by Prakash Bhattarai
Published on: Sep 18, 2003
Type: Short Stories

While talking about the present crisis of the country, two conflicting parities- the government and the Maoists are carrying their own philosophy to grab the political power of the nation. The Maoists on the one hand are applying their philosophy by operating violent activities around the country, which include abolishment of the physical infrastructures of the community, inhuman killing of the civilians and the people with different political beliefs. At the same time, the Maoists have attacked on the development works of the nation and the supplement of other basic facilities to the people in the remote part of the country. Their previous work of social activism could not be continued if they broke the peace dialogue with the former Deuwa government. As a result the country and the people are facing crisis on entire process of the nation. Many people have been displaced from the villages. The local festivals and the other cultural activities in the rural communities have been in a state of disappearing, due to the possible attack both by the conflicting parties.

On the other hand the government is also applying their philosophical identity to quell the Maoists through the army operations. The state has declared the Maoists the “terrorists” and also imposed the state of emergency to create peace in the country. But every initiative of the government is being failed. The government’s philosophy for quelling the Maoists and establishing peace through the army operation has been failed by looking over the previous events. The Maoists still have enough power to make the situation worst and to create disproportion within the nation. But the government is not taking any concrete action for negotiation.

At the same time, the Maoists have been already failed to grab the power by their revolutionary action. Most of their actions are against the civilians and they have failed to maintain support and people’s participation to there. Frequent events of abduction and using children as armed soldiers are some of the examples to prove their forceful behavior. After declaring the state of emergency, the rate of killing civilians and the demolishment of physical infrastructures have been increased alarmingly. At the same time, the internal displacement has come out as a glaring problem and more than 150,000 people have been displaced from their origin. Now the conflict affected areas have been transformed into the blazed areas, where the people’s cultural identities and the implication of philosophical identities have been disturbed badly.

We all are in confusion; what are the better ways for the safe landing of present conflict? Most of us, without any provision say, the dialogue is the better way for permanent solution. But the dialogue is for what? And how and when does it come to the ground of reality? No one denies that dialogue is inevitable and it should be launched with proper vision to address the present crisis of the country. It should not be ended like previous dialogue between the former Deuwa government and the Maoists.

But, before the dialogue between two conflicting parties takes place, it is needed to commit, to protect the philosophical as well as cultural identities of the people. The government and the Maoists have to think once again and have to realize thousands of time what they did against civilians. Their action was whether crime against humanity or the way of their guiding philosophy. We all people working for human rights, social justice and peace should go towards the areas of conflagration, where people need trauma treatment, where the people again desire to enroll their children in the school, where an older people need capsules to heal the fever, where the people can enjoy with traditional customs and festivals and the people could forget their bitter past. Only then the nation could go on progress. The human rights of the people would be protected. The most important thing, the philosophical and the cultural identity of the people would be justified.The Fight Of Two Nations

Nepal, the peaceful and beautiful country in the world now, is in the threshold of the civil war. The numbers of killings are escalating day by day. INSEC’s latest report says more than 7,200 people have been killed so far in connection with the present conflict the “people’s war”. But still the questions arise, why these many people are being killed and why the people are being fought among themselves?

The government and the Maoists have declared that they are fighting for the nation and well being of the people. On one side the government is fighting to quell the Maoists for establishing peace and prosperity and on the other side Maoists are proud of themselves fighting for freedom and radical change in the social, economic and political situation of the nation. I don’t know how they are achieving their goal. But the thing that is still questionable in my sole and mind is that why those people are fighting? What are the reasons behind it? Have they have been satisfied by killing hundreds of people, wounding thousands and displacing thousands of people? What thing they achieved and what battle they are winning? But I think they are only fighting for their identity that they need for their existence and for argument among others. Both of the parties are loosing the battle, but they are acting of winning it.

I have just remembered the concept of identities the Philosophical and the Cultural identity, by which the people are involving on their day-to-day activities. After hearing these two identities, I realize the world (nations, country and myself) from my inner soul. But every action around the world in itself is found in dispute between these two identities. The people, politics, religion, language and every identity of the people is roaming within these two aspects.

I can say the philosophical identity as to the peoples understanding of the world by reading books, thinking critically, analyzing minutely and doing some intellectual exercises as much as possible, where as the cultural identity is the indicator of people’s personal and social dignity, that they need for ever and ever. This identity also includes the Social, Cultural and Economic status of the community or the people. Both of the terms are quite related to each other and both of them are necessary for the people. The best way is the equal implementation while doing some thing. There is equally needed to have knowledge for analysis and for action. Without having common understanding between these terms, it is not possible to make the world better and to work for peace within the nation. Let’s take some examples of the world and try to conceptualize these terms.

The war between Palestine and Israel is also based on territory of these two identities. Philosophically both of the conflicting parties are aware that they have to fight for independent and sovereignty of the nation. The Israelites are fighting against Palestine declaring them ‘terrorist’. On the other side the Palestine are fighting for independence nation. They are demanding their motherland, which the Israelites colonized from their hand. Both of them may be right while arguing to each other. And the war may be justifiable to them. But they are gradually loosing their cultural identities of the nation. The Israelites, in the name of ‘terrorist’ are happy to demolish the Palestine’s civilization and culture by operating frequent military attacks upon them. In the same way, the Palestinians are killing innocent Israelites, by using suicide bombs and other means of attack. Here the same question can be repeated, they are loosing their cultural values themselves. They are growing their land where not only the Cultural identities of the people but also the sense of humanity is lost.

The ongoing Hindu Muslim dispute in India is also a kind of contradiction between these two identities. Philosophically, the Hindus are considered as non-violent community and their Myth advocates for peace. But they are killing Muslims, which is opposite their philosophy. They also destroyed the Babari Mosque in Ayodhya, India. It was the cultural identity of religious faith in India in a sense there was Muslim existence even in the holy place of Hindu. But the Hindus never think to respect the cultural values of the nation. In other sense the Muslims are also repeating the same manners as Hindus are doing to them, which is opposite their belief of religious homogeneity. Certainly both of the religious groups are destroying cultural identities of the Indian people, but still they think they are protecting their religion from others.

Same thing has happened in Sri Lanka, where the government and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) are fighting for two decades. More than 64,000 innocent people were killed and millions of property has been lost during the period. Philosophically the LTTEs were demanding their separate land and the protection of their ethnic community. But the government has also not been compromising for negotiation, because they were proud of showing their philosophical identity, as ruler of a nation. Even the government does not respect the identity of Tamil community, because Tamils are the minorities of the country. Finally the conflict came out as a civil war and these two parties have fought themselves for their existence.

The war could not be resulted in freedom, peace and prosperity rather the inhuman deaths, destruction, displacement of the people and losing cultural identities of the country. The peace dialogue is going on between Sri Lanka government and the Tamils at present. This negotiation may work for peace and the strong existence of the Tamils but they cannot reconstruct their destroyed cultural identities, cannot procreate their cultural identities. Only they can remember their past. They may be humiliated for losing their family members, destroyed property and their superiority. But they cannot be the same people as they were before. They cannot behave same as they used to before.

All around the world, there are different struggles between these two identities. The leader of every nation and the community thinks their superiority while ruling the country or the community. They try to apply their philosophical knowledge in every initiative. But they never try to measure their accuracy and applicability. They never respect to others’ identity. Only they put forward theirs, what they have known for long and are doing intellectual practices time and again. The dispute between India and Pakistan in Kashmir issue, disagreement about Tibet between China and the Tibetan Holy leader, the fight between America and Iraq and several disputes, disagreements and divergences around the world are quite related to the Philosophical and Cultural identity.

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