the millennium development goals
goal 7 |
ensure environmental sustainability |
Caring for and sustaining the environment does more than benefit our consciences - it affects our health. The water we drink, the fields we cultivate, and the food we grow all come from the earth, and it is our responsibility to nourish it. A person's health and well being are endangered by gutted natural resources and toxic living conditions. This is particularly true in the developing world where: 1.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, 2.4 billion people lack access to toilets, and 2 million children die every year from infections spread by dirty water or the lack of toilets.
Goal 7 aims to improve the way we manage the environment so that natural resources people need to survive will be available to future generations. There is a strong link between poverty and the environment as poor people, especially in least developed countries, are more dependent on agriculture and natural resources and are thus often the most severely affected by the pollution or destruction of them.
Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs and reverse the losses of environmental resources.
By 2015, reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.
By 2020, achieve significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers. Managing and protecting the environment contribute greatly to reaching the other Goals.
only with
your voice
how youth are affected and involved |
Youth must contribute to environmental sustainability for the simple reason that it affects their lives today and their futures. Young people can increase environmental awareness and activism in their own communities through formal and informal education such as using media to get their message out. They can participate in water action teams and sanitation projects with the goal of cleaning up one community at a time. Youth can also realize their potential by become social and environmental entrepreneurs - innovators and much needed leaders for struggling communities.
Many youth gain their understanding of environmental issues through media and technology. These methods should be recognized as effective and important ways to educate young people.
Furthermore, youth must be consulted by decision-makers and bring fresh ideas to planning and action committees at the local and global levels. In return, youth environmental leaders from developing countries must be supported and encouraged to attend international conferences and be involved in UN environmental processes.
How would you get involved? Visit our Action page for ideas that suit you!
For more on Goal 7 please visit:
Millennium Campaign Youth Site
Millennium Campaign
World Bank
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