by foy franklin
Published on: Aug 21, 2006
Type: Opinions


The Society of Humankind can claim to be unique in the extent to which it actively seeks and enthusiastically encourages both unity and diversity among and between its memberships. Others have too often asserted that human communities and organizations cannot be both unified and diverse. Indeed, some commentators claim that the one must be the enemy of the other. How is it then, that the Society of Humankind is able to reconcile these two very different principles of human social life?
The answer begins with an understanding of the aim of the society and the effort to maintain and promote the social conditions that make an achievement of that Aim possible. The Dogma of the society sets out the social conditions required for the achievement of the Society's Aim. It asserts that if the human species can survive into the infinite future under conditions that allow continuous growth in human knowledge and skills, then humankind will discover a means to extend life beyond death. On that Dogmatic base the Aim of the Society of Humankind is then developed by the addition of a commitment by the Society to extend that new gained freedom from oblivion to all past and future generations of humanity.
Clearly, neither the objective of the Dogma nor the Aim of the Society has yet been achieved. Equally clearly, and importantly for the purposes of this Topic, neither the Society nor anyone else can say when or how either will be accomplished, which is the situation faced by the Society of Humankind now and for the foreseeable future. All the Society can do in those circumstances therefore, is work to maintain the two conditions necessary to the achievement of its Aim. These could include the following;


First and crucially, is a basic understanding of WHO WE ARE AS HUMAN BEINGS? That is a revisit of our origin/creation. Since we need to know where we are coming from in order to know how to go further. This is very important because, the main division in the world today is due to the different ways in which different people understand the Supreme Being (God). That is, the fight against Islam and Christianity. This is because we are paying more attention on things that do not matter or matter very least. We cannot even fool our self that we are worshiping the same God, for God’s people will not be fighting with each other.
I have my own believe of who we are. I see each and every human being as a god created out of God. We are unique with special task. Ones religion should be to do good, which is possible my listening to that inner voice called the mind. We should sport paying attention to things that does not matter such as, who really is the Son of God? What is important is to accept God as a supreme being.

The second condition the Society seeks to maintain is that human knowledge and skills should grow continuously, remembering that neither the Society nor anyone else can predict what humanity will need to know, or be able to do, in order to discover a means for our species to extend life beyond death. That is so because the Society, in common with every individual member of the human species, has no attribute or ability enabling it to predict what knowledge it will have, or might develop in the future.
In addition, ensure the infinite survival of the human species. This is the primary condition for an achievement of the Aim of the Society for the simple reason that if we become extinct our knowledge and any plans we may have to make use of it die with us, whereas while we survive we can always have hope for the future. Unity among humanity is vital in seeking to ensure the infinite survival of the human species. The major, most immediate, and some say the only reliably foreseeable, threat to our continued existence as a species arises from the actions, decisions and behavior of our own kind. Any such threat that may arise from any other source is unlikely to discriminate, as we do, between differing types, cultures and communities in the human population, so it will probably unite us whether we will it or not. Hence any sensible or realistic program of action designed to ensure the infinite survival of our species must begin with the premise that we should do all we can to draw the whole of humanity cooperatively together into the effort.


The different ways in which people can be governed is due to the fact that humankind is very diverse. Therefore, the manner in which people are governed is a very important issue in installing unity weather national or international unity. Different groups of people have different cultures and tradition and hence should be governed in a unique way relative to their culture and tradition. For example, Cameroon regarded, as Africa in miniature, could be best govern as a Federal State rather than a Unitary State. Federalism is the best way of creating unity in a highly diverse society like the world. These show respect to the different groups and acknowledge their distinct nature. This is visible in the case of the U.S.A, Nigeria, that is, where the Universal laws are the one at its locality.

The highest environmental degradation, environmentalist should address is the level of degradation of the political biodiversity. It is common to hear international organizations preach democracy and good governance. It is even one of the millennium development goals.
The term good governance has been wrongly adopted to have a constant meaning in a highly diverse world. This is to say that, what the U.S.A preaches as good governance of the people of the United State is imposed to others of diverse cultures. This is a major problem of the world and should be re-addressed. Different people have different expectations from their leaders. For example, we Africans do not really pay emphasis on how many years someone may stay in office, but on what he or she has to offers. Hence a good leader could stay in office for life so far as he creates a suitable living environment. The term good governance should be seen as a variable, meaning different things to the different groups of people, thou should have a common characteristic of national development.
Secondly, democracy is imposed to be the best political system of governing people. This causes a lot of problem, because what a distinct group of people called democracy is imposed on another group of people. This is the major cause of war in the world today. Democracy means different things to different people, hence should be also seen as a variable with a common characteristic of national and international development. This explains the fact that, what the United State practice and preach as democracy, can hardly in install in Africa or the Middle East. For example, it is good democracy in U.S for a Child to stand against his own parents based on his right, but this is seen as an abomination in an Africa context. It is our tradition and culture that a child remains very submissive to his parents. That is African democracy.
Further more, democracy should not be seen as the only way or system in which people could be governed. Believe me or not Experiences have shown clearly that, some people need to be governed by dictators. Dictatorship can also be match with good governance. That is to say that the theory of good governance should not be limited only to democracy, but should extend to the different systems. If honest enough, Libya, under Col Gadafi is a clear proof of how dictatorship can be attributed to good governance and national development
Africa has suffered a lot in the quest of administering ‘’ foreign democracy’’ and this is what the Middle East will not wish to taste. It is a struggle against one’s immediate culture and traditions. We African where ruled and govern by chiefs, fons or Lamidos. They where not elected. (Anti-democracy).
Hence, unity between these diverse human society can be achieve by respecting the cultures, and traditions of the different society. They should initiate enervation of their own tradition if needed.


There is every need for this highly diverse society to communicate between each other in order to enhance relationship. This is because diversity is power; it brings together different ideals needed for nation building. This explains the strength of the United State due to its highly diverse society. Unity could be facilitating when communication in easy. That is if the different groups of people are able to understand each other. Setting out a Universal Language could make things easy. It will identify one as a citizen of the world. English stands better place, hence could be promoted. The aim of promoting English should not be as to show British influence but should be seen as a way of linking people together. It should be termed no man language. It should not come to replace anyone’s native language but enhance multilingualism. The native language of anyone should be seen as a personal pride.
Other activities that can enhance unity or create a network between people include; the Internet, telecommunication, tourism, sport etc. hence investor should pay much attention in such sectors that promotes unity.

There is just no way we could be talking about unity, that is, how the diverse people of the world could live together as one, when we are still separated with tide geographical boundaries. This is the major problem Africa is facing in establishing a united community of Africa. This is because after colonization, the colonial master installed boundaries that separated us; Africans from our brothers and sisters. Africa had no boundaries before colonization. We lived as one people;
We saw each other as a family member. We did not use words like uncle or aunty; rather we preferred to say my father’s brother or sister. This creates togetherness since one clearly see, how close we where. To create a United state of the world, we will need to live life at it fullest, that is, binned by a human right to live any where in the world. We should live as citizens of the world with the religion to do good. This will eliminate superiority and inferiority complexes, which are the major standing blocks to Unity.


Certain global issues have to be revisited in the manners in which there are approached. These issues include;

TERRORISM; The issue of terrorism is the called of concern to the citizens of the world. It is a global fight by many governments. It is very common, to hear Heads of States, International diplomats and citizens denounce terrorism. No one really ask what terrorism is all about. For sure no one was born a terrorist. Asked Bin Laden, what he wanted to be in future when he was a child, perhaps he will say a doctor. These are people like us with greed in them. They have a rude way of making their voice heard. The act of terrorism is not a fight between Islam and Christianity as some politician try to make it to be. It is a fight for freedom, respect, acknowledgement and acceptance. I am by no way supporting terrorism, their acts are devious, that crystal clear. But we have to accept the fact that someone’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.
The solution of this aspect of terrorism is to look at the foundation of the matter, rather than spending billions of dollars embarking on the so-called ‘’wars against terrorism’’. That is, the greed of these people carrying this devious arts. We should abolish the idiotic political principle that Government does not negotiate with terrorist. The government is for the people and has to negotiate with the people. If government do not negotiate with terrorism, then is enough reason to say that terrorism will never end,. This is because in this highly diverse world, some group of people will always feel disrespected, abandon etc.
Hence, terrorists are not out casts, there are people that need immediate attendance; there have much to offer for the world to be better. Moreover, the first terrorist of time was Nelson Mandela. Today he is seen as a symbol of unity, peace and love.

RECONCILATION; Humankind has a gift that many have abandon. That is, the gift of reconciliation. It is a very good quality needed for the world’s unity, but often taken for granted. The act of simple reconciliation has prevented some highly foreseeable catastrophes in the world. Come to think about what would have happened between the United State and Japan, if not of the fact that the United State accepted her fault and strived to reconcile with Japan. Or more still between Germany and Israel. Reconciliation is a major political tool that is very much less emphasized. It is no bad policy for the Governments to accept haven made mistakes and look forward to correct them. It solves a lot of problems.

Conclusively, a global stress on the above mentioned issues would create room for Unity to be established. Unity will solve many other world issues such as racism, corruption, discrimination, poverty etc. the respect of human rights will not need much emphasis, since every one will be seen as being 1/whole of the success of what/where ever he/she finds his/her selves.
Nevertheleast, it must be remembered that a united humanity is not an end in itself for the Society, it is a means to its Aim. It is not enough for the Society to preserve and unite the human species indefinitely. It must discover how to take advantage of human unity to find a means for human kind to free itself from the oblivion of death.

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