by Vittal Koppal
Published on: Oct 19, 2007
Type: Opinions

Main objectives of these soft tools is to give the participants a best opportunity to learn, practice and master new self-expansion and professional behaviors, to enhance their day-to-day productivity and functional efficiency in the globalizing world at large.

A better set of tools that greatly contribute in our personal as well as professional success.

How we interact with the people of the world around, are the best abilities like global winning personality, personal behaviors, intuition, creativity, positive object oriented global attitude, diplomacy, flexibility, change-readiness, problem solving, qualities of global leadership along with effective global communication skills.

Today influence of globalization upon the people of the world and their functional efficiency in the interdependent world has been widely recognized world over.

To a great extent the localized personalities can be changed into expanded global personalities and modified to change the ordinary world of a person into a better object oriented, productive and successful global world.

Accordingly, recent years have seen variety of efforts by many modern thinkers in different parts of the world in designing books that will help develop positive global attitudes and cultivate collective global development wisdom into the personalities of the participants.

The objective of these soft tools is to expose, remove and screen out the barriers and obstructions that stand in the way of self-expression of an individual and the fast globalizing new world around.

These global soft tools is specifically designed to meet the needs and demands of the present day requirements of students, graduates, executives and officers living in globalizing word.

These soft tools have derived from the global wisdom of self-expansion for imparting effectively into the personalities of the emerging global citizens.

These Soft Tools will ensure its participants the change of their functional efficiency in their day-to-day globalizing world for a better productivity.

Here participants are given adequate opportunity to gain soft skills that will help improve their personal behaviors successfully.

The main objective of these soft tools is to bring about self-expansion with regard to the global Identity and global personality development & the art of global communication.

And also different behavioral dimensions that have far reaching significance while living their global life effectively, positively, objectively and successfully in global orgs and companies.

The global vision behind these soft tools is the recognition of the multidimensional influence of the individual’s behaviors on the globalizing world around.

And the influence of employee’s behaviors on the effectiveness and the success of the global orgs and companies they represent.

Still many of the people world over have limiting individualized personalities therefore they perceive and experience their own version of day-to-day reality based upon their innermost adapted localized expectations, limiting thoughts of social, political and religious belief systems of the old outdated divided world.

Therefore no two individuals in this world are in a position to think alike.

Hence endless violence because of misunderstanding amongst the people of the world has become a day-to-day natural accepted evil.

Such evil is thriving and growing day-by-day into the world is only because unconsciously you are permitting it to thrive and grow.
Your innermost inter-opposing localized limiting social, political and religious thought systems and beliefs are influencing your capabilities of experiencing everyday happening global events that you perceive through your five sensory inputs.

Naturally, you are facing difficulties while you are trying to understand your individual positions and identities in the fast changing world around.

It is quite interesting to realize how your own innermost thoughts and beliefs influence your understanding of the fast happening world events.

Here is my simple answer for your natural question, how does it influence?

It is just like your experience of watching a well made fictional movie.

Now think when just watching of a fictional movie has so much impact to bring changes into your emotions, feelings and moods.

Then think again what may be the effect of the real events of violence world over which have been planed and staged only to influence and to bring about changes into your way of thinking?

Planed and staged big events like attack on the WTC, and many such events which are being staged world over with the main intention to influence simple common people’s thoughts and their way of thinking.

In the same way your own innermost localized limiting thoughts and beliefs are continuously influencing your experiencing, your understanding, your day-to-day actions and your entire life and personality as a whole.

All your localized limiting thoughts cultivated while you were growing up right from your childhood have now transformed into your strong inner beliefs and are now exerting significant influence while living your day-to-day life watching global news, global events, global life.

Such globally staged mega events which have been staged to give you a good mental shock are making you to think that your life has become quite insecure and hopeless this is affecting your innate sense of inner stability and security.

This effect is slowly transforming you into just an inflexible limiting identity.

All your day-to-day limiting actions and behaviors are the reflections of such influences of globally staged mega events and tragedies.

So where to find equally empowering mega global solution, Is the natural question that arises within your consciousness, is it not so?
Then, first of all, you have to believe in the self-empowerment to see the positive changes into your localized limiting identity.

You can transform any bad circumstances into a rewarding good circumstance just by getting rid of your innermost localized limiting thoughts and replacing them with equal amount of empowering positive global thoughts.

You can transform your bad feelings and bad emotions into good feelings and good emotions just by getting rid of your innermost localized limiting thoughts and replacing them with equal amount of empowering positive global thoughts.

You can transform your unhappiness into happiness just by getting rid of your innermost localized limiting thoughts and replacing them with equal amount of empowering positive global thoughts.

You can transform your lower level of confidence into empowering self-confidence just by getting rid of your innermost localized limiting thoughts and replacing them with equal amount of empowering positive global thoughts.

You can transform your lack of communication skills and bad relationships into empowering effective communication skills and rewarding relationships, just by getting rid of your innermost localized limiting thoughts and replacing them with equal amount of empowering positive universal thoughts.

To overcome your all localized problems of your life, to move forward into the new global world and to bring lasting transformation into your localized limiting personality first you must get rid of all your innermost limiting thoughts which are holding you down and which are standing in between you and your global understanding.

Therefore now make a decision to replace all your innermost localized limiting thoughts with equal amount of empowering positive global thoughts and see for yourself how your inner localized feelings of instability and insecurity transform into a new global life with infinite hopes and promises with stability and security.

Different interpersonal conflicts amongst the people of the world need different solutions as per the situations and reasons of conflicts.

Rather than thinking as if you are not good enough you must think that only applied localized actions may not be good enough while resolving interpersonal global conflicts.

Similarly you must also accept that only others localized actions may not be good enough while resolving interpersonal global conflicts, but not the people of other countries.

Having a good intention of interpersonal relationship amongst the people of the world is only the beginning of an effective global communication or a global relationship.

Therefore before you get into a new relationship across the world accept right from the beginning about the fact that people of other countries too may have different thoughts than yours and they too in return wants to be understood just like you.

This is most essential factor to be noted right from now.

Listening to the people of other country and trying to understand their perspectives not only brings you closer to them but also broaden your own horizon of sensitivity and understanding, this is the first step towards resolving all interpersonal conflicts and to move on in your life without getting hurt mutually.

Getting rid of your innermost localized limiting thoughts and replacing them with equal amount of positive empowering global thoughts has to become a continuous process of your life regardless to which country you belong.

Just by becoming aware and accepting your inner localized limiting thoughts and gradually getting rid of them one by one simultaneously replacing them with a new positive empowering global thoughts with equal amount of continuous change readiness can transform you into a winning global personality right from now onwards.

This alone will become a good foundation to build your strongest global winning interpersonal communications and relationships.

Most effective way to get rid of your innermost localized limiting thoughts is to release them gradually one by one just like how you would usually let-go your friends, relatives who are not alive anymore and move on with your life.

You must take responsibility of your mistakes and your self-development into a global personality instead of falling into the habit of delaying maximum input of your potential into the task on hand and you must also stop blaming circumstances for your mistakes.

Your way of approach and your purpose of living changes along with the transformation and maturity of your innermost thoughts and beliefs by way of expansion of your limiting personality as you grow up into an expanded global personality.

Circumstances of your localized life are not responsible for your localized limiting personality.

It is your own self adapted localized limiting thoughts while growing up are actually responsible for your localized limiting personality.

To make best changes into your localized limiting personality from now onwards you have to make best choices in your day-to-day life.

Actually, success, joy or happiness is just a state of mindset that is readily available to you at every moment of your life regardless to which country you belong.

All you have to do is just step into that winning global mindset right from now onwards.

Main reason why you are unable to make the best lasting transformation into your localized limiting personality is only because you are not getting rid of your innermost localized limiting thoughts and replacing them with equal amount of positive empowering global thoughts.

To develop your globally expanded personality more effectively continuously you have to keep self-motivating by acknowledging the positive empowering global thoughts which you have successfully integrated into your personality.

Your success is not an end result of any task or an event, success always starts right from your first step.

Activate your global personality right now onwards be done with it now.

Successful utilization of your lifetime is in itself is the means to find fulfillment in your life.

To succeed in any new global task that you have never undertaken before, first you must cultivate a thought that it is possible to you, you can easily do that global task, then only you can successfully develop all the required capabilities to carryout any new global task you undertake unhindered.

Once you make selection regarding the global purpose of your life by listening attentively to your innermost voice of your clear conscience never doubt it again.

Believe that you are always on the right path no matter what happens thereafter.

Ups and downs external as well as internal are inevitable while living your global life such events happen in everyone’s life it is quite natural.

Your ups and downs show that you are a wholesome, true, normal and sensitive global human being.

Make it a goal to experience success, happiness, joy as your natural state of mind and failures as best learning and growing opportunities on the way towards that goal.

For self-empowerment and to get what you want in your global life, you must also equally be open and flexible to the day-to-day happening changes in your global life, while watching and looking towards any new best global possibilities that you may come across.

Your own habit of delaying maximum input of your potential in any global task on hand and taking your success, happiness, joy lightly itself is becoming an automatic enforcing mechanism towards the fear of failures after failures, and finally towards your self-rejection.

Your failures and unhappiness simply reveal that your present localized style of living and skills are quite incompatible, they also show you an area within yourself where you can make further improvements to transform yourself into a global personality.

Stop looking at the global task on hand as a means to your happiness or goal and start looking at it as a means of successful utilization of your lifetime.

Your emotion of being overwhelmed by any global task on hand is your innermost fear of failure and fear of self-rejection.

Many local events of your life that you are considering now as failures are really the best stepping stones towards your wholesome successful global life.

Failure and success both together are transforming you into a wholesome global personality.

How/ what/ the way, you feel about any local or global events that you experience in your lifetime is a consequence of your innermost limiting thoughts feelings, emotions about such events but it is not the result of the authenticity of such global events itself.

Different global events appear differently to the people of different countries and their individual understanding capabilities.

Regardless of the authenticity of any global events in your day-to-day living, your own decision to experience that global event as good or as bad determines your acceptance of that global event as good or as bad.

That is how all commonly and usually look at a half filled glass.

Half filled glass may appear to be half empty but it has already reduced your worry into half.

So go ahead and fill the remaining half and be filled with the full success.

Success is usually reserved for the wise one who fills the remaining half but in return gets full appreciation.

Your open mind approach with positive attitude towards any global event makes that event to appear as good event.

Similarly your closed mind approach with negative attitude towards any global event makes that event to appear as bad event.

Advance judgments and assumptions regarding people belonging to another country affect your interpersonal communications; saying and listening are only the beginning; cycle of effective communication completes only after receiving proper positive feedback from the people of another country with whom you are communicating or trying to get into a relationship.

Criticism always reflects others opinion about an event and is solely based on their way of thinking; criticisms are just a reflections of localized limiting thoughts of the people who are making them.

Criticism says more about the limiting personality of the person who is making it, than the person receiving it.

Criticism cannot hurt your feelings, unless you permit it to hurt your feelings, finally it is your own choice how you react to such criticisms.

Your internal reference point of self-confidence guides you to become immune to such criticisms, your negative response towards any criticism provide a clue that there is something within you that you need to look at and make necessary corrections and improvements within yourself.

Similarly, your advance judgments regarding people of another country speak more about yourself than about the people of another country you are judging.

Only using your advance judgments as a means to begin a interpersonal communication with the people of another country can only close off good possibilities of an effective interpersonal communication and a good relationship.

Making advance judgments on people of another country or on a world event is your way of protecting your innermost localized limiting thoughts and beliefs when they are challenged; so do not be judgmental either towards yourself or as Well as towards the people of another country. Apologizing for your own mistakes opens the doors for further understanding, good relationship and effective interpersonal communication; an apology is just an acknowledgement that people of another country too may have different approach as you do towards any global issue, event, subject or anything.

To achieve guilt free global relationships with the people of other countries, being appreciative towards them is the best way to avoid interpersonal misunderstandings and disagreements. When somebody gives you something out of their generosity you actually don’t owe them anything in return other than your sincere gratitude. Therefore in return to do something to others only because you owe it to others is quite restrictive, whereas doing something out of gratitude and wanting to do it, is very fulfilling, freeing and rewarding as Well.

Actually you attract people of other countries towards you who fulfill your expectations and whose expectations you can fulfill; having positive attitude towards people of other countries will improve your interpersonal relationships better to best. Most effective form of a competition is with yourself; therefore to eliminate fear of losing and losing something or someone you have to stop competing with the people of other countries and start making improvements over your own present skills and accomplishments.

Your creative efforts and actions are your best motivating assets because they don’t force your self-esteem down to win over your expectations of your everyday requirements, wants, and needs. Your self-confidence reflects your innermost empowering positive thoughts consciously cultivated by you which have transformed into your winning habits. Mere expectations without creative actions reflect your localized limiting thoughts that are hindering you to get something that you have never attempted to accomplish in your life. Then you will start thinking that you are missing something in your personality to achieve those objectives.

Whereas appropriate proper creative actions to overcome your wants, needs one by one strengthens your winning habit of tasting success in every moment of living your life along with your self-confidence. Similarly your habit of multitasking breaks your maximum potential into tiny fragments naturally you will end up becoming unable to put your maximum potential in any of the tasks on hand in your present event of happening moment. Similarly your frustration is also a reflection of your innermost limiting thoughts that have unconsciously transformed you into a limiting localized personality. You have cultivated them at the time when you were very young, while you were growing up, how would anyone be aware about such negative inputs at that tender age?

Do not allow your everyday growing expectations, wants, needs of your life to dictate your joy of day-to-day living. Having to fulfill your expectations, wants, needs before allowing yourself to be joyful is a big barrier in between you and your happiness of living your life day-to-day joyfully. Just sitting back and looking at your day-to-day growing needs with mere expectations can only increase your frustration endlessly. Always frustration must not to be taken as an indication of your lack of ability, skills or deficiency in your personality. They are just negative inputs and you can get rid of them successfully as and when you become aware of them one by one.

To motivate yourself to keep your self-esteem always high you must look at your self-confidence as your own self-achieved inner strength it is your natural state of your winning mindset and you are born with it. You are beyond what you think you are; you are beyond what others think about you; actually you are, for what you are living on this planet for, main purpose of living your life is that which is giving meaning and motivation for your day-to-day living. Meaning of your life is nothing but the meaning that you give yourself with the purpose of your day-to-day living. Choices that you make in your day-to-day living determine how joyful, fulfilling, satisfying your life is. Naturally satisfaction in your living depends upon your choice of empowering purposeful global vision that you make in your life.

Making the right choice of purpose that empowers your innate strength will enhance your level of hope and self-confidence in living your day-to-day life. If you could make your inner growth, maturity and contentment as the main purpose of your life and as the main motivator for your living then your joy happiness will start growing along with your age experience and living skills.

Whereas if you make joy, happiness as a reward that you get only after accomplishing some task or after fulfilling some needs and wants of your life then naturally you will have to spend all your life in mere expectations, frustrations, unhappiness, miseries because the list of accomplishing tasks and fulfilling wants keeps on growing forever endlessly. It is just like finding oneself in a fast nonstop train going round and round on the same old beaten track.

To cultivate a global mindset you have to believe for the sake of your own sake in the possibilities of achieving your main purpose of life Well in advance before you achieve it, make this a habit and your natural way of living your day-to-day life. Making your inner growth, maturity, expansion and contentment as the main purpose of living your global life is in itself is the greatest achievement that any person can make on this planet. All other achievements are secondary and are insignificant in front of this global purpose.

No one can ever tell you the purpose and meaning of your life except you because you are the main creator of your own global life while you are living your day-to-day local life with your own purpose and unified global vision. Work while you work, play while you play, rest while you rest this is the only way how you can recreate, grow, mature and remain fresh like a child with clear conscience, while living your life. Begin with small steady steps instead of quick-big-ones, without going towards any extremes; go on properly balancing your rest, work, purpose, and relationships while also adding variety to your style of living.

Enjoy your visit on this planet, never worry always be happy and joyful for actually you are growing, maturing and your localized limiting personality is expanding every moment of your lifetime into an expanded global personality. Remember to make living as a part of your purpose instead of making your living as purpose of your life, it means eat only to live, however don’t live only to eat.

You can enjoy every moment of living your life only when your life, work and rest will itself become the purpose of fulfilling your innermost unified global vision and your inner growth, maturity and contentment. Just by integrating these simple universal soft tools will naturally complement your life with satisfaction, fulfillment, happiness, joy and will certainly open doors of eternal happiness within you because such mindset starts transforming your localized limiting personality into a global, winning personality.

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