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Results (318)

Lies Beneath Lies - Why? (Poetry) 1-12-2004
by Carol
The dishonesty of one person causes an enormous emptiness in my heart. That one person who I considered to be truthful and faithful to me has failed me. Why? Once again I find myself in a dark deep hole that is so difficult to escape from. And...

'Free Education' is Still Too Expensive (Opinions) 14-06-2006
by Cheryl Gudz
Most people in Ghana would agree that education is the key to a better life, but many children in Tamale are not going to school despite the constitutionally-guaranteed right to a free education. --- Check out the bus stop in the northern...

30 segundos (Poetry) 20-09-2005
by FReddy W.
Días antes, sabía, conocía y esperaba tal fecha. impostergable, tan clara y tan inevitable. Pero y las cosas no son como todo indicaba ser... la cadena de sucesos, no habían hecho hilar al destino y se fue espumándose hasta llegar a su...

A day in this life (Poetry) 13-08-2005
Woke up this morning Raindrops striking my face Frustrated start to another day Gotta get out this place, move far away Need a hustle, need a bustle Make a million, flex my muscles A day in my life Full of sorrow, full of strife Gotta...

A Fair Future For All (Opinions) 4-11-2003
by Chidi Anekwe
Nigeria, the sleeping giant recently marked its 43rd independence anniversary in an atmosphere of frustration and uncertainty. At this stage of nationhood, with her impending status and having attained the age, one would have expected a...

A good friend (Poetry) 17-01-2012
by Mannu Sharma
A good friend is our need, A good friend is like a deed, But when a friend is deceased. It hurts us like an incomplete need. A good friend tell us what is right or wrong. A good friend tell us how to sing a song. A good friend tell us how...

by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
A LA DECOUVERTE D’UNE TECHNIQUE SCULPTURALE : LE JALA’A Un homme chéchia juché sur la tête, vêtu de quasi-haillons, barbe blanchie trahissant un âge de sagesse fonce dans les décharges des pays où il est invité et ramasse tous les matériaux...

A Nation In Tears. (Opinions) 10-09-2004
by Henry Ekwuruke
Nigeria, oh! my country. It has been the truth that many unwelcoming factors could make a nation miss the track of her destination and be in tears. Nigeria has had a series of blows done to her by her children manifested in the leaders since...

A Neo-Liberal Recipe for Fighting Poverty (Opinions) 27-06-2004
by John Michael Balouziyeh
Often in international summits, decision makers discuss the necessity of providing aid to developing countries. Rich countries should increase the percentages of national GDP devoted towards foreign aid, so they say. Yet despite these often...

A Penny for 8 Million Lives (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Ayelen Amigo
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – “One penny out of every ten dollars from the rich world could save eight million lives a year,” the United Nations Secretary General’s Advisor, Jeffrey Sachs, told the media gathered here for the World Summit on...

A smile with the cries (of a girl) (Poetry) 7-02-2005
by sadaf samreen
Everyone says, "What a smiling face," It looks to me, not a grace. My laughter covers over a mile, But who knows, A thousand cries hide in my smile, My face shows no trace of any cries, My heart only knows its own rides. My eyes hide...

Abolissons la pauvreté ! (Opinions) 31-05-2005
by Pouabe emmanuel
Il est tout à fait clair que la lutte contre la pauvreté est le combat que mène l'homme tout au long de son existence. Pour être plus précis dans nos réflexions, nous nous intéresserons seulement au cas de la pauvreté financière et matérielle,...

Abuja - Oasis in the Desert (Poetry) 6-08-2004
by Olumide Olaniyan
My name is Abuja If you have not heard about me, Then, you are probably uneducated, Probably ethnocentric Probably detest the black or lack interest in them For none can downsize me Not when you see all men as equal Irrespective of clan,...

Achieving MDG´s (Opinions) 30-08-2005
by Fabrizio Scrollini
The promise was made on the year 2000. It was an historic day for the UN. As a result of long process the United Nations arrived to a new framework towards development, but most important a promise to all mankind: to free us from want and fear....

by Ajagbe Samsondeen Idowu
It is no longer news that Africa is the most impoverish continent in the world and there has been various approaches toward reducing/eliminating this trend. The contemporary framework for sustaining development and eradicating poverty on the globe...

Africa ! Weep No More (Poetry) 17-05-2005
by Matthew Fapohunda
Poverty! Why hath thou chosen Africa as your dwelling place? Poverty has trapped us all, that we all live in abject poverty. Our children have never tasted the joy in riches. Our soil is extremely poor. And we are recognized by the...

Africa and The Third World Do Not Need Aid (Opinions) 31-05-2004
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
Much to the chagrin of Western countries, many poor African and third world countries would rather go to the World Bank, IMF and other Western funding institutions so as to off set their self-created ‘budgetary deficits’. The fact noted by the...

Africa Wants To Know (Poetry) 24-10-2005
by Bridget
Truth is truth and men are men Let me tell the whole truth about deeds of men From the beginning to the end You only break me where you claim to mend Even if you dismiss it as an old story It is still true so I recall my history I and my own...

Africa's Independence? (Poetry) 11-11-2008
by Remish Gasiano
Independence in Africa? Oh spare me, son of my mother. What independence is there to talk about When budgets made and money spent are engineered by the donors? What good is political independence when economical emancipation is still a myth?...

Africa's Woes Still Piling (Opinions) 10-07-2004
by Kebby Thijesko Shampongo
When one views Africa from a distance, usually all that they see is poverty, disease, and war, and the brighter side of Africa, such as its natural heritage and potential to succeed in making a better world is overshadowed. There two reasons why...

Africa: The Shortchanged Continent??? (Opinions) 17-02-2004
by Otemuyiwa Bamidele
Before you start browsing through this article, it should be borne in mind that this article does not aim to argue for or against a widely believed view; but is just a collection of mischievous thoughts by the author on his homeland: Mama Africa....

After Graduation (Short Story) 14-06-2006
by Valentina Golovasin
It’s far past midnight. The somber weather vacillates between rain and snow. I’ve been watching outside the window for some hours now and still can’t figure out what it is: a slight rain or tiny crystals of an early snow. It’s so cold in the...

Agroforestry: Reducing Hunger and Poverty in Rural Communities (Opinions) 18-11-2006
by Benhildah Chihota-Masuka
According to a report by Pinstrup-Anderson and Pandya-Lorch (2001), the global demand for food (cereal and meat) is rising yet farmers in both developing and developed countries are experiencing slow growth in agricultural production. This is...

AL (Poetry) 17-11-2004
by Daniel Brophy
Descending the brick stairs, Hearing the sirens in the rain, Men and women running with cell phones To catch the train. The wafting whiff of urine, The pigeons pecking at pop corn kernals Graffiti in the cracks claiming CLASS WAR, A...

Alis15-Моя миссия (Opinions) 14-10-2005
by Victoria Tim Tekhtilova
Моя миссия- спасение моего будущего и поиск безопасного места на Земле. Наше общество спекулирует моей молодостью ( в 30 и я и ты- не будем нужны обществу -как прошлогодняя трава- вырастит новая). Благая весть - доступность...

AM A SLAVE (Poetry) 8-02-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
To the time and tide And of its ripples and waves That sweeps our ocean of being Within walls of our cosmic ball I am a slave in chains Rowing aloft in uncertainties Like a vessel blown off course More pain and less joy These bawling...

APEC: Just Like Any Game of Chess (Opinions) 26-10-2003
by christopher bernardo
It will never end in Cancun, the enemy pawn has been moved and the knight is just about to make the kill. The failure in consolidating the free trade agreement in Cancun has just brought about clamors for other alternatives for the free trade...

Are Nigerians Worth Dying For? (Opinions) 7-10-2003
by Enefe,
When in the 18th century the likes of Jean Jack Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesquieu rose up against the aristocratic and dictatorship government of King Leo XVI, the French people rose up with them. Men, women and children gave their support to...

Bad Leaders (Poetry) 17-05-2005
by Matthew Fapohunda
Hear now, leaders of our land, and officers of this nation. You should know what justice is! But you hate good and love evil. You tear the skin off the people. You tear the flesh off their bones! You are destroying the people! You take...

Bag Lady (Poetry) 28-07-2006
by Instant Vintage
She’s sitting on a cardboard box alone, Begging for pennies, a place of her own Mister won’t you stop acting like a clone, Look at Miss Bag Lady-your eyes aren’t numb Shivering humanity, stop acting cold, Take out some time and prove that I...

Bangladesh: Life (Opinions) 21-09-2003
by Zubair Islam
In Bangladesh, there is a lot of natural gas. British and American companies have taken this from the people of the country. This was easy; the whole country including the government is corrupt, for this is what eventually happens to a 3rd World...

Be Glad (Poetry) 10-05-2006
by suzannah scanlon
I awoke in my home That currently houses 5 It could house more than 10 Who are in greater need than I I walked to the sink to brush my teeth I watched the water run down the drain It could have quenched the thirst Of someone thirstier...

beauty sun (Poetry) 24-11-2005
by hazem al jaber
o .. beauty sad sun, which feel and carry inside it, along dark night.. o .. a last sun, which going on earth, in a white morning... your land still green, as you left it... and a fence and a meadow, still green too... also a beauty hill,...

Because She is a Mother... (Poetry) 12-02-2005
by Becky Lorraine
She sells her soul, down on that street. She continues to do this because her child has to eat. They use her up, then spit her out. She continues to do this without any doubt. Who can blame a woman, some believe disgaces god above....

Become an Entrepreneur for Community, not for Money (Opinions) 24-10-2004
by Dereje Amera
We live in a world whose events are paradoxical. In one aspect, the happenings in this world ignite lights of hope, but in another aspect they darken our hearts with fear and frustration, whose magnitude and effects are hard to scale. The...

Big Business and Big Government – a Balancing Act (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – “People come here to get energy.” This was how Jeff McNeely, Chief Scientist of IUCN-The World Conservation Union, summed up the motivation of delegates attending the World Summit on Sustainable Development....

BILL (Short Story) 20-11-2005
by Daniel Brophy
Why are the best things in art and life so hard to find? I sometimes wonder if I am to look. Some days I will walk, my laces untied, my stringy-ripped jeans, my unshaved face, and I will have this desire to look, look for what you might ask, look...

Bill (Short Story) 15-11-2005
by Daniel Brophy
Why are the best things in art and life so hard to find? Some days I will walk, my laces untied, my stringy-ripped jeans, my unshaved face and I will have this desire to look. Look for what, you might ask. Look for the questions or the answers...

Bondage of Poverty (Poetry) 17-11-2004
by Samuel-Malachi Odekunle
I didn’t choose this life yet I live it Everyday I face my woe A life of which I have no control I’ve heard of people who live happy With three or maybe four square meals a day I’ve heard of people who drive for miles Who never get tired...

Brother Deliver Brother (Opinions) 28-10-2003
by Yasmary Mora
It is a plausible fact that in this era of GLOBALIZATION in the world in general and on Africa in particular, emphasis need to be place on the doctrine of “love one and another” In this contemporary era of our Human existence, what the world...

Building A Better Future (Short Story) 30-04-2006
by Eugenia Bivines
South Africans posses an unsurpassed spirituality like none other in the world: all races reaching out to each other with a strong desire to build a better future for themselves. Racial inequalities, poverty, disease, death; but also hope,...

Call to Action (Opinions) 7-09-2005
by Lewis Best
Every 3 seconds, a child dies from hunger. This phrase, popularized by the MakePovertyHistory campaign along with the Live8 concerts, shows the world what state it is in. Worldwide, 208 million young people live on less than US$1 a day, and a...

Cameroonian Youth and the MDGs (Opinions) 13-02-2006
-- Presented by AJI James* at the Cameroon Youth Leadership Forum, under the theme Youth Leadership and Sustainable Development, Yaounde Conference Centre, February 6-9 2006. (This paper draws inspiration from the Declaration of the Pacific Youth...

Camino (Short Story) 5-04-2005
by Rolando Zapata Rumiche
Hoy, al detenerme y reflexionar sobre esta parte de mi vida, trato de interactuar con mis pensamientos, buscando los fundamentos de mi propia existencia. Hoy, que me siento a considerar, a descansar a un lado del camino, pienso en lo que he...

Can We Spare Some Hope? (Opinions) 22-10-2004
by Charity Fadun
It's a bitter cold Sunday night. She's standing on the street with her cardboard sign. She looks at me apprehensively at first then decides to take my offer and get into the car. "Where to..." I say, as I listed a few restaurants in the area....

Captain (Short Story) 15-11-2005
by Daniel Brophy
These are words written for a man named Richard Paul Balandis, homeless for 27 years in my town of Rahway. I read them to him in the cafe coffee shop, with its foggy windows and crumbs of doughnuts on the ground; ringed stains on the tables;...

Caught in a Valley (Short Story) 25-07-2006
by Clovis
Here we are, down in a valley, and the way seems to be non-existent. On the surface, the circumstances that brought us to the valley are not clear. We can only see ourselves surrounded by a mountain so high that no one can risk climbing it. Life...

Cereals: Grains that feed the world. (Opinions) 4-08-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
Introduction: Cereals are grass that produce edible grains for foods. This loose definition can serve the purpose of their discussion. Cereals are also crop plants that are cultivated across the world. As a crop and plant, cereal has been...

Circle It Is (Poetry) 25-05-2006
by Smitha Hanumantha
As I read, as I listen, and as I visualize it… The very image that I see before me, my eyes lit up with an unmistakable passion for this yearning. It is words that convey what I feel, and I find myself transporting through times from here to...

Como podemos ajudar a combater a fome? (Short Story) 5-06-2004
by Mateus Fernandes
A II Conferência Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional foi realizada entre os dias 17 e 20 de março de 2004, no Centro de Convenções de Pernambuco, em Olinda. A Conferência é considerada o evento anual de maior expressão nacional no que...

Concept of Life (Poetry) 18-12-2005
Many a times I am confused, wandering here and there lying flat in the open field looking at the clear sky counting the twinkling stars, also once in a while shooting stars Once again unable to count the stars much more confused as...

Condemned to an Early Grave (Opinions) 19-02-2004
by Kabwe Chibwe
Life for many African youths and adults has become meaningless as the wave of starvation continues to seize each and every moment. It has seen the collapse of homes, dignity and culture as people try to find ways of attaining their daily needs....

Contra la pobreza en Perú (Opinions) 22-06-2006
by limberg
Ubiquémonos en los inicios de la vida del hombre.... En el cómo convivía con su constante y desapercibida actividad intelectual y afrontaba numerosos problemas. No es muy raro sentir y pensar que haría lo mismo que nuestra primariedad, ante...

Corruption and Poverty (Short Story) 10-11-2003
by Fasoranti Oluseyi Taiwo
Corruption is a problem of low culture, an act of wickedness, a low level where truth and light seizes to exist, and a point of heaviness where darkness prevails. In Nigeria, which is the giant of all countries of Africa, corruption seems to be...

Crab's Law or the Physics of Immigration (Opinions) 25-05-2006
by Wilson
I remember the first time I saw the Pacific Ocean in the coast of Ecuador. A young man had several buckets full of crabs on display for sale under a tiny palm tree kiosk. Interestingly enough the crabs were alive and untied, having free movement...

CSD-11: Youth Participation as an Indicator of Sustainable Development (Opinions) 1-05-2003
The United Nations estimated that in 2000 there were 1.1 billion young people between the ages of 15 and 24, representing an unprecedented 18 percent of the global population. If, then, almost 20 percent of the Earth’s population is eager and...

Cultural Problems in Africa (Opinions) 30-09-2003
by Damilare T.A Onajole
According to history, the Africans were great people. They excelled in arts, religion, technology, medicine, and civilisation. Their culture was principally based on religious and moral justification. A strong point to prove the moral injunctions...

Cumbres de las Américas: Reseña Histórica y balance de Mar del Plata (Opinions) 28-11-2005
by Julián Pablo Sinesi
Dos cumbres antecedieron a la primera Cumbre de las Américas celebrada en Miami en 1994. La primera, en julio de 1956, reunió a 19 líderes de distintos países en la Ciudad de Panamá. La segunda, celebrada en 1967 en Punta del Este, buscaba...

De Blackman’s smile (Poetry) 16-04-2006
As the rain fell, Upon the shaft A spiral blast Shot through its hole… It’s shinning in the rain! De Blackman stood As the rain fell As the sun shown He stood A hoe on his right shoulder On the other, a bundle of net… It’s raining...

De días (Poetry) 8-08-2005
by FReddy W.
vida, amor; digno de todo sentir, aqui; en mi alma, con vida material y espirtual, llena en mi tal deseo de amar y querer, de ser uno y para el otro , tanto deseo en mi corazon... no es errante pero tal vez confundido, entre si te amo...

De l'eau pour tous les Hommes! (Opinions) 11-03-2006
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
D’ici à 2015, les objectifs du Millénaires prévoient de réduire de moitié le pourcentage de la population mondiale privée d’eau potable. Pour y parvenir, deux défis sont à relever : prévenir l’épuisement et la pollution des ressources en eau de...

Debt cancellation: the wrong signal for fighting poverty (Opinions) 13-06-2005
by Yambwa, Nziya Jean-Pierre
Defining poverty varies and depends from one place to another, from one time to another and from one year to another, from household to another… A poor person in my village, Kpala, owns land, has shelter, eats fresh food but does not have health...

Debt Relief for Poor Countries (Opinions) 19-04-2005
As the world’s poorest countries continue to see their external debts rise to a situation where debt servicing and interest payments are struggling for attention as with needed investment for good healthcare delivery, road construction,...

Déclaration du millenaire: mythe ou réalite pour l’Afrique! (Opinions) 5-05-2005
by Yambwa, Nziya Jean-Pierre
DECLARATION DU MILLENAIRE: MYTHE OU REALITE POUR L’AFRIQUE! La Communauté Internationale s’est fixée un nombre raisonnable d’objectifs pour éradiquer la pauvreté en élevant l’accès à l’éducation et le standard de la vie sociale. En lisant cette...

by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
Si l’on se réfère à l’évolution de l’humanité, on se rendra compte qu’en tous temps, l’homme a toujours cherché à progresser, à évoluer : cela signifie rechercher les voies et moyens pour aller de l’avant. Or la recherche de ce progrès n’a pas...

Do you think the MDGs will be achieved and what will be the role of youths in their achievement? (Opinions) 22-03-2006
Ishmael Dumbaya- 3rd prize- TIG Sierra Leone Essay Contest In September 2000, world leaders include the President of Sierra Leone, Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, in a summit on the declaration of the Millennium Development Goals signed the fundamental...

Does Slavery Still Persist? (Opinions) 25-02-2004
by Timmy
In this modern world, is there anything like slavery? Most people would like to think not. That's because the word slavery conjures up horrific pictures of brutality and oppression. In the minds of many, such pictures belong to the past...

Double Face of Globalisation (Opinions) 8-10-2004
by chidiebere arinzechukwu
Globalization is the great economic event of our era, its now bringing unprecedented opportunities to billions of people throughout the world. Globalization is the term some use to describe the growing worldwide interdependence of people and...

Dreams That Will Never Be (Poetry) 13-07-2004
by Jared Otieno Oloo
Like the rains after long time of drought, Lift the loose soil and drains it away, Uplift the sunken heart of a farmer, Who has lost hope on the productivity of soil? Replenishes the waters of the drying up rivers, Raises back life to the...

Education (Poetry) 14-12-2009
by Daniel
Education is the key, That we need to achieve Until we get more we can't rest We're trying hard to be the best Learning is always good, Glad I moved out the hood It is not our deepest fear Hidden potential is at the rear,

Ein Vertrag für die Zukunft – die Global Marshall Plan Inititaive (Opinions) 4-04-2005
by Karsten Wenzlaff
Wie kommt es eigentlich, dass bei Naturkatastrophen insbesondere arme Menschen viel mehr Geld spenden als Höherverdienende? Wie kommt es eigentlich, dass auch sehr reiche Menschen von sich behaupten, sie wären arm dran? Das ist auf ein ganz...

El Papel del Pueblo: A New Liberator in Oil-rich Venezuela? (Opinions) 25-06-2005
\'Yo no soy el presidente, yo soy Hugo; soy un campesino.\' So long after Che Guevara and Sandino, does charismatic Hugo Chávez Frias steal the Latin-American radical scene. Big news. 46-year enduring Cuban dictator Fidel Castro might as...

Embrace (Poetry) 23-05-2006
by Elisa D.
She's crouching right down A corroded wall supports her boney back Her knees hold her trembling head Her hands hold her belongings, scarce in a sack Sand, like fear spirals around her Stinging and piercing her cheeks and ears With wind,...

Environnement -GABON (Opinions) 14-01-2006
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
Ce texte d'Antoine Lawson montre Les insuffisances dans l'enlèvement et le traitement des déchets qui aggravent le problème de l'eau potable au Gabon et permettent de mesurer les limites des politiques actuelles de l'environnement dans notre pays...

Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger in the Arab world: Is there hope? (Opinions) 30-03-2005
by May Fawaz
In her account on famine in Sudan, CNN correspondent Catherine Bond reported about a girl named Aduta Aboim, who walked miles with her parents and two brothers to Ajeip, a campground in the south of the country, where more than 7000 malnourished...

Eradicating Poverty through Agriculture (Opinions) 23-03-2007
by .
Poverty and hunger are complex problems for which there are no simple solutions. Poverty affects both rural and urban areas, and is associated with social problems such as malnutrition, disease, violence and poor education. The line between cause...

Eradicating The Heart Of Poverty (Opinions) 11-07-2005
by Ruth Garnes
Poverty can sometimes only be a state of mind, based on our perception and what we value in life. It is also a disheartening reality for many. The Webster dictionary describes poverty as having a chronic need for money and material goods. How can...

eredicate poverty (Poetry) 6-07-2005
by Samori Sombel Sy
Let\'s eradicate poverty in other words, the deprivation of right obstructing one from basic benefits leading to substantial denial to health basically causing adversity among citizens. Let\'s eradicate poverty in other words, make...

Exodus from the Rural (Opinions) 12-12-2002
by Rashid Zuberu
People have waged numerous wars and campaigns around the globe in aid of women children and the human race in general. Success has been achieved on various occasions and on the other hand failure. Nevertheless, our part of the world has gone under...

Extremity for suffering (Poetry) 16-03-2006
by Henry Ekwuruke
We live in an era of extremity Poverty and hunger for our people People of Africa - it is fact and has been A truth said at the right time Everything seems possible for the rich Mighty selfishness and hate Me, me, me mentality At the...

Falling Together (Poetry) 5-06-2004
by Pleso
Outside the train station the dispossessed gather Requesting cigarettes from their oppressors Security guards pace the platforms Softly leading muzzled hounds Up town, crowds choose their poison And wait to liquify in laser beams The...

Farm work, snakes, ice creams and my lessons (Opinions) 23-07-2005
by Romi Nhung
You may only have a vague notion of poverty because you were not born and brought up in any hardship. However, you may also have been granted a warm heart, enabling you to be touched by some life stories; and an open mind to learn from peoples’...

Feelings (Poetry) 5-10-2005
by FReddy W.
Do you feel?. Can you feel? ; the love better than anything; all days, and today cannot explain, so single and so unique, Is not matter by the sciencie, and human y only humans can do feeling.

Females in the Bengali Government (Opinions) 25-09-2003
by Shafiullah Al Munir
INDEX has taken up a program to build the capacity of women UP members and empower them through information sharing so that they can perform their roles and responsibilities properly. Towards the end, INDEX had a series of open dialogue with the...

Finding balance in a stormy sea (Short Story) 29-04-2009
by Mike Ssegawa
Today, one US dollar costs 2160 Uganda shillings. A little petrol costs 2240 Uganda shillings, which is a dollar and some cents. That means that the prices of all other consumer items are skyrocketing in this part of the world. While not so...

Food: A Political or Nutritional Tool? (Opinions) 6-06-2005
by Yara Kassem
Can you think, make vital and important decisions, talk and even joke when you’re still hungry? What about those entire populations spending years in hunger, or even those who cannot afford to get the food for their children? Food is...

For You, Painter (Poetry) 1-06-2006
Painter, if I were to choose a calling, yours I’ll never begrudge. That was then, not now. At the height of my growth, Painter, I’ve grown to think twice… I wish I was you! I’ve wrapped my fingers around your brushes, not letting go...

Foreign Aid: Rich Countries’s Promises and Actions (Opinions) 22-06-2005
by Ajit Rai
There is no denying the fact that pure foreign aid – as opposed to the so-called foreign aid provided with some kind of vested interest by the rich countries – help the poorest countries accelerate the pace of their economic development....

From Nothing to Everything (Poetry) 20-04-2006
by Catherine
On the journeys to my heritage country I ponder How these people can live such lively lives, Through tarnished roads and alleys they wander Underprivileged is what we call their fives. Mopeds slowly zooming by With four youngsters piled on...

Für einen Balanced Way (Opinions) 7-10-2005
by Wolfgang Gründinger
Nach dem Kollaps des Sowjetkommunismus und dem Ende des Kalten Krieges hoffte die Menschheit auf eine bessere Welt. Es schien nicht mehr nötig, Milliarden für Waffen und Rüstung zu verschwenden. Mit einer Friedensdividende sollte die Armut...

Ghetto Story: Leroy's Story (Short Story) 15-05-2008
by Shawna-Kay Williams
Leroy, at first glance, seems to live the life of an average 17-year old. He is dark, good-looking and smiles with a deep dimple planted in his left cheek. He has the look of any teenage girl’s dream guy. He has intelligence which complements his...

Giving (Opinions) 23-12-2004
by Zorica Vukovic
It’s the season of giving and joy, but what does it mean for us to give and how do we feel about it? It surely is a form of self-actualization and agreeable social behavior. We were all raised to give and to share from our earliest childhood in...

Giving (Poetry) 2-06-2005
by Tayanie Vincentio Bandah
It can never happen that way he said Can man give what he does not have? He queried Silence reigned all over He continued, What you have is what you give What you give is a reflection of you It will always be a part of you I nodded. Of...

Globalization and Its Effect on Poverty (Short Story) 28-08-2003
by Shakti Ghimire
Globalization has helped raise the standard of living for many people worldwide. It has also, however, driven many deeper into poverty. Small businesses and third world countries are not capable of updating their technology as often as their...

Globalization and Third World Countries (Opinions) 2-08-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
The world order in the years after the second world war has changed a great deal. This is palpable especially when one takes cognizance of the many inventions and initiatives not only in the sphere of political interactions between states and...

Globalization: Its Essence to Developing Countries (Opinions) 15-09-2003
by Enefe,
The word globalism or globalization as the case may be cannot be said to have any clear-cut definition. In fact it can be said that no one has clearly defined it in the context of its operations. One can, however, say that the tenets of...

GOOD NEIGHBOURS (Opinions) 1-09-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – ‘CASTRO, GADDAFI, MUGABE AND BLAIR. THERE GOES THE NEIGHBOURHOOD.’ Message on a roadside advertising hoarding here as leaders fly in for the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. The advertiser...

Groping for Hope (Poetry) 1-12-2004
by Salisu Suleiman
Time was when tomorrow meant hope An effective remedy for the mope The faith of those who grope The strength of many on dope And guide for who needed a rope. Time was when doubts were eased by a pope Because conscience was to our deeds a...

by Charles Makanga Sendegeya
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Nothing appeals to young people like music. Talk about pop music – and Michael Jackson will be a part of the story. Talk about Michael Jackson – and you get a man who cares about the environment. MJ, as many...

Healing (Short Story) 15-11-2005
by Daniel Brophy
As I descended the steps of the train station as I often do and turn the corner to enter the red brick tunnel, the tunnel that warns with sheet metal signs SLEEPING FORBIDDEN, I came to a man who opened his crusty lips and in a low hoarse tone...

Healthy and Sustainable Communities (Opinions) 25-10-2002
by Mike Blanchard
Healthy and sustainable cities are important because of the role communities play in so many people’s lives, and the importance of having a home in today’s world. The recent World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg may have put the...

Highrise on the Slum (Poetry) 31-05-2005
by Angelicum Oda
from a slit of curtain, i see the rustic roof beside the tree that for long holds... a soggy rubber a wheel as though, moon shrinks and fall to wonder my eyes opened, my heart tears trying to escape the guilt for years they have...

Hip Hop’s Voice against Poverty (Opinions) 24-12-2005
by Wolfgang Gründinger
Written by Christiane Waschinski Germany, September 15th 2005 - The 'Beats & Lyrics Contest', initiated by the German Millennium Campaign, came to a close on September 9th 2005. The contest called upon young creatives to submit lyrics with a...

HIV/AIDS, Rape, and Sexual Violence Threatens the Lives of the Disabled in Kenya (Opinions) 20-03-2006
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
HIV/AIDS, rape and several other forms of sexual violence face today’s African woman, man and child. This happens at the height of a litany of campaigns and pseudo-campaigns orchestrated to fight against the same socioeconomic ignominies. In a...

HIV/AIDS: We Will NOT Die Like DOGS! (Opinions) 25-03-2006
by Moses Okoth Akwiri
AIDS WAR: We (youths) should NOT die like dogs The preparing of children for school and coordination of scarves suits preoccupied most minds of those filing out of Kenyan homes on Thursday morning. On the lapels of but a few, was a plash color,...

Homelessness. Poverty. Hunger. (Opinions) 20-11-2005
by Daniel Brophy
Can you see this image? A garbage can, two children on top of it,one is having his diaper changed and the other is having his shoe tied, giving his mother a difficult time, grabbing her hair and wiggling his foot. They wait for the bus, the...

HOT AIR? (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Dan Jones
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Maybe the words ‘sustainable development’ – repeated here like a mantra by World Summit delegates and media – could be harnessed for a useful purpose? Like to generate electricity? Consider the following...

House Asunder (Poetry) 29-04-2005
by Matthew Fapohunda
Bewildered women are seen Darting about the market Infants straddled on their backs Clinging on them with innocence Heads dropped unaligned Yet we watch them Their presence insignificant In the market of bedlam Elected elders with shows of...

How a Group of Women is Making a Difference in Maseno Division, Western Kenya (Short Story) 17-03-2006
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
In Africa, Kenya and indeed, the developing world, women form about 70% of family heads and breadwinners, providing for their communities and families alike. Nowhere is this ideal more exemplified than in the work of the Green Hill Women...

How I Sold Myself in the Emirates (Short Story) 12-06-2006
by Valentina Golovasin
This last year of my life had been the worst I remember. And I don’t think I’m just another depressed teenager. I had been a teenager for a short time and I wouldn’t pass through that period once again. I was a lonely and unhappy philosopher....

How the Millennium Goals can be achieved and what the role of youths in their achievement will be? (Opinions) 22-03-2006
By Christopher James 17 Years old - 1st Prize- TIG Sierra Leone Essay Contest- Question: Do you think the MDGs will be achieved and what will be the role of youths in their achievement? I hereby write to explain how the Millennium...

Humanity (Opinions) 9-03-2005
by Demosthenes
One would think that the unavoidable destruction of the world, due to war, would be humanity's main cause for concern. To some people this may come as a complete surprise and yet to others they will simply disregard what I have to stay. Humanity's...

Hunger - Is It History? (Opinions) 6-05-2005
by Hong-Anh Nguyen
If somebody asked me, “How much hunger have you experienced?” I would recall a day when I refused meals then enjoyed a big dish that day as if I had been starving for the whole week. I was not born with a silver spoon in mouth, but my family has...

I am afraid (Poetry) 31-03-2005
by oriane
Walking down the street toward my so called home I sink into the oblivion my mind yearns for As I fall to my knees I see my final destination and I'm frightened no more I know I'm not alone not only do I long to die wanting to be free of...

I cry out! (Poetry) 25-08-2005
by Linda Chigozie Ugwu
I long to be in those lands where milk and honey flows I wonder what it is like to be out of this den I hunger for what i do not have Oh! I'm I alive or dead? Give me what u have and make me happy! I hunger, I thirst You have , I don't My...

I hate the cold... (Short Story) 12-03-2008
by Philip Fry
I hate the cold. It’s always so cold in Bourbonnais this time of the season. Rain, sleet, snow, ice… I hate nights like these. The scent of freshly-made candy-corn and cinnamon rolls lingers as if it has been suspended in the air, frozen by the...

I Hear The Humbles Grumbling (Poetry) 23-02-2006
I hear the inward rumbling Of silent ones sent to earth grumbling My spirit is greatly moved, but I can't touch Forcefully interested where I wouldn't bother But everywhere I look I see them tightly clutch Embracing forever the earth. There...

In 20 Years: My Plans for Africa's Renaissance (Opinions) 19-08-2005
As a youth involved in development works, I have so much prospects for the future and, I don’t see myself being part of the mainstream that believes African plights are traditional and will always be there. I believe so much in harnessing...

International Youth Day (Opinions) 8-08-2006
by Ekpon Theophilus
The theme for this year International Youth Day is "Tackling Poverty Together". The General Assembly on 17 December 1999 in its resolution 54/120, endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth...

Interview at the Summit: Leif Holmberg, Co-Facilitator of the Youth Caucus (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Dan Jones
An interview by Daniel Jones, Global Youth Reporter from the United States The World Summit on Sustainable Development has brought together government, corporations, and members of the international community, divided into nine major groups....

INTERVIEWS AT THE SUMMIT: Champions of Sustainable Development (Opinions) 1-09-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Rhys Davies, 17, and Peter Burton, 11, are two of the UK's Earth Champions, who have come to the World Summit on Sustainable Development to represent the voices of the national youth. There are four Earth Champions in...

by Annabel Short
Interview with Jonathan Lash, President of World Resources Institute By Annabel Short, Global Youth Reporter from the UK Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Do you believe that sustainability is an achievable goal and what are the main...

Introduction to a historical account of poverty in Africa (Opinions) 16-01-2005
by Simon
Just as in the case of any other continent, the history of Africa is not only one of the great and colorful kingdoms. It is not only a history of the wealthy or, for the majority of the world, of the colonizers. It is a history that unites the...

Investing in Education can Eradicate Poverty (Interviews) 29-09-2005
by Reama Naco-Biumaiono
I had the opportunity, during the 51st Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) conference that was held at the Sheraton Resort, Nadi here in Fiji in September this year, to interview the Hon. Haja Afsatu Kabba – Opposition Member of...

Is Africa Actually a Dark Continent? (Opinions) 10-09-2003
by Afeez Adeyemi Adisa
There are so many misconceptions about Nigeria and Africa that have taken root in the minds of most Westerners, Americans and other people of the world. I mean, why is it that when we are asked who has seen a lion or any wild animal, all eyes turn...

Is Might Right? (Opinions) 11-10-2003
by Enefe,
The situation in Iraq is a clear-cut example of the analyses made supra. The US government after the September 11th 2001 attack did not take some time out to reason properly. The attack said a lot about the security situation at the time in...

Is There a Role of the HTGR in Sustainable Development? (Opinions) 24-09-2002
by Robert Margolis
While the HTGR has various safety advantages, it has never received the large development effort compared to water-cooled reactors. There were several reasons for focus on the water-cooled reactor. The first was that water-cooled reactors were...

It Could've Been Me (Poetry) 13-06-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
It could’ve been me In the gusty chilly night When all warmly, sheltered But one in the wind It could’ve been me In the womb of the dawn Caught by icy cold With neither coat nor jacket It could’ve been me Pasturing on the strange...

Jeunes haïtiens, faisons nôtre les OMD ! (Opinions) 3-05-2005
by Jean Wesley THOSIAC
Haiti fait partie des 37 pays sur les 155 en voie de développement à avoir signé la déclaration du Millénaire, mais jusqu'à date, ce pays n’a presque pas emboîté le pas vers les OMD . En effet, de multiples faits expliquent cela. Dans un mini...

Jugend globalisiert (Opinions) 19-12-2005
by Wolfgang Gründinger
Jugend globalisiert Wie sich Jugendliche beim weltgrößten Jugendnetzwerk TakingITGlobal gegen Armut einsetzen Das nasskalte Wetter war wohl das einzige, was nicht einladend wirkte, als sich im August knapp 600 junge Menschen im schottischen...

Jugendvertreter bei der UN-Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz in New York (Interviews) 9-10-2005
by Wolfgang Gründinger
Taking IT Global: Nadine, du warst Jugendvertreterin bei der 13. Sitzung der UN-Kommission für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (CSD) im April 2005. Was ist denn diese Kommission genau? Nadine Braun: Die jährlichen Treffen der Kommission haben...

Just one look (Poetry) 26-05-2005
by Muchoki C.
Everday I walk past him I look the other way Lest his outstretched hand should touch me I cross the street and walk on the other side It's the same day in day out He's there in the morning And in the evening as I go home With the very...

Justice for Palestine (Opinions) 9-09-2006
by Bahjat
Palestine is considered a strife-torn region of the world. It's also known as the largest prison in the world. Since 1948 Gaza and West Bank have become home to many Palestinian refugees. In Gaza about 1.4 million people live in an area only 40 km...

Juventud y Desarrollo: Los jóvenes argentinos vistos desde el Índice de Desarrollo Humano 2005 (Opinions) 27-12-2005
by Luis Irigoytia
El 15 de diciembre de 2005, la oficina Argentina del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo presentó su Informe sobre el Desarrollo Humano para Argentina. Este informe, el cual se realiza a nivel mundial (1) y nacional, es muestra de...

Kenyan Media Sacrificing The Common Man At The Altar of Political Sensations (Opinions) 29-05-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The magnetic speed with which much of the Kenyan media moves in to record politically sensational statements would have won an Olympics Medal or any other international athletics speed gauging race. In a country where more than half of the...

Kenyan Media Sacrificing the Common Man at the Altar of Political Sensations (Opinions) 29-05-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The magnetic speed with which much of the Kenyan media moves in to record politically sensational statements would have won an Olympics Medal or any other international athletics speed-gauging race. In a country where more than half of the...

Know This and Live by It (Poetry) 20-06-2004
Know yourself and be yourself. Appreciate what you have. Dream, Plan and Aspire. Forge ahead and do not relent. Be confident, sincere and calm. Put to use the talent that you have. Accept if you are wrong. Do not be weigh down by guilt....

L'homme sans visage (Poetry) 18-10-2005
by Fa Sy
Je suis celui qu'ils appellent l'hideux Je ne suis rien d'autre qu'un gueux Parmi tant d'autres, un habitant de cette ruelle Petit etre inconnu dans cette ville immense Je passe inapercu, me nourissant de leurs restes Dechet de la...

La France ne respecte pas le droit au logement des minorités (Opinions) 27-09-2005
by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
ENAR exprime son inquiétude face à la réaction des pouvoirs publics français après la mort de 24 Africains, dont 18 enfants, en août dernier dans les incendies d'immeubles vétustes et dangereux dans lesquels ils résidaient. Les deux incidents, qui...

La pauvreté, ma pauvreté ! (Opinions) 21-07-2005
by Landry N. Mayigane
La pauvreté, ma pauvreté ! La pauvreté peut se définir comme l’absence d’avoir, de savoir et de pouvoir. Il s’agit d’une situation dans laquelle se trouve une personne n'ayant pas les ressources suffisantes pour conserver un mode de vie normal...

La pauvreté, ma pauvreté ! (Opinions) 28-07-2005
by Landry N. Mayigane
La pauvreté : Définition Il n’est pas toujours facile de cerner le concept de pauvreté mais nous pouvons la définir comme un manque ou plus exactement, une absence d’avoir, de savoir et de pouvoir. Il s’agit d’une situation dans laquelle...

La situation des OMD au Togo (Opinions) 26-07-2005
En septembre 2000, les Nations Unies ont pris conscience du grand fossé qui sépare les pays riches de ceux pauvres. Pour essayer de combler cette lacune, elles ont adopté une résolution appelée Déclaration du Millénaire dont le but est de créer...

by Latif M'bengue
par Stanislas Bineli Tout d'abord, j'aurais souhaité que ce groupe ''MDG west Africa'' se nomme "Jeunesse et Avenir" ou "Jeunesse en action". Car l'avenir de la Jeunesse camerounaise d'aujourd'hui et de demain est dans le combat que nous...

Le problème des sans-abris (Opinions) 27-09-2005
by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
Les services pour sans-abri contraints de réparer les dégâts causés par de mauvaises politiques d'immigration Les recherches ont montré qu’un nombre important et accroissant de personnes immigrées sont parmi les usagers des services pour...

Les enfants sans enfance (Opinions) 19-11-2009
by Félicia
Peut-on s’appeler orphelin tout en ayant ses parents en vie ? NON ! Mais la réalité chez nous est qu’on peut être "orphelin" dès sa plus tendre enfance, alors que les parents sont toujours vivants. D’où sortent ces petits, tout petits garçons et...

Les jeunes et le développement durable (Opinions) 9-07-2004
Le Développement durable, voilà un sujet qui a fait et continue de faire l’objet de nombreuses études et réflexions dont la mise en application des recommandations à travers la prise en compte dans la conception, la réalisation de projets de...

Les jeunes et les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) au Cameroun (Opinions) 11-04-2005
by Pascal Bekono
Comme plusieurs autres pays en voie de développement, le Cameroun ambitionne de réduire de moitié la pauvreté d’ici 2015. A cet effet, plusieurs actions sont entreprises pour atteindre cet objectif, et la jeunesse victime de cette pauvreté quant à...

Les OMD et paradigme de développement (Opinions) 14-07-2005
by motcho martial
Les 8 objectifs du millénaire qui ont été adopté par un panel de chefs d\' États au sommet du millénaire de septembre 2000 consacrent le début du millénaire à l\'éradication de la pauvreté et la promotion du développement. Au fait ces 8...

Life (Poetry) 4-03-2005
by Andrew Ashiofu
Is life fair? A question I keep an asking myself I then look around me and observe We are all giving 24 hrs a day We are all giving the opportunity to make a change We are all giving the chance to love and to be loved We are all giving the...

Little Mind Series (Poetry) 5-11-2004
by katanagi penelope dorothy
Little mind asking Oh mother, Where are you? Oh mother, Where am I? Oh mother, What is this? Oh mother, How did I get here? Mother...mother When can I leave? Mother....mother... I never wanted to be here. Little mind: adapting Am...

Living While Being Alive (Opinions) 26-05-2005
by karekoona
“Preparing for death is significantly different than preparing for life,” said Zackie Achamati (2004) a famous AIDS victim who became an activist. In this essay the author who is himself a youth activist asserts and doubles as a social...

Longing (Poetry) 2-06-2005
by Daphne Mlachila
You look into a poor innocent child’s eyes and what do you see? Fear… Hunger… Pride… Hope … Joy… Anger… But you know what I see? I...

Lutte contre la famine: les Cultures transgéniques, danger? (Opinions) 29-10-2005
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
Le premier Objectif de développement du millénaire de l'ONU est de réduire de moitié le nombre de mal-nourris dans le monde d'ici à 2015; Pour les pays en voie de développement (PVD), durement affectés par les problèmes nutritionnels liés à la...

Lutte contre la Pauvreté -Pertinence des OMD : Pistes pour l’action (Opinions) 28-12-2005
by Latif M'bengue
A travers cette contribution je donne mon point de vue de jeune étudiant et activiste camerounais, sur la pauvreté (en relation avec les OMD, Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement), notamment son impact sur le plan social, et surtout les...

Lutte contre la pauvreté, réalisation des OMD, reflections et propositions d’un jeune du Sénégal (Opinions) 28-12-2005
by Latif M'bengue
Conception de la pauvreté La pauvreté peut être définie comme un état de manque des populations des besoins les plus élémentaires pour la vie. La pauvreté est généralement considérée comme un phénomène multidimensionnel. Elle revêt...

Make Poverty History (Opinions) 21-11-2006
by farah jukaku
As we wake up every morning, there are lots of things that we take for granted. Not necessarily those of the Gucci kind, but even the simpler things. Electricity for example: the soft hiss of the central A/C reminds us that, yes, the bill has been...

Making Trade Fair (Opinions) 31-03-2005
by David Taylor
There can be no doubt that unless there is urgent action we are going to fail to reach the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. This year, 2005, offers a once in a life time opportunity to take that action. Across the world, millions of people...

by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
En cette période où certains pays du nord font face au problème d’obésité du à la surabondance alimentaire, les pays africains pour la plupart doivent encore se battre pour sortir de l’ornière de la famine et de la misère. Les multiples...

Mapping the Way out of Poverty (Opinions) 30-08-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Drawing a map is not an obvious solution to tackling poverty. But two major development organisations believe that mapping the distribution of the poor in individual countries can be a big step in the right direction....

MAYBE TOMMORROW (Poetry) 21-08-2004
by Laureene Reeves Ndagire
let me tell you a story of a lonely child the child inside me that is lost and craves love and a family a child who is still walking on that journey to self discovery on a journey that it hopes will lead to happiness and love and when the...

MDG Contest - Millennium Goals (Opinions) 30-05-2005
by giullz
Combating all the problems humanity has and achieving all those goals by 2015 looks rather difficult, not to say 'impossible'. The fact is that only by giving our best we will be on our way to success - and I believe that if the people living on...

MDG contest: The Way Forward for Ugandan Youths (Opinions) 28-05-2005
by Ssendagire Paul
I consider poverty and ignorance as the leading setbacks to development in Uganda. The duo has immensely contributed to the birth and or acceleration of millions of other problems like illiteracy, reckless prostitution, political unrest, maternal...

MDG Contest: What I can do to help achieve the MDGs? (Opinions) 26-05-2005
by v.rajagopal
There are many ways to make India a rich country. One of the important pathways to be followed is given below: The investments of the jobholders and farmers are to be encouraged. Establishment of large number of industries (with water source...

MDGs and Pakistan: A Realistic View (Opinions) 30-05-2005
by Abdul Khalique
The Millennium Development Goals are a very important project and are achievable if our government, non government organizations, youth and whole nation realize their importance, pay attention towards the goals, show sincerity and do the hard...

MDGs? Focus on Household Incomes (Opinions) 29-05-2005
by Mike Ssegawa
1st Place Winner of the Millennium Development Goals writing contest My country Uganda, is one of the poorest on the planet. And in my view, needs to focus on raising household incomes to draw itself from the poverty tsunami. With eyes...

Mejorando Nuestra Calidad de Vida a Través de la Economía Solidaria (Opinions) 5-04-2005
Nos encontramos en una época de crisis ,donde los bienes y servicios que adquirimos suben día a día, nuestra calidad de vida se ve afectada ,ya que no poseemos los recursos necesarios para adquirir un producto ya se un bien o servicio que...

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (WSSD) (Opinions) 3-09-2002
by Lauren Kansley
Johannesburg, September (GYPR) – Thousands of souvenir-buying tourists in one place, like at the World Summit of Sustainable Development, normally mean fat profits for local entrepreneurs. A gift idea, stemmed glasses made out of old cider and...

Millenium Development Goals Should be a Perpetuity in Africa and the Rest of the Third World (Opinions) 10-11-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
That the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals are a noble initiative for the propulsion of economic growth and the raising of living standards in the developing world is indisputable. The real setback comes in the wake of the relaxant...

MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS: Changing Unfavorable Policies And Attitudes (Opinions) 3-06-2005
by Roderick Manu-Amoah
Believing it or doubting, involved directly or indirectly, we are all affected by a strange and wicked pandemic (poverty) which needs an urgent solution. It’s a big big idea: the world has become a new global village where diverse nations are...

Misconstrued Ideas on Communism (Short Story) 12-04-2003
by christopher bernardo
“When we look at a thing, we must examine its essence and treat its appearance merely as an usher at the threshold, and once we cross the threshold, we must grasp the essence of the thing.” says so by Mao Zedong, the icon of the so called founder...

Molesting the Mountains of Negros (Opinions) 30-05-2003
by Khyn P. Yap
Before the foreign colonization Negros Island was blessed with a unique environment of diverse flora and fauna. The island was covered by 95% of primary forest. Five centuries later, 3 million people inhabit the Island and the island’s primary...

Mother Nature Cries for a Nation Plundered to Death (Poetry) 16-12-2005
by simeon ifarinde
A nation at the brink: crumbles at the Hands of death. In reminiscence: the Past deeds of our heros might have been lumped (bagged) for the dump, the cod of prosperity thrown for a lot, mumped by the dogs: a non-ruminant, ravaging the...

Mugabe and The Operation Murambatsvina: The Irony Of Poverty and Dilapidated Leadership Qualities (Opinions) 5-12-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The African brotherly-inflicted masochism is back so goes the global grapevine. President Mugabe, in an apparent effort to drive out slum dwellers from their houses, has once again defied local and international pressure and rendered thousands of...

My encounter with poverty - a heartrending reality (Short Story) 30-03-2005
by Dmitriy Kokarev
As I walk through one of the streets of Lebanon, I notice children, some as young as three, extending their hands in the hope of getting some money to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water. Their clothes are ripped and their skin and hair are...

My Perfect World (Poetry) 21-01-2008
by mystic408
Wow! A world with no poverty, pain and suffering, A world with no big chimneys and no chemicals, A world with humans and animals roaming free- I want to see this. No garden path and no fences, Yes, that would be something about which even...

My Place in a Changing World (Opinions) 23-09-2003
by Peter St.Christopher Kelly
One of the most embraced platitudes of all time is that ‘the only thing that remains constant is change’. This aspect of man’s existence is unrestrained by predilection, and we are all pendulous to the effects of it. Particularly, I am penchant to...

My Thoughts of You (Poetry) 12-09-2004
by Harry Munyaradzi Mwenda
I wake up only to see the rays of light tracing through particles of dust, what does the day hold I ask myself, will I have to live through the fears of yesterday? Hunger, lack of resources and.....oh! Am being pushed, pushed to the limit,...

Never poor (Poetry) 15-03-2010
by Arunmozhi
It's what they say When you are next to nay You are poor, But they have lost you. It's what what they say When you have got nothing to sway You are poor, But they have not seen your heart. It's what they say When you stand amidst the...

Nigeria: A Cry to God (Poetry) 22-01-2004
by Kevin M
Oh Lord! For how long will paupers Remain in this horrible state? They get kicked around like lepers By political “juggernauts” They don’t get a fair share of anything Because like the ignorant and nonchalant “Bigwigs” put it ‘They are...

No tan distintos (Opinions) 28-05-2006
by Julián Profeta
Durante mediados del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX, se desarrolló un proceso inmigratorio muy importante para el país y su posterior desarrollo. Por esos tiempos la Argentina necesitaba de mano de obra, en especial en el campo, para poder expandir...

Notre problème à nous africains!!! (Opinions) 3-05-2006
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
Les Africains sont en général d'un naturel aimable et courtois. Le respect des amis, de la famille et de la communauté est primordial. Les formules de politesse comme « s'il vous plait » ou « Merci » sont peu utilisées durant la conversation, on...

Nuclear Proliferation, Global Threats, and the Post Cold War Period. (Opinions) 16-07-2003
by Ajaero Ray
Now that the super powers no longer engage themselves in open nuclear confrontation, or, aim their missiles at each other, one may ask whether the nuclear threat is over. However, many experts feel that the world is facing great troubles of...

Nyalenda and Manyatta Slums in Kisumu City Western Kenya - the Epitomes of Poverty and Neglect (Short Story) 17-03-2006
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
A walk through the narrow, filthy gangways, crawling with criminals, hunger, disease, and seedy housing, in the Nyalenda and Manyatta slums leaves one asking whether there are proper policy frameworks in the Kenyan nation to take care of people...

Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en la Agenda de las ONGs Argentinas (Opinions) 21-07-2005
by Damian Profeta
Nota: Este artículo desarrolla algunas ideas que surgieron tras una breve entrevista que me realizaron un tiempo atrás en torno a las ONGs argentinas y la cooperación internacional en el marco de los ODMs . Es por ello que no pretende ser una...

Oliver Twist (Poetry) 2-05-2009
by Emperor Omorogiuwa Edionseri
O my boy! O my courageous boy! You weren't wrong to ask for more. In truth, you needed more, But sometimes the rules are fixed. Though cruel, for you they can't be bent. Be content with the little you got Or lose what you aspire for and...

On madness (Poetry) 6-01-2005
by maitha
Who will care for me When I finally loose all that is holding me together When all my senses decided that they would be better off In another host Who will tend to me Change my tatters day in day out When it all falls down And I start...

Once Upon A Holiday Vacation (Short Story) 31-12-2003
by Nicole Robertson
Blond pigtails and red cowlicks nod and chatter excitedly. The thirty-something bus driver pulls the door open and more freckled faces climb on the bus, clutching the rail in one hand and their Disney lunchboxes in the other. “I got a Super...

One info centre in one village (Opinions) 20-10-2004
by Shahjahan Siraj
Postmortem: Digital divide between urban and rural, poor and rich is prominent in Bangladesh. Telecom Infrastructure in Bangladesh 700,000 fixed lines (90% in service). The Telephone density is 0.5 lines per 100 populations. The lowest average...

Oppression (Poetry) 15-01-2005
by Samuel Adjei
If it is that much of an obsession, You can have your worldly possessions, But we do make of you one simple request, Please hold back your words of oppression. Don't tell us where we cannot go. It isn't impossible just because you say so....

Our Experience in Another Country, Mexico (Opinions) 22-06-2006
by Anum Khan
No one can fully understand the impact one can have on another person until you look into their eyes and see the light of hope that you gave them. That was something we started to see and understand when we had the opportunity to go on a...

Our Leaders: Can anything good come out of them? (Opinions) 28-07-2006
by Mbũrũ Kamau
Some 2000 years ago, a contemptuous inquiry on the honour of Nazareth is recorded in the book of John: “And Nathaniel said to Phillip, ‘can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?’ Phillip said: ‘Come and see.’ Nathaniel’s inquiry can be...

Overwiew of MDG related activities in Germany (Opinions) 17-06-2005
by Wolfgang Gründinger
ACTIVITIES BY GOVERNMENT In 2001, the German Government launched the Action Programme 2015 (“Aktionsprogramm 2015“). In fact, this programme is only a common platform for development policy and politics but no additional programme to eradicate...

PARTIR (Poetry) 22-02-2007
by François Vianou Godonou
Partir de force à l'autre bout du monde Partir le coeur lourd de regret et d'amertume Partir à la quête d'un mieux être, d'un bonheur Partir pour échapper à la pauvreté et au désespoir Partir pour échapper à l'incertitude du lendemain Partir...

by Latif M'bengue
PAUVRETE ET INJUSTICE DU COMMERCE : QUELS LIENS ? Par FATI KANE La participation au commerce mondial figure en bonne place dans de nombreux exemples réussis de réduction de la pauvreté. Il est en effet établi qu’outre les avantages financiers...

by Spéro Hector ACKEY
La pauvreté en question La pauvreté est un indicateur essentiel pour la survie de l’être humain. Au sens large, la pauvreté prend en compte les facteurs socio-économiques, politiques et humains. Sous un autre aspect, elle est considérée comme...

Peut-on vaincre la pauvrete? Si oui, par quels moyens? (Opinions) 19-05-2005
by Latif M'bengue
Partant de mon expérience personnelle de jeune de 29 ans, ayant grandi dans la banlieue Dakaroise connue, pour sa paupérisation, je peux dire que je connais la pauvreté. C’est donc, à partir de mon background de banlieusard que je voudrais aborder...

Pictures (Poetry) 6-07-2005
by Samori Sombel Sy
To face the poorest is to picture two dollars As the money they can\'t make in twenty four hours At this pace how will one become a substantial endower To live life in a simple lifestyle Is to let others simply live in a basic style...

Planning For Real (PFR) (Opinions) 3-05-2006
by Stephen Onunga
Planning For Real (PFR) PFR Concept The concept of PFR is built on bridging the communication gap that inhibits poor peoples' involvement in community development. The theme of PFR is improving knowledge transfer, dissemination,...

Política de Reducción de Pobreza (Poetry) 5-10-2005
by Luciana Del Gizzo
Acid juice within a mouth; within another one, The bitter noise. The equilibrium isn't charity nor justice, but surrender.

POUR UN MONDE MEILLEUR.... (Opinions) 13-07-2005
by Andy Roland Nziengui Nziengui
En ce début du troisième millénaire, une grande partie de l’humanité est toujours dans de mauvais draps. Pauvreté, misère, sida, malnutrition, sous- alimentation, tortures, arrestations arbitraires, enlèvements, prises d’otages, dictature,...

POURQUOI TU EXISTES (Poetry) 2-06-2005
Pauvréte Je me refuse de te connaitre, Je me refuse de t'accepter, Je me refuse de te voir, Et pourtant, tu traverse les pays, Tu n'as pas de frontières, ni de barrière, Tu n'as des préferences et surtout les pauvres, Je veux te...

Poverty (Opinions) 29-05-2005
by Brianna Dasilva
Imagine waking up on a cold winter day to find yourself on the streets with nothing but the clothing on your back. Your family had paid for your sibling to go to school but it had cost you your home, your possessions and every dollar your family...

Poverty Alleviation and the Nigerian Experience (Opinions) 30-04-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
Introduction: Due to the economic state in our great country Nigeria today, a country endowed with so many human and natural resources that have not been channeled to the appropriate quarters, people are still poor and poverty stricken in...

Poverty Amongst Women (Opinions) 7-04-2004
by Chii Torti
Poverty amongst women is a global issue. I wonder when people say "it is a woman's world," if they really appreciate the importance of the statement. What makes them think it is a woman's world, when women are being marginalized and disadvantaged...

Poverty and the moral responsibility of the rich to the poor (Opinions) 21-03-2006
by Jonathan Koh
This article is about poverty. No, I will not dwell on statistics such as the fact that 1/3 of all human deaths are caused by poverty, or that 50,000 people die everyday, of which 34,000 are children under the age of five. These statistics are...

Poverty and the Rich: A Question of Morality (Opinions) 13-05-2006
by Ajit Rai
A sad fact, which no country in the world we live in is free from, is that a vast majority of people suffers from poverty. This problem seems to be becoming increasingly serious day by day despite many efforts to do away with it. What is more...

Poverty and vulnerability in Oaxaca, México (Opinions) 13-03-2004
by Jesús Alejandro Hernández Ramírez
I want to share with you a real story that happened in one of the poorest States in Mexico, in which I was a witness. Emilio Macedo was sixteen years old when he attended secondary school in 2002. He lived in a very small and poor town in...

Poverty in Kenya (Opinions) 4-07-2003
by Yasmary Mora
By Neema Hamisi Poverty that looms amongst us has become a social stigma. It is simple to wish for a star and get a stone in return. Against all odds, survival is noticeable in the teary eyes of a man, barely earning less than $2 a day and...

Poverty-stricken States (Opinions) 14-01-2006
by Thiyam Bharat
Poverty has become a global issue. There are so many poor people in the world. Around 1.2 billion people survive on less than $1 per day, while 800 million people are not able to consume their minimum requirement of food. However, poverty across...

Poverty: The World at Stake (Opinions) 9-10-2002
by Ayodeji Thomas Adewunmi
Poverty affects the lives of millions of people, including two of the world’s best paid football players: Ronaldo, and Zidane. What is more surprising is the fact that we now live in a world where almost a quarter of the population, live in...

Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women (Opinions) 22-03-2006
By Isata Mansaray 17 Years old - 2nd Prize- TIG Sierra Leone Essay Contest Do you think the MDGs will be achieved and what will be the role of youths in their achievement? MDG Goal #3: Promote gender equality and empower women - Eliminate...

Promoting Sustainable Development in Our Society (Opinions) 12-05-2003
by Temitope Oketunji
I am deeply convinced that economic development, social development and environmental protection are interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development, which is a framework to achieve a higher quality of life for all...

Puppet (Poetry) 8-02-2006
by Carly T
Cute, cuddly, harmless A little doll that does nothing Controlled Manipulated Hanging, dancing on the string Where has the world gone to People are controlled Enraged, empowered Stepping on the little people To get where society says...

by jose ohis. izeg
Her resilient spirit and the value of dignity she places on the African womanhood have always distinguished the Nigerian female. However, over a gradual period, these values have slowly but surely become eroded and the question that now stares us...

Par Cheikh Tidjane Diène Je salue la pertinence du débat sur les OMD et la nécessite d’inclure la perspective des jeunes pour l'atteinte de ces Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement. Je voudrais donner mon point de vue sur...

Realization of National Water Policy: Need of the Hour (Opinions) 2-06-2003
by Sudhira H. S.
In as much as the ensuing drama both by political leaders and the real life actors, the Cauvery river water, sharing issue was in the news for some time now in India. The insufficient rains in the Cauvery upper river catchment area was blamed for...

Recession vs. Life (Short Story) 12-07-2009
by Timothy G. Branfalt Sr.
As I shed my tears upon some of the ways that the Costa Rican people survive in life, I have to also withdraw the same tears. Many of the Costa Rican people have nothing. The weather is in their favor, as it is never cold enough to take your...

Regard sur la pauvreté (Opinions) 14-02-2006
by Mouyaga Lilian Gervil
(cf. Rapport du Secrétaire général de l'onu; session d'organisation, 30 avril-2 mai 2001) La composante sociale du développement durable va de la mise en oeuvre de l'équité au renforcement de l'identité des êtres humains dans la diversité....

Rekindling (Poetry) 23-08-2004
by Angelicum Oda
Rubble of our house. Beneath filth and boulder, Parts keep, days revealing each to wonder Of our probing hands. What wistful names possess These items--wood, lock, familiar foyer Of home, door? Softly, we pronounce them, seizing Memory...

Relief at Earth Summit's Low Media Profile in USA (Opinions) 22-09-2002
by Dan Jones
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Official U.S. delegates – and some journalists – expressed delight and relief as the World Summit on Sustainable Development ended here without significantly raising its low profile in the American media. “I...

Religious Intolerance and its Adverse Implications (Opinions) 28-09-2003
by Enefe,
To say that man’s inability to tolerate another man’s own belief has hampered his elevation in general cannot be over-stated. To have a clearer understanding of religious intolerance, defining it should give us a clear vision of its effects....

Report from the IYPF and YES WSSD Side Event (Opinions) 30-10-2002
by International Young Professionals Founda
Report on the work of the IYPF and YES at the World Summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg August 26 – September 4, 2002 Background: The International Young Professionals Foundation (IYPF) and the Youth Employment Summit (YES)...

Rethinking AIDS, Rethinking Our Cities (Opinions) 27-11-2005
by R Kahendi
Once again, December approaches, and once more, “World Aids Day” arrives: the world’s attention is temporarily riveted to a health crisis. But why should the “remembrance” of AIDS be consigned to one specific day? Isn’t AIDS a daily reality...

Rikshaw Puller (Poetry) 5-07-2004
by sid kumar
Wah! Pawn jamin pe nahin Wivinn logon ka bojh dohte ho Suraj tum me samane ko bekarar Ganga tum odhe ho Bade ajib ho “Nahi! Main Garib hun, Rikshaw wala” Wow! Feet are not grounded You carry and pull diverse people Sun is...

Senator Barrack Obama's Success a Good Example to Africans (Opinions) 17-03-2006
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The celebrations and ululations that greeted Barrack Obama throughout Africa, and more so Kenya, upon his election as a United States Senator for the state of Illinois were many. At a time when US foreign policy was perceived by many on the...

Senegalese Youth Leader contributing to MDG (Short Story) 28-04-2005
by Latif M'bengue
Mr. Dame Diop, 27 Senegalese Youth Leader contributing to MDG as Founder and President of Association for the Development of Baity (ADB) I am from one of these villages ( Baity Bacar, Thies, Senegal) and I am very keen on helping people. I...

SHANTY TOWN (Poetry) 8-08-2005
by Francis Awinda
Its 3.AM in my town a big loud bang, screaming and barking of dogs, burglars have struck again they will do it again tomorrow, aftermath is rather astounding. Two people injured a girl raped in front of the family. This is my...

Sketches of Poverty (Opinions) 20-01-2004
by Solace Asafo
The long drawn face was marked with worry lines and etched eternally on the face of a 31 year old farmer who looked like he was 60 years old. His cracked feet took him steadily home where he settles for the night on a raffia mat in his brick home...

Social Development (Opinions) 20-05-2004
by Julian Benson
Development has been the endpoint to which all global economic action strives for. The efforts of governments, NGOs and corporations for the last fifty years have been focused towards the development of the third world. The primary purpose of...

Soja con soja no es comida de zonzos (Opinions) 27-04-2006
by Sebastián Galanternik
Cuando éramos niños e íbamos a la escuela aprendíamos de memoria muchas frases que en ese momento carecían de sentido, pero que terminaban siendo un cliché de nuestra vida. “Belgrano creó la bandera”, “San Martín cruzó la cordillera de Los Andes”...

Solving our climate crisis: the position of youth (Opinions) 21-08-2008
by Michael Boampong
August the 12th has been declared International Youth Day by the United Nations and is recognized as such by the international community. The purpose of recognizing this day every year is to pay tribute to the contributions of young people in...

State of Us (Poetry) 22-06-2004
by olatoyosi esuola
We are constantly swimming against the timeless waves of poverty Trying to stay afloat in the depths of perpetual corruption and religious crisis Forever praying for some form of miracle, divinity or intervention For God we feel is far too...

Story (Poetry) 19-11-2005
by hazem al jaber
whispered and she said sorry tears from her eyes, run and a sound in a deep, broke beauty these meanings and lessons honey-colored eyes, don’t be finished so… from now my story begins and start my new birthday amazing that passion...

Street Children. (Poetry) 5-10-2005
by Lukonge John
The hunger the street children endure feels like death itself when it twists the inside of their stomachs causing them to wince in pain. More than once, they curse why they came to earth being under such torture. They keep questioning...

Struggle of the Scrap Metal Boys: A Missed Opportunity (Opinions) 15-05-2006
by jgaudi gaudi
Access to basic education has improved tremendously in Ghana with the introduction of free compulsory basic education. But as a journalist it really baffles me that some children are still roaming around on the streets of Ghana engaging themselves...

Suffering silently: bulls and men (Short Story) 14-04-2008
by shakil ahmed
It has been four months since I took up residence here at Jogabai Extension, an outgrowth of the predominantly Muslim locality known as Zakirnagar. The outgrowth is said to be an unlawful encroachment on the dried up bed of the river Yamuna. I...

SUMMIT SMILES: All Clear? (Opinions) 1-09-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – “The media will have unrestricted access to any areas that are not restricted.” · United Nations spokeswoman at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, trying to reassure journalists about tough new...

SUMMIT SMILES: Badging Bush (Opinions) 1-09-2002
by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – ‘Where’s Bush?’ badges are circulating here at the World Summit on Sustainable Development. Against a ‘Greetings from Rio’ scenic postcard background, one says: “Even W’s Dad went to Rio.” Another asks, over...

by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, has a message for young managers of the future. “Tell them that they should lead. They should push forward for the environment and communities. Don’t wait...

SUMMIT SNIPPET: Unsustainable Ignorance (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Ayelen Amigo
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – Can sustainability be learnt? The Institute for Sustainable Development seems to think so. It is offering free environmental training during the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. “Attendees will...

by Yasmary Mora
Johannesburg, September (GYRP) – · “If we continue on the way we are going, we will need two extra planets.” – French President Jacques Chirac, addressing the World Summit on Sustainable Development. · “Remember, we cannot buy another...

Sustainable Development and its Difficulties (Opinions) 12-09-2006
by Kat Birch
Truly sustainable development will only come about when those targeted have complete ownership and belief in the work. One of the major problems that I have encountered in achieving this ownership and belief is the vast discrepancy between the...

Sydney at Uncertain Times (Opinions) 21-05-2003
by Lewis Best
It would take a brave person indeed to label the current world situation as anything but uncertain. Even living in a city like Sydney, isolated in international terms, things seem to change, however imperceptibly. I was walking down to the...

tears will fall but never dry (Poetry) 20-03-2006
by aubrey madeline
Look into his eyes and tell me what do you see? A lost boy, a hopeless child. He was born into a Poverty stricken world where he sees the death of his own father. -Tears will fall but never dry- In his arms he is holding his baby sister...

Terror of Death (Poetry) 5-09-2005
by Marion Akinyi Ochieng
Terror of Death Screams of women everywhere, Cries of children as men run allover Then barks, moos, meows and hoots Trouble is knocking, everyone’s scared, Then a sudden silence. Laughter’s, unbreakable Music all over, men and women...

The 2005 G8 Summit Echoed the Need for Participatory Development Approaches in Africa (Opinions) 20-03-2006
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The 2005 G8 Summit took place in Gleneagles, Scotland with the main agenda to lower the debt Africa owes the developed world as well as double ‘aid’ to the African nations. However, the main arguments which are really the source of the...

The 31st Gleneagles G-8 Summit as a Summit of World Capitalism: Is this the Solution? (Opinions) 21-06-2005
by Ajit Rai
The 31st G-8 summit is scheduled to be held from July 6-8, 2005 at Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland. It is a summit where the heads of the state from eight industrial countries, which represent, to borrow the phrase of Mick Brooks, \"the heartlands of...

The application of development theories and strategies for Pakistan (Opinions) 7-04-2005
by aneel SALMAN
The Economics of Development refers to the problems of the economic development of underdeveloped countries. Following the UN Human Development Report 1990, the goal of development is “to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long,...

The Boy and the City (Poetry) 8-01-2006
by Shivanjani Naidu
The hustle and bustle in the city Hastening feet and smiles gritty Dim to the clamour as copper scatters Even when dulled by the tatters Lining the old blue felt of his hat Compassion had broke this stranger’s tread “God bless you, dear...

THE CAN-DOS (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) – They are mostly men. Besuited, bespectacled, with slicked-back hair and confident smiles. They are the business contingent at the World Summit on Sustainable Development. "We came here because we wanted to...

The Cradle of Poverty (Poetry) 15-02-2006
by simeon ifarinde
Rock the cradle, rock the boat, the arms of power rock they do, while alms ringing in thirsty drone Crying, hunger sang there too man the cradle, bread to spare nonetheles, none brewed here A wailing man, cradle rock famine in bellies...

The Economy and Standard of Living in Benin (Opinions) 10-01-2005
The word 'economy' may mean different things to different people. The average economist, for instance, would see the totality of a given economy as his economy. But a country's economy, taken from any perspective is broader than the ordinary...

The Greatest Poverty (Opinions) 29-07-2003
by Adebimpe Dosunmu
Poverty, a word so familiar and disheartening that it sends shivers down spines at the mere thought of it. Poverty represents lack, hunger, incapacity and suffering. It is a phenomenon that unites all nations of the world. Take a look around and...

The Impact of US Iraq war on Pakistan’s economy (Poetry) 11-05-2003
by hassan Ashraf Cheema
On the one hand attack on Iraq was a human tragedy .It resulted in the loss of innocent lives and valuable properties. On the other hand it exerted a negative pressure on the world’s economy. Economic activities, the world over,...

The Israelis, Palestinians, Africans, and Their Foes (Opinions) 26-09-2003
by Enefe,
“He who denies his past, does not value his future.” INTRODUCTION As you read through this article, take a moment to study the quote above. What do you make of it? Exactly, you will be right to submit that man has the tendency to take...

The Kenyan Coastal Scuffle Could Be the Tip of a Disillusionment Iceberg (Opinions) 29-05-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
The recently contained skirmishes at the Kenyan Coastal forest of Mulungunipa in Kwale District came at a time when Kenya's tourist sector was going through a difficult time, just months from the issuance of travel advisories by the American...

The Life and Times of a Neglected British Goodwill Ambassador in Kenya and Abroad (Short Story) 17-03-2006
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
Born 79 years ago in Kisumu Kadongo of Kisumu Rural Constituency, Kenya, Mr. Boniface Achieng’ Nyambega is a widely traveled man. Today, on a street, being guided by his young son or friend due to his blindness, he would pass for an ordinary old...

The life of a young Zimbabwean (Short Story) 2-07-2003
by wilbert majoni
Everyday is met unwelcomely. Not knowing what’s next to expect; no job, no hope of finding employment, nowhere to look for food, no motivation and no foresight. Without his sole comforter, his mother, who died of AIDS when he was twelve, before...

The Life of Another (Poetry) 6-05-2005
by Ericka bobalek
Hands start to grab their body, as they try and find the will for that one last breath. With every passing day, they may have found a little of what they where lookin for. A bit of hope, that you to would find exciting if put in their...

The Other Side (Short Story) 20-01-2006
by Salwa Hasan
Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is an extremely densely populated city. Despite this well-known fact, many people are entering Dhaka from cities all over the country in search of a better life. Many of these people are illiterate men and...

The Pandemic of Fear Vol II (Opinions) 11-05-2006
by Gabriel Mauricio Sarmiento Argüello
The Pandemic of Fear, Vol.II ...If we now cry for lack of earth resources imagine what would happen when there would be a lack of our own human resources to think... The biggest threat for China, in a synthetic statement would be “the...

The plight of third world countries (Opinions) 9-12-2004
by Geoffrey Kipyegon Koech
The statistics on the level of indebtedness of most of the so-called third world countries are shocking and quite substantial. The more shocking statistics from these countries indicate they the level of poverty is so high, that more than half...

The Politics of a New Generation (Opinions) 10-04-2006
by Lewis Best
As a 17 year old, I nevr know if I should be commenting on social issues that i see around me. Sure, I know that many encourage the participation of youth in various levels of decision-making, policy formulation and the such, but sometimes i still...

The Prince and The Pauper (Poetry) 6-07-2004
by Andrew Ashiofu
Born into a family of despair Living in a rundown house Built in a dark street Located in a slum town Located in a shallow city In a depressed state In a desperate country Born into a family of wealth Living in a house built of bricks...

The Return of the Generals (Opinions) 15-11-2005
A South African reggae artist stated in the lyrics of one of his songs “The Freedom we are practicing is a Mickey Mouse Freedom. Well, when a mouse claims it has freedom, what about the cat that has mounted a search for it”. The mouse believes...

The secret to ending poverty in Africa (Opinions) 11-08-2009
by mohamed kees Bangura
My name is Mohamed Kees Bangura, I am a 26 year old student at the University of the Gambia. I belong to an organization which aims to empower poor communities to be self reliant, for youth development and the reduction of early and forced...

THE UNITED STATES: GLOBAL EMPIRE OR GLOBAL HEGEMON? An assessment of the United States power status and the possible threats to power it faces (Short Story) 14-04-2003
by Devin
Therefore, in order to secure hegemonic power, the United States must now respond to these transnational networks, rather than the countries themselves. As the National Security Strategy suggests, to successfully thwart the terrorist threat, an...

The Virgin Prostitute (Poetry) 8-04-2008
by Remish Gasiano
Cry foul, Oh you who sit in the shed, By the roadside in the day time, And watch them pass, covered in shame, All running to have a piece of her To pound her virgin bosom Till she feels the pain. They invite their friends into her inner...

The War Culture: A culture of darkness! (Opinions) 20-06-2005
by Henry Ekwuruke
There is a Persian proverb that sounds more like a tongue twister than sound advice. We were compelled to memorize it by our high school teacher for obvious reasons: “He who knows not and knows not that he knows not, is a fool; shun him. He who...

The Youth of Pakistan (Opinions) 27-10-2003
by farhana siddique
We are called the "Youth of Pakistan" as well as the "Nation Builders" - however, we are really nullifying the rewards given to us by our mother land (the very country which is a result of the countless sacrifices of our forefathers, for the...

Thelma (Short Story) 9-08-2006
by Marcia C. Schenck
I am facing the window. Outside, the sun is shining and I hear seagulls quarreling over some bread. The wind brings in a feeling of freshness from the sea. Inside, in the cold and darkness of the room, are a plastic wall unit covered with little...

There was once a catechist (Short Story) 20-10-2009
by Ayo Morakinyo
There is no work that Ada, my older sister, has not done in Lagos City. Since our escape from the village, she has done every job that the word “menial” fits. From load carrier to road sweeper, from store keeper to food seller, from sales girl to...

Thirst (Short Story) 12-06-2005
by Saad Javed
The New Year\'s eve in Paris this year was abnormally subdued. There was no air in the atmosphere; just snow. The snowflakes were falling like little beads of crystal floating through mist. The distant sky left an illusion of dusk light but the...

This is Not the Way to Live (Poetry) 11-10-2005
by aubrey madeline
You hear their stories from around the world You see their pictures everywhere you go and turn You see the tears they cried every night before they go to bed They are too young to face unspoken crimes: losing a mother to AIDS, a father of to...

This Life (Poetry) 1-09-2006
by Branson Shao
Lend your boots, for the snow, Is thick frozen to tread on. With my thin edged shoes, My jacket so permeable to cold, Lend yours in spear. To celebrate the frozen better, For this snow is deadly as time itself. Carry your light behind,...

This Sacrifice (Poetry) 19-03-2005
by Ebuenyi Ikenna D.
A noble act it seemed, But time wore it out. The bony frame now remains, Picked clean of flesh by crow. This sacrifice for siblings, This obedience to tradition, This obedience to parents, This underselling of self, Family is...

This Time No Excuse! (Opinions) 28-02-2005
by Wolfgang Gründinger
Nearly five years have already passed since the leaders of the world pledged to implement the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to provide the people of the world “freedom from fear and want.” They signed to implement eight major Goals by 2015....

Through My Eyes: Slum Dwelling (Opinions) 24-11-2005
by David Tran
Living in Toronto, Canada, it is clear that money has divided our communities. We do not see the well-off mingle with the people who struggle to make a decent living. Some aren't aware of the harsh conditions that people are in at this moment....

To seek refuge or not? (Opinions) 5-08-2004
by Charles Makanga Sendegeya
This is a big question here in Uganda where hundreds of our family members and colleagues flee to Western Europe and North America to seek refuge. There are many reasons that shape this migratory movement. Political turmoil and clashes usually...

Tomorrow Africa (Poetry) 12-08-2006
by Ayo Adedapo
Our own Africa Like others I click thy uniqueness Africa And every of thy positive native Tenets I nurture till thy printable Structure shall sail by Relatives, friends and loyalists Above the burden and havoc Of Ruiners' responsibility...

Tomorrow I shall (Poetry) 16-03-2006
by Linda Adzanku
Tomorrow, I shall or should I today? I'll just sit here and say: Tomorrow, I shall What about yesterday? I did not work for today, now its late for anything. Shall I stop and think? No time! Tomorrow I shall. Tomorrow never came but,...

Tsunami 2004: An Assessment of Ground Realities in Sri Lanka (Opinions) 16-12-2005
by Siddhartha Dave
Disaster management is a war, a fight against nature. The only way to remain on guard is to be prepared, against the forces of nature. We shall soon be reaching the anniversary of the ill-fated Tsunami-2004. It is the time, for us to assess the...

turing the pages of our lives (Poetry) 3-05-2006
by aubrey madeline
we are turning the page our life to see what is all about are we being true to ourselves or the people around us we ask the question, what are we doing here? will we ever stop world hunger or end racism? will we ever find our true happiness?...

Ubomi Life in Imizamu Yethu (Opinions) 9-08-2006
by Marcia C. Schenck
South Africa Imporessions: Ubomi Life in Imizamo Yethu On a sunny, warm January day my feet carry me over the gravel roads and muddy, stony paths of Imizamo Yethu. Imizamo Yethu, better known to the locals as Mandela Park, is the Township...

Uniting for a noble cause (Opinions) 18-04-2005
by oriane
At the gate of the third millennium, more than one billion people still live in poverty. Hundreds of thousands die of famine, poor health and exposure. While in some countries, governments are incapable of altering the status of the poor due to...

Untitled. (Poetry) 28-02-2004
by Ha Thi Lan Anh
On the road Of rose thorns Blood was running From where her bare feet were walking She was pissed With the smell Of deadness Evaporating from her heart Gently A soft wind Tapped on her back There behind her back Glancing at her...

Uranium Mining at Domiasiat: At What Cost? (Opinions) 14-09-2003
by Habari Warjri
The debate arises whether it is feasible to allow Uranium mining in Domiasiat in Meghalaya considering the percentage of nuclear energy as a source of electricity and the ramifications faced by communities like Jadugoda, Bihar in the past four...

Villas de emergencia: los dos monstruos (Opinions) 17-11-2003
by Florencia Benson
Hace unos días escuchaba en la radio a un especialista en políticas sociales que explicaba una metodología utilizada en Chile, muy exitosamente, para erradicar las villas de emergencia (asentamiento de un conglomerado de personas que viven debajo...

Violence comme langage, Langage comme violence (Opinions) 9-07-2005
by amadou ibrahim
On peut se demander, comment ce qui est brut,instinctif peut s’accoupler au réfléchi pour atteindre une dimension communicationnelle et vis-versa ? A priori essayons de voir une possible approche de chacun des termes a savoir violence et...

Voice of Silence (Poetry) 24-03-2006
by agnivo chakrabarty
Voices in the sky You hear them all the time Can't you hear them cry? Well, I can't, I defy You are just urban to the core Cant you just open the door. The door to where? I stand and stare. Oh you know! The one that leads to hell's lair....

War within the Worlds (Opinions) 11-07-2005
by Naviin Ibhrampurkar
Fabulous news ! India has been granted a permanent seat in the security council of the league of nations where in summers people die of heatstroke, of cold in winters and also manage to die coz of excessive rains. Seasonal deaths are not a...

Waste (Poetry) 31-07-2005
by Samuel-Malachi Odekunle
I heard of a man who had a pair of shoes Into the bin they went because of a scratch I heard of a boy who walked a thousand miles He was just seven …. He had no shoes. I heard of a Lad of had a rich plate He left it out all day, then...

Wenn Wetter arm macht (Opinions) 14-12-2005
by Wolfgang Gründinger
von Sven Anemüller, veröffentlicht in der "taz", mit Svens Einverständnis "Katrina", "Rita", "Stan", "Wilma", "Alpha" - noch nie hat eine Hurrikan-Saison in der Karibik eine solche Vielzahl an Stürmen gebracht. Gleich mehrere Rekorde sind...

What I can do to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (Opinions) 9-09-2005
by sabina mutangadura
I could show my support by wearing a white band, Join a thousand others on the streets by taking a stand. Would it make you do something about babes and mothers dying? Or help little ones around you do sums, perhaps even stop you from lying...

What kenya needs to spur growth and development: a youthful perspective (Opinions) 9-06-2005
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
Kenya is currently going through a constitutional brouhaha, as everybody seems to have a different say on what parts of the constitution they want altered and for what reasons. The wrangling, unfortunately for the common man, is taking its toll on...

What Lula's No-Win Options in Brazil Teach Us About 'Democracy' (Opinions) 4-10-2002
by Cameron Neil
Here’s how it works: The left-of-centre policies of higher social and environmental protection the electorate wants and which Lula promises will certainly cost business more, thus threatening to make Brazil a relatively unattractive place for...

What Poverty is to me (Poetry) 27-08-2004
by Oluyemisi Joel-Osebor (Nee Agboola)
To me - Poverty is not the lack of money It is Turning the tap and not having water Having to fetch water from a long distance Switching on power only to be greeted by thick darkness Being rendered useless at work because of lack of...

What They Won't Like To Hear... (Opinions) 19-07-2006
by Henry Ekwuruke
Nigeria as a multi-ethnic nation is fraught with socio-economic and political problems. These problems are multifarious in nature and as such makes one develop solar plexus and cold heat when reflecting on them. Yet in the face of the problems...

What went wrong in Ethiopia (Opinions) 7-06-2006
by Yoseph Berhane
Ethiopia is one of the ancient independent states located in the horn of Africa bordering Sudan, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia and Djibouti. It is widely known for its physical and ethnic diversity and for over dependence on volatile agricultural...

When (Poetry) 11-01-2006
When will Nigeria be great? When will our children stop hawking packaged water along the highway? When will our Leaders become sensitive to people's plight? When will I be able to move around in the middle of the night without being molested by...

When ... (Poetry) 12-01-2005
by Akinbo, Adebunmi Adeola
When last did you see a smile on papa's face? the pot is empty, just like the pockets I call my shorts, mama can bearly send me to school, knowing I would ask for coins; When last did you see us laugh? a thing so...

When the Sun did not Shine (Poetry) 27-10-2004
by Chrispetra Onyinye Okeke
When the sun did not shine… They sat there and waited. It was the only place they could be. Dora looking on with glassy eyes Lati, hugging her empty bowl. At times she stirred and the bowl fell to the ground. Its empty sound is louder now...

Where is Africa off to? (Opinions) 29-07-2005
by Francis Cardinal
Colonization has, in fact, deeply scared African people but I think what needs to be done is to get Africans to start believing in themselves again, to work together, to appreciate the greatness of their own culture, to stop trying to be what...

Where Shall I Find the Truth? (Poetry) 18-12-2003
by Awosusi Oluwatope
If husband can't trust their wives If brothers are killing brothers If sisters are denying sisters Up or down, I don't know Where shall I find the truth? If cross and moon are fighting days and nights If they are killing themselves in...

Why (Poetry) 22-11-2005
by hazem al jaber
why a sky is blue... why a sea is blue... why the earth is so large... why rivers don't stop... why god we can't see... why all we wish, we can't do.. why, when i close my eyes, i see you... why you are so sexy... and no one has a beauty...

With a Gleam in Her Eye (Poetry) 14-04-2005
by Angel-marie Cloukey
I once knew a girl with a gleam in her eye She lived in the shadows of her mothers lie And somehow, this girl, she had the world fooled The smile was simply an act that she pulled This girl had two children who were not her own But without...

WOES OF THE TRODDEN (Poetry) 15-05-2006
by Ositadimma Amakeze
Peace to your Souls So says the trader As there toes’re gored Beneath his gaulish Shoes They wail in tears and sweats Mingled with abelish-blood Streaking like a troubled Stream In their sorrow- burrowed souls Over-laden with his...

Women and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria: From rhetorics to action (Opinions) 16-02-2007
by Amaka
Introduction Poverty has been identified as a major obstacle to realization of women’s human rights and one of the most surreptitious forms of violation of a woman’s rights. Not surprising it came on top of the list of twelve critical areas of...

Work Ethic (Opinions) 31-08-2002
by Annabel Short
Johannesburg, August (GYRP) - Too many children who should not be working are, while too many young people who should be working aren't. Sometimes statistics speak louder than words. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO),...

Youth Are Building Presence Inside WTO (Opinions) 13-01-2006
by Emily Davila
'Six years ago, my first truly global experience came to my hometown. I was on the streets in 1999 when the WTO came to Seattle. In December, I traveled to Hong Kong to be part of a team of young people 'on the inside' of the WTO.' Like much...

Youth Ending Poverty: A Case Study (Short Story) 18-05-2005
by Latif M'bengue
I am from a village called Baity Bacar, in the region of Thies in Senegal. I began school in Baity Dakhar in 1984 and spent there five years before I left for Tivaouane where I completed secondary school. In 1998, I entered the University of...

Youth Implementing MDGs in Senegal: Dream or Reality? (Opinions) 11-03-2005
by Latif M'bengue
Senegalese Youth and MDG as a thematic At first sight, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) might mean nothing to the majority of Senegalese youth. 2/3 of the youth I have questioned, answered that they have no idea about it, or they have...

Youth Participation and the MDGs (Opinions) 9-02-2006
by Michael Boampong
Proffer the entirety of your life and your body for the development of Ghana and never forget what George Bernard Shaw said: “I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it...

Youths and Coping with the Challenges of Entrepreneurship in Nigeria (Opinions) 3-11-2004
by Oluyemisi Joel-Osebor (Nee Agboola)
There is no doubt that youths play a significant role in economic activities in developing countries. From the development scene in these countries, it is obvious that there is still a long way to go. In the Nigerian context, a lot still needs to...

by Shevnin

Что я хочу рассказать миру о России. (Poetry) 17-11-2004
by Vorsin Ivan Alexandrovich
Мне, как гражданину России и патриоту, очень близка тема этого...

‘‘MAKE POVERTY HISTORY’’ (Opinions) 31-03-2006
by Jude C Munaonye
Many live, die and languish in misery; too weak to resist, as they are bled dry of life. They seem vulnerable: most are locked in a daily struggle for survival. They are often malnourished, and their children go to bed hungry. Hari, a south...

“Nothing happens” – Interview with Dr. Sigrid Skarpelis-Sperk, a renowned German MP working on Globalization (Interviews) 2-10-2005
by Wolfgang Gründinger
Taking IT Global: Mrs Skarpelis-Sperk, you are member of the German Parliament for now 25 years. You worked in the Parliament's Commission on Globalization, and as an economist and politician, you were an official delegate to a lot of...