by Jose Menacho Galiano
Published on: Jan 30, 2003
Type: Opinions

People spend more and more of their lives in front of a TV set. The revolution of the mass media began since TV entered in our homes. News, TV programs, movies, live events, TV spots, etc., changed dramatically our view of the world and the focus of a new culture and way of living.

This type of communication brought instant codes of paradigms. What is good or bad depends only in the opinions of people. This magic box transformed the world system and now broadcasters are the most influential people of society.

If you take a glance in the past you can see what has changed in people since TV’s invasion. New habits, new music, new type of delinquency, new frontiers, the bad and the good and new cultures were established in our way of living. The influence of this gadget in modern men has been enormous and I think it is a forerunner of "Globalization".

Nowadays the internet and multimedia brings new fields of manipulation in the thoughts and senses of worldwide population. It can be really dangerous considering who may be in the backstage of these types of electronic or data power.

Lot of defenders says "It's up to you", you decide and you have the control, but what about the masses? The people that believe only in what they watch.

The extreme materialism arrives when you only perceive one side. You probably are in this world for one reason, you have to make yourself this question and ask your self: Who am I?

Take care of living the Vida, but don't allow others to drive your life.

Watch TV, but don't believe in all it shows!


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