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Considerations for the War on Iraq: Australia’s Involvement Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Lisa, Australia Jan 29, 2003
Peace & Conflict   Opinions


• Iraq will now have the best excuse (perhaps in the history of Saddam Hussein’s reign) to use its purported weaponry of mass destruction, including an alleged arsenal of biological weapons, for its intended purpose.
• While the UN is often criticised and clearly does not achieve as much as we would like it to, it is in essence the most fair, democratic and all-inclusive organisation to discuss, regulate and legislate about many aspects of our world today at an independent international level. For any democratic nation like the US, the UK or Australia to undermine this institution by invading Iraq is a catastrophe and a direct threat to the central principles of democracy.
• Finally, and perhaps most distressingly, innocent Iraqi civilians (as well as soldiers, loyal and conscripted) already living in conditions of terrible poverty will be in an even worse situation and of course the death toll could be of huge proportions compared to the Gulf War in the early 1990s. With the knowledge that over 40% of these innocent civilians are children – that is, the future – it is even more distressing.Some final points to ponder

• Yes, many people not supporting Australia becoming involved in this war agree that Saddam Hussein is a cruel and evil leader and that the Iraqi people don’t deserve to suffer any longer under his dictatorship. However, the assumption that war can depose Saddam Hussein and bring a better life to Iraqis is very questionable. Even if this assumption proves correct, does this really justify declaring a war against Iraq?
• Is it not the case in most dictatorships today that the people suffer among other things terrible breaches of human rights? So why Iraq? It is illogical to use this argument to justify a war specifically against Iraq.
• Considering how this war will utterly undermine the power of the UN we must ask ourselves, do we prefer the world to be regulated by the US or the UN?
• Australia has a precedent for joining the US in an illegal invasion to further US foreign interests. It was called Vietnam. Most Australians agree, especially Vietnam veterans, that this was a huge mistake on the part of the US government for invading at all and on the part of the Australian government for supporting it. Why are both governments set on repeating this mistake thirty years on?
• Finally, believe it or not, there are actually viable alternatives to war when it comes to bringing about significant changes in our world such as disarming a rogue nation like Iraq. Should we really assume that invading Iraq is the only way to avoid an Iraqi invasion of the world (and improve the standard of life for Iraqi civilians)?

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The outcome - generally speaking
Laurent Straskraba | Jan 30th, 2003
well, weighing benefits and threats for Australia and the US is somehow reasonable. but to me it means much more than that - a violence against human rights and international law resp. treaties. what does it mean when there is no one-on-one basis of war but an area-approach? innocent people will die, just because of the fact that they have their homes there. and what do we do with refugees? send them back, telling them that we cat help them or that we don

Iraq and war
Kai Boh | Feb 22nd, 2004
yes it is terrible, yes it is destructive, and people are going to die. but, the outcome is beneficial. we have disposed of a dictator, a tyrannical leadership which has persecuted the people of Iraq. If good men do not act, then evil will survive. sometimes war is necessary. perhaps the reason that america put forward for invading iraq were wrong, but the outcome is right. perhaps innocent people have been killed in this situation. but thousands have been saved. here's a situation. you have the power to cure every single disease in the entire world but the price for this is that you must kill a single innocent child, could you kill that child? as chilling as it may sound i would kill that child and would live with that for the rest of my life. why? because it is the greater good. This war is the greater good. the sacrifice of a few to save the majority. the death toll is nothing compared to what has gone before in iraq. terroists may now try to strike at western nations, but the point of terroism is fear. fear of what you do in your daily lives. the only way we can stop it, is by taking it head on. the positives of this war far outweigh the negatives. we are not acting like barbarians. we are acting, for the greater good. frankly i dont give a damn about human rights and international law. i do however care about what is right and what will do the greatest good. You probably now think that im heartless and in such a matter, i sure as hell am. but it is the greatest good. to those that have lost their lives..thankyou. rest in peace.

Kai Boh | Feb 24th, 2004
perhaps. but as i said before, the reasons that the US gave for invading iraq were not the most justifiable. but the result of the war, is beneficial overall. now we are getting onto a totally different topic. terroism. how do u combat terroism? what can you do to prevent it? these terroists are driven for a purpose which is not real but in their minds, is. are you saying that we should let them kill us? let them hit us with weapons of mass destruction which they may already have. you aern't going to stop terroists by giving them what they want. that just makes them think they can do whatever they want and we will not retaliate. we need to show them that we stand ready to fight them. that we will give as good as we get. this is the only way to defend against terroism. just a thought. what if we made it so that is they did anything to us, we would do something to them ten times worse. no pity, no mercy, take no quarter. play terroists, at their own game. "they bomb the church we bomb ten. they hijack a plane, we take out an airport. they kill western tourists we tactically nuke an entire city." doing this, resulting in the halt of terroist attacks for fear of retaliation. what countries do you think will harbour terroist organizations once they have realised what the people terroists are targetting will do? The only thing, that evil needs to prosper is for good men to do nothing.

War with Iraq
Noel E Cain | Apr 11th, 2004
I was always of the opinion that Saddam had to be controlled from his excesses in some way. I suppose the invasion of Iraq was one way of achieving this end and did indeed prove effective. Now I also said that the invasion of Iraq would open a can of worms that would be difficult to control. I have been proven right. I also had grave doubts of the sincerity of the USA in its stated reasons for the invasion of Iraq. I always throught that the motives of the USA would have been more acceptable in the 1991 conflict if the liberation of the Iraqi citizens was persued to conclusion at that time. In the recent invasion, there was always a suspicion of ulterior motives below the surface. These suspicions have not really been allayed to this day i.e. the control of oil fields and the wealth derived therefrom. Having said that, I also was not totally agreeable of Australian troops being involved in the conflict which seemed to arise out of the atrocities of the 11th September, 2001. Having entered into the conflict, I believe that Australia must see the task through come what may. Conversely, it can be opined that Australia had no choice but to join the coalition of the willing with the USA in the conflict. Our close ties with the USA must be sustained in order to ensure our survival in this epoch. Really, we cannot pick and choose just where and when we support the USA particularly when one considers the threat presented to the rest of the free world outside the USA by the events of 11th September, 2001. In all of this, I totally agree with the post immediately preceding this i.e. "The only thing evil needs in order to succeed is for good men to do nothing!" This is a well hackneyed phrase, but none-the-less true. Obviously there were no inanimate weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq, but I suggest to the reader that Saddam himself, as far as the ordinaary citizenary of Iraq was concerned, was a weapon of mass destruction in his own personage. This force has not been neutalized. How to bring democracy and peace to Iraq is a problem that will have to be solved by a far wiser mind than mine.

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