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The role of academics in Climate Change Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by aneel SALMAN, Pakistan Aug 1, 2007
Environment   Opinions


Our global family is today facing a global threat of CLIMATE CHANGE. To combat with this challenge its high time now for us to come together and make this world a better place to live with our pious efforts.

Academics play an important role in this regard and make the students more aware and responsible towards global environment and family. ECOCENTRISM has led to development of thoughts, green ethics in students. Environment management is included as a subject in the management studies. This develops the holistic insight in students that business is beyond the motive of profits; it’s for the welfare of the society and there is a pious relationship with global environment. Water conservation and environmental awareness programs, road shows can be done by the management students in their city to spread awareness to common man and especially in schools because still many people are ignorant about the climate change and their green responsibilities.

Management students can contribute to this green movement. Industries and companies are on the pinnacle of development. The techno-age has begun and the new technology has raised the standard of living of the people. But on the flipside, the environment is being degraded and the threats like global warming and climate change are the offshoots of these techno-developments. The management students can take the initiative to be responsible managers be it marketing, finance or human resource management. The practical approach that can be practiced is only when the holistic thinking is adopted, the managers think beyond the periphery of profits.

The concepts of green marketing should be encouraged by the future managers. The managers can play an important role in developing the environmental policy of the company taking the parameters of pollution, environment degradation and the responsibility towards the environment into consideration. Environment audits and energy audits should be a matter of concern – not on papers but in practice. This is possible only when environmental ethics are practiced. Corporate Social Responsibility of the companies can include the plantation of more trees, use of alternative sources of energy. Use of CFL should be encouraged in offices, energy and water can be saved at all levels of the organization as well at homes.

As it is rightly said that many drops of water make oceans, it’s when we individually come together – then become green teams to pool our ideas and concepts to face the challenge. This is what’s happening and it proves that we are moving from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism – thinking and acting beyond our own periphery for the global family.



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Writer Profile
aneel SALMAN

aneel SALMAN Lecturer, Dept of Economics Forman Christian University, Pakistan. Currently a Fulbright Scholar, pursuing PhD in Economics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Troy, NY USA 12180-3590 Email: aneelsalman@yahoo.com
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