by Odimegwu Onwumere
Published on: Oct 15, 2006
Type: Poetry

The Masquerades

Now the faithful
Are preparing the masquerades
For a great festival in Two thousand and seven.

Many hearts are highly beating,
Highly panting like a raced deer,
Because the Caines among them
Have started their practice against the Abels.

But the poet heard a voice
Through a cartoon warning thus:
“A couple was arranging
for their wedding, and asked
the baker to inscribe
the wedding cake with:
‘1 John 4:18’ which reads:
There is no fear in love,
But perfect love casts out fear.

“The baker evidently lost
the scripture reference,
but working from memory,
beautifully inscribed on the cake
‘John 4:18’.

“Imagine the shock of the few faithful
who looked up the reference to read:
‘For you have had five husbands,
and the man you have now
is not your husband…….”

The most educative was the title:
“Sub contracting?
Please always Re-check”.

Now is the time
The faithful has to Re-check the masquerades
Before the Two thousand and seven
Great festival
To avoid these other words:
Ntooo! Ochi! Mmeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Copyright 2006 Prince Odimegwu Onwumere

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