Published on: Jan 21, 2003
Type: Opinions

Every individual has his or her own definition for what life is. I believe that life is unique in one way or the other. Life is an opportunity to see things differently and do things differently. In life, there will surely be failures but a failure does not mark the end of the world but it is an opportunity to correct yourself and learn from past your mistakes.
Life is like a theatre stage where different actors and actresses come to perform to an audience (which is the world). Any actor or actress who does stage acting will surely testify that it is not an easy task trying to please different people who have different tastes and likes. May people may applaud you when you perform but others may not be pleased with you because of the way these people see things. It is common to see people booing performers at concerts because they are not pleased with their performances. Such is life. People will either applaud you or boo you but it up to you to accept your mistakes and correct them. Life is full of ups and downs but people who believe in themselves and are ready to accept all the two conditions will always perform their best on the stage of life. Do your best at every performance so that you can merit applause from your audience.
Life can also be likened to dancing to the tune of music. A wrong step may prompt the people around you to criticize you whereas a well-performed one merits praises and applause. In life, only the skilful dancers are rewarded. It is up to every dancer who wants something good for himself to rehearse and do his best at mastering his or her dancing steps so as to merit a reward one day. All I have to tell you is that it is entirely up to you the dancer to master your steps and dance so as a merit a reward. That is to say that, in anything you find yourself doing, do it with all you have so that you will be recognized and respected by everyone for your commitment and perhaps be rewarded.
Life is also like driving a car. A wrong turn can bring about an accident and perhaps land you in police custody as punishment. Any wrong and senseless move made by the driver can also cause others to loose their lives. In life, it may not necessarily mean that lives may be lost because of your actions but most of the time many feelings are hurt and this alone can cause people to shun you. Being rejected by your own friends because of your actions that have so much hurt them is more than imprisonment. It put you in a position where no one is ready to accept you as a friend or family. The rejection alone is enough to tell you that you need to reconsider what you did and go back and apologize to them. No one is an island unless you make yourself one. Whenever you are going to do something, think about over and over again because some decisions can put you into very uncomfortable positions. If you know that you are not good at making good decisions for yourself then I think you just have to tell someone you trust and you believe can help you. In short, drive carefully for life is too short to be lost.
Finally, life can be likened to listening to a lecture in a lecture hall. Over there you should know that there are other people who are seated there listening attentively because they want to make it big one day. You should also know that there is great challenge ahead of you if you hope to make good grades. It depends greatly on the one being lectured to put all jokes aside and listen carefully to what is being said and pick the vital points from it. In life, people may advice you but it greatly depends on whether you listen and accept their advices or not. it is up to you the one being offered the advice to determine whether you are on the wrong side o on the tight side so that you can digest what is being told you. You should never undermine a person because of his or her age. We are all equally important and most of the time, the greatest ideas lie in the heads of children but you cannot get them when you do no listen to them
You are being tested in life but you are like a soldier who remains fighting when all other soldiers have fled for their lives. Fight a good fight with all you strength because one day when you are being decorated, you will look at yourself and say that. “I made it to the top?E It is not easy being the last soldier when all the rest have fled the battlefield but it is of quality of a good soldier. Life takes determination and great zeal but he who lacks these is as good as dead. Let us all remember that it is through joint effort that we can survive the war of life. As it is always said, “unity is strength?E Let us try to discover and appreciate the strength in others and as we do that we shall also discover ours as well.

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