5-03-2008
by corpcharlie
Charged voids -- Consummate Fill with joy

Moments (Poetry) 30-03-2004
by Enyinna Onwusonye
I wonder why a moment of darkness exists in human life. A moment of desperation and confusion, A moment of frustration and when you feel like you weren’t born, A moment when everything seems bleak and difficult, A moment that breeds anguish...

Monsoon Midnight (Poetry) 21-08-2005
by Saad Javed
The sleazy heat of the monsoon midnight, the humid breaths of the seductress Spreading her deep, dark locks over my sight, showing her black veil, I wanted to caress Seizing my attention, my love, my affection, the sorceress of night...

Mother Nature (Poetry) 30-09-2008
by Tess
Frozen in time... When civilization went to sleep, Under the earth– Unknown is their history... How one man lived his life, Until nature took it in fury. One hundred years or so? No one knew Until a guiding light came in. We found...

Mother Nature Cries for a Nation Plundered to Death (Poetry) 16-12-2005
by simeon ifarinde
A nation at the brink: crumbles at the Hands of death. In reminiscence: the Past deeds of our heros might have been lumped (bagged) for the dump, the cod of prosperity thrown for a lot, mumped by the dogs: a non-ruminant, ravaging the...

Mothers Fight Silent Killer (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Ayelen Amigo
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Mothers of the world have a frontline role in fighting the “silent killer’” of water disease. Their battle cry: “Wash your hands!” This was the message given to the World Summit on Sustainable Development by South...

Mountain of Hope (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – It's only a small hill but they call it the Mountain of Hope. In the heart of Soweto, the vision of one man, local activist Mandla Mentoor, together with the energy of the community have transformed the hill of...

Mourning Doves (Poetry) 29-04-2004
by a
Peace of mind Reality or fantasy Surreal or real Struggle of the senses War for the love of peace Conflicting existence Desire of peace But mandate war Crave for the Yearning, mourning, craving To exist with enemies That pacify you,...

Moving Car & Others (Poetry) 25-04-2004
by Awosusi Oluwatope
Moving Car Moving car, wait for me Take me to the church Please, wait for me And take me to the church Star My star, arise and shine Shine all over And let the world see my light I Shall Go Where to? I am going home Will...

My Challenge; My Action (Opinions) 2-08-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
My community development is one of the most pressing issues in my agenda as a youth. That is why I have no alternative but to work out the change, voice out and act. That is also the reason we should not pretend that we haven't got very major...

My City (Opinions) 30-06-2004
by caesar
My City is a city filled with waves of culture that come and go, depending on the times and peoples. My City is a spot that is blessed with the great Lake Victoria at its disposal, the shores that are never wild with waves, but gentle and...

My City’s Big Smokers (Opinions) 28-06-2004
by Charles Makanga Sendegeya
When you think of smokers, your first thought most likely goes to those cigar-wielding fellows across the street. Yes, there are actually many more people smoking in Kampala city; in hotels, restaurants, offices and other areas. But this time...

My day (Poetry) 23-11-2009
by David
Good morning to you all It's three a.m already Something to eat? Do you care for tea? Any left over, yesterday No, manage till you come Yaba, yaba enter with your change Oh no-o! My cloth is torn Your cushion chair is the cause Get down...

My Monsoons, My Autumns (Opinions) 30-10-2005
by Saad Javed
I am putting on weight. The worst part is that I have started enjoying my expansion. It gratifies the silly me. How? Everyone knows that matter expands as mercury rises but the stark contrast is my case. Autumn has set in, winter is approaching...

My Part of the Sin (Poetry) 25-03-2004
by Madan G. Gandhi
The sight Of broken limbs; The maimed and dead Brought home Amidst beating of drums. The shrieks Of babes and women, Of wailing bangles---- The sobs of vermillioned earth. With every sip of wine, Drink blood And suffer for my part of...

My Perfect World (Poetry) 21-01-2008
by mystic408
Wow! A world with no poverty, pain and suffering, A world with no big chimneys and no chemicals, A world with humans and animals roaming free- I want to see this. No garden path and no fences, Yes, that would be something about which even...

Mystic Love (Poetry) 25-10-2004
by Dereje Amera
I have feelings of high emotions Vibrating so deep inside To share feelings or passions When I see rose, it looks like Watching the sun, it brings it up Looking at moon, vitalizes whole Stars alone offer a life Birds singing, I say it...

Myth! (Poetry) 29-09-2006
by gabriel babatunde oluwakorede
"Earth, a paradise" The statement becomes a myth Planet earth, a reality Existence of Paradise on earth Is never a truth About our cruel world, Rotates on its axis Faces the light awhile And turns to the dark side Peace surfaces today...

Nairobi: The challenges of urban and peri-urban agriculture,” Voices of the poor” (Opinions) 16-04-2007
by .
At a crowded junction along the road from Nairobi to Garissa, Jane Wanjiru and Virginia Wairimu chase after the buses, selling milk. Their customers hang from the windows, engulfed in diesel fumes. These two middle-aged ladies have been selling...

Nairobi: The challenges of urban and peri-urban agriculture,” Voices of the poor” (Opinions) 16-04-2007
by .
At a crowded junction along the road from Nairobi to Garissa, Jane Wanjiru and Virginia Wairimu chase after the buses, selling milk. Their customers hang from the windows, engulfed in diesel fumes. These two middle-aged ladies have been selling...

nature isle development (Poetry) 19-06-2006
Nature island development: Should be about Lahoma Toloma Culture, agriculture The herbs, the birds Not cuss words Not buzz words But the young, the old Of experiences, not pretenses Of action, not reaction Of decisions, not...

Nature's Best (Poetry) 30-11-2004
by (Serah Katusia)Tussi
As I look out the summer window I see birds fly high above Blue skies The radiant sun I think What a beauty, what a wonder Creation is a wonder Think of the lofty mountain peaks The stream running by The waterfalls, The little...

need of global community to protect environment (Opinions) 2-09-2005
The development of the modern technology and human intervention on using natural resources made the world highly vulnerable. This is because excessive use of natural resources without giving proper attention on the environment creates a series of...

Needs (Poetry) 27-03-2004
by prernac
Water doesn’t seem to Quench the thirst anymore... Nor is the lake, A fulfillment for the oceans to grasp. Wants become needs, Needs that are to be satisfied. Through this are we pushed, To the depths of our mind. Seeking refuge and...

Never Again! (Poetry) 7-07-2007
by Mervis Ifeoma Emelife
It all started like a dream, When I thought I was a hero Only to wake up and realize that I was a total zero At first, it was all fun really on the run We all were going to have fun, all except the nuns. Felt I was a lucky chap But it...

Never Say Die (Poetry) 0-00-0000
by Moboluwaji Raphael Ojo
When There is no father to guide Mother to comfort And brother to help In the time of need The so called friends Are exchanging fists For warm handshakes Or they never exist Then the world seems Like a dark endless hall Echoing a lonely...

New Year Pointer (Poetry) 14-12-2008
by Sion Lion
1. Is it about generosity or is it about pain Is it about malice or is about togetherness Is it about the way things to go, or to drain? I thought all could go through, for it is development I can still here the noise of someone...

Niebla Potable (Short Story) 7-10-2005
Niebla Potable El programa 21 de la Cumbre para la Tierra dice que los jóvenes de todos los lugares del mundo debemos participar en el proceso de adopción de decisiones ambientales, especialmente cuando se trata de la protección del medio...

Nigeria is mine (Poetry) 0-00-0000
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
Even when others reject you I will always be there for you Because I pledged my allegiance to you I believe in your existence I trust your ability Even when the going was getting tough You firmly remained stronger than ever Many rain...

Nigeria; The Giant of Africa (Poetry) 0-00-0000
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
Nigeria, You are the giant of Africa The most populous nation in Africa And the tenth in global population You re not just big Nor just heavily populated Your largeness as a nation Is also blessed with invaluable resources Your south is...

Nmepe Obodo! (Poetry) 3-12-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
Nmepe bu ihe di oke mpka Na obodo anyi ugbu a Okacha si ugbu a anyi Batara na ochichi onye kwu uche ya Nmepe, gini bu kwanu nmepe? Nmepe bu uzo esi akwado obodo O bu uzo esi ekuli aku na uba Obodo obula ka ha welite isi elu Ogwula?...

No Great Expectations Here (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Natalie Morris
The Global Youth Reporters in Johannesburg are seeking the views of the ‘youth delegates’ on some of the national teams at the WSSD. This is the first of their reports....

No More but Pain... (Poetry) 0-00-0000
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
When will my lecturer Call my marks without His palm stretched out? Or my classmates understand That the score of their Attempt is better-off? And our leaders? To understand that the Strength of every nation. Is us! The time is...

No Revenge (Poetry) 26-04-2004
by Elizabeth Pyjov
No I don’t want your head on a silver platter Instead I wash my hands Smile, and Bless you In any of the four directions

Noch ein Tod (Poetry) 23-09-2006
by Sisch
Noch ein Tod. Es fehlt etwas, alles ist nur bloße Form. Nur noch Leere Dort, wo ich Gefühle einst verbarg. Habe ich das Bündel abgeworfen? Liegt es auf den asphaltierten Straßen? Ballast im Wettlauf mit der Zeit Der letzte Bruch im...

Normal or Different? (Poetry) 27-12-2006
by Kevin A. Ferreira
Look around, At life all around, People complaining, People following, Doing what they will, People acting without thinking, Quickly sinking into the world. To live in a world, Where people depend on others, For their ideas, Of not...

Nueva forma de protesta en Valdivia (Opinions) 16-05-2005
by Victoria O
Debido a que el alcalde y los concejales de la ciudad de Valdivia apoyan firmemente a la empresa CELCO, la ciudadanía no pudo realizar actividades planeadas, para el día sábado 14 de mayo, ya que el permiso se les fue negado, y otorgado a la gente...

Nyalenda and Manyatta Slums in Kisumu City Western Kenya - the Epitomes of Poverty and Neglect (Short Story) 17-03-2006
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
A walk through the narrow, filthy gangways, crawling with criminals, hunger, disease, and seedy housing, in the Nyalenda and Manyatta slums leaves one asking whether there are proper policy frameworks in the Kenyan nation to take care of people...

O caminho contrário do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Opinions) 13-12-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Por: Efraim Neto* Que o mundo está passando por transformações sociais e econômicas, não é novidade. Enquanto a crise econômica vigente acumula perdas históricas à nossa sociedade, e faz com que uma pequena parcela seleta da sociedade repense...

Oaxaca's Wonderful Ecodiversity (Opinions) 10-12-2002
by Alexandra
Along the Pacific Coast, the lagoons of Manialtepec and Chacahua have always been my favourite, with their huge number of unique bird species, not even matched by the number of birdwatchers along the main road between the two lagoons. Within a...

Objectification (Poetry) 17-07-2007
by Tanya Campman
I am like the tree that stands alone in an open field, just waiting to be struck by lightning. But on a good day, can provide shade to the Earth underneath its branches but nothing else because who would want to convene under a tree in such an odd...

Ocean of tears (Poetry) 6-05-2010
by Louis-Mathieu Lavoie
As they crush everything along their way As they cut everything on their trail Never the same will it stay Humanity is going to fail All this time lost in history It will disappear in a single sigh It will become like an old movie...

Oil Price Saga (Opinions) 29-10-2004
by Henry Ekwuruke
The Precarious position of any society or nation could be traced to the unplanned foundations laid by her leaders and the government (those functionaries placed in charge of her welfare). When such a country for instance experiences some...

Oil: An Instrument of Global Political Corruption (Opinions) 13-11-2003
by Enefe,
Crude oil or black gold as it is popular tagged, which is a free gift of nature or God, which in itself is a raw and natural resource, has become something which the devil himself has made his interest in it felt. Crude oil is one of a large group...

Ojitos cerrados (Poetry) 14-08-2007
by Cristino Alberto Gómez Luciano
Con los ojitos cerrados quiero llegar a mi tierra, en una oscura noche de luna nueva. No quiero ver ni sentir la tristeza de la carretera. Quiero llorar ahora y que al llegar mis lágrimas tal vez hayan secado mis ojos y así jamás...

Omega Psi Phi (Poetry) 24-12-2007
by Tiffany Saxon
Highest ideals and intellect were born to three men named... Love Cooper And Coleman with the greatest respect. yet, these three men developed a legend that will last through all eternity. The legend as we know it is called... OMEGA PSI...

On The Plateau (Poetry) 10-09-2004
by Moboluwaji Raphael Ojo
Your entrance is full Of manmade forest And located High above sea level Altitude distincts you Makes you very amiable Many testify of your loveliness Your hills very salient Laughter of Kurra falls Noisier than that of Assop's Rayfeild...

OP-ED: Have we learned how to live? (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Charles Makanga Sendegeya
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – A wise old gentleman retired and purchased a modest home near a secondary school close to my home. He spent the first two weeks of his retirement in peace. Then a new school year began. The very next afternoon, three...

Opposites Attract: Environment and Business an Emerging Industry (Opinions) 12-04-2008
by Jonathan Frank
Opposites Attract: Environment and Business an Emerging Industry A Report on the 2008, 2nd Annual Environment and Business Conference, Hosted by The University of Waterloo Jonathan Frank TakingITGlobal, Editor: Environment and...

Organizaciones juveniles: Entre su pasado y su futuro (Opinions) 16-04-2005
by Rolando Zapata Rumiche
Desde hace algunos años, transito entre las librerías y bibliotecas de mi ciudad, buscando información que pueda ayudarme a comprender los vértices tan diferentes que posee el tema ambiental. En una de esas búsquedas, me topé con un artículo el...

Our curse, our cross, our choice (Poetry) 21-07-2008
by Adebayo Waidi Gbenro
Taah! Taah! Somebody has been shot. Taah! Taah! Somebody has been robbed. Taah! Taah! Somebody is dead. Somebody? Who is this somebody? You, me, him or her. If it is him today, It could be her next; It might even be me, Or you, the next...

Our Environment Needs To Be Preserve (Opinions) 25-10-2007
by Ishmael Dumbuya
The importance of the components of the environment is the focus of preservation, so that man will continue to enjoy its benefit. It is everybody’s concern about how we can keep the varied resources from depletion or extinction; hence we have to...

Our Fellow Creatures (Opinions) 27-10-2002
by Andy Carloff
Our Fellow Creatures By Punkerslut It is the notion of our time that non-human animals exist for the advancement of the human species. In whatever field -- cookery, fashion, blood-sports -- it is held that we can only be concerned with...

Our last chance (Opinions) 23-09-2006
by Elwyn Hawthorn
AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL CONCERNED PEOPLE The next 10 years will determine whether the human race is going to survive on this planet for much longer. It is up to the politicians in all countries to implement survival strategies immediately. Forget...

Our Weather (Opinions) 4-02-2004
by Timmy
Usually when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is that of the weather. Presently the weather is now more than just a conversation starter, it has become a matter of concern to people all over the world. What happening to our weather? According...

Out and about Kitengela: The Maasai livelihoods, livestock and wildlife. (Opinions) 23-04-2007
by .
Seki Solonka has a wind-worn face that bears the mark of the 20 or more years she has been tending livestock. She owns 160 hectares where her 30 head of cattle graze. She also admits to having as many goats as sheep. But asking a Maasai how much...

Out of Many One People (Opinions) 20-10-2003
by Tamoy
According to the Oxford dictionary the process of integration involves combining a part or parts into one whole and this process can be used to refer to a number of things. We can integrate baking ingredients and the final product would be a...

Participación Ciudadana y los Objetivos del Milenio (Opinions) 5-04-2005
by Rolando Zapata Rumiche
Es interesante, para hablar sobre la participación ciudadana y su relación con los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, hacer mención al actual Código del Medio Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales, en el artículo I de su Título Preliminar:...

Partnerships for Sustainable Development (Opinions) 10-08-2012
by Rade Glomazic
If we accept the concept of sustainable development as a leading vision of mutually entangled factors, and overcome the associated problems of today on a planetary level, then three new supportive steps should put a socially responsible business...

past, present and future (Poetry) 14-01-2004
by katherine watson
Fresh winds, biting Crisp on cleanly shaven skin Slowly they came In hundreds, to begin with Each with stories yet to happen. Salt stinging, bleary blue eyes Lungs filled, pure unused air, Untouched But with time, winds blew stronger...

Pay for emissions: the developed world's responsibility (Opinions) 14-10-2009
by Dr.N.Radha krishna
Picture, Wind power, by Maggie Chou , licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License . America and other developed countries damage the environment with huge emissions before they realised their drastic effect on the...

Peaceful protests turn deadly in the Peruvian Amazon (Opinions) 17-07-2009
by Samantha Hodder
(Photo from the AIDESEP website ) How many know of the struggles of those in the jungles of Peru? How many must die before the world will listen? Why did anyone have to die? Why wasn’t their peaceful struggle to save the Amazon enough to get...

Phenomenum of a Queue: The Human Factor (Opinions) 5-11-2003
by Temi Ige
A queue, a condition, which has baffled scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists alike, a child’s spelling nightmare and a word which adults never even want to hear, a portrait of human orderliness, yet a vivid example of human...

Planet Earth (Opinions) 20-02-2003
by Jose Menacho Galiano
Nowadays “Planet Earth?Eis in the border line of dangerous. Human race committed lot of disasters across history. From animals extinctions to rainforest depredation, people don’t understand what so fragile is our Planet. In the last 60 years,...

Plant a billion tree campaign: What role do the youth have? (Opinions) 3-06-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
If there is anything that needed to be said with regards to the issues of restoring the world’s forest cover, which is a crucial aspect of global carbon sink, it has all been said. Many though still wander what needs to be done concerning the...

Plants and Planets II (Poetry) 27-07-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
You are so young, my son, As you reach out far towards the sun. I sit here withered, wretched in reach, Without a leaf. As you be all of the brightest green And can be seen Deep from the pastures, From the villages, and from the...

Play to Win & Others (Poetry) 13-04-2004
by Awosusi Oluwatope
Play to Win Players play to win I want to play to win Win a gold Winners are bold Help My friend is crying Because he lost his pencil I am willing To help him with a pencil Story Story, story, story It is time for...

PNMC enfrenta dificuldade em articular idéias para mitigação (Opinions) 4-11-2008
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Em diálogo sobre mitigação às mudanças climáticas, Estados apontam necessidade em apontar questões locais. Por: Efraim Neto Se dependesse de um debate maior e mais aproximado da sociedade civil organizada e dos Fóruns Estaduais de...

Polluting our necessities (Opinions) 8-03-2005
by Hania Aslam
Noisy, polluting cars, “black soup” from factories entering water bodies, piles of plastic bags around every locality, solid waste burning, improper water drainage during rainfall, the River Ravi turning into a sewer, a water sample from a...

Pollution (Poetry) 14-12-2009
by Marissa
Pollution is everywhere Killing animals here and there Beauty of the Earth disguised with trash Manifestation of disposal like cigarette ash Why is pollution so easy Like making macaroni and cheesy Clean up after yourselves; don't be lazy...

Pollution and our Earth (Opinions) 15-01-2003
by Melissa S.
Our earth is getting destroyed because of pollution, fishing, waste, and many more things. What are we doing to help? 1) Pollution- Industries have big chimneys that blows out so much smoke, that’s not smoke; they are what cause pollution....

Poor Man’s Drink No More (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Lauren Kansley
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – When the poor people from a rural town in Zimbabwe were hungry or sick they used to head into the forest to collect leaves from the Makoni bush to brew up as a tea. Now they are aiming to bring it to world markets....

Por una nueva cultura del agua (Opinions) 29-04-2006
by Adrián Contursi-Reynoso
Empecemos esto no como un típico relato de viajes, empecemos esto como lo que es, la necesidad de abrir los ojos hacia nuestro futuro inmediato, la necesidad de que los y las jóvenes tomen hoy un papel comprometido en la creación de ese futuro....

POSSIBILITIES EMERGE...... (Opinions) 10-01-2007
by Adriana Sassoon
Possibilities Emerge ... Possibilities emerge when we earnestly search for what is hindering our destiny to flow naturally. There are times when it seems that we are going round and round in circles about the same situation and our...

Poverty and the rural African youth (Opinions) 28-02-2008
Poverty has always been associated with the rural populace in Africa, agreeably due to poor infrastructural development in rural Africa. Although poverty eradication has always been a major focus of international organizations, governments and Non...

Privatizing Development in Africa (Opinions) 18-03-2008
by Henry Ekwuruke
There has been considerable progress on achieving the Millennium Development Goals since their inception in 2000. But, despite the best efforts of governments, reaching those goals by the 2015 target date still remains a distant prospect for many...

Public Transport & Sustainable Development in Developing Countries (Opinions) 17-10-2005
by S Joshipura
In the 21st Century, humanity has made great progress in the fields of science and technology, thereby making human life more comfortable. However, do we ever spare a thought for the impact it has on our environment? As far as the developed...

Punctuality Denied (Short Story) 14-02-2005
by D'Arcy Juni
Driven; you choose to mislead yourself again, or what's left of you. Your corrupted spawn has something to say, but little does it matter. Muzzled and caged she bleeds... stripped of her dignity, scorned and abhorred. You murdered her...

Puppet (Poetry) 8-02-2006
by Carly T
Cute, cuddly, harmless A little doll that does nothing Controlled Manipulated Hanging, dancing on the string Where has the world gone to People are controlled Enraged, empowered Stepping on the little people To get where society says...

QUOI POUR 2015 ; De la définition à l'exemple... (Opinions) 8-06-2005
La crise de l\'environnement est devenue en quelques décennies un sujet majeur d\'inquiétude. Elle résulte de la conjonction entre l\'explosion démographique, le gaspillage des ressources naturelles et les désordres écologiques induits en...

Rain (Poetry) 11-07-2007
by Poonam
rain comes down gently you think its nice because it gave life to your plants but you never know when it will turn into a storm and when it will strike you with lightning you never know when the thunder surrounds you...

Rain drop (Poetry) 20-05-2008
by luki
When a rain drop leaves the cloud to an undestined place through an unchanneled path it holds life and hope to those who seek a drop of life with a gaze into the sky the thunder rumbles and lightning strikes some hide for cover, some...

Rainforests and Their Importance (Opinions) 2-04-2003
by Pooja
People have been destroying the rainforests for a long time. They don�t realize the importance of it. Actually, rainforest means a land of green where animals and trees live in peace. Rainforests are very peaceful places where lots of green...

Rank Betrayal (Poetry) 25-03-2004
by Madan G. Gandhi
Whom may the helpless babe complain? When slain by none else Than on whose knees He trustfully sleeps? When his trustee, his ruler, his priest Gives him away in betrayal To wolves in sheep's clothing Whom should he call for succour?...

Raw Philosophy (Poetry) 12-12-2007
Leaves. Leaves drop to earth Some grey, some orange Some dry and cracking A branding construct Humanity’s endeared to, Yes, endeared to, forever! Birds flap their wings In merriment to the Change of day, another day. I can hear them...

Reality (Poetry) 27-03-2004
by prernac
I shut my eyes, And let my mind roam To take me somewhere, Far away from my home. And I reach a place, Where there’s nothing but peace All that surrounds me is nature And I feel the cool breeze Blowing against my face, Swaying the leaves...

Realization of National Water Policy: Need of the Hour (Opinions) 2-06-2003
by Sudhira H. S.
In as much as the ensuing drama both by political leaders and the real life actors, the Cauvery river water, sharing issue was in the news for some time now in India. The insufficient rains in the Cauvery upper river catchment area was blamed for...

Recession vs. Life (Short Story) 12-07-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
As I shed my tears upon some of the ways that the Costa Rican people survive in life, I have to also withdraw the same tears. Many of the Costa Rican people have nothing. The weather is in their favor, as it is never cold enough to take your...

Reclaiming Open Spaces: The Responsibility of Individuals, the Community and the Government (Opinions) 7-08-2003
The subject of reclaiming open spaces has continued to resonate throughout the minds of environment-conscious individuals across the globe, particularly in the USA. In America, there is an increasing awareness of the need to foster "open space"...

Recycling should be taken seriously in the United States (Opinions) 29-01-2007
A well-developed state is the one that develops in every part or sector of its government. The New Jersey government claims that the Garden State is a developed state, but to me it’s not developed because acts of state in accordance to its...

Rencontre de la jeunesse (Opinions) 28-01-2006
by Mboumba Yrene
Jeunesse Francophone en ERE Rencontre internationale des jeunes francophones sur L’éducation à l’environnement et le développement durable Du 20 au 28 novembre 2004, environ 150 jeunes de l’espace francophone se sont retrouvés à Ouagadougou pour...

Repent! (Poetry) 6-04-2004
by Linda Adzanku
He knows what you're feeling, He sees your eyes crying. He knows that you're dying, He feels your heart bleeding. You just gotta believe him, And put your trust in him. He'll never deceive you, He'll protect and keep you. So all...

Report from the IYPF and YES WSSD Side Event (Opinions) 30-10-2002
by International Young Professionals Founda
Report on the work of the IYPF and YES at the World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg August 26 – September 4, 2002 Background: The International Young Professionals Foundation (IYPF) and the Youth Employment Summit (YES)...

Report World Youth Urban Forum: “For a better urban future” (Short Story) 2-05-2009
by St Eloi Alker
By focusing on the report of the Board Meeting UN-Habitat, entitled Our Urban Future, which studies the impact of urbanization on people's lives and the global environment, Mr. Rob De Jon Director of the section of the urban environment program...

Represión en la Plaza de Toros (Opinions) 15-02-2006
by Carlos García-Robles
México D.F., 5 de febrero 2006, 60 aniversario de la Plaza de Toros México Los organizadores, convocantes y participantes de la marcha contra las corridas de toros y las celebraciones del 60 aniversario de la Plaza de Toros México, decidimos...

Restoring Canada’s Urban National Park (Short Story) 25-08-2009
by Thomas Sarmiento
My Call to Action plan proposal involved working in conjunction with the sustainable development organization Evergreen to help co-ordinate a park restoration event. This would also give me the opportunity to discuss with the staff and others...

Revelations from Katrina (Opinions) 2-11-2005
by Yambwa, Nziya Jean-Pierre
Respected by some, feared by others, fascinating all, America today raises a lot of questions about his leadership around the world. Some facts seem to question his real capacity to play alone his recognized world leadership role. His quest in...

Risk of Arsenic Poisoning (Short Story) 14-08-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Thirty years ago, the Bangladeshi government started to pump clean groundwater in order to maintain public health. Before that, surface water from the rivers was the country’s lone water source. Due to the intense pumping, groundwater resources...

Rough Music in Kampala Slums (Opinions) 24-12-2006
by Ssendagire Paul
The Kampala district is composed of a good number of slums. Many people in the district live in slums like Katanga, Bwaise, Kalerwe, Kisenyi, Kivvulu, among others. Many “good and bad” Ugandans leave villages for greener pastures in cities. Yet in...

Route espoir (Poetry) 25-02-2008
by diomi kuloka
Tes sillons aux longs traits Laisse entrevoir ce vouloir de continuité tracée Comme par la main d'un habile dessinateur Route d'escalade, pente forcée aux contours à risque Aux virages sans vue ; aune de l'improviste Venant des sens...

SAF-Nepal (Short Story) 21-11-2007
by Social Concern and awareness forum-
Social Concern and Awareness Forum Nepal (SAF- Nepal) is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-government organization working for a peaceful and democratic Nepal. It was established in 2003 by a group of students and youth, seeking peace in a...

Sahara Desert (Poetry) 16-05-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Like the heart of a nursing Mother numbs over a nubile daughter, Or the heart of a father munches and is muddled Over the mundane state of any man dying, Or the murk moves shown By the modern day muezzin From the minaret of Ivory Tower,...

Salinas (Poetry) 2-05-2007
by Lize-Leandra Ehlers
Salinas Little Salinas baby Your mothers’ eyes are empty The veins on her breasts Seep full with troubles Troubles her empty eyes have seen She chews Manijok like bread The most typical African root Her body tattered and torn Maternal...

Save Mother Earth (Poetry) 9-08-2004
I saw, The food on the table, The herd of the herbalist, who is able, The furniture in the halls, The splendour at the falls, The leather belt on the man, And the silk on the woman, Then I remember the gift Of Mother Nature concealed In...

Save Mother Earth (Poetry) 9-05-2010
by Priya Verma
We pray to the earth as Mother Earth. But she has been exploited by mixing poisonous fertilizers into the land, which is affecting our environment and injuring our health. We have a tradition of honoring rivers. Pouring so much...

Save our soul (Poetry) 20-12-2009
by emmanuel abiodun olabode
Let life remain green Hill, mountain and valley take natural peculiarities Let the celestial body in the blue sky Envelop our fragilities Let the angle that defines the confines of the universe Maintain its integrities Let’s save our soul....

Save the Queen (Poetry) 4-03-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
She’s swaddled in her cradle Like the moon ensconced in the sky In veils of immaculate rays Fledges the babe in a pristine billow The day in nightly webs beclouds As tho’ pains would ever persist Yet, brighter shall the morn be Dawning...

Saving Nairobi River (Opinions) 14-01-2009
Nairobi river has been on the map of Kenya since the existence of the world.During the non-colonial time and the colonial time.It was pure and people used to quench their thirst from it.You would see children playing and swimming in it.What a...

Scientific Research and Implementations Key to Africa and the Third World’s Development (Opinions) 10-11-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The contribution of scientific discoveries to human socio-economic growth and development over the last few centuries is enormous. It is because of scientific findings that human beings can, for example, now live in well-built structures and eat...

Seasons (Poetry) 18-09-2004
by Ralph Omega
In the ending of summer next comes fall, Fall begins to move on in, The begining of Fall is quite a sight The falling leaves, The crisp cool nights The middle of fall, The leaves are falling, The weather is colder,...

Shade of sunshine (Poetry) 21-11-2009
by Priya Verma
Slip and slide into sunshine As the reflections float Face resurfaces from the depth of shadow it opens up the sunny side wades humbly through the troubled waters to reach the shore The shore and the Boatman bosk in the yellow warth...

She Does Not Deny (Poetry) 4-08-2004
by Joshua Bleser
“There are too many of them”, whispers the old woman. She is old, her voice is soft; The words swim out of her thin colourless lips Like butterflies; blue and yellow ones, silky wings. But there are no more butterflies, and her skin is tired,...

Shifting strategies: could it be the answer? (Opinions) 6-02-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
A lot has been said about the need to include the youth in many problem solving issues such as policy development, action towards realization of such policies and indeed this implementations. The question that is supposed to be asked by all the...

Simplicity is not poverty (Opinions) 14-02-2008
by Jay-R Patron
Natural capital, as Dr. James Martin explains it in The Meaning of the 21st Century (Riverhead Books 2006), refers to the environmental resources that fuel man's insatiable need to live and practice culture. Unfortunately, we have thought of...

Skipping Childhood (Opinions) 27-06-2007
by Wilson
Millions of children have been poured into the streets of all urban centers in the developing world; they are the by-product of the absorbent modern society that often centralizes jobs, housing and services, where those who cannot afford it do not...

so plenty, yet so far away (Opinions) 28-07-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Ever been in a situation where you have a lot yet can not use any. Well that is where the world is heading to. If we do not take a lot of care for our environment and the atmosphere, then what affects the British Isles and most parts of the world...

So What About the U.S? (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Natalie Morris
Johannesburg, August 2002 (GYRP) - "Almost all of the world has been in Johannesburg discussing the urgency of sustainable development, and the United States has been in Washington this week discussing a potential war on Iraq. These are two...

Socially-conscious travel (Opinions) 20-11-2008
by Stacia
In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of tour groups offering ‘responsible tourism’, ‘volunteer trips’, and ‘socially conscious travel’. These groups advertise travel with a conscience- i.e., tours are complemented by volunteer work...

Something Awesome About You (Poetry) 12-07-2008
by Ositadimma Amakeze
This piece is dedicated to all who care for the sick, those despite the odds and ordeals of attending to the sick and the dying stand chivalrously to the end. With tears of awe, I honour you…. I could still see the gloom That clouded her...

Sometimes… (Poetry) 12-12-2007
Sometimes… It’s just too tough Too tough to decipher Raw and pure honey From mere tree-bark syrup; Sometimes… It’s easy to rub a dog’s nose A dog’s nose with sweet scents Confused for real dog bones Dog isn’t stupid though....

Srinagar in the Spring of 2009 (Short Story) 14-07-2009
by svenja bary
Mounting the plane bound for Srinagar from New Delhi, I bump shoulders with Indian soldiers tagged with double “R”s on their sleeves. Others have the word “Artillery” stitched to their collars. I am heading for an area in Northern India where...

Stop à la destruction de l'écosystème mangrove (Opinions) 23-08-2007
by Bemoute serge Mario
L'écosystème mangrove couvrent une superficie de près de 250 000 hectares. Les mangroves se retrouvent globalement dans l'estuaire du Rio del Rey au Nord dans l'estuaire du Cameroun et dans l'estuaire du Ntem. Leur importance dans l'écosystème...

Student Group Targets Corporate Elites (Interviews) 9-11-2008
by Jonathan Frank
On November 3, 2008 in Waterloo, Ontario a student activist group, Anti-War @ Laurier, from Wilfred Laurier University targeted Manulife Financial for their leadership role in the North American Competitiveness Council (NACC) and the Security and...

Students Against Global Warming (Interviews) 14-05-2012
by Laura
Climate Change is a topic which has been circulating our everyday lives for some time. With the increase of scientific data on greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide trapping heat from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, the earth’s climate has...

Suddenly (Poetry) 12-03-2006
by lucy wagereka
The atmosphere suddenly changed What was blue and white was now grey and dark Like a monster forming and ready to attack Down its all noisy and confused Sideways- children, mothers and fathers Run for safety And I in the middle not really...

Suivant les pas du Prix Nobel Al Gore ... (Poetry) 18-06-2008
by Yassir El Ouarzadi
Suivons les pas du Prix Nobel Al Gore, Qui des changements climatiques est devenu le ténor Grâce à son militantisme très fort Pour cette cause qu'il adore ! Suivant les pas du Prix Nobel Al Gore, Je m'informe, je découvre et j'explore,...

SUMMIT INTERVIEWS: Severn Cullis Suzuki: International Child of Rio (Opinions) 22-09-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Severn Cullis Suzuki was a very unusual 11-year-old. Where other children were more concerned about their next Christmas present, she was addressing government delegations from all over the world at the Rio Earth...

SUMMIT SNIPPET: Ticket to Save (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Alan Wu
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – German delegates flying out to the World Summit on Sustainable Development had air tickets as usual, but they also had ‘Climate Tickets.’ This is an innovative youth-driven project designed to help offset carbon...

SUMMIT SNIPPET: “To Summit Up…The Price of Bush” (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Dan Jones
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – What price to bring President George W. Bush to the World Summit on Sustainable Development? The US delegation to the Johannesburg Summit has announced the largest contribution of aid to the developing world since...

SUMMIT SNIPPETS: How Many Americans? (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Dan Jones
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – How many delegates make a delegation? In the case of the United States, it seems to be a state secret. A U.S spokesman declined to confirm or deny rumours that there are 300 American delegates in Johannesburg for...

Sunny Side Up (WSSD) (Opinions) 29-08-2002
by Lauren Kansley
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – A hearty meal of beans, veggies and rice might not be considered tasty fare by most delegates at Johannesburg’s Summit on Sustainable Development, but a small sidewalk exhibit with this on offer attracted lots of...

Sustainable Development (Opinions) 6-02-2003
by samuel isichei
Sustainable development is not a game; the world cannot handle being played with. Greed seems to conquer reason far too much. Sustainable development means fighting for our common future and a dignity for all. A change is both necessary and...

Sustainable Development (Opinions) 28-10-2004
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
The concept of Sustainable Development is one, which is wrought with tremendous complexities especially as it regards the issues to be considered as priorities in the process of technological advancement. The Brundtland Commission, 1987,...

Sustainable Development for Tropical Species (Opinions) 4-05-2012
by Kathryn Sabo
Global warming is an environmental phenomenon that touches everyone on the planet. But, homosapiens are not the only species affected by global warming. In the animal kingdom, animals native to tropical regions are affected significantly more...

Sustainable Development: Is it a reality or a phantom? (Opinions) 26-08-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Everyone in the world yearns for a better life. It takes different forms of needs. There are those who want to have industries built for them and get employed, there are those who want a better infrastructure, such as proper roads -so as to have a...

Sustainable Transportation in South Africa (Opinions) 10-01-2007
by Kristinne Sanz
The Myths and Realities of BRT in South Africa A reaction paper on the article “South Africa’s Legacy or Lost Opportunity: The 2010 World Cup and Beyond ” by Lloyd Wright. Elitist. This aptly describes transportation in South Africa...

Symptom 6 (Poetry) 29-04-2004
by Shawn Stoddard
A final message: We reinvent the words. Why won't they change their minds? Their satellites came crashing to the sea. The dolls lost their dresses and We reinvented the world. But with the hull collapse, I feel the rushing water...

Take Your Step to Actualize Your Dream (Poetry) 6-05-2004
by Eric A Ahuruonye
One flower can make a garden blossom One wish can make a dream come true One tree start a forest One bird can herald a spring One smile can begin a friendship One handclap can give upliftment One star can guide a ship One word can...

Tambo Grande (Opinions) 27-05-2005
by Rolando Zapata Rumiche
TAMBOGRANDE: Entre el banco de oro y el desarrollo sustentable Introducción Las tertulias son momentos especiales de reflexión académica amplia, aún con ese toque informal que antecede y precede cada una de ellas. Es un momento particular de...

TAMBOGRANDE: Entre el banco de oro y el desarrollo sustentable (Opinions) 18-05-2005
by Rolando Zapata Rumiche
Introducción Las tertulias son momentos especiales de reflexión académica amplia, aún con ese toque informal que antecede y precede cada una de ellas. Es un momento particular de discusión, de común unión, donde el grupo humano reunido tiene la...

Tenemos la elección, la oportunidad, el desafío ¿Crees que puedes? Por Solange Márquez (Opinions) 3-08-2007
by Solange Márquez
“No se arriba jamás a lo posible, si no se intenta repetidamente lo imposible” Las manecillas del reloj marcaban las 8:30 de la noche. Aún era temprano y la entrada al teatro Metropolitan se encontraba ya abarrotada. Tres mil personas...

Thank you Mama! (Poetry) 10-05-2007
by Ken Auma
I love the way you speak your mind, but still manage to always be kind. I love the way you listen so well without making judgments, you truly excel! I love the way you listen with your heart, and always give advice that is smart. I love...

The "middle-class curse" among Africans (Opinions) 5-09-2009
by Norma
I have received several questions concerning the “middle-class curse," as cited in the book, A HEALTHY YOU: Tame Africa's Child Malnutrition . The book, available at www.nutritionafrica.com , documents the feeding dilemma caused by a...

The 'menace' of the Niger Delta region (Opinions) 2-01-2009
by Jerry
It's often alluded that the people of the Niger Delta region are vicious and thirsty for violence. i would always counter and re-counter that view. few weeks ago, i visited a town in one of th emost densed interior region of the Niger Delta,...

The Apocalypse (Poetry) 12-01-2007
by Ositadimma Amakeze
The Apocalypse Oh feller, fell no woods, Fell no woods anymore For sarcophagus, for here’s Come with us massive Massacre of masses Fell no tress in vain Say to bury the dead As in quantum we now die So do we be quaffed off Like...

The Battle (Poetry) 12-01-2010
by Asabi Rawlins
A world; our world Threatened by us The very ones he Provides for Protects and Lends shelter to He sustains our existence, yet we Persecute him and he Suffers because of our actions Mercilessly, without conscience, we Harm him, as if...

The battle for our streets (Opinions) 16-04-2007
by unxposed
A taste of dissent Current TV & Indymedia's citizen journalism. Banksy's urban-insurgency. Adbusters Magazine. Culture jamming & subvertisments' reorientation of corporate advertising. The blackspot sneaker factory. Mark Thomas' comedy slash...

The Beauty of this World (Poetry) 13-01-2009
by Robbie
Incandescent,pulsing,tendrils of warmth stroking lightly it's wind swept child, glissading over dew topped grass, breath brilliance, light and exuberance into the sun-parched flowers. The soft hum of sleeping forests, growing to twittering...

The Billion Tree Campaign (Opinions) 27-03-2007
by .
On the occasion of the 12th COP of Climate Change Convention, UNEP with a range of partners launched the Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign. Under the auspicious patronage of Prof. Wangari Maathai (Nobel Peace Prize Laureate) and Prince...

The bottom fell out of tomorrow (Poetry) 11-01-2007
by Rare breed
The bottom fell out of tomorrow but that's okay The bottom fell out of tomorrow but we are not there we are still here (it's) today The bottom fell out of tomorrow but not too much was stored in there Now if it'd been yesterday...

The Boy In The Box (Poetry) 12-03-2004
by Stacie Brantley
Hands clasped together resting on my knee I sat Staring at the baby blue felt box Blue his favorite color, now he rests in that part of the rainbow I feel my cheeks Slowly becoming warmer and before I can think About controlling the never...

The Bukusu of Kenya (Opinions) 28-05-2007
by Nekesah
The Bukusu are a sub-tribe of the Luhya community which live in Kenya. The have clans among them too namely the Vakoi, Vakiabi, Vanang'ana, Vamosi only to mention but a few.We believe that Sela and Mwambu are our predecessors just like Adam and...

The Children's World Water Forum aponta para as preocupações existentes em torno da questão da infância e dos usos da água (Opinions) 20-01-2009
by Efraim Batista de Souza Neto
Estabelecido em Quito durante o 3º Fórum Mundial da Água, a seção direcionada para as crianças realiza conexões entre a infância e a questão da água. Por: Efraim Neto Nos países em desenvolvimento, um terço das mortes em crianças tem origem...

The city I long for (Opinions) 15-07-2008
by Juliejacqui
Nairobi, the city under the sun- one would call it a home away from home, with all the beautiful scenery at the national park, sky scrappers in the central business district, the beautiful roundabouts, the diversity of cultures and many other...

The cold twilight, the red dusk (Poetry) 27-11-2005
by Saad Javed
Strewn across the horizon far above the cold twilight, the red dusk Its lifeless frosty cheeks, rouged with the gore of my unfulfilled desires, and my shattered dreams The cold twilight, the red dusk There, behind the skyscrapers,...

The Curve (Poetry) 21-03-2004
by Stacie Brantley
Can't accept it Won't forget it Can't speak quickly enough Try to brush it off But it's sitting on the counter Then the chair In the lights and in my hair You're on the stairs The driveway to Then on a table, what...

The Death of Tortoise’s Father (Short Story) 30-05-2006
by Henry Ekwuruke
In the great land of Idu was the young and very wise Tortoise whose aged father became very sick to the point of death. As the eldest son of the father, custom and tradition demanded that he should prepare heavily for the burial ceremony of his...

The difference a tree can make (Opinions) 27-04-2007
by .
Water scarcity is an increasingly sever problem across the developing world, with many countries in East Africa already experiencing water shortages or sever water scarcity. Certain trees that are integrated into agricultural systems can increase...

The Earth (Poetry) 21-01-2007
by Zach K
Well, we had to write something about the earth in English class. Here goes: ---- The Earth is our mother; a mother of pride, a mother of forgiveness. The Earth is our home; filled with amazing things just a touch away. We, humans,...

THE EFFECTS OF DEFORESTATION ON OUR ENVIRONMENT TODAY Deforestation has been described as the cutting down of trees without planting others in their place. It is hard to think that there was a time when 90% of the earth was covered by trees, but...

The effects of Global Warming on human lives in West Africa (Opinions) 12-08-2008
Global Warming has sparked lots of arguments in environmental, industrial, political and academic circles, governmental and non-governmental alike. What is Global Warming? Global Warming is simply the increase of the atmosphere’s temperature and...

The End (Poetry) 30-11-2008
by Christine
The Earth is crying And the moon is helpless Very slowly Mother Nature is dying Humans are nasty, crazy, and careless I want to make a difference now But how? The trees are vanishing before our eyes Why? Why?! WHY?! Can’t this end? This...

The Environmental Benefits of IT (Opinions) 8-12-2001
by Robert Margolis
There has been a great deal of discussion over the past few years over the economic impacts of the rapid and pervasive spread of information technology (IT) across the globe. For the most part there has been less discussion on the environmental...

The Eternal Quest (Poetry) 9-05-2004
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
Everywhere I searched for her Through wind and tide I looked for her A person unknown and unfamiliar Yet I at all times craved for her And I said,” Be with me, forever." I searched for her in depths of seas Over ports and isolated quays...

The Final Thought (Poetry) 7-04-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Alas, days pass. Our will, distraught. Conquest is no more. There is no more score. No dependence, with no forgiveness. To what has been done to bring upon tears. But yet they will stop, in just a few short years. The most intelligent of...

The Food of the Future (Opinions) 15-03-2005
by Aravind C
“It is a major blow to the proponents of GM food.” declared Clare Oxborrow in an interview to BBC World. This was hours after the U.S. agri-chemical company Monsanto announced on May 10th, 2004 that it would not try to market a strain of GM wheat...

The Freedom of Mobility (Opinions) 20-11-2008
by Stacia
Many Canadian university students take time off upon graduation in order to travel the world. This practice has become so common that it is practically a rite of passage. Those students who choose not to travel often remain at home, jealously...

The fugitive (Poetry) 11-08-2009
by Robbie
The fugitive was a frail piece of artwork. The tapestry of his skin intertwined with scars of futile journeys, limp limbs etched with the inevitability of death. Ostracized... Outcast... Forgotten... Eyes peeked from beneath his shawl-sanctum,...

The Game of Power (Poetry) 17-10-2006
by Alexander Orok
Everywhere you look these days we're blinded by the campaign haze. Vote for me I'll do my best I'm so much better than the rest. Politicians know the score. Entertain and never bore. In your face on every street. Their...

The Gift (Short Story) 3-11-2003
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
All attempts of human survival have failed. Humanity was nothing but a dying race. The whole complex process of evolution, which had created the spark of intelligence in the shape of Homo-sapiens, appeared to be in vain. Had they evolved just for...

The Impact of Afghan Refugees on the Natural Resources of Pakistan (Opinions) 31-07-2002
by Hania Aslam
Driven from their homes with little food and few possessions, refugees commonly turn to the environment as a means of support. Many are unaware that their actions are, in fact, exploiting natural resources to an extent that may have severe...

The Invisible Jury (Poetry) 2-05-2004
by Madan G. Gandhi
My shadow is growing larger, Its umbilical cord is becoming invisible And it is seen walking with giant steps Encompassing the earth and heaven. I watch it merge into a life-cloud, Sink into the Milky Way. A giant fish, leaping up and...

The jam (Poetry) 7-11-2007
by obare joash
As I sit in this matatu yawning and wongering When was last i wasn't stuck in a jam so lingering Shiny and bright headlights shines red, grean reflectors lits as breaks whines Oh, this reminds me I am in a highway My brother all of us at a...

The Last Breath (Poetry) 24-09-2008
by david mbitu
On the vast plundered valley and plains, Stands a lonely frightened tree. Tumultuous waves of destruction abound her. A sense of doom around, the human encroach. Her swinging canopy gives a sorrowful bow. Ungrateful ingrate, power saws...

The Last Call (Poetry) 1-05-2004
by Simon
With passing tears And sorrows tear Like lighten light In distant night And thunderstorm In fire form Spreading shield With bitter sheet Life is lost And time is loose Times of thought With deeper touch And life was left In...

The Leaf (Poetry) 29-04-2008
by Samuel-Malachi Odekunle
There is a leaf lying on my floor I sit here staring And wonder, shall I get my vacuum But a question My mind presumes to ask Could this be good fortune A simple riddle to unmask From sower to tree A full life it seems This leaf I see...

The little creek in my village (Poetry) 3-05-2005
by Akinwole Philips
Yesterday, I drink of you without fear While you drip freely from hanging leaflets. Giving freely the purest life. Today, I drink of you with much tears While you drag foully for human droplets Taking freely the fragile...

The most valuable resource for eradication of poverty (Opinions) 20-04-2007
by Sean Amos
African youth is massively affected by poverty but it is also the most valuable resource for its long-term solution. I believe special importance therefore must be given to develop strategies that assure their full involvement. National...

The niche concept of environmental sustainability (Opinions) 18-02-2008
Life is a phenomenon that comes to be when some cells, tissues, organs and systems come together to function as and for a whole. Without cells there will be an impossibility of life. Being the smallest and fundamental unit of life, it contributes...

The Niger Delta Youth in Nigeria's Development (Opinions) 20-04-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
The Niger Delta region is no doubt the primary treasure base of the Nigeria state proudly and geographically endowed with both human and natural resources. The inability of these human and natural resources to understand each other well bring...

by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
INTRODUCTION Through the years Nigeria has undergone a process of experimentation with several governmental systems, but “good governance” that would ensure a sustainable and desirable urban development have been elusive through the years. As a...

The Overcomer (Poetry) 1-12-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
Traveling to me, a hobby Swimming to me, a play Driving to me, a funny thing Hunting and gaming to me, an adventure My hobby I went celebrating To a known land in the hands of unknown people Tragedy though yet unknown Dream vs. reality...

The Place I now Call Home (Poetry) 1-08-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Life claimed to become more abundant In the dread of the night a language erupted It felt real and I lost my breath People lived together with peoples Here we are dancing naked within the search-lights Call me the unbelievable, let me...

The power of... (Poetry) 10-12-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
We cannot undo what we have done. Cannot change our damaged sun. To try to change the winds and tides- Is where man will have to just step aside. This world, we thought, was ours to rule. But every king has been a fool. He forgot just...

The Promotion of Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mounainous Regions (Opinions) 25-01-2002
by Atanu
In November 1998,the United Nations General Assembly(UNGA)in its 53rd session proclaimed the year 2002 as the International Year of Mountains(IYM).The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO),Rome,Italy(URL:http://www.fao.org)...

The Queen of Green (Poetry) 12-05-2005
by Zorica Vukovic
The spring is here... Green and the Evergreen... Looking for the greener pastures and the greenest grass I’ve ever seen. Oh, no green paint left anywhere! All’s in these leaves so gentle, so bold! Look, the clovers more Irish are...

The Rain of Sorrow (Poetry) 21-06-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
Sitting in rain, on a surface not yet wet by cold water. The freezing liquid falling on me in sheets of wet splinters, soaking my already cold numb body, but my mind is sharp thinking…thinking of things to come, or thing to have been....

The Rain Within (Poetry) 9-05-2004
by Muhammad Awais Aftab
When the night grows dark and rain comes up A thousand memories and a face comes up The sound of rain creeps up the air And in my ears thy music comes up The scent of drops falling on the sand And thy fragrance at once comes up When crescent...

The Riddle of Life (Poetry) 17-05-2004
by Tim Mansfield
A poem I wrote one night when I was asleep . . . I found on it my pillow the next morning. Amongst the fragrant flowers gleam the jewels past, a time of sorrow ‘ere the moon and fast – a month of sun and golden dawns till once again another...

The Rise of the Synthetics (Short Story) 18-07-2005
by Daryl
A small rural community in Australia is presently fighting the soul-less multinationals in a battle that crosses many issues. This small sugar growing community in North Queensland finds itself at the forefront of a three way global battle for...

The role of academics in Climate Change (Opinions) 1-08-2007
by aneel SALMAN
Our global family is today facing a global threat of CLIMATE CHANGE. To combat with this challenge its high time now for us to come together and make this world a better place to live with our pious efforts. Academics play an important role in...

The roller-coaster ride: today's economic situation (Opinions) 14-04-2009
by Sharat Buddhavarapu
Today's economic crisis is real. Let’s face it, people: it may or may not be here to last, but it is here now, and we can do no more than deal with the now. The realization that we are not as all-wise as we have pretended to be, leads to another...

The Sacrifice (Poetry) 1-05-2004
by Simon
The sacrifice I dedicate this poem to all parents Under the sun Moving towards the sun Clothed by the dust To put a dream to the their sums To be divided by their sons With low, lovely sing songs Laying low living life So as to keep...

THE SHATTERED KINGDOM (Short Story) 12-04-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
The third article in the commandment of the Animal kingdom reads thus, “No animal MUST kill another for food; but can have one when found dead.” Not long enough, however, there stirred up a commotion that instigated a debate on the necessity of...

The Shell (Poetry) 10-10-2004
by Karim Al Nadoury
In the middle of the virgin night While the world is quiet Hush now; put it on your ear Let it whisper and chant for you Peaceful waves touching the shore Twinkle stars are shining through Shivery breathe cooling your soul Sincere moment...

The slogan at Copenhagen: Pay for emissions! (Opinions) 3-12-2009
by Dr.N.Radha krishna
France is very eager to impose a Carbon tax and also wants it as a punishment for the nations disregarding climate change by insisting that the EU imposes a tax on imports from countries like India. This makes energy sources expensive. We,...

The Smile (Poetry) 27-04-2004
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
Never had to search for it, For ever present it waited. It didn’t have to be formed, It had always been there since time, So infectious was the smile, That the devil would return it. Untainted by deceit or pretence. It could only come...

The Story of Frog (Short Story) 23-08-2006
by Aziz Kassim
Americans for Informed Democracy recently sponsored a three-day conference on climate change and oil dependence, of which I was a participant. One of the more relaxing activities during this weekend of intense dialogue on global warming, carbon...

The time has come (Poetry) 2-03-2010
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
My mind fades as I see the parades of others minds cast aside the welfare of our world.. The hypocrisy has become a bliss as many miss the true form of all identity. For within this, is the unconscious realm of unacknowledged fate that will be...

The Underlying Problem of US Enviormental Policies (Opinions) 27-09-2002
by Huiging Wu
Currently, the world regards the United States as a global polluter, a threat to the environment, and a rampant consumer of valuable resources. The Bush regime was also recently buffeted for its absence at the World Earth Summit. President Bush...

The Vietnam Youth Forum: about youth, for youth and by youth (Opinions) 19-07-2008
by Phan Dieu Linh
Leadership camp? Youth forums? These venues, familiar to youth worldwide, have until recent been a foreign concept to youth in Vietnam, where academic accomplishments receive priority over social skills and activities. Foreign, that is, until this...

The Wanderer (Poetry) 22-07-2008
I go through the day: Highs and lows, ups and downs, From one position to another, Breeze and currents all together. As dust traveling, as the sands of time I drift with no end in sight. Through the trees, hills and valleys My location is...

The Waste Concept (Opinions) 24-08-2010
by Ajayi titi
Individuals, industries, communities and organizations are constantly faced with one thing that is obtained from nearly all of Men's activities- waste. Waste is a broad concept with its effect on both rural and urban residents. Waste disposal and...

The Water (Poetry) 9-07-2004
by Karim Al Nadoury
I was so small in the depth of clay Waiting for the helping hand to hold So dark in here, who am I? Who are you? My friend, my family I ‘m not believing in your care Get out of my face, leave me alone Did I hurt you before? I am sure I...

The water purifier for Kenya. (Opinions) 3-04-2007
by .
Did you ever wake up in the morning walked on the bathroom, opened the tap only to find a brown sandy substance to come out of it? At those times you would wish to have your own water treatment plant. Now you can have it. Although it probably...

THE WAY WE ARE (Poetry) 15-06-2005
by Jacques Gimeno
The restless wind has passed too quickly touching my face but only briefly and I have felt the silent cries of sorrow, It seems -- I can hardly feel the warmth and comfort my tears are icy and I feel cold, Perhaps --...

The Wind that Blows... (Poetry) 24-01-2005
by Valerie
I could put it together with different sounds and I have the vision you see it matters what they say, do, look, like, are, aren't it matters what they write, sing teach, dance. the day goes by * what they do is your inspiration but you...

The wonders of ecotechnology (Opinions) 17-07-2007
by Ogonna Hilary Nwainya
INTRODUCTION: The fundamental myth of technology versus ecology trade-off has been over-tuned by recent scientific discoveries that tend to marry technological inputs with ecological sustainability. This wonderful harmony is best appreciated in...

Third World countries: a dilemma for equitable habitats and environmental resources (Opinions) 2-10-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
As the world commemorates the world habitat day, many third world countries are in dire dilemma on how to proceed with creating a better habitat for their citizens and at the same time conserving the vital environmental resources needed for the...

Time We Share (Poetry) 1-08-2004
by Parevz Md. Asheque
Time has two arrows In one, things break into pieces In the other, broken parts come together We are cut off by divine intervention To see only one direction From order to disorder Yet we remember, as we recreate For we are made into...

Time: Creator of Mankind (Poetry) 26-04-2004
by Olumide Olaniyan
It tickles Then Now And next, We gain it in the morning It gains us at night In its claws is our destiny It is continuum Makes the wise Mars the foolish It’s at our mercy today We are at his mercy tomorrow It makes the boy a man...

TODAY AND THE FUTURE (Short Story) 12-10-2006
by erick ochieng otieno
This is a story about two complementary phenomenons, Today and the Future. They are relatives who once lived together. One day the Future told Today that I want my share of security and Today said that He would look into it. Today had all what it...

Today I Ate Food Aid (Short Story) 6-02-2007
by Chad Hamre
Yesterday after a hard morning's work plowing my field, I came home hungry to a house with no food. I hadn't planned well and did not stock pile for the week's end. I rummaged high and low but all I could find were a few small pieces of cassava...

Together Again...With You! (Poetry) 21-04-2004
by Shahrul Izwan Bin Naser
When I glanced back through my days I realised that something that I could not forget. It looks like dawn in my eyes, But it’s beaten by the hours Could not tempt us if it tried, Cause the time already come and gone... And I quote......

Touris équitable, tourisme solidaire: une issue pour les la lutte contre la pauvreté (Opinions) 26-10-2006
by Eric DOMBOU
Le tourisme est l’une des premières activités économiques mondiales. Sous certaines formes, ce secteur d’activités participe largement au développement des territoires. Il permet aux personnes de toute origine de connaître d’autres milieux. Au...

Towards a Better Environment for Nigeria (Interviews) 10-04-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
In an interview with Chief Victor, an environmentalist, on the state of the Nigerian environment and the way forward he said that “Nigeria is improving and the government of the day is trying but all hands should be on deck to make the environment...

Trees in the Philippines (Opinions) 14-12-2006
by Kat Birch
In Samar, the third largest island in the Philippines, it is illegal to cut trees in areas designated as “timberland” by the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). This law was put in place to protect the island’s rapidly...

Truth of Humanity (Poetry) 30-07-2006
by seharalam
Let me show you the truth of humanity And the blood which in their veins runs People look at the dollars in your pocket And then the false love they commit Indeed they don’t love the person but diamonds he...

Try changing the world by changing you (Poetry) 4-04-2005
by Oluwafemi Reis
It takes all ease to quit in life A nearby end that seems too far Without going an extra mile The world is now absurd to you The little globe where sorrow rules Where peace has become so hard to find You lay your blame on all but you And as...

Tsunami (Poetry) 23-11-2006
by Salisu Suleiman
All some wanted was a bit of sun All some wanted was a bit of life All some wanted was a little of life’s sun All some wanted was to be part of life Nobody wanted a cold cruel tsunami It came from the source of life From deep within the...

Tsunami 2004: An Assessment of Ground Realities in Sri Lanka (Opinions) 16-12-2005
by Siddhartha Dave
Disaster management is a war, a fight against nature. The only way to remain on guard is to be prepared, against the forces of nature. We shall soon be reaching the anniversary of the ill-fated Tsunami-2004. It is the time, for us to assess the...

Two weeks in Angola (Short Story) 17-04-2007
by Lize-Leandra Ehlers
Little we know of Angola, our neighbouring country full of hidden secrets. Either we read of fantastic wealth, corruption and poverty or we listen to some tales of beautiful Lubango used to be or fragments of the horrors of "The War". In...

Uganda experiencing a deepening water crisis (Opinions) 5-06-2007
by Morrison Twesigye Rwakakamba
My village, Nyiebingo Kebisoni in Rukungiri, was a paradise ten or so years ago. It was graced by the rivers Kanywa, Omukyijurirabusha, Kanyeganyegye and Omukagyera. These rivers and streams that used to flow with a natural effect are now extinct....

Um por todos, todos por todos. (Opinions) 30-07-2007
by Remisson Aniceto
Sobre o Aquecimento Global No início de fevereiro o IPCC (Painel Intergovernamental de Mudança Climática) divulgou mundialmente um relatório sobre o aquecimento global. Neste quarto estudo, o IPCC afirma que a temperatura da Terra...

UN meets Millennium Development Goal on drinking water (Interviews) 15-03-2012
by Eugenia Bivines
UN meets Millennium Development Goal on drinking water By David Loyn Development correspondent, BBC News A hand turning on a tap with running water, Sub-Saharan Africa has not benefited as much as other areas. The Millennium Development...

Un véritbale Ami (Opinions) 30-07-2009
by Gael SORO
Pour tous être humains te définiront le mot "Ami" de façon différente. Ceci est un test pour voir combien d'amis vous avez Passez-le à tous ceux que vous considérez comme des amis - ou que vous aimeriez avoir pour amis et voyez...

Understanding Climate Change (Short Story) 21-11-2011
by Ghatta A.Bah
The Earth's atmosphere does the same thing as a greenhouse, which is used for growing crops in controlled climate conditions. In a greenhouse, the sun shines through the glasses, making the inside of the room t warmer and warmer as the day goes...

UNFPA twice accused of coercive family planning (Short Story) 16-08-2002
by edgar
UNFPA twiced accused of coercive family planning! August 1- The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has been accused of collaborating with the Peruvian government in forcing people into coercive family planning. The UNFPA has strongly denied...

Uranium mining in Meghalaya (Opinions) 29-10-2009
by jeffrey kharsyntiew
Picture, Radiation Warning symbol , in the public domain. Dear all, I think all of us know about uranium and its consequences. The real question is, “Are we really concerned about this issue?” Many countries worry about nuclear energy,...

URBANISATION A CASE STUDY (Opinions) 29-01-2007
by mohammed
Urbanization or urbanisation is the increase over time in the population of cities in relation to the region's rural population. Urbanization has effects on the ecology of a region and on its economy. Urban sociology also observes that people's...

US world leader in sustainable development? (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Dan Jones
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Announcing a package of more than $1 billion for projects to alleviate poverty and conserve resources, the United States has claimed centre stage as the ‘world leader’ in sustainable development. “There is no other...

Vampires in Africa (Poetry) 28-05-2004
by David Lanre Messan
VAMPIRES IN AFRICA Africa in the hands of vampires sucking the blood of Africa like a terribly hungry baby. sucking the precious blood of the young and the old. casting a cloud of anguish upon...

Victoria falls (Poetry) 11-06-2007
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
come to victoria falls down in zimbabwe come and feel the thunder in the wonder come to victoria falls down in zimbabwe

Viswadarsanam: Greening The Mind (Short Story) 29-05-2007
by Shivanjani Naidu
"The greatest pleasure lies in simple living" Umesh Babu, Viswadarsanam Having grown impatient with my cultural edification being limited to the melange of themed, Time Out-voted and Zagat-vetted restaurants London has on offer, I began to...

Volunteering (Short Story) 15-10-2009
by Arrey Emmanuel Enow
1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I am Arrey Emmanuel Enow. I live in Yaounde, Cameroon. I have a Masters degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology and a Diploma in Management. I am a writer and write on diverse subjects. I strive...

Volunteering is love amongst humanity! (Short Story) 4-10-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
I sit in a home which most Costa Ricans would think was that of a very wealthy North American. It was once only a cabina that my wife and I built with the last of our savings. I am almost ashamed when I invite my "Tico" {Costa Rican} friends...

Volunteering in Latin America and Online (Short Story) 27-10-2009
by Samantha Hodder
I have worked and volunteered with several non-profit organizations in Canada and Latin America and the experiences I have had have been incredibly enriching. While volunteering in rural Ecuador, I was able to do environmental work, community...

Volunteerism and Sustainable Development (Short Story) 22-06-2005
by Fasoranti Oluseyi Taiwo
“A VOLUNTEER is a person whose charity is fidelity, who is faithful in an unfaithful world, grateful in an ungrateful world, giving when all about are grasping, listening when others need to tell about their fears and problems.” - From \"The...

Vultures don't Die... (Poetry) 2-08-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
They always survive the breeze of the hard wind The wildest of waves molest them not Preying on flesh to survive the lengthy journey Never die but old in mystery of life Walking free in a land of the spirits Where humans abound with rights...

Waiting for the rain (Poetry) 21-08-2005
by Dr. A. Prabaharan
Rain plays with lives of many people If it comes heavily it affects Less coming is also a problem No showing is severe trouble. In all ways rain is important for all of us. Mumbai witnessed the pain of excess rain Parts of India reaps the...

War is inhumane! (Short Story) 9-04-2010
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
War: It bears many deep scars within my emotions. I have lived World War I in the heart and mind of my grandfather. He was an infantryman in the U.S. Marine Corps. He was hit and took shrapnel in the jaw, then was sent home after serving 18...

War of greens: counting of food miles concept, is it a good idea? (Opinions) 21-03-2007
by .
Food miles can be defined as the distance traveled by a food product from its source to the consumer’s plate. The longer the distance, the more pollution caused by the food on its transit- a combination of the fuel emissions and packaging and...

Water (Opinions) 16-06-2003
by ieuan dolby
I was in the supermarket this morning (nothing unusual in that) and pushing my trolley to the checkout. Well, my wife was pushing and I was away in airy-fairy land when it suddenly dawned on me that I was walking past water. Not just any water but...

Water and Sustainable Development (Opinions) 1-11-2002
by uwem otu

Water Crisis: A Global Problem (Opinions) 17-01-2004
by Timmy
Colourless, odorless, tasteless and calorie free: water is vital to all life on earth. No human, animal or plant can live without it. From elephant to microbe, water is essential and there is no substitute for it. Each of the 6 billion people on...

WATER CRISIS: Can it not be averted? (Opinions) 27-02-2007
by erick ochieng otieno
Year in year out, the world celebrates the World Water day. Conferences, workshops, seminars are held every now and then to discuss the issue of this special commodity, “WATER”, papers are published and scientist are awarded prizes for coming up...

Water Hyacinth Re-invades Lake Victoria. (Opinions) 19-03-2007
by .
Water hyacinth, known scientifically as Eichhornia Crassipes, is among the worlds most noxious invasive weeds. Native to the tropics of South America, it now thrives on every continent except Europe. It was introduced on Africa around 1879, and...

Water needs humanity’s help (Poetry) 24-03-2009
by Ayo Morakinyo
Hear them calling for me in the desert See them reaching for me in the oasis Watch them play with me as I rain down I wonder if man could ever do without me Vegetation cries out for me Nations give way to me Lands open up for me Who can...

We All Fall (Poetry) 30-04-2004
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
We all fall. Only pride pipes otherwise, But it takes a fall to know, That we aren’t that perfect. Time changes it all. The wrong isn’t in the fall, It is in our disposition. In feeling we should never...

We Had the Time (Poetry) 7-04-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
Depression- is it due to recession, Or the humiliation of some who were Subjected to dictatorship? Depression is not shown by the drop of my tear, because That teardrop is spread amongst the many pieces of my Hart, That only wish it could...

We Have Everything (Poetry) 28-10-2008
by Osamuyi Okpame
We have everything We have nothing When our children Become wayward Our brothers Become cultists and fraudsters Our sisters Become whores and adulterers Education is taken for granted Get rich quick, Becomes our slogan And...

We Have The Key (Poetry) 2-07-2012
by Awosusi Oluwatope
Our greatest fear is that we can’t do it; While we have the power to make dreams come through. We see easy things as difficult things. Life is easy if we believe it is. Why are we afraid of problems? Every problem has an expiration date....

We must Stop this Bloodshed on our Roads. (Opinions) 17-02-2007
by Hassan Mulindwa Ssozi
Dear TIG Members, The depressing reports of horrific traffic smash-ups, the numbing statistics dutifully recorded by the police, and the bloody evidence before our eyes make a compelling case for a sustained people-driven national campaign to...

We need Female Taxi-Operators (Opinions) 6-06-2008
by Guga
I think the time is ripe for us to have Female Taxi-Operators (FTOs). Gone are the days when Men dominated the Transport Sector to the disadvantage of other road users! Why FTOs? The Male Dominated Transport Sector is taking us through a lot...

We need proof of a good Global citizen (Opinions) 15-03-2007
Earth is suffering from symptoms of rapid increase of global warming, acid rain, water pollution, and air pollution. The cause of these deadly symptoms is deforestation. Deforestation is the removal of trees from forest. The rate these symptoms...

We, Indians, have to wake up to Climate Change! (Opinions) 29-12-2007
by Tanuj Kala
There is a Native American saying that, “Only when the last tree has died and the last rivers been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.” This saying may finally come true. Human greed has affected Earth’s...

Weariness (Poetry) 29-09-2010
by Mary
The buttons on the keyboard are weary. The touchpad is faded. The fingers that fly past with dexterity Are wrinkled and crinkled, Like dry animal bones. It is with enthusiasm That he chats with a million people In a million places...

Weather changes the world (Poetry) 11-07-2007
by Poonam
Blue skies, Chattering birds, Blossoming flowers, Can all disappear In a blink of the eye The sky could turn dark and be filled with gray clouds The birds could stop singing and fly away The flowers can die and fall to the...

Wenn Wetter arm macht (Opinions) 14-12-2005
by Wolfgang Gründinger
von Sven Anemüller, veröffentlicht in der "taz", mit Svens Einverständnis "Katrina", "Rita", "Stan", "Wilma", "Alpha" - noch nie hat eine Hurrikan-Saison in der Karibik eine solche Vielzahl an Stürmen gebracht. Gleich mehrere Rekorde sind...

What do you see? (Poetry) 21-06-2008
by Samuel K Akinbo
We all write and talk about a better world, But I want to ask us today, How many steps have we taken To create this better world? It is time. We have to stop looking And start seeing, Because what is at stake Is beyond what we see....

What is Canada's Environmental Identity? (Opinions) 4-06-2005
by Chris Evans
I am Canadian. Three simple, deliberate words that manifest the Canadian identity. Or do they? In our day-to-day lives, it is difficult to clearly synthesize what it means to “be Canadian.” The national slogan leaves much open for...

What They Should Know And Consider In Ensuring Environmental Sustainability (Opinions) 6-10-2006
by Curtis-Shyne Aboetaka
This is my opinion and suggestions to Schools and organisations involved in Environmental Education Who wish to ensure long term Environmental Sustainability. Most of the issues address here are been incorporated into the activities of the...

What We Become (Poetry) 1-04-2010
by Adebayo Waidi Gbenro
We are each endowed with immense potentials. Events, occurrences and achievements Through history have continued To amplify and corroborate this assertion. For each and every one of us Our possibilities are limitless. All through history...

What's Law Got To Do With It? (Opinions) 27-08-2002
by Natalie Morris
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Everybody knew that a host of different stakeholders would be descending on Johannesburg to attend the World Summit -- businesspeople, civil society representatives, government officials, reporters -- but who would...

When I Left my Home for the City (Poetry) 5-08-2004
by Henry Ekwuruke
When I left my home I left with so much trepidation So much fear! Fear for my life Fear for the unknown Fear of where to lay my head Where to eat When to talk in this land When to speak When not to speak When to go out and; When to...

When the environment becomes the enemy (Poetry) 1-08-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Terribly in doubt of progress Being optimists in the sake of nature’s curse A nature built in humanity for humans In checks and balances versus excesses Cracked down to pieces my dreams of restoration People saw life and hated life in scale...

when the ground beneath us shakes (Poetry) 9-02-2005
by Yonique Myrie
We shall sing the song of the times when the ground beneath us shakes when light is no more the famine strikes hunger and fear when the baby cries echoing despair when the doors remain shut We shall sing the voice is all...

Where’s the environment in my Community? (Opinions) 1-06-2003
by Dumisani Nyoni
I am currently living in Boston, MA in the USA. I do not know how much I can call this my “community.” But I suppose that wherever one happens to live at a certain time can be considered their community. Living in a big city like this hides...

White point beach (Poetry) 7-07-2008
by Rare breed
The ocean waves, purses its lips and swoops down to kiss the sand The smoothest pebbles shower my ears with their applause as they witness this tidal ceremony firsthand The sun beams proudly on the whole affair all is warmed by the...

Who are Friends? (Poetry) 0-00-0000
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
Who are friends? I'll tell you, Friends are those with whom you dare to be yourself Your soul can go naked with them They ask you to put on nothing Only to be who you really are When you re with them You need no guards You can say...

Who will Arise to the Climate Challenge? (Opinions) 4-07-2008
by Kartikeya Singh
Youth: comprise 48% of the global population, or roughly 3 billion people. It is our future that was at the negotiating table in Bali last December at the UN Climate Change Conference. Yet we, the youth, had no say about our very own future that...

Why Can't This World Ever Learn? (Poetry) 16-12-2008
by Robbie
Why can this World ever Learn? Never learn to nurture, together. Never learn to have peace, and equanimity. Never learn to hold on to the most precious things, and resist the relentless waves of world weariness and temptation enfolding you with...

Why Consumerism Corrupts (Opinions) 30-09-2007
by Jillian Xenia Sunderland
Imagine a world where bloodbaths, death and violence are brought on by the need for food and water. Imagine a world where more money is spent on guns than on education. Imagine a world where one in every two children lives in poverty. Imagine a...

Why I Like Africa (Poetry) 2-11-2006
by Odimegwu Onwumere
Why I Like Africa I thank God that I was born in Africa because I love being wet by the morning dews and also enjoy the sun that sharpens my skin as ink does to a white paper. I love going to cut hey for my goats every...

Why is Haiti so poor? Lessons for Africa (Opinions) 15-02-2010
by Norma
Picture, Cité Soleil Earthquake 6 , by Marcello Casal Jr., licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license . The Island of Hispaniola in the Western hemisphere is divided into two countries: the western one third of the...

Wild Flower (Poetry) 11-05-2004
Wild Flower Flower in the Rain Forest Not yet named nameless flower, Any one can say Few called me after their lost love Some others with their intimate souls Natural and unnatural names Only to play games of names! All were poured on...

Winter Dream (Poetry) 5-06-2006
by alvin
through the long nights of winter, as the cold winds arrive from the north, without a word it descends so low, when the biggest of the beasts slumber, and the howling of the wolves heard yonder, when 'round the wooden cottage, as the good...

Wiped out by a wave (Poetry) 7-02-2005
by Shireen
Hundreds of thousands who once lived on our lands in this region are gone forever wiped out by a wave in one very brief, unsuspecting moment, their families will never recover from this loss. They leave behind hearts that will never...

Witnessing A First Nations (R)evolution (Opinions) 3-07-2005
by Jessica Bell
This is a story about local communities regaining control over global multinational corporations and the world\'s powerful elite. This is a story about the resurgence of sustainability. And this is a story about victory. I visited Haida...

Women of COP18 (Opinions) 3-12-2012
by The Verb
Last year, on the United Nations’ Gender Day, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres sat on a panel with Qatari Royalty , the former President of Ireland, the Minister of International Relations and Co-operation of the Republic of South...

Women's Rights is Human Rights (Poetry) 2-04-2007
by Henry Ekwuruke
Women right is right against poverty Right to human dignity, freedom and respect We dream of a conquered future With our voices together heard We have pleaded to mother earth for assistance The inspiration to mark our limitations Sad...

World Social Forum - Another World Is Possible (Opinions) 3-10-2006
by Hira Nabi
It was a hot and dusty Karachi that greeted us as we stepped out of the air conditioned environs of Quaid-e-Azam International Airport. Coming from rain drenched Lahore, we were more than a little chagrined. Of course Karachi, vast and sprawling,...

World Water Day-Kenya (Opinions) 22-03-2007
by Sean Amos
What has the Kenyan Government done to eradicate this crisis which has hindered development in many areas. There has been great concern that this present government has done little especially in the arid areas to help the people concerned and it...

Worried & Others (Poetry) 1-05-2004
by Awosusi Oluwatope
Worried I am worried About my future I shall not be tried To work for great future Soldier-ants Soldier-ants marching on the field Soldier-ants moving around the tree Soldier-ants moving round the tree I want to climb; leave...

Yet Another Day (Poetry) 12-05-2004
by Simon
Not again but let me alone Not again but won’t let me alone Men lost in shame, Waiting to honour their dead, yet not alone. Several years of masters seal And many years of countless grief Sorrows of unending times Laughed buy men who...

You Can & Others (Poetry) 1-05-2004
by Awosusi Oluwatope
You Can You can write Write well You can climb Climb well You can paint paint well Anything you aim Aim it well Driver Driver, reduce your speed a bit Speed is dangerous Speed can kill Water I need a cup of water Cold...

Young Managers' Dialogue (Opinions) 27-08-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GRYP) – Imagine a group of young managers of the future, totally un-phased by a crisis of confidence in accountability following the revelation of Enron-type corporate shenanigans. Why? Because they see it as a real...

Youth Action Summit culminates succesfully (Short Story) 14-08-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Planning three week’s worth of activities for 100 young people from over 60 different countries is no easy task. Patience, tolerance and coffee are required in equal doses. The Youth Action Summit, organized by the Netherlands’ branch of United...

Youth and Climate Change (Opinions) 17-07-2008
by Prabesh Paudyal
Youth are the next generation and are linked directly to climate change. The climate change will mostly affect the next generation. Nepal is a landlocked country; about 15 percent of the landmass of Nepal is perpetually under the cover of snow....

YOUTH AT WSSD: We have the answer! (Opinions) 27-08-2002
by Charles Makanga Sendegeya
Johannesburg, August 2000 – There must have been a huge hunt for the best ‘marketing’ guys to come and do their stuff at WSSD 2002. Most organisations’ profiles and documents displayed at the World Summit venue here are very well thought out...

Youth Fast Against Summit Extravagance (Opinions) 22-09-2002
by Dan Jones
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – “A summit addressing issues of poverty and famine might not be the most appropriate place to enjoy a five-course meal at the most expensive hotel in town.” Samir Luther was staging a hunger strike outside the...

Youth in Protest (WSSD) (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Alan Wu
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Protest is in the air at the World Summit on Sustainable Development and youth delegates are playing a part in a wider movement of dissent. As marches and rallies are organised outside the conference, an increasing...

Youth Involvement for Environmental Sustainability (Opinions) 27-02-2007
by Dennis Nyakundi Onguti
In the world today, the highest population includes children and young people. The majority of them are in learning institutions, from preparatory schools through to universities, while a good number are working in industries. They are in...

Youths... don't stop shouting! (Opinions) 2-12-2008
by Haris S
In my country, it is said, that "a youth's blood is boiling", wanting to show how energetic and active a youth is. But, unfortunately, this does not happen in most of the societies of the western world. In the last few years, most of the...

¡Alerta, Patagonia Amenazada! (Opinions) 14-10-2007
by Stephanie Vanessa Donoso Ramírez
Me encuentro situada en Chile, Sudamerica, nací aquí y cada día me sorprendo del hermoso regalo que la madre tierra me ha dado ...Vivir en un país con una diversidad de ecosistemas y lleno de paisajes que van desde el desierto más arido del mundo,...

¿Qué ocurrió con el Plan Maestro Para el Desarrollo Turístico Ecológico de las Costas del Estado de Nayarit de 1992? (Opinions) 1-04-2007
by Solange Márquez
Era junio de 1990, en un acto sin precedentes se firmaba en el Museo de Antropología e Historia de la Ciudad de México un documento que esperaba cambiar completamente el curso del desarrollo del Estado de Nayarit. Era un convenio entre la...

Байкал... как много в этом слове... (Opinions) 1-09-2008
by Юлия
Байкал… Как много в этом слове! А вы никогда об этом не задумывались? Вот так живешь в этом легендарном уголке планеты и порой не знаешь, сколько заповедных укромных мест на нашей Священной Байкальской земле, которые будут интересны настоящим...

Взаимопонимание в политике (Opinions) 13-03-2007
by Smetanin Alexey
Даешь понятную политику! Непонимание, одна из главных причин возникновения проблем в отношениях между людьми, играет не менее роковую роль и в политике. Обсуждение деятельности Общественной палаты в программе «Школа злословия» на НТВ еще раз...

by Shevnin

ДОМА ДЛЯ ЖИЗНИ (Opinions) 8-04-2005
by Shevnin
ACTION for SUSTAINABILITY (Действие для устойчивости) Выдающийся русский ученый и философ, академик В.И. Вернадский является создателем совершенно нового направления в науке — учения о “живом веществе” — деятельность которого преобразует всю...

КРАСОТА ПОГУБИТ МИР (Short Story) 19-09-2006
by Shevnin
Сегодня производство красивых вещей и людей превратилось в огромную империю гламура. А если ты с детсва некрасивый то тебе в этом мире нет места. Копи деньги на пластику меняй нос и уши, вставляй груди иначе тебя невозьмут на работу от тебя...

Новый уровень организации человечества - неизбежен. (Opinions) 13-03-2008
by ashpaa
В окружающей нас природе мы наблюдаем поразительную  и, в то же время, внешне простую закономерность . Это видно простым глазом и легко понимается человеческим разумом . Когда элементы неживой или живой природы объединяются между собой, то это...

Осенние Мысли... (Poetry) 13-09-2007
by Vladimir
Что ценного есть в жизни у людей? Рывки наверх, Падения назад? А может, брошенный навстречу, без затей Прямой и откровенный взгляд? Все шелуха: работа, осень, дождь... Промокший плащ и капли по щеке. Все ценное,...

Светлая сказка (Short Story) 30-06-2008
by ashpaa
Это случилось давным давно , когда люди только начинали заселять свободную землю. Одинокий путник всюду и всегда искал хорошее место для жизни , и вот однажды , когда он долго - долго шёл по пустыне и у него уже закончились...

экопоселения (Opinions) 7-02-2005
by Shevnin
Экопоселение «БЭБИ-БУМ» «Факт заключается в том,что девушки наподобие меня-абсолютно здоровые и веселые девушки двадцати и более лет-совершенно не желают плодится и размножаться».Почему?Мы все превращяеся в исчезающий вид.Сегодня...

آن الأوان.. لإزالة حدائق الشيطان (Opinions) 22-12-2004
by Ahmed AL Osoly
آن الأوان.. لإزالة حدائق الشيطان كم من مآس ومجازر ترتكب باسم الحروب علي مر العصور. والتاريخ خير شاهد علي ذلك. فبمجرد ان تقرع الطبول يستباح كل شئ من قتل وتدمير وحرق لكل ما هو أخضر ويابس. وبعد ان ينقشع الغمام وتزول رائحة البارود وتسكت فوهات...

أكرهكم جميعاً (Opinions) 27-03-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
بين لحظة وأخرى تستشف وجودك بصمت غير مشروط.. وتابى التنازل عن صوتك.. تختبئ بين صمت الأفق و حفيف الصرخات .. غير أنك في الكثير من الأحيان تصغر الأبعاد الدنيوية ويبدو كل شيئ شاحباً.. كذلك في الكثير من الأحيان تستيقظ لصباح مميز ممزوج بفرح وبألوانك...

أنا وحياتي (Opinions) 27-02-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
قد تضطرنا الظروف أحياناً لأن نمر بحالات نفسية مختلفة قد تؤدي فيما بعد إلى إنهاك غير مشروط. فماذا إذا كنت الضليع بكل الأمور، ليس إطراءً و لكن لتكون المسؤول عن كل شيء. يتخلى عنك الزمن حين تكون بأمس الحاجة لدقيقة أو دقيقتين ( لإنهاء عمل- في...

ا لصومال والامن الغدائي (Short Story) 11-10-2010
by abdifatah
إن مفهوم الأمن الغذائي مفهوم قديم حيث ورد في القرآن الكريم في سورة يوسف كما ورد ذكره في سورة قريش. وخلال السبعينات كان محور مفهوم الأمن الغذائي هو حجم المؤن الغذائية. في بداية الثمانينات تطور مفهوم الأمن الغذائي في طور الوفرة إلى وصول الغذاء...

اطلاق القدرات الكامنه (Opinions) 2-08-2008
by Anwar Alashwal
في كثير من الاحيان اجد نفسي افكر في الطرق الصحيحه لاجراء تغيير في مجتمعي اليمني واساليب تقوية دور الشباب ومنحهم فرصه اكبر واجد نفسي محتارا في العديد من الاساليب والطرق التي تعتبر كلها صحيحه وكأن الامر اصبح مجرد دقة اختيار فطرق التغيير معروفه...

التعليم العربي يسقط في مستنقع النفاق (Opinions) 18-04-2008
by Adel Gana
قبل 50 سنة مضت انحصرت المراحل التعليمية في معظم الدول العربية في: 1ـ المرحلة الابتدائية (أربع سنوات) يحصل الطالب في السنة الرابعة منها على شهادة إتمام الدراسة الابتدائية. 2ـ المرحلة الثانوية (خمس سنوات) يحصل الطالب في السنة الرابعة منها على...

التعليم في الدول العربية و ضرورة جودته (Opinions) 27-04-2008
by Adel Gana
أصبحت قضية جودة التعليم موضع اهتمام جميع المعنيين بالتعليم على الصعيد الإقليمي والعالمي، حيث يرى الكثيرون إن "السبيل" لمواجهة تحديات القرن الحادي والعشرين واغتنام الفرص يتمثل في رفع جودة نوعية التعليم وتحسين مخرجاته، إلا أن تحقيق ذلك يعد من أصعب...

التلوث البيئى وسلامة الغذاء (Opinions) 2-08-2009
by Reda Ibrahem Abdelgalil
التلوث البيئى وسلامة الغذاء لقد خلق الله سبحانه وتعالى الارض وكل ما عليها من موجودات بمقدار واتزان وتناسب كما وكيفا وجعل للإنسان حق الاستثمار والانتفاع والتسخير لهذه الموجودات حسب منافعه ومصالحه ومع تطور الحياة آخذ هذا الاتزان يتأرجح شيئا...

العمل والإخلاص (Poetry) 4-05-2009
by meddahi
وهـبـتُ الفـؤادَ لشعـرِ القوافي أجـــوبُ صـحـــارٍ بـدونِ ضفافِ أفــتـّـشُ عـن لـؤلـؤٍ فـي بحارِ الشـعـورِ التي لم تُـصب بالإتلاف+ فكيف يــنال الهــدايا كسـولٌ...

المشرق في قلوب المغاربة (Opinions) 15-05-2007
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
نوفل الحمومي المشرق في قلوب المغاربة كثر الكلام عن التقارب مابين العرب و الغرب . وتناسينا نحن العرب ان نتحاور فيما بيننا لنوصل رسالة إلى الغرب . رسالة حضارية نتفق عليها نحن العرب . لأننا لم نتحاور فيما بيننا من قبل . وهدا الموضوع يثير...

الواقع البيئي ومبادرات المجتمع المدني (Short Story) 10-11-2004
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
الواقع البيئي ومبادرات المجتمع المدني بعد قمت ريو التي شكلت نقطة تحول بالنسبة لدوال و الفاعلين في التنمية في المعمور والتي ساهمت في التوجه نحو الاهتمام بشأن المحيط و الأخطار المستقبلية على المحيط في العالم وعلاقة البيئة بالتنمية المستدامة في...

الوقود الحيوي وعلاقته بارتفاع أسعار الأغذية (Opinions) 12-05-2008
by Reda Ibrahem Abdelgalil
قبل عدة سنوات كان حلم أن تسير السيارات بعصير القصب أو بزيت الذرة مجرد نكتة لا يصدقها أحد، لكن في الأيام الأخيرة أصبحت النكتة أو الحلم جزءا من الواقع.. وظهر مصطلح جديد في سوق البترول العالمي اسمه «الوقود الحيوي أو الذهب الأخضر»، اعتبره الأمريكيون...

بدياتي (Short Story) 4-05-2007
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
لمادا نعمل مع الشباب ؟ أحسست بنوع من الإحساس الغريب في داخلي عندما سمعت السؤال لمادا نعمل مع الشباب , هدا السؤال يجعلني ارجع قليلا إلى الماضي , لكي أتأمل أسباب انطلاقتي في العمل الشباب ومن هناك انطلاق في لبنة كمجموعة لمادا نعمل مع الشباب ,...

تأنُّق الربيع (Poetry) 23-10-2008
by meddahi
قدْ وقـفـتُ في طبـيعةٍ عـلى ربــوةٍ عــالــــيـةٍ أحـــدّقُ في بديـــعِ خِلــقةٍ تـنـاسقتْ بالتـــحــامٍ لـم أكـــــــد أفرّقُ بـيـن أجـــــزاءٍ جــمـالـُها بــدا رائــــــعًا فــكــيــف لا نـُصدّقُ مُذعِــنــيـنَ لِلـّـذي أنـْـشــأها في...

حق الانسان فى الحصول على المعلومة (Opinions) 20-08-2007
by على عبد السميع على الشناوى
الحق فى الحصول على المعلومة مقدمة يعد الحق فى المعلومة وفقا للتقسيم التقليدى لفقهاء القانون الدولى من ضمن الحقوق المدنية والسياسة وان كان هذا التقسيم يعتريه نوعا من عدم الدقة حيث ان الحق فى المعلومة يتداخل مع كافة الحقوق سواء مدنية او...

سراباً ام ليس بعد ؟؟ (Short Story) 6-10-2008
by firas
سراباً.. أم ليسَ بعد ؟؟ أنا الروح التي لم تذكر الكاتب الكبير توفيق الحكيم منذ زمن بعيد ..إلا فجأة ومراراً عند سماع تلك الأغنية الملائكية التي تصدح وتنادي بـ /عودة الروح/ في قلب أحداث ومشاهد تجدد الروح وتعيد الروح للروح .. وتتساءل هذه الروح...

شجرة الكينا (Opinions) 26-02-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
في يوم مشمس وغير متميز صحوت من نومي وكالعادة لفنجان القهوة وسيجارة ممقوتة ومن ثم إلى العمل.. وإذبي أجد شعاع الشمس يبدو أقرب والوجوه في الطرقات من موظفين وطلاب مرئية وكأنني معهم في الشارع.. غريب هل يعقل أنني أسكن هنا طوال 25 عاماً ولم أدري بذلك...

فساد .. (Opinions) 3-09-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
قصتنا بسيطة، وللحقيقة كنت أفضل تأجيلها لما بعد شهر رمضان خوفاً من النميمة ولكنني أخذتها نهاية من باب الحقيقة. المهم هو موظف معتبر و بدرجة علمية ممتازة حصل عليها من دولة أوربية معترف بها ولعلكم استنتجتم في أي قطاع يعمل، المهم هو استيائي المعتاد في...

قصتنا مع المواصلات (Short Story) 5-05-2008
by Alaa Almalfouh
قبل اكثر من أسبوعين ... تسربت الأخبار بأن اسرائيل ستمنع الوقود و الغاز عن قطاع غزة .. فما كان من أصحاب سيارات الأجرة ( و الذين تعودوا على تقلص كمية الوقود منذ بدء الحصار على قطاع غزة ) إلا أن سارعوا بشراء كمية إضافية من الوقود لتسد حاجتهم لاحقا .....

قصيدة الرجاء والأمل (Poetry) 24-03-2009
by meddahi
لقد عـادتِ البســـــمة بعـد البكاء تـشـعّ بنـــورها صـبـاحَ الرجاء لمحـتُ تســـــلـل الشعـاع حثــيثا يُزيـل ظـــلام اللـيـل بعـد الشقاء تـلامـس فـتــــــوناته كـل...

قصيدة محبة الوالدين والإحسان إليهما (Poetry) 24-03-2009
by meddahi
بكى الطّـفـل شــوقا لـضمّ الحنين لأمّـــه تــــــــاق بُـعـيْـد الأنيـن فحـرُّ الجـوى بعد حيـنِ النوى قد يُشـتّتُ قلبَ الرضـــيع الحزين قد اشتــــاق قلـــــبُ البَراءةِ حينا لأمٍّ عـواطـــــــــــفها كالدهون...

قطرة ماء بائسة (Opinions) 24-06-2007
by Muna Kamel Fityani
مشيت ليلا و كان صوت خطواتي مصدر إزعاج للشجر النائم الذي استفاق على أول قطرات مطر الربيع, و كأنّ كل شيئ عاد للحياة بعد سبات طويل. دخلت جنّتي, و اذ بها قطرات اللؤلؤ تتناثر على الحشائش المغموسة بالفضة. و أكملت طريقي بدهشة, فأكاد لا أسمعها تبكي,...

كارثة العبارة المصرية (Opinions) 24-02-2006
by Prof.Dr. M. El-Gammal
فجعنا جميعا بحادث غرق العبارة البنمية التسجيل والمصرية بالترخيص والتي تحمل شهادة الأمن والسلامة البحرية من إحدى جهات التصنيف المعترف بها وعضو المنظمة الدولية لاتحاد هيئات التصنيف، ومع كل هذا وحتي لا تضيع معالم وأسباب الغرق وبذلك يفر المتسببين عن...

لايوجد مستحيل حقا (Opinions) 1-11-2007
by Mohamed Yousry Mohamed El-Masry
في احد الجامعات في كولومبيا حضر احد الطلاب محاضرة مادة الرياضيات وجلس في آخر القاعة ونام بهدوء وفي نهاية المحاضرة استيقظ على أصوات الطلاب ونظر إلى السبورة فوجد أن الدكتور كتب عليها مسألتين فنقلهما بسرعة وخرج من القاعة وعندما رجع البيت بدء...

لعنة الفراعنة ام لعنة الفساد ؟؟ (Short Story) 6-10-2008
by firas
لعنة الفراعنة ام لعنة الفساد ؟؟ سوف أكون هناك أسفل النافذة التقطك , وانت تصرخين : حرام!! .. حرام!! .. نعم ..سوف التقطك يا معلمتي الاولى بين ذراعي .. لأحملك وأصعد بك من جديد تلك الدرجات المعتمة , والتي اكل الدهر عليها وشرب وتحملت دعسات أقدام...

لقائد الثورة الليبية العظمى (Poetry) 17-09-2008
by meddahi
سما مَـلكٌ عـلى عـرش فـنال من الشرف الذي ضـاهى الهلالا قد انهال عـلـيه الفـخــر جار كـمــثـل الـبــرق رعـــــده يتوالإ فشمس عـدالة الحــر أنإرت بـقـاعاإلأرض طـــــــاردة الوبالا له من كل مَـكـــرُمة نصـيبٌ بــه نـــال مــن...

لولا السخاء... لما بقي في الحياة ...بقاء (Poetry) 29-08-2009
by meddahi
قد عجزتُ عـذرا عـن الإنفاق مـن شــــدة البـأسـاء والإملاق لم يُكلفْ ربُّ الورى نفسا ما َ لا تُطيقه من جهـــــود الأعماق أهلك الفقر كل شيء جـنونا ففقدنا كــــــــــــرامــة الإنعتاق لم أنـل حـق الحياة مـن بلاد قد عشقناها من فؤاد...

ما أطول الطريق اليكي .. (Poetry) 6-10-2008
by firas
ما أطول الطريق اليكي .. نعم ..طويلٌ جداً اليكي الطريق ,, في أيام المطر وبعيد جداً وجهكِ عني ,, ومن يطال البدر ؟؟ أصبحت لا أراك الا في لوحاتٍ .. أو في صور .. لأشرب منها ذكرياتٍ ..سرقت مني هذا العمر .. نعم ..طويلٌ...

ما هو الهدف من الحياة؟ (Opinions) 29-06-2007
by Samer Mohammed Kamel
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم أود الدخول في الموضوع مباشرة دون مقدمات لماذا نخطئ؟ لماذا نذنب؟ و الأهم لماذا نتوب؟ طبعا كل ابن آدم خطاء و خير الخطائين التوابون ... ما دفعني للكتابة هو شأني شأن كل إنسان على ظهر البسيطة أخطأت و...

من أجل عودة المعنى إلى السياسة العربية (Opinions) 27-04-2008
by Adel Gana
لخص الفيلسوف زكي نجيب محمود في كتابه "خرافة الميتافيزيقا" تصنيف مدرسة الوضعية المنطقية لما تحتويه قواميس اللغة من كلمات إلى صنفين، صنف له معنى وهو ما يشير إلى وجود موضوعي مثل كلمة تفاحة أو بيت.. إلخ, وصنف آخر من الكلمات يتوفر في القاموس، ولكنه لا...

من وحي شاب مغربي التقى شباب من فلسطين (Opinions) 4-05-2007
by EL Hammoumi Naoufal
المغرب أبعد دولة في العالم العربي و التي مجتمعها المدني يردد دائما فلسطين في أنشطته. من وحي شاب مغربي التقى شباب من فلسطين . كنت في صغري اعرف فلسطين و الفلسطينيين فقط من خلال التلفاز و الجرائد. وفي 2003 في احد المؤتمرات الشبابية في المغرب...

نحو مقروئية أكبر في وطننا العربي (Opinions) 18-04-2008
by Adel Gana
الإحصائيات تشير إلى أن معدلات الأمية في الوطن العربي رغم انخفاضها التدريجي إلا أنها تبقى مرتفعة كثيرا، في الجزائر النسبة تصل إلى 21،36 بالمئة أما في المغرب 38،5، وفي في بلد مثل السودان 57 وبما يقارب 68مليون شخص عربي أمي ... أما النسب الباقية...

نظرة استشرافية: مستقبل الوطن العربي بين بذور الحياة و طوق الواجهات المصنوعة (Opinions) 14-07-2007
by abdou
إنّ استشراف المستقبل العربي من أصعب مواضيع الاستشراف على المتخصصين في هذا المجال، ذلك لأنّ صناعة المستقبل في هذه الرقعة من العالم محكومة بنوعين من العوامل: عوامل القوة والضعف الاقتصادية والسياسية والاجتماعية والثقافية المعروفة، وعوامل أخرى تتعلق...

هاربون من التغيرات المناخية (Opinions) 21-12-2008
by Wiaam Youssef
لاجئون في وطنهم ومهددون من قوى خفية قادرة على اقتلاعهم من جذورهم ووضعهم في أي مكان إلا أماكنهم التي عرفوا فيها طفولتهم. نزحوا واستأثروا الخيام على بيوت باتت الآن خاوية إلا من ذكرياتهم، وهنا لا أقصد أي قوى عسكرية أو تهديدا إرهابياً مسلحا لبلدنا أو...

هوية الشباب العربي.... أية هوية لأي شباب؟؟! (Opinions) 20-11-2008
by Adel Gana
عادل قانة القاهرة في 13/11/2008 ".... هو إنسان ذو بعد واحد، فاقد الهوية، صاحب نزعة استهلاكية، قليل الحساسية تجاه الغير، يعاني عزلة وضياعا، أسير المرحلة الراهنة والأمر الواقع والتوقيت المخيف والسرعة الفائقة والوقائع السريعة الكفيلة بأن تنسيه ما...

وداعاً .. بيروت (Poetry) 17-10-2008
by firas
وداعاً .. بيروت عُدت من بيروت ,, وما علمتُ بأنها اتخذت القرار . عُدت من بيروت مثلجاً.. حالماً بضم ذلك السوار نعم , ما عدت أريد عمري .فالطرقات كلها صارت تحت الحصار . فأضعت كل شيء,, فقدت تماثيلي, وشغفي بالتدمريات .. وعلم الآثار بعد أن...

‘Lets discover the hidden treasure of Nepal’ (Opinions) 12-03-2007
by satya N singh
INTRODUCTION A new concept, called eco-tourism, has emerged as a responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well being of local people. The global tourism patterns have prompted adventure tourists...

“Provocar para Transformar” (Opinions) 19-04-2007
by Adrielle Saldanha Clive
É com grande alegria satisfação que escrevo mais uma vez. Certamente este foi o que me deu mais alegria ao construí-lo. Isso depois de diversos rascunhos feito antes de transcrevê-lo aqui. Alegria de viver e ajudar a construir a história deste...