by aGn
Published on: Oct 22, 2006
Type: Short Stories

she haunts you in your dreams she carves out a space for herself in the midst of your chaos she is the definition the temptation the degradation the reclassification the totality of everything you cannot be you wait for her in the dark you wipe your sweat and dry your tears and wash your hands repeatedly for psychiatrists must have specific causes to diagnose this fatal obsession she is the light the dark the interplay of gray in your moments of madness she is the caressing touch of winter in the scorching summer deathline you bleed for her you burn you wait you twist and turn you lacerate and break and recover everything you gave in hopes of quiet salvation you unite and divide you fall in love and wake in hate you kiss and kill and breathe at will you have everything in front of you and nothing behind the past is a blank slate left unwritten revised in memory rectified of all truths that matter the present is the moment the moment when you love her cherish her presence crave her desire her need her want her see her feel her know her stack her knowledge in shelves like volumes of ecyclopaedias carve her statue on wood and display it in windows of prominent shops in city markets she waits sometimes in expensive clothes sells you the eternal facts and wonders of liberation and beauty wants you to be a footnote in the magnum opus of the century’s greatest woman writer takes you to the heights of experience and plunges into the depths of sorrow only the other can know you are a trembling fool an intelligent sociopath climbing the mountains of willingness you chain her to her form and bind her to ancestors forever oppressed by figures of ignorance you claim your life for her you are a heathen who has betrayed his masculine roots and thrown himself into the politics of womanhood can god or goddess save your soul is your soul in need of being saved are you happy in the new life of equality you have found for yourself it's easier for men to become women than for women to become men because at least men who become women were men once and know what it is like to cause violence in defense of a realm that has no rationale for defense to begin with sometimes you meet her and you think of happy childhood days sometimes you meet her and you think of bones in the seabed rising to meet the challenge of countless explorers you are planets in the solar system you are crystals of narcotic floating in the universe turn on turn off lead here lead there you wait for her you call for her you think you know all there is to know about hyenas in the ravaged forests of the earth as the environment eats into the bowels of the universe and creates new intestines for digestion of catastrophe sometimes by the light of the moon the world descends into madness in those moments she haunts your mind and captures your thoughts you hate to say goodbye to her in the morning you hate to say hello to her at night you hate to have her sit next to you and remove herself from your presence at your slightest touch she takes you and makes you she turns you into a monster she forces you to become what you are not she laughs in your face she mocks your accent you kneel down in front of her in honour and in anger you kneel down in front of her and surrender every fragment of poetry worth preserving in the dark corners of your mind for the time you might have to endure a holocaust and reproduce verses to prove the age old myth of poetry surviving the ashes of human bones touching the sky in their blackening sorrow what are you what is she what is the virtue of sin the sin of virtue the competence of technology is great in this epoch of mass death and mass cult formations and mass conversions to the assembly line productions of culture and health and youth and music and all the other things they leave to the conscience of the individual in the free world of choice where real choice lies in which shoe you buy for what price and what ideals you preserve ahead of others that might damage your public image and leave you a hypocrite on the steps of the whitehouse staring into another controversy involving global terror networks and the many desires of freedom at the end of the day you write down thoughts you pen down dreams you type out factoids from twenty four hours not worth remembering she does not care for people who cannot make up their minds and when they do they do not follow the right path not one of righteousness but one of voices of independence that guide into the eternal dungeons of salvation and retribution you sit on either side of a mirror and stare at each other’s reflections through the glass wondering when the laws of science creep in to destroy this human moment you hear the gates close and the rains arrive lashing and lacerating windows drenching the remaining hours of the present as you contemplate with her on the other side of the glass wall the meaning of nothing in particular the meaning you contend is not always for everyone to see sometimes a sane woman produces a work of utter madness sometimes an insane woman creates a logical structure imperialists adore sometimes all structures dissolve and dazzling if half-hearted efforts are made at fusing forms well known to womankind the result being something like this if not quite

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