We connect across cultures, continents, and backgrounds to build dynamic teams and programmes for our members around the world. We are constantly striving to bring in new voices, cultures and perspectives into our work.
Our Theory of Change is inspired by the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber, who believes that there are four areas (quadrants) where progressive development can occur: Interior Individual, Exterior Individual, Interior Collective, and Exterior Collective. By participating in our programmes and projects, young people move along through each quadrant to create a well-rounded global citizen.
We help develop a sense of social responsibility and awareness of global issues, as well as build capacity among youth, regardless of their placement across the spectrum of engagement.
We provide engaged youth with the access to global opportunities, building their skills and creating a sense of belonging to a community of other actively engaged youth.
We strengthen global social movements by collaborating with other organizations to ensure youth participate and become key stakeholders in these efforts.
We impact shared values through our involvement in global social movements, ultimately influencing attitudes and behaviours towards creating a more sustainable world.
We offer grants, fellowships and mentorship for young social entrepreneurs. We facilitate sector-wide knowledge sharing and mapping of youth-led initiatives.
We facilitate interactive learning experiences that drive student engagement. We offer professional learning experiences and resources for educators.
We collaborate with artists to develop content and resources that inspire community engagement, and strengthen the capacity of youth development organizations.
Our programs give global youth and their allies the tools they need to get inspired, informed and involved in their local and global communities. Both in and outside the classroom, we ensure that all young people have a place to explore and grow their interests.
Below you'll find a chart outlining how our 2021-22 Fiscal Year Expenses of $12,171,564 were allocated across programs. Have any questions, or wish to contribute to a program? Contact us!