by Finn
Published on: Sep 24, 2001
Type: Opinions

What happened WAS a tragedy, no one deserves to be murdered, not ever. On the other hand there is a lot of biased talk going around, most of it being centred on the Arab people and Islam. This is not only unjust and worrying, it is another tragedy. People are already pointing fingers, and are often so careless they will simply denounce entire peoples. We are trying to build a better world here, everyday it seems someone to throwing spanners in the works, but right now everybody is just losing it.

As a great number of people know the US is responsible of doubles politics, I have done a lot of research into them, they are not good at all. Their arms to Iraq program, their arms deals, double politics. But none of that stops what happened being a tragedy, people DIED, that is always tragic, now matter where they come from or what they believe.

The attack scared the west beyond what they will accept. What is now occurring is a mass panic from a people who thought they were invincible, people who thought they were safe.

It is rare for the west to see what life is like for so many people in so called '3rd world' states (a bad term, as we are all in the same world here). This attack was so successful because it forced itself onto the west, it made them realise this world is not a bright shiny place.

War can never solve the problems of the world, only extend them, but that will not stop terrorism from continuing. Those attack will herald a new age of war. They proved how much power could be taken from the so-called super powers. The object of terrorism is to terrorise. The world is afraid. The terrorists that carried out the attack have already succeeded this time, look at the rifts in our societies that are appearing already.

This is not war, as we know it. War by definition is open conflict. There is nothing at all open about this conflict, we don’t even know who the combatants are. It’s us VS ourselves.

In spite of this, the other day the government of the United States of America began to talk about war. A war on terrorism seems a good idea, targeting small groups of people with extreme precision, (one wonders why they did not start years ago, the answer is 'politics of greed'), then President Bush called up the reserves. Now I have great respect for the US armed forces, however using the army to fight terrorism is like using a chainsaw to perform heart surgery, it does not work, not at all. Suddenly Bush’s 'war on terrorism' lost the terrorism part and just became war, now that scares me. War is bad, many reasons, one being the fact that there are a great number of people in the area who are not at all connected to terrorism and have no wish in seeing war and then there is the direct war part. Anyone else noticed the lack on senior army officials on TV lately giving their opinion on invading Afghanistan? Has anyone in Washington DC talked to the them for that matter? Has anyone asked the Russians what happened when they invaded Afghanistan?????? If this war is allowed to happen thousand more people will DIE, from bullets, shrapnel, and explosions. THIS WAR MUST BE STOPED BEFORE IT STARTS.

What happened was evil, murder is evil, murder of anyone. But about all those dead what struck me most about this issue was the effect. One night when I talked to my little brother back home in New Zealand he said very simply "I’m scared". I don’t want by brother to be scared, he’s just a child, he lives in New Zealand, we have never attacked without first being attacked, never carried out polices to hit another nations without trying to save others. But why should anyone ever have to be afraid, why should people be murdered for reasons they do not understand.

I totally condemn what happen, it was evil. My heart goes out to all hurt by this, all. I am worried, very worried, maybe even scared. This must not be allow to happen again, it must be stopped.

The world will try to bring the people behind this to justice, but that will not solve the problem. The problem is not simple, it is a problem of society, we must begin to look for ways to solve these problems that plague our society, not as nations, but as one people. If we fail now events like what has happened will happen again and again, and on greater scales. People will continue to die. People in the Americans, in Europe, in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific, the problems are for our world, this event has caused the world to sit up and look. It is a pity it took such a terrible thing. If the press reports it or not, if we care to know or not, these will continue unless nations get down of their high horses and we can begin to work together.

We, not as nations, but as a people, have a great many problems to confront. War must not be allowed to destroy our hopes and dreams.

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