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the millennium development goals
only with            
your voice

United Nations Millennium Campaign
Millennium Campaign Youth Site
World Bank Group
United Nations (French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian)
United Nations Millennium Project
United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (French)
Make Poverty History
Global Call to Action against Poverty (French, Spanish)

Alliance 2015
Alliance2015 is a partnership of six like-minded non-government organizations in Europe working in the field of development cooperation.

Action Aid
Action Aid is an international development agency whose aim it is to fight poverty worldwide by working with local partners in affected countries.

Send a letter to American President Bush and members of congress through the InterAction web site. The letter asks the U.S. government to support the MDGs by increasing aid, debt relief, and promoting fair trade policies.


NetAid is a non-profit organization that empowers young people to fight global poverty. Find more on the goal, an MDG quiz, progress report and fast facts.

Overseas Development Institute
ODI is Britain's leading independent think-tank on international development and humanitarian issues.

World Federation of United Nations Associations
WFUNA is an independent, non-governmental organization that offers insights into what the UN is and how it works, as well as a channel to join with people to become engaged in the critical global issues affecting us all.

Africa 2015
Asia Pacific 2015 and Africa 2015 are regional initiatives in the global campaign to promote awareness and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

Asia Pacific 2015 and Africa 2015 are regional initiatives in the global campaign to promote awareness and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

Inter Press Service International Association (Spanish)
Find current news articles on development topics with a focus on the MDGs.
Declaration for Peace and Humanitarian Relief in Somalia
We Somali Youth Employment Service and 29 Youth led Organizations, deeply regret and condemn the heavy fierce fighting in the Somali capital Mogadishu. This is the most destructive and fierce fighting that Somalia experienced for the last 15 years especially in the city Mogadishu.

Sucre en or
Poésie dramatique, une histoire D'amour

الإعلام الحديث فى ظل العولمة
دراسة تتحدث عن الاعلام الحديث فى ظل العولمة اى مدى علاقة الرسالة الاعلامية بالعولمة اعرض فيه تعريف العولمة وعوامل ظهورها واسبابها واثار العولمة الاجتماعية والسياسية والثقافية على العالم وعلاقة الرسالة الاعلامية بالعولمة ومدى سيطرة الشركات المتعددة الجنسيات على وسائل الاعلام فى العالم

"We the Peoples" 2005 Report
For the last four years, the World Federation of UNAs (WFUNA) and the North-South Institute (NSI) have conducted annual global online surveys of civil society engagement with the implementation of the Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In 2005, NGOs around the world are reviewing the lessons learned—and the progress made—over the past five years. Through this most recent global survey, more than 400 groups, including several UNAs, provided a wealth of information about their work on the MDGs and their assessment of progress on Declaration objectives.

1CO2e-coin for fundraising linking up with the UN International Years
A bio-plastic coin in the form of a money-coin with references to the UN International Years of Commemorance and the CO2e-certificates of the Emission Trading System under the UNFCCC-United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The toolkit is the result of a series of Leadership Workshops with Youth, Africans and People of the Diaspora around fundraising for CO2e-reducing projects where the issue was that the groups still needed the capital to buy the first windturbine/trees/... and start-up capital before they were able to attract risk capital and loans. The toolkit allows locals to link-up with their diaspora and willing people in these new homelands to jointly act against Climate Change, create sustainable jobs and take their project globally.

1er Sommet Mondial des Jeunes Leaders à New York
3 des 600 jeunes qui seront au 1er Sommet Mondial des jeunes leadears sont du Senegal. Cet article fait ressortir les critères qui ont justifié leur choix et les objectifs du Sommet.

2008 Progress Report
SSF is pleased to introduce you our 2008 annual progress report which started from 01 September 2007 to 31 August 2008.

2008 UNAIDS Annual Report Towards Universal Access
Every year UNAIDS will release a report discussing the present global efforts in combating AIDS, and how UNAIDS is directly and indirectly involved. This report discusses the policies, resources needed, methods of engaging civil society, and surveillance of HIV.

2009 Progress Report
SSF is pleased to introduce you our 2009 annual progress report which was started from 01 September 2008 to 31 August 2009.

2012 World AIDS Day Event Organizing Toolkit
This toolkit will help you organize an event, a training, a film screening, a panel discussion, a protest, or another event that is well-suited to the need of your community on World AIDS Day.

A Bi-Weekly Newsletter
If the Kim Jong-Ill Government would simply promise to feed me, I would go back to North Korea tomorrow (Interview with North Korean Refugee 11/10/08)

A Bi-Weekly Newsletter

A Bi-Weekly Newsletter
If the Kim Jong-Ill Government would simply promise to feed me, I would go back to North Korea tomorrow (Interview with North Korean Refugee 11/10/08)

A Bi-Weekly Newsletter
If the Kim Jong-Ill Government would simply promise to feed me, I would go back to North Korea tomorrow (Interview with North Korean Refugee 11/10/08)

A Bi-Weekly Newsletter
If the Kim Jong-Ill Government would simply promise to feed me, I would go back to North Korea tomorrow (Interview with North Korean Refugee 11/10/08)

A Bi-Weekly Newsletter
If the Kim Jong-Ill Government would simply promise to feed me, I would go back to North Korea tomorrow (Interview with North Korean Refugee 11/10/08)

A Different World: An Educational Tool Kit for Building Global Justice
A Different World is a multimedia print and web-based educational resource on the themes Poverty and Basic Human Needs and Globalization and Trade. When using this resource, students will complete team projects as a means to apply what they learn through interactive activities. Teachers can draw from fact sheets, handouts and extensive resources on global themes to guide students through the material. The print and web resource, published in English and French, is intended for secondary teachers and all interested in teaching global issues.

A guide to indicators for monitoring and evaluating national HIV/AIDS prevention programmes for young people
A guide to indicators for monitoring and evaluating national HIV/AIDS prevention programmes for young people

A Guidebook for Resettlement Agencies Serving Refugees with HIV/AIDS
The purpose of this publication is to assist resettlement agencies in preparing for and providing care to refugees who are living with HIV/AIDS. We hope that this guidebook will serve as a resource for resettlement agencies and establish basic standards of care for HIVpositive refugees.

A home in the city
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Improving the Lives of Slum Dwellers

A Legal Framework for the Integration of Environmental, Social and Governance Issues into Institutional Investment
This legal briefing was prepared on behalf of the United Nations Environmental Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and is instrumental in allowing the UNEP to formulate the UN Principles of Responsible Investment. It makes the legal case for incorporating environmental, social and governance factors into investment decisions and gives an overview of investment practices in different jurisdictions.

A statistical overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia
This collection of statistics has been chosen to highlight the current situation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia, (hereon Indigenous peoples)[1] across a range of indicators including: health; education; employment; housing; and contact with criminal justice and welfare systems. Where possible, data is also provided that identifies: * absolute change in the situation of Indigenous peoples over the past five and ten years; * relative change in relation to the non-Indigenous population over the past five to ten years; and * the position of Indigenous peoples in relation to other indigenous peoples, notably those in New Zealand, Canada and the United States, and population groups around the world.

Abstract en Español del Reporte del IYP sobre Globalización y Juventud
El Reporte: El martes 29 de julio de 2003, se lanzó simultáneamente en 62 países el Reporte del Parlamento Internacional de la Juventud (IYP) “"Fuertemente Afectad@s, Escasamente Considerad@s”" que trata sobre el impacto de la globalización en la juventud. En dicho reporte, jóvenes de todo el mundo proponen soluciones y alternativas al proceso actual de globalización centrado en lo económico, proponiendo una globalización basada en la dignidad de las personas y los derechos humanos. El lanzamiento mundial del Reporte del Parlamento Internacional de la Juventud “Fuertemente Afectad@s, Escasamente Considerad@s” marca el comienzo de los preparativos para la segunda reunión del IYP que reunirá en Sydney, Australia, a más de 250 jóvenes de todo el mundo en Julio de 2004. La Asociación Vientos del Sur elaboró este abstract a fin de que pueda ser abordado por jóvenes hispanohablantes.

Academic Programme in Citizen Security
This publication results from a joint effort of UNDP Country Offices in El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Brazil; -Thematic Areas of Crisis Prevention and Recovery, Democratic Governance; and the Knowledge Management Unit of UNDP’s Regional Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean. This publication was developed through a participatory process during the “Knowledge Sharing” conference held August 15, 2009 in Panama City, with the participation of expert professors, Country Offices, students, and specialists in working areas of the Centre and the Virtual School.

Action Agenda for Sustainable Development
The Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have successfully focused world attention and action on ending extreme poverty in all its forms and reducing gender inequality. The fifteen-­‐year MDG period will be completed at the end of 2015. The Rio+20 Summit in June 2012 resolved to finish the job of ending extreme poverty and hunger as a matter of urgency. It also endeavored to place poverty reduction within the broader context of sustainable development.

adham tobail
دراسة تتحدث عن الاعلام الحديث فى ظل العولمة اى مدى علاقة الرسالى الاعلامية بالعولمة اعرض فيه تعريف العولمة وعوامل ظهورها واسبابها واثار العولمة الاجتماعية والسياسية والثقافية على العالم وعلاقة الرسالة الاعلامية بالعولمة ومدى سيطرة الشركات المتعددة الجنسيات على وسائل الاعلام فى العالم

Africa Youth Charter
The Africa Youth Charter is a working document on Youth and leadership in Africa. Launched in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - the seat of the Africa Union, the document tends to bring about a new beginning for Africa Youth Development Agenda.

AFRICA-ASIA: Youth at risk: The link between youth violence and urbanization
This article is part of IRIN series, which investigate the effects of poverty and social alienation on the lives of children and teenagers. In developing states, particularity in Africa and Asia, youth increasingly migrate to urban areas in hopes of a better life. However, opportunities for formal employment are scarce. Therefore, increase in the numbers of unemployed youth compounded by rapid urbanization lead to increase in youth violence in urban areas.

The author, Mr. William Adejuyigbe Adetona is the Executive Director of Foundation for Rural Education, Wildlife and Environment, The Gambia, West Africa. The book aims to challenge African youth to rise up to the challenges of developing the continent instead of engaging in idle talks of bad leadership and failed dreams. The publication can also be purchased in hardcover or ebook format at www.i-proclaim.com.

A “3Day” Youth Business Forum to review, deliberate and develop policies in relation to the pursuit of the above mentioned strategies as it affects the development of Youth Economic Empowerment initiatives.

African Youth HIV/AIDS Best Practices Handbook
African Youth HIV/AIDS Best Practices Handbook Launch, August 15, 2006 Toronto ActALIVE (http://www.actalive.org), the Standing Committee on Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS-International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA-SCORA, at www.ifmsa.org), and Development Partnership International (DPI)(http://www.developmentpartnership.org) are pleased to invite you to the formal launch of the first edition of the African Youth HIV/AIDS Best Practices Handbook. The session is scheduled as follows: Venue: Global Village Youth Pavilion, International AIDS Conference, Toronto Date: Tuesday August 15, 2006 Time: 12.45- 2.15pm The African Youth HIV/AIDS Best Practices Handbook is a compendium of 95 youth-led and youth-focused HIV/AIDS projects from 25 countries in Africa. It is intended to showcase the outstanding work of African youth to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS, and to provide best-practices examples which can be replicated locally in Africa, and hopefully globally. This should help to encourage further education and prevention efforts, promote African youth leadership to curb the pandemic, and create as well as sustain opportunities for the participation of African youth in local, national, regional, and international efforts to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS. Use of the arts, media, and ICTs are all featured in the Handbook, as are some practices created and implemented with adult allies. Kindly contact Adebayo Samuel adebayo@developmentpartnership.org or Dabesaki Mac-Ikemenjima dabesaki@developmentpartnership.org or call +234 84 751 002 for more information. We look forward to welcoming you at the launch. Dabesaki Mac-Ikemenjima Director,Development Partnership International 4 Eleme/Onne Road off Eleme Junction, Port Harcourt 500001 NIGERIA http://www.developmentpartnership.org mailto:dabesaki@developmentpartnership.org Phone: +234 84 751 002 Fax: +234 84 751 002 Mobile: +234 805 518 2526

Aids Orphans
Toolkit to raise awareness about children orphaned by AIDS.

Alpha Magazine Issue One
Alpha! Magazine's first issue during Youth for Change International's Founding Week 2006. Edited and Designed by Anu Maheshwari Founded by Zach Komes

Alpha Magazine Summer Edition 2007
This Edition of YFCI brings fresh reports from our members in Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Nigeria, India, Uganda, Peru, Canada, Netherlands, Oman, Philippines, USA and Côte d’Ivoire, which will enlighten our readers with a first hand perspective on situations in various parts of the world . Thanks to our hardworking staff and dear members for their contribution.

Alpha! Magazine: Topics of Submission
This publication describes the current ideas and guidelines for Youth for Change International's quarterly Alpha! Magazine.

Apprendre a Parler des Objectifs du Millenaire
A booklet produced at our International Youth Forum

Aprendiendo a Hablar de los ODM
Cuadernillo en Español sobre los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, realizado por la Youth Coalition.

" Around the World , for Peace and Human Rights " will draw a line from North to South and East to West. It is one of the my last dream which give me opportunity to meet 1000 of young mind who want to change the world and make a better place to live. Read more detailed planned in document

Attitudes towards development aid
This is a Eurobarometer publication on attitudes towards development aid within the European Union. Among other things it looked at the level of awareness about the MDGs among the populations of EU member states.

Authentic Reference Ong
Bonjour à toutes et à tous Notre organisation sans but lucratif: Authentic Reference ong, basée en République du Bénin a initié un vaste programme de développement dans les domaines:de la santé, de l'environnement, de la culture, de l'éducation, de l'agriculture, du tourisme, de la communication, de l'entreprenariat, du social, de l'élevage, des loisirs, et de la formation en faveur des populations déshéritées et de la société civile. Nous sommes favorables à toutes sortes de partenariat avec des organisations ou associations du Nord et du Sud qui le désirent. L'objectif global du programme consiste à oeuvrer pour: la bonne gouvernance, la justice sociale, le développement communautaire, la réduction de la pauvreté, le renforcement de la coopération internationale et de l'intégration africaine. Aussi voudrions nous solliciter les personnes de bonne volonté et les organisations d'aide internationale pour leur aide matérielle, logistique et ou financière. Nous sommes disposés à vous fournir toutes les informations sur les domaines qui vous interessent. Nous vous remercions d'avance pour votre sensibilité et votre disponibilité. Merci beaucoup à vous

Blogging Positively
The "Blogging Positively" Guide is the brainchild of bloggers seeking to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic in a meaningful way. Citizen media tools -- including blogs, podcasts, and online photo and video sites -- present powerful new opportunities for activists aiming to spread awareness and promote discussion about HIV/AIDS and its societal stigma.

Breast Ironing in Cameroon: an overview for Fair Fund
A report on the practice of breast ironing amongst young girls in Cameroon: the motivations, risks, and extent of the phenomenon in Cameroon.

BROOD Online Magazine Vol. 3 No. 1 (THEME: Voices Against Poverty)
NEWSLETTER MAIN THEME: Voices Against Poverty (Cover Art by David D’Angelo) BROOD Update * BROOD One of the Peace Tech Partners * BROOD Celebrates with Rock Ed * Books Ready for Community Reading Centers * Getting Ready for Nabuur Project at Brgy. Tagumpay, San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija * YSDA Enters into a MOA with REDONDO KOMiX Opinion * Economic growth, environment and poverty by Ben Cyrus G. Ellorin * COLUMN: Alvin's Desk- Expense Busters to Save You Thousands by Alvin Tabanag, RFP * The Beast that Strikes the Nation by Chris Evert Inoncillo Features * Dire State of the Nation: The Crisis of Income and Employment in the Philippines by Nepomuceno A. Malaluan * Youth Activism by Justin DS Gatuslao * FEATURED ORGANIZATION: Katipunan Youth Club (KYC) * Dating Pikachu: The Evolution of a Rabid Fangirl Information Technology * Info Tech Update Literary * Don’t Complain (An Analogy on Poverty) Others * ANNOUNCEMENT: Invitation for Communities to Join the BROOD Nabuur Project

Building a Better Tomorrow
Building a Better Tomorrow: The voices of young people with disabilities is a publication that draws attention to the rights of young people with disabilities to participate in all aspects of society on an equal basis with others. The young people with disabilities of today are all too often among the world’s poorest and most marginalized. This publication attempts to bring the voices, experiences and observations of young people with disabilities to the forefront. The publication aims to fill some of the knowledge gaps on young people with disabilities, and raise awareness of the specific issues facing them in order to encourage development actors to develop no gap policies and remove the many barriers that face young people with disabilities in all aspects of life.

Building Tomorrow's Buy a Brick-Build a School
Building Tomorrow's Buy a Brick-Build a School is a simple fundraiser...students sell paper bricks for $1 and, in turn, the money they raise pays for bricks to construct a school in Uganda. One $1 paper brick = ten bricks in Uganda. So...simply download the toolkit, print out the bricks & start selling! 100% of the money students raise will go directly towards building schools in Uganda.

Building Tomorrow's Buy a Brick-Build a School
Building Tomorrow's Buy a Brick-Build a School is a simple fundraiser...students sell paper bricks for $1 and, in turn, the money they raise pays for bricks to construct a school in Uganda. One $1 paper brick = ten bricks in Uganda. So...simply download the toolkit, print out the bricks & start selling! 100% of the money students raise will go directly towards building schools in Uganda.

Building Tomorrow's Sit for Good
Sit for Good is an innovative K-12 service-learning campaign that is used in schools as a way of teaching students about philanthropy, the educational inequalities in our world and sub-Saharan Africa. Sponsored by Building Tomorrow (BT), the campaign provides curricular materials such as lesson plans, activities and discussion topics for use in the classroom. These are accompanied by an activity where students give up their desks and other classroom resources for a day in order to experience, first-hand, some of the challenges that students just like them face as they struggle for something we all too often take for granted: an education. In most cases, classrooms also commit to raising funds to provide learning space for thousands of current and future students at BT academies.

Building Tomorrow's Sit for Good
Sit for Good is an innovative K-12 service-learning campaign that is used in schools as a way of teaching students about philanthropy, the educational inequalities in our world and sub-Saharan Africa. Sponsored by Building Tomorrow (BT), the campaign provides curricular materials such as lesson plans, activities and discussion topics for use in the classroom. These are accompanied by an activity where students give up their desks and other classroom resources for a day in order to experience, first-hand, some of the challenges that students just like them face as they struggle for something we all too often take for granted: an education. In most cases, classrooms also commit to raising funds to provide learning space for thousands of current and future students at BT academies.

Bulletin d'Information N° 1 de PEACE Action Solidaire
Bulletin d'Information de PEACE Action Solidaire. Bulletin d'informations publié dans le cadre de la participation de PEACE / Action Solidaire à la Foire Internationale de l’Agriculture et des Ressources Animales (FIARA) 2008.

Bulletin d'Information N° 2 de PEACE Action Solidaire
Bulletin d'Information de PEACE Action Solidaire. Bulletin d'informations publié dans le cadre de la participation de PEACE / Action Solidaire à la Foire Internationale de l’Agriculture et des Ressources Animales (FIARA) 2008.

Campus Climate Action Guide
The Campus Climate Action Guide aims to assist in mobilizing student groups to undertake action projects on climate change. This resource provides ideas for action projects related to energy, food, solid waste, and transportation on campus. Best practices for success and a list of on-line resources are also included. This resource is FREE (contact us for hard copy availability).

Canadian MDG Guide to Action
A toolkit aimed at helping Canadian Youth work to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

Case of a Missing Child in Sierra Leone
Fatmata Caulker Background about the case: Fatmata Caulker, a two and half year old child of Hendebu village went missing on the 5th of October 2008 in the Kori Chiefdom of Moyamba District, Southern part of Sierra Leone. According to the parents of the victim, Wilfred Caulker and Mami Caulker, the child was playing around the neighborhood and eventually got lost. The victim Fatmata Caulker was in an unknown location for three days. After several searches the victim remains undiscovered. With worries and stress, the parents made an official report to the village head man Mr. Mohamed Swaray and the matter was reported to the Section Chief from where they were asked to make a police report, eventually, an official report was made about the missing of the child at the Taiama police station from which statements were obtained from both the father and the mother of the victim. However, the village headman and the Section Chief hired the service of a native doctor to find the missing child. Mr. Ndovah who was hired as the native doctor gave his consent to find the child, and in the process the child was surprisingly located in an isolated bush striped naked with a small hoe hanging on her soldier and roots in her hands, a small wound on her forehead and arm was also discovered. The child was brought to the village and the perpetrator of this act “Sundima” was named by the native doctor who later attests to the fact that he was responsible for the act. The matter was taken to the police station were the alleged perpetrator was interrogated and statement was obtained from him and both his wife and daughter in the Taiama police station and the matter was later taken to the Moyamba police station being the District headquarter were both the parents of the victim and the alleged perpetrator and family was taken. After several investigations into the matter Fatmata Caulker was denied access to justice and the police commander dismissed the alleged perpetrator and the matter was left unabated, the parents of the victim became unsatisfactory and worried about the life of their child who has taken three days in the bush and need an assurance of their child’s life. Recent Abnormalities about the victim • Always scared to associate with other people except his parents, she is afraid to see the face of a man. • Fatmata Caulker convulses once on awhile and no medical attention had been given to her since the act was done. • Her psychological perception about relating with people has changed. Recent update. Conscience international have visited the home of the victim and have discovered detail information about the kidnapped child from the parents and local neighborhood. The matter is under investigation in collaboration with the Sierra Leone human right commission. Conscience International Sierra Leone is calling on all Human rights defenders and well wishers to fight and restore justice, liberty and dignity for Fatmata Caulker. Your assistance in any form will be appreciated to help rebuilding the already dilapidated psychological perception of this young child. For any other information contact the Programme Coordinator Paul Brima Bangura Conscience International Sierra Leone 55 Siaka Stevens Street Freetown 232-77200413 or 232-76616829 Email: sierraleone@conscience-international.org Website: www.conscience-international.org

Catalyzing momentum on human rights and decent work
In September 2008, a series of multi-stakeholder events on three continents were organized to catalyze political momentum for realizing the human right to decent work for social justice and a fair globalization, as part of a broader set of activities and campaigns to mark the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in December 2008. These included high level discussions on aligning trade, financial and development strategies with the recent global UN commitment to make "full and productive employment and decent work for all" a central policy objective at national and international levels.

The SaciWATERs' Crossing Boundaries Project Newsletter is published quarterly. On this page you will find the latest edition of the newsletter, as well, as archives of earlier editions. Crossing Boundaries Project Newsletter aims to share the initiatives undertaken by SaciWATERs and the Partner Institutions in order to fulfill the objectives of the Crossing Boundaries Project. It also seeks to share our ideas, goals, concerns and research with our partners, civil society organizations, international NGOs, UN agencies and other important players in the water policy sector. The 23rd issue of CB NEWS brings to you events organised by SaciWATERs from October 2008 to April 2009. It also features highlights of the events SaciWATERs shall be participating in at the 5th World Water Forum, Istanbul, 2009.

Child Exploitation
A toolkit to help stop the exploitation of children.

Child Labor in Ghana.

Child Labor: Focus on Bangladesh
This resource explores the issue of Child Labor in Bangladesh.

Child Labour: a textbook for university students
This textbook is meant to serve students in any region or country of the world who want to understand an important and often overlooked aspect of the social and economic reality that surrounds us all: Child Labour

Child Poverty
Toolkit to help stop child poverty.

Child Survival: Focus on Rwanda
This resource explores the issue of Child Survival in Rwanda.

CivicSpace Groundswell
Web-based toolkit for building a community website, raising money online, communicating with people via email and using technology tools for social change.

CLC West Africa Final Report
Between 2006 and 2008, TakingITGlobal ran a local engagement program in 5 West African countries - Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. The intent was to encourage young West Africans to address a variety of issues through Information and Communications Technologies. This report was submitted to the Open Society Institute for West Africa (OSIWA), the major funder for the project

Climate Change: Connections & Solutions
These 2-week curriculum units, one for middle and one for high school, encourage students to think critically about climate change and to collaborate to devise solutions. Students learn about climate change within a systems framework, examining interconnections among environmental, social, and economic issues. The first week of each 2-week unit lays the foundation for understanding some of the forces behind climate change. Students learn basic scientific phenomena related to climate change, beginning with the carbon cycle and the greenhouse effect and concluding with an analysis of different fuel types. The second week widens and deepens students’ comprehension of climate change with an exploration of its connections to various social, economic, and environmental factors. By the end of the unit, students will understand and be able to communicate complex and interconnected issues related to climate change.

Close the Gap - National Indigenous Health Equality Targets
Outcomes from the National Indigenous Health Equality Summit Canberra, March 18–20, 2008

Combating AIDS in the developing world
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB, and Access to Essential Medicines, Working Group on HIV/AIDS

Coming to grips with malaria in the new millennium
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB, and Access to Essential Medicines, Working Group on Malaria

Congreso Latinoamericano de Jovenes Camino a Rio+20
El Congreso “Camino a Río+20” se propone inspirar y movilizar a los y las jóvenes a actuar en favor del desarrollo sustentable, vinculando, amplificando y dando visibilidad a las iniciativas que varias organizaciones, grupos y comunidades juveniles están llevando adelante en ésta temática. Un breve informe sobre lo sucedido el pasado 28 de septiembre al 2 de octubre en Capilla del Monte, Cordoba, Argentina.

COP 10 sobre Cambio Climático: Declaración Juvenil
JÓVENES PROTAGONISTAS, NO ESPECTADORES Declaración Juvenil a la 10ma Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (Buenos Aires, Diciembre de 2004)

Counting Template on STAND UP EVENT
This document contains the figures that were represented at the various centers. It is an addendum to the FINAL REPORT ON THE “STAND UP” EVENT HOSTED BY YOUNG PEOPLE WE CARE (YPWC)

In Brazil, the epidemiological nadzor of AIDS is being held up taking as reference the universal notification of cases of AIDS, including in relation to diseases and disorders of compulsory notification on December 22, 1986, by Order No 542 of the Ministry Health, together with congenital syphilis.

Critérios de Definição de Casos de AIDS em adultos e crianças
No Brasil, a vigilânica epidemiológica da AIDS vem sendo realizada tomando-se como referência a notificação universal dos casos de AIDS, incluída na relação de doenças e agravos de notificação compulsória, em 22 de dezembro de 1986, por meio da Portaria nº 542 do Ministério da Saúde, juntamente com a sífilis congênita.

Curriculums de formation en TICs (3)
Une série de 3 curriculums de formation, TICs de base, TIC et Leadership, TIC et entrepreunariat. Ils ont été conçus pour le projet Liaisons Locales Afrique de l'Ouest et visent un public jeune qui a peu ou pas de connaissances et compétences en TICs.

Curso Direitos Humanos Módulo 1
O Módulo I traz um pouco da história da idéia de Direitos Humanos, e como esse conceito surgiu para enfrentar pequenos e grandes conflitos, do dia-a-dia das pessoas. Você conhecerá a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, quais os princípios que a inspiraram e as razões que levaram as pessoas a se mobilizar em defesa de um conjunto de direitos universais.

Curso Direitos Humanos Módulo 10
“Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos. Dotados de razão e de consciência, devem agir uns para com os outros em espírito de fraternidade” (Artigo 1º da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos)

Curso Direitos Humanos Módulo 2
Neste módulo vamos discutir os conflitos e as formas como podemos enfrentá-los: através da violência ou da não-violência. Também vamos ver o conceito de agressividade.

Curso Direitos Humanos Módulo 3
Neste módulo, vamos falar de três direitos humanos fundamentais: o direito à vida, o direito à saúde e o direito à alimentação adequada. Convidamos você, a partir de agora, a pensar um pouco sobre o significado desses direitos. Que conflitos o povo enfrenta para ter os seus direitos garantidos? Como lutar para que eles sejam respeitados?

Curso Direitos Humanos Módulo 4
Favelas, Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1979) São 200, são 300 as favelas cariocas? O tempo gasto em contá-las é tempo de outras surgirem. 800 mil favelados ou já passa de 1 milhão? Enquanto se contam, ama-se em barraco e a céu aberto, novos seres se encomendam ou nascem à revelia. Os que mudam, os que somem, os que são mortos a tiro são logo substituídos. Onde haja terreno vago onde ainda não se ergueu um caixotão de cimento esguio (mas se vai erguer) surgem trapos e panelas, surge fumaça de lenha em jantar improvisado. Urbaniza-se? Remove-se? Extingue-se a pau e a fogo? Que fazer com tanta gente brotando do chão, formigas de um formigueiro infinito? Ensinar-lhes paciência, conformidade, renúncia? Cadastrá-los e fichá-los para fins eleitorais? Prometer-lhes a sonhada, mirífica, rósea fortuna distribuição (oh!) de renda? Deixar tudo como está para ver como é que fica? Em seminários, simpósios, comissões, congressos, cúpulas de alta prosopopéia, elaborar a perfeita e divina decisão? Um som de samba interrompe tão sérias indagações e a cada favela extinta ou em bairro transformada com direito a pagamento de Comlurb, ISS, Renda, outra aparece, larvar, rastejante, insinuante, grimpante, desafiante, de gente qual gente: amante, esperante, lancinante... O mandamento da vida explode em riso e ferida.

Curso Direitos Humanos Módulo 5
Nesse módulo vamos estudar os direitos à educação, trabalho e seguridade social. Assim como todos os direitos humanos, esses direitos estão ligados entre si e reforçam um ao outro: a educação tem um papel importante tanto na formação da pessoa quanto na promoção dos direitos humanos; o trabalho nos acompanha ao longo da vida, como sustento e realização (por meio do trabalho o ser humano desenvolve suas potencialidades, ao mesmo tempo em que recebe e expressa solidariedade) e a seguridade social é um direito que ajuda as pessoas nas horas de necessidade. Em outros termos, uma boa educação deveria ajudar a conseguir um bom trabalho que, por sua vez, deveria garantir a previdência social (que faz parte da seguridade). Este curso também tem o propósito de promover a educação para os direitos humanos, por isso é fundamental no sentido de ajudar a criar uma cultura de direitos humanos no Brasil.

Curso Direitos Humanos Módulo 6
A partir deste módulo, vamos nos debruçar sobre as formas de enfrentar as diversas violações, abordando alguns processos de intervenção pacífica na resolução de conflitos e, na prática, como você pode se tornar um mediador de conflitos em sua comunidade. Antes de falarmos da mediação propriamente dita, apresentaremos breve panorama das diversas formas não-violentas de enfrentar os conflitos, seguido de estudo das principais estratégias e processos envolvidos. Assim, espera-se que esta “metodologia” ajude-nos a romper certas resistências culturais de um imaginário coletivo forjado nos princípios da disputa, rivalidade e uso abusivo do poder; que possa ser útil na redução da violência e na solução pacífica dos conflitos.

Curso Direitos Humanos Módulo 7
Neste módulo, vamos tratar de um tema que é pouco falado pela imprensa, jornais e tevês, mas que tem tudo a ver com direitos humanos, em especial ao direito de organização e a liberdade de expressão: estamos falando da ação “não-violenta ativa”. Sabemos que sem luta e sem organização, fica difícil garantir o respeito aos direitos humanos (seja por alimentação, moradia, saúde, educação etc.). A grande questão é: como lutar para realizar esses direitos? No módulo anterior, falamos de “formas não-violentas”. Agora convidamos você a pensar sobre o significado da ação não-violenta ativa em sua luta, e na luta dos movimentos sociais que se esforçam para combater a injustiça e as desigualdades, em busca de solução para os conflitos políticos e sociais que afetam, principalmente, os grupos mais vulneráveis e marginalizados. Você vai perceber que muitas dessas formas já fazem parte do nosso dia-a-dia. Para podermos lutar e trabalhar pelos nossos objetivos, antes precisamos nos organizar. É por isso que falamos a seguir do direito à liberdade de organização – que também é um direito humano. Depois disso, retomaremos o conceito da “não-violência ativa” e sua relação com os direitos humanos. Por fim, apresentamos algumas experiências de luta pela não-violência ativa. São experiências muitas vezes inovadoras, muito diferentes do que estamos acostumados. Mas são sempre em benefício da cidadania e dos direitos humanos. Vamos citar o exemplo do movimento pela diversidade sexual, pois acreditamos que é um direito vinculado à autonomia e à liberdade de expressão. Garantir essa diversidade é avançar na construção de uma sociedade mais justa, tolerante e solidária.

Curso Direitos Humanos Módulo 8
Neste módulo e também no próximo, vamos falar com mais detalhes da mediação popular de conflitos, uma forma não-violenta de solucionar problemas. Acreditamos que pode ser muito útil para a prática dos movimentos populares e das comunidades. Também veremos alguns dos conceitos e princípios básicos do processo de mediação de conflitos, e como o mediador – a pessoa que conduz o processo – deve agir. É bom lembrar que todos estes conceitos não são regras fixas: é preciso manter a mente aberta e, muitas vezes, ser flexível para enfrentar as questões do dia-a-dia.

Curso Direitos Humanos Módulo 9
Neste módulo, continuaremos a falar sobre a mediação de conflitos. Vamos comparar a mediação com a Justiça comum e, finalmente, vamos conhecer algumas experiências concretas que o Brasil possui na mediação de conflitos. As pessoas e instituições que já trabalham com mediação popular de conflitos estão espalhados em vários estados do país. Neste módulo apresentaremos algumas para vocês; se tiverem interesse, entrem em contato com elas, para pedir algum auxílio ou trocar experiências.

De Bob Esponja a Maomé: um perfil da escola islâmica na região metropolitana de São Paulo
Trabalho de conclusão de curso apresentado à Faculdade de Comunicação, Filosofia e Letras da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUCSP) em 2007.

Debating Globalization
Does globalization alleviate world poverty or contribute to it? Does it harm local culture or bring people together? Has free trade hurt the poor more than helped? What are globalization's effects on the environment and human rights? This book is a forum where dynamic youth from around the world debate these issues. Contained in this volume are provocative articles from both sides of this controversial debate. "In these pages, we hear youth speak about what is right with globalization, what is wrong, and how diverse actors can join forces in ensuring tomorrow’s peace, security, and sustainability. I am happy to commend this book to anyone who wants to share the visions of our world’s youth on the important issues of our day." - Bhichai Rattakul Former President of Rotary International & Foreign Minister of Thailand CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS: Thompson Ayodele, Nigeria; Richard Chu, Canada; Aline Meynier de Salinelles, France; Omagor Elijah, Uganda; Shakti Shali Ghimire, Nepal; Mario Ghossoub, Lebanon; Daniel Griswold, USA; Michael Herrmann, Germany; Roman Kosodiy, Ukraine; Cathy Madge, United Kingdom; Melisande Middleton, USA, France; Vanessa Musolino, Australia; Olusegun Olowu, Nigeria; Arvind Panagariya, India; Jocelyn Margareth Loanzon Reyes, Philippines; Shaka Robert, Uganda; Logan Wallace, USA, France

Apropiación, Armonización, Alineación & Resultados y Mutua Responsabilidad. Declaración para el desarrollo, cumplir las metas de los ODMs.

Declaration Asia Africa Youth Forum 2010
This Declaration is an outcome of the Asia Africa Youth Forum 2010 drafted and finalized by participants of the Asia Africa Youth Forum 2010.

Déclaration de Saint-Louis
Déclaration de Saint-Louis de jeunes de plusieurs nationalités à la 3eme édition des université d'été de St - Louis.

Fingernails, collected from five petrol attendants including the black marketers in major filling stations were digested using acid mixtures of hydrochloric acid and trioxonitrate (v) acid in the ratio of 1:1. From the result analysis, heavy metals such as Lead and Zinc are found in low levels in human fingernails. The low levels of concentration found in humans among petrol attendants are attributed to their exposure to environmental lead. Therefore petrol attendants have to take proper precaution so as to preserve their health.

Developing National Information and Communications Infrastructure (NICI) Policies, Plans and Strategies: the 'why' and 'how'
The emergence and convergence of information and communication technologies (ICT) remain at the centre of global social and economic transformations. The ICT sector is a gamut of industries and services activities – Internet service provision, telecommunications equipment and services, information technology (IT) equipment and services, media and broadcasting, libraries and documentation centres, commercial information providers, network-based information services and other related information and communication activities. These technological components which used to be accounted as separate activities have converged to characterise all aspects of ICTs. This has also led to the introduction of the concept of national information infrastructure (NII) or global information infrastructure (GII) defined as the "technologies, organisations, and capabilities that facilitate the production and use of ICTs" [1]. As a result, the definition of National Information and Communications Infrastructure (NICI) plans and strategies has become high on the agenda, and developing countries are confronted with the challenge to be responsive and flexible to the convergence of telecommunication, audio-visual and computing technologies. NICI plans and strategies need to reflect overall development priorities, redefine sectoral policies and support the introduction of new regulatory framework so as to improve the efficiency and to mobilise resources for building national information and communication infrastructure. Attempts are made in this paper to assess the ICT situation in African countries, to outline the pressing need to build-up NICI plans and strategies and the various steps to be taken to enable countries to be part of the information society.

DGAi and the Human Development Report 2013
Development Generation Africa International (DGAi) Youth Discussed the UNDP Human Development Report 2013 and information document.

oolkit on disability, human rights and sport that has been distributed to the over 4,000 athletes attending the Paralympic Games in six languages( English Version) published for Rights to Win International Paralympic Symposium on Disability Rights hosted by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and Rehabilitation International (RI)

Dossier "Juventud y TICs: Una Relación con Mucho Futuro"
Editorial: Este número de Temas del Portal de Juventud para América Latina y el Caribe esta dedicado a Jóvenes y TICs, ha sido elaborado en su mayor parte por Damian Profeta a quien le agradecemos el esfuerzo y la selección y los aportes realizados. La Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento tiene en las nuevas generaciones a unos de sus principales y más dinámicos actores. Los jóvenes son el grupo etáreo con mayor presencia como usuarios en Internet. Así como son protagonistas de permanentes innovaciones y cada día más productores de información circulando en los espacios electrónicos. Los “e-ciudadanos” son mayoritariamente jóvenes y por ello nos pareció oportuno dedicar este espacio a sistematizar artículos, recursos, experiencias y opiniones sobre estas temáticas, como un aporte a la visibilización de la temática. Esperamos que el material sea de su utilidad y quienes quieran remitir opiniones y aportes para próximos trabajos sobre esta y otras temáticas solo deben remitirlas a gestion@joveneslac.org Cordialmente Equipo de Gestión del Portal de Juventud para América Latina y el Caribe www.joveneslac.org

E-Course On ICT in Education
When UNESCO’s Bangkok Office announced the release of its E-Learning Series on Information and Communication Technology in Education in June 2009, it was beyond expectation that 3,000 CD-ROMs would run out in just a few months. Requests for copies came literally from everywhere. To satisfy users’ demand, the Bangkok Office makes now its CD available online. The series is intended for all those who are interested to learn more about ICT in education. The CD contains two modules that were especially designed for policymakers, educational planners, school administrators and educators, in general: Module 1: ICT in Education Essentials provides learners with all the essential information promoting a common understanding of the topic in the education sector; Module 2: ICT in Education Decision Making helps to consider the different factors involved in choosing the appropriate technology to use in a particular education setting. Both modules are lively, colorful and highly interactive. “I only planned to see a few screens, then I got hooked and ended up completing the two modules, which lasted for about an hour,” says one of the CD users. Another one comments: “This is very informative. Now I understand more about ICT in education." It really does not matter whether the learner knows a little or nothing at all about ICT in education before doing the training. The two modules give you the confidence that you know already the essential information you need, or assure you that what you knew before is shared by many. You can launch the online course (click here) or obtain copies of the CD by sending a request to: ictinfo@unescobkk.org. After completing the course, you will be able to print a certificate, which you can send to ictinfo@unescobkk.org in order for your name to appear on the website of UNESCO’s Bangkok Office. It is hoped that this will raise the awareness and build a network of people working in education who have a common understanding of how technology can help education in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

Education For A Sustainable Future presents information on how today’s practices in schools are socially unsustainable. The documentary film critically analyses what is considered socially relevant in a new education system which brings out the most potential in all of humanity whilst also detailing specific educational methods from a wide range of sources on how to nurture social skills, critical thinking techniques and a larger variety of important practices to positively reinforce from our earliest years onwards. It must be recognised that a sustainable education is one of the most critical components of any advanced society. The views expressed in this documentary are not necessarily shared by the originators of source material presented.

Education: Focus on Somalia
This resource explores the issue of Education in Somalia.

Egypt National Youth Shadow Report 2008
GYCA UNGASS National Youth Shadow Reports

End Poverty Now Lesson Plan 1
45 min Ideal for all secondary grades and can be adapted to suit any History, English, or Ethics class. This lesson aims to help students identify their misconceptions about poverty and begin to see what it actually is like to live in poverty. The students begin by building a structure in groups that have varying amounts of materials and/or tools. The students then draw a picture of what poverty means to them. These pictures are discussed as a class, with a particular focus on misconceptions. The students finish by linking the lesson with what they have been studying and making collages that demonstrate what poverty means to them.

End Poverty Now Lesson Plan 2 - Middle Grades Edition
This version of the lesson is suited for grades 6-8. This lesson will help students understand several of poverty's causes and manifestations, including racism, sexism, and lacking access to education, by detailing and demonstrating the challenges specific impoverished groups face. Part 1- Jigsaw Students take on the role of a person who is affected by poverty in a specific way. They are encouraged to dress up and act. Pointing out when students are stereotyping a group is part of the lesson. "Situation Slips," which detail students' assigned situations, are included. Part 2 has students go into groups and build a structure, similar to the first lesson. However, new restrictions that demonstrate exclusion, resource stripping, sexism, and many other factors that lead to and deepen poverty have been added.

End Poverty Now Lesson Plan 3
This lesson aims to synthesize what students have learned during the lessons and give them the tools to alleviate poverty. Part 1 begins with a class discussion on the current realities of poverty. Students then create a collage which they compare to the one they made in the first lesson, thereby seeing how their views have changed. In Part 2 you can have groups of students discuss how certain projects would alleviate poverty, select a particularly effective option, and present it to the class. Alternatively, you could have students research the movement to end poverty and present a solution or organization that they believe is effective. A sheet that details what students can do to alleviate poverty and several examples of grassroots projects are included.

End Poverty Now Newsletter - September 2009
EPN's monthly newsletter. Many articles will be used in EMSB LESs next school year. Includes articles on microfinance, our backyard gardening grassroots project in the Philippines, The Drop-in Center in Calgary, and multinational farming corporations.

Energy Architect
Vi söker länder/personer/organisationer som är villiga att bygga fram sin miljö. Att bygga fram Flytande Energimoduler med vilka man kan framställa RENT VATTEN, Electricitet med mera.

English SCREAM Education Pack
Lesson Plans for Education on Child Labour, using a methodology incorporating the arts and the media which encourages ownership of projects, and which are used in turn to educate the community in which the children live. Also available in other languages from http://www.ilo.org/ipec/Campaignandadvocacy/Scream/SCREAMresources/lang--en/index.htm

Environment and human well-being: a practical strategy
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Conservation Project
The ultimate goal of the clean-up event (project) is to raise the level of awareness of participants with regard to the 7th goal of Environmental Sustainability (UN MDGs) concept and how they can effectively destroy the vast opportunities they afford towards broad-based sustainable development in Africa. An elevated awareness of the concept of the Nairobi River Clean-up, will lead to change in attitudes regarding youths ability and role to influence the ongoing Environmental Conservation process, which will turn result in the much desired increase in civic participation.

Estrategia de Emprego e Formação Profissional em Moçambique
Se um País tem uma estratégia de emprego e formação profissional a falhar, significa que existe uma perspectiva futurista bastante preocupante, tanto do ponto de vista de redução dos índices de desemprego, principalmente para os jovens, tanto de cumprimento daquilo que é uma das apostas do Presidente Armando Guebuza que é a criação da riqueza por via do empreendedorismo e do auto-emprego. Recentemente a Sra Abiba Tamele, Directora do Instituto Nacional de Emprego e Formação Profissional de Moçambique (INEFP), veio a público afirmar que a estratégia de emprego e formação profissional de Moçambique está a falhar. O Problema afecta a milhões de Moçambicanos. Os jovens formam-se nas escolas técnico-profissionais e não encontram postos de trabalho, não têm facilidades de acesso ao crédito para iniciar uma actividade económica, e geram-se casos de criminalidade e outros males sociais. O empreendedorismo juvenil em Moçambique está “encravado” pela falta de uma “alavanca” financeira subsidiada. O INEFP já reconheceu que a estratégia de emprego, uma das principais preocupações dos Moçambicanos, em particular os jovens, está a falhar, o que já representa um passo importante para alterar o cenário. Passam-se cerca de 2 anos deste o lançamento desta estratégia que vai até 2015, o que pode permitir que o governo Moçambicano ainda tome em consideração a alteração deste cenário. O INEFP devia encomendar um estudo para apurar dados que lhe são necessários para o seu trabalho. Moçambique precisa de ter uma informação estatística eficiente sobre o mercado de trabalho. Ninguém sabe dizer ao certo qual é a taxa de emprego ou desemprego em Moçambique ou quando é que se fez um estudo completo sobre o mercado de emprego em Moçambique. Um instituto de emprego deve ter ao menos uma relação de instituições de formação técnico-profissional existentes no País e a capacidade de anualmente obter dados sobre a disponibilidade de novos formados em diferentes áreas técnicas para, dai saber que necessidades o País tem em termos de formação profissional. Pode também ser criado um sistema de gestão que permita que todas as admissões ao mercado de trabalho pelo Governo e sector privado sejam reportadas ao Ministério do Trabalho e INEFP, de modo a que haja mais dados sobre quantas pessoas entram para um novo posto de trabalho em Moçambique. Descentralizar a área de formação Profissional Um dos maiores problemas que o INEFP actualmente enfrenta é o facto de o Instituto, consciente da sua capacidade de formação de técnicos, ainda não assumiu a descentralização da área de formação profissional que lhe compete, facto que representaria uma mais-valia para aquela instituição. É importante que o INEFP estabeleça parcerias com instituições de formação técnico-profissional e que estas efectivamente desempenhem um papel chave na formação profissional ou ainda, como muitos defendem, é preciso que o INEFP passe a responsabilidade desta ares, sob forma de acordo de parceria, a uma outra instituição que possa faze-lo sendo subsidiada pelo estado. Os números que anualmente são divulgados relativos à formação profissional do INEFP são ínfimos do ponto de vista das necessidades do País, e esse cenário tem que ser alterado. O Desemprego nos jovens A falta de dados estatísticos fiáveis sobre o emprego não permitem uma boa análise desta situação em Moçambique, mas pode-se afirmar categoricamente que mais de 50 % dos jovens Moçambicanos não têm um emprego formal, percentagem essa que vem aumentando nos últimos anos. Por isso recomenda-se às autoridades da tutela a realização de um estudo da situação do jovem no mercado de trabalho em Moçambique, que pode juntar esforços do Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), do INEFP e do Próprio Ministério da Juventude e Desportos (MJD). Ninguem discutiria tanto se num estudo se chegasse a conclusão de que uma parte significativa dos jovens Moçambicanos vive em condições de pobreza absoluta, com enormes dificuldades para estudar e trabalhar. O esforço feito em Moçambique em termos de políticas públicas que beneficiem a juventude apresentam resultados que ainda se mostram insuficientes para gerar novos postos de trabalho e o segmento juvenil é o mais afetado por essa situação. É preciso que se mude este cenário.

an organized set of questions designed to help practitioners assess whether curriculum-based programs have incorporated the common characteristics of effective programs.

Expo Virtual Latinoamericana de Proyectos de y con Jóvenes en Prevención del VIH/SIDA
La Expo Virtual Latinoamericana de Proyectos de y con Jóvenes en Prevención del VIH/SIDA se propuso “promover una mayor visibilización de la participación, la creatividad y la responsabilidad comunitaria que expresan las experiencias de y con jóvenes en prevención del VIH/SIDA”. En ese sentido, se destacan proyectos que: A. Promueven el trabajo en red entre jóvenes. B. Propician e interactúan con otros actores sociales. C. Están basados en valores de solidaridad, promoción de los derechos humanos y respeto a la diversidad. D. Incorporan y promueven lenguajes alternativos a la estigmatización y la discriminación. Una realización de: • TakinglTGlobal.org, Comunidad Virtual Juvenil • Portal de Juventud para América Latina y el Caribe • Alianza Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Asociaciones Cristianas de Jóvenes-ALCACJ • Red Latinoamericana de Juventudes Rurales-RELAJUR Apoyo: UNESCO, CELAJU e Iniciativa Latinoamericana

EXPRESS! 3rd Publication
In this issue of EXPRESS, you can expect more pictures, variety in topics, and ground coverage of local events as well.

EXPRESS! 4th Publication
After a year of changes, this publication has finally gone into print. More pictures and information about why water is important. The publication is also the resource reading material for the Inaugural National Youth Environment Forum held in Singapore where the Minister has kindly graced.

Faiths Act Together Toolkit
The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is working to bring the different faiths together to help tackle the Millenium Development goals. We are asking our volunteers to use our short film 'A Story of a Bed Net' to organise a 'Faiths Act Together' event to raise awareness and funds to combat malaria. You can do this in your neighbourhoods or places of worship; on your campuses or in your sports teams; or simply with a few friends. This tool kit gives you all the resources you need to run your own event.

Female Circumcision in Kenya
A research paper examining both sides of the conflict between whether or not Female Circumcision should be banned in Kenya.

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YPWC which is a youth-led organization was very exited to have the UN Millennium Campaign, initiate the “STAND UP” event which also served as a platform for YPWC to once again sensitized people on the MDGs and also get them involved in the demand for the promises that were made by our world leaders at the UN Millennium Summit in the year 2000.

Follow-up to the World Programme of Action for Youth
This document was prepared ahead of the 2007 Commission for Social Development and contains a number of recommendations on youth policies and a review of the Youth Employment Network.

les changements climatiques et les lourdes conséquences qui l'accompagnent sont aujourd'hui une certitude et même si aujourd'hui on arrête toutes les émissions mondiales de GES, nous subirons les effet des changements climatiques au moins jusqu'en 2060 alors il est important de s'adapter et l'utilisation des Synergies Vertes est un moyen efficace d'adaptation. alors c'est dans ce sens que JVE-Internationale organise le 25/10/2010 à lomé une foire des énergies renouvelables pour sensibiliser la population et les amener à l'usage de ces énergies propre.Donc c'est un cadre de promotion des structures qui son dans ce domaine pour exposer leurs produits.c'est aussi un cadre d'échange et rencontre de nouveaux partenaires. pour tout information contacter:feel2jve@gmail.com ou sevekoff@gmail.com ou le site de JVE: www.ong-jve.org

Forum National sur L'emploi des Jeunes
RAPPORT GENERAL Initié par le gouvernement du Bénin avec le soutient du programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD) le Forum National sur L’Emploi Des Jeunes a réuni au palais des Congres de Cotonou, du 08 au 10 mars , les cadres de l’administration béninoise, les représentants des jeunes et des collectivités locales, les partenaires socio–économiques dont le patronat et les syndicats, des représentants des organisations civiles et les représentants des partenaires au Développement du Bénin.

Four River, One World Brochure
Four Rivers One World’ is the consequence of one of the numerous successful iEARN projects, which is to be launched with the educators and youth from Bangladesh, India, Nepal and USA. It includes the issues of four major rivers flown through these countries. Buriganga is the one in four rivers of this project. Teachers, students and environmental workers will participate for the vital issues of Buriganga in the Bangladesh chapter of the project. The most important objective is to build and enhance the awareness among youth about the environmental, social and economic issues of the rivers.

Fundraising Ideas From the Ground
On NABUUR.com, the Global Neighbour Network, you will find a resource section about fundraising. Neighbours (online volunteers) share their experiences and best practices with others. You can use their ideas and add your own here.

Generating Local Funds
This tool defines and tells us the know it all on how to generate fund for projects locally, at our doorsteps that wait and look for the ones from the donor agencies and multinationals.

Global Affairs Monitor - Modern China: The Promise and Challenge of an Emerging Superpower
Modern China: The Promise and Challenge of an Emerging Superpower The Chinese narrative is unique, and Western powers in an age of globalization find themselves in unfamiliar territory. As global economies become increasingly integrated and pressing world problems require global solutions, the well-being of all countries is affected by China. Most experts see the international community today as being at a cross-roads: China cannot be ignored, so it must necessarily be either balanced and contained, or engaged as a full-fledged, (and perhaps unconditional) member of the world’s power infrastructure.

Global Youth Service Day Final Report
Global Youth Service Day is the largest annual celebration of young volunteers, where millions of young people in countries everywhere highlight and carry out thousands of community improvement projects. In the report you can find detailed summaries from each country about the activities that took place.

Glosario de Términos Aplicables Cátedra de la Paz
Cátedra de la Paz ha aplicado un glosario de términos como recurso para los programas y proyectos en el marco de Red Iberoamerica de la Juventud.

Notre vision -La vulgarisation des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (NTIC) sera porteuse de nouvelles richesses si des mesures immédiates et importantes sont prises par nos gouvernements. -Si le combat de la société civile a permis de fonder les bases du développement durable, aujourd’hui, cette même société civile ainsi que le gouvernement doivent soutenir les entreprises et les populations dans leur effort à intégrer les NTIC dans toutes leurs activités. -Les entreprises et les gouvernements ont besoin d’expertise en développement en développement durable et en développement économique axées sur les NTIC offertes par des experts professionnels engagés, c’est-à-dire issus du secteur de la société civile.

This handy software digitally reads and omits wasted pages that have useless text and images like URLs, banner ads, disclaimers, and extra signature lines on emails. On top of saving trees, GreenPrint says the program can save as much as $90 and 1,400 wasted pages per year for the average user.

Cátedra de la Paz ha elaborado la Guía de Facilitación del Taller Violencia Juvenil, con la finalidad de emprender acciones para la prevención de la violencia, se puede aplicar en cualquier contexto (escuela, comunidad).

Guide d'action jeunesse canadienne sur les objectifs du millénaire pour le développement
Guide d'action qui vise à assister la jeunesse canadienne dans la réalisation des Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement.

Guide de reflexion stratégique
Bienvenue au Guide de reflexion stratégique, d'analyse et de plaidoyer sur les besoins, les attentes et les aspirations de la jeunesse gabonaise. Ce Guide vous permettra d'avoir une vision claire sur les problèmes réels des jeunes que ce soit sur le plan éducationnel, sociétal,économique ou associatif. Il doit être perçu par le gouvernement comme un outil d'orientation et d'aide à la décision. Il s'adresse surtout aux ONG et associations des jeunes qui militent pour une politique proactive, participative et consensuelle en faveur des jeunes. c'est enfin, un instruiment de lobby qui fournit aux jeunes leaders et au comité de reflexion, la direction, l'inspiration et l'information pour impulser une dynamique vers une politique nationale de la jeunesse. Souvenez-vous "qu'un petit groupe de jeunes leaders engagés et dynamique peut changer le monde".

Guide des Activités Génératrices de Revenus
Développé pour un réseau d'associations de lutte contre le VIH-SIDA, cet outil d'économie sociale consiste en un manuel sur la gestion et le suivi d'une microentreprise ainsi que divers types de fiches en lien avec le microcrédit ou l'évaluation des entreprises.

Guide to Fair Trade
Learn about the power of Fair Trade. Discover a wealth of Fair Trade products. Take action to grow the Fair Trade marketplace.

Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement
Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. These Principles, which are based upon existing international humanitarian law and human rights instruments, are to serve as an international standard to guide governments as well as international humanitarian and development agencies in providing assistance and protection to IDPs.

Guns into the sahara desert belt, who sponsored the rebels for years, was the money robbed by rebels and terrorist been use as scholarship, have these weapons ever been trace to the 47 round code once own by Osama bin ladin. does these weapon come in thr
Guns into the sahara desert belt, who sponsored the rebels for years, was the money robbed by rebels and terrorist been use as scholarship, have these weapons ever been trace to the 47 round code once own by Osama bin ladin. does these weapon come in through tripoli etc. YES- YOUR WORLD TODAY USA.

GYC Rwanda Program Report
A summary and report on Global Youth Connect's Summer 2008 human rights delegation to Rwanda.

GYCA World AIDS Report 2007
On December 1st, 2007, members of the Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA) commemorated World AIDS Day with 104 local events in 34 countries. The goal of the events was to highlight the pressing need to build youth leadership and to listen to the voices of young leaders fighting HIV and AIDS in their communities. Despite the fact that 40% of the 2.5 million new infections each year occur in young people aged 15 to 24, young leaders are uniting to inspire others from our generation to take action against HIV and AIDS on our own terms - through street theater, care for AIDS orphans, peer education and work with young injecting drug users. GYCA events were organized in partnership with the World AIDS Campaign's "Take the Lead" World AIDS Day initiative. In some countries, multiple events were held, often in collaboration with other organizations, networks, universities, and with local governments. GYCA members received an event organizing kit and materials from the World AIDS Campaign to prepare them for the day, and reported back on the proceedings with pictures and feedback from participants. We received reports from 48 individuals and organizations located in 21 different countries and are pleased to share with you a summary of their events.

GYSD 2007 with atnl morocco
Association tiflétois new life ATNL جمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة French version Rapport de association tiflétois new life , avec GYSD pour les activités mené le mois avril 2007. au MAROC , organisé par ATNL MAROC , ciblé les jeunes et les enfants . Association tiflétois new life , avec GYSD . organisé quelques action en volontariat . des action ciblé les enfants ; et des autres activités ciblé les jeunes. Ces action organisé a ville de tiflet au Maroc . Premier action : en a organisé un meeting entre les jeunes et volontaire française sur thème des actions humanitaire , et rôle des jeunes . en a organisé quelques activité par les jeunes pour les jeunes . Deuxième action : orgnisé des atelier pour les jeunes pour exprimé leurs rêve pour future , et comme soutien ces rêves a partir leur volontariat . et réalisé un magazine rédigé par les enfants pour des autres enfants , pour action de sensibilisation enfants vers enfants . English version Action organised by atnl morooco , with gysd in April 2007. for child and youth from morocco . Association tifletois new life, must organized with caloboration with GYSD; some action in April. First action meeting with whole of the young people with an activist foreigners. on humane topic action of the young people. open dialogue. And some publicity campaign of the roles young people for the future Second action. To put the children of good discussed their future with the obstacle of universalization. and to put a space with proper means of ATNL; of carried out clean a magzine of the children, bein discussed; can do what to evenir some and for the future Workshops of the debate enters the young people and the children, on action of voluntariate. and to put culture of voluntariate in the children, the young people of the future Location Tiflet And Khemisset Tiflet And Khemisset Morocco RSVP Information Program coordinator Name: EL Hammoumi Naoufal Phone: 0021262382240 E-mail: nawfalnetweb@yahoo.com mission coordinator with childreen Driss EL Amri Mission coordinator meeting with youth Fayssal mahjoubi ATNL CONATCT atnlorgweb@yahoo.com www.atnl.asso.ma All for global youth service day . the new generation for young activist

HACEY's Health Initiative 5 years activity report
five years of creating a healthy and sustainable society.

Hacia el Objetivo del Milenio de Reducir la Pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe
El presente informe examina las condiciones en las cuales cada uno de 18 países de América Latina y el Caribe podrían alcanzar las metas de reducción de la pobreza que la Declaración del Milenio establece como uno de los Objetivos del Desarrollo del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas. Los 18 países que se examinan en el informe son Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, la República Dominicana, Uruguay y Venezuela. La interrogante que procura dilucidar el informe es si en el año 2015 cada uno de los 18 países habrá logrado disminuir a la mitad la tasa de pobreza extrema que registraba en 1999 (respecto de una línea internacional de pobreza que corresponde a la fijada originalmente, que era de un dólar diario, y de una línea de pobreza específica para cada país).

Health, dignity, and development: what will it take?
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Water and Sanitation

HIV&AIDS: Focus on Uganda
This resource explores the issue of HIV&AIDS in Uganda.

HIV/AIDS a Comprehensive approach
AIDS is being regarded as one of the most ravaging illness of all times. The fact that as at date there is no known cure, makes the virus more frightening than ever. The illness has been around for over 30 years, but it is a wonder that some people (youth in particular) are just hearing about it. Its origin is no longer of any consequence whether it is a punishment for our immorality or what ever it is, ceases to be of relevance as if now has as victims ,the most innocent i.e. babies and youths. The AIDS crisis is now the crisis of the developing countries and the World, especially Africa. The clinical syndrome is the greatest enemy to this fatal and most devastating illness, as infected persons continue to spread the infection. Behavioral change, Acceptance by those infected and their co-operation is the only way toward to fight the spread of this virus.

HIV/AIDS Surveillance in Europe

HIV/AIDS Youth Guide to Action

Hodges Knowledge Domains Model
Hodges’ Health Career (Care Domains) Model provides a conceptual framework upon which health care professionals can map a patients care problems, across four knowledge domains: Interpersonal; Sociological; Scientific; & Political (Autonomy). Patients and their carers may also be taught to use the model, enabling engagement, understanding and concordance in care planning and outcome evaluation. Brian Hodges' original notes, a resources page and links (800+) are included. Additional material on health informatics and the potential role of visualization in care assessment and evaluation can also be found. Referenced throughout. 2006 saw the addition of a blog and the first audio podcast introducing Hodges model.

Homeless World Cup Information
A small outline of the stuff Homeless World Cup does as well as links to their online networks and photos. The presentation is full of cool little stats and photos of people that were at some of the events.

Hunger: Focus on Ethiopia
This resource explores the issue of Hunger in Ethiopia.

ICT4 Agriculture - A unique, proven model
Information and Communication Technology is the power tool that has been playing the instrumental role in the process of industrial revolution. The same technology has got the potential to bailout rural sector, but molding itself to the rural sector , particularly farming life-cycle since its parameters are highly variables.

India National Youth Shadow Report 2008
GYCA UNGASS National Youth Shadow Reports

Innovation: applying knowledge in development
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Science, Technology and Innovation

International Health Partnership and Related Initiatives Ministerial Review Meeting
This progress report provides useful examples of why policy has trouble being implemented at a national level and provides examples from numerous countries.

International Volunteer Opportunity
Kenya Voluntary and Community Development Project (KVCDP) is recruiting 20 English speaking volunteers from any country for capacity building projects in Kenya. These exciting volunteer opportunities will include a pre-project orientation, followed by an intensive 2 weeks – 6 months placement in the project area of Wagusu in December, 2012 (start date flexible). While in Kenya, volunteers will work with KVCDP’s project coordinators, Community Based Organizations, grassroot partner organizations and institutions, and the local government administrators to improve the relevance of projects implementation and programming. Your academic background in social sciences, medical field, education systems, project design and management, combined with strong intercultural communication skills will help build the capacity of our staff and the local stakeholders we work with. You will gain additional experience working directly with KVCDP staff, local Community Based Organizations and KVCDP beneficiaries. You will assist in the implementation of Education, Livelihood, Environmental, Health and Youth programs. This will enable you to practice your academic knowledge and improve your project planning, management and implementation skills while working in an international context. Job Description: -Assist in the direct implementation of KVCDP’s programs - Online research on donors and programs in KVCDP’s key areas of Education, Livelihoods, Health and Environmental conservation. -Visit selected international Non-Governmental Organizations working in rural communities in Western Kenya to compile detailed information about the organizations, their partners/funders and the programs they are running. -Compile a database and a set of recommendations with respect to program and donor development. -Organize a workshop to present the findings to KVCDP. Your Skills and Experience: - A recognized certificate, diploma or undergraduate degree -Relevant academic knowledge and or work experience - Passion in volunteer work -Good communication skills Fundraising Goal: Volunteers are encouraged to fundraise a minimum of $500 to contribute towards KVCDP’s youth Income Generating Activities to ease poverty impact in Bondo district. What’s Covered: -Travel to project area from Nairobi and back to Nairobi on completion date -Preparatory support and pre-project orientation - In-country knowledge -Modest local accommodation and food What’s Not Covered: -Airfare -Personal expenses -Visa fees -Travel medical insurance - Participants will be expected to obtain the required vaccinations and take anti-malarial at their own expense Please apply online using KVCDP’s volunteer application form at http://www.kvcdp.org

Investing in strategies to reverse the global incidence of tubercolose
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB, and Access to Essential Medicines, Working Group on Tubercolose

Investing in the Future: Water's Role in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Water and Sanitation with Swedish Water House

It's time to listen to us!
Working document - Youth response to the Report of the Expert Group Meeting "Every girl should get an education.” This was the key recommendation identified by 1,318 children and young people, from 59 countries and eight regions, who responded to a questionnaire, either through a focus group or an individual survey, on what can be done to eliminate discrimination and violence against the girl child. The questionnaire asked respondents to evaluate the findings in The Report of the Expert Group Meeting, the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination and Violence Against the Girl Child, and to offer their opinions on how to protect girls from violence and discrimination. This report, prepared as an appeal to the Members of the 51st Commission on the Status of Women, summarizes the ideas, concerns and recommendations of these children and young people.

IYPF August 2007 Newsletter
See the August 2007 Newsletter from IYPF.

IYPF November 2007 Newsletter
The IYPF's November 2007 Newsletter IN THIS EDITION IYPF News – IYPF Helps Set World Record for Standing Up Against Poverty; IYPF Stands Up: IYPF Stand Up Events; Introducing New IYPF Staff Member Activities & Projects – IYPF Member Profiles; My Experience in Kibera Top Lists – Sustainability is Insight; Reporting & Professional Writing; Be Your Own Mini-World Bank; Does Aid Work? For the MDGs; Global Governance and Simultaneous Policy Partner Activities & Events – 4th World Youth Congress Sustainable Transport & Energy – Transport Energy Futures; The October War; China’s E-Bike Revolution; Transport Solutions; Slanting Oil Production May Cause War; Sustainable Consumption – Waste & Consumption; World Food Day 16 October; Climate and Population Strip Fertile Land; TIG Panaroma on Consumption & Pollution IYPF Communities – Global Trade & Poor Nations Opportunities and Resources – First International Carbon Farming Conference; Calling on Science Enthusiasts About IYPF – Who are we? How can you get involved?

Jamaica National Youth Shadow Report 2008
GYCA UNGASS National Youth Shadow Reports

Journée Mondiale du Commerce Equitable 2008 - Pour une consommation locale
Journée Mondiale du Commerce Equitable 2008 - Pour une consommation locale Publication de PEACE / Action Solidaire Sénégal Membre du Réseau PEACE / Action Solidaire International Fixe : +221 33823 79 08 Téléphones : + 221 77 560 22 16 / 77 544 19 82 / 77 543 94 29 Site Web : http://www.peaceactionsolidaire.org/

Kenya National Youth Shadow Report 2008
GYCA UNGASS National Youth Shadow Reports

Kick the Ball and score the World...Kick with us
KICK THE BALL AND SCORE THE WORLD Soccer is a magic game that brings together people from different kinds of life to form a team, work together to achieve success. We developed this programme called KICK THE BALL AND SCORE THE WORLD so that we can develop the talent in the young people of our communities and at the same time kick out misery and cause a smile. Playing soccer is a good strategy in mobilizing the youth to take part in the community work, develop their talents, fight diseases, tribalism and racism, and promote education which is the greatest weapon to change the world. When a player kicks the ball:- * He sores peace, * Kicks malaria * Kicks AIDS * Kicks racism and tribalism * Kicks illiteracy * Kicks misery * Builds team work * And scores the world

La situation des enfants dans le monde 2008
En 2006, pour la première fois dans l’histoire récente, le nombre annuel total de décès d’enfants de moins de cinq ans est passé au-dessous de la barre des 10 millions, à 9,7 millions. Cela représente une réduction de 60 % du taux de mortalité de l’enfant depuis 1960. On ne saurait cependant se contenter de cette situation. La mort chaque année de 9,7 millions de jeunes enfants est inacceptable, d’autant plus que bon nombre de ces décès pourraient être évités. Et malgré les progrès réalisés, nous ne sommes pas encore en passe d’atteindre l’Objectif du Millénaire pour le développement qui consiste à réduire de deux tiers le taux de mortalité des enfants de moins de cinq ans d’ici à 2015.

Language and Content in HIV- and AIDS - Related Materials
Even though this distinction is made clear in the examples throughout this document, this is one of the most common mistakes seen in reports on HIV and AIDS issues. AIDS is a range of conditions – a syndrome – that occurs when a person’s immune system is seriously weakened by HIV infection. Someone who has HIV infection has antibodies to the virus but may not have developed any of the illnesses that constitute AIDS.

Le problème de la jeunesse batwa du Burundi dans le domaine de l'éducation.
Au Burundi,la jeunesse twa se trouve dans une situation difficiles à résoudre. Plus de 60% abandonnent ses études primaires,secondaires et personne ne peut franchir l'école secondaire pour aller à l'université. Nous avons au niveau national 4 twa ayant terminé l'université parmi environ 78000 twa du Burundi. La cause ce faible taux scolarisation de cette jeunesse est liée au manque de quoi manger, les matériels scolaires et d'autres problèmes que soufle les batwa du Burundi. Pour celà les organisations internationales et nationales sont beaucoup impliquer pour résoudre cette situation qui développe la marginalisation de cette communauté. Nous étant une organisation sans but lucratif ,nous nous engageons de pouvoir promouvoir la jeunesse mais les moyens financiers nous faut défaut.

Le travail des enfants: un manuel à l’usage des étudiants
This textbook is meant to serve students in any region or country of the world who want to understand an important and often overlooked aspect of the social and economic reality that surrounds us all: Child Labour

Learning to Speak MDG's
A publication produced at our International Youth Forum.

Life-Link Friendship-schools, 13th International Conference
Report Life-Link Friendship-schools XIII international conference held in Sigtuna and Uppsala, Sweden 06-10 August 2007. Including conclusions and recommendations.

Local Governance and Community Wildlife Management
Explains how local leadership involves into wildlife protection versus anthropogenic activities.

Local Governance and Community Wildlife Management
explains how local leadership involves into wildlife protection versus anthropogenic activivites.

Local Voices, Global Visions 2
Inspiring stories from youth mobilization around the 2005 World Summit on the Information Society.

More than 30 billion kilowatt-hours of energy is wasted because many of us simply forget to shut down our computers when we aren't using them. If we could just improve the efficiency of how we use our PCs, the savings in energy costs would be over $3 billion! The CO2 emissions from just 15 computers are equivalent in energy terms to the gas consumption used by one car. LocalCooling will: -Cut our energy bills -Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by reducing your PC's power consumption -Improve our overall computing experience and efficiency -Show us, in detail, how much you have saved since installing the software. LocalCooling saves power by either turning off your screen, putting your hard drive to sleep when not being used, or shutting down your PC when you are away.

Los jóvenes fondogranderos del siglo XXI
Artículo acerca de los retos y expectativas de los jóvenes de Fondo Grande.

Manual elaborado para la capacitación a cargo de Uniandes en funcionarios públicos y líderes en el año 2006 en el Estado Mérida, a cargo del politologo Walter Trejo Urquiola, de Cátedra de la Paz y Derechos Humanos "Mons. Oscar A. Romero"

Cátedra de la Paz con Uniandes han emprendido el proyecto Derechos Humanos y Buen Gobierno por lo cual el manual es el producto de la experiencia con funcionarios y líderes participantes de la experiencia alcanzada en el Estado Táchira.

Elaborado por el ptgo Walter Trejo Urquiola, como seguimiento y monitoreo al editado anteriormente que permitio su validacion con los y las participantes en el proyecto emprendido por UNIANDES en el año 2007.

Manual para Instructores Planes Vacacionales Infantiles
El Manual para Instructores Planes Vacacionales Infantiles es la recopilación de la experiencia alcanzada por la Cátedra de la Paz con los planes vacacionales que realiza en las comunidades de Los Curos en el Estado Mérida con niños y niñas desde los 5 años a 15 años de edad emprendido desde el año 1988. El Manual consta de una sección de Información, Plan de Actividades, Cancioneros, Juegos y Dinámicas que los puedes aplicar en contextos similares sobretodo en América Latina y El Caribe. Solicitalo por nuestro correo: catedradelapaz@cantv.net

El Manual para Instructores Planes Vacacionales Infantiles es la recopilación de la experiencia alcanzada por la Cátedra de la Paz con los planes vacacionales que realiza en las comunidades de Los Curos en el Estado Mérida con niños y niñas desde los 5 años a 15 años de edad emprendido desde el año 1988. El Manual consta de una sección de Información, Plan de Actividades, Cancioneros, Juegos y Dinámicas que los puedes aplicar en contextos similares sobretodo en América Latina y El Caribe. Solicitalo por nuestro correo: catedradelapaz@cantv.net

Marriage in the Age of HIV/AIDS
Here, you will find a Special Forum Report on Marriage in the Age of HIV/AIDS.

MDG Campaigning Toolkit
This is a Campaigning Toolkit for Civil Society Organisations engaged in the Millenium Development Goals.

MDG Goals
Millennium Developmental Goals to be achieved by 2012. Many countries are involved in achieving a set of global goals that help protect people of the world, end poverty, deal with health issues, and other important problems. Check out more about the goals here from this video. http://ucpsarnet.iglooprojects.org/media_gallery/videos/mdg

MDGs Advocacy Declarations: Voices of Young People
This is an advocacy tool that was developed by YPWC and forewarded by Dr. ajudeen Abdul-Raheem,Deputy Director of United Nations Millennium Campaign, Africa. In this books young people tell world leaders about their current situation and the world the dream of their support.

Meaningful Engagement
Addressing GIPA Challenges through the MEPA Principle: the meaningful engagement of people living with HIV and those at-risk – a process in which communities, their groups and leaders are mobilised to contribute to the response to HIV and AIDS in areas of Advocacy Policy, Knowledge Management and Service Delivery.

Member Communities of Youth for Change International
Youth for Change International's communities on social networking websites as TakingITGlobal or Orkut.

Mémorandum des Jeunes Africains (es) contre la signature des Accords de Partenariat Economiques sous leur forme actuelle.
Mémorandum des Jeunes Africain(es) contre la signature des Accords de Partenariat Economiques sous leur forme actuelle.

Metas do Milênio: fundo para não faltar água
O Fundo Global de Saneamento, criado em março, é considerado um mecanismo vital para atingir um dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: que dois terços da população mundial tenha suficiente acesso à água até 2015. A criação do fundo, conhecido pela sigla em inglês GSF, responde à intenção de “avançar para as Metas do Milênio” adotadas pela Organização das Nações Unidas em 2000, “e ir, inclusive, além”, disse Jon Lane, diretor-executivo do Conselho de Colaboração para o Fornecimento de Água e Saneamento, com sede em Genebra. No momento não é possível apresentar “evidência numérica” sobre o impacto do fundo, que tem orçamento anual de US$ 100 milhões, na ajuda às nações mais pobres, acrescentou Lane. “Mas a existência de um mecanismo de financiamento que funcionará com enfoques centrados nas necessidades das pessoas e na geração que demanda é um passo nessa direção”, assegurou. O GSF escolheu Madagascar como um dos primeiros países para desenvolver uma experiência-piloto. “Nos sentimos honrados com esta demonstração de confiança. Estes fundos nos permitirá aumentar nosso apoio, as ações de conscientização e mobilização de recursos para ajudar a população mais vulnerável de comunidades remotas”, disse o presidente de Madagascar, Marc Raval Omanna, no mês passado na Conferência Internacional da Água, em Estocolmo. Um estudo conjunto da Organização Mundial da Saúde e do Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância indica que 62% dos africanos não têm instalações sanitárias adequadas, como banheiros, que evitem seu contato com excrementos. Além disso, cerca de 2,6 bilhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, incluindo 980 milhões de crianças, vivem sem banheiro em suas casas e são vulneráveis a uma amplo espectro de ameaças à saúde. Mais de cinco mil menores de 5 anos morrem a cada dia devido à falta de higiene e instalações sanitárias, o que resulta em mais de 1,5 milhão de mortes relacionadas com a diarréia, segundo dados da ONU. O lado positivo, segundo o estudo conjunto, é que aproximadamente 1,2 bilhão de pessoas em todo o mundo tiveram acesso a melhores condições de saneamento entre 1990 e 2004. Mas, no caso de continuar a tendência atual, não se chegará ao objetivo do milênio em matéria de saneamento até 2015. faltará, em tal eventualidade, que esse direito seja gozado por mais de 700 milhões de pessoas. Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio contemplam conseguir até 2015, em relação aos níveis de 1990, redução da metade da pobreza extrema e da fome; acesso universal à educação primária; promoção da igualdade de gênero; redução de dois terços na mortalidade infantil e de 75% da materna; combater a expansão do HIV/Aids, da malaria e de outras doenças; assegurar a sustentabilidade ambiental e estabelecer uma associação Norte-Sul para o desenvolvimento. Outra meta inclui os aspectos relacionados com a água e o saneamento, para garantir a sustentabilidade ambiental. No próximo dia 25, a ONU realizará uma reunião de líderes mundiais para avaliar os êxitos e fracassos no caminho rumo a esses objetivos. O fórum mundial estima que são necessários pelo menos US$ 10 bilhões adicionais para responder as necessidades em matéria de água e saneamento. Nesse contexto, os cem milhões anuais contemplados no orçamento do GSF “parecem ser apenas 1% do que falta”, disse Lane à IPS. Mas se for considerado que a maior parte desse dinheiro será gasta pelas famílias que necessitam das melhorias, o impacto dessa ajuda se torna mais significativo, argumentou. Os US$ 100 milhões não são um teto, mas a aspiração do GSF para realizar uma contribuição significativa. “Há muitos doadores e o GSF não pretende se converter em uma espécie de monopólio”, afirmou Lane. “Vejamos o exemplo do Fundo Mundial de Luta contra a Aids, a Tuberculose e a Malária, se converteu em uma grande estrutura, mas o dinheiro que maneja é uma pequena porção do total destinado a combater o HIV/aids”, acrescentou. Mais do que a quantia de dinheiro que manejará, a importância do GSF está no fato de sua atividade chamar a atenção para outros sobre o problema e os animar a destinar mais recursos para o saneamento, afirmou Lane. No momento em que as nações em desenvolvimento lutam para atender as necessidades sanitárias de sua população em aumento, a China é apontada como um exemplo a seguir. Pequim investiu mais de US$ 89 bilhões apenas em redes de cloacas e unidades de tratamento de esgoto. “A qualidade do ar na China ainda deixa a desejar, mas o que conseguiu em matéria de saneamento é impressionante e sustentável”, disse o príncipe Guillermo Alejandro, herdeiro da coroa holandesa e presidente da Diretoria de Assessores sobre Água e Saneamento do secretário-geral da ONU, Ban Ki-moon. Lane admitiu que não são muitas as agências das Nações Unidas que destinam fundos ao saneamento, mas afirmou que a ONU não é uma ferramenta de financiamento. A maior parte do dinheiro procede da ajuda bilateral, disse. “Feito este esclarecimento, a brecha entre o que o sistema da ONU entrega e a necessidade estimada de S$ 10 bilhões é enorme”, acrescentou.

Metas do Milênio: Marcha lenta e desigual
Nações Unidas, 30/09/2008 – “Embora estejamos nos movendo na direção correta, não o fazemos suficientemente rápido” para cumprir os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio, disse o secretário-geral da Organização das Nações Unidas, Ban Ki-moon . Em um momento em que as nações em desenvolvimento, particularmente na África, admitem sua incapacidade de cumprir a maioria dos oito Objetivos, um país latino-americano vai contra a corrente: o Chile. Esta nação inclusive acredita que poderá atingir as Metas no prazo estabelecido pela ONU. “Modesta e orgulhosamente, anunciamos a esta Assembléia que o Chile está conseguindo os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio fixados para 2015”, disse aos delegados a presidente chilena, Michelle Bachelet. Dirigindo-se à Assembléia Geral, de 192 membros, afirmou: “Podemos dizer que é possível erradicar a pobreza, sair do subdesenvolvimento e – o que é ainda mais importante – fazê-lo dentro da democracia e com liberdade”. O Chile, que quase triplicou o tamanho de sua economia entre 1990 e 2008, “avançou fortemente” em todas as frentes: saúde, educação, habitação, qualidade de vida e coesão social, acrescentou Bachelet se referindo a alguns objetivos estabelecidos pela ONU. Com população de aproximadamente 16,4 milhões de habitantes, o nível de pobreza no Chile diminuiu: passou de cerca de 40% em 1989 para 13% atuais. Bachelet proporcionou na semana passada um dos poucos alívios políticos em uma reunião de aproximadamente cem líderes mundiais, a maioria se queixando de que a atual crise de alimentos, combustível e energia está minando suas tentativas de conseguir os oito Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio. Estas metas, definidas pela Assembléia Geral da ONU, incluem reduzir pela metade a proporção de pessoas que sofrem fome e pobreza (em relação a 1990); garantir educação primária universal; promover a igualdade de gênero; reduzir a mortalidade infantil e a materna; combater à Aids, a malária e outras doenças; assegurar a sustentabilidade ambiental e fomentar uma associação mundial para o desenvolvimento, tudo isto tendo como data-limite 2015. A volátil situação se vê agravada pela crise econômica sem precedentes que vivem os Estados Unidos, descrita por alguns como uma “tempestade que se aproxima”, ameaçando devastar o mundo em desenvolvimento. “Embora estejamos nos movendo na direção certa, não o fazemos com suficiente rapidez”, disse Ban Ki-moon em uma reunião de alto nível sobre os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio. O presidente da 63ª Assembléia Geral, sacerdote Miguel d’Escoto Brockman, advertiu que a atual crise financeira terá “conseqüências muito sérias” que impedirão um avanço significativo, “se é que se conseguirá algum avanço” rumo aos Objetivos do Milênio, “que são em si mesmos insuficientes. Sempre são os pobres que pagam o preço pela cobiça desenfreada e pela irresponsabilidade dos poderosos”, afirmou d’Escoto se referindo ao resgate de US$ 700 bilhões proposto pelo governo dos Estados Unidos para salvar os bancos de investimento de Nova York da bancarrota e do colapso. Consultado se outros países em desenvolvimento fizeram pronunciamentos públicos sobre sua capacidade de cumprir todos os Objetivos antes da data estipulada, Salil Shetty, diretor da Campanha do Milênio, disse à IPS: “Tristemente, não temos informação de fácil acesso em nível de país em um único lugar. Mas, sabemos que 47 países estão no rumo de cumprir o objetivo de educação, 44 o referente a pobreza e 34 no tocante à mortalidade infantil”, afirmou. Isto inclui algumas das nações mais pobres, como Zâmbia, que está bem encaminhada em seis dos oito objetivos, e também alguns países grandes, como o Brasil, que só está atrasado no objetivo relacionado ao saneamento, afirmou Shetty. Para Shetty, os maiores desafios são os objetivos sobre meio ambiente e mortalidade materna. Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, diretora-executiva do Fundo de População das Nações Unidas (UNFPA), disse que custaria ao mundo cerca de US$ 6 bilhões, menos de um dia e meio de gasto militar mundial, impedir que as mulheres morram ao darem à luz. “Não cumpriremos os Objetivos do Milênio, a menos que a saúde reprodutiva e os direitos das mulheres se convertam em uma prioridade política e financeira”, disse Obaid à IPS. A reunião de alto nível realizada na semana passada viu a criação de uma nova coalizão para cumprir os desafios que enfrentam os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: organizações governamentais e não-governamentais, presidentes de corporações multinacionais, organizações religiosas e filantropos. Ban Ki-moon pediu US$ 72 bilhões por ano em financiamento externo para se atingir as Metas do Milênio até 2015. “Embora a quantia pareça enorme, de fato pode ser custeada, particularmente considerando os US$ 267 bilhões gastos no ano passado por países da Organização para a Cooperação e o Desenvolvimento Econômicos (OCDE) somente na área de subsídios agrícolas”, acrescentou. O presidente do Quênia, Mwai Kibaki, apontou o aumento nos preços do petróleo com fator da atual crise econômica que enfrenta hoje a maioria dos países pobres. Mas, o presidente de Ruanda, Paul Kagame, se mostrou mais confiante em sua luta contra a pobreza. Disse que em seu país - uma das histórias de êxito mais recentes da África – se registra “um saudável crescimento econômico, que atualmente é, em média, de 7% ao ano, em um contexto cada vez mais aberto e propício que incentiva os investidores externos e internos”. Explicando alguns dos êxitos dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio, Ban Ki-moon disse que as vacinas contra o sarampo impediram 7,5 milhões de mortes. Também houve avanços contra a Aids, enquanto aumentaram as matrículas escolares em vários países africanos, após a abolição de cotas escolares, acrescentou. “Milhões de lares pobres saíram da extrema pobreza, não somente na China e Índia, mas em muitas nações, entre elas algumas das mais pobres”, disse Ban. Além disso, admitiu que a África subsaariana experimentou um aumento dos pobres entre 1990 e 2005. Alison Woodhead, porta-voz da Oxfam Internacional, disse as IPS que a reunião de alto nível “demonstrou que há um renovado apetite pela luta contra a pobreza”. Este encontro deu nova vida aos Objetivos do Milênio, acrescentou. Mas o grande fracasso da cúpula é a resposta à crise alimentar – prosseguiu Woodhead – porque os líderes mundiais não responderam ao desafio, deixando amplamente de cumprir compromissos assumidos há meses. (IPS/Envolverde)

Millennium Project Report - Overview
A summary of the Millennium Project Report, the report released by the independent commission headed by Professor Jeffrey Sachs. The report concludes that the MDGs are achievable, but not if we continue on today's path.

Mobilisation Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) en France
Kit de mobilisation - Ation Mondiale contre la pauvreté en vue des Objectifs du Millenaire pour le Developpement.

Mobilizing Billions to Fight AIDS in Africa: The Way Forward
A vastly expanded and well-funded multi-billion dollar response is needed to change the course of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa, through effective prevention, care and impact mitigation. The growing awareness of AIDS’ devastating impact and increasing political commitment provide a new opportunity for huge increases in funding and in the scale of the programmatic response to the pandemic. African leadership and financial commitment are required to meet this challenge, notwithstanding the weak fiscal situations in many of the worst affected countries in Africa. In this context, a major share of the required funds will have to come from external sources. There remains today a huge gap between the estimated annual needs of $3-4 billion for HIV/AIDS and current annual expenditures of $0.3-0.4 billion. Based on a preliminary examination of available data, it is proposed that the needs of Africa be met through a combination of increases in domestic and external financing. On the domestic side, it is suggested that an amount of $0.8 to $1.6 billion could be mobilized, equivalent to 0.25-0.5 percent of GDP or 1-2 percent of what governments in Africa are currently spending. The balance of $1.4 to $3.2 billion would be met through a combination of external grants (preferably) and concessional lending. In this paper, indicative financial targets are proposed for the main institutions providing external support to HIV/AIDS in Africa – bilateral governments, multilateral banks, charitable foundations, and private companies – that together add up to about $2.5 billion annually. Achieving these targets for increased financing from African governments and from external sources over the next three years is feasible, if all partners act simultaneously and cooperatively to mobilize the ten-fold increase in resources required. There remains the need to develop rapidly the capacity of African institutions to use expanded financing for HIV/AIDS effectively. In this paper it is suggested that capacity building would be undertaken as part of the significant increase in funding, not as a precondition for it. With explicit political commitment, backed by the allocation of domestic financial resources and major increases in external funding, Africa can make rapid progress to reverse the course of HIV/AIDS on the continent.

Model U.N Class in Burundi
I'am a student in university and have started a project for higher education and lifelong learning since a long years agor. Since 2009, I became reporter to UN Youth Flash and discovered about other ways to get more involved in youth issues for peace and development. I started Model U.N Class in Burundi.

Molly's World
What’s it like to grow up in the slums of Nairobi? In Spring 2011, WFP gave a small video camera to a 12-year-old girl named Molly and asked her to record scenes from her daily life. Over the next few weeks, we'll be sharing more of her videos which offer a window into one of the poorest places on earth. Welcome to Molly's World.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has conceived a vision for the people of West Africa for the year 2020. This vision – “ Towards an ECOWAS of Peoples” otherwise called vision 2020 is intended to create coherence and give more meaning to the actions of the ECOWAS Commission as it seeks to advance from an organisation that is state centric (ECOWAS of states) to one that would be citizen focused ( ECOWAS of Peoples). This article examines the contents of the vision and ways through which civil society can contribute in its actualisation.

moroccan youth for change initiative - TIG and alex and atnl morocco

NDAF Activity Report Issue 1 Vol. 1 June 2006
The first Activity Report from Niger Delta Academic Foundation containing a summary of the Foundation's activities from October 2005 to June 2006.

NDG e-Readiness Analysis (2004)
e-Readiness assessment of Nigeria with a multidimensional analysis of the the diverse Nigerian populace, business sectors and economy.

Nepal National Youth Shadow Report 2008
GYCA UNGASS National Youth Shadow Reports

News\Media Release
YPWC would like to share with youth around the world a News\Media Release from Young People We Care (YPWC) after our participation in the 9th July Civil Socity Day of the Global Forum on Migration and Development.Some of the recommendations are best for all countries especially developing countries to emulate.We hope you will enjoy reading the document

Nigeria Children and Youth for Development
At Global Youth Service Day, Children and youths in Nigeria signed for sustainable development. Putting their voices and words together to present concrete messages to governments and stakeholders on what they think, feel and want! It's the future they want declaration.

Nigeria National Youth Shadow Report
GYCA UNGASS National Youth Shadow Reports

Nigerian youths weep
How corruption affects the Nigerian youth and what the youth must do to effect a change.

NMYCW-SL/NYV-Net Press Statement (GYSD-Sierra Leone)
NMYCW-SL/NYV-Net Call on Youth & Children to organize themselves and provide voluntary services to their communities.

Note de cadrage de la feuille de route du jeune citoyen investisseur
Il s'agit là d'un garde fou qui pourra faire en sorte que les jeunes puissent faciliter leur collaboration dans le cadre d'un fond commun de placement. Je tiens à souligner qu'il s'agit essentiellement du schéma qui va nourri la démarche que l'on pourra emprunter dans le cadre de la mise en place de cette feuille de route. C'est donc une piste simple et praticable dont nous prions à tous les jeunes l'ayant lu de bien vouloir nous faire part de leur avis.

November Newsletter Volume 3 Issue IV
This month's newsletter has articles about climate change and World Food day.

NTIC and atnl
formation with kabissa

Nutrition and Food Poverty toolkit
This toolkit aims to help professionals tackle food poverty at local level. Nutrition + Food Poverty Toolkit brings together in one volume information essential to developing a local food poverty strategy.

OFOK HDC Programs
OFOK Human Development Center 2008 Program Cisco Networking Academy Program

Online Planetary Improvement Network toolkit
Describes what OPIN projects are, and how TIG members can use them to effect change in areas like the environment, human rights, crowd-sourced research, and education

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World no 1 famous vashikaran specialist baba.ji Love marriage specialist astrologer all over world baba tantrikbabaji ji.+91-9636595333 Apkaa vishwas tutne nahi dunga my promise… Cast love spell in india…+91-9636595333 World Famous Astrologist and well known identity baba ji.+91-9636595333 , provides his concerned services within India and as well as outside India .Love marriage , vashikaran, black magic, every problems solved call .+91 9636595333DREAM LOVE BACK-MAKE MARRIED LIFE HAPPY +91 9636595333 vashikaran mantra ,vashikaran ,love spell ,black magic,kala jadu, get your love backASTROLOGEY SERVICE PROVIDERGet Your Lost Love back , Make Love Marriage,& Get Solved Other problems too by black magic & astrologey & vashikaranblack Magic Indra jal, Mantras, Occult, Evil Spells, the intentional use of

The Kenyan youth now have an opportunity to change their lives by empowering their communities that are still not covered by electricity and using firewood and charcoal for cooking, and paraffein for lighting. One becomes a dealer of these 'hot' products and resells them at their local setting. Call us now on +254-20-821344

Opri]i munca copiilor Ap\rarea drepturilor copilului prin educa]ie, art\ [i mass media, Supporting children's rights through education, the arts, and the media (SCREAM): Education Pack (Romanian version)
Romanian version. The SCREAM programme offers a unique opportunity to engage a wide range of community actors and organizations in the promotion of social justice and universally recognized human and labour rights. http://www.ilo.org/ipec/Campaignandadvocacy/Scream/index.htm Munca copiilor este o form\ de exploatare a celor mai vulnerabili membri ai societ\]ii – copiii. Se [tie c\ exist\ în lume peste 246 de milioane de copii sub vârsta de 18 ani care muncesc. Aproape trei sferturi dintre ace[tia – aproape 180 de milioane – muncesc în condi]ii periculoase, care le pun via]a în pericol. Mul]i sunt priva]i de educa]ie [i sunt expu[i unor abuzuri fizice, sexuale [i afective. Unii dintre ei ajung s\ dobândeasc\ handicapuri fizice sau chiar s\ moar\ înainte de a deveni adul]i ca o consecin]\ direct\ a muncii lor. Al]ii r\mân cu grave traume afective pentru toat\ via]a. Pentru mul]i, munca copiilor este un fenomen invizibil, fie pentru c\ ace[tia au ocupa]ii ascunse, cum ar fi muncile în gospod\rie [i prostitu]ia, fie pentru c\ societatea este mult prea dispus\ s\ închid\ ochii. Prin m\rirea vizibilit\]ii copiilor care muncesc, societatea se va putea dezb\ra de atitudinea indiferent\ pe care o are fa]\ de situa]ia dificil\ a acestor copii. Prin intermediul Programului Interna]ional pentru Eliminarea Muncii Copiilor (IPEC), Organiza]ia Interna]ional\ a Muncii (OIM) este vârful de lance al luptei duse pe plan interna]ional pentru eliminarea muncii copiilor. Deoarece cauzele muncii copiilor sunt complexe [i multiple, problema trebuie s\ fie atacat\ pe mai multe fronturi, prin ratificarea [i aplicarea conven]iilor interna]ionale, derularea unor programe practice pe teren [i mobilizarea factorilor esen]iali din cadrul societ\]ii. Tinerii, în mod deosebit, au un rol important de jucat în promovarea con[tientiz\rii problemelor privind justi]ia social\ [i exercitarea unei influen]e asupra comunit\]ilor în sensul promov\rii schimb\rilor sociale. De[i copiii, adolescen]ii [i tinerii reprezint\ o parte important\ a popula]iei lumii, ace[tia nu prea au un cuvânt de spus despre modul în care este condus\ lumea. Pân\ când ating vârsta adult\, îi model\m într-o asemenea m\sur\ dup\ propriul nostru mod de a gândi, vedea [i face lucrurile, încât ajung s\ piard\ definitiv propria perspectiv\ pre]ioas\. Ajutându-i pe tineri s\ se afirme, responsabilizându-i [i recunoscând valoarea contribu]iei lor, sper\m s\ putem valorifica bogata lor creativitate [i angajamentul pe care îl pot pune în serviciul campaniei pentru eliminarea muncii copiilor. Prin urmare, IPEC a lansat o nou\ ini]iativ\ în domeniul educa]iei [i mobiliz\rii sociale, “SCREAM Opri]i munca copiilor”, pentru a veni în ajutorul educatorilor din toat\ lumea în promovarea în]elegerii [i con[tientiz\rii problematicii muncii copiilor în rândul tinerilor [i al comunit\]ilor în general. SCREAM (]ip\t) este acronimul denumirii proiectului în limba englez\, Supporting Children’s Rights through Education, the Arts and the Media (Ap\rarea Drepturilor Copilului prin Educa]ie, Art\ [i Mass Media), reflectând în acela[i timp suferin]a t\cut\ a copiilor care muncesc [i necesitatea de a li se face auzit\ vocea. Prin metode didactice creative [i inovatoare, programul SCREAM vizeaz\ informarea tinerilor despre lumea în care tr\iesc [i nedrept\]ile din ea, punând accent pe munca copiilor, astfel încât ei s\ poat\ vorbi la rândul lor în numele copiilor care muncesc din lumea întreag\. Programul pune pe umerii tinerilor aceast\ r\spundere [i îi ajut\ s\ formuleze reac]iile corespunz\toare. SCREAM se inspir\ în mare m\sur\ din artele vizuale, literatur\ [i teatru. Teatrul este un instrument foarte puternic în ceea ce-i prive[te pe tineri. Teatrul vorbe[te un limbaj universal care trece peste toate barierele geografice [i culturale [i care a fost utilizat de-a lungul istoriei ca vehicul al criticii sociale. Prin urmare, programul promoveaz\ teatrul ca mijloc cu ajutorul c\ruia tinerii î[i pot explora sentimentele, le pot exprima [i î[i pot transmite mesajul întregii comunit\]i. Pentru a în]elege cu adev\rat calvarul cotidian prin care trec copiii care muncesc, oamenii trebuie s\ fie mi[ca]i în adâncul fiin]ei lor. Cu ajutorul [i îndrumarea corespunz\toare, tinerii pot dobândi deprinderile [i încrederea necesar\ pentru a crea [i monta propria lor pies\ de teatru, ]inând seama de propriul lor mediu cultural [i social [i folosind propria limb\ sau propriul dialect. Mul]i dintre partenerii no[tri împ\rt\[esc deja cu noi speran]a c\ programul SCREAM va ajunge s\ fie utilizat pe scar\ larg\ în întreaga lume. În numele lor [i al milioanelor de copii care continu\ s\ fie exploata]i prin munc\, recomand\m programul SCREAM tuturor statelor membre, autorit\]ilor [colare, organiza]iilor cadrelor didactice, organiza]iilor patronale [i sindicale, ONG-urilor [i organiza]iilor comunitare, educatorilor [i profesorilor, precum [i tuturor organiza]iilor [i persoanelor care au ocazia de a interac]iona cu tineri în orice context educativ. Pe m\sur\ ce va fi utilizat, programul se va îmbun\t\]i [i se va consolida tot mai mult. Prin urmare, haide]i s\-l utiliz\m!

Orbis, PNUD e Unicef firmam parceria para disponibilizar sistema de indicadores dos Objetivos do Milênio
Observatório de Indicadores de Sustentabilidade, de Curitiba, será o responsável pelo Portal ODM, que trará informações sobre todos os municípios brasileiros. O Observatório de Indicadores de Sustentabilidade (Orbis), de Curitiba, firmou parceria com o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (Unicef) para disponibilizar na web indicadores dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio (ODM). O Portal ODM, que tem previsão de lançamento para novembro, é uma iniciativa do PNUD e trará informações sobre todos os municípios brasileiros, traçando um panorama do alcance dos ODM, disseminando informações que permitam maior conhecimento da realidade local, estimulem a mobilização social e concretizem ações voltadas ao desenvolvimento de capacidades pela melhoria das condições de vida para todos. “Com esse apoio, lideranças públicas e privadas poderão mobilizar esforços orientados na definição de metas e ações municipais, visando a busca de boas condições de vida de seus habitantes”, afirma a coordenadora executiva do Orbis, Luciana Brenner. O Orbis é um programa do Instituto de Promoção do Desenvolvimento (IPD), do Sistema Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Paraná (Fiep) e do Serviço Social da Indústria (Sesi). De acordo com Luciana Brenner, os indicadores são fundamentais para identificar os pontos positivos, carências e necessidades de determinada região. Servem também de instrumento para que os governos possam identificar prioridades e definir políticas voltadas às reais necessidades da população, além de medir os resultados das intervenções e iniciativas. “O gestor municipal, com mandato entre 2009 e 2012, contará com o Portal ODM para apoiá-lo no grande desafio de melhorar a qualidade de vida da população e avançar com sucesso em direção à sustentabilidade. Poderá utilizar os ODM como estratégia para identificar um cenário claro, capaz de orientar as ações e potencializar as capacidades de sua administração”, diz a coordenadora. “Queremos que os Objetivos do Milênio sejam alcançados em cada um dos municípios, e não apenas como média entre os municípios de uma região”, afirma Luciana Brenner. Segundo ela, estudos regionais permitiram uma visão global sobre a situação dos ODM em todo o território nacional e deixaram claros os grandes contrastes existentes nas diversas partes do país, indicando a necessidade de se ir além das médias. “Por isso, é importante termos as informações desagregadas, olhando o município, o que permite identificarmos onde estão as carências e dessa forma ter ações mais efetivas”, explica. Objetivos do Milênio – Através do Portal ODM, a sociedade poderá acompanhar o monitoramento dos Indicadores do Milênio em cada município. Os ODM foram propostos pela ONU e assumidos por 189 países, na Assembléia realizada em 2000, e se constituem em metas socioeconômicas, que abrangem as áreas de renda, educação, saúde, gênero e meio ambiente. O prazo acordado para o alcance dessas metas é 2015, mas no Paraná, o Movimento Nós Podemos, articulado pelo Sistema Fiep, estabeleceu como meta alcançar os objetivos até 2010. O Portal ODM irá potencializar a interatividade e a disseminação de informações e experiências acerca dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio, com ênfase local. Para facilitar a compreensão e a análise dos dados, o Portal oferecerá duas formas de acesso às informações: uma mais simplificada, com relatórios por município e breves textos explicativos, e outra, mais detalhada, onde o usuário poderá elaborar mapas e tabelas. Os indicadores que serão acompanhados foram definidos com o apoio dos especialistas do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA) e PNUD. A atualização das informações no Portal será feita pelo Orbis. Os dados e indicadores são coletados de fontes oficiais, como o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), Ministérios do Trabalho Saúde, Educação, entre outros. Histórico – O trabalho do Orbis com indicadores teve início em 2004, quando o Observatório começou a mapear os Indicadores do Milênio, na Região Metropolitana de Curitiba, tais como intensidade de pobreza, taxa de alfabetização, taxa de mortalidade infantil, taxa de mortalidade materna, incidência de Aids, entre outros. Em 2005, o mapeamento se estendeu para o restante do Estado e teve como objetivo apontar as áreas mais carentes ou críticas que mereciam receber a intervenção imediata de organismos públicos. “O mais importante é que as pessoas tenham acesso à informação, que essa informação seja fácil de ser interpretada e contribua para um conhecimento melhor da realidade que nos rodeia”, destaca a coordenadora executiva do Orbis.

Organizers Guide Share Lent 2010
Walks you through the Share Lent or Share Life campaign. Includes a handy, pull-out planning calendar.

i will tell you later

Pacific MDG Youth Summit Declaration
This is the official outcome document of the Pacific MDG Youth Summit that took place from May 8 - 12, 2005 in Tofamamao, Samoa.

Pacific Youth Declaration on the MDGs
Pacific Youth Declaration on the MDGs

Pacific Youth MDG Toolkit
A practical, youth focused, guide to empower youth to implement the MDGs in the South Pacific. The Guide contains: Real Pacific Youth Case Studies Tips for starting community development projects Links to funding & support Websites Youth programs and organisations Learn about the MDGs and how to get involved Developed with consultation of Pacific Youth

Pacific Youth Statement on the Pacific Plan
This is the official youth statement on the Pacific Plan made by delegate sof the Pacific Youth MDG Summit in 2005. It has been endorsed by the UN and Samoan Government

Plan d’action de développement durable 2008-2011
Alors que la jeunesse québécoise doit relever des défis constants, et ce, face à toutes les réalités auxquelles elle est confrontée, le Conseil permanent de la jeunesse s’efforce de recommander, à travers ses publications, des changements sociaux en vue d’améliorer les conditions de vie des jeunes du Québec. Il s’agit d’un défi de taille, où l’appui de tous ses collaborateurs est essentiel pour atteindre cet objectif. Cet exercice en matière de développement durable permet au Conseil d’appuyer ses activités sur un cadre gouvernemental qui prend en compte le caractère indissociable de plusieurs aspects de la vie en société, tant actuelle que future. Il valorise la recherche sous tous ses angles et met de l’avant des principes qui rejoignent directement la vision du Conseil, d’être l’organisme qui connaît et représente la jeunesse. Ainsi, par l’intégration graduelle des pratiques et des actions qui découlent du développement durable, le Conseil poursuivra son approche préventive et la mise en valeur de l’engagement et la participation des citoyens, particulièrement les jeunes. Il veillera à la prise en compte des préoccupations de ces derniers dans les décisions et favorisera l’amélioration des connaissances de leur réalité. Cet engagement s’inscrit non seulement dans la démarche gouvernementale en matière de développement durable, mais il constitue le coeur des actions du Conseil.

PLANT A BILLION TREE CAMPAIGN: A tool kit to make the dream work for the youth and by the youth.
This is a simple tool kit for those who are willing to play at least a part in ensuring that the global campaign of planting a billion tree succeeds.

Policies and Programmes involving Youth
This is a United Nations Secretary General report on policies and programmes involving youth. It captures the progress of the UN Secretary General Five Year Plan of youth development agenda. It is also a follow-up plan of the world summit for social development.

Programme Planning Resources and Training Materials: A Compendium
UNFPA & Margaret Sanger Center International: a compilation of hundreds of resources to strengthen HIV prevention among youth

Proposal for creation of Toolkit
Here a one page project proposal for our Toolbox for Leaders - A guide for Economic Development for Community Leaders.

Prospects for the Global Economy
Global slump hits developing countries as credit squeeze impedes trade and growth. Historic commodity boom ends, prices fall with slowing growth. Future demand and supply of oil and food can be balanced, given the right policies. A new World Bank report, Global Economic Prospects 2009, examines the impact of the financial crisis on GDP growth across the world, noting a marked slowdown everywhere, including in formerly resilient developing countries. Subtitled Commodities at the Crossroads, the report finds that future demand and supply of key commodities like oil and food can be balanced given the right policies in the energy and agriculture sectors.

Proyecto Niñil: compartiendo experiencias
Se trata de un proyecto realizado en la zona mazahua del Municipio de Villa Victoria en el Estado de México. Este documento describe la experiencia de GYAN México durante la realización del taller de estufas tipo patsari.

Raising their Voices
A global compilation of reports from youth campaigning for the Millennium Development Goals.

Rapport de la 2ème Edition de l'université d'Eté de PEACE.
Rapport d'activités de l'Université d'Eté de PEACE / Action Solidaire L’Université d’Eté de PEACE / ACTION SOLIDAIRE est un lieu de rencontre, de réflexion, d’échange, de sensibilisation, de formation, de formation de réseaux et de coalition des organisations de jeunes du Sénégal. La première édition a été organisée dans le but de faire l’état des lieux de nos organisations respectives, de définir des stratégies de collaboration. C’est pourquoi un comité a été dégagé pour réfléchir sur la mise sur pied d’une entité qui regroupe toutes les associations présentes à la première édition. Ainsi après six mois de travail et de consultation des organisations, le réseau dénommé ACTION SOLIDAIRE a vu le jour. Cette première édition a vu la participation des régions de Tambacounda, Kaolack, Dakar, Louga et Saint Louis.

Rapport de la caravane d'Accra - Ghana
Rapport de la caravane d'Accra - Ghana Lors du sommet de l'Union Africaine à Accra au Ghana, les jeunes de plusieurs pays à l'invitation de la coalition des jeunes africains (es) contre les APE se sont réunis à Accra pour dire au chefs d'Etats d'Afrique de dire non aux Accords de Partenariat Economique(APE) sous leur forme actuelle

Recursos Hídricos no Brasil
Este documento retrata o estado da arte dos recursos hídricos no Brasil e registra os reflexos e avanços da implementação do Capítulo 18 da Agenda 21 no país tendo em vista a VI reunião da Comissão de Desenvolvimento Sustentável – CDS das Nações Unidas ONU, realizada no período de 20 de abril de 01 de maio de 1998 em Nova York. Esto documento retracta lo estado de la arte de los recursos hídricos en el Brasil y registra los reflejos y los avances de la implementación de lo Capítulo 18 de la Agenda 21 en lo país debido la VI reunión de la Comisión del Desarrollo Sostenible – CDS del ONU, ejecutada en el período de 20 de abril y 01 de mayo de 1998 en New York. This document reflects the state of the art of water resources in Brazil and records the impact and progress of the implementation of Chapter 18 of Agenda 21 in the country in order to VI meeting of the Commission for Sustainable Development CSD-UN held in the period April 20 from 01 May 1998 in New York.

Relatório de participação no encontro TEDx Change: o futuro que nós construímos
Relatório do WEBCAST - TEDxChange - o futuro que nós construímos

Report of 20087 STAND UP and SPEAK OUT event hosted by YPWC
The STAND UP campaign is an exciting and innovative challenge which is aimed at setting a Guinness World Record for the most number of people who will STAND UP against poverty and for the UN Millennium Development Goals. The event took place within a 24-hour period from October 16th - 17th, 2007 and was designed to coincide with the Internatinal day of Poverty and White Band Day. In 2007 over 43 million people stood up to demand that world leaders keep their promises to end poverty and inequality. In 2000, leaders of 189 countries signed the Millennium Declaration agreeing to do everything in their power to end poverty. They pledged to do this by achieving the Millennium Development Goals, a roadmap to end extreme poverty by 2015. Still every day, 50,000 people die as a result of extreme poverty and the gap between rich and poor people is increasing. Nearly half the world’s population live in poverty, 70% are women. We have the power to change this. Campaigners worldwide will STAND UP and TAKE ACTION to push their governments for more and better aid, debt cancellation, education for all boys and girls, healthcare, trade justice, gender equality and public accountability.

Report on the Commemoration of the GLOBAL YOUTH SERVICE DAY-2011 (SIERRA LEONE)
Report on the Commemoration of the GLOBAL YOUTH SERVICE DAY-2011 (SIERRA LEONE) ORGANIZE BY NETWORK MOVEMENT FOR YOUTH AND CHILDREN’s WELFARE-SL IN COLLABORATION WITH YOUNG MEN’s CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION(YMCA-SL), FREETOWN CITY COUNCIL(FCC) and its Community PARTNERS in DWAZACK, MABELLA and KROOBAY. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMERY: Country Partners (formerly known as National Lead Agencies) serve as the lead convener and organizer of Global Youth Service Day in their respective countries. Country Partners promote GYSD, mobilize partners and local project organizers, lead high profile events, engage local media and government officials, and coordinate project registration and reporting. Due to many challenges most of these tasks cannot be achieved as poor regional coordination affected our actual plans, low internet server is also a major factor, minimal Local financial supports.etc This year GYSD would have not been commemorated had it not been for the intervention of Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA-SL) more especially the project manager slum project Mr. Francis Reffell and the Freetown City Council for their supports. This year activities concentrated on dialogue, voluntary cleaning and beautification of three slum communities in the of the city of Freetown. During the dialogue session participant agreed to form National Youth Volunteer Network (NYV-Net) and some recommendation was made for this network to under take. To conclude, these projects on its own would not have created a greater impact/success during implementations if we did not have the cooperation of Child Advocacy Network base in Mabella, Dwazack Youth Dev Org, Kroobay Youth, YMCA-Slum Team, Peter.K.Nyande of the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka-Canada, Mamaja Jalloh, Mr. Mohamed Konneh of West Africa Democracy Radio, CSOs, Youth groups, the Mass Media.etc

Report on the Commemoration of the GLOBAL YOUTH SERVICE DAY-2011 (SIERRA LEONE)
Report on the Commemoration of the GLOBAL YOUTH SERVICE DAY-2011 (SIERRA LEONE) ORGANIZE BY NETWORK MOVEMENT FOR YOUTH AND CHILDREN’s WELFARE-SL IN COLLABORATION WITH YOUNG MEN’s CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION(YMCA-SL), FREETOWN CITY COUNCIL(FCC) and its Community PARTNERS in DWAZACK, MABELLA and KROOBAY. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMERY: Country Partners (formerly known as National Lead Agencies) serve as the lead convener and organizer of Global Youth Service Day in their respective countries. Country Partners promote GYSD, mobilize partners and local project organizers, lead high profile events, engage local media and government officials, and coordinate project registration and reporting. Due to many challenges most of these tasks cannot be achieved as poor regional coordination affected our actual plans, low internet server is also a major factor, minimal Local financial supports.etc This year GYSD would have not been commemorated had it not been for the intervention of Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA-SL) more especially the project manager slum project Mr. Francis Reffell and the Freetown City Council for their supports. This year activities concentrated on dialogue, voluntary cleaning and beautification of three slum communities in the of the city of Freetown. During the dialogue session participant agreed to form National Youth Volunteer Network (NYV-Net) and some recommendation was made for this network to under take. To conclude, these projects on its own would not have created a greater impact/success during implementations if we did not have the cooperation of Child Advocacy Network base in Mabella, Dwazack Youth Dev Org, Kroobay Youth, YMCA-Slum Team, Peter.K.Nyande of the YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka-Canada, Mamaja Jalloh, Mr. Mohamed Konneh of West Africa Democracy Radio, CSOs, Youth groups, the Mass Media.etc

Report on the Youth Consultation on Migration and Development
Addressing international migration concerns has undoubtedly become a pressing issue in recent times, not only for governments but also for a broad range of society actors in both northern and southern country states. Today more young people are moving across borders. To get the youth voice well organized and represented with key youth statements at the Global Forum on Migration and Development in the Philippines, YPWC hosted a youth consultation on Migration and Development with the support of Migrant Rights International, Global Youth Action Network, TakingITGlobal and UNICEF Voices of Youth. The online discussion forum ran from September 14 to October 11, 2008 in English and French simultaneously.

Report World Youth Urban Forum: “For a better urban future”
In order to facilitate the exchange of experiences and progress of general knowledge among cities and their development partners, designed to be a forum known techniques based non-legislative, the United Nations Human Settlements (UN - HABITAT), according to the resolution of the 18th Session of the Commission on Human Settlements held the World Urban Forum Youth in Nanjing in China, 01 to 02 November 2008. An idea of integrating youth participation in all discussions on how to manage the growing poverty in cities, rapid urbanization, lack of employment, disasters and the scourge of climate change. During the World Youth Forum 2008 urban opportunities was discussed and debate the future of urbanization in general and their cities in particular with the main authorities from various countries around the world. The youths were identified for their initiatives, projects and actions in cities. The FUMJ 2008 provides building activities held in Vancouver in 2006, while working always in the context WUF IV

Reproductive choices and family planning for people living with HIV
This tool is designed to help health workers counsel people living with HIV on sexual and reproductive choices and family planning. It also is meant to help people living with HIV make and carry out informed, healthy, and appropriate decisions about their sexual and reproductive lives. This tool addresses: How to enjoy a healthy sexual life. For clients who do not want a baby, how to prevent pregnancy and further transmission of HIV. For clients thinking of having a child, points to consider in making a decision.

Revista Virtual InterJóvenes: Artículos Seleccionados 2005-2007
InterJóvenes fue una revista juvenil en internet, producida conjuntamente por la Asociación Vientos del Sur y TakingITGlobal. InterJóvenes tuvo por objetivo principal servir como canal de expresión e información para jóvenes, aprovechando las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación. El proyecto nació en octubre de 2005, cuando se realizó una reunión de presentación del proyecto y la primera edición de InterJóvenes fue publicada en noviembre de 2005. Finalizó en diciembre de 2007, con la publicación en soporte papel y en pdf de esta 10ma. edición, que compila artículos seleccionados que se fueron publicando en los números anteriores.

Satori philosophizing
Let I found the love in your heart and you together of the volcano!Bring out love, and release all the energy of love, you will find that everything will change because of the love in the world.

SCREAM Brochure/Leaflet
Information leaflet on the Education pack Supporting Children's Rights through Arts, Education and the Media (SCREAM)

SCREAM Halte au travail des enfants! La défense des droits des enfants
Les jeunes ont un rôle important à jouer dans les activités de sensibilisation relatives à la justice sociale et dans l’exercice de leur influence au sein de leurs communautés pour le changement social. Par la responsabilisation des jeunes, la reconnaissance de leur créativité et la mise en valeur de leur contribution, nous renforçons la portée de leur engagement à la campagne pour l’élimination du travail des enfants. A cette fin, l’IPEC a lancé une initiative sur l’éducation et la mobilisation sociale pour aider les enseignants du monde entier à comprendre et à promouvoir la prise de conscience sur le travail des enfants auprès des jeunes. «SCREAM, Halte au travail des enfants»

SCREAM Stop al Lavoro Minorile, Sostenere i Diritti dei Bambini attraverso l’Educazione, l’Arte ed i Media
Il lavoro minorile verte sullo sfruttamento della fascia più vulnerabile della nostra società: i bambini. Sappiamo che sono oltre 246 milioni i ragazzi al di sotto dei 18 anni che ogni giorno, nel mondo, sono costretti a lavorare. Quasi tre quarti di essi, vale a dire 180 milioni, si trovano in pericolo di vita. Molti vengono privati dell’istruzione e sono vittime di abusi fisici, sessuali e psicologici. A causa del lavoro cui sono costretti, alcuni subiscono traumi che li rendono invalidi e altri muoiono prima di raggiungere l’età adulta. Altri rimangono segnati per il resto della vita. Per molti il fenomeno del lavoro minorile è invisibile o perché i bambini lavorano in ambiti che sono invisibili, come il lavoro domestico e la prostituzione, o perché la società preferisce non vedere. Rendere visibile la piaga del lavoro minorile aiuterà la società a scuotersi dalla sua indifferenza. Attraverso l’IPEC (Programma internazionale per l’eliminazione del lavoro minorile), l’ILO (Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro) sta compiendo ogni sforzo per far sì che il lavoro minorile divenga storia passata. Poiché le cause del fenomeno sono molte e complesse, dobbiamo affrontare la questione su diversi fronti, attraverso la ratifica e l’applicazione di convenzioni internazionali, nonché di programmi che implicano la mobilitazione dei gruppi sociali più importanti. I giovani in particolare svolgono un ruolo importante nella sensibilizzazione della comunità di appartenenza rispetto alle questioni della giustizia sociale e sono in grado di far sentire la propria influenza sui processi di cambiamento della società. Sebbene i bambini, gli adolescenti e i giovani costituiscano una proporzione significativa della popolazione del pianeta, gli viene lasciato loro ben poco spazio per esprimere la loro opinione su come funziona il mondo. In questo modo, per quando saranno diventati adulti, il loro modo di pensare e di agire sarà così fortemente improntato al modello imposto dalla società che la preziosa prospettiva delle loro riflessioni sarà andata perduta. Potenziando i giovani, responsabilizzandoli e riconoscendo la validità del loro contributo, speriamo di incanalarne la creatività e l’impegno nella campagna mondiale per l’eliminazione del lavoro minorile. Con questo presupposto, l’IPEC ha lanciato una nuova iniziativa di mobilitazione socio-educativa, “SCREAM Stop Child Labour”, per aiutare gli educatori di tutto il mondo a promuovere la comprensione e la sensibilizzazione riguardo al fenomeno del lavoro minorile fra i giovani e le loro comunità di appartenenza. SCREAM è a favore del supporto dei diritti dei bambini attraverso l’educazione, l’arte e i mezzi di comunicazione, ma riflette anche il doloroso silenzio dei bambini lavoratori, nonché la necessità di dar loro una voce. Attraverso metodi di insegnamento innovativi e creativi, il programma SCREAM mira a informare i giovani del mondo in cui vivono e delle ingiustizie esistenti, focalizzando l’attenzione sul lavoro minorile in modo che essi possano a loro volta farsi ovunque portavoce dei bambini lavoratori. Il programma vuole caricare i ragazzi di una responsabilità, ma anche aiutarli a sviluppare una reazione adeguata. SCREAM deve molta della sua ispirazione alle arti visive, alla letteratura e alla recitazione. La drammatizzazione è un strumento particolarmente potente per raggiungere i giovani. Il teatro parla una lingua universale, che trascende i confini geografici e le barriere culturali. Inoltre, è stato sempre utilizzato, nella storia, come veicolo di coesione sociale. Dunque, il programma promuove la recitazione e la drammatizzazione come strumenti che i giovani possono utilizzare per esplorare i propri sentimenti, esprimersi e rivolgere il proprio messaggio alla comunità. Per un’autentica comprensione dell’orrore quotidiano che vivono i bambini lavoratori, gli individui devono partire dal più fondamentale dei presupposti umani. Con l’aiuto e la guida adeguati, i giovani possono acquisire strumenti e fiducia per creare e mettere in scena una propria rappresentazione teatrale, ovviamente adeguata alla loro condizione culturale e sociale, nonché al loro linguaggio e al loro gergo. Molti dei nostri affiliati sperano, come noi, che SCREAM possa essere diffusamente realizzato in tutto il mondo. In nome loro e di milioni di bambini che ogni giorno vengono sfruttati, raccomandiamo di adottare SCREAM a tutti gli Stati membri, alle autorità in campo educativo, alle associazioni di insegnanti, imprenditori e lavoratori, alle ONG e alle associazioni civili, agli educatori, nonché alle organizzazioni di qualunque tipo e ai singoli individui che abbiano l’opportunità di interagire con i giovani in ambito educativo. Si tratta di un programma destinato a migliorare e a consolidarsi precisamente attraverso l’uso. Dunque, usiamolo!

SCREAM ¡Alto al trabajo infantil! Defensa de los derechos del niño a través de la educación, las artes y los medios de comunicación
El trabajo infantil es sinónimo de explotación de los seres más vulnerables de nuestra sociedad: las niñas y los niños. Sabemos que en el mundo hay más de 245 millones de niñas y niños menores de 18 años que cada día van a trabajar. Aproximadamente las tres cuartas partes –casi 180 millones– lo hacen en condiciones peligrosas que ponen en peligro su vida. En muchos casos, se les priva de educación y son víctimas de vejaciones físicas, sexuales y emocionales. A raíz del trabajo que hacen, algunos quedarán discapacitados físicamente o perecerán antes de llegar a la edad adulta. Otros sufrirán de traumas emocionales por el resto de su vida. Para muchos, el trabajo infantil es un fenómeno invisible ya sea porque se oculta, como en el caso del servicio doméstico o la explotación sexual con fines comerciales, o bien, porque la sociedad está demasiado predispuesta a hacer como que no ve. Dar visibilidad a las niñas y los niños que trabajan contribuirá a que la sociedad deje de ser indiferente al drama que viven. A través del Programa Internacional para la Erradicación del Trabajo Infantil, conocido por la sigla en inglés IPEC, la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) está a la vanguardia de los esfuerzos mundiales para terminar con este problema. Dado que las causas del trabajo infantil son numerosas y complejas, tenemos que abordar la cuestión en diversos frentes que van de la ratificación y aplicación de los convenios y convenciones internacionales a programas prácticos en el terreno, pasando por la movilización de sectores clave de la sociedad. Los jóvenes, en particular, pueden desempeñar un papel importante para concienciar* sobre cuestiones relativas a la justicia social y ejercer su influencia en las comunidades, promoviendo el cambio social. Niñas, niños y adolescentes y jóvenes representan una proporción significativa de la población mundial, pero se les dan muy pocas oportunidades de decir lo que piensan acerca de cómo va el mundo. De ahí que cuando llegan a la edad adulta, les hayamos inculcado nuestra manera de ver, de pensar y de actuar, a tal punto, que la valiosa perspectiva que podían aportar ha caído en el olvido. Capacitando a los jóvenes, atribuyéndoles tareas y reconociendo el valor de su aporte, esperamos encauzar el acerbo de creatividad y el empeño que pueden aportar a la campaña por la erradicación del trabajo infantil. Habida cuenta de lo antedicho, el IPEC lanzó la iniciativa ¡Alto al trabajo infantil! Proyecto SCREAM de formación y movilización social, para ayudar a docentes de todo el mundo a instruir y concienciar a los jóvenes acerca del trabajo infantil. SCREAM es la sigla en inglés de Supporting Children's Rights through Education, the Arts and the Media (Defensa de los derechos del niño a través de la educación, las artes y los medios de comunicación) y también traduce el sufrimiento que soportan en silencio los niños que trabajan y a quienes hay que dar voz. Utilizando métodos pedagógicos creativos e innovadores, se pretende informar a los jóvenes sobre el mundo en el que viven y las injusticias que existen, haciendo hincapié en el trabajo infantil, para que ellos, a su vez, sean portavoces de las niñas y los niños que trabajan en todas partes del mundo. A través de este proyecto, se les asignan tareas y se les apoya en la búsqueda de intervenciones apropiadas. El Proyecto SCREAM se inspira en gran medida de las artes plásticas, el arte dramático y la redacción creativa. El arte dramático es una herramienta idónea para llegar a los jóvenes. Su lenguaje es universal y trasciende las fronteras geográficas y culturales. A través de los módulos Escenificación y Arte dramático, el Proyecto SCREAM promueve la interpretación como medio de que los jóvenes exploren sus sentimientos, los expresen, y transmitan su mensaje al resto de la comunidad. Para comprender cabalmente el horror cotidiano del trabajo infantil, hay que llegar a la fibra más profunda del ser humano. Si se les brinda ayuda y orientación, los jóvenes adquieren las competencias y la confianza necesarias para crear y representar una obra de teatro acorde con su contexto sociocultural y en su propio idioma o dialecto. Muchos de nuestros asociados comparten nuestra esperanza de que el Proyecto SCREAM se utilice ampliamente en todas partes del mundo. En su nombre y en nombre de los millones de niños que siguen siendo explotados en el trabajo, lo recomendamos a Estados Miembros, autoridades de educación, organizaciones de docentes, organizaciones de empleadores, organizaciones de trabajadores, ONG y organizaciones comunitarias, maestros y educadores, así como a toda persona u organización que tiene contacto con niñas y niños en un contexto educativo. El Proyecto SCREAM crecerá mejor y con mayor vigor gracias a su utilización, entonces, ¡usémoslo!

Senegal National Youth Shadow Report
GYCA UNGASS National Youth Shadow Reports

Sex Work Toolkit
In many parts of the world, sex workers have been among the groups most vulnerable to and most affected by HIV since the beginning of the AIDS pandemic. After more than a decade of research and intervention in sex work settings there is a substantial body of knowledge on the behaviours that put sex workers, their clients and regular partners at risk and on the contextual factors that create vulnerability to HIV/AIDS.

10 Year Anniversary of Global Playground Soccer

SG-Report - In Larger Freedom
This report from the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan identifies the MDGs as the most important framework for development at the moment. It also emphasizes how important the year 2005 is for actually achieving the MDGs by 2015.

Speaking in th Media
Youth Driven Resource Manual: The resources that you will find in this manual were researched and developed over the course of a project called Youth Driven. The project was run by youth for youth and coordinated by the Environmental Youth Alliance (EYA). It involved a partnership with 15 youth driven organizations in Vancouver and 2 in Victoria. The goal of the project was to gain a better understanding of the needs of youth driven agencies through consultation with the youth community, to help strengthen youth driven agencies by offering practical skills training, and to create better awareness and appreciation of youth driven agencies within the community.

This resource guide is an important tool conceived to inspire youth to get actively involved in sport and physical activity. The activities contained within are designed to move youth along a continuum from awareness, to involvement and critical thinking, to the ultimate goal of becoming informed and actively fit global citizens.

Staff Positions of Youth for Change International
The list as of February 2007 of Youth for Change International's Staff.

Stand Up Against Poverty 2007 IYPF Final Report
A report on IYPF's contribution to the Stand Up Against Poverty activities in 2007.

Steady, Ready, Go! Advocating for Effective Youth HIV Prevention Interventions
GYCA and TakingITGlobal, with the support of the WHO, created a youth-friendly version of the WHO publication taking stock of HIV prevention programs for youth.

streetfootballworld Newsletter
streetfootballworld is an international NGO that connects over 80 organisations that use football as a tool for social development. To stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the "football for development" sector just subscribe to our monthly online newsletter!

Student Voices against Poverty: MDG Campaign Curriculum Project
A comprehensive curriculum guide for secondary school teachers, detailing the background and history of the MDGs. This guide includes more than 20 individual lesson plans and activities addressing this critical global issue, ranging in subject area from Mathematics to Civics.

Supporting Children's Rights through Education, the Arts, and the Media (SCREAM)
The SCREAM programme offers a unique opportunity to engage a wide range of communiy actors and organizations in the promotion of social justice and universally recognized human and labour rights. For more information see: http://www.ilo.org/ipec/Campaignandadvocacy/Scream/index.htm

Supporting children's rights through education, the arts, and the media (SCREAM): Education Pack (Russian version)
The SCREAM programme offers a unique opportunity to engage a wide range of communiy actors and organizations in the promotion of social justice and universally recognized human and labour rights. For more information see: http://www.ilo.org/ipec/Campaignandadvocacy/Scream/index.htm

Supporting children's rights through education, the arts, and the media (SCREAM): Education Pack (Urdu version)
Urdu version. The SCREAM programme offers a unique opportunity to engage a wide range of community actors and organizations in the promotion of social justice and universally recognized human and labour rights.

Sustainable Agriculture Project in India
75% of the world's poor depend on their crops for food and income. Therefore, helping the poor to grow more food is the single most powerful lever for reducing hunger and poverty.

Synthèse des travaux d’atelier de la 3e Edition de l’Université d’Eté de PEACE / Action Solidaire
Synthèse des travaux d’atelier de la 3e Edition de l’Université d’Eté de PEACE / Action Solidaire


Taking action: achieving gender equality and empowering women
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Education and Gender Equality

TakingITGlobal Climate Change Youth Guide to Action
Tired of just changing lightbulbs? Looking to take more engaging and meaningful action on climate change? Then check out our new Climate Change Youth Guide to Action!! Get inspired, informed and involved in the fight against climate change with this step-by-step guide to making a difference.

Now is the decisive moment in Africa’s struggle to overcome the continent-wide threat of HIV/AIDS. Success in overcoming the HIV/AIDS pandemic demands an exceptional personal, moral, political and social commitment on the part of every African. Leadership in the family, the community, the workplace, schools, civil society, government and at an international level is needed to halt the preventable spread of HIV/AIDS, and to provide a decent life for all citizens of Africa. Each and every one of the leadership acts necessary to prevent HIV/AIDS and to help those living with HIV/AIDS, without exception, are things we want anyway for a better, more developed Africa, and must be implemented in full and without delay. Much has been achieved. Many African communities and several entire nations have shown that it is possible to contain and reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. Success is a reality in many places and is possible across the continent. The Africa Development Forum 2000 is a breakthrough. It represents a watershed in national leaders’ readiness to address intimate personal beliefs and behaviour in a public and political manner. It marks an unprecedented collective commitment to the struggle against HIV/AIDS. With the required resources and the right leadership at all levels, we will win. Too much time has been wasted. Too many lives have been lost. Now is the moment.

The Art of Time Management
Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given great winners.

The Beehive
The Beehive is an online resource that provides information on content that effects our every day lives: health, employment, education etc. The content on the site is localized to meet the communities' needs.

The Beehive
The Beehive is an online resource that provides information on content that effects our every day lives: health, employment, education etc. The content on the site is localized to meet the communities' needs.

The Beehive
The Beehive is an online resource that provides information on content that effects our every day lives: health, employment, education etc. The content on the site is localized to meet the communities' needs.

The Beehive
The Beehive is an online resource that provides information on content that effects our every day lives: health, employment, education etc. The content on the site is localized to meet the communities' needs.

The Beehive
The Beehive is an online resource that provides information on content that effects our every day lives: health, employment, education etc. The content on the site is localized to meet the communities' needs.

The Case for Investing in Young People
This publication focuses on national efforts to reduce poverty and presents seven arguments for why national public policy makers should give more attention to young people, if these efforts are to be successful. This paper offers a conceptual framework to work out what arguments and supporting evidence in relation to young people are likely to be most appropriate to apply in the context of developing or refining a national poverty reduction strategy.

The Criminalisation of HIV Factsheet
GYCA, World AIDS Campaign, International Planned Parenthood Federation, UNFPA

The Millennium Development Goals Report 2006
MDG Progress Report for the year 2006.

the miracle of corn - EL PRODIGIO DEL MAIZ-
investigacion sobre el sistema carcelario

The role of CSR inenabling Urban Poor realise their Potential in Uganda
The paper shows views from Uganda Chapter for Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives (UCCSRI) on how CSR can enable the urban - poor realize their potential. It reviews of current data and studies. Paper has imported the use of strategic marketing in enhancing competitiveness and market access. Shows how firms that embrace CSR can help the urban – poor. It recognizes efforts of other people and agencies outside UCCSRI It concludes with a few references for policy makers and influencers.

The Role of the Youth in Community Development
Young people play a crucial role in the prospect for development and should be included in every National Development Plan for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). But reality shows that attention to youth has not been enough and more needs to be done to make sure that special attention is given to young people, especially with regards to education, employment and health. The signed Millennium Declaration by Governments promising to “free men, women and children from the dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty”, committing developed and developing countries alike to eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will need an integrated participatory process from all sectors. In view of this the youth has a pivotal role to play in community development to achieving the MDGs by 2015 but the question is: up to which extent do young people actually take up community development initiatives? To this effect a day Training Seminar was convened to celebrate the Global Youth Service Day, With the objective, To create awareness about the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) achievable by 2015 and develop the concept civic engagement; Train the Youth on their role in achieving the MDGs through community involvement. Finally, Participants at the end of the training were to initiate community based projects for implementation.

The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2008
Biofuels present both opportunities and risks. The outcome would depend on the specific context of the country and the policies adopted,” said FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf today. “Current policies tend to favour producers in some developed countries over producers in most developing countries. The challenge is to reduce or manage the risks while sharing the opportunities more widely.” Biofuel production based on agricultural commodities increased more than threefold from 2000 to 2007, and now covers nearly two percent of the world’s consumption of transport fuels. The growth is expected to continue, but the contribution of liquid biofuels (mostly ethanol and biodiesel) to transport energy, and even more so, to global energy use will remain limited. Despite the limited importance of liquid biofuels in terms of global energy supply, the demand for agricultural feedstocks (sugar, maize, oilseeds) for liquid biofuels will continue to grow over the next decade and perhaps beyond, putting upward pressure on food prices. Biofuel policies and subsidies should be urgently reviewed in order to preserve the goal of world food security, protect poor farmers, promote broad-based rural development and ensure environmental sustainability, FAO said in a new edition of its annual flagship publication The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2008.

The state of youth in Nigeria
Nigeria has what it takes to bring up great youth: youth in industry, youth in politic, development and youth in economics, etc. These youth has an important role in the future of our nation. However, today our streets are littered with the young who suffer the indignity of begging for bread crusts in order to stay alive. It is no news that there is an epidemical phenomenon of street children who are reared on free-range system. Child prostitution and mass destitution of the young. There is a high rate of drop-out amongst our young people from different institutions of learning on pecuniary grounds. Most of these drop-outs often end up in urban centres in search of menial jobs. Some other end – up on the streets, high way junctions, and traffic lights hawking different items as “mobile super markets”. The State of the Nigeria Youths and a new future 2007!

Threads of Wrath
Honours Thesis on Trade Justice and the Cotton Trade in Burkina Faso

Time to Cut African Hunger
The challenge of reducing hunger and poverty in Africa is formidable. Despite pledges by Africa and the industrialized countries at the 1996 World Food Summit to cut hunger in half by 2015, little progress has been made. But there are reasons to believe that these trends can change, even in the near future. The events of September 11 have caused the world to consider how factors such as poverty and hunger can create breeding grounds for global instability. Conditions in Africa are also improving in many respects. A number of countries are making solid progress in governance and economic reform. New markets are opening and new technology is becoming available that will allow greater growth in agriculture and the rural sector in Africa. These factors offer renewed hope that,working together,we can reduce African poverty and hunger.

TNEP Energy & Climate Change Resources Dec 07
A collection of resources from The Natural Edge Project http://www.tnep.net/.

Tofomamao Declaration
This is the official declaration created witht he voice of 56 Pacific Island Youth from 13 nations at the May 2005 Pacific Island Youth MDG Summit held in Samoa on Youth and the MDGs.

Toolkit for Conducting Carbon Neutral Neighbourhood Discussions and Consultations
Conceieved and promoted by Centre for Ecological Audit, Social Inclusion and Governance, Carbon Neutral Neighbourhood Discussions and Consultations are proving effective in shaping responses for reducing the emission of green house gases. All are encouraged to discuss the issues related to climate change and others in the neighbourhood. While generating responses for collective wellbeing, empathy for the suffering of ecological refugees, donation for the poor and transforming leisure , CNNDs also build relationship of care and concern in the neighbourhoods both in the rural and urban areas.

Tools for Action
You how-to guide to taking action in your high school. Pick an issue (Food Security, HIV/AIDS, MDGs, Landmines, Water&Sanitation), download backgrounders and activity ideas in PDF right off the website! Designed specifically for Canadian high schools!!

Toward universal primary education: investments, incentives, and institutions
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Education and Gender Equality

Towards the Finish Line: Youth and Universal Access 2010 Factsheet
GYCA, World AIDS Campaign, Youth Coalition, UNFPA

Trabajo infantil: un manual para estudiantes
Este manual le sirve a los estudiantes, en cualquier pais o region, que quieren comprender un aspecto importante de la realidad social y economica que nos rodea a todos: El Trabajo Infantil.

Trade for development
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Trade

UN Toolkit on Youth Development
United Nations - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)Toolkit on Youth Development.

Understanding the Issues: An Online Global Education Resource
The ‘ Understanding the Issues’ section of TakingITGlobal officially re-launched in 2007 as a more interactive resource for youth seeking to learn about global issues, in both formal and informal educational settings. As the primary funder of this project, the Longview Foundation was presented with this final report detailing the implementation taken by TakingITGlobal.

UNDP Human Development Report
UNDP Human Development Report.

Une meilleure protection des enfants affectés par le SIDA
Document d’accompagnement au Cadre pour la protection, les soins et le soutien aux orphelins et enfants vulnérables vivant dans un monde avec le VIH et le SIDA

Une société en déficit humain
Un Rapport de 29 pages sur les conséquences sociales de l'appauvrissement, publié par Centraide Québec Un million de personnes habitent dans la grande région de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches. De ce nombre, 180 000 vivent actuellement, en 1998, sous le seuil de faible revenu; le tiers d’entre elles, soit 60 000, doivent être considérées comme très pauvres 2. C’est principalement auprès de ces personnes qu’oeuvrent les organismes communautaires appuyés par Centraide Québec. La pauvreté, c’est la privation. Quand on est pauvre, on est toujours privé de quelque chose : d’aliments, de confort, voire de soins, d’information, d’instruction, parfois même de ce qui est considéré comme le minimum nécessaire.

Une société qui se tire dans le pied
Centraide Québec présente son deuxième document de réflexion sur la pauvreté. Lettre ouverte a tous ceux qui ne se sentent pas concernés par la pauvreté et a toutes les autres

UNHCR Health, Food, and Nutrition Toolkit
The Health and Community Development Section (HCDS) of the Division of Operational Support has compiled this Health, Food & Nutrition ToolKit to assist field-based actors to effectively co-ordinate, assess, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate quality food, health and nutrition programmes in refugee situations. These Tools are UNHCR checklists, formats, guidance materials and other reporting forms to assist programme management and co-ordination.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most ratified document in the UN's history. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, often referred to as CRC or UNCRC, is an international convention setting out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of children. Nations that ratify this international convention are bound by it by international law. Compliance is monitored by the United Nations' Committee on the Rights of the Child which is composed of members from countries around the world. Once a year, the Committee submits a report to the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, which also hears a statement from the CRC Chair, and the Assembly adopts a Resolution on the Rights of the Child.[1] Governments of countries that have ratified the Convention are required to report to, and appear before, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child periodically to be examined on their progress with regards to the advancement of the implementation of the Convention and the status of child rights in their country. Their reports and the committee's written views and concerns are available on the committee's website. All member nation states (countries) of the United Nations, except the United States and Somalia,[2] have ratified it. The United Nations General Assembly agreed to adopt the Convention into international law as an advisory resolution on November 20, 1989; it came into force on September 2, 1990, after it was ratified by the required number of nations. The Convention generally defines a child as any person under the age of 18, unless an earlier age of majority is recognized by a country's law.

United Nations Millennium Declaration
The Millennium Declaration was adopted at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000. 189 Heads of State and government signed the declaration and thus committed themselves to achieving the eight Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

United Nations Millennium Development Goals
Eight goals that all 191 United Nations Member States have pledged to meet by the year 2015.

United Nations World Youth Report 2013
United Nations 2013 World Youth Report highlights some of the concerns, challenges and successes experienced by young migrants based on their own lives and told in their own voices. Youth and migration in the 21st century!

United States of America National Youth Shadow Report 2008
GYCA UNGASS National Youth Shadow Reports

Universal access to HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria services by 2010: Update on malaria
This report provides a thorough overview of the large scale efforts for malaria prevention and treatment. The focus of the report is evaluating the progress of the Abuja Declarations, but other efforts are considered.

Universal Primary Education? MDG 2
A brief newsletter regarding MDG 2, the progress towards universal primary education, and a conference that seeks to unite student leaders interested in advancing education and development globally.

Urbanisation et Environnement: Le role de la Jeunesse
Objectif de la conférence L’urbanisation et l’environnement sont souvent la suite d'une construction d'idées réfléchies et appliquées dans le respect des prévisions. L’objectif de la conférence du thème : « Urbanisation et environnement : rôle de la jeunesse » est de supposer une progression arithmétique ou géométrique avec des effets qui durent dans le temps sans altérer la situation de départ, et une attitude responsable les jeunes qui détiennent l'imperium du pouvoir, ainsi que les divers acteurs politiques, économiques et sociaux, car ils sont les principaux acteurs du développement.

Using Gender Research in Development
IFPRI Food Security in Practice No. 2 This practitioners' guide bridges the gap between research and practice by providing up-to-date, relevant information on why and how gender issues, when taken into account, can improve the design, implementation, and effectiveness of development projects and policies. IFPRI's work on gender and intrahousehold issues has already influenced programs, such as conditional cash transfers in Latin America, by contributing to the growing evidence that households do not make decisions as one, and that resources controlled by women lead to improved child outcomes. IFPRI's gender research has also contributed to a wider acceptance by policymakers that paying attention to decision making processes within the household is essential to the success of development interventions.

V2 Volunteerism Action Guide: Multiplying the Power of Service
This guide is a resource for Peace Corps Volunteers and their community partners to plan, design, implement and assess local service or volunteerism activities. The aim of the V2 Action Guide is to support existing or new host country volunteerism efforts. Applying a service learning approach when possible, this publication shows volunteers how to add value to their capacity building work by helping participants in volunteer activities identify learning goals and integrate reflection (learning) in their work. Part 1 of the guide is an overview and introduction to the elements of service learning along with important cultural considerations. Part 2 is a step by step guide for creating service learning projects with suggested resources and provides a real life example of the process. Part 3 is a template that can be adapted, translated, and used by local groups or organizations to design their own service activities. This guide references specific helpful resources in many other ICE publications available on the Peace Corps on-line library: http://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=library.comdev

Vida con Propósitos
"Cambia tu manera de pensar para que cambie tu manera de vivir" Los talleres de formación integral establecidos en el módulo de educación para el trabajo del proyecto “Madres Empresarias”, representan el fundamento básico sobre el cual descansará toda la estructura de rehabilitación familiar y social de las participantes de dicho proyecto. El objetivo de estos talleres de formación es el de sensibilizar a las madres para descubrir e identificar las causas que han originado el deterioro de su hábitat familiar y motivarlas a reorientar su manera de pensar para que puedan cambiar su manera de vivir. Es decir, ayudarlas a comprender lo necesario que es para su desarrollo personal y familiar una “vida con propósitos”. ¿Cuantas veces nos sentimos desorientados o desubicados en el ejercicio de la mayoría de nuestras actividades, sean estas domésticas, profesionales, artísticas, etc., etc., porque sólo vemos en ellas un medio para sobrevivir?.... para disponer, con muchísima dificultad, de un inadecuado techo, vestidos, alimentos deficientes y cubrir a duras penas los gastos ocasionados por los servicios. En ocasiones realizamos esas actividades con esmero, agrado y con cierto placer…… pero, sin embargo, nuestro corazón está cargado de insatisfacción, tristeza, desilusión, decepción y rabia; sentimientos estos que nos impiden ver la vida con gozo y ser felices. Esto se debe a que usualmente erramos en el propósito y pensamos que cuando logremos esto o aquello habremos llegado a la plenitud. Sin embargo cuando accedemos a lo que tanto hemos deseado y por lo que sin tregua hemos luchado nos sentimos tan vacíos como al principio. Esos logros nos producen una alegría efímera porque son simples metas circunstanciales que nos trazamos para alimentar nuestro ego y no un propósito concebido para crecer cualitativamente. Es decir, para ser mejores personas, mejores amigos, mejores padres, mejores hijos, mejores orientadores y mejores ciudadanos. Jorge Enrique Hernández Life With Intentions The factories of integral formation established in the module of education for the work of the project "Enterprising Mothers", represent the basic foundation on which all the structure of familiar and social rehabilitation of the participants of this project will rest. The objective of these factories of formation is the one to sensitize the mothers to discover and to identify the causes that have originated the deterioration of their familiar habitat and to motivate them to reorient their way to think so that they can change his way to live. That is to say, to help them to include/understand the necessary thing that it is for his personal and familiar development a "life with intentions". Whichever times we felt disoriented or out of position in the exercise of most of our activities, are these domestic, professional, artistic ones, etc., etc., because we only see in them an average one to survive.... in order to arrange, with very many difficulty, of an inadequate ceiling, deficient dresses, foods and with great difficulty to cover the expenses caused by the services. Sometimes we made those activities with care, affability and with certain to please...... but, nevertheless, our heart is loaded of dissatisfaction, sadness, disappointment, deception and rages; feelings these that they prevent to see the life us with joy and be happy. This must to that usually we were mistaken in the intention and we thought that when we obtain this or that we will have arrived at the fullness. Nevertheless when we accede to which as much we have wished and reason why without truce we have fought we felt as empty as in the beginning. Those profits produce an ephemeral joy to us because they are simple circumstantial goals that we drew up to feed our ego and a conceived intention not to grow qualitatively. That is to say, to be better people, better friends, better parents, better children, better orientation and better citizens. Jorge Enrique Hernandez

Viet Nam National Youth Shadow Report 2008
GYCA UNGASS National Youth Shadow Reports

VOICE for AIDS Introduction
This document gives a general overview of the HIV/AIDS situation globally and locally here in Canada. It also goes over what VfA is and what our mission goals are to acheive.

Water: Focus on Haiti
This resource explores the issue of Water in Haiti.

What's Culture Got to do with it?
A qualitative research on the cultural implications of child physical abuse among Black African Families in Social Work Practice in the UK

Who's got the power? Transforming health systems for women and children
Report of the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Child Health and Maternal Health

Wikigender is a project initiated by the OECD Development Centre to facilitate the exchange and improve the knowledge on gender equality-related issues around the world. A particular focus lies on gathering empirical evidence and identifying adequate statistics to measure gender equality. Based on the work of the OECD Gender, Institutions and Development Data Base, Wikigender aims to highlight the importance of social institutions such as norms, traditions and cultural practices that impact on women's empowerment.

World AIDS Day Campaign Kit (2007)
For World AIDS Day 2008, GYCA is partnering again with World AIDS Campaign to coordinate youth-led World AIDS Day events worldwide. This year’s theme is leadership: which gives you an opportunity to highlight youth leadership through a wide range of possible activities in your community. Last year, GYCA mobilized its powerful network and members organized 50 events in 30 countries.1 This year, we are hoping to target more youth in more countries to “Take the Lead” in ending the spread of HIV! Focusing on our theme of leadership, you can organize an event that best suits the needs of your own community. It could be a networking meeting, a training, a film screening, a panel discussion, a letter writing session to public officials on a particular issue, a protest of a bad policy, program, or human rights abuse, a fundraiser, a volunteer service day at a clinic or hospice, or whatever else you think would work well in your community. We hope that this kit, together with the enclosed materials from World AIDS Campaign, will help make your event a success!

World Health Report 2008
World Health Report calls for return to primary health care approach. It called for the critical assessment of the way that health care is organized, financed, and delivered in rich and poor countries around the world. The WHO report documents a number of failures and shortcomings that have left the health status of different populations, both within and between countries, dangerously out of balance. “The World Health Report sets out a way to tackle inequities and inefficiencies in health care, and its recommendations need to be heeded,” said WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan at the launch of the report in Almaty, Kazakhstan. “A world that is greatly out of balance in matters of health is neither stable nor secure.” The report, titled Primary health care – now more than ever, commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Alma-Ata International Conference on Primary Health Care held in 1978. That event was the first to put health equity on the international political agenda.

World Savvy Monitor
The World Savvy Monitor offers an in-depth examination of one issue or region bi-monthly in an easy-to-read and objective format. Each edition represents diverse perspectives from more than 100 sources and includes an issue overview, historical context, key domestic and international player profiles, list of upcoming events/milestones, hot topic discussion questions, professionally developed classroom-companion exercises and World Savvy Salon guides (for potential community-wide discussions).

YES - Framework for Action
This report contains a framework for action on how to create more employment opportunities for young people. It focuses on five E's: Employability, Employment Creation, Equity, Entrepreneurship, and Environmental Sustainability.

The YES – Employment Policy Review aims to review the impact of the policy on the lives of youths based solely on their perception on opportunities in the past 3 years.

YFCI Newsletter Topics
What the topics for the newsletter should be, guidelines, etc. This letter was written to the Ambassadors of YFCI.

YouCAN Newsletter
Feature article on the Advocacy training for youth leaders and launch of Regional YouCAN.

Youth Action Ambassador Application
YPWC is entirely run and operated by university-aged young people, called Youth Action Advocates. We are not an organization under the umbrella of a larger NGO, business, or network. We operate entirely thanks to a volunteer staff of young people. The Youth Action Ambassadors act as the core leadership of Young People We Care (YPWC) –we do everything from respond to emails from youth involved to working with youth on the facets of the UN Millennium Development Goals and other global issues that affect youth. In general, we educate young people, inspire them and work with middle or high school age youth, fundraise to keep our organization afloat, teach youth around the world about the global issues including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), help design programs that empower youth to construct and implement service projects, and work on general infrastructure maintenance within the organization. It’s a team effort. On a weekly/monthly basis, we are tangibly making a difference in the lives of young people –that’s not a cliché, it’s a fact. Youth Action Ambassadors (YAAs) are essentially the volunteer staff of Young People We Care (YPWC). YPWC YAAs are not paid for their work –these are volunteer positions. By becoming an YPWC YAAs, you join a team of youth working hard to make a positive difference in the world. We are trying to do something that has never been done before!

Youth and MDGs E-consultation
The aim of this e-consultation was to engage youth around the MDGs and to survey various topics that relate to youth and the MDGs. Responses were used for the report "Youth and MDGs: Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation". The group and website now serves as a forum of discussion for youth worldwide on the topic of the MDGs.

Youth and the Millennium Development Goals
Young people ages 15 to 24 make up 1.2 billion of the world's human capital. Around the world, many of them are already making contributions to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and their work should be further acknowledged and strengthened. Increasingly, youth are recognized as key participants in decision-making and development, as reflected in the growing presence of non-governmental youth organizations and the upsurge of youth advisory boards and committees to international institutions and programs. Yet building the capacity of and creating sustained partnerships with young people are crucial strategies to achieveing the MDGs that have not been fully realized by the international community. This paper aims to provide an overbiew of youth participation as it currently exists, to outline the ways in which youth are directly affected by each Goal, to demonstrate how young people are contributing to the MDGs, and to provide 'Options for Action' that governments, the United Nations system, donors and other actors can harness, support, and scale-up in order to support young people in making significant contributions to achieving the MDGs.

Youth and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation
This report contains several recommendations on how young people can get further involved in MDG-related decision-making processes and projects. It was written by an international team of youth experts after a friendly challenge from Jeffrey Sachs during CSD-12.

Youth Consultations for a Post-2015 Framework: A Toolkit
This toolkit has been designed to facilitate conversations with young people around the world on the subject of the post-2015 development framework, i.e. what should follow the Millennium Development Goals. It has been put together with specific input from partners in Sierra Leone, India, Nepal, Colombia, the United Kingdom, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia, Kenya, Romania, the Philippines, Ghana and Tanzania, but could be used by any youth organisation in any country wishing to stimulate conversation about a new development framework and what that would look like for young people.

Youth Earth Plan
The Youth Earth Plan is a plan to address the global problems of the 21st century by creating necessary cultural and institutional changes. Young adults from around the world contributed to this plan in the hopes that our voices will be heard and that leaders will think about our generation and future generations when making decisions. The Youth Earth Plan includes: - A review and analysis of international outlook studies on the future of our economy, social conditions, peace/security, resources, and environment. - An assessment of our fundamental global challenge in the 21st century. - Requests that each of our culture-shaping institutions make specific changes.

Youth Leadership: Recommendations for Sustainability
GYCA, Advocates for Youth, aids2031, CHOICE, World AID Campaign, Youth Coalition, YouthRISE

Youth Need an AIDS Vaccine
An AIDS vaccine, used in combination with other prevention tools, will be uniquely suited to the needs of youth, but no prevention tool will protect young people if it is not designed to respond to their unique social, legal and cultural realities.

Zimbabwe National Youth Shadow Report 2008
GYCA UNGASS National Youth Shadow Reports

أم سلمونة تحتاج الى متطوعون يحبون فلسطين
يوم عمل ومساندة لاهالي أم سلمونه كل يوم من الان حتى 32/12/2009 تعريف : ام سلمونة تقع جنوب بيت لحم، محاطة بمستوطنتين، وهناك محاولات مستمرة من قبل المستوطنين للاستيلاء على اراضي القرية من أجل انشاء مقبرة يهودية قام صاحب الارض باستصدار امر من محكمة اسرائيلية لاستصلاح ارضه البالغة 226 دونم قبل تاريخ 30/12/2009 ، و اذا لم يتحقق هذا الشرط ستصادر و تصبح أراضي دولة قام المواطنون و بمساندة اللجنة الشعبية لمقاومة الجدار، ووزارة الزراعة بالبدء بالعمل على استصلاح هذه الارض منذ 9/11/2009 و ما تم انجازه الى الان هو 100 دونم فقط، وهم بحاجة الى اليد العاملة لمساعتدهم على استصلاح المساحة الباقية خلا فترة لا تتجاوز ثلاثة اسابيع. يطلب اهال القرية المساندة وتقديم العون لهم طول هذه الفترة لانجاز العمل المطلوب و العمل على حماية الارض. ماذا تستطيع أن تقدم: 1. انشر الخبر بين اصدقاء اينما كانوا 2. التطوع بالعمل في اراضي القرية التي تحتاج لمتطوعين بشكل يومي 3. التبرع باشتال زيتون، اشجار لوزيات ( الاشجار المعمرة) 4. ادوات الزراعة ..يوجد نقص بادوات الزراعة فمن المناسب ان تتبرع بها الوصول الى مكان تجمع المتطوعين امام سينما بيت لحم الساعة 9 صباحا

الإحتفال باليوم العالمي للتطوع
قسم المتطوعين بالامانة العامة لجمعية الهلال الأحمر السوداني

برنامج الانسجام التشاركي
الرسالة الإخبارية رقم 35 جمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة برنامج الانسجام ألتشاركي الشبابية , ' وحدة البحث و التطوير " 31 مارس 2007 تقوم جمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة و مجموعة من الجمعيات في العديد من البلدان العربية و الإفريقية و الآسيوية , في مجال التعاون الشبابي جنوب جنوب . وقد ثم تفعل ميدانيا العديد من الأنشطة في تلك الدوال , إعلان عن إطلاق مبادرة الانسجام ألتشاركي الشبابية. هي عبارة عن خمس مراكز حوارية شبابية عربية و هي مغربية مصرية, مغربية أردنية, مغربية جزائرية. مغربية بحرينية , مغربية فلسطيينة . ونتاج عن هده العديد من اللقاءات و المبادرات المشتركة مابين جمعيات تلك البلدان. . و مراكز حوارية شبابية افريقية, مغربية سنغالية, مغربية ايفورية رسالة وحدة الحوار الشبابية المغربية المصرية مشروع الانسجام ألتشاركي الشبابي المغربي المصري مند مارس 2005. يعمل فريق من الشباب المغربي التابع لجمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة, وأكثر من 10 جمعيات شبابية في مصر. على العمل على مشروع يسمى الحوار الشبابي المغربي المصري, و الذي نتاج عنه زيارات متبدلة, و تقوم تلك الجمعيات على مساعدة و تنظيم زيارات إلى الشباب المغربي إلى العديد من مؤسسات و المحافضات على مستوى جمهورية مصر العربية, و في نفس الوقت تساعد جمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة على تنظيم زيارات لشباب المصري, لتعرف على تجارب الشبابية الناجحة في المغرب. ومند 2005 إلى 2007, ثم إرسال و استقبال العديد من شباب كلتا البلدين, و الخروج بمشاريع شبابية و مبادرات مشتركة. و مؤخرا في جامعة القاهرة, قم فريق من جمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة بزيارة المستشار الثقافي السابق لسفارة المغرب بمصر, و حاليا في عمادة جامعة القاهرة, و الذي قم بمجهدات كبيرة انطلاقا من المركز الثقافي المصري بالرباط. وقم فريق من الجمعية بتكريمه على مجهدات التي قما بها, وكانت فرصة للقاء كبير مابين شباب الجمعية وطلبة جامعة القاهرة. وقمت جمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة, خلال مشاركة أعضاء الجمعية في مؤتمر الشباب العربي و الإصلاح, و منتدى الإصلاح العربي, بعرض تقييم عن مبادرة الشبابية مابين البلدين, وقد استحسنت من طرف شرائح مختلفة من الشباب المصري, وقد تم استقبال فريق من الجمعية من طرف السفير المغربي في جمهورية مصر العربية, و اطر السفارة المغربية في مصر. وقام فريق الجمعية بزيارة إلى عديد من مؤسسات المختلفة في مصر وزيارة إلى مناطق نائية في مصر, و التطوع مع الناس و الاحتكاك مباشر معهم. وقد ثم تأسيس تنسيقية لجمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة بمصر, لتصبح للجمعية 11 تنسيقية خارج المغرب. وثم تأسيس التنسيقة في في 13 مارس بالقاهرة. وقد توجه محمد الهرا مكلف بالبحث و التطوير داخل جمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة في 31 مارس إلى مصر, من اجل إنجاز ريبورتاج حول تأملات الشباب المصري عن تجاربهم الجميلة في المغرب. و التنسيقيات الحالية للجمعية خارج المغرب, بكل من فرنسا – السنغال – أمريكا – مصر – البحرين- الجزائر-الأردن- فلسطين –أسبانيا – هولندا – ألمانيا.

تجنيد المتطوعين
دليل حول الاعمال التطوعية وحشد المتطوعين

تغير المناخ، الطاقة والأغذية
يناقش المواضيع التالية التخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ والتكيف معه في مجالات الزراعة والغابات ومصايد الأسماك 2 - تغير المناخ والتنوع الحيوي للأغذية والزراعة 3 - الطاقة الحيوية والأمن الغذائي 4 - تغير المناخ وإدارة مخاطر الكوارث 5 - تغير المناخ ومصايد الأسماك وتربية الأحياء المائية 6 - تغير المناخ، الوقود الحيوي والأراضي 7 - تغير المناخ والآفات والإمراض العابرة للحدود 8 - تغير المناخ والمياه والأمن الغذئي

تقرير جمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة
التقرير المفتوح لأعوام 2003-2007

تقرير لأحد اعضاء جمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة في تجاور في الأردن

تقرير لمهمة محمد هرا في مصر
تقرير عن برنامج في مصر لجمعية تفلتواز حياة جديدة و في اطار الانسجام التشاركي الشبابي المغربي المصري

تمويل العمل الخيري العربي ومؤسساته
1- مفهوم تمويل العمل الخيري 2- مصادر تمويل العمل الخيري 3-وضع مؤسسات الخير العربي المانحة والمتلقية 4-وضع الجمعيات الخيرية في ظل العولمة

دعوة للتأمل في المبادرات الشبابية
يعمل سفر على توفير موارد (كتاب وفيلم) باللغة العربية حول المبادرات الشبابية والعمل المجتمعي والمفاهيم المرتبطة بها من خلال اللقاءات الإقليمية وغيرها. تبني هذه الموارد وتكمل على ما هو موجود للشباب في الوطن العربي لتساهم في إغناء تجاربهم وتأملاتهم في المبادرات، سواءاً كان ذلك من خلال ترجمة أو إعادة طباعة أو إنتاج مطبوعات أو أفلام حول ذلك. وقد قام سفر بإصدار مورد حول تأملات الشباب في تجاربهم في المبادرات الشبابية والعمل المجتمعي و توثيق تأملاتهم تحت عنوان "دعوة للتأمل بالمبادرات الشبابية بالوطن العربي" والذي سيكون فى عملية تطوير مستمرة من خلالكم ومن خلال تأملاتكم. يمكنكم أن تكتبوا لنا وجهة نظركم و/أو خبرتكم وسوف نقوم بإدماجها في المورد.

دليل اعداد الحملات في المنظمات الاهلية
طرق وآليات تنظيم حملات الترويج والتوعية والمناصرة

دليل التدريب على النوع الاجتماعي وحقوق المرأة
عن قضايا النوع الاجتماعي وحقوق المراة

دليل الممارس التنموي في : تكوين وادارة المنظمات الطوعية
الجزء الأول: مفاهيم تنظيم المجتمع الجزء الثاني: تكوين تنظيمات المجتمع القاعدي الجزء الثالث: إدارة المنظمات الطوعية

دليل الممارس التنموي في الترويج و تكوين المجموعات
الجزء الأول: الممارس التنموي و تكوين المجموعات الجزء الثاني: مراحل و خطوات تكوين المجموعات الجزء الثالث: عناصر بناء المجموعات

دليل الممارس التنموي في تقييم الوضع و التخطيط بالمشاركة
الجزء الأول: تقييم الوضع بالمجتمع المحلي الجزء الثاني: أساليب وأدوات منهجية التعلم والعمل بالمشاركة الجزء الثالث: التخطيط بالمشاركة

ماحق شباب
ملحق شباب جريدة الدستور

مساندة حقوق الأطفال من خلال التعليم، الفنون، والإعلام: مجموعة تعليمية (النسخة العربية)
Arabic version. The SCREAM programme offers a unique opportunity to engage a wide range of communiy actors and organizations in the promotion of social justice and universally recognized human and labour rights. For more information see: http://www.ilo.org/ipec/Campaignandadvocacy/Scream/index.htm

დიდი წიგნი
დიდი წიგნი დამზადებულია საქართველოს ეროვნებათშორისი ურთიერთობებისა და სამოქალაქო ინტეგრაციის ცენტრის მიერ გამოცემული სიუჟეტური ბარათების მიხედვით.