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Ubomi Life in Imizamu Yethu Printable Version PRINTABLE VERSION
by Marcia C. Schenck, United States Aug 9, 2006
Culture , Poverty , Human Rights   Opinions


AIDS is a sad reality in many of these families. Although free anti-viral drugs are now available at the clinic and every child learns about AIDS in school, it is hard to eradicate old prejudices and habits therefore AIDS is still on the rise. Many of the women live in abusive relationships and are often afraid to tell their partner their HIV status. The stigma attached to AIDS in the townships is still hard to bear. You also find everyday- heroes, such as families who themselves have very little and yet still take in AIDS orphans, or the women and men who fight the battle against the sale of drugs to local youth.
Drugs and alcohol are difficult problems in the community. Substance abuse escalates over the weekends, especially among young people. The school drop out rate is quite high because of peer pressure, gang violence and, last but not least, the influence of illegal substances. However, these dilemmas are not quite as problematic as they are in other areas with a weaker sense of community.
There are however many examples of success: Landiswa, a very bright 8 year old who already attends grade three and spends hours and hours reading to me. Nandipha has decided that she do not need to marry, but would rather earn her own money and be independent, something she is so far very successfully doing: She works and studies part time. Albert came from Kwa-Zulu Natal and now proudly works for the local NGO. He was the one who told me you need to take care of the whole tree if one day you whish to harvest the fruit. This is why his mission is to help families to take better care of their children, so that the children will grow up more sheltered and able to concentrate on their education. Thus, giving them the chance to break through the vicious circle of poverty.
Nomawethu, a 21 year old woman from Port Elizabeth, tells me that she just recently moved to Imizamo Yethu to stay with her aunt. She is now being educated as community worker, which requires her to do the work of a social worker in her own community. I visit her at her house and can see for myself that this township also contains a very small part of brick houses that are being built individually by their owners who have managed to find a steady, well paying job.
After several days in Imizamo Yethu it becomes apparent to which extend this township is a microcosm in itself, mirroring Hout Bay’s on a smaller scale. I certainly have learned to see beyond the primary colors of the rainbow nation and to differentiate many more shades.

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Writer Profile
Marcia C. Schenck

I am a junior studying International Relations, History, and African Studies in the United States, Mount Holyoke College. I was born and raised in Germany and South Africa.
I love learning more about South Africa. I volunteered at a local NGO and interned with the Department of Social Services and Poverty Alleviation last summer. This summer I spent in Geneva at the International Labor Organization. I am passionate about travelling, reading, and writing.
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