Results (6)
La lutte contre le racisme doit se poursuivre en Europe
by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
Au cours de son allocution d'ouverture à la 22ème réunion du Conseil d'administration du Réseau européen contre le racisme (ENAR), le Président, Bashy Quraishy, a commémoré les victimes des attentats de Londres et déploré les réactions violentes...
Le racisme, veritable virus des civilisations
by Desire--clitandre dzonteu
RACISME: UN VIRUS QUE L’EUROPE TARDE À SOIGNER. Abdication et résignation de l’UE dans la lutte contre le racisme
13 décembre 1995: Communication de la Commission sur le racisme, la xénophobie et l’anti-sémitisme; 15 juillet 1996: Action commune...
No to racism
by Shepherd Nyamhuno
You say you see no color.
I say you're full of it!*
I hope when you look at me
you see black a little bit,
for when you say you see me
how can that really be
when part of who I am
is my ethnicity?
I like my hair, my skin tone,...
by veena singh
I started of with a color
And now a name
I am far more uncontrollable
Than any given fame
I am found in all the deepest darkest places
And also in sweet loving homes
I kill, steal and am jealous
And hatred for those with...
Racism and Tribalism in the World
by Antony Felix O. O. Simbowo
Reading newspapers and magazines recently in Kenya it has not been hard to notice the hue and cry elicited by the survivors of torture, corruption, tribalism and other shortcomings of the former Kanu regime. Their call for a Truth and...
What does racism do?
by Leanne P
What do people get out of racism, I mean, does it make one feel special or important to know they have made someone of another race or culture sad. You know, if you think about it, it is pointless, here in Canada, Indians, Asian, Africans,...