by Irena Curin | |
Published on: Jan 24, 2003 | |
Topic: | |
Type: Opinions | | | |
NEW CIVIL SOCIETY INSTITUTIONS AND PERMANENT MONITORING SYSTEM FOR A NEW CONFIDENCE AND TRUST BASED ON EQUAL CHANCES By asymetry of informations and unnecessary complicated relations in the world, the trust has been eroded far beyond the corporate sector. Croatian National Youth Council, empowered by life long experience in combined fields of Economics, Management and Accounting of Croatian scientiest Dr. Milan Juranovic (method of teaching that will enhance youth empowerment worldwide is fully described in the U.S. Patent No. 6,375.466 B1, Apr. 23, 2002) and led by messages from Ministers responsible for youth at the 1st World Conference held in Lisbon, Portugal 1998, developed Concept of Youth as Financial Resource and Global Banking Potential. The Concept was presented in 2001 on Global Employment Forum organized by ILO. Young people everywhere are key agents for social change, economic development and technological innovation. Public policy aimed to human well being need a new monitoring system. In a new computing-age and information society more complete, transparent and permanent information is possible by use of IST. World Youth Bank Network, as institution of civil society based on mentioned Concept, represent synergy of civil, business and governmental sector with intenttion to prepare young people for the challenges to become change leaders by seeking and understanding of the existing mindset and by identifying discontinuity as a key vehicle for opportunities to take pro-active policies for full sustainable employment and managable sustainable development agenda. It is hard to believe that trust can be re-established in current institutions. Without trust we don't believe that well-being of our common One World Society is possible. New age bring us new challenges and new opportunities. We in the Croatian National Youth Council believe that the right time has come for the new civil society institutions for mututal cooperation, one big step forward to apply deep inetelectuality of nature on the road to Autopoiesis. Today's economy and social relations are not sustainable any more. Face of discontinuity which we saw on September 11th is too horrible to postpone the posibillity of a selfcreating-elements process and theirs relations by creating of networks which are selfreproductive. In honestly traying, empowered by knowledge, permanent monitoring system and transparency, to reach Autopoiesis in economy and global governance, we could be much closer to the solution of our emerging problems. Efficient public-private partnerships could contribute to the UN Global Compact and the Millennium Development Goals. Irena Curin, B.Sc.(Econ) Secretary General Croatian National Youth Council, President Croatian Youth Bank OrgCom, « return. |