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The Return of the Generals Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Prince Great Momoh, Nigeria Nov 15, 2005
Poverty , Globalization   Opinions
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A South African reggae artist stated in the lyrics of one of his songs “The Freedom we are practicing is a Mickey Mouse Freedom. Well, when a mouse claims it has freedom, what about the cat that has mounted a search for it”. The mouse believes that it can be free as far as it can out run its enemy, but it has forgotten that it is a prey to all other cats.

Nigeria has celebrated it 41st year of independence, but permit me to ask a question that has been stamped on the tablets of our hearts, is Nigeria really independent? We have our freedom but are we really free in this country? Well, your present situation (I mean your own present situation) can give the answers to these questions.

According to history, our nation gained independence form our colonial masters in 1960. This is one history that will never be erased from our classrooms but to be honest with you I feel that we are still under colonization both physically and psychologically. When we are talking about freedom what kind of freedom is it that you think we have?
I guess some might say that we have a Mickey Mouse Freedom. And of course you know that I feel that this is the kind of freedom we have in our country. We claim to be free from colonization but what about the military takeover. This is an era where atrocities and corruption are found and citizens are forced into silence. It is an era where the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) discloses its data to the Head of State, while the Swiss Bank becomes the dumping ground for it.

For 41 years Nigeria has been independent from foreign powers but are we free from the local powers? I guess someone might ask what are you talking about, are we not in democracy? Yes, we are and we are not. When a wolf gets up one day and hates his skin thereby putting on a sheep’s skin, he is still a wolf. Of course this is democracy but who is and who are heading our Government? Don’t tell me they are civilians like you. Take a moment or two and flip through the pages of your Nigeria Current Affairs and you will see what I am talking about. Now try and recall the presidential candidates standing on the platforms of some notable political parties prior to this era and for that of 2007. You will notice there are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Let me break it down, these men standing on platforms of political parties promising Mickey Mouse Freedoms and bridges where there are no rivers were the same men that tasted this power through the bloodshed in the past military era. I know this statement is security sensitive but revolution is a sweet word and bitter in action. Our country needs a revolution and not reformation. When a country sets up reformation programmes before embarking on a revolution (if they are willing), watch closely and you will see that something is wrong with their leadership.

It amuses me when I sit before my television and watch every session of the Reformation Conference. For God’s sake, where is this nation heading? What are we really reforming? We should be talking about asset declarations by our leaders and concrete dividends of democracy in all parts of the country and not to some regions alone. Some might oppose my statements but they should watch out for the aftermath of the present regime. Nigeria is undergoing a recycling of societal stress is because some people have been positioned permanently (on contract basis) for a power takeover. These people are the local powers that I was describing earlier. They are the ones who promise a Mickey Mouse Freedom, claiming that the affairs of this nation should be handed over to the experienced men that know the loopholes of the nation. The reality is that they do not wish to expose these loopholes because they transact their corruption through these very holes. That is why the problem of this nation can never be solved despite its countless programmes on war against corruption.

How can corruption be fought if the master minder is art the helm of affairs, neglecting his cabinet and seeking advice from some those that contributed to the destabilization of our economy? It is impossible for a lion to give birth to a goat. A lion will always beget a lion. Evil beget evil. When a leader’s uncontrollable attitude has risen to an extent of by passing his adviser, which he himself appointed and receives advice from an external source, then that external source has a major role to play in the present economic instability of our nation. This external source must have tasted power before and knows the manipulating tactics of our economy. While this external source continues to tutor our leaders the needs of the poor masses are never heard because the democracy that should be for the people has become a contract between a godfather and the son.

If you ever go to one of these deliverance ministries you will notice that there are people set aside for a difficult assignment- they are called the Demon destroyers. They are seen as obstacles in the affairs of the kingdom of darkness.

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Prince Great Momoh

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